Thor's Thunder: Electrake's Epic Training Tales


Active member
*This log is set to start Monday 1/8, setting up for success while stuck home sick on my death bed*
**Official kick off Invalid Link Removed**
Hey all,

New member as of writing this, I'll save most of the about me for the massive Invalid Link Removed I left in the introduction page, but I will say my name is Chris, I work remote as a software developer, and I'm a recovering physique athlete.

Joking about that last part, I haven't seen the underside of 200lb since I was 170lb of lean muscle in Iraq in 2015. I got serious about this time last year (January 2023) about getting into strongman, participated in my first meet a few months ago and have a loooong journey ahead of me to be competitive. I'm a big proponent of 531, it works well for me physically, but more importantly keeps me entertained and has drastically reduced my ego lifting and injuries. I also know people who despise 531, to each their own. I've maintained a log of sorts on the 531 Reddit daily post, but I don't see that as super sustainable and there's little to no dialogue there, so hopefully this log will be beneficial for both myself, and others.

At the moment, my stats are as such (tested training max (90% 1rm) 12/15/23):
33m 5'10" 220lb
Bench - 290lb
Squat - 390
OHP (strict) - 215
Deadlift - 515

Current "long term" goal is a 600lb deadlift, and just break 300lb BP, the latter should happen in a month or so, secondary goal is to drop some body fat, I'll attach photos for progress in another slide when I'm not sick as ****. Not too concerned with weight at the moment, but like @Hyde had mentioned in another post to me, the current Strongman Corp weight class I'm in goes up to 231, massive difference from where I'm at.

I won't be going too deeply into diet and nutrition unless specifics are asked, but I will mention I'm currently at a "slight" deficit at ~2820 calories, that's 220g protein, 90g fat, and somewhere in the ballpark of 250g carbs. I don't watch the diet too closely, but I have mild gluten issues, I don't eat sweets, I generally only eat whole foods and cook 95% of my meals, and I love beer and whiskey. On the weekends. Mostly... I do log what I eat/drink (Macrofactor), so it isn't total chaos and I keep myself inline.

Besides the gym work, I have a rower at the house and do a 5k 3 days a week maintaining a 2min interval, and Saturday or Sunday mornings are reserved for tire flips and sledges, these have done some magic for my posterior chain.

As far as supps, I do drink regularly so I take a liver complex (Won't mention the name Hi-Tech..), protein shakes with almond milk 2x a day, probiotic and systemic enzymes, creatine mono, Animal Flex joint powder, and I'll be starting the Father Figure stack from BLR the day after this log starts, they are part of the reason I decided to become active here. Caffeine content is limited to either pre-workout (mesomorph) or a coffee if I'm not going to the gym. I'm a coffee nerd.

Not too concerned with health issues at this time, I have some gnarly arthritis in my toes (multiple surgeries have helped), and occasionally my knees act up from jumping out of airplanes, but I do struggle with tendonitis throughout both arms that I have been mitigating with wrist mobility and grip strength exercises while I stare mindlessly at my computer. More recent is a soleus strain, but that's been improving by better stretching, rolling, and not bouncing out of the hole on heavy squat reps.

Cool. Now that I've held myself accountable, let's get some progress pics and write up an example workout.
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Oof, no one likes starting pics... Don't judge the jammies. I'm sick. Taken 1/5/23 @220.2lb
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1/23/24 @214.2
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I run a 4 day split, a variation of 5/3/1 called Negative Birth, BBS (boring but strong). It's laid out as such:

Main - Squat
  • 5 x 150lb
  • 5 x 190
  • 5 x 230
  • 5 x 250
  • 5 x 285
  • 5 x 325
Supplemental - Squat
  • 10 x 5 @ 250
  • Kroc row 5 x 10 @ 120
  • Axle clean + press 5 x 10 @ 155
Abs (superset)
  • Weighted crunches 4 x 50 @120
  • Ab wheel 4 x 10
I superset the assistance work with the supplemental work to maintain tempo, as well as to save some time, I aim to get this all done in an hour. The main and supplemental aren't always the same, but I have a focus on squat atm.
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Couldn't sleep so I got my ass up and went to the gym. Still not feeling well, so I took it slow and warmed up more than usual.

Main - OHP (strict)
  • 5 x 70lb
  • 5 x 85
  • 5 x 105
  • 5 x 115
  • 5 x 135
  • 5 x 150
Supplemental - OHP (log clean and press)
  • 10 x 5 @ 115
  • Incline Bench (dumbbell) 5 x 10 @ 80
  • Seated Row 5 x 10 @ 220
  • Trap Bar Stiff Leg DL 5 x 10 @ 315
Time 1 hour 2min
Weight post workout 219.2

As mentioned above, head cold is still raging pretty hard, had to go blow the damn mucus from my face a few times between sets so I could breathe. All things considered, I finished the workout as prescribed and quicker than expected. I'll definitely attempt a deadlift day tomorrow if I'm still feeling up to it.
Couldn't sleep so I got my ass up and went to the gym. Still not feeling well, so I took it slow and warmed up more than usual.

Main - OHP (strict)
  • 5 x 70lb
  • 5 x 85
  • 5 x 105
  • 5 x 115
  • 5 x 135
  • 5 x 150
Supplemental - OHP (log clean and press)
  • 10 x 5 @ 115
  • Incline Bench (dumbbell) 5 x 10 @ 80
  • Seated Row 5 x 10 @ 220
  • Trap Bar Stiff Leg DL 5 x 10 @ 315
Time 1 hour 2min
Weight post workout 219.2

As mentioned above, head cold is still raging pretty hard, had to go blow the damn mucus from my face a few times between sets so I could breathe. All things considered, I finished the workout as prescribed and quicker than expected. I'll definitely attempt a deadlift day tomorrow if I'm still feeling up to it.

You’re gonna deadlift the day after doing 50 reps of stiff-legs?
You’re gonna deadlift the day after doing 50 reps of stiff-legs?
Yeah man it'll be great 😅

In all seriousness, this cold or man flu or w/e took me out for almost two weeks, I've used these last few days to just get reacquainted. I switched my split around based on how I felt that day and really shot myself in the foot here. Regardless, I'm going to see what I've got, shouldn't be too worse for wear.
Yeah man it'll be great

In all seriousness, this cold or man flu or w/e took me out for almost two weeks, I've used these last few days to just get reacquainted. I switched my split around based on how I felt that day and really shot myself in the foot here. Regardless, I'm going to see what I've got, shouldn't be too worse for wear.

Just be well hydrated and listen to your body. Have some pickles or salt all your water preWO and intra, and if you feel good push and if not pull it back some.
Just be well hydrated and listen to your body. Have some pickles or salt all your water preWO and intra, and if you feel good push and if not pull it back some.
Definitely, and I appreciate the input immensely. I'm only working at 75% of my Training Max (90% of estimated 1RM) this week and taking my sweet time in the gym. Recovering from a bug is the worst, but Monday, when I intend to ultimately call this log started, it'll be right back to work.
Definitely, and I appreciate the input immensely. I'm only working at 75% of my Training Max (90% of estimated 1RM) this week and taking my sweet time in the gym. Recovering from a bug is the worst, but Monday, when I intend to ultimately call this log started, it'll be right back to work.

Your log is a good reminder to me what training needs to be, density-wise. The weights you are using wouldn’t be bad for myself (if I could bend my elbow to do any overhead pressing anymore, which is a separate story), but I don’t think I could do that exact workout with basically any weights in just an hour - without a cold.

Good work! That kind of work capacity is really necessary in strongman. You get just as many points winning a carry/drag medley as you do a max deadlift event.
Your log is a good reminder to me what training needs to be, density-wise
Man, when I started this variation, I thought it was going to be the death of me, I'd been running various powerlifting splits with super high intensity, and very little volume, before stumbling upon 5/3/1 and ultimately this variation. I was pleasantly surprised to find that I was able to recuperate quickly enough to perform the volume in these workouts. Week 3 is a bitch though, working the same volume at 95%. Gotta want it. I've had to redo a few leaders because of missed sets, part of holding yourself accountable.

What HAS been a struggle is dealing with the effects of aging on my wrists and elbows. Focusing on wrist strength/mobility, and ultimately grip strength, has made a huge impact on shoulder and elbow health. Just using those finger bands to stretch your hand open, I can feel all the way up to my shoulder. Also, I got a 2.5" rolling handle (and loading pin) that I use on any single arm accessory work that I can. That thing is a beast.
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Couldn't sleep so I got my ass up and went to the gym. Still not feeling well, so I took it slow and warmed up more than usual.

Main - OHP (strict)
  • 5 x 70lb
  • 5 x 85
  • 5 x 105
  • 5 x 115
  • 5 x 135
  • 5 x 150
Supplemental - OHP (log clean and press)
  • 10 x 5 @ 115
  • Incline Bench (dumbbell) 5 x 10 @ 80
  • Seated Row 5 x 10 @ 220
  • Trap Bar Stiff Leg DL 5 x 10 @ 315
Time 1 hour 2min
Weight post workout 219.2

As mentioned above, head cold is still raging pretty hard, had to go blow the damn mucus from my face a few times between sets so I could breathe. All things considered, I finished the workout as prescribed and quicker than expected. I'll definitely attempt a deadlift day tomorrow if I'm still feeling up to it.
Some damn good work while still fighting a bug! Props
Had a successful deadlift day, tried a new warmup routine, similar to Invalid Link Removed here. Not sure how the hell he can touch his ass on shoulder dislocations, but good for him. Anyways, hit this hard, knocked out the deadlift work in 22min, but the squats and accessory work winded my quickly. I usually do touch and go deadlifts, I'm going to start to focus on reset between each rep this cycle.

Main - Deadlift
  • 5 x 205lb
  • 5 x 255
  • 5 x 305
  • 5 x 335
  • 5 x 380
  • 5 x 430
Supplemental -Squat
  • 10 x 5 @ 250
  • One arm shrug (2.5" rolling handle) 5 x 10 @ 115
  • DB shoulder press 5 x 10 @ 75
  • Oblique cable pushdown 3 x 20 per side @ 35
  • Hanging knee raises 3 x 15
Time 1 hour 20min
Weight post workout 220.2 (it's always ".2" 🤔)

Usually deadlift day takes longer for me, today was just a matter of sickness recovery and energy levels, I blasted through these DLs. Note to self for next week:
My soleus hurts.
Ya I prefer not doing touch and go and treat them more as a variation, but I know for some sports (like CF) touch and go proficiency can be helpful (I don't know as much about strongman so idk if there is a need there).

Soleus hurts due to the squat rebound?
Soleus hurts due to the squat rebound?
The pain was really messing me up for a while, I was at a point that I couldn't stand out of a squat while just stretching without weight. A lady who works out at the same time as me is one of the Physical Therapists for a local college football team (App State), and she was willing to spend some time watching me to help figure out wtf was up. She pointed the squat thing out, I was like yeah whatever... But the more I looked into it, it validated what she was saying. Some stretching, foam rolling of my shins, and focus on a pause in the hole completely fixed the problem, until I stopped the treatment, because it didn't hurt anymore lol. That'll teach me.

Edit to add I learned a lot about the calf muscle through this process, I had no idea the soleus is predominantly activated when your knee is bent.
I can see how that is aggravating, I've had something kind of similar in the past.

You could probably just slowly work your way into rebounding more over time as you build up resiliency to that type of movement in particular. Pausing definitely has a place and potentially more benefit in a more muscle building direction, but learning to take advantage of some of that rebound would still be beneficial for strength.

If aggravating though definitely don't think I am saying that as to push through and keep getting hurt just for potential strength benefits though. Some people just have varying degrees of that rebound and I think if you worked slowly over time and found whats best for yourself you could return to some and not need to fully pause forever. :)
I can see how that is aggravating, I've had something kind of similar in the past.

You could probably just slowly work your way into rebounding more over time as you build up resiliency to that type of movement in particular. Pausing definitely has a place and potentially more benefit in a more muscle building direction, but learning to take advantage of some of that rebound would still be beneficial for strength.

If aggravating though definitely don't think I am saying that as to push through and keep getting hurt just for potential strength benefits though. Some people just have varying degrees of that rebound and I think if you worked slowly over time and found whats best for yourself you could return to some and not need to fully pause forever. :)
I completely agree with you, where I'd like to get in training is doing all of my progression work with a controlled "pause" but my top set (performed at 85%-95%) I'd like to be able physically to have a decent rebound. I'm always ass to grass, the comp I did with squat, I actually had a ridiculous pause at the bottom of my set trying to only get to that 90 degree angle lol.
While working to improve it you could add some ankle strengthening work. Some inversion and eversion strengthening work with the foam rolling and stretching could help.
While working to improve it you could add some ankle strengthening work. Some inversion and eversion strengthening work with the foam rolling and stretching could help.
At the exact moment of writing this, I am looking at a heated inversion table with a lumbar massager 😅
At the exact moment of writing this, I am looking at a heated inversion table with a lumbar massager

Depending on cost & space, a reverse hyper might make more sense if you want back traction. Not to derail things too much. But the Titan econo model is what I have, and the Rogue/Westside Scout is smaller & actually folds up. That is more for just back health and can’t be loaded up the same.
Depending on cost & space, a reverse hyper might make more sense if you want back traction. Not to derail things too much. But the Titan econo model is what I have, and the Rogue/Westside Scout is smaller & actually folds up. That is more for just back health and can’t be loaded up the same.
Yeah I need something, I spend a large part of my day slumped over at my desk (software dev) and I'm definitely not doing the stretching I should be doing to counteract it. I do however still manage to bang out 8k steps and 16 flights of stairs daily because I can't sit at my computer if I'm stuck on something lol.
Subbed for some motivation. Some nice numbers and just read your intro post too. NC has some good breweries! Another beer lover here (there used to be a thread with a few guys in it). Good luck!

Officially day 1 of the log, still blowing an insane amount of mucous out of my face, but over all feeling great. Went in to train motivated and ready to **** **** up. I had a memorial/remembrance over the weekend for a friend and fellow beer lover, drank from 1100 until I hit my pillow at 1030. For some laughs I logged my food intake, couldn't keep up with the beer intake, but I only consumed 1250 calories that day in food, yesterday I stuffed my face for a solid 3200 calories. I was hungry. Today my stack from BLR should be in (FF stack), pretty interested to see what becomes of that.

Quick note on this training cycle, I'm maintaining the same numbers for Training Max (TM) as I had on my last cycle. I'm not satisfied with the quality of reps I was achieving and was missing reps here and there, so the next 3 weeks will be the same as I finished with on my last cycle (not featured here).

I'm running leader-leader-deload-anchor-TMtest (maybe PR Test) as far as my programming is concerned.

TM's as follow -
Squat - 390lb
BP - 280
Strict Press - 180
DL - 510

Today's session -
Main - Squat
  • 5 x 150lb
  • 5 x 190
  • 5 x 230
  • 5 x 250
  • 5 x 285
  • 5 x 325
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Supplemental - Squat
  • 10 x 5 @ 250
  • Kroc row 5 x 10 @ 90 (w/ fat grip)
  • Reverse grip tricep pushdown 5 x 10 @ 75
Abs (superset)
  • Weighted crunches 4 x 50 @120
  • Ab wheel 4 x 10
Similar workout as I used as the first example. I crushed this until about set 8 of my supplemental work, then realized my music wasn't driving me and I was dragging ass. A bit of false motivation and some better tunes, and knocked the rest out of the park. I have cardio coming up after lunch, probably take it pretty easy since I haven't touched my rower in a few weeks, I'll maintain that in a separate post.

Time - 1hr 3min
Weight 219.8
On a side note, while I'm not super cautious about my intake other than getting close to macros, I'm a bit of a data junky and have 3 different methods for calculating my caloric expenditure.

1.For today's workout, the app that I use for training "Keylifts" put me at ~585 calories, that's based on total workout time, rest times, weights, etc. I'd like to personally get my hands on their algorithm.

2. I also wear a Garmin watch, it's expenditure tracker is usually VERY close to where Keylifts is, although I have to manually input the information. It had me at 603cal.

3. I use Macrofactor to track my intake a few weeks out of the year, to stay on track. If you're not familiar, it actually uses your scale weight and food intake to calculate what your expenditure is, and what your intake should be. Obviously this is more accurate the longer you use and stay diligent with tracking. As of my check in today, my expenditure per day is ~2850 calories, which gets very close to where Garmin has my total expenditure by bed time.

600 calories for a lifting session seems really high to me, however I guess the volume I'm doing and the speed I'm doing it affect that outcome? The data is there and seems congruent.
I have a very love/hate relationship with the rower. :)

As far as the calories calculated, take what I am about to say just as some personal musings and thoughts and not a counter to what you are doing. Just some things to think about.

First, it probably is a bit high. I am tired so I am going to just quote some stuff and I am annoyingly into this stuff so I can always go further when I'm more rested or if you want.

I am going to quote Greg Nuckols real quick and have more if needed:
Let’s revisit the studies showing that you burn about 100 calories deadlifting 175kg for 4 sets of 8. We’re going to use those numbers as a yardstick for a bit.

They found that energy expenditure was directly (and quite strongly) correlated to the amount of work being done. Work scales directly with the amount of weight on the bar. Lifting 100kg is twice as much work as lifting 50kg.

So, if you deadlift 175kg for a set of 8, you burn ~25 calories. If you deadlift 87.5 for a set of 8, you’d only burn about 12.5 calories. If you deadlift 350kg for a set of 8, you’d burn about 50 calories.

This is why a new lifter may be able to bang out sets of 10 squats while barely breaking a sweat, whereas a tough set of 10 may floor a stronger lifter. If you’re lifting twice as much weight, you’re burning through twice as much energy in the same amount of time, probably with a larger proportion coming from anaerobic sources.
Invalid Link Removed, Invalid Link Removed

He also had a good write up and a formula (which the form is bugging out on me right now but I can share in the future if interested) that explains it usually comes out to roughly 6 kcal/min for resistance training (4-8 was the range). Study Invalid Link Removed. With keeping in mind this caveat as far as calculating our energy expenditure with training in relation to how it also effects our total during the day:
Keep in mind that burning more energy during a training session may not scale perfectly with increases in total energy expenditure throughout the day. If you burn 400kcal in a training session, but you’re tired after the session and don’t move as much for the rest of the day, it’s entirely possible that your total daily energy expenditure would only be 200kcal greater than that of a rest day.

I could also go with more references with how inaccurate trackers tend to be, but I've already typed more than I wanted. ;)

I don't think it is wrong to geek out about these things, but at the end of the day for myself when I consider the inaccuracies on the tracking of both the expenditure and intake I usually just settle on not worrying a ton, but I also use macrofactor so I just let it do its thing and go from there. :)
First, it probably is a bit high. I am tired so I am going to just quote some stuff and I am annoyingly into this stuff so I can always go further when I'm more rested or if you want.
That's awesome stuff, I'll definitely dive into that a bit more after work. I definitely recognize how inaccurate most trackers are, especially when solely wearing a wrist wearable. For me it's more of a game of getting an idea of where I'm at, what I find most interesting is how my app which only takes reps completed and various times into account, is most likely the most accurate number I'm getting in regards to energy spent in my training. Another thing I find interesting, is my energy spent over the course of the entire day via Garmin and Macro is almost equal. Maybe I'll start plotting this information...

at the end of the day for myself when I consider the inaccuracies on the tracking of both the expenditure and intake I usually just settle on not worrying a ton

Something Jim has mentioned, probably in 531 Forever, is that the number used for Training Max is just the number the prescribed intensity is calculated off of - using more is not often better, and sometimes using less is better. Some lifters respond better to training with even lower percentage TM, thus accomplishing more AMRAP volume with slightly lower weights. He has seen some older experienced people do better going down as low as 7x% for their TM in some instances.

So I mention that to say it’s fine not to increase TM, or even decrease it sometimes. You need to lift weights you can actually handle to get the best progress potential. Too heavy can run you out of road as you struggle to keep up, and too light is, well, just that. It’s individual to you & your situation.
That's awesome stuff, I'll definitely dive into that a bit more after work. I definitely recognize how inaccurate most trackers are, especially when solely wearing a wrist wearable. For me it's more of a game of getting an idea of where I'm at, what I find most interesting is how my app which only takes reps completed and various times into account, is most likely the most accurate number I'm getting in regards to energy spent in my training. Another thing I find interesting, is my energy spent over the course of the entire day via Garmin and Macro is almost equal. Maybe I'll start plotting this information...


Ya definitely don't take it as me saying stop. I think it will be cool when we can get closer. I always love more data and information, I think the biggest thing though is determine what to do with any information we have.
Something Jim has mentioned, probably in 531 Forever, is that the number used for Training Max is just the number the prescribed intensity is calculated off of - using more is not often better, and sometimes using less is better. Some lifters respond better to training with even lower percentage TM, thus accomplishing more AMRAP volume with slightly lower weights. He has seen some older experienced people do better going down as low as 7x% for their TM in some instances.

So I mention that to say it’s fine not to increase TM, or even decrease it sometimes. You need to lift weights you can actually handle to get the best progress potential. Too heavy can run you out of road as you struggle to keep up, and too light is, well, just that. It’s individual to you & your situation.

Most definitely, mid way through last year I had to maintain TM for OHP which, at the time, was a bit of a kick in the nuts for me ego. But the next TM test, I blew it out of the water, it was like I'd been lifting that weight for months. I am getting to a point where I need to consider my week three %s, specifically if I want to maintain the volume with the intensity I'm currently at. Last year's improvements were insane, reestablishing muscle memory after taking a year off. Going from a 315 DL back to over 500 for example. Not sustainable improvements, but damn it feels good to lift big weights again.

I always love more data and information, I think the biggest thing though is determine what to do with any information we have.
Definitely! I'm currently getting my Masters in Applied Data Analytics, literally the description of the program lol.

Officially day 1 of the log, still blowing an insane amount of mucous out of my face, but over all feeling great. Went in to train motivated and ready to **** **** up. I had a memorial/remembrance over the weekend for a friend and fellow beer lover, drank from 1100 until I hit my pillow at 1030. For some laughs I logged my food intake, couldn't keep up with the beer intake, but I only consumed 1250 calories that day in food, yesterday I stuffed my face for a solid 3200 calories. I was hungry. Today my stack from BLR should be in (FF stack), pretty interested to see what becomes of that.

Just a note that beer consumption can be pretty significant in calories, depending on the style. Again, not knowing your preferences, but a craft NE style IPA 16 oz can can easily be close to 270-300 cals. So if you're doing more than one in a sitting, it can add up quickly.

Edit: Sorry to hear about the friend, so certainly don't begrudge you for not tracking a beer or few!
beer consumption can be pretty significant in calories
Absolutely! When I ran a brewery in Charlotte, I was tasked with getting the nutritional facts of all of our beers, our flagship IPA had like 290cal per 12oz, too easy to sit down and knock out 1000cal.

My favorite of this is people who moved to seltzers to have a "low calorie" option, and then move to the "harder seltzers" with higher ABV and more calories than a beer :ROFLMAO:
Day 2 - The day of the presses. It was supposed to be bench/press day, but the other regular was using our ONLY bench. Ran the same weights as last week when I was sick, kicked up the momentum a bit and left the log out today, I'll get it Friday when I run press as supplemental

- OHP (strict)
  • 5 x 70lb
  • 5 x 85
  • 5 x 105
  • 5 x 115
  • 5 x 135
  • 5 x 150
Supplemental - OHP (strict)
  • 10 x 5 @ 115
  • Fly machine 5 x 10 @ 110
  • Seated Row 5 x 10 @ 220
  • Trap Bar Stiff Leg DL 3 x 10 @ 315
Time - 1hr on the nose
Weight - 220.7

Notes - Today I started the FF stack from BLR, and holy fucking heart burn, my stomach feels like it's literally on fire. Took it with my usual banana and oatmeal preworkout. Could NOT finish the leg workout due to feeling like I was going to belch fire. I'm assuming it's the INCINDERINE (gotta yell it intensely), so I'll be perusing the threads here to find a solution to that. DGL chews helped immensely, but I refuse to use it daily as a crutch.
I'll be perusing the threads here to find a solution to that
Yeah I've got nothing. Sent a DM to Brundel asking if anyone else has reported aside from the 1 other person on this entire forum. I saw suggestions about taking a half dose at first, but that wasn't in regards to this specific issue.
Anything oral capsaicin type stuff is a big no-go for me, heartburn-wise. As in, never normally getting heartburn with anything else at the time, yet a single dose of these thermogenics and I am belching burning acid.

I don’t know what’s in Incinderine, but if it’s a pepper extract there’s probably not much you can do if you don’t want to add drugs. If there is, feel free to lmk, but I’m not aware of anything practical.
Anything oral capsaicin type stuff is a big no-go for me, heartburn-wise. As in, never normally getting heartburn with anything else at the time, yet a single dose of these thermogenics and I am belching burning acid.

I don’t know what’s in Incinderine, but if it’s a pepper extract there’s probably not much you can do if you don’t want to add drugs. If there is, feel free to lmk, but I’m not aware of anything practical.
There is a pepper extract, and I'm not counting bioperine, I was thinking the bitter orange extract was the culprit. But the only reason I've ever gotten heart burn has been alcohol consumption related lol.

DGL chewables worked like magic, but I'd like to not have to lean on a supplement to take another one.
There is a pepper extract, and I'm not counting bioperine, I was thinking the bitter orange extract was the culprit. But the only reason I've ever gotten heart burn has been alcohol consumption related lol.

DGL chewables worked like magic, but I'd like to not have to lean on a supplement to take another one.

I will let Brunel speak for his product, but generally speaking it’s going to be the pepper extract like I said.
I will let Brunel speak for his product, but generally speaking it’s going to be the pepper extract like I said.
Makes sense. I'll give it an earnest go and lean on the DGL, but definitely not putting up with it if it stays as bad as it is.