Matthersby‘s mission: 50lbs by 2019. Slin,NPP,Dbol and lots more.



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When did you get your Bachelors, Masters, etc?


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I got my first BA at an athletic scholarship. 2nd BA 29, 1st masters at 33, 2nd masters at 36. PhD at 41.
How did you balance school with work, training, personal life etc??


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I really don’t have a clue lol

Saying things out loud, as you said, lets us hear them, and that repetition can be used to essentially brainwash yourself into self-belief. Your entire outlook, the way you approach problems or obstacles, changes when you feel good about who you are and what you are capable of if you are really willing to do what it takes to overcome.
You have a pretty good insight to the mind man.
It's a slow process but but some of my favorite things are neuroplasticity and neoneurogenesis.
Help the big guy from drowning, he can only do what he can do.


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Man, so closed...if I was would be my have helped me more than anything I can imagine...
Yeah prolly should explain this...
Drunk typo, by gay I mean actually gay. Being Aussie we use words differently in ways(especially after a couple of decades in factories.).
If I wanted a dude to marry, you would so be that dude.
But I am so keen to learn from you dude, I have so much respect for you.
I think of your thread a training partner in my head.

Remember them mails I sent you...need to do the math but with my timing I would guess they YK triggered something in my head, something I knew and had suppressed years ago...that led to a roller coaster of fun....

Cnuts also a word for mate in Aus, didn't mean to offend you if I did.


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How did you balance school with work, training, personal life etc??
For the masters and PhD it was very difficult. Luckily for my PhD I had an administrative position at the my office behind a computer with no one supervising me...and i did a lot of my research at work.


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Now while you’re cruising, it’s time to really focus on getting your Kratom dosage down. 1 gram a day less is all it will take!

As for cortisol, 7-keto DHEA will lower it as well allegedly improve good HDL cholesterol. OL, Evomuse, SNS all make products. Vitamin C helps with cort control, so a gram a couple times per day is a cheap way to bolster immune system and help DOMS. Carbs will also lower cortisol, which you will be doing already to keep weight up and Lantus fed.


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Now while you’re cruising, it’s time to really focus on getting your Kratom dosage down. 1 gram a day less is all it will take!

As for cortisol, 7-keto DHEA will lower it as well allegedly improve good HDL cholesterol. OL, Evomuse, SNS all make products. Vitamin C helps with cort control, so a gram a couple times per day is a cheap way to bolster immune system and help DOMS. Carbs will also lower cortisol, which you will be doing already to keep weight up and Lantus fed.
Thank you my good man. I am aching to get back on track. Been off Dbol over a week and kept 8lbs. Need to keep training hard and eating and stay consistent. I’m making a lot of moves this year and really need to manage my time to keep this part of my life highly active. These silly goals are more important to me than others outside of this site realize. They give me confidence and strength I wouldn’t have if I let myself be like every other 40 year old I see.


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Thank you my good man. I am aching to get back on track. Been off Dbol over a week and kept 8lbs. Need to keep training hard and eating and stay consistent. I’m making a lot of moves this year and really need to manage my time to keep this part of my life highly active. These silly goals are more important to me than others outside of this site realize. They give me confidence and strength I wouldn’t have if I let myself be like every other 40 year old I see.
I agree. Every 45 year old i know outside the gym have that dad bod...there body tells you exactly how they live....and so does


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I agree. Every 45 year old i know outside the gym have that dad bod...there body tells you exactly how they live....and so does
If you don’t stand for something, you’ll fall for anything, as they say...


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I agree. Every 45 year old i know outside the gym have that dad bod...there body tells you exactly how they live....and so does
It is not WHY I go to the gym but a part of the lifestyle I absolutely love. I've got 4 small children - 3 in school - so I go to a crapload of school functions. I'd say at least 85% of the dads I see are very overweight with pushing close to half considered very obese. Most of the rest are bean poles. Theres only a handful that clearly stay in shape and only maybe 2 or 3 that push some weights around. Makes you feel good about yourself.....also makes you wonder why the hell these people aren't taking care of themselves AT ALL, especially with kids. Swimfan is exactly right, tells you exactly how they all live. It's cool to know that we are all part of a tiny piece of society that's out there putting everything we have into improving ourselves everyday. While everyone else is often doing the least amount of work possible, throwing out excuses, and above all trying to be "comfortable." Screw that! If my muscles aren't screaming at me then I sure as sh!t am not training hard enough!

I'm not throwing stones at people that don't go to the gym. Just at those people that sit back and whine instead of making their situation better...because we ALL have the power to do that.


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It is not WHY I go to the gym but a part of the lifestyle I absolutely love. I've got 4 small children - 3 in school - so I go to a crapload of school functions. I'd say at least 85% of the dads I see are very overweight with pushing close to half considered very obese. Most of the rest are bean poles. Theres only a handful that clearly stay in shape and only maybe 2 or 3 that push some weights around. Makes you feel good about yourself.....also makes you wonder why the hell these people aren't taking care of themselves AT ALL, especially with kids. Swimfan is exactly right, tells you exactly how they all live. It's cool to know that we are all part of a tiny piece of society that's out there putting everything we have into improving ourselves everyday. While everyone else is often doing the least amount of work possible, throwing out excuses, and above all trying to be "comfortable." Screw that! If my muscles aren't screaming at me then I sure as sh!t am not training hard enough!

I'm not throwing stones at people that don't go to the gym. Just at those people that sit back and whine instead of making their situation better...because we ALL have the power to do that.
Yep. I got a million excuses not to train...just like everyone else. But what seperates us from 95 percent of society is that we are not weak enough to believe the lies that we tell ourselves. 50 years ago they called it grit. A man is defined by what he does...not what he plans to do someday or what he day dreams about. Grit is the mental toughness and determination to succeed despite what has become the norm. Grit is the ability to smack the status quo in the face and better than that and i will not accept that as my life. Alot of us on here are part of that 5 percent that relentlessly pushes ourselves in areas of life...what we look like and how strong we are are reflections of how we live...reflections of our grit.


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So, I ordered 4 sets of transcripts today while working, made a medical records request for my VA disability, hit the gym on lunch, and enrolled for 11/26 to finish my Bachelors in Business Administration. I’m going to tackle every ****ing thing that gets in front of me, all while making MORE money, and with a better physique than 97% of guys my age. Why do I have to choose which awesome aspect of life I want, how bout I just ****ing take everything I want?!?!


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So, I ordered 4 sets of transcripts today while working, made a medical records request for my VA disability, hit the gym on lunch, and enrolled for 11/26 to finish my Bachelors in Business Administration. I’m going to tackle every ****ing thing that gets in front of me, all while making MORE money, and with a better physique than 97% of guys my age. Why do I have to choose which awesome aspect of life I want, how bout I just ****ing take everything I want?!?!
Easy behind 100 percent you know that..but easy does it...dont set yourself up to burn out. One thing that i try to remember in my own life is that i am the least important part of it. Any life worth living is the life lived for others. Kiss your kids, make love to your woman...and take a breath.


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Easy behind 100 percent you know that..but easy does it...dont set yourself up to burn out. One thing that i try to remember in my own life is that i am the least important part of it. Any life worth living is the life lived for others. Kiss your kids, make love to your woman...and take a breath.
Wholesome advice.


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Easy behind 100 percent you know that..but easy does it...dont set yourself up to burn out. One thing that i try to remember in my own life is that i am the least important part of it. Any life worth living is the life lived for others. Kiss your kids, make love to your woman...and take a breath.
Always brother. I wouldn’t survive out here putting myself first. These people that believe in me are the ones that deserve me to grind a few years so I can give them all more. I shouldn’t have to choose between success, education, or my physique. I feel like if I manage my time well I can have all 3.


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There is always give and take - we all have finite energy to invest. The key will be to be very smart with your time/energy! The more things you try to juggle, the more important utilizing the minimum effective dose will become.


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How’s everyone doing tonight? I’ve been juggling a lot but have accomplished a lot the last few weeks. We are considering moving once more in 12 months to our dream area - awesome little community way out in west Phoenix that’s super nice. So I’m trying to line up stuff with my credit and VA so I can finance it, so when we go to move to CA when my boys are off to college, we will have 2 rental properties. 2018 has been the most amazing year for me in a decade financially. I’m trying to not take any of it for granted, but like any other addict, I always just want more. So I am going to have a lot on my plate, but since Monday(I purposely took the whole week off last week, so I’d be desperate this week to manage my time and get all my sessions in. Lost a little in strength since discontinuing the Dbol, but still 10lbs heavier and lifts are all way up since before the cycle. I am definitely just finishing the NPP off giving me another 3.5 weeks to stay on it and hopefully get some size and strength out of it. I feel amazing. No more lethargy and appetite is up, so no need for Lantus. I think it will do me more while on cruises and not as much on blasts, let the aas do their thing, gaining too much too fast is guaranteed excessive fat gain, and I’ve got my diet dialed enough to limit that to a degree.
Life is good, and I’m really learning to balance my goals in other areas, all while training 5-6 days a week on lunch breaks and when I have a free hour. I need to get this together before classes start so I’m good at it, cause I don’t want school to stop my progress in the gym.

Hope you guys are all awesome.


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Where in CA? We just got back from Long Beach for America’s Strongest Woman; it was generally pretty & had great weather. My lady took 2nd, and we got engaged on the beach that night - so you could say it’s going pretty well


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Where in CA? We just got back from Long Beach for America’s Strongest Woman; it was generally pretty & had great weather. My lady took 2nd, and we got engaged on the beach that night - so you could say it’s going pretty well
That’s awesome bro! Congrats. My woman is so busy with her degree, that it literally has had made me delay finishing mine, she hasn’t even had time to hit the gym and I’ve seen that, making me feel like I wouldn’t either. But all the years in CG she’s still in awesome shape, I just miss having a woman that’s obsessed like I am with it.


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Where in CA? We just got back from Long Beach for America’s Strongest Woman; it was generally pretty & had great weather. My lady took 2nd, and we got engaged on the beach that night - so you could say it’s going pretty well
I like Sonoma Coast, like Petaluma. Close to San Fran but not too close


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I like Sonoma Coast, like Petaluma. Close to San Fran but not too close
Well, as for your woman - understand that most people don’t share priorities to the same extent, even if they value the same things. She may come back to it in time, but the most important thing is even if she doesn’t she respects your desire to train.

My gf thankfully knows that I will lift til I day, in some capacity. It’s just what I do.


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Where in CA? We just got back from Long Beach for America’s Strongest Woman; it was generally pretty & had great weather. My lady took 2nd, and we got engaged on the beach that night - so you could say it’s going pretty well
Congrats brother


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Well, as for your woman - understand that most people don’t share priorities to the same extent, even if they value the same things. She may come back to it in time, but the most important thing is even if she doesn’t she respects your desire to train.

My gf thankfully knows that I will lift til I day, in some capacity. It’s just what I do.
She’s the first to challenge me when I blow off responsibilities for training, or buy steroids before I pay off a speeding ticket that’s threatening my driving privileges.
But that’s bc she’s far more responsible than I.

Which is why she’s so good for me.

But she’s also the first to say “you’re getting grumpy, don’t skip the gym today” or. “We won’t be back for another hour, go hit the gym cause you haven’t trained today yet have you?” So she’s supportive of what makes me happy and is quite the badass but getting to her late 30s now, she has goals that align more with financial freedom and calculated life choices. Again, so good for me bc I’m in a position finally where I can get an MBA literally for free. It’s like a I have a winning lotto ticket but I won’t cash it bc it may interfere with my physique goals.

That’s absurd


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Where in CA? We just got back from Long Beach for America’s Strongest Woman; it was generally pretty & had great weather. My lady took 2nd, and we got engaged on the beach that night - so you could say it’s going pretty well
Congratulations! I hope happiness finds you on your new journey and decides to stick around. Life is nothing without happiness.


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Congratulations! I hope happiness finds you on your new journey and decides to stick around. Life is nothing without happiness.
Truly. So far since we’ve been together the last year and a half I’ve been the happiest I’ve ever been my entire life.


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Truly. So far since we’ve been together the last year and a half I’ve been the happiest I’ve ever been my entire life.
That’s good to hear brother. I’m in the same boat this year. I wouldn’t trade 2018 for my best years.


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That’s good to hear brother. I’m in the same boat this year. I wouldn’t trade 2018 for my best years.
Cant wait for the happy train to get to my station. Doing my best to find the joy in small things.


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That’s good to hear brother. I’m in the same boat this year. I wouldn’t trade 2018 for my best years.
Cant wait for the happy train to get to my station. Doing my best to find the joy in small things.


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Cant wait for the happy train to get to my station. Doing my best to find the joy in small things.
Bro. I take full responsibility for my “bad luck” the last 5 years.
But fck I fully deserved this lucky break and life vest that was thrown to me end of last year. I always try to hold myself accountable for the lousy things that happen to me, but by end of last year I was honestly thinking I was cursed and was truly bitter about my life. It didn’t matter what I did, NOTHING FCKING WORKED for me. One thing after another all the while I couldn’t even fill my gas tank, and the only reason I had a car was my parents felt so bad that I bought a car and the engine went, that they practically gave me an SUV to help me get to work to try to get caught up. If I didn’t have good people that have tried to help me here and there over 2014-2017, I don’t even know where I’d be now. And I’m in a position finally to repay those that saw how bad my luck was, so I’m now trying to have some gratitude for friends and family and always be there for them now. I’m too scared to lose all the blessings I received this year by being selfish or ungrateful.

Happy trains coming brother. I never thought it would but it finally did for me.


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So, ya. I just couldn’t help myself. After I stopped the Dbol just short of 30 days, I stopped my NPP. But after about a week I started back up with NPP and doubled my test dose. So now end of week 3 it’s something like 500test/500npp , And I’m going to wait until week 4 is up and run Dbol 4 weeks again. **** it, I’ve been too cautious for too long. I’ll cruise after this though. For a few months at least. But labs are looking fine considering. I’m 235 and thicker than ever. Lantus I’m saving for when I cruise since it was too much gains too quick with everything stacked like that. I think that’s where insulin will shine the most is cruising so you can still make gains when going from a good blast to 150-200 of test only.


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So, ya. I just couldn’t help myself. After I stopped the Dbol just short of 30 days, I stopped my NPP. But after about a week I started back up with NPP and doubled my test dose. So now end of week 3 it’s something like 500test/500npp , And I’m going to wait until week 4 is up and run Dbol 4 weeks again. **** it, I’ve been too cautious for too long. I’ll cruise after this though. For a few months at least. But labs are looking fine considering. I’m 235 and thicker than ever. Lantus I’m saving for when I cruise since it was too much gains too quick with everything stacked like that. I think that’s where insulin will shine the most is cruising so you can still make gains when going from a good blast to 150-200 of test only.
Hell yea...double down time mutha#ucka! Let's be jumped back into the npp saddle just to keep this awesome thread going :) ....but seriously, good results thus far - excited to see how much more you can pack on before cruise time! 50lbs. NO PROBLEM


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Hell yea...double down time mutha#ucka! Let's be jumped back into the npp saddle just to keep this awesome thread going :) ....but seriously, good results thus far - excited to see how much more you can pack on before cruise time! 50lbs. NO PROBLEM
Ya brothers I refuse to think my receptors are fried, I just think the NPP is a bit underdosed cause 10 days after doubling test I started slabbing weight on again and I know that Dbol is straight. Gained 10 lbs in 8 days when it kicked in. I finally moving some weight too again. Curling the max ez bar 15 times and inclining 225 for a bakers dozen.
I know I’m not pushing weight enough when I’m playing with quarters. I like moving up a full plate every set.

Moved up to the 2.5lb jar of Pb pre-bed. Can’t finish one but I do have goals.


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L-Carnitine L-Tartrate is said to scrub the androgen receptors & help improve sensitivity. Couple grams a day for a month is something I always incorporate before or after a cycle.

No idea how that works or if it’s true - just some bro science I read without looking for studies, but I do always use it because it costs basically nothing.


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Also, I’m a death metal fanatic. However, I go through, like clockwork every 2 years, a hip hop phase that last almost a year. Anyone else have this problem?


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4000 calories just at dinner last night? Check.....
Jesus... I dunno how you get it all down. Most ive ever eaten was about 5500 calories in a whole day. And i was exhausted and a bit sick crom eating all that. I just cant even imagine.


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Jesus... I dunno how you get it all down. Most ive ever eaten was about 5500 calories in a whole day. And i was exhausted and a bit sick crom eating all that. I just cant even imagine.
It was all easy to eat comfort food. 2 Large Mari Calendars bacon chicken chowder pot pies and a small jar of nutella.
tyga tyga

tyga tyga

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I’ve never gotten Into the Nutella wave but I’m not really a hazelnut fan. I have however always been a pot pie eatin mo-fo’

Also, have you been successfully lowering your Kratom dosages?


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I like some rap for training. Especially the southern stuff from early 2000s. Things about gang life and crack dealing and rims on candy-painted Oldsmobiles. All things I cannot relate to in the slightest

But there’s a lot hype and chest-beating and repetitive self-talk that does lend itself to doing the work easier, fosho.


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Tool for this guy...all day bout a new album already...Jesus


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Ya brothers I refuse to think my receptors are fried, I just think the NPP is a bit underdosed cause 10 days after doubling test I started slabbing weight on again and I know that Dbol is straight. Gained 10 lbs in 8 days when it kicked in. I finally moving some weight too again. Curling the max ez bar 15 times and inclining 225 for a bakers dozen.
I know I’m not pushing weight enough when I’m playing with quarters. I like moving up a full plate every set.

Moved up to the 2.5lb jar of Pb pre-bed. Can’t finish one but I do have goals.
Throw in that yk now to knock back the myostasin.


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Ya brothers I refuse to think my receptors are fried, I just think the NPP is a bit underdosed cause 10 days after doubling test I started slabbing weight on again and I know that Dbol is straight. Gained 10 lbs in 8 days when it kicked in. I finally moving some weight too again. Curling the max ez bar 15 times and inclining 225 for a bakers dozen.
I know I’m not pushing weight enough when I’m playing with quarters. I like moving up a full plate every set.

Moved up to the 2.5lb jar of Pb pre-bed. Can’t finish one but I do have goals.
Let’s get it done this time brother, can tell from the way your writing your heads in a better place and your back on this.....

Big muther trucker coming soon


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I’ve never gotten Into the Nutella wave but I’m not really a hazelnut fan. I have however always been a pot pie eatin mo-fo’

Also, have you been successfully lowering your Kratom dosages?
I am looking for someone that has a large supply so I don’t have to switch brands. I can taper much more easily with the same brand. I may have to start ordering online.


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Also, I’m a death metal fanatic. However, I go through, like clockwork every 2 years, a hip hop phase that last almost a year. Anyone else have this problem?
Haha...this. just started back on the hip hop train about 3 weeks ago. Training like a madman on that stuff too. In the next 6 months or so itll go back to the heaviest metal I can find and I will wonder how anyone can listen to that rap sh!t.

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