Thor's Thunder: Electrake's Epic Training Tales



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Just thinking by text here. About to run out of my current cycle, had wanted to run it all for 2+ months but that's not in the cards when I can't commit to regular training.

Thinking I'm going to break it down to:
Joint support
Prime (untouched bottle)

As well as smearing myself with
Alpha Gel

Seems like a good all around stack to at least maintain health and still promote growth. Next cycle will be reintroducing:
+ mostly everything above. I like taking pills.


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Looks like a great session! Any luck on the house selling front?


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Looks like a great session! Any luck on the house selling front?
No :( 4 walk throughs in the last 2 weeks, I was pretty sure 2 of the groups would offer but no luck. Of course, the market is screeching to a halt up here. It'll happen, my last 2 places sold VERY quickly so I'm trying to remind myself this is a normal situation lol.


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No :( 4 walk throughs in the last 2 weeks, I was pretty sure 2 of the groups would offer but no luck. Of course, the market is screeching to a halt up here. It'll happen, my last 2 places sold VERY quickly so I'm trying to remind myself this is a normal situation lol.
It will for sure happen, I don’t quite understand the market here. Some houses I’ve seen sit and then others it’s like one day the sign is up next day the moving trucks are there and people moving in.
Seeing a lotttt of Washington plates around this year @Dustin07 must be chasing them all out of his state!


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@Dustin07 must be chasing them all out of his state!
That's the reason I can't ever move back. EVER.

Some houses I’ve seen sit and then others it’s like one day the sign is up next day the moving trucks are there and people moving in.
It's similar here, I have one of the biggest houses outside of the country clubs in the area, I was sure that'd be a huge selling point quickly. However I'm seeing more houses on the market, prices dropping, all sorts of bad signs lol. It'll happen eventually, just disconcerting since I'm under contract on a place for another 76 days, but stuck here until it sells.


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Just thinking by text here. About to run out of my current cycle, had wanted to run it all for 2+ months but that's not in the cards when I can't commit to regular training.

Thinking I'm going to break it down to:
Joint support
Prime (untouched bottle)

As well as smearing myself with
Alpha Gel

Seems like a good all around stack to at least maintain health and still promote growth. Next cycle will be reintroducing:
+ mostly everything above. I like taking pills.
Seems like a solid approach. I can't recall if I ever ran AE + AXT at the same time, but have stacked both with PA. It's going to be a lot of daily caps for you to choke down though, hope you like to swallow.

joking aside, I split mine in half and try to take as many as possible when brushing my teeth and the rest at work thoughout the day. at one point I think I was at like 24-26caps per day. that's a job in itself....

Seeing a lotttt of Washington plates around this year @Dustin07 must be chasing them all out of his state!
we're doing our best to get the Californians out, so if you see WA plates it's either a pissed of WA native who gave up, or a Cali person who realized how much it rains here. a lot of our people actually have gone to AZ and TX. if not for the winters, I'd say South Dakota has a lot of potential because you get to see that Kristi Noem on the regular.


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Glad you’re back in the gym!
I had so much **** going on, and expecting notice to show my house at any time, the anxiety of leaving the house was killing me
Seems like a solid approach. I can't recall if I ever ran AE + AXT at the same time, but have stacked both with PA. It's going to be a lot of daily caps for you to choke down though, hope you like to swallow.

joking aside, I split mine in half and try to take as many as possible when brushing my teeth and the rest at work thoughout the day. at one point I think I was at like 24-26caps per day. that's a job in itself....

we're doing our best to get the Californians out, so if you see WA plates it's easier a pissed of WA native who gave up, or a Cali person who realized how much it rains here. a lot of our people actually have gone to AZ and TX. if not for the winters, I'd say South Dakota has a lot of potential because you get to see that Kristi Noem on the regular.
G'damn, I'm at 18 2x a day atm, but I just choke em down while I cook breakfast/dinner.


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G'damn, I'm at 18 2x a day atm, but I just choke em down while I cook breakfast/dinner.
yeah I've gotten to where I'm throwing down usually 3 at a time otherwise I'm going to need like 20oz of water or more if I do one at a time all morning long lol


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yeah I've gotten to where I'm throwing down usually 3 at a time otherwise I'm going to need like 20oz of water or more if I do one at a time all morning long lol
It's part of my daily hydration ritual 🤣 usually down a liter with them all


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It's part of my daily hydration ritual 🤣 usually down a liter with them all
I'm literally hitting mine right now in a shaker of nootropics, otherwise I usually mix up some electrolytes when I first get to work and use that, lol


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I had so much **** going on, and expecting notice to show my house at any time, the anxiety of leaving the house was killing me

G'damn, I'm at 18 2x a day atm, but I just choke em down while I cook breakfast/dinner.
Shoot, you only train like an hour to begin with! Just keep your phone by you so can dash if the bat phone rings.


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Main - Squat (SSB)
  • 5 x 155lb
  • 5 x 195
  • 5 x 230
  • 5 x 255
  • 5 x 295
  • 3x1 @ 365
Supplemental - OHP (log clean and press)
  • 10 x 5 @ 135
  • pull ups 5x5 (mostly jump up, and slowly lowered. Again)
  • Kroc rows 5x10 90lb w/ fat Gripz
  • SSB Good Mornings 5x5 185
Time - 1hr 14min
Weight - 212

I completely forgot the SSB weighs 65lb 😂 I got under what I thought was 345 and almost died.
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Lost some weight today... Is that what they mean by cutting season?

Been working two jobs this week, local brewery lost their brewer, and it just so happens that they are still making my beer from 2017. Haven't touched the system in 7 years, or brewed on a big system since 2020, what could go wrong?! It's VERY physically strenuous, so coupled with lack of time, haven't trained much this week.


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Lost some weight today... Is that what they mean by cutting season?
View attachment 243091

Been working two jobs this week, local brewery lost their brewer, and it just so happens that they are still making my beer from 2017. Haven't touched the system in 7 years, or brewed on a big system since 2020, what could go wrong?! It's VERY physically strenuous, so coupled with lack of time, haven't trained much this week.
It’s definitely cutting season! Sounds like kinda a fun little time though brewing for a bit.


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Lost some weight today... Is that what they mean by cutting season?
wowzer! newly single man just invested in a manscape lawnmower I see!

growing up cutting season meant I was going to earn $.15/bale bucking hay. Now days it means I'm taking my boy to grandpas to buck hay, lol.


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wowzer! newly single man just invested in a manscape lawnmower I see!

growing up cutting season meant I was going to earn $.15/bale bucking hay. Now days it means I'm taking my boy to grandpas to buck hay, lol.
First cutting wasn’t bad but that second cutting of more leaf and less stem was some heavy fuckers!


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First cutting wasn’t bad but that second cutting of more leaf and less stem was some heavy fuckers!
Bailing hay is a nightmare lol.
It's miserable work, always done on the hottest day (especially on the wet side of WA), and requires at least one change of clothes. Nothing ever makes me feel like I've earned my right to breathe more than that hard work.


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2024 SUCKS so far! A few weeks ago I was complaining about hives and had pondered Alpha Gel being the cause. I have no idea what's going on now, I initiated medical support yesterday and went to urgent care for some steroid cream. I don't have a primary care in this area and was hoping to hold off until I moved, but I'm seeing a Dr this week and hopefully getting to an allergen specialist, this crap is keeping me out of the gym and I don't want to be living on anithistamines.


Allegra and claritin help, but not by a lot. Zyrtec works well, but leaves me loop. Benadryl, of course, knocks me on my ass but works amazingly. The only thing that stayed consistent until this got REALLY bad is beer/alcohol, not even at an abusive level. Guess I'm just dealing with this until I can get clarity on a cause.


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That is one thing that sorta makes me wonder if the stress is festering after all.
When I went through the big D I had something similar briefly pop up and I recall using some Benadryl while in Leavenworth one summer because of weird allergen type issues that magically faded away and never came back as time healed wounds. Hopefully yours is something simple too.... sorry buddy, not fun...


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That is one thing that sorta makes me wonder if the stress is festering after all.
When I went through the big D I had something similar briefly pop up and I recall using some Benadryl while in Leavenworth one summer because of weird allergen type issues that magically faded away and never came back as time healed wounds. Hopefully yours is something simple too.... sorry buddy, not fun...
Everyone keeps saying maybe it's stress, and I'm not opposed to the idea. Specifically this flare up happened after 2 high grav IPAs, started getting flushed and hot then broke out in this crap. **** sucks.


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Everyone keeps saying maybe it's stress, and I'm not opposed to the idea. Specifically this flare up happened after 2 high grav IPAs, started getting flushed and hot then broke out in this crap. **** sucks.
This might be completely irrelevant, but off chance have you changed laundry soap/fabric softener etc?

certain brands will do that to me from my shirts and only on the shoulder neck area and it can happen immediately or after weeks of switching there is no rhythm or reason to it.


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This might be completely irrelevant, but off chance have you changed laundry soap/fabric softener etc?

certain brands will do that to me from my shirts and only on the shoulder neck area and it can happen immediately or after weeks of switching there is no rhythm or reason to it.
I have AFTER the fact lol, everything "free and clear" atm.


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Everyone keeps saying maybe it's stress, and I'm not opposed to the idea. Specifically this flare up happened after 2 high grav IPAs, started getting flushed and hot then broke out in this crap. **** sucks.
I've heard of that too, I recall in my 20s certain beers would do that. and when my wife and I used to visit wineries they talked about sulfates effecting people differently so some people were proud of their zero sulfate wine. But FWIW when my stress level is high, I'm susceptible to small stuff. When I'm high as a kit and riding the good life, nothing can knock me down. maybe you need some androsterone in your life lol


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I've heard of that too, I recall in my 20s certain beers would do that. and when my wife and I used to visit wineries they talked about sulfates effecting people differently so some people were proud of their zero sulfate wine. But FWIW when my stress level is high, I'm susceptible to small stuff. When I'm high as a kit and riding the good life, nothing can knock me down. maybe you need some androsterone in your life lol
Not against it 😏 they gave me topical triamcinolone that apparently was banned because people were using it for weight loss lol.


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what I'm hearing is that you're on a summer cut then? lol

for real though, hope that **** clears up fast for you.
When I went through the big D I had 3 major things pop up:
panic attacks that put me in the ER.
torn ligament in my back dropped my deadlift from 455 to an excruciating 95-135lbs
and tight chest/shortness of breath/hives that all seemed allergy related like yours.

I remember a few times mowing the lawn would even make me feel it, and I'm an old school hay bucker, having never felt any kind of allergy issue like that.

none of these things seem to be issues for me anymore unless i'm going through a period of extreme stress.
last week between ending my epi run and work stress, I was feeling shitty again a bit, so I did a lot to decompress between golf and focusing on my fish tank (I swear both are therapeutic) and I feel like a million bucks this week.


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Wow man, lots to catch up in here!

So... is the beard gone? Or just trimmed??

Regarding the house situation, do you think your realtor just priced too high initially? I know the market is still good for sellers, but maybe by lowering price just a hair you'd reach the next "tier" of folks willing to check it out. Then obviously with more competing offers, you might end up with an offer where you're at anyhow.

Sorry about the stress / skin situation. Definitely sounds like an allergy to something. Hopefully whatever topical you've got now from your MD will clean it up!


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Hope you are able to get this sorted out quickly.


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Wow man, lots to catch up in here!

So... is the beard gone? Or just trimmed??

Regarding the house situation, do you think your realtor just priced too high initially? I know the market is still good for sellers, but maybe by lowering price just a hair you'd reach the next "tier" of folks willing to check it out. Then obviously with more competing offers, you might end up with an offer where you're at anyhow.

Sorry about the stress / skin situation. Definitely sounds like an allergy to something. Hopefully whatever topical you've got now from your MD will clean it up!
Beard is gone! Five years of beard just up and vanished.

I think we priced slightly higher than necessary off the bat, sort of strategically so there's more wiggle room down. When I started house shopping, there was nothing in this area, by that I mean literally 2 houses that were within my budget at all of <$500k, and neither suited my needs. Now, there are 14, either the market is suffering or everyone decided to sell at one time lol. We have dropped $30k already, bit more room to drop still.

Whatever the hell is up with my skin, I can't handle much more anti-histamine products, Zyrtec, Allegra, and of course Benadryl all seem to knock me on my ass :LOL: But the topical stuff seems to be working.


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either the market is suffering or everyone decided to sell at one time
both most likely.... pundits are finally starting to acknowledge the softening of the economy, which really is the tail end of a 3+ year recession financed by the savings accounts and credit cards of middle America. that, + people like to list/sell/buy this time of year so that they can be settled by the new school year in the fall on average... it's sorta competitive rental and real estate season.


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Definitely been seeing faster hair growth the last couple months! I feel like I just shaved my upper body, but I already look like a gorilla again.
I tried this back waxing place before our mexico trip last feb and they gave me a 1/2 price deal as a first time visitor. They wanted me to come back every 3-4 weeks to stay on top of it for like $79 a pop lol. Nope. got me one of these and I'm good to go lol.

back hair is the only hair I can't stand. if my wife doesn't like chest hair then she doesn't appreciate hairy animal. grrrr baby grrr



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I tried this back waxing place before our mexico trip last feb and they gave me a 1/2 price deal as a first time visitor. They wanted me to come back every 3-4 weeks to stay on top of it for like $79 a pop lol. Nope. got me one of these and I'm good to go lol.

back hair is the only hair I can't stand. if my wife doesn't like chest hair then she doesn't appreciate hairy animal. grrrr baby grrr

View attachment 243218
That’s the same prices I’ve heard here, $80 and a monthly visit. I said no thanks!


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This comment was deceptively gross 🤢

Definitely been seeing faster hair growth the last couple months! I feel like I just shaved my upper body, but I already look like a gorilla again.
Yeah, I swear I trimmed up 3 weeks ago and just had to again. My legs have been 2 months and I think I have more hair than ever on them right now. Whiskers going nuts too! Maybe I will get lucky and lose more hair off the top and sides. Wish it would all just come out so I don't have to shave any more.
I tried this back waxing place before our mexico trip last feb and they gave me a 1/2 price deal as a first time visitor. They wanted me to come back every 3-4 weeks to stay on top of it for like $79 a pop lol. Nope. got me one of these and I'm good to go lol.

back hair is the only hair I can't stand. if my wife doesn't like chest hair then she doesn't appreciate hairy animal. grrrr baby grrr

View attachment 243218
@Dustin07 What exactly is that? It might be valuable to me in the upcoming weeks. Is it a razor, clipper or one of those things that kind of frictions the hair off? Either way it sounds like it might be a good investment while I need to get what hair I do have off of my back.


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@Dustin07 What exactly is that? It might be valuable to me in the upcoming weeks. Is it a razor, clipper or one of those things that kind of frictions the hair off? Either way it sounds like it might be a good investment while I need to get what hair I do have off of my back.
that's the bakblade, I got it off amazon, then the bakblade 2.0 came out so I snagged that one. I THINK i got the new one because they had changed the blade cartridges and had to. The first time you use new blades you can definitely make your back bleed but after a couple uses you can pretty much just scratch your back all over with no cuts until the blades are finally dull enough to replace again.

holy crap the prices went up though. looks like I bought the first one in 2016 and the 2.0 in 2021 according to my order history. price is almost double now, but honestly still cheaper than paying someone to do it...



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I had to shave the back of one of my soldiers in Iraq... Weird experience, but I felt so bad for the guy. Hairy like animal.

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