How to "pulse" orals



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Yeah, Im up about 13 lbs but now I am cutting, so... I am noticeably bigger and leaner... and stronger. Epi is nice. I don't seem to get any of the sides from it that I usually get with methyls (lethargy, high Bp, anxiety)
What's your dosing like, and when do you lift?


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Ok, leggo do you understand the theory behind why androgenic compounds are better for pre-workout?

They provide that drive you expirence, aggression.
The second reason is that the more androgenic the compound, the more prone it seems to induce shut down.
Taking it first, and a more anabolic compound some time later (which wouold be closer to when you go to sleep) is supposed to delay shutdown.

ALSO- please note that you do not need to take 2 different compounds.. you can just take more of the one.

Also,.. Taking the more androgenic compound stuff really comes into play MORE so when your taking say... well, somethign Much more androgenic.
superdrol and PP are both low in that department, epi is (on the books) more androgenic then both SD and PP.
There are pulses of Just SD and just PP. So this shouldn't really be of any concern.
If you were taking M5AA ,or Ergomax LMG, then you would definately want to take that first.


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When stacking PP and superdrol (pulsed) is it better to use the PP pre-workout or the superdrol?

I read that Dr. D recommends the more androgenic for pre-workout and the more anabolic for post-workout, but both seems to be anabolic.

Some people seems to prefer PP for pre and SD for post, but from what I read PP give more size and SD give more strength, so shouldn't SD be pre-workout to boost gym performance and PP for post-workout to enhance recovery and growth?

I'm confused and I can't make up my mind which protocol would be the best.
i would hit phera preworkout,and superdrol post..
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They provide that drive you expirence, aggression.
The second reason is that the more androgenic the compound, the more prone it seems to induce shut down.
Taking it first, and a more anabolic compound some time later (which wouold be closer to when you go to sleep) is supposed to delay shutdown.

ALSO- please note that you do not need to take 2 different compounds.. you can just take more of the one.

Also,.. Taking the more androgenic compound stuff really comes into play MORE so when your taking say... well, somethign Much more androgenic.
superdrol and PP are both low in that department, epi is (on the books) more androgenic then both superdrol and PP.
There are pulses of Just SD and just PP. So this shouldn't really be of any concern.
If you were taking M5AA ,or Ergomax LMG, then you would definately want to take that first.
Leggo my Ego

Leggo my Ego

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What's your dosing like, and when do you lift?
I try to lift in the early day (before 3pm) but it doesn't always work out that way. Right now, I am dosing 20mg Epi and 50mg Max lmg preworkout, 20mg Epi and 50 Max lmg Postworkout and 50 max lmg 3 hours after postworkout dose. Seems to be working, although I haven't worked out since sunday (tweeked my neck a little doing BB rows).


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I found superdrol to have more CNS stim to it, so I'd take it first since I work out evenings...And, I sleep like a baby on PP,.. so the choice FOR ME is obvious. However, I would say that it wouldn't really matter.
Depending on the amount, you could just take 10mg of each before and 10mg each after and not worry about it.

Also,.. since this is a pulse, do it with PP one day, and SD the next. See if there is a difference for you.
I agree I did a pulse for about a month and a half of SD then PP switching it around for one week noticing the SD at 30 mg made it harder to fall asleep since I also w/o at night. Still have all of my gains and then some without any pct required and no noticeable shutdown. Getting ready for another Pulse in Sept. Right now I am nursing a wakeboarding injury to my left forearm...D@mned watersports!


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I found superdrol to have more CNS stim to it, so I'd take it first since I work out evenings...And, I sleep like a baby on PP,.. so the choice FOR ME is obvious. However, I would say that it wouldn't really matter.
Depending on the amount, you could just take 10mg of each before and 10mg each after and not worry about it.

Also,.. since this is a pulse, do it with PP one day, and SD the next. See if there is a difference for you.
They provide that drive you expirence, aggression.
The second reason is that the more androgenic the compound, the more prone it seems to induce shut down.
Taking it first, and a more anabolic compound some time later (which wouold be closer to when you go to sleep) is supposed to delay shutdown.

ALSO- please note that you do not need to take 2 different compounds.. you can just take more of the one.

Also,.. Taking the more androgenic compound stuff really comes into play MORE so when your taking say... well, somethign Much more androgenic.
superdrol and PP are both low in that department, epi is (on the books) more androgenic then both superdrol and PP.
There are pulses of Just SD and just PP. So this shouldn't really be of any concern.
If you were taking M5AA ,or Ergomax LMG, then you would definately want to take that first.
i would hit phera preworkout,and superdrol post..
I agree I did a pulse for about a month and a half of superdrol then PP switching it around for one week noticing the SD at 30 mg made it harder to fall asleep since I also w/o at night. Still have all of my gains and then some without any post cycle therapy required and no noticeable shutdown. Getting ready for another Pulse in Sept. Right now I am nursing a wakeboarding injury to my left forearm...D@mned watersports!
Thanks for the input guys!

I think I have to play around with the dosing to see which one will suit me best.


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For the past 2 weeks I have been using the Pulse protocol for dosing on a Havoc cycle. For some reason I can't dose above 10mg without my day off being nasty. (heavy sweat, body-temp changes ect).
I dosed up to 30 too quickly and these symptoms came on, so I took it back down to 10mg for a few days and then dosed 20mg around the beginning of week 2 getting the same symptoms.
My questions are: First, is it even useful dosing at 10mg using pulse protocol? Second, Should I switch to a regular ED dose, or should I just continue on as schedule and move up to 20mg if I can?
(already posted this, but figured this would be a better location)


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I just did my blood test today for baseline reference before I start my pulse cycle next week.

I have a question when is the best time to take the next blood test?

1. Right after finishing the pulse?
2. Right after PCT?
3. 1 month after PCT?
4. 2 month after PCT?

P.S. The reason I do PCT is just for extra insurance even though pulse cycle does not need PCT, I'm gonna do it anyway for short period of time maybe betweeen 2 to 3 weeks using low dose of Nolva (30/20/10).


Add in something else to your pulse (Hdrol, PP, etc) and see if that eleviates your symptoms. 10 mg Epi is too low to give much gains IMO. Tha'ts the beauty of pulsing, you can get around the bad sides of one thing by adding another without dinging your liver too much.


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I just did my blood test today for baseline reference before I start my pulse cycle next week.

I have a question when is the best time to take the next blood test?

1. Right after finishing the pulse?
2. Right after post cycle therapy?
3. 1 month after PCT?
4. 2 month after PCT?

P.S. The reason I do PCT is just for extra insurance even though pulse cycle does not need PCT, I'm gonna do it anyway for short period of time maybe betweeen 2 to 3 weeks using low dose of Nolva (30/20/10).

good question. Im doing mine about a week after PCT ends. Just becuase Im eager to know what my bloodwork shows. when does everyone else usually get it done>?


I just did my blood test today for baseline reference before I start my pulse cycle next week.

I have a question when is the best time to take the next blood test?

1. Right after finishing the pulse?
2. Right after post cycle therapy?
3. 1 month after PCT?
4. 2 month after PCT?

P.S. The reason I do PCT is just for extra insurance even though pulse cycle does not need PCT, I'm gonna do it anyway for short period of time maybe betweeen 2 to 3 weeks using low dose of Nolva (30/20/10).
How long is your planned pulse? I did mine 5 weeks into an 8 weeker and decided to cut my pulse short since my LDL was real high and I'm an old fart. You shoud do it at or near the end so you can make more educated decisions on PCT and correct any problems that may have arisen.


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How long is your planned pulse? I did mine 5 weeks into an 8 weeker and decided to cut my pulse short since my LDL was real high and I'm an old fart. You shoud do it at or near the end so you can make more educated decisions on post cycle therapy and correct any problems that may have arisen.
How old?


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good question. Im doing mine about a week after post cycle therapy ends. Just becuase Im eager to know what my bloodwork shows. when does everyone else usually get it done>?
This something I have been wondering as well. So please someone with the knowledge let us know!

Much Love,

<3 Neoborn <3


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I just did my blood test today for baseline reference before I start my pulse cycle next week.

I have a question when is the best time to take the next blood test?

1. Right after finishing the pulse?
2. Right after post cycle therapy?
3. 1 month after post cycle therapy?
4. 2 month after PCT?

P.S. The reason I do PCT is just for extra insurance even though pulse cycle does not need PCT, I'm gonna do it anyway for short period of time maybe betweeen 2 to 3 weeks using low dose of Nolva (30/20/10).
Gettign it done 6 weeks into pulsing would give you the effects of the pulse, and let you know what areas you would want to concentrate on for PCT. You may also find you don't need what you think you do, or that you need to more...

IT's a good idea to take a week off at 5 weeks IMO. Just help you return to baseline, and thus finish week 8 in better condition.

The week you take off, bloodwork donwe in the middle of the week (with at least 2 days off/not pulsing would provide the most accurate results- as all the elevation from your "Bounce" won't skew the results.


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good question. Im doing mine about a week after post cycle therapy ends. Just becuase Im eager to know what my bloodwork shows. when does everyone else usually get it done>?
Ah okay.

How long is your planned pulse? I did mine 5 weeks into an 8 weeker and decided to cut my pulse short since my LDL was real high and I'm an old fart. You shoud do it at or near the end so you can make more educated decisions on post cycle therapy and correct any problems that may have arisen.
I plan an 8 weeker bro, more like 60 days actually.

Gettign it done 6 weeks into pulsing would give you the effects of the pulse, and let you know what areas you would want to concentrate on for post cycle therapy. You may also find you don't need what you think you do, or that you need to more...

IT's a good idea to take a week off at 5 weeks IMO. Just help you return to baseline, and thus finish week 8 in better condition.

The week you take off, bloodwork donwe in the middle of the week (with at least 2 days off/not pulsing would provide the most accurate results- as all the elevation from your "Bounce" won't skew the results.
Ok, I have several questions, say for example I stop at the 5th week:

1. If I'm taking AI during Off-Days do I have stop that as well before I take my blood test?

2. Will I lose any kind of gain by doing that? From what I know, it will take at least 3 weeks for the Epi to kick in and get into the "groove", if I stop at the 5th week then its like I have to restart from the beginning again. Will this cause a lot of loss in potential gains?

3. Any risk of gyno occuring at week 5?

4. Do I have to take another blood test after the 8th week ended or should I do it right after post cycle therapy or couple of weeks after post cycle therapy?


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Ok, I have several questions, say for example I stop at the 5th week:

1. If I'm taking AI during Off-Days do I have stop that as well before I take my blood test? You can continue to take your AI, as yo uwould be doing that to keep your natty test high. It would reflect more accurately your internal state durring the 8 weeks

2. Will I lose any kind of gain by doing that? From what I know, it will take at least 3 weeks for the Epi to kick in and get into the "groove", if I stop at the 5th week then its like I have to restart from the beginning again. Will this cause a lot of loss in potential gains? NO. You shouldn't. The idea behind a pulse cycle is you limit shut down to a minimum. Your not loosing mass on your OFF days, why would you loose it durring the week off? The loss of gains comes from cortisol,low test,(basicly shutdown).... the pulse methoed is supposed to reduce that anyways.

3. Any risk of gyno occuring at week 5? Always a risk. But since your taking an AI you shouldn't have that much estrogen floating around anyways.. PLUS, Epi has been shhown to reduce gyno. IF you were continuously ON however, and you stopped taking steroids, your body would ramp up test and estrogen.. becasue your body wouldnt be making its own. Thats where a lot of the risk comes from, excess estrogen (If that is new to you, I advise you do some serious research before you do anything like this... Hopefully, you DO know your about to take a real steroid right?)

4. Do I have to take another blood test after the 8th week ended or should I do it right after post cycle therapy or couple of weeks after post cycle therapy? I would hope that you would get a test around week 5 or so. If you can afford another, feel free to do so. Assuming you get the one at week 5ish, your other one would be after PCT.

I also want to point out, that Epi does NOT take like 3 weeks to kick in.. Read some of the logs on here,.. there are also many pulsing logs using Epi on this board... Some have shown gains durring the first week.
Also, .. Rep the good Doc for this thread if you havent already. He is probably keeping more people out of the news then he realizes :thumbsup:


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Thanks for the advice, I'll give that a try. :thumbsup:

Haha! Yes the good doc seems to be extremely busy at the moment, I bombard him with a lot of question from different forums, he did answer some of my questions at the ibeforums, he's really helpful for sure.

I would rep you again as well flossy, but I haven't share it around enough, sorry.

(If that is new to you, I advise you do some serious research before you do anything like this... Hopefully, you DO know your about to take a real steroid right?)[/B]
Oh yes, about that, I perfectly understand that this designer steroids are no different than regular anabolic steroids, it's just that I was unsure with the difference in side effects using this pulsing method compared to conventional cycle, because even though it is suppose to be less, but since I have no experience with it, I can't be too careful.

Thanks for looking out though.


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Add in something else to your pulse (Hdrol, PP, etc) and see if that eleviates your symptoms. 10 mg Epi is too low to give much gains IMO. Tha'ts the beauty of pulsing, you can get around the bad sides of one thing by adding another without dinging your liver too much.
Which do you think would be better to pulse w/ the Epi/Havoc. I feel like my symptoms might be due to the epi killing my estrogen, so maybe a wetter compound in the mix? The PP in that case sounds pretty good. Anyone else have some opinions?


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For both the posters (with the Powder, and the JW)...

Run them all the way through, and at least a week after your done pulsing.

You CAN vary the dosing if your looking to streatch things.
thanks for the advice bro


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anyone used Bold 200 in a pulse?
I don't think it's necessary to pulse Bold, it is quite mild and it takes a while to kick in even with regular dosing.

One of the rep told me you could even go up to 12 weeks with regular dosing, so I don't see the need to pulse it, it is not methylated as well.

After finishing several cycles, I'm keen to try Bold as a base (taken normally) and add a methyl compound (pulsed) on workout days. I'm not sure if that will cause shutdown or not, so preparing blood work (before and after) and a full post cycle therapy just in case would be a good idea.


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Anyone else have an opinion on what to add to a Havoc pulse?

to update on situation: I'm not able to dose above 10mg without having bad off-days. Was thinking it might be due to estro bein killed. any opinions appreciated


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to update on situation: I'm not able to dose above 10mg without having bad off-days. Was thinking it might be due to estro bein killed. any opinions appreciated
Maybe you're not in a perfect condition to begin a cycle. Did you get any blood work done (hormone panel, lipid, etc, etc) that shows you're fit to run havoc?


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Anyone else have an opinion on what to add to a Havoc pulse?

to update on situation: I'm not able to dose above 10mg without having bad off-days. Was thinking it might be due to estro bein killed. any opinions appreciated
Describe these "bad OFF days" for me..

You should be getting an estrogen rebound in there as well, so if your feeling bad on the off days, it is possible it is casued by another factor.
Also,.. I dont even see how 10mg could even casue anything,.. let along something negative. Have you ever used an AI before?

Phera might be what you'd want to add. I really do not think it matters. Although, Phera might give u added estro issues, since it seems to slightly aromatize... "seems".

SD could be used.. Anything could be used really.
Depends on what you can get or already have.
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I can't dose ABOVE 10mg without the side effects. 10mg is fine. Off days are heavy sweats, body-temp changes, headaches (prone to these though, and I've had them my whole life). I've tried low dosing some 6-oxo on off days without any help.
I am close to the end of my second week so I might try 20mg again in a couple days.


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What do you guys think about pulsing clen? With benadryl/ketofin you could maybe extend your clen cycle 4wks? 6wks?


46, I know that's not ancient, if I were still in my 20's I would have continued my pulse to 8 weks and bumped up the Epi to 60 mgs. I just can't justify messing with my cardiovascular health for a little more muscle gain, particularly since my doctor was concerned about it and my elevated blood pressure. I've been weight training since I was 10, so I've tried a "supplement" or two and I think pulsing is the way to go if you're concerned about long term health.


Anyone else have an opinion on what to add to a Havoc pulse?

to update on situation: I'm not able to dose above 10mg without having bad off-days. Was thinking it might be due to estro bein killed. any opinions appreciated
I get headaches from anti estrogens like Epi, but when I started taking Cytolean, it cured this( i don't know why). Epi could cause dopamine levels to crash which effect some more than others. Maybe Powerfull would help this. Cytolean or PEA should affect serotonin levels, so I don't know what's going on but I think it could be a neurotransmitter problem.


What do you think about ... say 10mg of nolva on 'off' days during an extended (12+ weeks) of a pulse (whatever substance)?


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I can't dose ABOVE 10mg without the side effects. 10mg is fine. Off days are heavy sweats, body-temp changes, headaches (prone to these though, and I've had them my whole life). I've tried low dosing some 6-oxo on off days without any help.
I am close to the end of my second week so I might try 20mg again in a couple days.
All those sound like estrogen related issues. Look at some Hawthorn berry for blood preasure, and have you tried taking ACTUAL doses of ATD, as opposed to lowd osing it?

Check out the post cycle therapy section for some information regarding estro management (since that's somewhat of a reoccuring theme in there :nutkick: )

Edit: It's not from Estro being klilled, as it sounds like your rebounding, you will have a slightly higher estrogen level...
And when you take it, you probably have some aromatse resulting from the added anabolic (your 10mg), or an increase in LH leading to an extra production of estro, ..
U should try to take the AI continously. Or When you dose your epi, and one before bed maybe.
I think that taking it the same time as your dose will help a LOT (normal dose)


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What do you think about ... say 10mg of nolva on 'off' days during an extended (12+ weeks) of a pulse (whatever substance)?
I would not recoment a 12 weeker,.. but I have used Nolva towards the end of my pulse cycle..
I tried many different compounds, so I used Nolva "as needed" many times..


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What do you guys think about pulsing clen? With benadryl/ketofin you could maybe extend your clen cycle 4wks? 6wks?
No need to use Ketofin if pulsing clen.
It really only makes the clen less effective.. when you could jsut use less clen :lol:

It's "pulsed" anyways for the most part. 2 on, 2 off.
If you need more, change your diet


Well here's my logic...I'm pulsing (testanate 50) 3X per week for 8 weeks (I'm on week seven now). If I stop now, that is a total of 24 days 'on'.

What I'd like to do is quit with the T50 and finish up my cycle with four weeks pulsing Epistane (maybe even 4X per week...Mon, Tues, Thurs, Fri) taking 10mg of nolva on my off days.

If I do that, that is only a total of 36 'on' days and I get to "dry" up my gains (the T50 has given me some GREAT gains..but I'm retaining water).

That would be my last cycle of the year (yeah, yeah, ... we've ALL said THAT before)

Anyways...what do you think about that, Floss?


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Well here's my logic...I'm pulsing (testanate 50) 3X per week for 8 weeks (I'm on week seven now). If I stop now, that is a total of 24 days 'on'.

What I'd like to do is quit with the T50 and finish up my cycle with four weeks pulsing Epistane (maybe even 4X per week...Mon, Tues, Thurs, Fri) taking 10mg of nolva on my off days.

If I do that, that is only a total of 36 'on' days and I get to "dry" up my gains (the T50 has given me some GREAT gains..but I'm retaining water).

That would be my last cycle of the year (yeah, yeah, ... we've ALL said THAT before)

Anyways...what do you think about that, Floss?
Dude,.. you reported some shrinkage... I'd advise a week off first.

Actually, I would have advised a week off at about 4-5 weeks anyways (which, in theory, would NOT be detrimental, plus it would actually add more test to your pulse if your suppressed some- which you probably are to a small degree).

Take the week off for sure.

Anyways,.. continue taking your AI/nolva whatever you have durring your week off.

Then switch to taking your 30mg Epi for,.... well,.. I would guess either until you start to feel the supression, or you get tired of it :p

Honestly, I use my di*k as my guage in these things :lol:
Once I STOP getting that Libido support, I know I've traded my natty test for the androgen I'm taking, par for course.
(This could mean nothing in reality, but whatever it actually is, is something I don't like, and my harem would go all to hell :icon_lol: )

Heres' an Idea :think: ....
(not really directed at you, but... Ive been thinking about it)
In pulse fassion, take 30mg epi daily, but all in one dose 1 hour before lifting. for 15-25 days straight,..
I am hoping / Thinking that given it's LH raising / anti-e qualities, you could delay any detramental suppression, while being able to keep gaining daily, and less time under screwing with hormons over the long run)

Spreading the dose would lead to an inevitable degree of suppression at SOME point,..


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Heres' an Idea :think: ....
(not really directed at you, but... Ive been thinking about it)
In pulse fassion, take 30mg epi daily, but all in one dose 1 hour before lifting. for 15-25 days straight,..
I am hoping / Thinking that given it's LH raising / anti-e qualities, you could delay any detramental suppression, while being able to keep gaining daily, and less time under screwing with hormons over the long run)

Spreading the dose would lead to an inevitable degree of suppression at SOME point,..
What do you mean by 15-25 days straight? As in taken ED? Or Pulse it for 25 days?

That sounds interesting, I've also been thinking of taking just everything pre-workout, it even shortens the clearance time like you said, compared to spreading it out more evenly. Would that be too heavy for the liver to process at one time though?


Dude,.. you reported some shrinkage... I'd advise a week off first.

Actually, I would have advised a week off at about 4-5 weeks anyways (which, in theory, would NOT be detrimental, plus it would actually add more test to your pulse if your suppressed some- which you probably are to a small degree).

Take the week off for sure.

Anyways,.. continue taking your AI/nolva whatever you have durring your week off.

Then switch to taking your 30mg Epi for,.... well,.. I would guess either until you start to feel the supression, or you get tired of it :p

Honestly, I use my di*k as my guage in these things :lol:
Once I STOP getting that Libido support, I know I've traded my natty test for the androgen I'm taking, par for course.
(This could mean nothing in reality, but whatever it actually is, is something I don't like, and my harem would go all to hell :icon_lol: )

Heres' an Idea :think: ....
(not really directed at you, but... Ive been thinking about it)
In pulse fassion, take 30mg epi daily, but all in one dose 1 hour before lifting. for 15-25 days straight,..
I am hoping / Thinking that given it's LH raising / anti-e qualities, you could delay any detramental suppression, while being able to keep gaining daily, and less time under screwing with hormons over the long run)

Spreading the dose would lead to an inevitable degree of suppression at SOME point,..
I am not 100% sure that I've had shrinkage man...I may just be being paranoid. My libido has leveled out...but it's normal (I'm still doin' plenty of humpin'). BUT...I think that I will finish my nolva/retain2 and take next week off of ALL supps. Maybe start the Epi/X-Lean August 1st.


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I am not 100% sure that I've had shrinkage man...I may just be being paranoid. My libido has leveled out...but it's normal (I'm still doin' plenty of humpin'). BUT...I think that I will finish my nolva/retain2 and take next week off of ALL supps. Maybe start the Epi/X-Lean August 1st.
I would think that your since your drive has leveled off, that would indicate supression, as your taking the same amount of compound.

The week off is to try to bring ya back to where you were when you started, or closer to it. The supression is going to accumulate anyways,.. so with no break, your supressed for longer periods of time...
Your bounce though should be better after the week, AND becasue your using Epi.

you had good gains though :head:


I would think that your since your drive has leveled off, that would indicate supression, as your taking the same amount of compound.

The week off is to try to bring ya back to where you were when you started, or closer to it. The supression is going to accumulate anyways,.. so with no break, your supressed for longer periods of time...
Your bounce though should be better after the week, AND becasue your using Epi.

you had good gains though :head:
Gotcha....and yeah, the gains were amazing. Before this cycle at MOST I could get 225 up five or six times (flat bench). Yesterday I did four sets of twelve with that!! (actually on my fourth set I only got seven of 'em out...but still)


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Gotcha....and yeah, the gains were amazing. Before this cycle at MOST I could get 225 up five or six times (flat bench). Yesterday I did four sets of twelve with that!! (actually on my fourth set I only got seven of 'em out...but still)
lol- What's sad, isI have neglected bench for so long,.. and been doing maybe 5-6 reps of heavyier sets,.. that 2 days ago I switched to a higher rep range, and I was only getting like 5 reps on 225 (and I did 4 sets of 225 too!!).. I hade to have a spot for reps 5-9/10 on all sets but the first:lol:

luckily, It should only take maybe 2 chest days to back into the higher rep ranges....


Hey Dr. D, great writeup!

Now I plan to do a cycle of Epidrol, pulsing MWF with 20mg pre/10mg post. I'll do 6 weeks.

This will be the first time I've done any sort of steroid, so I want to take it very easy and do it the safest way possible.

Now you mentioned there is really no need to take any liver support or do PCT with a pulse cycle.

However, I just want to be completely safe and maybe run a watered down PCT after my six weeks.

Having had no experience with this type of substance before, what would you recommend?

Would I be reasonably safe just pulsing Epidrol 3x a week without any other support supps? Would I be okay to not run a PCT afterwards?

Also, if I don't run PCT and start noticing gyno/depression/lower libido, etc, would start Nolva and Ebol a few days/maybe a week after my cycle reduce the effects of the PCT? I guess if I waited to see whether I was suppressed or not, and found out I was, then started PCT would it make much of a difference on my overall health and keeping my gains?

Thanks so much!


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Hey Dr. D, great writeup!

Now I plan to do a cycle of Epidrol, pulsing MWF with 20mg pre/10mg post. I'll do 6 weeks.
I would recommend you start with 10 / 20 / 30 / 40. So for the first day you can do 10mg then the next one 20mg and stick to that for a week listening to your body and see how you respond. Then up each week until 40mg. 40mg appears to be the sweet spot.

This will be the first time I've done any sort of steroid, so I want to take it very easy and do it the safest way possible.
As this is your first cycle the recommendation is the above, gradually increasing without getting into the higher doses if you don't have to, it's like Sprints ole slogan you want to get "the most for the least" amount of product.

Now you mentioned there is really no need to take any liver support or do post cycle therapy with a pulse cycle.
Yes though there is no harm if you want to add it and it would be beneficial to you. Make sure you get bloodwork done as this way you will know if there is any pre existing liver issues and so you can see what kind of toll this will take on your liver, if any. I cannot stress bloodwork enough...honestly.

However, I just want to be completely safe and maybe run a watered down PCT after my six weeks.
Sounds good to me, anyone else want to add to that?

Having had no experience with this type of substance before, what would you recommend?
You could go three ways: 1) Cycle Support 2)Liver Support 3)Advanced PCT All available at the Planet of Nutras

Would I be reasonably safe just pulsing Epidrol 3x a week without any other support supps? Would I be okay to not run a PCT afterwards?
Most likely, but again I cannot stress enough the importance of bloodwork so you know where you are starting from.

Also, if I don't run PCT and start noticing gyno/depression/lower libido, etc, would start Nolva and Ebol a few days/maybe a week after my cycle reduce the effects of the PCT? I guess if I waited to see whether I was suppressed or not, and found out I was, then started PCT would it make much of a difference on my overall health and keeping my gains?

There is no harm at all keeping nolva / preferably torimefene on hand just in case. Also I would do HyperdrolX2 or some kind of AI / Test Booster on your off days. See my signature for my running log for what I am going to do. As far as keeping your gains, apparently the consensus is that PCT is the most important part. So you can do a few things go from Epidrol into a Massfx / HyperdrolX2 cycle to keep your gains.

Also feel free to see the pulsing results thread from my signature this will give you an idea what others have done. If you have any questions PM Dr.D or others from the results thread for more help. Take care of yourself and your liver!

Thanks so much!
You're welcome :D :thumbsup:


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Great response Neoborn!!

I'd rep if it would let me.


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I second Neoborn's comment about starting at a lower dose. I made the mistake of jumping into my first ever cycle (Propadrol pulsed) at a higher dose and got major lethargy and a blood pressure induced headache that lasted like 5 days. I had to term. my pulse after a week.

So, ease into popping your cherry. Your body will thank you later.


Okay so after doing a lot of reading I've come up with this plan for myself. What do you guys think?


Week 1: 10---20----20
Week 2: 20---20----20
Week 3: 30---30----30
Week 4: 40---40----40
Week 5: 40---40----40
Week 6: 40---40----40

I'll take 100mg of 6oxo on the days that I don't use Epidrol.

I'm still trying to figure out what, if any post cycle therapy to do after this cycle, and for how long. What would you recommend, keeping in mind that price is an issue, and the cheaper the better haha. Thanks!

Oh and thanks for that very informative post Neoborn.


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In a pulse, you ALWAYS want to be taking an anabolic dose.

I do not think 10mg epi,.. or really 20 (depending on size) is an effective dose.
20mg at the VERY least, but I'd advise to start with 30.

The idea is you CAN take more then a normal daily dose, but, under dosing when not doing it consecuitivly is really doing nothing for you.


New member
In a pulse, you ALWAYS want to be taking an anabolic dose.

I do not think 10mg epi,.. or really 20 (depending on size) is an effective dose.
20mg at the VERY least, but I'd advise to start with 30.

The idea is you CAN take more then a normal daily dose, but, under dosing when not doing it consecuitivly is really doing nothing for you.
For what weight?


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Thanks Doc. What are your opinions on Ultra HOTter? Seems to be a methylated form of ATD. I can get hold of this or rebound XT. Which would you recommend?
They both work, but hurt libido in some users, that would be my chief concern I suppose.

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