AI Staples with some added Magic...



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It is really good with some Crystal Lite
I imagine it would be, I just take mine straight.

Thank God for HGHPro, I slept almost 8 hours last night and only woke up once to use the bathroom. There definitely seems to be some enhanced recovery as well. Believe me I need all the recovery I can get.

Left hamstring is still tweaked, good thing I stopped the deads when I did, note.. don't do deads for HST. What the fug was I thinking!! Deads 3 times a week!! It just doesn't work,.. well not for long. I will be adding them back in during PCT from the EPI-Strong.


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I imagine it would be, I just take mine straight.

Thank God for HGHPro, I slept almost 8 hours last night and only woke up once to use the bathroom. There definitely seems to be some enhanced recovery as well. Believe me I need all the recovery I can get.

Left hamstring is still tweaked, good thing I stopped the deads when I did, note.. don't do deads for HST. What the fug was I thinking!! Deads 3 times a week!! It just doesn't work,.. well not for long. I will be adding them back in during PCT from the EPI-Strong.
Did I just read that Doug is going to be running Epistane? You dirty old man turning to the dark side! :shocked: Good stuff!!!!


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Did I just read that Doug is going to be running Epistane? You dirty old man turning to the dark side! :shocked: Good stuff!!!!
Yah won a bottle so going to run it when this is done. I also won a bottle of Erase and was supposed to log it but trouble with the mail. Now they're resending it and want me to run it but I don't know if it's a good idea to run erase while on Epi clone.


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Yah won a bottle so going to run it when this is done. I also won a bottle of Erase and was supposed to log it but trouble with the mail. Now they're resending it and want me to run it but I don't know if it's a good idea to run erase while on Epi clone.
only if you hate your joints and want to punish them


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only if you hate your joints and want to punish them
lol I hate my joints but don't want to punish them any further...:thinking:

I agree I would run the Erase solo as Epi will dry the joints out pretty well on it's own.
That's what I thought but I feel bad that I have to wait to run the Erase till PCT as it got delayed. I actually still haven't gotten it. It's the same old fuggin problems we experience with the monthly supps.


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lol I hate my joints but don't want to punish them any further...:thinking:

That's what I thought but I feel bad that I have to wait to run the Erase till PCT as it got delayed. I actually still haven't gotten it. It's the same old fuggin problems we experience with the monthly supps.
Do you have a pct plan all worked out at this point DW?


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Do you have a pct plan all worked out at this point DW?
Yah TRS, Testopro, Bulk DAA, Tor (low dose), Erase and Cycle Support for support. Will be running HGHPro right through cycle and PCT.


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Yah might be a little over-engineered but I like to do that :006:
Are you prone to any hairloss? I did lose hair when I did Epi but did not when I used h-drol. You may want to get a product(I believe there are some shampoo's that can help prevent it)forget the name something like Nitrazol or something along that line. The hair loss came in week 4 when I bumped the dose to 40mg. I did not use the shampoo which I regret. The only other real side I had was some joint dryness.
John Smeton

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Epi is something I wont touch due to the side effects reported by users.

I would recommend hdrol Doug its low androgenic, is non -aromatising so it drys out joints.

I have not used it I hear m14add is good for the joints.

Guys like you and I who have gotten large and in charge and who got there without ever using hormones, most likely your going to see impressive gains. Look what Kleen did on 20 mgs dmz for four weeks and he has his stuff in check.

when I used a cycle of hdrol from Jan 1st-fen 15th @ 75 mgs I had impressive results gaining 7 lbs and lost 1-2 % body fat, some people were saying I need higher doses since I was at 240 lbs then and I wont get much from it.

I recommend you do a lower dosing of epi like maybe 20 mgs for 5-6 weeks and Im sure you'll see great gains. The higher doses do not always equal higher net gains and usually equal higher side effects. The little gains you may get from higher doses are just not worth the sides.


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Are you prone to any hairloss? I did lose hair when I did Epi but did not when I used h-drol. You may want to get a product(I believe there are some shampoo's that can help prevent it)forget the name something like Nitrazol or something along that line. The hair loss came in week 4 when I bumped the dose to 40mg. I did not use the shampoo which I regret. The only other real side I had was some joint dryness.
No problem with hair loss here.

Epi is something I wont touch due to the side effects reported by users.

I would recommend hdrol Doug its low androgenic, is non -aromatising so it drys out joints.

I have not used it I hear m14add is good for the joints.

Guys like you and I who have gotten large and in charge and who got there without ever using hormones, most likely your going to see impressive gains. Look what Kleen did on 20 mgs dmz for four weeks and he has his stuff in check.

when I used a cycle of hdrol from Jan 1st-fen 15th @ 75 mgs I had impressive results gaining 7 lbs and lost 1-2 % body fat, some people were saying I need higher doses since I was at 240 lbs then and I wont get much from it.

I recommend you do a lower dosing of epi like maybe 20 mgs for 5-6 weeks and Im sure you'll see great gains. The higher doses do not always equal higher net gains and usually equal higher side effects. The little gains you may get from higher doses are just not worth the sides.
Actually Epi is the substance most older lifters recommend for people over 40.

I agree, people who have done things naturally for so long have gotten to know their body very well. It's going to pay off when we escalate.

I have Turinbol LV and Androhard for my spring cut. I have been looking into SARMS as well but S4 has some peculiar sides, maybe at low dose would be ok. I still need to mull it over some more.:redeemerwhore:


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Rocked it last night!! Funny I didn't feel that great on my way to the gym but the force was with me when I knuckled down...

This is the heaviest I have gone wth front squats during HST, not a personal record but for me HST does not yield my best lifts. A PR in HST would be even higher in a normal once a week style of lifting. By the time I get to 5 reps in HST I am usually pretty trashed and don't lift my best as 3 times a week is hard for recovery.

Front squats 285 X 5 X 2 First set was very good, I had an audience, guy said to me that he hadn't ever seen anyone do front squats except for Arnold in pumping iron... second set was not quite as good, went too far forward on the last rep and tweaked my knee a bit.
Db incline press (30 degrees) 95 X 5 X 2 Decided to keep this the same till near the end
Lat pulldown 170 X 5 X 2 owned.
Bent over rows supine grip 185 X 5 X 2 tremendous power
Push Press 145 X 5 X 2 This was a big surprise, crushed it!!
Decline Tri Extension 110 X 5 X 2 owned
Obar curl 135X 5 X 2 Not quite as strong as Sunday
Calf raise 135 X 5 X 2

Numbers are creeping up, I was pleasantly surprised at the power I had. PM is definitely giving me a big boost in the strength department.

Erica one of my trainees mentioned that I was looking bigger and bigger every time she sees me. I know I have increased in size, I weighed in at 227 last time. Here's the kicker though, my pants are looser around the waist. It's all that walking paying off despite being off on my diet.


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All you are saying about Pink Magic is making me more and more excited to run it again. Nice to hear the waste line is decreasing and the muscle is increasing. You are going to shred up like its nobody's business on the Epi Doug. Run the diet that Kleen did and you will be lean and mean after your run.


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All you are saying about Pink Magic is making me more and more excited to run it again. Nice to hear the waste line is decreasing and the muscle is increasing. You are going to shred up like its nobody's business on the Epi Doug. Run the diet that Kleen did and you will be lean and mean after your run.
I'll lean up some I guess. I am adding some extra protein is about all diet wise. I just have to make sure I limit my refeed to one day a week, and cut down on some of the junk I have been eating. If I wasn't doing all this walking, I would have been pretty chunky by now.


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I'll lean up some I guess. I am adding some extra protein is about all diet wise. I just have to make sure I limit my refeed to one day a week, and cut down on some of the junk I have been eating. If I wasn't doing all this walking, I would have been pretty chunky by now.
I believe that you are similar to Chris and I in the way we respond to carbs that is why I suggested that to you. The recomp version of the UD2.0 is not very calorie restricted at all and really allows you to burn fat and add muscle if you eat enough protein. I am only doing a 24-36 hour refeed and it seems to work like a charm. You know your body better than I of course just thought you might want to give it a look/see before making a final decision. If you want a copy I can email it to you, PM me.


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thanks, there creeping up now.
You are overly modest Doug. So many of your lifts far exceed those of many of us here who are half your age, look no further than me, and you act like they are still pedestrian numbers. You're a beast and in better shape than 99.9% of everyone over 50 that I know. Plus, you can take pain like a fat kid eats candy, you just want more. Keep crushing it big guy, we all know there is more in there! :shocked:
John Smeton

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very nicer workout. My lifts usually stalls for a bit then I change the exercises, then after Im satified with that exercise or that stalls I may go back to the other exercise
(its a DC principal I learned from Dante , he teaches some good stuff used for bodybuilders, very insightful man)


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You are overly modest Doug. So many of your lifts far exceed those of many of us here who are half your age, look no further than me, and you act like they are still pedestrian numbers. You're a beast and in better shape than 99.9% of everyone over 50 that I know. Plus, you can take pain like a fat kid eats candy, you just want more. Keep crushing it big guy, we all know there is more in there! :shocked:
You know what I keep doing is comparing my numbers to what I used to be able to do. 500 lbs deads (with straps), 425 lb squats and 325 lb bench.

The deads I think I can get in the 400's for 5 reps which is pretty much the same. Squats would be there and then some if my shoulder was ok but anything near 300 on front squats is comparable so mission accomplished. Bench well, never going to see those numbers again as the shoulder is just not strong enough and doesn't feel like it ever will be. I'll keep plugging away though.

very nicer workout. My lifts usually stalls for a bit then I change the exercises, then after Im satified with that exercise or that stalls I may go back to the other exercise
(its a DC principal I learned from Dante , he teaches some good stuff used for bodybuilders, very insightful man)
HST is designed to be progressive but not made to challenge you're best lifts as it has too much frequency. What I have done is be very optimistic with my plan thus challenging my best numbers and beyond. This is where the supps kick in. I anticipated that PM would give me some extra power and so far it has. It's kickin the shyte of of me but I am progressing very well.


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Keep killing it Doug!


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Another pretty successful day...

Front squats 295 X 5 X 2 This time the first set was a bit shaky but the second was very good...
Db incline press (30 degrees) 95 X 5 X 2 Decided to keep this the same till near the end
Lat pulldown 175 X 5 X 2 owned.
Bent over rows supine grip 195 X 5 X 2 tremendous power again...
Push Press 150 X 4 150 X 5 Yah I was all off balance on the first set, I knew it wasn't a power problem but at this weight your technique has to be there or the weight isn't going up, proved it on the second set.
Decline Tri Extension 115 X 5 X 2 owned easier than 110
Obar curl 140 X 5 X 2 better power than on 135
Calf raise 140 X 5 X 2

Weigh in, honestly I got on the scale thinking that I must be around 130 but I was down to 125.5. My lifting belt was feeling pretty loose so not a shocker. Man I am getting away with some bad diet here. I do have at least 3 sometimes 4 good days and the walking certainly helps a lot. I think the repartitioning of PM and Prime have a lot to do with this as well. I have gained some good size also. My bicep was scary big when I was checking it out in the mirror. My legs are getting bigger as well... go figure lol I look as though I have put on about 5-7 lbs mass but have only gained about a half pound. Actually I did a weigh in early in this run I was up to 228, so I have lost 2.5 lbs since then. Anywho, mass gained fat lost, end of story.


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Another pretty successful day...

Front squats 295 X 5 X 2 This time the first set was a bit shaky but the second was very good...
Db incline press (30 degrees) 95 X 5 X 2 Decided to keep this the same till near the end
Lat pulldown 175 X 5 X 2 owned.
Bent over rows supine grip 195 X 5 X 2 tremendous power again...
Push Press 150 X 4 150 X 5 Yah I was all off balance on the first set, I knew it wasn't a power problem but at this weight your technique has to be there or the weight isn't going up, proved it on the second set.
Decline Tri Extension 115 X 5 X 2 owned easier than 110
Obar curl 140 X 5 X 2 better power than on 135
Calf raise 140 X 5 X 2

Weigh in, honestly I got on the scale thinking that I must be around 130 but I was down to 125.5. My lifting belt was feeling pretty loose so not a shocker. Man I am getting away with some bad diet here. I do have at least 3 sometimes 4 good days and the walking certainly helps a lot. I think the repartitioning of PM and Prime have a lot to do with this as well. I have gained some good size also. My bicep was scary big when I was checking it out in the mirror. My legs are getting bigger as well... go figure lol I look as though I have put on about 5-7 lbs mass but have only gained about a half pound. Actually I did a weigh in early in this run I was up to 228, so I have lost 2.5 lbs since then. Anywho, mass gained fat lost, end of story.
Now that is a beautiful story. Great work DW!!!


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Great workout man!


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You know you're kicking butt when people look at YOUR log for inspiration for a good lift.....namely me haha. Gonna hit some deadlifts and I needed an extra push. Few logs do this for me...including yours, chris's, jason(punthra) and johns. Kinda like my extra a little extra motivation after the scoop of maniac haha.

You're doing great! Now I need to man up and push weight like a warrior poet!


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You know you're kicking butt when people look at YOUR log for inspiration for a good lift.....namely me haha. Gonna hit some deadlifts and I needed an extra push. Few logs do this for me...including yours, chris's, jason(punthra) and johns. Kinda like my extra a little extra motivation after the scoop of maniac haha.

You're doing great! Now I need to man up and push weight like a warrior poet!
That's the spirit!! The positive attitude is more than half the battle!
John Smeton

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That's the spirit!! The positive attitude is more than half the battle!
yep the man who thinks he can always beats the man who thinks he cant because when the going gets rough ...well its obvious who is going to do their best


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yep the man who thinks he can always beats the man who thinks he cant because when the going gets rough ...well its obvious who is going to do their best
Yah it's a fine line sometimes. Sometimes a person pretends they can do something but they are not completely convinced. Have to watch the Ego it sometimes overrides good sense. Humility is also very important. There is not a day when I am lifting heavy that I don't know fear. At this time I say a little prayer and ask God for help. This gets my mind in the humble yet confidant state which I need to be in to do the lift. I pray for the power to succeed or the good sense to back out when I know I am beat. His will not mine be done.


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What a battle this was, set my personal record on front squats at 305 for 5 but it was an epic struggle. I took the bar off, got into position and I got hit by a dizzy spell so I racked it and tried to clear my head. I tried again and got 5 reps but they were not deep enough, which is not good enough for a PR... I was pretty dizzy through this set but I had handled the weight so I had some confidence. Second set did 2 nice reps but the dizziness hit again and had to wrack it. Ok the power is there what's wrong. Turns out the bar was too close to my throat slowing the flow of blood to my brain or so it would seem. Adjustment made 5 reps PR!!

Front squats 305 X 5 X 2 PR! First set not deep enough though will only go up 5 lbs on Tuesday to set me up for 320 on the final day.
Db incline press (30 degrees) 95 X 5 X 2 Not ready to go up yet might try Tuesday.
Lat pulldown 180 X 5 X 2 owned.
Bent over rows supine grip 205 X 5 X 2 tremendous power again...
Push Press 155 X 4 155 X 3 Going to have to leave it at this for the next round, till I can get the weight 5 times
Decline Tri Extension 120 X 4 X 2 ditto on this no increase next round.
Obar curl 145 X 5 145 X 4 Too sloppy will try same weight on Tuesday.
Calf raise 145 X 5 X 2

So many exercises will not see and increase on Tuesday and I will be setting myself up for a grand Finale on Thursday


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What a battle this was, set my personal record on front squats at 305 for 5 but it was an epic struggle. I took the bar off, got into position and I got hit by a dizzy spell so I racked it and tried to clear my head. I tried again and got 5 reps but they were not deep enough, which is not good enough for a PR... I was pretty dizzy through this set but I had handled the weight so I had some confidence. Second set did 2 nice reps but the dizziness hit again and had to wrack it. Ok the power is there what's wrong. Turns out the bar was too close to my throat slowing the flow of blood to my brain or so it would seem. Adjustment made 5 reps PR!!

Front squats 305 X 5 X 2 PR! First set not deep enough though will only go up 5 lbs on Tuesday to set me up for 320 on the final day.
Db incline press (30 degrees) 95 X 5 X 2 Not ready to go up yet might try Tuesday.
Lat pulldown 180 X 5 X 2 owned.
Bent over rows supine grip 205 X 5 X 2 tremendous power again...
Push Press 155 X 4 155 X 3 Going to have to leave it at this for the next round, till I can get the weight 5 times
Decline Tri Extension 120 X 4 X 2 ditto on this no increase next round.
Obar curl 145 X 5 145 X 4 Too sloppy will try same weight on Tuesday.
Calf raise 145 X 5 X 2

So many exercises will not see and increase on Tuesday and I will be setting myself up for a grand Finale on Thursday
That is real good stuff there DW!!!
John Smeton

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Yah it's a fine line sometimes. Sometimes a person pretends they can do something but they are not completely convinced. Have to watch the Ego it sometimes overrides good sense. Humility is also very important. There is not a day when I am lifting heavy that I don't know fear. At this time I say a little prayer and ask God for help. This gets my mind in the humble yet confidant state which I need to be in to do the lift. I pray for the power to succeed or the good sense to back out when I know I am beat. His will not mine be done.
John Smeton

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What a battle this was, set my personal record on front squats at 305 for 5 but it was an epic struggle. I took the bar off, got into position and I got hit by a dizzy spell so I racked it and tried to clear my head. I tried again and got 5 reps but they were not deep enough, which is not good enough for a PR... I was pretty dizzy through this set but I had handled the weight so I had some confidence. Second set did 2 nice reps but the dizziness hit again and had to wrack it. Ok the power is there what's wrong. Turns out the bar was too close to my throat slowing the flow of blood to my brain or so it would seem. Adjustment made 5 reps PR!!

Front squats 305 X 5 X 2 PR! First set not deep enough though will only go up 5 lbs on Tuesday to set me up for 320 on the final day.
Db incline press (30 degrees) 95 X 5 X 2 Not ready to go up yet might try Tuesday.
Lat pulldown 180 X 5 X 2 owned.
Bent over rows supine grip 205 X 5 X 2 tremendous power again...
Push Press 155 X 4 155 X 3 Going to have to leave it at this for the next round, till I can get the weight 5 times
Decline Tri Extension 120 X 4 X 2 ditto on this no increase next round.
Obar curl 145 X 5 145 X 4 Too sloppy will try same weight on Tuesday.
Calf raise 145 X 5 X 2

So many exercises will not see and increase on Tuesday and I will be setting myself up for a grand Finale on Thursday
wow on front squats and great workout Doug

Off subject (I used to like that cartoon-Doug-may still like it)


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Ok it is back to busting your ass time LOL.
yah that was a short rest...

I was a bit stiff this morning but worked it out on my walk to work. I am hyper volumized, feel like I can walk through walls, I just feel huge and tight.


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Wow I missed some serious destruction in here Doug; you must look like a beast right now my Iron Brother. Great stuff in here, keep crushing it!


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Wow I missed some serious destruction in here Doug; you must look like a beast right now my Iron Brother. Great stuff in here, keep crushing it!
Final 2 wokouts today and Thursday, so hopefully I can finish with a bang...:13:


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A PR would be nice to see.:)
I will be able to get another on front squats I believe. I will get HST records on every other lift if Ihaven't already but not quite PR's as I used to be very strong on a lot of these lifts. Oh Reverse grip BO row is probably going to be a new record the way things are going as I don't think I've ever done 2 plates before. I did 205 on Sunday and it wasn't that hard so 215 today and we'll see on Thursday. 215 may already be a record I can't remember if I have outdone that. Oh and my form is still very tight.

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