How to "pulse" orals


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I have been using Alpha drive xl (3 caps per day) on my off days and ATD (25mg at night) a few times a week.

I have never used 6-OXO but I assume it is just like any other aromatase inhibitor~ Best when taken right before bed. I personally start my supplement and cycle regimens in a very conservative manner and adjust from there. I would start at 3-4 caps per day and judge from there whether to stay with that dose or to bump it.
I can say that with my current program I am not shut down at all, Balls are swinging low and I'm popping blue steelies even on my off days.

I think the program you posted earlier looks solid and well thought out
Thanks for the advice!


So im going on vacation for a week no working out and should be a good amnt of booze so should i pause my pulse (SD-Ergo) and take some trib etc to get my libido back all week? :bb3:


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Hey Doc, (or anyone that can help)

I have some Ergo 1-ad & 4-ad sitting around that I've been waiting to take. Just curious if they'd be good for the idea of pulsing. If so, what would you recommend for doseing.




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So im going on vacation for a week no working out and should be a good amnt of booze so should i pause my pulse (superdrol-Ergo) and take some trib etc to get my libido back all week? :bb3:
Why not just take that week off anabolics, and stick to the trib and AI...
This should help with bringing normal hormone levels back around some, ans the pulsing is more based AROUND the workouts...
So if your takign a week off from the gym, you have no workouts to pulse around. (Although tI do understand the wanting to try and prevent some of the damage you may bring upon yourself from the week of partying.. And Iwill admit that on a few occasions, I have poped 10mg SD late on a Saturday night.... this seemed to bring hangovers close to non existant, assuming you also eat a lil somethign and drink some water- although Ive opnly done this maybe twice)


Why not just take that week off anabolics, and stick to the trib and AI...
This should help with bringing normal hormone levels back around some, ans the pulsing is more based AROUND the workouts...
So if your takign a week off from the gym, you have no workouts to pulse around. (Although tI do understand the wanting to try and prevent some of the damage you may bring upon yourself from the week of partying.. And Iwill admit that on a few occasions, I have poped 10mg superdrol late on a Saturday night.... this seemed to bring hangovers close to non existant, assuming you also eat a lil somethign and drink some water- although Ive opnly done this maybe twice)
Yep more what I was thinking, just seeing if someone agreed with me to take the week off. My diet should still be good just addin booze to the mix. Holla Im gone for the week!:wave:


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Anythign can be pulsed. It would be no worse at moderate doses then anything else (minus maybe M1-T)

The compound for the most part is irrelivant, as far as dosing proceedures.
Just wanted to make sure it wasn't too "weak" like H-50 that was mentioned previously in the thread.



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Would it still be effective to only pulse 2x week? That is on top of cycling natural test boosters such as Hyperdrol or Diesel Test.

I’m really liking the concept nice steady slow gains with less toxicity and sides.
In addition to the question on 2x week pulsing while cycling test boosters. What about a 3day per week split but broken up as follows.


Thanks for any input,


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Just wanted to make sure it wasn't too "weak" like H-50 that was mentioned previously in the thread.

H-50 is just a more mild compound.. most orals will take about 2 weeks to kick in anyways..

ONE of the reasons pulsing is kinda "fun" is becasue you get to see results... yes, not as quick as on cycle, but aver the corse fo a few weeks....
H-50 is no different, except that is is generally not used becasue the advised time "P-cycling" is about 6-8 weeks,..
And gains with H-50 really start to be more steady around week 5

Now,.. I DO beleive that a pulse with H-50 , combined on a training day, with a lil added cardio would provide a nice summer recomp though.. more of a P/C cut, but going about your diet being consistant..
I just remember getting a more leaning effect with H-50, then anything else...
And I suppose a pulse cycle designed not specificly for cutting, but a compound added to preserve mass (maybe gainin) while leaning out could be done..

If I am rambeling, I appoligize.


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dr.d awesome thread and info wondering if you have
any suggestions on pulsing Halovar by Purus Labs a month supply, i believe its a Halodrol clone type. i workout out 4 days a week, its a 50mg pill any way to avoid shutdown with this and none over the counter post cycle therapy (if possible).

i also did a 20 day cylce of 11oxo which might or might have not slimmed me down and currently using 6oxo extreme for post cycle therapy which im not sure is even needed cause balls hung to the floor and my sex drive can't be any higher, cause if it was i should be locked up ;). i do understand i'd have to wait to start the halovar even though 11oxo is thought to be a mild ph but may be you could give me a dosing suggestion.


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dr.d awesome thread and info wondering if you have
any suggestions on pulsing Halovar by Purus Labs a month supply, i believe its a Halodrol clone type. i workout out 4 days a week, its a 50mg pill any way to avoid shutdown with this and none over the counter post cycle therapy (if possible).

i also did a 20 day cylce of 11oxo which might or might have not slimmed me down and currently using 6oxo extreme for post cycle therapy which im not sure is even needed cause balls hung to the floor and my sex drive can't be any higher, cause if it was i should be locked up ;). i do understand i'd have to wait to start the halovar even though 11oxo is thought to be a mild ph but may be you could give me a dosing suggestion.
lol- realy?

1 pill daily on workout days :fart:


See above post also on your choice for the pulse


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lol- realy?

1 pill daily on workout days :fart:


See above post also on your choice for the pulse
wasn't the post above regarding the fake stuff that gaspari sells but has a similar name to the pro hormone?


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wasn't the post above regarding the fake stuff that gaspari sells but has a similar name to the pro hormone?
H-50 clone means a copy of H-50 = Halodrol
Both HAlodrol, and what ever clone you buy is suposed to be oral Turnabol

the might have traces of DMT in the original batch,.. but that shouldn't make any difference really.

The only people that are making anything about "original Halodrol" are those who have supply left and want to sell it for over $100


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and the above post was MY post :p
It addressed using that compound for pulsing.

I do not see where any "fake" was mentioned.. although, If I did miss that,.. I blame it on bad genetics:icon_lol:


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Would it still be effective to only pulse 2x week? That is on top of cycling natural test boosters such as Hyperdrol or Diesel Test.

I’m really liking the concept nice steady slow gains with less toxicity and sides.
In addition to the question on 2x week pulsing while cycling test boosters. What about a 3day per week split but broken up as follows.


Thanks for any input,

I REALLY like the 2 on, 2 off, 1 on approach.
I allows for a little more glycogen retention over the corse of a few meals. That alone will help you on yourt non pulsing days with stamina and strength.

Let me rephrase that..
I don't divide my doses my more then an hour and a half really.
That allows for a higher peak concentration and shorter clear time.

Soooo it's totally possible , if you eat at 8:30pm,.. to take a dose at 6ish, then one at 8ish... and then do that again the next night.
Thats my ideal 2 ON
... 2 off is self explanitory

It also makes me eat more 2 days in a row-


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and the above post was MY post :p
It addressed using that compound for pulsing.

I do not see where any "fake" was mentioned.. although, If I did miss that,.. I blame it on bad genetics:icon_lol:
no you didn't mention fake i just remember i think gaspari having something similar that had a similar name but was not a ph i just gazed over didn't read the entire post. the halovar is basically a 30 day supply 50mg pills,
do you suggest doing 2on 2off 1on approach or maybe a 1on 2off 2on approach with this PH as well? doing this for 4 weeks with cycle support would anything else be needed since its basically a similar to turnabol.



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What about training intensity on a pulse?


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What do you guys think about Genera Supplements Epidrol, is it a good clone?
Leggo my Ego

Leggo my Ego

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Seems to be cheapest on the market right now.
Go for it. I love Epistane. I Just got home from my back workout and my back is so pumped I can barely turn my head... I guess I'd better throw some taurine into the mix Because the pumps got downright painful today. Note to self... no more barbell rows before deadlifts... lol


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Go for it. I love Epistane. I Just got home from my back workout and my back is so pumped I can barely turn my head... I guess I'd better throw some taurine into the mix Because the pumps got downright painful today. Note to self... no more barbell rows before deadlifts... lol
Alright, I'll give it a go.

Bro have you tried both Epistane and Havoc? I heard they supose to be the same thing right, but people feel kind of different between one and the other, what was your experience like?
Leggo my Ego

Leggo my Ego

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Alright, I'll give it a go.

Bro have you tried both Epistane and Havoc? I heard they supose to be the same thing right, but people feel kind of different between one and the other, what was your experience like?
nah I haven't tried Havoc yet. They both contain the same active constituent but supposedly Havoc has a second ingredient in it to a lesser degree. Either way they both get great reviews and I anticipate epidrol will be no different


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nah I haven't tried Havoc yet. They both contain the same active constituent but supposedly Havoc has a second ingredient in it to a lesser degree. Either way they both get great reviews and I anticipate epidrol will be no different
Sounds good, thanks


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I have three more questions guys. :)

It is about pulsing Superdrol, I'm not planning to try it anytime soon, but after reading on how potent it is, I'm tempted to try it out sometimes in the future after my Epi cycle.

1. When pulsing Superdrol @20 mg is it better to split the dosage 10 mg pre-workout and 10 mg post-workout or just take the whole 20 mg pre-workout?

2. Is it better to use 20 mg or 30 mg for pulse cycle?

3. What clones of Superdrol should I get, CEL M-Drol or EST Methyl-Vol?

I'm not sure if this has been asked before in previous pages, please forgive me if it has, I must have missed it.
Leggo my Ego

Leggo my Ego

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Lol, I mean... Train like you would normally... or should you train like you're "on"?
Well, I always train like I'm "on", which is to say I train my ass off. Employ heavy weight, strict form, rest pause, and the eye of the tiger. Don't overtrain. Too many people think you can't overtrain while "on" but you can
Leggo my Ego

Leggo my Ego

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I have three more questions guys. :)

It is about pulsing Superdrol, I'm not planning to try it anytime soon, but after reading on how potent it is, I'm tempted to try it out sometimes in the future after my Epi cycle.

1. When pulsing Superdrol @20 mg is it better to split the dosage 10 mg pre-workout and 10 mg post-workout or just take the whole 20 mg pre-workout?

2. Is it better to use 20 mg or 30 mg for pulse cycle?

3. What clones of Superdrol should I get, CEL M-Drol or EST Methyl-Vol?

I'm not sure if this has been asked before in previous pages, please forgive me if it has, I must have missed it.
1. yes. It's better to dose before and after.

2. Start off at 20 and assess tolerance and gains/sides and judge whether to continue or bump dose. I started sdrol at 10mg/day dosed before w/o and only did 1 week at 20mg. For some reason, I am extremely sensitive to sdrol and gain very easily at a low dose, when I bump dosage to 30mg or more, I don't like the way I feel. (ergomax is the same way for me)

3. That's your call. Besides the original superdrol, the only clone I have used is methyl masterdrol from LG and I would say that it is on par with the orig.


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1. yes. It's better to dose before and after.

2. Start off at 20 and assess tolerance and gains/sides and judge whether to continue or bump dose. I started sdrol at 10mg/day dosed before w/o and only did 1 week at 20mg. For some reason, I am extremely sensitive to sdrol and gain very easily at a low dose, when I bump dosage to 30mg or more, I don't like the way I feel. (ergomax is the same way for me)

3. That's your call. Besides the original superdrol, the only clone I have used is methyl masterdrol from LG and I would say that it is on par with the orig.
Thanks again Leggo!


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I REALLY like the 2 on, 2 off, 1 on approach.
I allows for a little more glycogen retention over the corse of a few meals. That alone will help you on yourt non pulsing days with stamina and strength.

Let me rephrase that..
I don't divide my doses my more then an hour and a half really.
That allows for a higher peak concentration and shorter clear time.

Soooo it's totally possible , if you eat at 8:30pm,.. to take a dose at 6ish, then one at 8ish... and then do that again the next night.
Thats my ideal 2 ON
... 2 off is self explanitory

It also makes me eat more 2 days in a row-
Thanks! i normally train 4days (lowercas is off days) ssMTwRF, but wanted to try pulsing at 3X per week first instead of 4. Obvioulsy EOD wouldn't work with my training split to achieve the 3X/week. I thought that this may work well as my two heaviest days are in a row so it would work for that very well...and always give 2 days for the rebound.

I think i'll give it a go in the next couple months after i have some time off cycle.


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ok need a little advice here..i am currently running havoc(40mg) with emax lmg(20mgs) 3x a week.i purchased bulk Adrenosterone and made 200 mgs caps which i wanna run with this but should i use this as a pulse or run it straight through.i would be taking 600mg a day


New member
A question from a new poster but old school lifter, I'd like to pulse either SD or PP (have both in hand ready to go along with support supps) in the near future but need some advice. I know it's been suggested to use a test booster on off days but what about Jungle Warfare either on off days or even every day, I bought a bottle awhile back but haven't used it, there's sure been alot of crap come out recently debating what it really is, some claim it's even a mild PH and I know it's not classified as a test booster but alot of guys have used it with success, but what would it be a bad idea to stack it with SD or PP? Thanks for the suggestions.
Leggo my Ego

Leggo my Ego

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ok need a little advice here..i am currently running havoc(40mg) with emax lmg(20mgs) 3x a week.i purchased bulk Adrenosterone and made 200 mgs caps which i wanna run with this but should i use this as a pulse or run it straight through.i would be taking 600mg a day
I would either run it straight through or on "off" days for cortisol control and added anabolism between your "on" days. It has been purported that shutdown (if any) is very minimal on Adrenosterone and sides are pretty much non-existant. Straight through would probably be my choice though.


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For both the posters (with the Powder, and the JW)...

Run them all the way through, and at least a week after your done pulsing.

You CAN vary the dosing if your looking to streatch things.


Never enough
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Any information on pulsing Revolt by kilo sport? Being non-methyl, it starts off with lower liver harm, so i'd just be pulsing to avoid heavy PCT (and hopefully end up at a higher baseline natural test from bounceback)
Leggo my Ego

Leggo my Ego

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Any information on pulsing Revolt by kilo sport? Being non-methyl, it starts off with lower liver harm, so i'd just be pulsing to avoid heavy post cycle therapy (and hopefully end up at a higher baseline natural test from bounceback)
Well it is a progestin, (clone of Max LMG) and very effective in my eyes. The only drawback on a pulse is it's short active life (~3-5 hours). A good pulsing dosage would be 150 mg per day - 50mg preworkout, 50 mg postworkout, and 50 mg 2-3 hours later, Just make sure you take them with a meal with some fat content for best absorbtion. This will provide a steady anabolic level for 12-15 hours and will clear your system completely to provide a nice bounce back on your off day


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Well it is a progestin, (clone of Max LMG) and very effective in my eyes. The only drawback on a pulse is it's short active life (~3-5 hours). A good pulsing dosage would be 150 mg per day - 50mg preworkout, 50 mg postworkout, and 50 mg 2-3 hours later, Just make sure you take them with a meal with some fat content for best absorbtion. This will provide a steady anabolic level for 12-15 hours and will clear your system completely to provide a nice bounce back on your off day
I would be wary about pulsing progestins in general.
My number 1 reason would be libido issues (and with 3 steady gf's + any ONS I do, thats understandable)
BUT- Remember that your having elevated amounts of estrogen from your rebound Along side with a high level of progestins,.. Seems like the optimal enviroment for SOME sort of gyno,..

I beleive MAX LMG is a Methoxy,.. I beleive the half life to be a little longer,.. not sure though

MAX LMG / REVOLT just seems like a poor choice in a pulse as a BASE compound.
If you use something else and throw no more then 80 mg on top of it, my views change considerably.

(on a side note- it seems that when ever I take more then 30mg of a progestin at a time, I get a strange foggy sense in my head... This is consistant with Revolt, where each time I take one, I get this feeling,. .and with the Norestra/tren compound. - :think: )



dr.d awesome thread and info wondering if you have
any suggestions on pulsing Halovar by Purus Labs a month supply, i believe its a Halodrol clone type. i workout out 4 days a week, its a 50mg pill any way to avoid shutdown with this and none over the counter post cycle therapy (if possible).

I would not pulse Halovar alone. I tried it with Epi and it was nice. The effects from Hvar begin to be noticed at 3-4 weeks and it adds great strength to your workouts as well as a nice leaning effect. I think they compliment each other well but since both are methylated, they should only be pulsed if used together IMO. You should not get shut down w Hvar especially if used earlier in the day.
Leggo my Ego

Leggo my Ego

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I would be wary about pulsing progestins in general.
My number 1 reason would be libido issues (and with 3 steady gf's + any ONS I do, thats understandable)
BUT- Remember that your having elevated amounts of estrogen from your rebound Along side with a high level of progestins,.. Seems like the optimal enviroment for SOME sort of gyno,..

I beleive MAX LMG is a Methoxy,.. I beleive the half life to be a little longer,.. not sure though

MAX LMG / REVOLT just seems like a poor choice in a pulse as a BASE compound.
If you use something else and throw no more then 80 mg on top of it, my views change considerably.

(on a side note- it seems that when ever I take more then 30mg of a progestin at a time, I get a strange foggy sense in my head... This is consistant with Revolt, where each time I take one, I get this feeling,. .and with the Norestra/tren compound. - :think: )

To each their own I guess, At the beginning of my current pulse cycle, I used max lmg as my base compound and gained well, felt great and had absolutely no early warning signs of gyno. At the moment, I am using 150 mg of Max lmg with 40mg Epi pulsed 3x/ week and like it alot. I hear alot of people talk about lowered libido on progestins, but I have not encountered that at all with max lmg


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To each their own I guess, At the beginning of my current pulse cycle, I used max lmg as my base compound and gained well, felt great and had absolutely no early warning signs of gyno. At the moment, I am using 150 mg of Max lmg with 40mg Epi pulsed 3x/ week and like it alot. I hear alot of people talk about lowered libido on progestins, but I have not encountered that at all with max lmg
I've taken higher doses of progestins (I took TRN and LMG :lol: ) and after 1 week, I could not get hard, even with it right in front of me. The spirit was willing of course,.. the fleash was just weak.

Of course, it took about A week,.. All was fine until one day....
Litterally. There one day, gone the next. I cant remember exactly what number day it was,.. maybe 6 or 7, full dosing of each. In a pulse that would be around the end of week 2.
Wit hepi, I would worry less about gyno of course.
And once that happens from a progestin, there are many, many accounts of sexual disfunction Looooong into PCT on this board.
You are lucky if this doesn't happen to you. (of course, I wasnt taking a non progestin, so there was nothing to mask those libido effects)

It's just a chance you take I suppose, like any other side effect. It varies from person to person.

Hows the progress with this combo? Any weight gain?


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Pulsing 2 methyls


When stacking PP and SD (pulsed) is it better to use the PP pre-workout or the SD?

I read that Dr. D recommends the more androgenic for pre-workout and the more anabolic for post-workout, but both seems to be anabolic.

Some people seems to prefer PP for pre and SD for post, but from what I read PP give more size and SD give more strength, so shouldn't SD be pre-workout to boost gym performance and PP for post-workout to enhance recovery and growth?

I'm confused and I can't make up my mind which protocol would be the best.
Leggo my Ego

Leggo my Ego

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Hows the progress with this combo? Any weight gain?
Yeah, Im up about 13 lbs but now I am cutting, so... I am noticeably bigger and leaner... and stronger. Epi is nice. I don't seem to get any of the sides from it that I usually get with methyls (lethargy, high Bp, anxiety)


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When stacking PP and superdrol (pulsed) is it better to use the PP pre-workout or the SD?

I read that Dr. D recommends the more androgenic for pre-workout and the more anabolic for post-workout, but both seems to be anabolic.

Some people seems to prefer PP for pre and SD for post, but from what I read PP give more size and SD give more strength, so shouldn't SD be pre-workout to boost gym performance and PP for post-workout to enhance recovery and growth?

I'm confused and I can't make up my mind which protocol would be the best.
I found SD to have more CNS stim to it, so I'd take it first since I work out evenings...And, I sleep like a baby on PP,.. so the choice FOR ME is obvious. However, I would say that it wouldn't really matter.
Depending on the amount, you could just take 10mg of each before and 10mg each after and not worry about it.

Also,.. since this is a pulse, do it with PP one day, and SD the next. See if there is a difference for you.

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