abe/ erase pro



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So my gyno is minimal but the nipple with the pea lump is still tender. Idk if it's because I keep touching it but i'm kinda freaking out someone with knowledge in the matter please respond
Touching or playing with It is a huge no no. It will irritate and possibly flare it up worse. You don't cycle any steroids? Ph/DS/AAS?


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thank you for responding.
No m8 the only thing I've used was daa /abe/ep and their og formulas, which I remember having itchy nipples for a day but I don't ever remember a lump.
But then again I've never felt for one till they were irritated from the milk..
Anywho I remember thinking I had gyno after a few Winters ago when I got up to 195 and was really fat but after cutting I had nothing.


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Ok well anywho, trained arms today, had a sick pump. Pumps are definitely becoming more pronounced.
A female client at the gym asked if i was "enhanced"? I laughed, it's always good hearing that.
She then proceeded to tell me I could be the incredible hulk, and that my neck is big enough to be him.

some arms:
incline bench supinating db curl 4set 15 rep
superset with high pulley rope pushdown (making the rope parallel to the floor at the bottom by really flexing the triceps away from the body) 4x15
fat bar curls 4x 12,10,8,6 last set dropsetted for another 10 rep
supersetted with decline bench lying swiss bar curl. 4 sets, starting with outside grip, then middle, then inside, all 15 reps. finished last set by doing all three grips in a row, starting inside and working out.
2 drop sets db hammer xbody curl 40->30->20 all ten reps
superset with 2 sets overhead tricep extension (one arm, deep stretch, slow negative) x10-12 rep

edit:Just to clarify, I always train arms like this. I'll do one bicep movement then one tri movement, back and forth.


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I'm noticing that by the end of the night I am a bottomless pit.
It's not even that I necessarily feel hungry, it's that once I start eating I can just keep going. I haven't really hit the **** i'm bloated I have to stop eating wall


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I'm back on AB and hunger is up a bit, filling the void with lots of chicken and steak. (=


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Ok so first of all, ltl, THANK YOU.
your response has helped immensely. Not touching my tits has made a huge difference.
Secondly, I've been eating so dirty and my abs are getting visibly sharper.. Wtf!?
And to make a note on my most recent post, I ate two half pound burgers with bacon and chili last night, and almost a whole bag of frozen fries.. Afterwards I was eyeballing the cereal but I just figured that would be over kill and called it quits.
Wake up this morning, I can see top for abs and my Ab walls were very visible, all the way down


Well-known member
Ok so first of all, ltl, THANK YOU.
your response has helped immensely. Not touching my tits has made a huge difference.
Secondly, I've been eating so dirty and my abs are getting visibly sharper.. Wtf!?
And to make a note on my most recent post, I ate two half pound burgers with bacon and chili last night, and almost a whole bag of frozen fries.. Afterwards I was eyeballing the cereal but I just figured that would be over kill and called it quits.
Wake up this morning, I can see top for abs and my Ab walls were very visible, all the way down
Nice, anabeta allows me to eat a ton and not gain bodyfat. Now i want a burger, thanks


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I'm noticing that by the end of the night I am a bottomless pit.
It's not even that I necessarily feel hungry, it's that once I start eating I can just keep going. I haven't really hit the **** i'm bloated I have to stop eating wall
I get this every time with Anabeta as well. Love being able to smash the extra calories without getting fat and bloated up!


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Trained some back today. My younger brothers friend wanted to come check it out so I was helping him out with deads, etc.
So that did slow me down slightly but I still managed to get a good training in with nice pump as well.
Did more of a hypertrophy session today, kinda backing off deads so I can focus more on squatting.

One arm barbell rows with a Meadows handle attachment with a red band over the bar under my toes. Five sts 12,10,8,8,8 last set take off handle and get perpendicular to the end of the bar performing an actual Meadows row.
Four sets low cable supinated rows x12
High pulley "stretcher" pulldown 3x 12
Then finished with rack rows 3x8 @315 ss with three by sets chest supported row x8-10


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Generally my hunger is up and my muscles are fuller.

I read in a post here to avoid forsklin products while dealing with gyno symptoms.. and abe contains forsklin.. thoughts??
My itchiness and sensitivity and much lower than before but now my nipples are more puffy than ever. Idk really what to do erase pro should be lowering total estrogen and also binding the receptor sites, so this must be prolactin related..
I read 200-400Mg b6 daily will help as well as mucuna puriens.
I'm going to try that route, hopefully not in vain..

I'm getting mad honestly I stopped dairy a few ****ing Weeks ago and to no avail it seems my symptoms are getting worse.

I'll wake up in the morning nips small as dimes, by the end of the day they'll be quarter sized and visible thru my shirt, puffy and looking like tits


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Generally my hunger is up and my muscles are fuller.

I read in a post here to avoid forsklin products while dealing with gyno symptoms.. and abe contains forsklin.. thoughts??
My itchiness and sensitivity and much lower than before but now my nipples are more puffy than ever. Idk really what to do erase pro should be lowering total estrogen and also binding the receptor sites, so this must be prolactin related..
I read 200-400Mg b6 daily will help as well as mucuna puriens.
I'm going to try that route, hopefully not in vain..

I'm getting mad honestly I stopped dairy a few ****ing Weeks ago and to no avail it seems my symptoms are getting worse.

I'll wake up in the morning nips small as dimes, by the end of the day they'll be quarter sized and visible thru my shirt, puffy and looking like tits
Look into inhibit p by SNS

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Thank you sir, again Idk if it's even really there or if i'm just freaking out.. Sensitivity is completely gone, but my nips can get puffy on and off throughout the day.

Notes on the stack, did two low carb days at work, woke up super dry and looking lean this morning.. Weight around 191, 192
Wait, what? I'm trying to gain weight!!
Everything still looks round and full though.

I'm going to eat some pizza at work tonight I think, get nice and bloated to squat tomorrow


Cutting out all dairy..

<img src="http://anabolicminds.com/forum/attachment.php?attachmentid=73896"/>

<img src="http://anabolicminds.com/forum/attachmen.php?attachmentid=73897"/>
more cottage cheese for me then


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Lmao! Yeah bro bee careful with that dairy it caused me allot of grief..
I went dairy free for as long as I remember, then all of a sudden I started drinking 1L + milk daily.. Eating almost a block of cheese a week, sometimes two. Also cooking with butter and eating ample amounts of yogurt..

Be careful!

Anyways I just looked in the mirror before showing, after breakfast. muscles are VERY round, everything is popping big time


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For how fat I am I look incredibly lean and dry..

broke down and ate pizza tonight.. Oops

Edit.. Holy ****, it seems like all those calories went right to my arms cause they look faaaawkin hyooooooge.

That's one of my favorite things about Abe, always does a good job of sending the excess carbs right to my glycogen


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Love me some ABE pump! :)


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Had a good training session today, got a solid pump but I'm feeling worn down and possibly getting sick
Five sts lying curl
Hit some SSB back squats 265 + 3 fat chains per side 4sts of 6. last two super set with drop set extensions.
Then sldl, four sts, only 135 x12 really focusing on negatives..
Last two super set with lying curls ending with partial curl..

I can go heavier on the sldls, but it just seems like when I do I lose the mind muscle connection with my hams

Also I ended up killing a whole pizza last night, one half with chicken and broccoli other half with two five ounce beef Patties..
Idk if it's the cheese or bc I was touching my nip last night but laying on my arm during lying curl I felt the knot is kinda sensitive.. Not really puffy at all though, looking small. That may be because I've been cold all day though

Also do you guys think smoking marijuana increases gyno? I actually read somewhere it reduces prolactin but I could be wrong..
Anywho I ask because I've been smoking. Do you think this is effecting this incident negatively


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Wow.. Looking in the mirror I'm quite impressed with how lean I an compared too how I've been eating..
Whole pizza last night, hash browns for breakfast, frozen fries with fatty steak, granted I did two low carb low Cal days at work, but damn I shouldn't have tightened up that much for only two low days. I better be careful, I am trying to bulk. (i've always carb cycled though, my body loves it..)
This stack seems to enhance the benefits of said carb cycling

My abs just may be sharper than a samurai sword


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I love how quickly this combo dries me out and tightens everything up. I usually notice it after just a few days.


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I honestly think I felt ****ty in the gym Monday just from work because I felt great today, getting stronger on chest..

So when I train chest I always super set one back movement with one chest movement..
Slight DB decline twist press, 40x4x12, slow negative short rests
Seated rear delt fly 10x5x30..went real light on those just trying to rep them out hard squeeze at the top slow negative explosive positive
DB incline press with elite fts red monster band in palms under the bench 70x8, 75x4x8 last two superset with DB cg incline 55x2x10 superset incline chain flysx10

Bandell bar flat press +30+10Kb/side x 3 x15
Swiss bar scapula pulldown outer most grip3x20

Finished with seated laterals 30x5x15 last two drop sets

Anyways, if I haven't told you guys I injured my pec insertion pretty badly about four months ago, and didn't train it for about two and a half maybe three months.
During that time i started hitting back twice a week, really focusing on upper back the day i would have normally trained chest.. Needless to say my back blew the **** up as did my arms and Delts..

My chest was neglected and when i got back into training it i was and still am hyper sensitive to any sort of tweaking during training..
So that's why the numbers seem low.
Just trying to stay healthy at this point (might I add training back 2 x weekly and using that bandell bar have made a HUGE difference)
I'm using more TUT than weight. Chest is responding really well to this and my joints are staying healthy


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Glycogen looking really full, muscles nice and round pump getting retarted, and overall feeling of well being is there





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Great updates! Looking like a brick house!


im rather enjoying abe and ep during pct....


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Great job ace, beast


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Food for thought...

Marihuana and sex: a critical survey.Abel EL.

Marihuana usage is associated with a life-style that involves earlier and more frequent sexual activity. Marihuana usage does not affect human male testosterone levels significantly, but does adversely affect sperm production. Animal studies have not found consistent changes in weights of male sexual organs but have corroborated the adverse effects of cannabinoid compounds on sperm production. The biological significances of these effects on sperm production are unclear, however, since there is no evidence that human marihuana users or male animals given cannabinoid compounds are less fertile or are at risk for dominant lethal mutations. Cannabinoid compounds reliably inhibit ovulation in animals and are associated with depressed luteinizing hormone (lh - leutenizing hormone - ) levels in both female and male animals. The decreased lh - leutenizing hormone - levels appear to be due to both hypothalamic and ovarian sites of action. Treatment with cannabinoid compounds is also associated with lower testosterone levels in male and lower prolactin levels in female animals. Effects on progesterone levels are inconclusive. Cannabinoid compounds do not possess estrogenic activity. Despite some consistencies in the data in virtually every study conducted with animals, there has been a basic confounding between direct drug action and secondary effects resulting from drug-induced decreases in food and water consumption and attendant weight loss. Almost all of the adverse effects of cannabinoid exposure on reproductive organs can be attributed to these secondary effects.

Marijuana: interaction with the estrogen receptor.

Sauer MA, Rifka SM, Hawks RL, Cutler GB Jr, Loriaux DL.

Crude marijuana extract competed with estradiol for binding to the estrogen receptor of rat uterine cytosol. Condensed marijuana smoke also competed with estradiol for its receptor. Pure delta 9-tetrahydrocannabinol, however, did not interact with the estrogen receptor. Ten delta 9-tetrahydrocannabinol metabolites also failed to compete with estradiol for its receptor. Of several other common cannabinoids tested, only cannabidiol showed any estrogen receptor binding. This was evident only at very high concentrations of cannabidiol. Apigenin, the aglycone of a flavinoid phytoestrogen found in cannabis, displa high affinity for the estrogen receptor. To assess the biological significance of these receptor data, estrogen activity was measured in vivo with the uterine growth bioassay, using immature rats. Cannabis extract in large doses exhibited neither estrogenic nor antiestrogenic effects. Thus, although estrogen receptor binding activity was observed in crude marijuana extract, marijuana smoke condensate and several known components of cannabis, direct estrogenic activity of cannabis extract could not be demonstrated in vivo.

The often heard assertion that THC causes gynecomastia is not related to estrogenic activity of the compound, but rather to the ability of THC to suppress luteinizing hormone (lh - leutenizing hormone - ). A number of studies have shown this (1) (2) (3). Other studies have failed to show an effect (4).

As with evidence supporting the theory behind marijuana induced gynecomastia, there are conflicting studies about whether there is even a correlation between marijuana use and gynecomastia. There is a much stronger correlation between alcoholism and gynecomastia than between weed and gynecomastia.

(1) NIDA Res Monogr 1984;44:46-64
Endocrine effects of marijuana in the male: preclinical studies.

(2) Drug Alcohol Depend 1992 Apr;30(1):59-63
Chronic effects of marihuana smoking on luteinizing hormone, follicle-stimulating hormone and prolactin levels in human males.

(3) : J Pharmacol Exp Ther 1986 Jun;237(3):862-6
Marihuana smoking suppresses luteinizing hormone in women.

(4) 1: Drug Alcohol Depend 1991 Aug;28(2):121- 8
Effects of chronic marijuana use on testosterone, luteinizing hormone, follicle stimulating hormone, prolactin and cortisol in men and women.


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That is really interesting, I appreciate you adding this.. I feel like those studies were going back and forth, one saying it binds estrogen receptors, the other saying there was no estrogenic activity in vivo

In the first study it says no effect on testosterone then lower in same study it says it does lower it..?

Also, it's saying thc has no effect just the cbds, meaning vaporization would be a much better alternative.
Still though they seem very conflicting and I'm wondering who put these studies on because the way they were written it seems like they have an agenda

but I do notice when I wake up nips are flat to chest dime sized, looking completely normal.. and by the end of last night after I drank two beers and smoked a few bowls my nips were quarter sized and puffy

Needless to say that's not a normal night for me but I was with my bro having a good time.


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Trained back today, hit some rack pulls to start with, I hit a real nice groove with these, usually I cannot snap my hips enough, today though, it felt perfect.., worked up to 475x5, 495x4, 515x3. I felt strong but my form broke down on the third rep of the last set, no hitch or anything bad, but after having such good technique in the previous sets, I didn't want to reinforce bad techniques by going any closer to my 1RM..
super setted the three sets of rack pulls with Swiss bar pulldown 3x10.
Next moved on to one arm bb rows with the Meadows handle and a red short monster mini over the bar under my feet, standing beside the bar 50#x3x8 focusing on contraction at the top then three sets straddling the bar hits my lats differently 75x3x12 no band.
Next supinated seated cable rows 200x3x10 each set with drops
Then a few sets of rear delt rows 3x20
To finish it off I did two sets of neck curls.. Neck was so pumped it was hard to breath.. Girl told me my neck was way too Big


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Trained back today, hit some rack pulls to start with, I hit a real nice groove with these, usually I cannot snap my hips enough, today though, it felt perfect.., worked up to 475x5, 495x4, 515x3. I felt strong but my form broke down on the third rep of the last set, no hitch or anything bad, but after having such good technique in the previous sets, I didn't want to reinforce bad techniques by going any closer to my 1RM..
super setted the three sets of rack pulls with Swiss bar pulldown 3x10.
Next moved on to one arm bb rows with the Meadows handle and a red short monster mini over the bar under my feet, standing beside the bar 50#x3x8 focusing on contraction at the top then three sets straddling the bar hits my lats differently 75x3x12 no band.
Next supinated seated cable rows 200x3x10 each set with drops
Then a few sets of rear delt rows 3x20
To finish it off I did two sets of neck curls.. Neck was so pumped it was hard to breath.. Girl told me my neck was way too Big
Neck so pumped hard to breath = winning bro! Killer workout great numbers. How's the boobies?



Well-known member
Neck so pumped hard to breath = winning bro! Killer workout great numbers. How's the boobies?

Thank you bean, it's good to have you in here.

Honestly I think it's just from one, being fat, and two, loading up on that dairy (if you didn't read the beginning)
I feel like cutting the dairy and adding this stack has definitely done the trick. Nips are small most of the day and have seemed to get puffy after I smoke.. But they are relatively small. Dime sized in the morning.

I'm getting somewhere towards the third or fourth week and I'm planning on using an og bottle of erase i've had laying around, and ordering an og anabeta extending this stack an additional four Weeks.

My muscles are stupidly full and I am ravenous. I could destroy the whole kitchen and I just ate to maximum capacity one and a half hours ago..


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Trained back today, hit some rack pulls to start with, I hit a real nice groove with these, usually I cannot snap my hips enough, today though, it felt perfect.., worked up to 475x5, 495x4, 515x3. I felt strong but my form broke down on the third rep of the last set, no hitch or anything bad, but after having such good technique in the previous sets, I didn't want to reinforce bad techniques by going any closer to my 1RM..
super setted the three sets of rack pulls with Swiss bar pulldown 3x10.
Next moved on to one arm bb rows with the Meadows handle and a red short monster mini over the bar under my feet, standing beside the bar 50#x3x8 focusing on contraction at the top then three sets straddling the bar hits my lats differently 75x3x12 no band.
Next supinated seated cable rows 200x3x10 each set with drops
Then a few sets of rear delt rows 3x20
To finish it off I did two sets of neck curls.. Neck was so pumped it was hard to breath.. Girl told me my neck was way too Big
You should've said, "yeah? You should see my D1CK!"


Well-known member
Thank you bean, it's good to have you in here.

Honestly I think it's just from one, being fat, and two, loading up on that dairy (if you didn't read the beginning)
I feel like cutting the dairy and adding this stack has definitely done the trick. Nips are small most of the day and have seemed to get puffy after I smoke.. But they are relatively small. Dime sized in the morning.

I'm getting somewhere towards the third or fourth week and I'm planning on using an og bottle of erase i've had laying around, and ordering an og anabeta extending this stack an additional four Weeks.

My muscles are stupidly full and I am ravenous. I could destroy the whole kitchen and I just ate to maximum capacity one and a half hours ago..
Seems like you are having great results. I love the muscle fullness from Anabeta (or elite). Keep it up bro.


Well-known member
You should've said, "yeah? You should see my D1CK!"
Seems like you are having great results. I love the muscle fullness from Anabeta (or elite). Keep it up bro.
Thanks guys, people have been telling me I am getting huge (I attest most of this to change in diet /eating a TON more) which, infact, the hunger from Anabeta has definitely made me increase my calories


Well-known member
Thanks guys, people have been telling me I am getting huge (I attest most of this to change in diet /eating a TON more) which, infact, the hunger from Anabeta has definitely made me increase my calories
Def killing it bro! I can't imagine the hunger that comes with the Anabeta and Mary Jane combo! Can't stand that ****. It's obviously helping you grow though. Keep killing it bro, glad to hear the boobs are in the mend



Well-known member
Def killing it bro! I can't imagine the hunger that comes with the Anabeta and Mary Jane combo! Can't stand that ****. It's obviously helping you grow though. Keep killing it bro, glad to hear the boobs are in the mend

Thanks bean! I don't notice hunger from mj too much cause i've been steadily using it since I was 18. That's why I can attest to most of the hunger being from abe

Also nips have a little puff to them nothing major I smoked yesterday but haven't today..

I think at this point I'm just too fat to tell, lol


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Hunger is relatively normal and controllable on off days I've noticed.. It might have something to do with the fact that i'm at work and not hardly moving around at all.
Nips still slightly puffy, still haven't smoked.. Beginning to think it's something else.

Also one thing I've noticed is if i'm cold my nips are smaller than ever and the only time they puff out is if I'm warm and toasty..
Can anyone in here comment on this?

Also I really don't think it's pot causing the puffiness, my nips have been puffy the last two days and I haven't even been smoking for those days.


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Trained some legs yesterday, chest today. Everything was going really well I felt good and strong for squats, but my technique just wasn't where it's supposed to be, resulting in my first few sets being cut two reps short. Did some SSB again, working up in weight 275 x3,295 x3,305 x3,
Each set I had four chains a side, roughly eighty pounds extra weight at the top, all chains were either off the ground or one link touching.
Then hex bar deads really focusing on the quads, no hip drive. 3x12 each set super set with extension drop sets.
Four sets ghr 8 rep last two super set with curls..

Chest today I was feeling great and strong, no tweaks at all everything firing great.
Seated rear delt 5x20 20#
Flat twist press 4x15 40#
Fat man row 3x10 45# plate on chest
Incline DB press pyramiding up in weight 6x6 70,80,85x3,80
I used a black monster mini for this, one in each hand looped under the bench for that peak contraction
slight incline db press 3x20 50#
Two chain incline flies 3x10
finished with two sets bandell bar, 30#kb hanging per side two sets thirty reps.

I was very impressed with how tight I was here, the bar barely shook at all

finished with three sts of power cage press 3x10
Five sts seated DB lateralx15

I noticed by the time I was doing these presses my Delts were fried, I had a hard time doing 95lb..

Also tomorrow is my last day on the stack but I ended up buying Anabeta og and will stack it with og erase so I will weigh in, get my body fat tested, and then use the above og counterparts for the next four Weeks


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Great update ace. So you will be continuing this log for another 4 weeks? I'm running erase/Anabeta right now but am starting ABE next week. We are flip floppin I guess!


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Great update ace. So you will be continuing this log for another 4 weeks? I'm running erase/Anabeta right now but am starting ABE next week. We are flip floppin I guess!
Nice update ace! I have no idea on the nips the only way to tell would be to get bloods I guess. Glad to here you're extending your log bro. Anabeta/ABE is hands down my fav natty supp out. Ill always be a PES customer just for that!

Thanks fellas, i'm planning on updating in this log for the next four Weeks

Also, on the nips, I have no freaking clue. They were big yesterday, tiney today, until now they look a little bigger, not like yesterday though.. It's so off and on it makes me think i'm just fat is all


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I really need to get a SSB. I used one once at some hole in the wall gym but only just the bar didn't get to load it (I was there to buy equipment saw the bar and asked if I could use it lol).

What do you do your fat man pull ups with?


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Great update ace. So you will be continuing this log for another 4 weeks? I'm running erase/Anabeta right now but am starting ABE next week. We are flip floppin I guess!
Just curious as to your thoughts behind going with AB instead of ABE from the get go. I know ABE is something you have to cycle so didn't know if you were alternating it with something else.


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I really need to get a SSB. I used one once at some hole in the wall gym but only just the bar didn't get to load it (I was there to buy equipment saw the bar and asked if I could use it lol).

What do you do your fat man pull ups with?
Bolt, I usually set a barbell in the j hooks in the power rack and put my feet on the squat box, as long as no ones squatting I row my chest up to the bar, to the middle of my chest. I keep my elbows at 90· from my body, really squeezing the upper back.. Quality movement there.

Just curious as to your thoughts behind going with AB instead of ABE from the get go. I know ABE is something you have to cycle so didn't know if you were alternating it with something else.
I just bought Anabeta og because it's cheaper and I wanted to extend the run another four Weeks. There are definite advantages to the elite formula, I just wanted to try the og, been a long time since I used it.

And no i'm not alternating anything m8 just moving to the og formulas for another month.

Hit some arms today, REAL fast, about thirty minutes with a light warmup.
Did six sets of Swiss barbell hammer curls ss with six sets Swiss skulls.
last three sets I would super set inside grip with outside grip. (or middle to outside, final set all three grips)
Finished with four sets of incline DB curl ss high pulley press down.
All were drop sets.

My pump was retarted, and also, I felt pretty damn strong especially for How quick I was moving


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My appetite is ridiculous. I am hungry so soon after eating..
Even after I eat a regular amount of food I barely even feel like I just ate..
I can always eat more with this stack, retarted..

Also I did a low carb day Friday I dried out quite intensely.. No joint pain but just noticing I look real lean, even though i'm actually fatter than I like to be.

I was planning on a low carb day today too but I just couldn't do it.. Been eating, not allot compared to a high day but allot for a work day..
I finished eating ten minutes ago. I can't even tell I just ate

Also another note i'm looking pretty swollen and beefy, especially after low carbin Friday. Muscles seem to have extra water and glycogen inn them, looking SWOLL

A few things I haven't mentioned are libido is up, and I am sleeping very well, seems like i'm having vivid dreams more often


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It is hard to do but when eating lowered CHO with ABE/AB I do still feel incredible muscle fullness. With added CHO it can get ridiculous.

I was just wondering if you used any straps (TRX, Blast straps) for your fat man rows. I like to rotate between a bar, fat bar, and my rings when doing them. They are a staple exercise for me. :thumbsup:


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It is hard to do but when eating lowered CHO with ABE/AB I do still feel incredible muscle fullness. With added CHO it can get ridiculous.

I was just wondering if you used any straps (TRX, Blast straps) for your fat man rows. I like to rotate between a bar, fat bar, and my rings when doing them. They are a staple exercise for me. :thumbsup:
I've tried them with blast straps before, but I didn't really like it. I just couldn't get that same upper back contraction..
Big upper back = one badass mofo

Anywho i've found when I take Anabeta before bed I wake up stupid hungry..


New member
Hi guys. Just posting from Melbourne, Australia and as of today have just ordered Anabeta Elite and Erase Pro......along with a swag of USP products including Prime, AP, C-20, Powerfull, Agmatine and Super Cissus. So together with Jack3d, TEST, Modern BCAA and Versa-1 I'm hoping to see some "reasonable" results.

Will keep u informed and great to be here and following this killer thread.


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Hi guys. Just posting from Melbourne, Australia and as of today have just ordered Anabeta Elite and Erase Pro......along with a swag of USP products including Prime, AP, C-20, Powerfull, Agmatine and Super Cissus. So together with Jack3d, TEST, Modern BCAA and Versa-1 I'm hoping to see some "reasonable" results.

Will keep u informed and great to be here and following this killer thread.
I know you :). Good to see you went with ABE/EP. Awesome pickup overall bud.


Well-known member
Hi guys. Just posting from Melbourne, Australia and as of today have just ordered Anabeta Elite and Erase Pro......along with a swag of USP products including Prime, AP, C-20, Powerfull, Agmatine and Super Cissus. So together with Jack3d, TEST, Modern BCAA and Versa-1 I'm hoping to see some "reasonable" results.

Will keep u informed and great to be here and following this killer thread.
Thanks for joining bro you'll love your stack. How will you be stacking these products?

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