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What you are doing is sabotage! No likes under the last donuts picture! Some of us are cutting... damn!

Take a seat:

Cutting, bulking meh it’s all just food and iron lol


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6 weeks down. 5 lbs up. I think it’s crazy hard to gain weight. Yes I’ve increased the rate of gain, but man you guys see the amount of cals I’m downing and it gets processed so efficiently, which I’m not complaining about at all, that if you look at scale weight only it’s not a fair assessor of how well this is working. If I were to gain 2 lbs a week I’d have to consume 5k a day. But I love how I’m 6 weeks into a bulk that has me eating crazy good food and there’s still some of that sixer left, not much but still a bit. Crazy.

This is relaxed and idk but my back looks thick af compared to the start.

Like I said still semblance of a core in place which I still can’t believe and tbh most looks the same to me here, obviously a bit of stomach gain and I think arms look a bit bigger maybe, chest certainty feels bigger but really can’t see it from the pic

Bottom flexed back is newest. I def see some gains in the rear delt/lat region and a thicker mid back but really they all look very similar to me...thoughts and feedback?

I’m gonna jump this thing up to 1 k surplus for the last cpl weeks with x b4 I start alpha pct so hoping to maintain the type if lean gains I’ve seen so far just more of it

Today I basically just did some pulling

8x12. 135,185,225,230,235,240,225,185. And I did a final set of 185x4 just to round the reps out to 100 total

Bent over rows
6x12. 140,145,150 then reverse grip same but in reverse

Long bar row 4x15 90,90,115,120

Hit up some calves to finish it off.

Next week I’ll be more pulldown oriented to balance things out


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Today was hella hectic, but got a shoulder day in.

Standing db press. 2x12. 20,35

Seated db press 3x12. 40,50,60

Side lateral raises 3x15 20

Lying rear db fly 3x15 25

Landmine press 3x10 45,55,65

Clean 135x5,6,7

Bar shrug 3x15. 185

Ate huge today, got some more donuts but I’ll refrain from posting, bc if hgp falls from his diet bc of me I’ll never forgive myself


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Ate huge today, got some more donuts but I’ll refrain from posting, bc if hgp falls from his diet bc of me I’ll never forgive myself
Sh1t, I hoped you would post more donuts pics. I already planned to put the blame on you if I fail.

You are right, can't see your donuts abuse in the progress pics. You know what that means! You can eat them every day- forever!


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Sh1t, I hoped you would post more donuts pics. I already planned to put the blame on you if I fail.

You are right, can't see your donuts abuse in the progress pics. You know what that means! You can eat them every day- forever!
Yeah I was eating them while I was cutting all the time, but to counteract them I added about 40 min of cardio eod with 20 on opposing days plus radiated. Funny story: my parents cane home about three hour ago, had a full box of those little Debbie cherry cordial things, I just went to grab one and the whole darn box is already gone lol. My dad who hates sweets except for apple pie and Ice cream ate all but 1 of them. He said he was afraid of the vacuum getting them b4 he could. Lol. I’m the vacuum lol


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Quick arms today

Db curl 3x12. 35,49,45
Single overhead tri extensions 3x12 20,30,30

Ez preacher 3x12 50,60,70
Bench dips. 3x12

Rope hammer curl 35x15,42.5x12,50x11
Rope pd 35x15,30x18,25x20

Kneeling rope crunch 3x20 100 lbs


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Felt really massive today. Love when that feeling takes hold. And on x it’s more days feeling like this than usual.

Warmed up with 5 min of low intensity elliptical and 10 minutes of foam rolling and dynamic stretches

Squats. 45x10,135x5
5x8. 185, 205,225,225,235

2x5 135,225
4x6. 275,315,325,335
2x7 315

Got to gym late today and when I was done in the rack all the other things were taken and wasn’t about to wait so hit up some calf raises and left.

Gonna do a second leg day on Saturday and focus on accessory and isolation movements

Had homemade enchiladas for dinner, not gonna post but if peeps wanna see check out the ig


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Getting to gym late in the day sucks. Too darn busy. Anyhow got a nice little chest session in.

Bench. 5x10. 135,145,155,170,185

Incline db bench 5x12 50,65,60,55,50

Decline db bench 4x12 45 lbs

Incline db fly 3x20 20 lbs

Really everything is trucking along just fine with chemical x. Strength increases across all lifts outside of shoulders, as mentioned kinda taking it easy there after it just started feeling better, really amazing feelings here too( feeling huge most of the time, a lot of beast like feelings to boot), the recomp/lean gains as noted. And the crazy hunger really hasn’t subsided either. I just wish I would’ve known how good a job this product is at processing food for use, would’ve started up at 800-1k surplus from the git go. But so far very pleased with the lean gains.

Even though I try to mention things like this from time to time just wanted to get it all in one post type update.

Forgot to mention too that started up the alpha pct this week as recommended on the site. Nothing really too notices outside a bit more “excitable” than usual. Lol.


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Vbar pulldown 3x15. 100,120,140

Wide grip pulldown 3x15 70,85,100

Handle seated row 3x30 50,42,5,42.5 per arm

Wide grip straight arm pulldown rep per pound 20,25,30

Rack pull 225x12,315x10,365x8,385x6

Physically destroyed right now gonna sleep well tonight.

Cpl of notes:

1. As I’ve mentioned before I am a big fan of permaswole well I cracked open strawberry kiwi crush today and I’m in love. I really didn’t think razzbloody lemonade would get outranked. Love being wrong like this.

2. I think I’m gonna keep bulking this year maybe a short cut if I wind up getting to fat or hit 210. My question is how long after alpha pct b4 I can hop on this again, mind I’m gonna add chem 4 to it, plan anyhow. BloodManor pyrobatt


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^permaswole is so great! How many scoops are you doing?


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^permaswole is so great! How many scoops are you doing?
All I’ve ever needed was one. R u saying u can get even more pumped with 2. Now I may have to try that then


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Vbar pulldown 3x15. 100,120,140

Wide grip pulldown 3x15 70,85,100

Handle seated row 3x30 50,42,5,42.5 per arm

Wide grip straight arm pulldown rep per pound 20,25,30

Rack pull 225x12,315x10,365x8,385x6

Physically destroyed right now gonna sleep well tonight.

Cpl of notes:

1. As I’ve mentioned before I am a big fan of permaswole well I cracked open strawberry kiwi crush today and I’m in love. I really didn’t think razzbloody lemonade would get outranked. Love being wrong like this.

2. I think I’m gonna keep bulking this year maybe a short cut if I wind up getting to fat or hit 210. My question is how long after alpha pct b4 I can hop on this again, mind I’m gonna add chem 4 to it, plan anyhow. BloodManor pyrobatt
Do it. End of year is almost here anyways! That's my plan, keep the gain train rolling until 2018, then start dialing it in.


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I was doing 2-3 hahaha with ferox. I loved it
Hit up 2 today and about twenty minutes in I was like no biggie same old goodness nothing more then 5 minutes later I looked in the mirror and yeah 2 isn’t doubly effective as 1 scoop but close to double, def going 2 going forward. Those 3 scoopers plus ferox must make the pumps painful af


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I forgot gym was closing early for their Christmas party so I’m not got about 50 min in, so just played around a bit

Hang clean press 4x5 95,105,115,125

Clean and squat 4x5 135

Clean press squat 2x4 135

Power clean 3x5 135,145,155

High pull. 4x5 135,155,155,165

Stiff leg dl 4x5 135,145,155,165

Went real fast through progressions and had about 7 min to spare b4 they started kicking ppl out...those workers really wanted to get their free drink on. Lol


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Hit up 2 today and about twenty minutes in I was like no biggie same old goodness nothing more then 5 minutes later I looked in the mirror and yeah 2 isn’t doubly effective as 1 scoop but close to double, def going 2 going forward. Those 3 scoopers plus ferox must make the pumps painful af
Haha! very nice! Not so much painful but veins and swoleness galore haha


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Haha! very nice! Not so much painful but veins and swoleness galore haha
I owe u a beer bro the jump to 2 scoops on shoulder day gave me such a huge pump I couldn’t believe it. Shoulders naturally pump well for me but this was way way above the normal 1 scooper


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Day after rest. Scale goes up and just feel massive. Love it.

Btw. The alpha pct definitely added something. I can’t pinpoint exactly but theres definitely even more of an alpha feeling than I’ve been getting with x alone. Awesome stuff

Shoulders traps

Seated press 4x8. 55,65,75,60. 50x12

Side lateral raises 10x30,15x25,20x20

Standing rear fly 10x50,20x20,25x20

Db shrugs 3x20 50,60,70

Then hit up a little core.


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Nothing new to report on reactions, except that I’ve only got about a week left of chem x and virtually all of the benefits that started early on are still chugging along, which is crazy good consistency, which imo is pretty rare with a lot of products.

Had to have a real quickie today, studying all afternoon so was thankful it was arm day. Which I sometimes feel guilty bc it always seems I short change arms when pressed for time, but I look at it like they get worked on chest back and shoulder days so that’s m rationale.

Bar curl. 45x15,65x12,75x10

Db hammer curl ascending drops. Each 12 reps
25-20-15,30-25-20, 35-30-25
Last set I had to switch to alternating arms.

Incline db curl 4x8 30 lbs with 15 sec flexed holds between sets

Incline skull 60-3x15

Close grip bench 3x15 45,65,85

Dip machine 3x12 205,185,165

Short and sweet but crazy good pump.


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Well guys today was brutal. Yep another one of those posts...

Woke up way too early, studied my butt off until 2pm, stopped when stuff I’ve known for two weeks I start second guessing myself. Well brain was mush at that point.

Weather is horrible. Cold af with crazy winds. I’ve had to go outside about 4 times bc one of the trash bins keeps getting blown over and garbage ppl will just leave it, even if it’s right next to the bins. So barring I get up in the middle of the night prob be picking up trash in the am.. oh yeah and it’s been snowing off and on, supposed to get hit good over night...only bright side would be maybe the trash will get covered lol

So finally got to the gym about 330. Arthritis acting up bc of the cold weather, no real surprises there. Actually the workout helped out a ton, always does, but it’s already starting back up. So gonna be groggy to boot in the am bc muscle relaxer does that.

So I went with a condensed female dog of a session. Minimal rest between sets

Squat 5x10 45,135,185,195,205.
Hr was at 163 after last set

Took a cpl minutes

Sumo dl 135x5,225x6,275x7,285x8,9.
These progressive ladders suck real bad but great shock workout. I was supposed to jump that ninth rep and then do another for ten reps. But bc I was basically changing weights and going again I stopped there. Actually I was supposed to start with 1-4 too but anyhow that was actually fun lol.

Took a cpl minutes

Tri set. 3x15 each set 180,270,360
Leg press high and wide
Leg press low and centered
Calf press

Seated calf raises 4 minute set 135x10,7,8,5,3,4,5,3

Bfr sets
Leg extensions 45x39,15,15
Lying leg curls 68x30,15,15
Standing calf machine 110x30,15,16

Total time 70 minutes

Got donuts all primed for the evening. Bc I wound up burning more than usual today I’m gonna take down 3.

I got a question for pyrobatt BloodManor. Could u guys find out if having photoshop skills are a requirement of the T-shirt contest bc man would I love to win a year of c and p pre workout thanks.


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Photo shop skills will make anything look better, I can’t use them for anything either. I don’t think it’s a requirement just beneficial
Not 100% sure


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Photo shop skills will make anything look better, I can’t use them for anything either. I don’t think it’s a requirement just beneficial
Not 100% sure
Well I’ll just put a picture of my big old beard and put ferox underneath. Would be really awkward though if I won and some dudes are wearing it at the gym lol


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Quick daily recap:

Woke up, groggy like expected but felt massive at the same time. Dreaded looking out the window but guess what all the snow fell south and no garbage on the lawn. Rest of day could’ve stunk and day would’ve been a win right there.

Was beat mentally by 3 from the studying. I think I’ve channeled my inner murtagh on several occasions the past week or so during these final cramming sessions, I’m too old for this... but made it to gym and had a fantastic session.

My entire workout was at one bench...yep was lazy af. All db work today

Incline press 2x10 65,75. 85x8, 75x9

Incline fly 4x12 15,20,25,30

Hammer press 2x12 40,50. 60x10,50x12

Fly 20x15,17.5x20,15x25

Floor press 3x15 30,35,40. Went light bc I used a 6 sec negative

Pullover 3x15. Center left right=1 rep 40,50,60

Time 65 minutes

Well I calculated my daily intake today and this is what happens when, even though you’re measuring portions and being semi aware, you write everything down at the end of the day instead of as you eat. 175 fat. 426 carbs 170 protein

I’m thinking about grabbing another shake to get protein up over body weight, but I’m already at 1300 surplus as it is and still over .85 so I think I’ll be ok.


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Woke up to this:

But killed back later so all is well in the world.

Wide grip pulldown 4x12 100,120,140,160

Reverse grip pulldown 3x12 100,140,180

Straight arm pulldown 4x12 30,35,42.5,50

Long bar row. 4x15. 1 plate, 2,3,3

Machine mid row 3x15. 125,165,205

Seated cable row 4x10. 100,120,140,160

Hypers 3x15. 190,225,255

Back pump was stupid fun.


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Flurries in PA


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was supposed to get little over an inch, just got flurries...


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Weather was ok today, just really cold. My back hates the cold but I can deal with it as long as snow ain’t falling with it.

Today was a fun day. I like to use day 6 as a fun day, whatever split pops up in the rotation I do things I normally don’t do and rep. This is by far my favorite day of the week.

Standing military 4x12 45,65,80,95

Push press 135x6,7,7

Behind neck 3x12 45,55,65

Bb upright 4x12 65 lbs

Landmine singles 3x10. 25,35,45. 35x12,25x15
Doubles same reps and weight

I love watching myself in the mirror doing these, you can see a variety of the posterior and side delt musculature doing its thing and in the doubles u can see the serratus working. Vain, yeah but to quote ozzy. I don’t care. Lol

Landmine arc twists 3x12 45,50,55
Landmine side laterals same
Landmine one arm rear fly. Same

Finished the day off with a quick shrug matrix 20 lbs per arm 20 reps each
Overhead shrug
1 arm angled shrug
Overhead shrug press
Lunge shrug

All the eating heavy paying off, perhaps the pct added past two weeks is giving a kicker to the x. 8 lbs in 8 weeks. 2 weeks of pct left. 3 days of x.

Too many ppl in the locker room to do photos today, I should’ve though bc I had a sick delt pump rocking. Will try to get some done on Monday


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Weather was ok today, just really cold. My back hates the cold but I can deal with it as long as snow ain’t falling with it.

Today was a fun day. I like to use day 6 as a fun day, whatever split pops up in the rotation I do things I normally don’t do and rep. This is by far my favorite day of the week.

Standing military 4x12 45,65,80,95

Push press 135x6,7,7

Behind neck 3x12 45,55,65

Bb upright 4x12 65 lbs

Landmine singles 3x10. 25,35,45. 35x12,25x15
Doubles same reps and weight

I love watching myself in the mirror doing these, you can see a variety of the posterior and side delt musculature doing its thing and in the doubles u can see the serratus working. Vain, yeah but to quote ozzy. I don’t care. Lol

Landmine arc twists 3x12 45,50,55
Landmine side laterals same
Landmine one arm rear fly. Same

Finished the day off with a quick shrug matrix 20 lbs per arm 20 reps each
Overhead shrug
1 arm angled shrug
Overhead shrug press
Lunge shrug

All the eating heavy paying off, perhaps the pct added past two weeks is giving a kicker to the x. 8 lbs in 8 weeks. 2 weeks of pct left. 3 days of x.

Too many ppl in the locker room to do photos today, I should’ve though bc I had a sick delt pump rocking. Will try to get some done on Monday
Nice to see another landmine lover! Great workout!


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Still feeling all the same benefits I’ve been experiencing, 1 more day of x left. I know many would probably say meh 8 lbs in 8 weeks, not worth the $, u can do that on your own. But I look at it in another light. You get all the “feeling” benefits and man I got to eat way above maintenance level and not the healthiest of choices either and I think, at least I feel, I gained nothing but lean mass on this run. If I would’ve ate like that and not been using x, I prob would’ve gained about 20-25 lbs with the same amount being lbm while the rest just fat. So imo def worth it. I’m going to miss the feelings and results on this. Still got about 2 weeks of alpha pct which I’m loving in combination with x so hopefully some of these feelings will carry over after tomorrow when x is through. Prob gonna wait about a month and then hop back on, most likely with a 1 or 4 stack. Hopefully I can swing that financially by then but that’s the plan right now.

Gonna get another round of pics in here soon but gyms been crazy crowded past cpl times and house lighting sucks for pics.

Today a quick chest day. Ramping up to Thursday’s exam so it’s like 60%studying, 30%sleeping and 10% gym and everything else. I better pass lol


Incline db

Incline fly
3x20 15,20,20

A light ab circuit to cap things off.

Got a dr appt tomorrow so not sure I’ll make it to the gym with everything else but hoping to.


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Doc appt was surprisingly ultra fast today in and out in 20 minutes which it’s usually like 1.5 hours with most of that in the lobby.

Gym was stupid crazy today, so if can’t get pics done tomorrow will try again Friday. Tonight’s dose is the last of x.

Started off dead lifting

10 sets
3 warm ups. 6 reps each

6x6. 315,325,335,330,325

315x7. Which is hilarious bc in my mind I was going for 10 and barely got the lockout on the seventh

I was so shot after this I couldn’t even bent over row 135. Did 2 sets regular grip for 15 at 95. Then 1 reverse grip same reps

Long bar row 3x15 45,90,140. Thought I was gonna puke on that last one.

Landmine 1 arm rows. 3x15 just the bar and last set was tough so called it a session

Did follow in hairygrandpa footsteps and finished with some serratus work

3x10 push up plus
3x30 sec serratus planks
3x10 serratus punch. Took a band hooked one end up to a captains chair and took other end out as far as I could and punched out 10 times each arm with a slight hold at full extension

So shot so that was that. Gonna try to get


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Doc appt was surprisingly ultra fast today in and out in 20 minutes which it’s usually like 1.5 hours with most of that in the lobby.

Gym was stupid crazy today, so if can’t get pics done tomorrow will try again Friday. Tonight’s dose is the last of x.

Started off dead lifting

10 sets
3 warm ups. 6 reps each

6x6. 315,325,335,330,325

315x7. Which is hilarious bc in my mind I was going for 10 and barely got the lockout on the seventh

I was so shot after this I couldn’t even bent over row 135. Did 2 sets regular grip for 15 at 95. Then 1 reverse grip same reps

Long bar row 3x15 45,90,140. Thought I was gonna puke on that last one.

Landmine 1 arm rows. 3x15 just the bar and last set was tough so called it a session

Did follow in hairygrandpa footsteps and finished with some serratus work

3x10 push up plus
3x30 sec serratus planks
3x10 serratus punch. Took a band hooked one end up to a captains chair and took other end out as far as I could and punched out 10 times each arm with a slight hold at full extension

So shot so that was that. Gonna try to get
We all wanna serratus!

serratus 2.jpg


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Well today was stressful. Got done doing what I could study wise and got to the gym around 4. Freaking brutally crowded. I had to throw my entire plan out the window. And I hate crowded places, too much traffic annoys the heck out of me. In the gym if you’re lucky to get a cable station a power rack or even a set of dumbbell u get ppl hovering around u like sharks waiting to pounce the second u put stuff down or walk away to get a paper towel. I hate that, heck I can’t even pee if someone is waiting outside the bathroom door, Sony can see how much crowded gyms tick me off.

Did get something in though.

Bar curl. 3x12 65,75,85

Db curl 3x12 30,35,40

Db hammer curl 3x12 40,45,50

Reverse grip pushdown 3x12 50,57,5,50

Rope pushdown 3x12 50,42,5,35

Rope overhead extensions 3x12 20,25,30

That was about all I could take as if I did the abs at the station I might have snapped on these kids who asked me 3 times how many more sets I had left.

Anyhow still feeling the effects of x even though I ran out yesterday but tbh I would’ve been super disappointed if the effects didn’t continue for at least a few days post last dose.


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Only one more day of this 12-20 range week and I gotta say going heavy for reps is not as fun as going for 4-6. Those last few reps are so brutal. But man oh man delt pump city today. Loved it

Seated db. 3x12 60,65,70
Idk if 70 is a pr for 12, but I don’t ever remember hitting 70 and having the first 10 reps go up and down so smoothly

Behind neck bb 3x12. 45,65,85

Bb upright 3x12 85 lbs

Landmine single 3x15 25,50,25
Double same

Landmine arc twist 3x15. 50,45,45
Landmine side lateral raises same
Landmine rear fly same

Felt like hitting some lats, so I did

Wide grip pulldown 3x20 70,85,100

Vbar pulldown 2x20 100,120

Db shrugs 3x20 50 lbs

Overhead db shrug 3x20. 20 lbs

Ab circuit
Serratus punch cables 3x15 12.5lbs

Plank extended standing rope crunch 3x20 62.5 lbs

Leg raises 3x15

Well i passed my test yesterday so I guess I’m officially certifiable now lol


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Only one more day of this 12-20 range week and I gotta say going heavy for reps is not as fun as going for 4-6. Those last few reps are so brutal. But man oh man delt pump city today. Loved it

Seated db. 3x12 60,65,70
Idk if 70 is a pr for 12, but I don’t ever remember hitting 70 and having the first 10 reps go up and down so smoothly

Behind neck bb 3x12. 45,65,85

Bb upright 3x12 85 lbs

Landmine single 3x15 25,50,25
Double same

Landmine arc twist 3x15. 50,45,45
Landmine side lateral raises same
Landmine rear fly same

Felt like hitting some lats, so I did

Wide grip pulldown 3x20 70,85,100

Vbar pulldown 2x20 100,120

Db shrugs 3x20 50 lbs

Overhead db shrug 3x20. 20 lbs

Ab circuit
Serratus punch cables 3x15 12.5lbs

Plank extended standing rope crunch 3x20 62.5 lbs

Leg raises 3x15

Well i passed my test yesterday so I guess I’m officially certifiable now lol


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Only one more day of this 12-20 range week and I gotta say going heavy for reps is not as fun as going for 4-6. Those last few reps are so brutal. But man oh man delt pump city today. Loved it

Seated db. 3x12 60,65,70
Idk if 70 is a pr for 12, but I don’t ever remember hitting 70 and having the first 10 reps go up and down so smoothly

Behind neck bb 3x12. 45,65,85

Bb upright 3x12 85 lbs

Landmine single 3x15 25,50,25
Double same

Landmine arc twist 3x15. 50,45,45
Landmine side lateral raises same
Landmine rear fly same

Felt like hitting some lats, so I did

Wide grip pulldown 3x20 70,85,100

Vbar pulldown 2x20 100,120

Db shrugs 3x20 50 lbs

Overhead db shrug 3x20. 20 lbs

Ab circuit
Serratus punch cables 3x15 12.5lbs

Plank extended standing rope crunch 3x20 62.5 lbs

Leg raises 3x15

Well i passed my test yesterday so I guess I’m officially certifiable now lol
Congrats. Now you can introduce yourself as a "certified badass." I'd put it on a business card.


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Held tight at 8 lbs. hopefully this week I can get some new pics but all these resolutioners are overcrowding the gym right now and seems like some of them are just hanging out in the locker room bc it’s always jam packed in there.

Finally got legs in this week, went ok. Super sapped right now though.

Squat 5x12. 45,135. Warm ups
185,205,210. Working sets

Front squat 210x2,205x3,185x5,135x10

Man not going heavier on the fronts in a while really feel it in the wrists. I remember doing 225 within wrist pain at all. I guess the wrists got used to the higher loads and adapted and not having done them they adapted backwards.

Sumo. 2x6. Warm up 135,225
4x6. Working sets 275,315,320,300

Rdl. 225x6,7,8

Leg press 3x15. 360,450,540
Calf press same

Seated calf slow raises 30x30,50x20,70x15,90x10

Standing bb calf raises off 35lb plates.
4x15. 45,95,135,135

Was too tired and lazy to go back to the locker to get the bfr bands so no blood restriction sets. Legs are so shot I don’t even feel bad about not doing them.

Mother is having her yearly Christmas party with her friends and my dog is going bonkers. On the plus side all the eats will be rolling out pretty soon


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Well it’s almost been a week since last chemical x dose and tbh the effects I experienced from early on are still going. It’s probably a two week past last dose thing for it to leave system and perhaps the alpha pct is allotting an extension of effects. I was actually expecting the feelings to have subsided by now so total plus in my book.

I’ve got about two days left of strawbloody kiwi crush permaswole and will be opening lawless lemon lime at that time. So I’ll get my official flavor rankings up after I try it, as I’ll have had all of them by that point.

Hit up some chest today. 6 rep range

Bench 4x6. 185,200,210,220

Def not a pr by any means but haven’t had a good 6 reps touching chest with smooth under control motion both concentrically and eccentrically in long time for 3 sets over 200. So pleased there

Incline db press
4x6 65,75x3

I had 80s in me except there was actually no one around and I couldn’t get that first rep up, if someone would’ve been there they could’ve pushed elbows up on the first one and I would’ve got 3x6 bc 75 was too easy.

Db incline fly 6x6. 20,25,39,35x3

Ab work after.


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Crazy fun back session today.

Straight arm pulldown 30x30

Rack pull 6x6. 135,225,315,315,365,405.

Ss. Almost a pendlay row. Wide grip
Bent over row 3x6 135,155,155
Reverse grip same

Long bar row 4x6 90,135,180,205. 180x7,135x15

Seated row 5x6. 140,180,220,200,160

Reverse grip pulldown 4x6. 140,180,160,140

Rope straight arm pulldown 20x20,25x25
Face pull same

Some calf work to finish up.


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Those rack pulls! You are a beast!

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