Air Travel with Ostarine and MK677

Miles Johnson

New member
Sorry if this is a dumb question- but getting ready to fly into Miami for the week tomorrow.... in the middle of an Ostarine run and just added MK 677. The legal status of these SARMS (yes I know that MK677 isn't technically a SARM) is somewhat cryptic.... legal to buy, but they are supposed to be for research only.

Is it possible that I could get jammed up flying with these substances when I go through TSA? Sorry if this question sounds paranoid but I did a hellish weekend in the slammer back in january for having an Adderal in my pocket back in 2017, so now I'm extra cautious.

Thanks in advance for any insight anyone can offer.


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On the cautious side and assuming they’re liquid Sarms, remove the labels and put the bottles in your hygiene bag(in your checked bag.) dropper bottles will blend in with hygiene products and even if they were to get field tested it’d come back negative for anything they’re looking for... in theory


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I am TSA pre-check, traveled with various substances.
Not to scare you, but because the airports are slower now, they are taking their time through the x-ray machine and checking bags.
Don't hide it, follow the rules for liquids as carry-ons (30ml = 1oz so you're good), call it a dietary supplement if asked. Do not call it a prescription without an appropriate label (you can fake that if needed, I'd choose a common antibiotic for ear infections if it has a dropper).
If you are extremely concerned, I'd use something cheap like an eye dropper/red eye saline solution, empty it, transfer the contents into that.
Most of all, relax, you're not doing anything illegal (even if you were :)).


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I am TSA pre-check, traveled with various substances.
Not to scare you, but because the airports are slower now, they are taking their time through the x-ray machine and checking bags.
Don't hide it, follow the rules for liquids as carry-ons (30ml = 1oz so you're good), call it a dietary supplement if asked. Do not call it a prescription without an appropriate label (you can fake that if needed, I'd choose a common antibiotic for ear infections if it has a dropper).
If you are extremely concerned, I'd use something cheap like an eye dropper/red eye saline solution, empty it, transfer the contents into that.
Most of all, relax, you're not doing anything illegal (even if you were :)).



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Decades ago, a friend of mine and I were crossing the border with a substantial haul in the car. Car began to overheat in line. We needed to keep turning it off, turning it back on, pushing it, to get through the checkpoint. My buddy starts freaking out, "we're gonna get caught, we're going to jail" all that BS.
I stated "they don't put you in jail for over-heating in line to get back to the US."
Him: "What about the ______"?
Me: "I gave it to _____, nothing in our car"
That lie to him got us through the secondary inspection too, kept him calm, kept us out of jail.


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Hey there, it's understandable to be cautious, especially after your previous experience. TSA guidelines can be strict about medications and substances, especially if they're not clearly labeled or prescribed. SARMS like Ostarine and MK 677 fall into a grey area legally, often categorized as research chemicals. It's essential to check TSA guidelines directly or even contact them to clarify.


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It's essential to check TSA guidelines directly or even contact them to clarify.
This! I wouldn't take the risk without checking with them first.

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