D R U G TEST Please help!!!! I really need info!!!!



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Phera= 2ene= DMT = desoxymethyltestosterone:study: or methylandrostenol (Madol)
Unless this is broken into metabolites shared by anything else listed, it looks like your ok on that one (unless the methyl test shows up- but I just thought Id throw in something fast, since I could see you awaiting a reply with a quickness :p

-References: C&EN: Latest News - Second 'Designer' Steroid Uncovered
Their synthesis starts with epiandrosterone, a natural reduction product of testosterone that is excreted in urine, Ayotte tells C&EN. They react epiandrosterone with p-toluenesulfonyl chloride and trimethylpyridine to remove the hydroxyl group at C-3 of the steroid ring system. A pair of olefin isomers form, the 3-ene and 2-ene. Reaction of these intermediates with methyllithium adds a methyl group to C-17 and converts the keto group there to a hydroxyl group, resulting in DMT. Ayotte believes this is the likely approach used by the chemist who originally made the steroid because her team detected the two intermediate isomers as impurities in the seized material.

The Montreal lab is conducting liver cell culture studies on DMT to identify metabolites and plans a research paper to report the physiological properties of the steroid, Ayotte says.

The discovery of DMT is not exclusive to the Montreal lab, however. The UCLA lab and the Doping Control Laboratory of Athens have collaborated to identify DMT in a different sample anonymously sent to the UCLA lab last year. Don H. Catlin of the UCLA lab and Costas Georgakopoulos of the Greek lab and their coworkers reported their findings on Feb. 11 [Rapid Commun. Mass Spectrom., 19, 781 (2005)].

The UCLA-Athens team has further identified the steroid as madol, short for methylandrostenol, which was first reported in a patent in 1961. Madol was shown to have high anabolic (muscle-building) effects, but it was never approved for use and has not been widely studied since that time. The researchers report a synthesis and rapid detection method for the steroid similar to that reported by the Montreal lab. They also report metabolites of the steroid obtained by a baboon study and human liver cell culture study.

Superdrol (methasteron) is definitely not a prohormone: it is a very active form of a designer supplement. Superdrol gets its name from the fact that it is a super-saturated, or 2-reduced, form of Anadrol. Anadrol has a =C-OH at the 2nd position, and if this is totally saturated (reduced) with hydrogen, it gives -CH3. Another way to describe it is that it is a 2a-17a-dimethyl of drostanolone (Masteron). Masteron has a single methyl group at the 2nd position. Superdrol is a modification of this structure by adding another methyl group at the 17th position, like M1T or M-Dien. However you may wish to look at it, it is by this simple-looking transformation that Superdrol comes to occupy the sweet spot between the chemical natures of Anadrol and Masteron. Since it is already reduced at the 5th position, it cannot make estrogen. Progesterone is not an issue: perhaps 0.1% can aromatize, in theory. In fact, this compound should not have any major metabolites at all. Maybe a few hydroxylated adrenal metabolites, but only traces. It is basically excreted unchanged as the conjugated glucuronate. The extra electron density at the 2 makes Superdrol 2-3x as anabolic (mg for mg) than Anadrol. To borrow from the language of genetics, Superdrol is a fine example of hybrid vigor: it has only the best attributes of each, and none of the worst. This is a supplement designed to have it all.

Anadrol/oxymetholone 17ß-hydroxy-2-hydroxymethylene-17a-methyl-5a-androstan-3-one
Superdrol/methasteron 2a,17a-Dimethyl-17ß-hydroxy-5a-androstan-3-one
Masteron/drostanolone 2a-methyl-17ß -hydroxy-5a-androstan-3-one
Proviron/mesterolone 1a-methyl-17ß -hydroxy-5a-androstan-3-one


Phera= 2ene= DMT = desoxymethyltestosterone:study: or methylandrostenol (Madol)
Unless this is broken into metabolites shared by anything else listed, it looks like your ok on that one (unless the methyl test shows up- but I just thought Id throw in something fast, since I could see you awaiting a reply with a quickness :p

-References: C&EN: Latest News - Second 'Designer' Steroid Uncovered
Their synthesis starts with epiandrosterone, a natural reduction product of testosterone that is excreted in urine, Ayotte tells C&EN. They react epiandrosterone with p-toluenesulfonyl chloride and trimethylpyridine to remove the hydroxyl group at C-3 of the steroid ring system. A pair of olefin isomers form, the 3-ene and 2-ene. Reaction of these intermediates with methyllithium adds a methyl group to C-17 and converts the keto group there to a hydroxyl group, resulting in DMT. Ayotte believes this is the likely approach used by the chemist who originally made the steroid because her team detected the two intermediate isomers as impurities in the seized material.

The Montreal lab is conducting liver cell culture studies on DMT to identify metabolites and plans a research paper to report the physiological properties of the steroid, Ayotte says.

The discovery of DMT is not exclusive to the Montreal lab, however. The UCLA lab and the Doping Control Laboratory of Athens have collaborated to identify DMT in a different sample anonymously sent to the UCLA lab last year. Don H. Catlin of the UCLA lab and Costas Georgakopoulos of the Greek lab and their coworkers reported their findings on Feb. 11 [Rapid Commun. Mass Spectrom., 19, 781 (2005)].

The UCLA-Athens team has further identified the steroid as madol, short for methylandrostenol, which was first reported in a patent in 1961. Madol was shown to have high anabolic (muscle-building) effects, but it was never approved for use and has not been widely studied since that time. The researchers report a synthesis and rapid detection method for the steroid similar to that reported by the Montreal lab. They also report metabolites of the steroid obtained by a baboon study and human liver cell culture study.

Superdrol (methasteron) is definitely not a prohormone: it is a very active form of a designer supplement. Superdrol gets its name from the fact that it is a super-saturated, or 2-reduced, form of Anadrol. Anadrol has a =C-OH at the 2nd position, and if this is totally saturated (reduced) with hydrogen, it gives -CH3. Another way to describe it is that it is a 2a-17a-dimethyl of drostanolone (Masteron). Masteron has a single methyl group at the 2nd position. Superdrol is a modification of this structure by adding another methyl group at the 17th position, like M1T or M-Dien. However you may wish to look at it, it is by this simple-looking transformation that Superdrol comes to occupy the sweet spot between the chemical natures of Anadrol and Masteron. Since it is already reduced at the 5th position, it cannot make estrogen. Progesterone is not an issue: perhaps 0.1% can aromatize, in theory. In fact, this compound should not have any major metabolites at all. Maybe a few hydroxylated adrenal metabolites, but only traces. It is basically excreted unchanged as the conjugated glucuronate. The extra electron density at the 2 makes Superdrol 2-3x as anabolic (mg for mg) than Anadrol. To borrow from the language of genetics, Superdrol is a fine example of hybrid vigor: it has only the best attributes of each, and none of the worst. This is a supplement designed to have it all.

Anadrol/oxymetholone 17ß-hydroxy-2-hydroxymethylene-17a-methyl-5a-androstan-3-one
Superdrol/methasteron 2a,17a-Dimethyl-17ß-hydroxy-5a-androstan-3-one
Masteron/drostanolone 2a-methyl-17ß -hydroxy-5a-androstan-3-one
Proviron/mesterolone 1a-methyl-17ß -hydroxy-5a-androstan-3-one
Thanks man...So what you are saying is that I should be safe...but what about the test:epotest ratio?


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Can't help you on that one. I would assum that know wether or not your clear at this point is useless,.. as you cant influence the results now.
Im sure you'll be fine though :bb:


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What's up with the ramdom stim thrown in there?! Phendimetrazine is not even commonly abused anymore I don't think. This is a very weird test list for sure.

You should test clean. Methyltest is a metabolite of PP but if you quit a week ago, chances are you're OK. That's on a urine test. If you have a hair follicle test, you will still test positive for MT for a long time though (depending on how short you keep your hair).


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This is sort of related to this thread so I'll just post here:

How long is Clen traceable in your system and do any government jobs test for this? I know clen has a life of about 36 hours right? Just wondering how long this stuff lingers in the system and is traceable.

Also, on the usage of Clen, how long would it take for one's BP go down to normal? I'm sure it's dependent on length and dosage of use but a generalized hypothesis would be great.


What's up with the ramdom stim thrown in there?! Phendimetrazine is not even commonly abused anymore I don't think. This is a very weird test list for sure.

You should test clean. Methyltest is a metabolite of PP but if you quit a week ago, chances are you're OK. That's on a urine test. If you have a hair follicle test, you will still test positive for MT for a long time though (depending on how short you keep your hair).
I quit Phera Max 5 days before the test...Am I still alright, what about SD?


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I quit Phera Max 5 days before the test...Am I still alright, what about superdrol?
dude...you didnt use any illegal substances...what are you worried about? worst case scenario you test postitive and have to show them the bottle. If they dont give you your job..take legal action and maybe get rich in the process. if you dont get the job because you test positive when taking a legal substance, you didnt break the law and you shouldnt be turned down from your job. **** them


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Maybe they've had problems w/ teachers distributing gear to students/athletes in the past? Or maybe they're just making sure it doesn't happen in the future?


Maybe they've had problems w/ teachers distributing gear to students/athletes in the past? Or maybe they're just making sure it doesn't happen in the future?
Actually, I just found this out yesterday from one of the students (he goes to my gym). This school had a teacher that ditributed M1T to many wrestlers and later was convicted of giving minors alcohol.

I am going to find out the results today.


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Good Luck. We'll all be waiting for the outcome.


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I quit Phera Max 5 days before the test...Am I still alright, what about superdrol?
Yeah, I think you're fine with the PM. The cut-off is probably high on the MT metabolite and the total amount of that metabolite generated were probably low ans clears fast. The SD will not yield any detectable metabolites on that list and itself was not looked for so your cool with that one too.


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Dr D, how long will a hair follcile test go back and how does shortness and/or shaving hair affect this as far as w PP or SD?


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Bump for the outcome of the test..... :study:


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Dr D, how long will a hair follcile test go back and how does shortness and/or shaving hair affect this as far as w PP or superdrol?
After you ingest a drug, it starts to show up in your hair after about 2wk. If you keep your hair buzzed short (1/2 inch or less) then you can cut it after 8wks to be safe and you'll test fine no problem. Your hair grows about 1/4inch a month. You can shave it after 4wks but then they'll just sample a different location (like your arm pits or chest hair) and that is more likely to test positive so you would have to shave everything!


They are still saying that it didn't come back from the lab. I am getting a bit angry.


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They are still saying that it didn't come back from the lab. I am getting a bit angry.
Don't show your anger about it to them. I wouldn't ask about it or show any more interest for awhile. If it's still not back by next Friday or something, just bring it up casually but don't seem stressed about the results with constant update requests. I'm just guessing you have been asking a lot since you said they are "still saying". I wouldn't make them say it again anytime soon if it were me. :)


Don't show your anger about it to them. I wouldn't ask about it or show any more interest for awhile. If it's still not back by next Friday or something, just bring it up casually but don't seem stressed about the results with constant update requests. I'm just guessing you have been asking a lot since you said they are "still saying". I wouldn't make them say it again anytime soon if it were me. :)
I see your point and you are right, thanks Dr.D.


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Honestly, .. anytime I had to take a test for drugs, I never actually SAW the results.
Either it just never came up, and I got the job, or someone from HR would say everything looks good,.. (refering to more then just the drug test like paperwork and such).

IF they already have the results, and they havent said anything, your fine. IF something came up in the test, they would have cut your string already, or something did show up but since it wasnt tested for, they have no clue what it could be, and they would be waiting on the lab to tell them that the test did not pick up any known steroids. They wouldnt be able to tell with any certinty that an unknown was definately a steroid, nor know exactly what to test for to find out (assuming they only have that limited range of compounds to test for)

... And that was the really longggggg way to say :


Honestly, .. anytime I had to take a test for drugs, I never actually SAW the results.
Either it just never came up, and I got the job, or someone from HR would say everything looks good,.. (refering to more then just the drug test like paperwork and such).

IF they already have the results, and they havent said anything, your fine. IF something came up in the test, they would have cut your string already, or something did show up but since it wasnt tested for, they have no clue what it could be, and they would be waiting on the lab to tell them that the test did not pick up any known steroids. They wouldnt be able to tell with any certinty that an unknown was definately a steroid, nor know exactly what to test for to find out (assuming they only have that limited range of compounds to test for)

... And that was the really longggggg way to say :
I still think they will tell me.


New member
I still think they will tell me.
i'm with xtraflossy -- you won't hear anything unless it comes up positive. just keep a poker face on and drive forward like it's business as usual.


Alright...This is what the administration told me:

We sent the sample to Virginia University for testing. They contacted us and informed us that they ran into technical difficulties and nothing could be determined.

Then they asked for a second test and I said No, because I am probably going to be hired some place else anyway.


Also....Thanks a lot to everyone that read the thread, cared, encouraged and informed. I appreciate it.


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Well,.. thanks for the update!!!

you said that you were "probably" going to be hired somewhere else... Is this a deffinate?
If it is not in the bag,.. you probably should have let them test you again, given you have had an extra 15 days to get rid of anything that might be hanging around. A refusal just looks suspipcious.
Either way I guess,.. Best of luck in the job search!

(I wonder wehat sort of technicial difficulties there were refering to?... problems w/the testing equipment, which happens at universities, or determining some metabolite)


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Should have taken it, then gotten the job elsewhere and told them to pound salt. Most places divide the sample into two so they can retest. Sounds fishy.


I honestly think that they saw that my test/epitest ratio was messed up, but couldn't trace the compounds.


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didnt read much of the thread but have helped conduct many a drug test. you will only hear results from a drug test if someone particpating in it had something abnormal pop up


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Superdrol and PP are still legal though. They are only banned in athletic events by these groups such as WADA, but so is DHEA for that matter. Unless your 'job' is somehow related to an athletic competition and you are a competitor, no typical drug panel testing lab or doctor even knows what these compounds are much less have a standard method of analysis to test them, for under 70 bucks too.. yeah right!
is this still true to this day (may 1 2007)


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is this still true to this day (may 1 2007)
I'm not sure. All the guys I knew in athletics (like Ryansm) have disappeared from hear! What organization where you concerned with testing specifically? I bet somebody here would know and have a current list.


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I'm not sure. All the guys I knew in athletics (like Ryansm) have disappeared from hear! What organization where you concerned with testing specifically? I bet somebody here would know and have a current list.
i was just wondering because a nutrition store has some in and i will possibly be getting tested for Anabolics soon he said it shouldnt show up and if it does that i bought it legally from an over the counter source and that if i have proof of where i got it and the bottle id be covered.

It wont be an athletic test but a test for steroids for sure.

BTW- this is the compound in it.... 2a-17-dimethyl-5a-androst-3-one


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DR.D-- you stated in an earlier post that there wouldnt be enough of the compound in Superdrol to be detected. Have you heard anything since you posted that that would prove otherwise. The consensus is still that it is too low (according to a friend) just thought id ask.



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is this still true to this day (may 1 2007)
I highly doubt that these two are now commonly tested for unless you are tested by USADA. Even tests for pro athletes are not testing, to my knowledge, SD. They are testing for DMT however.

Not only does it already cost a lot of money for a basic steroid test it would cost substantially more to test SD.


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I'm not sure. All the guys I knew in athletics (like Ryansm) have disappeared from hear! What organization where you concerned with testing specifically? I bet somebody here would know and have a current list.
Still here just busy of late



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I highly doubt that these two are now commonly tested for unless you are tested by USADA. Even tests for pro athletes are not testing, to my knowledge, superdrol. They are testing for DMT however.

Not only does it already cost a lot of money for a basic steroid test it would cost substantially more to test superdrol.
so it wouldnt show up on a drug test. But even at that it is a legal supplement that is sold over the counter so legally nothing could happen right?

providing that is isnt an athletic organization testing.

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