Search results

  1. Test, TDtrest, designers and var - 16 weeks

    Hello, Nothing new to myself or this forum but I will be logging this cycle to keep myself accountable. Might add a little bit to the logs on the topic of combining tdtrest and test. I have been cycling for about 6y ears, i wont be using any new compounds. Upped the doses a tiny bit and 2...
  2. Looking for cutting cycle ideas instead of repeating same stuff

    Hi all, Ive been cycling for over 5 years now, started with ph/ds, lately been running test e/var/msten and the likes but obviously the results have diminished from repeating that. If im being honest, none of the old school stuff even comes close to the drastic body transformation i...
  3. 19-nor derivative long term metabolite effects

    Hi All, Disclaimer. There's humble admitting of lack of knowledge in this thread. I have been plunged into research for at least 20 hours now. Started with a discussion with friends about running TNT, researching potency/less well known sides, to even looking at potential sides of previous...
  4. Peptide Aliquot Size

    Hey guys, Looking at research peptides. Information on the website is super minimal for obvious reasons other than for research not human use. Anyway the only information on there is "aliquot size: 5mg" and nothing else. Its freeze dried powder in a vial. Am I to assume the vial has a TOTAL of...
  5. Semaglutide Interesting stuff. Has anyone come across this on the darker market? Opinions?
  6. Trigger thumb - winstrol

    Hi all, I did 6 weeks of winstrol. Long story short this was a horrible idea as it crippled all my joints where i couldnt even lift 50%. At some point in this i developed trigger thumb in my thumb joints. Has anyone ever dealt with this? I know winny is bad on joints but im starting week 4 of...
  7. Winstrol shortness of breath?

    Entering week 7 of a cycle almost identical to a previous one. Added winstrol 50mg daily yesterday. My breathing is loud and im short of breath. Apparently i snore a lot too. I guess you could say i sound like an obese asthmatic from just tying my shoes or walking to the bathroom.... Anyone...
  8. How dramatic can weight gain be before you worry?

    I am on day 8 of 40mg m1a, 100mg wk test e and 50mg td trest and ive been up 15-17 pounds for 3 days now. I cant really see it in the mirror other than shoulders and arms and my nipples feel fine. I took .5 adex on day 3 and day 6. .25 caber same days. Kind of curious to see if others ever...
  9. What are your calories/macros on cycle for a lean bulk/recomp?

    Just wondering whats worked for you guys. The max without gaining significant fat. I was told 2400 for recomp by a pro. Double checking with the community. Bro science always seems to be a step ahead when it comes to this.
  10. TD Trest & other DS 12 week recomp

    Hey guys, After consulting with many guys on here I decided on my spring recomp (Slight calorie surplus but keeping the cardio). I am currently 6ft, 215lbs, 16% bf. 1100lbs big 3. Been cycling for a few years now but this will be my first time using Trest, Caber, HCG and 11KT. It will also be...
  11. HCG question

    I am planning to run a 12 week TD Trest cycle with a couple DS this spring. Finally decided after exchanging PMs with 3 knowledgeable guys on here. I got 20x .5mg caber pills, asin, adex, nolva for pct. Edit: bonus question - do you all keep caber in case of a flare up or use it like e3d? This...
  12. HCG question

    I am planning to run a 12 week TD Trest cycle with a couple DS this spring. Finally decided after exchanging PMs with 3 knowledgeable guys on here. I got 20x .5mg caber pills, asin, adex, nolva for pct. Edit: bonus question - do you all keep caber in case of a flare up or use it like e3d? This...
  13. Thoughts on this rice?

    So i just discovered you can buy this instant rice stuff. It honestly tastes like fucking heaven compared to the plain white basmati i normally eat.... package claims to be healthy and nutritional facts look legit... Thoughts on replacing plain home cooked rice by this stuff? I dont care that...
  14. How much cardio?

    How much cardio do you guys do during pct? Just coming off a var cut. 30 to 60mins daily on arc, threadmill, stairs. I know i gotta tune it down. Maybe 10-20mins every day or other day?
  15. How much cardio?

    How much cardio do you guys do during pct? Just coming off a var cut. 30 to 60mins daily on arc, threadmill, stairs. I know i gotta tune it down. Maybe 10-20mins every day or other day?
  16. Unanswered M1A experience?

    I am currently running fusions alpha one at 40mg day 6 (m1a) and im feeling overwhelmed by every dose I take. My mind is just... wrong. Cant focus. Irritable. And that feeling of constant discomfort. I have never had any issues with strong anabolics. Maybe the time i went a few days at 2.25ml...
  17. Answered Value of Natty supps on anabolics

    Do you bother/spend money on natural supplements when on an anabolic cycle? Im not talking about whey, pwo or creatine. Mainly optional stuff like T2, Laxo, GDA's, CLA, etc. I am mainly curious about T2 and GDA's since as far as I know anabolics help with nutrient partitioning and metabolism...
  18. Unanswered Glycolog alternative

    Any suggestions for a cheaper and higher dosed nutrient partitioner of the sorts?
  19. Unanswered Another boring cycle question - or rather a request for opinions

    Hey guys, I have been brainstorming ideas on how to use my stash of Phs/Steroids for my fall cutting cycle. I don't overly want to buy too much more, just trying to make the most of what I got without breaking the bank more than paying off my mortgage early did. First of all, yes I have SERMs...
  20. Unanswered In a pickle - Advice needed

    Hey guys, Im in a little bit of a pickle. Just spontaneously booked a trip to Miami beach from May 4th to 12th. I have been on a 4ad/nano1t/nanodrol cycle and was due to end it may 10th. At first I thought whatever I will just end it on may 3rd a week early. But now I am thinking that starting...