Matthersby‘s mission: 50lbs by 2019. Slin,NPP,Dbol and lots more.


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My buddy started his 1st cycle at 42...dude was already natty huge. 6'2 245...two months in...test only..hes at 275. Guy eats like a madman. Set the alarm on his phone for every 2 hours...when it goes or night...he eats. Everytime i see him, hes bigger. He loving his cycle...thinks i gave him a gift from His wife called and thanked me too...she loves it...wonder


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Haha...this. just started back on the hip hop train about 3 weeks ago. Training like a madman on that stuff too. In the next 6 months or so itll go back to the heaviest metal I can find and I will wonder how anyone can listen to that rap sh!t.
I knew I wasn’t the only one! My tastes in the last 22 years have brought me to some tech-prog death, so I dig some Obscura, Opeth, The Faceless, and always some old Black Dahlia Murder. Decapitated is an old favorite.
But this week it was the new Lil Wayne, The Game’s 1992, some Wu Tang I missed out on from the last 10 years, anything lyrical too even some of the Eminem disses I’ve been YouTubing lately. Some Stuff I missed out on since it’s been death metal 24-7 since 2015.


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My buddy started his 1st cycle at 42...dude was already natty huge. 6'2 245...two months in...test only..hes at 275. Guy eats like a madman. Set the alarm on his phone for every 2 hours...when it goes or night...he eats. Everytime i see him, hes bigger. He loving his cycle...thinks i gave him a gift from His wife called and thanked me too...she loves it...wonder
I could cycle non stop for life, I don’t wig out or get super angry, or have really any issues other than bloodwork. I’m literally preparing myself for when I’m done with this blast in 4 weeks. I’ve had either an oil or oral blasting for the most part,(with a few small breaks) since March. For my health and longevity it’s just gonna be Test for a few months come early November. I’m going to work hard and eat a lot, pin Lantus on training days and bust my ass. But it’s long overdue to get my lipids back in line. I’ll be eating a lot of fish/fish oil etc. don’t want to have a heart attack in my 40s.


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I could cycle non stop for life, I don’t wig out or get super angry, or have really any issues other than bloodwork. I’m literally preparing myself for when I’m done with this blast in 4 weeks. I’ve had either an oil or oral blasting for the most part,(with a few small breaks) since March. For my health and longevity it’s just gonna be Test for a few months come early November. I’m going to work hard and eat a lot, pin Lantus on training days and bust my ass. But it’s long overdue to get my lipids back in line. I’ll be eating a lot of fish/fish oil etc. don’t want to have a heart attack in my 40s.
I should ease back too...but blood work is still all good...hmmm...maybe ive just adjusted to being on test over the years..


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Whats your weight at now my friend?
Bout 234, started another 4 weeks of Dbol today again after a 3.5 week break from a 28 day run of it.
Started incorporating pot pies, whole milk, Nutella, more pork and steak than chicken, and Pb virtually after every meal.
I’m fairly certain I’ll make it over 240 and never go under again, I’m just not in such a hurry, all the fat gain is just going to need dieted off come prep time. So I’m stretching out a few more months after New Years to put it on a little slower. Lantus on training days and during cruise periods so I can continue making gains.


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Bout 234, started another 4 weeks of Dbol today again after a 3.5 week break from a 28 day run of it.
Started incorporating pot pies, whole milk, Nutella, more pork and steak than chicken, and Pb virtually after every meal.
I’m fairly certain I’ll make it over 240 and never go under again, I’m just not in such a hurry, all the fat gain is just going to need dieted off come prep time. So I’m stretching out a few more months after New Years to put it on a little slower. Lantus on training days and during cruise periods so I can continue making gains.
Very good. Over the past couple weeks ive managed to pick up some size while maintaining the current weight. Think i found my sweet spot where i can slowly burn BF while still building muscle


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Very good. Over the past couple weeks ive managed to pick up some size while maintaining the current weight. Think i found my sweet spot where i can slowly burn BF while still building muscle
That’s where I’ve always been somewhat decent at but something lately is making it difficult to put on a lot of size like I’ve been able to in the past. I’ve always just manipulated carbs and dieted off fat without a ton of effort, but my bulking as of late isn’t as impressive.


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That’s where I’ve always been somewhat decent at but something lately is making it difficult to put on a lot of size like I’ve been able to in the past. I’ve always just manipulated carbs and dieted off fat without a ton of effort, but my bulking as of late isn’t as impressive.
Yeah, we talked about this before, putting on size was never my issue. I posted a progress pic over on my thread...getting a little leaner...i think


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Yeah, we talked about this before, putting on size was never my issue. I posted a progress pic over on my thread...getting a little leaner...i think
You were noticeably leaner on the second progress pics! I’ll check out your recent one brother.


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I am looking for someone that has a large supply so I don’t have to switch brands. I can taper much more easily with the same brand. I may have to start ordering online.
You might be off sooner than you think.tried to order a kilo last night and my vendor doesnt have those quantities anymore. Some shipping stoppage over in kratom going through. I'm in shock, dont want to go back to the doc and get a script but it looks like it may be a while before kratom is readily available again. Just thought to give you a heads up if you haven't seen this. If you dont want to cold turkey you might want to get aggressive with that taper brother. I'm on the hunt for quality kilos for sale now (throwing out a flag if any of you guys know who still has legit product. I get nervous trying new vendors after 6 years with the same quality place)


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You might be off sooner than you think.tried to order a kilo last night and my vendor doesnt have those quantities anymore. Some shipping stoppage over in kratom going through. I'm in shock, dont want to go back to the doc and get a script but it looks like it may be a while before kratom is readily available again. Just thought to give you a heads up if you haven't seen this. If you dont want to cold turkey you might want to get aggressive with that taper brother. I'm on the hunt for quality kilos for sale now (throwing out a flag if any of you guys know who still has legit product. I get nervous trying new vendors after 6 years with the same quality place)
Is this what the supplier is saying? I googled and haven’t seen anything yet.


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Is this what the supplier is saying? I googled and haven’t seen anything yet.
Actually he just said shipping had stopped. The rest of the info I got about the situation was from google.


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Actually he just said shipping had stopped. The rest of the info I got about the situation was from google.
Oh well, I always have a back up plan far cheaper and more effective than tapering Kratom. And it’s as far as the grocery store. It’s a poor mans suboxone and can be used to taper off ANY opiate like substance in 30-90 days. I’d be better off jumping on that anyways I just don’t really want to


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Oh well, I always have a back up plan far cheaper and more effective than tapering Kratom. And it’s as far as the grocery store. It’s a poor mans suboxone and can be used to taper off ANY opiate like substance in 30-90 days. I’d be better off jumping on that anyways I just don’t really want to
Im curious...what is it?


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What are gun laws like in your guys’ states?

You know in AZ we can have a firearm on is at any time for any reason. Loaded unloaded concealed or open. And it can be fired anywhere not within a certain distance from a residential area. And home defense laws are ridiculous. We had a governor that helped get a law passed 6-10 years ago that would make it next to impossible to prosecute a victim of a home invasion that used lethal force against his/her intruder. Basically, pre-meditation would need to be proven.


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Looks like theres plenty of domestic kratom on dream, most with reviews and escrow. Price might be a bit higher, though.


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What are gun laws like in your guys’ states?

You know in AZ we can have a firearm on is at any time for any reason. Loaded unloaded concealed or open. And it can be fired anywhere not within a certain distance from a residential area. And home defense laws are ridiculous. We had a governor that helped get a law passed 6-10 years ago that would make it next to impossible to prosecute a victim of a home invasion that used lethal force against his/her intruder. Basically, pre-meditation would need to be proven.
I bet people drive a little more courteous there than here in IL
tyga tyga

tyga tyga

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Missouri laws aren’t that open lol (compared to AZ)

However, I keep the strap with me, always.


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Missouri laws aren’t that open lol (compared to AZ)

However, I keep the strap with me, always.
Same here. I’ve traveled by vehicle to states where I’d be screwed if I got searched. But I don’t care. Don’t cause trouble and cops don’t bother you anyhow. I just keep it secured and sleep a lot more peacefully.


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Same here. I’ve traveled by vehicle to states where I’d be screwed if I got searched. But I don’t care. Don’t cause trouble and cops don’t bother you anyhow. I just keep it secured and sleep a lot more peacefully.
Better to have it and not need it vs not having it and needing it. #popthetrunk


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Better to have it and not need it vs not having it and needing it. #popthetrunk
Funny story.

I had a breathalyzer in an old SUV I drove for several years. Old DUI too, like 2010, I got hammered hard and lost my license for three years, plus 3 with the breathalyzer too. The car started hanging problems and sat for a year. So eventually the company wanted their product back, so I had to tow this broke ass car down to a place that would take it out. They didn’t want to wait for me to tow it again out of their small parking lot and miraculously got it running and asked me to drive it outta there. Got a half mile and it crapped out, Parked it an a dirty grocery store lot. Walked back to my new car and went home. I was slammed for a few weeks and didn’t want to keep paying $100 to tow it 5 miles. Kept blowing it off. Then one night, my phone starts ringing a blocked number over and over. I was like “WTF IS CALLING ME!” And then immediately someone pounds on my door. It’s almost 10 at night, phone still ringing over and over. I grab my pistol and start marching at the door knowing it can’t be anything good pounding on my door. Through the glass, cop yells “Goodyear PD! Lose the gun!” Scared the shyt outta me and him I’m sure. They had got a call about an abandoned vehicle. There’s a reason I don’t point it at anyone unless there’s a legit threat.


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I know this thread has lost momentum. But I’m pushing 240 again and Dbol hasn’t even kicked back in yet. I believe with enough calories, 250 is not only achievable with this first blast(technically a double blast) but also possibly maintainable. I’d like to get to 265 by February for sure.

I’ve been able to sleep better with very small increases in an Indica strain at night and some Kava tea. Weed is so helpful with appetite, I just have to be careful since i will wig right out if I get way too stoned.


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I know this thread has lost momentum. But I’m pushing 240 again and Dbol hasn’t even kicked back in yet. I believe with enough calories, 250 is not only achievable with this first blast(technically a double blast) but also possibly maintainable. I’d like to get to 265 by February for sure.

I’ve been able to sleep better with very small increases in an Indica strain at night and some Kava tea. Weed is so helpful with appetite, I just have to be careful since i will wig right out if I get way too stoned.
Geez ultimate goal is a lean mean 275 by age 40...I'm at 215 now. It seems so far away but you make it sound like that sort of weight is right around the corner - thank you for showing me that. I often have sleep issues too when on - learned recently how useful phenibut can be. I hear MK can be super helpful ever tried that for sleep?


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Geez ultimate goal is a lean mean 275 by age 40...I'm at 215 now. It seems so far away but you make it sound like that sort of weight is right around the corner - thank you for showing me that. I often have sleep issues too when on - learned recently how useful phenibut can be. I hear MK can be super helpful ever tried that for sleep?
Just pheni which tolerance was created quickly i have yet to run MK. I actually have small bone structure, I’m tall and lanky so I don’t look very big until I’m 240+
My legs are scrawny so any weight I have is my big back. I’m like twice the width of my girlfriend even with no muscle. If I’m being honest, I don’t do well without aas. An excuse that works now at 40, but I did learn for the most part through a couple decades what I respond to best..
it’s almost never changes:
- I don’t need a lot of volume, I can get the same results with short rest periods and advanced principles(In order for me, DROP SETS, slow negatives, and I pretty much only do a set below 6 reps only to drop the weight to get more reps with a lower weight, great trick) fst-7 works too or any burnout type set at the end.
- I double and triple the amount of volume for back than chest. Consequently my bench goes up when my traps and lats are thick and strong.
- I always end back day with a mini bi day and same for chest as well as an arm day.
- my shoulders grow the same on gear whether I give them a few sets after back for rear and medial and a few after chest for frontal delts.. or I could do an hour shoulder day and they grow pretty much the same. It’s like they don’t need much stimulation to grow.
- I can also get the same gains from a 50 minute workout with 1 minute rest as a 185 minute workout with 2-3 minute rests.
- I almost never train flat chest. All upper and then dips. Whereas back I’ll train from 4-5 angles and I need every one of them for continued growth.
DC rep range works well for me. 1 heavy set early on after warm up and slow higher rep sets are far better. Especially for arms, shoulders, back and legs. Took me years of skinny arms to realize I need more reps. Presses, dead’s and squats are the only thing I need to go under 8 pretty much ever. But if I need to bring strength up 5x5 works well too. Strength will eventually stagnate for me with high reps but not as often as most since I incorporate a lot more TUT and drop sets than some..

Of course this wouldn’t apply at all for some people. I just try to keep it simple. Make a small adjustment in training and watch for growth, make a small adjustment in diet and watch for growth.
Gaining is hard past a certain point. Seriously, Rich Piana said it best. If you aren’t gaining, you just need to eat more. There’s no such thing as too much food if you aren’t gaining. You’ll die trying to bulk on chicken and brown rice, but if you’re like me, you can eat chips and salsa and peanut butter, even when you’re full, so I use those a lot when I need to gain more. Plus, sugary protein bars at the end of every meal has helped. Every single meal I’ll eat a 300 calorie protein bar and a couple granola bars. 5-600 additional calories, 25 more grams of protein, and it’s easy to eat since you crave some sugar after a big meal.
I dunno, trial and error man. I take notes from Swimfan. 300 pounds impresses the hell outta me...


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Just pheni which tolerance was created quickly i have yet to run MK. I actually have small bone structure, I’m tall and lanky so I don’t look very big until I’m 240+
My legs are scrawny so any weight I have is my big back. I’m like twice the width of my girlfriend even with no muscle. If I’m being honest, I don’t do well without aas. An excuse that works now at 40, but I did learn for the most part through a couple decades what I respond to best..
it’s almost never changes:
- I don’t need a lot of volume, I can get the same results with short rest periods and advanced principles(In order for me, DROP SETS, slow negatives, and I pretty much only do a set below 6 reps only to drop the weight to get more reps with a lower weight, great trick) fst-7 works too or any burnout type set at the end.
- I double and triple the amount of volume for back than chest. Consequently my bench goes up when my traps and lats are thick and strong.
- I always end back day with a mini bi day and same for chest as well as an arm day.
- my shoulders grow the same on gear whether I give them a few sets after back for rear and medial and a few after chest for frontal delts.. or I could do an hour shoulder day and they grow pretty much the same. It’s like they don’t need much stimulation to grow.
- I can also get the same gains from a 50 minute workout with 1 second rest as a 185 minute workout with 2-3 minute sets.
- I almost never train flat chest. All upper and then dips. Whereas back I’ll train from 4-5 angles and I need every one of them for continued growth.
DC rep range works well for me. 1 heavy set early on after warm up and slow higher rep sets are far better. Especially for arms, shoulders, back and legs. Took me years of skinny arms to realize I need more reps. Presses, dead’s and squats are the only thing I need to go under 8 pretty much ever. But if I need to bring strength up 5x5 works well too. Strength will eventually stagnate for me with high reps but not as often as most since I incorporate a lot more TUT and drop sets than some..

Of course this wouldn’t apply at all for some people. I just try to keep it simple. Make a small adjustment in training and watch for growth, make a small adjustment in diet and watch for growth.
Gaining is hard past a certain point. Seriously, Rich Piana said it best. If you aren’t gaining, you just need to eat more. There’s no such thing as too much food if you aren’t gaining. You’ll die trying to bulk on chicken and brown rice, but if you’re like me, you can eat chips and salsa and peanut butter, even when you’re full, so I use those a lot when I need to gain more. Plus, sugary protein bars at the end of every meal has helped. Every single meal I’ll eat a 300 calorie protein bar and a couple granola bars. 5-600 additional calories, 25 more grams of protein, and it’s easy to eat since you crave some sugar after a big meal.
I dunno, trial and error man. I take notes from Swimfan. 300 pounds impresses the hell outta me...
330 cals and the tren is working its magic. Saw my buddy at the gym and he was like holy much weight is that. Lol



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I like how you are training. I keep telling myself Im going to mix it up...I never do. I do very few exercises with lots of sets...most sets to failure. Im stuck in such a rut...tomorrow I will do new exercises...probably wont..but damn i want to.


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330 cals and the tren is working its magic. Saw my buddy at the gym and he was like holy much weight is that. Lol
Ya brother your tris are popping and forearms have cuts. Keep it going man. You’d still be a ****ing beast at 295 if you ask me..


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Ya brother your tris are popping and forearms have cuts. Keep it going man. You’d still be a ****ing beast at 295 if you ask me..
Yeah...i want to cut..last time it was just way to fast. I dropped my cals and carbs and weight just fell off..then i got sick for a week and lost another 15. I was like 308 and felt weak and I said f3ck that. So i put some back on..probably try to hold 330 till the new year..then do a slow cut to 300 for summer..for sh1ts and giggles.


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But thanks bro. Butcher near me had boneless skinless chicken breasts for sale for 89 cents a pound...and they are huge. I bought 50 pounds, then went to wallymart and bought 3 family size boxes of rice and 25 cans of chili beans. I just finished prepping 20 meals..the old lady is made because my containers take up the whole fridge. Ony used about 15 pounds of the chicken too. Thats how i rock a Friday night! Lol. Keep eating brother...walk slowly and take the elevator to the 2nd floor. Maybe buy a segway...and lay down whenever possible..


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I like how you are training. I keep telling myself Im going to mix it up...I never do. I do very few exercises with lots of sets...most sets to failure. Im stuck in such a rut...tomorrow I will do new exercises...probably wont..but damn i want to.
Ya bro, I’ve always done 2-3 working sets total for an exercise. Once I’ve hit a 5-8 rep, 10-12, and a 12-15, I’m on to the next. I feel like I start losing strength on one exercise and my strength kind of starts over on the next exercise. I’ll do 8 exercises just for back(4 for traps alone, I’m obsessed with obnoxious traps)


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How long are you giving yourself to prep for your show?


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Just pheni which tolerance was created quickly i have yet to run MK. I actually have small bone structure, I’m tall and lanky so I don’t look very big until I’m 240+
My legs are scrawny so any weight I have is my big back. I’m like twice the width of my girlfriend even with no muscle. If I’m being honest, I don’t do well without aas. An excuse that works now at 40, but I did learn for the most part through a couple decades what I respond to best..
it’s almost never changes:
- I don’t need a lot of volume, I can get the same results with short rest periods and advanced principles(In order for me, DROP SETS, slow negatives, and I pretty much only do a set below 6 reps only to drop the weight to get more reps with a lower weight, great trick) fst-7 works too or any burnout type set at the end.
- I double and triple the amount of volume for back than chest. Consequently my bench goes up when my traps and lats are thick and strong.
- I always end back day with a mini bi day and same for chest as well as an arm day.
- my shoulders grow the same on gear whether I give them a few sets after back for rear and medial and a few after chest for frontal delts.. or I could do an hour shoulder day and they grow pretty much the same. It’s like they don’t need much stimulation to grow.
- I can also get the same gains from a 50 minute workout with 1 minute rest as a 185 minute workout with 2-3 minute rests.
- I almost never train flat chest. All upper and then dips. Whereas back I’ll train from 4-5 angles and I need every one of them for continued growth.
DC rep range works well for me. 1 heavy set early on after warm up and slow higher rep sets are far better. Especially for arms, shoulders, back and legs. Took me years of skinny arms to realize I need more reps. Presses, dead’s and squats are the only thing I need to go under 8 pretty much ever. But if I need to bring strength up 5x5 works well too. Strength will eventually stagnate for me with high reps but not as often as most since I incorporate a lot more TUT and drop sets than some..

Of course this wouldn’t apply at all for some people. I just try to keep it simple. Make a small adjustment in training and watch for growth, make a small adjustment in diet and watch for growth.
Gaining is hard past a certain point. Seriously, Rich Piana said it best. If you aren’t gaining, you just need to eat more. There’s no such thing as too much food if you aren’t gaining. You’ll die trying to bulk on chicken and brown rice, but if you’re like me, you can eat chips and salsa and peanut butter, even when you’re full, so I use those a lot when I need to gain more. Plus, sugary protein bars at the end of every meal has helped. Every single meal I’ll eat a 300 calorie protein bar and a couple granola bars. 5-600 additional calories, 25 more grams of protein, and it’s easy to eat since you crave some sugar after a big meal.
I dunno, trial and error man. I take notes from Swimfan. 300 pounds impresses the hell outta me...
Ugh I hate being tall. I’m 6’4 245 posted a video on Facebook of me deadlifting 500 and somebody said “looking trim” I about cried. Hard out here for us lanky ****s. But for sleep I just picked up Redcon 1’s Fade out. That stuff puts me in a coma in about 45 minutes. Get a pretty unique high right before you crash too. It works better than my prescription sleeping pills mixed with some dank.


Random add in to the conversation but I'm currently on MK677 at 25mg a day. I love it. Muscles are definitely more full throughout the day. But more relevant to earlier comments is that I had greatly improved the quality of my sleep. I dream really deep and vividly sometimes feeling like my dreams last for hours. I still wake up a couple times a night but in the morning when I get up I'm refreshed and ready to take on the day. It used to be that I would wake up feeling exhausted and worn out. Muscle gains aside I'd take it for the improvement in sleep alone. Seriously give it a shot.


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Random add in to the conversation but I'm currently on MK677 at 25mg a day. I love it. Muscles are definitely more full throughout the day. But more relevant to earlier comments is that I had greatly improved the quality of my sleep. I dream really deep and vividly sometimes feeling like my dreams last for hours. I still wake up a couple times a night but in the morning when I get up I'm refreshed and ready to take on the day. It used to be that I would wake up feeling exhausted and worn out. Muscle gains aside I'd take it for the improvement in sleep alone. Seriously give it a shot.
Do you have any lethargy during the day you would attribute to it? For the first few days even?


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Random add in to the conversation but I'm currently on MK677 at 25mg a day. I love it. Muscles are definitely more full throughout the day. But more relevant to earlier comments is that I had greatly improved the quality of my sleep. I dream really deep and vividly sometimes feeling like my dreams last for hours. I still wake up a couple times a night but in the morning when I get up I'm refreshed and ready to take on the day. It used to be that I would wake up feeling exhausted and worn out. Muscle gains aside I'd take it for the improvement in sleep alone. Seriously give it a shot.
I took mk for a month, stopped for a few weeks to see if it was doing anything. Bad idea haha My joints started hurting again, became more irritable and sleep went to poop, waking up 4 or 5 times a night. Been back on for 3 days and my ridiculous dreams are back and my shoulders starting to feel better already. Last night I slept 7.5 hrs straight without any sleeping pills or powders and I feel so refreshed today. It can be found for cheap, I don’t know why everybody isn’t taking it. (Only on 15mg)


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Ugh I hate being tall. I’m 6’4 245 posted a video on Facebook of me deadlifting 500 and somebody said “looking trim” I about cried. Hard out here for us lanky ****s. But for sleep I just picked up Redcon 1’s Fade out. That stuff puts me in a coma in about 45 minutes. Get a pretty unique high right before you crash too. It works better than my prescription sleeping pills mixed with some dank. 6' took forever to put size on.


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So were you the tall lanky kid growing up? Then turned into a f*kn grizzly bear?


I take 25mgs first thing in the morning and don't notice a thing throughout the day. Besides my muscles being a bit fuller. And waking up refreshed in the morning.


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Yep...i was a swimmer..went to college doing it..220 was my heaviest.
Amazing man. Just makes your gains all that more impressive. I'll stop griping about having trouble throwing size on my 6'3 frame now.


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How long are you giving yourself to prep for your show?
I’m definitely thinking 16 weeks. I want to be sure I don’t lose any size since I’ll look like a toothpick if I do.


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I took mk for a month, stopped for a few weeks to see if it was doing anything. Bad idea haha My joints started hurting again, became more irritable and sleep went to poop, waking up 4 or 5 times a night. Been back on for 3 days and my ridiculous dreams are back and my shoulders starting to feel better already. Last night I slept 7.5 hrs straight without any sleeping pills or powders and I feel so refreshed today. It can be found for cheap, I don’t know why everybody isn’t taking it. (Only on 15mg)
I may have to now. It’s 90% rave reviews right now. Where do you get yours? Alibaba or whatever that Japanese raw place has it cheap I think.
Old Witch

Old Witch

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So what do you do when you're phenomenally depressed and it seems like a huge amount of work to make the food and eat it, and then when you eat it you vomit?

Been having that issue lately. It sucks. Usually I can just munch all day and pound down the calories. I made myself anorexic more than once and so it rears up sometimes. Or I think that's what it is.


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I may have to now. It’s 90% rave reviews right now. Where do you get yours? Alibaba or whatever that Japanese raw place has it cheap I think.
Nah I have a place I get it in capsules for about $45 for 90 days at 15mg or 45 at 30.

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