Blood results: help me?



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He seems to have already hit those goals. Now I would say he is at the point where he needs to relax his diet by adding calories and increasing fat slowly each week. Maybe even cut down the training somewhat, or take a complete 2-3 weeks totally off to "reset" his body and return to homeostasis. It is all up to AutoKal though and whatever he wants to do. It is his choice so I say let him decide. There are obviously some deep seated issues that go far beyond diet and training. We all have issues though. It takes a lot of balls to come out on here and post them though for everyone to see. Good luck to you AutoKal and I hope you get what you are looking for. Take everyone's advice with a gain of salt though and go get a real professionals opinion.
Frank Reynolds

Frank Reynolds

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The thing people need to understand is what seems like torture or extreme sacrifice to some is enjoyable to others.

I love to diet, and train like an animal. If it had no aesthetic result I'd still do it. This is my hobby and one of the most enjoyable aspects of my life.

You gotta do what makes you happy.

Aks on the right track and I have faith he will make some changes and still manage keep his condition.
The Matrix

The Matrix

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The thing people need to understand is what seems like torture or extreme sacrifice to some is enjoyable to others.

I love to diet, and train like an animal. If it had no aesthetic result I'd still do it. This is my hobby and one of the most enjoyable aspects of my life.

You gotta do what makes you happy.

Aks on the right track and I have faith he will make some changes and still manage keep his condition.
As mentioned before
One can only be superman so long. You have to be also clark kent some of the time.
Peoples throttles are down they are living in the thrill off the moment completely blinded by what destructive path they are on. Just a matter of time till they blow a casket.


Yes I still lift and can out squat and dead lift most people in the gym. My focus now is my career, play time is over move on to the next phase of my life.

5-10 years back you are going to look and see what I am saying.


Until he pushes his genetic matrix pass the threshold. one will not stop. He does not have to worry about it. His body will slow it down for him. As myself and many of the ex athletes I have dealt with, one day wake up mack truck hits you and its all she wrote.


AK DoubleWide 47
He seems to have already hit those goals. Now I would say he is at the point where he needs to relax his diet by adding calories and increasing fat slowly each week. Maybe even cut down the training somewhat, or take a complete 2-3 weeks totally off to "reset" his body and return to homeostasis. It is all up to AutoKal though and whatever he wants to do. It is his choice so I say let him decide. There are obviously some deep seated issues that go far beyond diet and training. We all have issues though. It takes a lot of balls to come out on here and post them though for everyone to see. Good luck to you AutoKal and I hope you get what you are looking for. Take everyone's advice with a gain of salt though and go get a real professionals opinion.
Eh, indeed I'm here to hear advice and feedback, of course I'm going to take them with a grain of salt and get
pro medical opinion.
Quick question: aside from 1 day a week, I didn't take time off from training in the last 3+ years, and even before
probably just few days out because of my schedule. Do you guys take time off?

The thing people need to understand is what seems like torture or extreme sacrifice to some is enjoyable to others.

I love to diet, and train like an animal. If it had no aesthetic result I'd still do it. This is my hobby and one of the most enjoyable aspects of my life.

You gotta do what makes you happy.

Aks on the right track and I have faith he will make some changes and still manage keep his condition.
Are you the brother I've never had? :D
No really, that's the point, I've been talking a lot about body fat and shape and such but the main point is that,
I do enjoy it more than anything I think, training and dieting is not the *only* but the main way in which
I train my mind, my willpower. To rest, to sit back for me is equal to giving up, be beaten and that crushes me.
That's why I said that would be bad for my health

As mentioned before
One can only be superman so long. You have to be also clark kent some of the time.
Peoples throttles are down they are living in the thrill off the moment completely blinded by what destructive path they are on. Just a matter of time till they blow a casket.


Yes I still lift and can out squat and dead lift most people in the gym. My focus now is my career, play time is over move on to the next phase of my life.

5-10 years back you are going to look and see what I am saying.


Until he pushes his genetic matrix pass the threshold. one will not stop. He does not have to worry about it. His body will slow it down for him. As myself and many of the ex athletes I have dealt with, one day wake up mack truck hits you and its all she wrote.
I think that's just unavoidable for some people, is not that we don't know, is that the alternative would be worse.
People smoke, knowing it's gonna kill them, it ain't much different
The Matrix

The Matrix

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Eh, indeed I'm here to hear advice and feedback, of course I'm going to take them with a grain of salt and get
pro medical opinion.
Quick question: aside from 1 day a week, I didn't take time off from training in the last 3+ years, and even before
probably just few days out because of my schedule. Do you guys take time off?

Are you the brother I've never had? :D
No really, that's the point, I've been talking a lot about body fat and shape and such but the main point is that,
I do enjoy it more than anything I think, training and dieting is not the *only* but the main way in which
I train my mind, my willpower. To rest, to sit back for me is equal to giving up, be beaten and that crushes me.
That's why I said that would be bad for my health

I think that's just unavoidable for some people, is not that we don't know, is that the alternative would be worse.
People smoke, knowing it's gonna kill them, it ain't much different
We are the only animal on earth God gave the greatest ability of all which we often take for granted. The ability of free will.

We have the ability to choose.
The only person liable for your own actions is your self no one else.

I lead by example and experience which I have plenty of.

Right before my world fell apart, I was getting ready for a photo shot for a major fitness magazine. I was going to be flown out to california the whole nine. My body was giving me warning signs after the last the contest things where not right, but I just ignored them like an idiot. about a month later my strength was dropping and I every thing just did not feel right. What I do? I pushed my self harder. REmind you I was drug free for close to a year so that variable was out of the equation. I went to work then trained, trained clients at the gym then came home to study for exams till 12-1 am at night time. up at 5:30 for cardio for 12 weeks hard. Then One day I woke up, I did not know who I was, I was stuttering, or where I was. I could not remember my telephone number to call for help. I still remember to this day what those few hours felt like and it is something I never wish any one to ever go through. This is why when I see the typical mentality of what I had reflected in people. I share this story. The snowball effect took over wiped out my HPTA which lead me on a spiral for 4 years with incompetent Dr's. I lost over 100 lbs of muscle in 9 months. Dr's said if I was not as big as I was I would have been dead !! It was all linked back to stressing my body from all angles and then my immune system crashed when I had contaminated food from sushi place. Later I found out the sushi bar was given a warning by the health department. 3 months later after I got sick they were shut down. Now this curse turned into a blessing, to where it gave me knowledge and appreciated of the human body I never would had.

One needs to take a step back away from the pictures and see their priorities in life. Many times our priorities in life get alter from what is pushed on us through the media as well as our egos, but mainly our insecurities filled by quest for vanity. If I could go back, I would have gone through it all again because it made me the person I am today. Lifestyle I lead 10 years ago was one of unbalanced and self-destructive. Instead of chasing vanity these days I prefer to choose wisdom and knowledge.


We are the only animal on earth God gave the greatest ability of all which we often take for granted. The ability of free will.

We have the ability to choose.
The only person liable for your own actions is your self no one else.

I lead by example and experience which I have plenty of.

Right before my world fell apart, I was getting ready for a photo shot for a major fitness magazine. I was going to be flown out to california the whole nine. My body was giving me warning signs after the last the contest things where not right, but I just ignored them like an idiot. about a month later my strength was dropping and I every thing just did not feel right. What I do? I pushed my self harder. REmind you I was drug free for close to a year so that variable was out of the equation. I went to work then trained, trained clients at the gym then came home to study for exams till 12-1 am at night time. up at 5:30 for cardio for 12 weeks hard. Then One day I woke up, I did not know who I was, I was stuttering, or where I was. I could not remember my telephone number to call for help. I still remember to this day what those few hours felt like and it is something I never wish any one to ever go through. This is why when I see the typical mentality of what I had reflected in people. I share this story. The snowball effect took over wiped out my HPTA which lead me on a spiral for 4 years with incompetent Dr's. I lost over 100 lbs of muscle in 9 months. Dr's said if I was not as big as I was I would have been dead !! It was all linked back to stressing my body from all angles and then my immune system crashed when I had contaminated food from sushi place. Later I found out the sushi bar was given a warning by the health department. 3 months later after I got sick they were shut down. Now this curse turned into a blessing, to where it gave me knowledge and appreciated of the human body I never would had.

One needs to take a step back away from the pictures and see their priorities in life. Many times our priorities in life get alter from what is pushed on us through the media as well as our egos, but mainly our insecurities filled by quest for vanity. If I could go back, I would have gone through it all again because it made me the person I am today. Lifestyle I lead 10 years ago was one of unbalanced and self-destructive. Instead of chasing vanity these days I prefer to choose wisdom and knowledge.
Great testimony! Just curious, your not condemning bodybuilding are you? I believe your saying that our pursuit and journey should be balanced and not completely running our lives.
The Matrix

The Matrix

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Great testimony! Just curious, your not condemning bodybuilding are you? I believe your saying that our pursuit and journey should be balanced and not completely running our lives.
I am not condemning bodybuilding at all just making the point I got caught up in the vanity part of it like most others. I needed to have balance in my life which I did not have them. Basically divine intervention kicked in. God basically saying "listen you need to slow down," Like a dummy I ignored the signs. God gave back again with a venence "Listen, if you are not going to slow down I am going make you slow down" This is when God dropped a ton of bricks on my head to make me stop and re-evaluate the direction I was going in life. When I was bodybuilding I was very shy, but very vain, narcissic, and would only talk to people who had a certain look. IF a girl was not a 10 I would give her time of the day. I would eat,crap and breath bodybuilding it made me a non worldly person. Its all I know. I see how bodybuiidling changes people. Once they win a regioinal show they no longer see you as a normal person (not good enough). I saw this happen to a client of mine. She was the most down to earth girl, pleasant. Over a year I took her from last place to first place at major NPC. Now since she is national qualified she dumped me her nutrition consultant. Tell me how honest of a person she was, but still owes me several hundred dollars from last time. I have yet to see the money. She is prepping for another contest in 12 weeks in NYC where she is going to get her azz handled to her in a sling. Then she will come crying back as they usually do. I have seen this as reoccuring trend of how glory in bodybuilding can change people. All for what I simple sponsorship for free supplements, a trophy and self pride. There are not too many balanced bodybuildings out there any more. I see this at alot of shows I go to where every one who knows is asking me when I am competing again. I told them when I am ready if I ever do..Bodybuilding is a dangerous lifestyle one can lead if things are not kept in check and balance.


Balance is crucial for success and happiness! I agree that it's very easy to fall prey to the addictions of BB, supplementing and dieting. ( my life revolves around BB and I'm not even a competitor.) Thanks for sharing your experiences! In the end we all are very hard headed and refuse to learn from others mistakes. Sometimes we have to get hit by the Mack truck before we even see it coming.


  • RockStar
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Balance is crucial for success and happiness! I agree that it's very easy to fall prey to the addictions of BB, supplementing and dieting. ( my life revolves around BB and I'm not even a competitor.) Thanks for sharing your experiences! In the end we all are very hard headed and refuse to learn from others mistakes. Sometimes we have to get hit by the Mack truck before we even see it coming.
I believe that's why many successful bodybuilders take an off season. Not go crazy, but take time to rest there body mind and spirit.
AK knows what he is doing and is just asking for ways to prolong the crash. Nothing wrong with that as we all wanna be young and enjoy life forever. ;)


AK DoubleWide 47
I believe that's why many successful bodybuilders take an off season. Not go crazy, but take time to rest there body mind and spirit.
AK knows what he is doing and is just asking for ways to prolong the crash. Nothing wrong with that as we all wanna be young and enjoy life forever. ;)
Word :D

and then, speaking of balance with me is such a lost cause lol.. For me balance=compromise
I don't do compromise unless I absolutely have no choice, this is how I am, can't change your nature,
you shouldn't either imho.. try to work with it instead.
We are what we are and we are not created equal
But that's just my thought
The Matrix

The Matrix

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Word :D

and then, speaking of balance with me is such a lost cause lol.. For me balance=compromise
I don't do compromise unless I absolutely have no choice, this is how I am, can't change your nature,
you shouldn't either imho.. try to work with it instead.
We are what we are and we are not created equal
But that's just my thought
Begins with changing one mind set.
As I was and still am sometimes stubborn as a mule.
Its when I remove my self from the situation and look in from an outsider I see a total different view then one sees thing more clearly.
Frank Reynolds

Frank Reynolds

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What is balance? Balance is going to be different for different people.

It is good to hear what you went through(Matrix) as a reminder, but at the same time, we are all different. In the same sense there are people who smoke a lifetime, and have no issues, while the next guy could smoke for a matter of 10 years and have lung cancer, what happened to you is not bound to happen to everyone. You should know as well as anyone there are just TOO many variables.

You said it yourself if you could go back and do it again you would. Well we are here, and we are doing it for ourselves, in the same way you would be.

I am glad you found what worked for you, I hope to be able to find the same.


My problem is that the only time I'm upset or depressed it revolves around BB. Very little bothers me these days..... But if I binge eat or have a bad workout I end up having a less than par day. When diet and training are going well nothing can bring me down.


On my grind
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What is balance? Balance is going to be different for different people.

It is good to hear what you went through(Matrix) as a reminder, but at the same time, we are all different. In the same sense there are people who smoke a lifetime, and have no issues, while the next guy could smoke for a matter of 10 years and have lung cancer, what happened to you is not bound to happen to everyone. You should know as well as anyone there are just TOO many variables.

You said it yourself if you could go back and do it again you would. Well we are here, and we are doing it for ourselves, in the same way you would be.

I am glad you found what worked for you, I hope to be able to find the same.
I was thinking about this thread this morning as i was getting my morning meal ready and what not, and while i dont think your wrong Matrix, my brother who has been "eating balanced" or like a typical American and unlike me, is having a world of trouble. You stated that avoiding DNA expression would stop cancer in its track, and unless i followed you wrong, stated that eating like the typical american would stop this type of thing. So then how did my brother have thyroid cancer and need to have it removed? Why is he having blood pressure issues and kidney issues?

I am by no means calling you out, nor discrediting what you are saying, because i do agree we all need balance. But i just cant grasp your view on the way we live is hurting us compared to the typical american. Disease and health problems along with obesity has gone up a rediculous amount in the last decade. I refuse to eat like a normal american, and i refuse to use portion control just to eat bad. I for one would be starving all day, id be moody, and id feel like crap.

Like Frank said, im glad you have found what works for you and im glad you were able to bounce back from your medical issues. Ive found what i enjoy and ive found what makes me happy, and im sticking with it.
Frank Reynolds

Frank Reynolds

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My problem is that the only time I'm upset or depressed it revolves around BB. Very little bothers me these days..... But if I binge eat or have a bad workout I end up having a less than par day. When diet and training are going well nothing can bring me down.
But is that a bad thing? Think of how much stress the avg person has?

Not to mention both of those aspects are easily overcome. If those are truly your only stresses you are in a good place.

Don't stress if you binge, learn to just MOVE ON. On to the next scheduled meal, it's nothing. It is like sitting and beating yourself up about the girl you didn't ask out in the 7th grade. **** is over and done with, no use in thinking about it.

Bad workout? Kill the next one. Use that to fuel it.


But is that a bad thing? Think of how much stress the avg person has?

Not to mention both of those aspects are easily overcome. If those are truly your only stresses you are in a good place.

Don't stress if you binge, learn to just MOVE ON. On to the next scheduled meal, it's nothing. It is like sitting and beating yourself up about the girl you didn't ask out in the 7th grade. **** is over and done with, no use in thinking about it.

Bad workout? Kill the next one. Use that to fuel it.
Well said!
The Matrix

The Matrix

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What blows my mind is how you were breaking PRS at that low of calories. Imagine when you actually start to eat food man, you will become stronger than you could imagine. I know you're used to being ripped, so this is going to be VERY hard for you..
Coming from a contest conditioning ~2-3% (and if your legs look like your abs then your there.) to "everyday conditioning" of like 8-10%.. I know at first, and i still am like- holy ****- i'm fat, and i want those deeply split abs back, those spiderweb veins down my arms back, you get addicted to being that peeled.. I understand you completely there..
but it ain't healthy man, and you have to think about the long run of your life.. Sure you can be peeled but you may have more problems down the road by going so crazy to maintain it.. If you were to slowly up everything until you can get to a healthy 6-8%, maybe even 10%, not only are you going to gain a retarded amount of muscle, but also strength..
You will rebound HARDER than any contest athlete could imagine, take advantage of it!! you can always cut back down, but like i said you need to aim for that healthy medium!

best wishes to you brother!
The Matrix

The Matrix

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I was thinking about this thread this morning as i was getting my morning meal ready and what not, and while i dont think your wrong Matrix, my brother who has been "eating balanced" or like a typical American and unlike me, is having a world of trouble. You stated that avoiding DNA expression would stop cancer in its track, and unless i followed you wrong, stated that eating like the typical american would stop this type of thing. So then how did my brother have thyroid cancer and need to have it removed? Why is he having blood pressure issues and kidney issues?

I am by no means calling you out, nor discrediting what you are saying, because i do agree we all need balance. But i just cant grasp your view on the way we live is hurting us compared to the typical american. Disease and health problems along with obesity has gone up a rediculous amount in the last decade. I refuse to eat like a normal american, and i refuse to use portion control just to eat bad. I for one would be starving all day, id be moody, and id feel like crap.

Like Frank said, im glad you have found what works for you and im glad you were able to bounce back from your medical issues. Ive found what i enjoy and ive found what makes me happy, and im sticking with it.
Your brother may have been eating foods or having pre-existing stress in his life which may have accelerate this condition. When reviewing past medical history it is crucial to take in to consideration several factors when dealing with cases. The biggest one is ethnic background as this lays the basis for asking detailed questions. When interviewing the person I listen for certain triggers which will lead me to find dig deeper into their past family history. When knowing no information about the person walking into the office I had did not time to review their notes when there is specific race mentioned it is easy for shadow what is next time come. Since getting in genetic and DNA expression, cellular memory and nutragenomics it open a whole new door. Gene mutations are running rampant in jewish, angelo saxon, eastern european, american indian, and mexican descent. Since we are screening for these mutations now its going to reduce chances of specific heart, cancer, and diabetes by up to 60% which may have plaqued their family. This is what preventative medicine is all about, I have dealt with number of cancer patients in a clinical setting. When cellular biochemistry and nutritional analysis are conducted one would be amazed at what correlations are usually found. One lady had breast cancer at early age, after thorough evaluation it was obvious of possible of why she got it. If she would have come to us 5-10 years earlier, her chances of prevention would have been significantly increased. Again with just about every case of cancer it could be pin point back with in 5 years of a dramatic experience almost to the T in many of the cases I have dealt with. Alot of cases I have dealt with the patient had emotional with holding from a dramatic event in their lives which can trigger improper DNA signaling

End story
No matter what kind of stress (biological, emotional, neurological, environmental, lifestyle, or structural) will all effect DNA expression. This is why I can not emphasis in finding the source of the stress and removing it as soon as possible. 60% of americans all the genes in their body which can trigger these DNA expressions. Its wether they are triggered or not. 2 of mine have been triggered, but I had enough knowledge and experience to know how to circumvent them. There are millions of people out there which have little clue theirs have been triggered only time will tell if they have been effected or not. Cancer in my opionon is on the rise due to these silent genes which are being triggered due to the stress we are involved with on a daily basis. Why I stress stress management as top priority in any recovery programs.


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Gene mutations could be coming from us trying to adapt. None of us were made to balance finances, work 9-5, worry about society, etc. Cancer is just cells that get screwed up during stress. We are just trying to adapt and retune ourselves to survive. The ones dying are just dying from natural selection. It's sad but true.


AK DoubleWide 47
But is that a bad thing? Think of how much stress the avg person has?

Not to mention both of those aspects are easily overcome. If those are truly your only stresses you are in a good place.

Don't stress if you binge, learn to just MOVE ON. On to the next scheduled meal, it's nothing. It is like sitting and beating yourself up about the girl you didn't ask out in the 7th grade. **** is over and done with, no use in thinking about it.

Bad workout? Kill the next one. Use that to fuel it.
Again, spot on!
I use to be like that some time ago, I was going all angry and in a bad mood if a workout wasn't up the
way I wanted, that was so counterproductive! I actually was getting pissed if one SET was going bad,
that few times ruined my whole session, I learned to let it go, one set gone bad? you didn't make the last
heavy set? F#ck it, engage a lighter burn set, switch exercise, get over it
There are tons of reasons because one set or that muscle group didn't go too well, dehydration, not optimal recovery,
not enough concentration because of whatever reason.. it happens, it ain't gonna make any difference in your progress.
Also when you understand weight means very lil, that's another ego-thing that is better to let go.
Stimulation is important, squeeze the max from your body even if in a given day that means 20lbs less than you're used to.

What blows my mind is how you were breaking PRS at that low of calories. Imagine when you actually start to eat food man, you will become stronger than you could imagine. I know you're used to being ripped, so this is going to be VERY hard for you..
Coming from a contest conditioning ~2-3% (and if your legs look like your abs then your there.) to "everyday conditioning" of like 8-10%.. I know at first, and i still am like- holy ****- i'm fat, and i want those deeply split abs back, those spiderweb veins down my arms back, you get addicted to being that peeled.. I understand you completely there..
but it ain't healthy man, and you have to think about the long run of your life.. Sure you can be peeled but you may have more problems down the road by going so crazy to maintain it.. If you were to slowly up everything until you can get to a healthy 6-8%, maybe even 10%, not only are you going to gain a retarded amount of muscle, but also strength..
You will rebound HARDER than any contest athlete could imagine, take advantage of it!! you can always cut back down, but like i said you need to aim for that healthy medium!

best wishes to you brother!
I still am. Right now I haven't been hitting a plateau in almost two months.
I've been exchanging some mails and conversation with some people I trust and
well, we all agree that in my actual condition I can probably be able to boost my cals a bit
without getting fatter, actually most likely I will look much fuller and the added strength and muscles
will probably make my body burn more calories even when at rest.
In this scenario, eating some more could actually bring a pretty noticeable improvement, on top
of helping my metabolism to speed up.
And yes, they also mentioned the rebound that is probably be crazy :)
We'll see, I am doing it, I am carefully and slowly, boosting cals, with the food I know work well on me.
If you think that this condition is "normal" for me, I don't run any fat burner, anything else but the basic sups,
staples like whey, fish oil, beta ala, creatine and multi, the only other thing I'm using is recompadrol,
I should be able to do so, at least I hope :)
Time will tell, I'm not after *major* changes, I just don't want to fall into a pit from which is gonna be hard to get out.
Most likely that would be a bigger wall to break as opposed to gain 10lbs of which 8 are muscle, ya know?
Most likely I'd be able to cut whatever I need to cut since I'm good at dieting :D

Gene mutations could be coming from us trying to adapt. None of us were made to balance finances, work 9-5, worry about society, etc. Cancer is just cells that get screwed up during stress. We are just trying to adapt and retune ourselves to survive. The ones dying are just dying from natural selection. It's sad but true.
Well said bro
The Matrix

The Matrix

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Again, spot on!
I use to be like that some time ago, I was going all angry and in a bad mood if a workout wasn't up the
way I wanted, that was so counterproductive! I actually was getting pissed if one SET was going bad,
that few times ruined my whole session, I learned to let it go, one set gone bad? you didn't make the last
heavy set? F#ck it, engage a lighter burn set, switch exercise, get over it
There are tons of reasons because one set or that muscle group didn't go too well, dehydration, not optimal recovery,
not enough concentration because of whatever reason.. it happens, it ain't gonna make any difference in your progress.
Also when you understand weight means very lil, that's another ego-thing that is better to let go.
Stimulation is important, squeeze the max from your body even if in a given day that means 20lbs less than you're used to.

I still am. Right now I haven't been hitting a plateau in almost two months.
I've been exchanging some mails and conversation with some people I trust and
well, we all agree that in my actual condition I can probably be able to boost my cals a bit
without getting fatter, actually most likely I will look much fuller and the added strength and muscles
will probably make my body burn more calories even when at rest.
In this scenario, eating some more could actually bring a pretty noticeable improvement, on top
of helping my metabolism to speed up.
And yes, they also mentioned the rebound that is probably be crazy :)
We'll see, I am doing it, I am carefully and slowly, boosting cals, with the food I know work well on me.
If you think that this condition is "normal" for me, I don't run any fat burner, anything else but the basic sups,
staples like whey, fish oil, beta ala, creatine and multi, the only other thing I'm using is recompadrol,
I should be able to do so, at least I hope :)
Time will tell, I'm not after *major* changes, I just don't want to fall into a pit from which is gonna be hard to get out.
Most likely that would be a bigger wall to break as opposed to gain 10lbs of which 8 are muscle, ya know?
Most likely I'd be able to cut whatever I need to cut since I'm good at dieting :D

Well said bro
We are programed to react to stress instead to respond to it. There is a huge difference. Once people understand this through relaxation and other ways of stress reduction then it may help to silence these genes. Again one can only do so much for prevention, if there is a greater chance of reduction of these disorders then we need to start being proactive. Majority of of times we bring the stress on out selves by our lifestyles or decisions we make in life. Simple laws of nature, What ever you put in the universe comes back to one 10 fold, always give thanks and gratification to God. I have learned about prayer and meditation, always ask permission and never ask anything with out giving thanks..


New member
You guys can't be serious...
Dude, I had the same thing show up on a test result after a year of staying at sub 8%. Up your fat intake about 20%, lower your protein about 30% per day. Try that for three weeks and get retested.
The Matrix

The Matrix

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You guys can't be serious...
Dude, I had the same thing show up on a test result after a year of staying at sub 8%. Up your fat intake about 20%, lower your protein about 30% per day. Try that for three weeks and get retested.
Up fat to 30% protein to 40% and carbs to 30% ride at 15 times lean body mass.
Its calories in vs calories out no magic behind it


AK DoubleWide 47
You guys can't be serious...
Dude, I had the same thing show up on a test result after a year of staying at sub 8%. Up your fat intake about 20%, lower your protein about 30% per day. Try that for three weeks and get retested.
Up fat to 30% protein to 40% and carbs to 30% ride at 15 times lean body mass.
Its calories in vs calories out no magic behind it
lol sorry guys, but I think we're missing the point here
I know there is no magic behind it *if done in that way*, I do not want to raise my BF, I don't function on carbs,
and I don't want to lose my condition.
I want to raise my test to a normal level while maintaining this body composition, I appreciate the advice
but raising carbs is never gonna be the way I'm gonna do it, most likely I'm gonna give Clomid a try while trying
to raise fats a bit, at first lowering protein to balance calories, then reintroduce them slowly while monitoring BF.
Carbs? Not for me aside from my refeed


New member
And I think you're misunderstanding me; what I just recommended wasn't meant to add any noticeable bodyfat; It helped your T levels raise slightly while maintaining almost the same calorie intake. I was in the sane situation and still am; the solution isn't complex, you just think it is when you're scared of gaining fat (understandable). You won't gain far tweaking your ratios the way I recommended, but you will gain testosterone.
I recommend you add in that fat percentage through eggs, by the way. Whole eggs with cholesterol.


New member
Actually what you just said you're going to do and what I'm recommending are the same thing, lol. I just gave you percentages. And I'd stack aromasin and dhea with your clomid for even better results, all around.


New member
P.m. If you have any questions man, I'm in, or was in, the same situation you're in. The percentages I gave you are perfect, but you need to apply them properly.

20% more fat, 30% less protein.
Eggs, whole eggs.
The Matrix

The Matrix

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P.m. If you have any questions man, I'm in, or was in, the same situation you're in. The percentages I gave you are perfect, but you need to apply them properly.

20% more fat, 30% less protein.
Eggs, whole eggs.
FAt and water are to seperate things, but people perceive them as the same ...This is a internal issues which will resolved when body over time will begin to fight back to homeostatis Need to come back to reality some day...

Can't be superman all the time...
Frank Reynolds

Frank Reynolds

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P.m. If you have any questions man, I'm in, or was in, the same situation you're in. The percentages I gave you are perfect, but you need to apply them properly.

20% more fat, 30% less protein.
Eggs, whole eggs.
Lets say he is eating 1600 calories a day:
280 pro(1120)
30g carb(120)
40g fat(360)
1600 cal

If he reduces protein by 30% and increases fat by 20% that is:
196 pro (784)(30% calorie reduction)
30g carb(120)
48(432)(20% calorie increase)
1336 calories

Or are you suggesting he change his over all macro percents from 70% protein/7.5% carb/ 22.5% fat to 40% pro/ 42.5% fat/ 17.5% carb?

Either way I don't see it happening, and I am not even sure where you came up with those %'s or can just apply fixed percents to any diet. I don't understand the logic at all.

If he just drops protein by 30g(120cal), and adds in 14g(126cal) extra fat to replace it that will bring fat up to 30.37% of his total calories, and should be plenty in terms of fat intake.
The Matrix

The Matrix

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Lets say he is eating 1600 calories a day:
280 pro(1120)
30g carb(120)
40g fat(360)
1600 cal

If he reduces protein by 30% and increases fat by 20% that is:
196 pro (784)(30% calorie reduction)
30g carb(120)
48(432)(20% calorie increase)
1336 calories

Or are you suggesting he change his over all macro percents from 70% protein/7.5% carb/ 22.5% fat to 40% pro/ 42.5% fat/ 17.5% carb?

Either way I don't see it happening, and I am not even sure where you came up with those %'s or can just apply fixed percents to any diet. I don't understand the logic at all.

If he just drops protein by 30g(120cal), and adds in 14g(126cal) extra fat to replace it that will bring fat up to 30.37% of his total calories, and should be plenty in terms of fat intake.
Split the refeed days out he will be fine. Once every 3 days and low days be about 50-75grams complex carbs not including fiber If you want lean out more cardio. Majority of people I prep for contest and photoshoots are not starving themselves by eating like horses to maintain their lean body mass. I maintained 6-8% BF year round for 12 years, 5 weeks out from contest time all the time. I would put on 5-10 lbs on lean body mass while dieting for show time. There is not enough information given out how to calibrate ones diet properly from an one line approach. Its just not can reprogram their body to certain degree to except carbs. They just have to over come fear of adding water which they think as fat.
Frank Reynolds

Frank Reynolds

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Split the refeed days out he will be fine. Once every 3 days and low days be about 50-75grams complex carbs not including fiber If you want lean out more cardio. Majority of people I prep for contest and photoshoots are not starving themselves by eating like horses to maintain their lean body mass. I maintained 6-8% BF year round for 12 years, 5 weeks out from contest time all the time. I would put on 5-10 lbs on lean body mass while dieting for show time. There is not enough information given out how to calibrate ones diet properly from an one line approach. Its just not can reprogram their body to certain degree to except carbs. They just have to over come fear of adding water which they think as fat.
Are you saying do a high carb day every 3 days? How many g of carbs typically on a day like that?

On another note-

Everyone is different. I have a friend that maintains 6% by sitting on the sofa, and eating It is hard to compare yourself, to anyone else.

In THIS situation from here, IMO I would make small methodical adjustments, towards the goal. Nothing too drastic at once.

As for carbs, while you may think he should add them, he made if VERY clear he wont, so there is no use in beating a dead horse there.

What you are recommending is closer to what I do. 50-60g of carbs on non workout days(4x/wk), 200g on workout days(3x wk).


AK DoubleWide 47
Yeah, those % are pretty random and most important, don't add up.. I'd drop calories which
is the opposite of the direction I should go.

If he just drops protein by 30g(120cal), and adds in 14g(126cal) extra fat to replace it that will bring fat up to 30.37% of his total calories, and should be plenty in terms of fat intake.
This. This is a small adjustment which should work, I can easily drop 1 scoop of whey and add an avocado in its place,
and take it from there, if things go well I can add some macadamia and almonds

Split the refeed days out he will be fine. Once every 3 days and low days be about 50-75grams complex carbs not including fiber If you want lean out more cardio. Majority of people I prep for contest and photoshoots are not starving themselves by eating like horses to maintain their lean body mass. I maintained 6-8% BF year round for 12 years, 5 weeks out from contest time all the time. I would put on 5-10 lbs on lean body mass while dieting for show time. There is not enough information given out how to calibrate ones diet properly from an one line approach. Its just not can reprogram their body to certain degree to except carbs. They just have to over come fear of adding water which they think as fat.
My refeed is a carb-up. Carb-up makes sense to me if
A) if you're low carb the rest of the week;
B) if you're carb depleted and you need to restore glycogen and
C) most important to boost leptin. Doing two half carb up as opposed to a big one will have way less
impact on leptin/metabolism.

The ideal carb intake for my weight, BF, high and training is 590gr (altho' I'm doing 450gr right now) for the refeed day, doing 2 days even at 75gr would be a total amount of 150gr, which is 1/4 of the ideal carb intake for refeed.. Makes no sense to me, like at all..
But anyway, Frank said it, I'm not boosting carbs, carbs will stay the same and refeed (which is working great so far) as well.
No need to fix that.
As for the complex carbs, I can't digest them.
Plus, it makes no difference, especially for refeed

Yesterday I did a bigger protein/fats swap, a sort of mini-fat load but watching calories, I cut protein and took 10gr of carbs out
and filled the missing calories with fats, nuts, avocado and home made carb free cheescake.
Today during my workout I had plenty of energy, altho' I crashed after it, it was a 3+ hours session (and my left shoulder hurts so I even
had to stop because of that).
Frank Reynolds

Frank Reynolds

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The ideal carb intake for my weight, BF, high and training is 590gr (altho' I'm doing 450gr right now) for the refeed day, doing 2 days even at 75gr would be a total amount of 150gr, which is 1/4 of the ideal carb intake for refeed.. Makes no sense to me, like at all..
I think what he is suggesting is 50-75g on low days, and a high day, every 3 days. Unless I am misunderstanding him.


New member
The problem with what I said was I assumed his calorie intake was roughly 2000, not 1600.
I mean raise the number of grams of fat 20%, and lower the number of grams of protein 30%.
Frank Reynolds

Frank Reynolds

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The problem with what I said was I assumed his calorie intake was roughly 2000, not 1600.
I mean raise the number of grams of fat 20%, and lower the number of grams of protein 30%.
Ok, again, that makes no

He is eating 280g protein, lowering that 30% gives you 196g(-336 calories) protein, raising fats 20% brings you from 40g to 48g(+72 calories). You have effectively lowered calories by 264. It just doesn't make any logical sense what-so-ever. He can just chop 30g of protein off, and add in 14g of fat, and he is getting more fat then your "solution" , while keeping protein high, and calories where he needs them.


New member
Ok, again, that makes no

He is eating 280g protein, lowering that 30% gives you 196g(-336 calories) protein, raising fats 20% brings you from 40g to 48g(+72 calories). You have effectively lowered calories by 264. It just doesn't make any logical sense what-so-ever. He can just chop 30g of protein off, and add in 14g of fat, and he is getting more fat then your "solution" , while keeping protein high, and calories where he needs them.
IS being the key word there, I said I assumed he was eating closer to 2000 a day... Which would mean his fat would already be at 60 grams before I applying my formula.

Eating 1600 cals a day just isn't going to work, period.
Frank Reynolds

Frank Reynolds

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IS being the key word there, I said I assumed he was eating closer to 2000 a day... Which would mean his fat would already be at 60 grams before I applying my formula.

Eating 1600 cals a day just isn't going to work, period.
Well why are you giving out advice, when you don't even know what the situation is? lol

With a fixed percent, even at 2000 calories, it would make little difference if his macros were set up as they are(70/7.5/22.5). Protein is so much higher then fat, you are always going to come up at a net loss, if you do that. That is why using %'s is nonsense.
The Matrix

The Matrix

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I have learned there is more life then to whats your BF or how much you lift. Been there done that. Now instead of pumping iron I am pushing my self mentally to the farthest dealing with mind wrenching cases. When asked 10 years ago what I did that day I would have replied "benched 405 for 10 and got all excited" Now when I am asked, "Its like where do you want to begin? Well, I had helped a person with chronic fatigue who has been on disabiity for 15 years find a solution to her current health issue. There is a good possible getting her off of disablity in the near future" Instead of lifting weights i am surrounding myself with people who are on the same plane of thinking with a common goal. I have learned to except the body as a temporal entity, now i am working on achieving a state of higher consciousness to achieve level I have never thought possible.
Frank Reynolds

Frank Reynolds

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I have learned there is more life then to whats your BF or how much you lift. Been there done that. Now instead of pumping iron I am pushing my self mentally to the farthest dealing with mind wrenching cases. When asked 10 years ago what I did that day I would have replied "benched 405 for 10 and got all excited" Now when I am asked, "Its like where do you want to begin? Well, I had helped a person with chronic fatigue who has been on disabiity for 15 years find a solution to her current health issue. There is a good possible getting her off of disablity in the near future" Instead of lifting weights i am surrounding myself with people who are on the same plane of thinking with a common goal. I have learned to except the body as a temporal entity, now i am working on achieving a state of higher consciousness to achieve level I have never thought possible.
I am glad you found happiness brotha. Just remember the pot of gold at the end of the rainbow is not the same for everyone.

Maybe AK's happiness is being super ripped. Nothing wrong with that, if he is truly happy.

Everyone has to figure out their own purpose in life, and what makes them happy. That is what makes us all unique.


AK DoubleWide 47
I have learned there is more life then to whats your BF or how much you lift. Been there done that. Now instead of pumping iron I am pushing my self mentally to the farthest dealing with mind wrenching cases. When asked 10 years ago what I did that day I would have replied "benched 405 for 10 and got all excited" Now when I am asked, "Its like where do you want to begin? Well, I had helped a person with chronic fatigue who has been on disabiity for 15 years find a solution to her current health issue. There is a good possible getting her off of disablity in the near future" Instead of lifting weights i am surrounding myself with people who are on the same plane of thinking with a common goal. I have learned to except the body as a temporal entity, now i am working on achieving a state of higher consciousness to achieve level I have never thought possible.
I am glad you found happiness brotha. Just remember the pot of gold at the end of the rainbow is not the same for everyone.

Maybe AK's happiness is being super ripped. Nothing wrong with that, if he is truly happy.

Everyone has to figure out their own purpose in life, and what makes them happy. That is what makes us all unique.
I'm too glad you found happiness, but.. bb for me is not what my life evolves around, it has never been
I don't even compete lol
I would never reply something like "benched such and such.." My life fortunately is filled with great
people (and animals) that I love and bb is just a passion for me, actually, I think that's why I never
done competitions, I did turn a passion into a job in past and it turned out to be a bad thing, lost the drive,
lost the fun..
It ain't so dramatic for me, I enjoy the hard work in the gym because I trains my mind more than my body,
same as for the diet. The way my body looks is just a concrete, objective way to see results from all that hard work.
A lil tweak at my diet and the right therapy will take me where I wanna be, I achieved what I wanted
so far, without any "enhancer", so I'm confident I'll find a way this time also :)

Drama-mode-off: Holy sh#t 1/4 of Avocado fills me up like 200gr of carbs! I ate few slices of it
and I'm full like half way thru my refeed day :D

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