Axcite "nice guy to alpha male" guide


New member
Anyone here who has this guide? is it worth it? i want to be more alpha but don't know if such a guide is really helpful and if it's that easy and you just read a book and then you'll be more alpha. :dunno:
It's not just about reading the book, but applying the principles to yourself and your life. Aura and confidence go a very long way in terms of attraction.
Agreed. The guide gives you examples of what to do, then you have to actually apply them to yourself. It also gives you examples of what not to do or say, again you have to follow them. Change is usually not easy as you have been being "not alpha" for a long time. With practice'll get the alpha factor going. Everything from body posture to the way to answer a question when asked something. You either do it alpha, or not.

BTW you get it free with every axcite purchase now. Inside the box is a link to your copy.
Thanks for the info. The prob is I buy axcite not directly from axcite cause I live in Europe and the customs are very anal about deliveries from the US. So I buy it from a UK supplement online store and they don't send you any guides. :(
I also saw you can buy the guide at the axcite website but only with a credit card which I also don't have.
Thanks for the info. The prob is I buy axcite not directly from axcite cause I live in Europe and the customs are very anal about deliveries from the US. So I buy it from a UK supplement online store and they don't send you any guides. :(
I also saw you can buy the guide at the axcite website but only with a credit card which I also don't have.

There should be a piece of paper in the axcite box that has a link to a download for each box. If you ordered Axcite and did not get one..... pm me. I will just get a receipt from you and send it to you.
There should be a piece of paper in the axcite box that has a link to a download for each box. If you ordered Axcite and did not get one..... pm me. I will just get a receipt from you and send it to you.

My box had no paper with download link.
i got the links to all to the attraction guide, myspace and facebook but not the alpha male?

is it possible to get that link?
Agreed. The guide gives you examples of what to do, then you have to actually apply them to yourself. It also gives you examples of what not to do or say, again you have to follow them. Change is usually not easy as you have been being "not alpha" for a long time. With practice'll get the alpha factor going. Everything from body posture to the way to answer a question when asked something. You either do it alpha, or not.

BTW you get it free with every axcite purchase now. Inside the box is a link to your copy.

Can anyone vouch for this product? As in does it help at all?
How long does the pheromone last? The scent I mean... Im going to a music festival.... im gonna dance and sweat my ass off. What better place to try it? Let alone im going with someone who is damn hot...
Rodja and BigSmith are sort of correct concerning their alpha male explanation. Yes, the end result is an alpha action, alpha response, alpha posture. At the same time, someone trying to make the change to an alpha male should focus on mind set. You have to change the way you think to an alpha mentality, then the outward things that these good fellas mentioned follow suite naturally.
Women tell me I'm "too nice." I don't agree with them, for I know what I'm capable of. I suppose I should experiment, change my game up and pick this "guide" up.
I am definitely the nice guy type. The shmuck who would literally give someone the shirt off my back(actually, I have basically). Though people know I can be quite confrontational if the need arises or my emotions are involved.

But overall, I am not one to walk up to a girl and go for a number. In fact, it is girls who have to show interest in me first, for me to return the favor (though though this happens).

Some of it is I dont have the energy for a relationship atm. But I do desire a girl and a family more than anything else in life.

So hear me out on this, what good is a guide to the Alpha Male mentality, if I am looking for a religious girl of my faith, those of which often are unaffected by these things. As my friend who got pissed off because no christian girls ever would go for him, even though he could always get secular girls, found out lol.

I would be interested in the benefit of it in sports/conflict/drive.

Seems interesting enough. But for a guy who doesnt want to date unless I would want marriage, its kinda tuff to draw a proper line.
The kind you want

I am definitely the nice guy type. The shmuck who would literally give someone the shirt off my back(actually, I have basically). Though people know I can be quite confrontational if the need arises or my emotions are involved.

But overall, I am not one to walk up to a girl and go for a number. In fact, it is girls who have to show interest in me first, for me to return the favor (though though this happens).

Some of it is I dont have the energy for a relationship atm. But I do desire a girl and a family more than anything else in life.

So hear me out on this, what good is a guide to the Alpha Male mentality, if I am looking for a religious girl of my faith, those of which often are unaffected by these things. As my friend who got pissed off because no christian girls ever would go for him, even though he could always get secular girls, found out lol.

I would be interested in the benefit of it in sports/conflict/drive.

Seems interesting enough. But for a guy who doesnt want to date unless I would want marriage, its kinda tuff to draw a proper line.

Hey Bro there are all kinds of women out there and yes there are still good and bad ones in church but the odds are better in church verses the bar scene. I personally dont like secular girls they normally dont have a set of rules they live by. Just like friends you got some and I mean maybe 2 or 3 in a lifetime that will stick with you through thick and thin same with women a good one is hard to find. Another thing to think about , western culture has become decadent with no rules or ethics people live by and no pride taken in these. You may do better looking for a woman in a different culture specially because you are religious and the western secular people discriminate against religious people its part of the lefts Dogma, where as in some other countries there are women that seek out a spirtual , religious person, they know we are not perfect but the odds are better for them also that you will be a life long partner and not toss them away like a peice of trash the first time something doesnt go your way unlike the disposable secular mentality. My advice is if you are christian is look in asia philippines , korea there are many evangelicals there with old fashioned principles also many catholics lastly buddist abound in vietnam and thailand and many of them have strong family values infact if the type of religion is real important to you you might date one and she could convert to christianity for them its the substance of the person they want a family man who wont be wanting to abort there children. As a bonus its common for the man to be 15 years older than the woman if your middle aged or you could just get one a few years younger depending on your age. One other thing they expect you to be a man in Asian or Latino culture there is no equality man have there place woman have theres sort of like the bible says just dont forget she will want to be the queen at the house in charge of the kitchen and such. Any way your odds are way better here than in the west. Almost forgot they also dont beleive in locking up there parents in nursing homes expect to take care of the parent till they pass away but your kids will do the same for you its part of there culture and Belief system and its a good thing to stand for something lest you fall for anything.

I reread what you typed if you like girls to chase you check out vietnam just becareful you get a traditional one not the bar girl type make sure she has been to school normally if they have they come from good families and in asia many many woman wait until they are married to have sex I.E. many are virgins sort of a treat compared to western women. They will also treat you like a king and I do mean king they are raised to do this.
Nice guys miss out. You can't nice (ahem... bore... ahem) a chick into feeling an animalistic attraction for you.

Be nice to family, friends, and coworkers. Not the chic you're trying to bang.
Nice guys miss out. You can't nice (ahem... bore... ahem) a chick into feeling an animalistic attraction for you.

Be nice to family, friends, and coworkers. Not the chic you're trying to bang.

Honestly, nice guys miss out even in Christianity(or maybe every faith, this is the only one I know/ever will know).

I guess, you can say I am a "bad boy" by Christian standards LOL. Which attracts Christian girls for some reason. Being of the faith, but not blind or a pansy. But that mostly stems from my love for guns, the gym, and when I slide on something and shred an entire side of my leg and its covered in blood and I lol. Then again they also think I am crazy and need psychological help...:paranoid: Then it all goes down hill when an adorable puppy walks by...I will not detail my reaction...
Honestly, nice guys miss out even in Christianity(or maybe every faith, this is the only one I know/ever will know).

I guess, you can say I am a "bad boy" by Christian standards LOL. Which attracts Christian girls for some reason. Being of the faith, but not blind or a pansy. But that mostly stems from my love for guns, the gym, and when I slide on something and shred an entire side of my leg and its covered in blood and I lol. Then again they also think I am crazy and need psychological help...:paranoid: Then it all goes down hill when an adorable puppy walks by...I will not detail my reaction...

here's the things man, there is always a stronger one in the relationship, weather it be the man or woman. i'm not talking about physical strength, i'm talking about emotional and mental strength. and there is always one side that backs down in a fight soon er than the other. now if you're with a chick who is independent and normally a strong woman, then your must be the one to back down first or flip her to be that one. if she is normally not that type, then you might have a difficult time in doing that. fact is some women do not or can not simply let a man be a man and take the "back seat" to a man. this usually stems from (in my experience) women who are single mothers or are really independent. now, before i get flamed here and possibly accused of being sexist, i do love independent women, i do love single mothers and do believe that there can be balance between independent women and men. but the fact remains that someone will be stronger, someone will have to be the one that steps up to the plate on every occasion. now having confidence and being an "alpha male" should attract a less dominent women, therefore letting you be the strong one, but if you fail to "rise to the occasion" and handle situations, make decisions and such, then you might be doomed to take a back seat in the relationship and let the women do that. now decisions can be made by both parties and i think we see that more today than in the past, which is good. i believe it s/b 50/50....but again there is always one who is stronger than the other. i hope i did not come off as a sexist prick, cause i am not and hope i do not misrepresent myself here.
fact is some women do not or can not simply let a man be a man and take the "back seat" to a man. this usually stems from (in my experience) women who are single mothers or are really independent.

I disagreed. It stems from the man setting precedent when he didn't act like a man from the get go.
I disagreed. It stems from the man setting precedent when he didn't act like a man from the get go.

very true, but i've met some women that still will not, even after that precedent is set, let it go. one comes to mind, this women was so hell bent on having no help raising her kids or helping with anything that anytime i even offered she was offended. it seemed like she had been telling people for so long that she was a single mother and did it all herself that she liked the responce she got from people, and didn't want anyone to take the spot light off of her. needless to say, this relationship did not last long. but i hear what you're saying and agree.
That makes more sense :cheers:

anyhow, so you move on quickly as soon as you see a "red flag." Since this thread is about being an alpha male, we don't settle for women that have any hangups. If she's able to still be balanced while having kids, then fine. If not, it's not our responsibility to fix a messy situation. That's not being insensitive or disrespectful, that's just being smart and making good decisions.
women like to be treated like **** loll jk
but 95% of them dont know what they want

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Honestly, nice guys miss out even in Christianity(or maybe every faith, this is the only one I know/ever will know).

Well known in church that church girls go for non-Christian guys.

Agreed its about confidence but also experience; a Christian guy messes up and its a big deal, a non-Christian guy messes up and there's always the next girl. Non-christian guy can experiment more, Christian guy can feel that experimenting is somehow 'wrong'.

Alpha-male stuff dunno - understanding power-structures is important though.

Xcite yeah IMO it works. I use it as underarm and when embracing it will swing a girl from being 'loving' to passionate. Thus as soon as your arms 'embrace' then the scent start to kick in. Whether its worth the price tag - I dunno, its expensive underarm. That aside I'm never the scent type but this is okay.
Well known in church that church girls go for non-Christian guys.

Agreed its about confidence but also experience; a Christian guy messes up and its a big deal, a non-Christian guy messes up and there's always the next girl. Non-christian guy can experiment more, Christian guy can feel that experimenting is somehow 'wrong'.

Alpha-male stuff dunno - understanding power-structures is important though.

Xcite yeah IMO it works. I use it as underarm and when embracing it will swing a girl from being 'loving' to passionate. Thus as soon as your arms 'embrace' then the scent start to kick in. Whether its worth the price tag - I dunno, its expensive underarm. That aside I'm never the scent type but this is okay.

Actually...not from what I have seen, but every church is different. I have had male friends come to church, and get pissed because none of the church girls take interest in them, even if they are packing muscle.

Here if they are not on a path to a ministry,then the guy gets no attention. As in some real Christian girls who wont settle for someone who in their terms is "not man enough to be a man of God" lol. Fine ladies too ^.^ Willing to wait till the right guy comes along.

Its funny, because I have a friend who was being Christian, but went to secular girls because he couldnt get a date for 9 months....then again, obviously he wasnt strong enough or man enough if 9 months killed him LOL.
Here if they are not on a path to a ministry,then the guy gets no attention. As in some real Christian girls who wont settle for someone who in their terms is "not man enough to be a man of God" lol. Fine ladies too ^.^ Willing to wait till the right guy comes along.
Both of those are true of course. It is said to be much worse in Korea where every church girls ideal guy is a pastor. Its easy to solve of course Zero ;) just change career track.

From the girls point of view there is also the problem of girls passing through the church and picking up a church guy.
Interesting. Never thought of it that way for one second. I suppose some religions program us to feel guilty :think:

Very good post! :thumbsup:

its not a programing thing :privateeye: its a realization :D

Then again I have done my "experimentation" even had to do the dreaded pregnancy test where whether or not you are religious you pray to God LOL.

I mean intimacy with a woman is a good, GOOD, good, great thing :18: And it is no joke to control oneself...but I have found the dedication in that field, transfers over other aspects of life. And hey, I have been talking to beautiful girls, 18-21, who have saved themselves for marriage.... I do not mind at all, about this programming you speak of. Its alot better than staring at a head of cabbage on your wedding night.:laugh2:

Both of those are true of course. It is said to be much worse in Korea where every church girls ideal guy is a pastor. Its easy to solve of course Zero ;) just change career track.

From the girls point of view there is also the problem of girls passing through the church and picking up a church guy.


I am actually planning on a pastoral degree, and to be a youth pastor as I mature, and already do missions trips, but would like extended missionary work.

So hey, when the ladies are willing to wait for a dedicated man, I enjoy it :D And Christian girls are still fun to flirt with, have flings with. We are just "clean" about it, and dont go all touchy feely. Just have fun together and see if you match up right. My last missions trip did have a cute senorita developing a major crush. But that was probably just because I was American boy with muscles...I may pick up my wife and import her someday lol if that is what is destined.

Honestly for some reason my love of weapons, of the gym, and my avocation of low dose tranquilizer guns to contain your children attract these girls. Then again they know I joke about most of it lol.
For alpha males traits to apply to real life try reading: Might is Right by the pseudonymous author Ragnar Redbeard. Or anything by Nietzsche, I especially enjoyed Der Wille zur Macht or The Will to Power a very good read IMHO.

If I really wanted lots of women, I could probably pull it off. Sure, I would be compromising the entirety of who I am and what my values are, but if I really wanted to be a womanizer, it's not that hard. All you have to do is tell her what she wants to hear. True, not true, doesn't matter, just tell her what she wants to hear, and that's really all there is to it. I'm too damn honest to be a ladies man. This is true of governments too, because in order to control people, you have to lie to them, you can't be honest.
Men who are good with women don't compromise their own values, morals, ethics, or religious beliefs. Men who are good with women don't lie.

I hope you re-evaluate your position on this topic and come to realize how far off you are from actually interacting with quality women.
Men who are good with women don't compromise their own values, morals, ethics, or religious beliefs. Men who are good with women don't lie.

I hope you re-evaluate your position on this topic and come to realize how far off you are from actually interacting with quality women.

"Do these pants make me look fat"
'nough said.

JK I know what you mean, but sometimes you need to lie to keep her interest up.
I think you're not getting it either :laugh:

Her: do these pants make me look fat?
Me: Yes... those pants? .... really? I'll be sure to get my fashion advise elsewhere.
I think you all need a dose of chopper.
[nomedia=""]YouTube- Broadcast Yourself.[/nomedia]
Men who are good with women don't compromise their own values, morals, ethics, or religious beliefs. Men who are good with women don't lie.

I hope you re-evaluate your position on this topic and come to realize how far off you are from actually interacting with quality women.

So true. I tell women that I don't want to commit. They know theyre up for a good time. I bring the inner whores out of women and maintain a friendship. Theres no need to be a douche to them. Its all about communication. There are plenty of times that I tell girls straight up that I wanted to F*ck them and it has worked. You are born with ALPHA MALE qualities and over time you develop traits. Confidence, eye contact and good conversation can take you far. Also, pay attention to your surroundings. Most of the time you can tell when you have a girls attention. I can usually call out a girl with my friends and persue her with success. MOST OF ALL MAKE SURE YOUR FRIENDS DONT C*CK BLOCK.
Great post!

I do think some aspects of alpha male can be learned though.

It takes some work but perception of self can be changed. I have to view myself as a target for prowling slimey women. My self worth is NOT dependent on them... that comes across attractively to women and makes it more likely for me to communicate in the manner you described.

Interpretation of difficult scenarios can also be changed with some work. For example, I can interpret all comments as compliments, especially if she's trying to "burn" me
Im gonna get to the point once again... I did backdoor in vegas on a girl...and I just received a text from her today...telling me how good I smelled. I've used Axcite a lot. Ive had girls walk by who were my ex lady's friends and they stop dead in their tracks and find location of the smellthen tell me YOU SMELL REALLY GOOD. it almost is like a take me to bed and **** me sort of thing but I cant cause your my friends boyfriend. I had my grandma smell the bottle cause I told her what it was...asaid it smelled really I teased her and said GRANDMA BACK OFF! BACK OFF GRANDMA!...another girl...licked and bit my chest exactly where I sprayed it...let smelling it myself gave me HUGE confidence and a HUGE ERECTOR SET in the bedroom. You do go alpha male on it. Im a total nice guy, but this stuff makes me Mac Daddy. Women already tell me I smell good naturally. Im somewhat hairy so my pheromones stay with me anyways and axcite gives me more edge. Not a sales pitch. **** works I think if a girl even SLIGHTLY likes could turn a friend into a **** buddy in seconds. Ive seen it happen, its happened. Vagina points have risen. My other buddy uses it too and hes just like me...we totally agree it works.
Im gonna get to the point once again... I did backdoor in vegas on a girl...and I just received a text from her today...telling me how good I smelled. I've used Axcite a lot. Ive had girls walk by who were my ex lady's friends and they stop dead in their tracks and find location of the smellthen tell me YOU SMELL REALLY GOOD. it almost is like a take me to bed and **** me sort of thing but I cant cause your my friends boyfriend. I had my grandma smell the bottle cause I told her what it was...asaid it smelled really I teased her and said GRANDMA BACK OFF! BACK OFF GRANDMA!...another girl...licked and bit my chest exactly where I sprayed it...let smelling it myself gave me HUGE confidence and a HUGE ERECTOR SET in the bedroom. You do go alpha male on it. Im a total nice guy, but this stuff makes me Mac Daddy. Women already tell me I smell good naturally. Im somewhat hairy so my pheromones stay with me anyways and axcite gives me more edge. Not a sales pitch. **** works I think if a girl even SLIGHTLY likes could turn a friend into a **** buddy in seconds. Ive seen it happen, its happened. Vagina points have risen. My other buddy uses it too and hes just like me...we totally agree it works.
Does seem nice as an addition.
If it works like you guys say it does.

Since I'm not and never will be the husband type(learned after a 6 month annulled marriage), my biggest issue is women I meet who think they are going to change me despite me saying up front I prefer something short and torrid.
And Alpha is primarily an inner state of being. I did not find out until my last university year when even though friends would use the clothes, the bling, and the B.S., I could be my normal chill self and sometimes be the only one leaving with a girl at the end of the night.

Funny thing is that I never had a problem getting dates even though it was like the last thing on my list to do.
Was too much into books, anime, RPG type stuff to worry about picking up women. Still whenever I happened to meet them they just seemed to gravitate towards me. A few conversations and quite a few wanted more.

Interested in checking the guide out.
One can always improve.
You can read every 'game' book ever written and get no where. Attraction comes from internal hormone balance. Hormones are actually palpable and act as tractor beams. Without strong and balanced blood, reading will get you no where except a declining bank account and unhealthy amounts of failure. Unless your looking for the manic depressive trash that will waste time and get ur noodle into dry and crappy sex
That axcite nice guy to alpha male guide is free to everyone. just google it and u can download in a pdf. btw, pretty standard alpha male stuff too.
How long does the pheromone last? The scent I mean... Im going to a music festival.... im gonna dance and sweat my ass off. What better place to try it? Let alone im going with someone who is damn hot...

I am pretty excited to know about the pheromones too :)
how long does it last??