Cali fires are shady AF

Irish Red

I agree he looked weird. I also think that no skyscraper burnt to ruble ever in history and that day 2 did the exact same way. Its strange.
But I'm not ready to say public officials new.
Then you're clearly not ready for the truth and will probably never be ready because your mind won't allow to think leaders of a country would be so evil .You are suffering from Cognitive Dissonance .

Irish Red

Uhhhh.........................NO , mentally challenged one. Lol . That is absolutely NOT what is being suggested with earth being flat . Think of earth as the bottom level of the entire universe ..................the bottom of everything . Why should earth look like all the other so-called " planets " when earth is such a vastly different and special place ? Think about that . How the universe started and how the planets were made has NEVER been proven . But it is now being taught to our kids and half-retarded tv viewers of shows like " How the Universe Works " (which is filled with lies passed off as fact ) that the grand guess of The Big Bang Theory is fact and talked about like it's just a given and was thoroughly prove ages ago , when it has NEVER been proven . They don't teach " this is how scientists GUESS how the universe started and how the planets formed "...........NOPE .......... they now teach is as fact . Making it a lie . Everything is above earth and the sun is much MUCH closer .

Irish Red

The Earth isn't static in space. Uphill? lmfao I'm no longer feeding this troll. Maybe try fighting against the government conspiracy against reading a book. Or if you don't believe in gravity, please go test it out. Also, the government really, really doesn't want you to shoot yourself in the face...don't let them win.
Really dude ? Lol . You are really that pissed off that someone dares question your spinning ball earth fantasy world that you want him to kill himself ? Something continuing to drop to the ground after being dropped does not in any way prove some invisible , undetectable , magical force made it happen . It's just what happens when things are dropped on earth . No invisible , undetectable , magical forces required . Go look up exactly what they claim proves gravity exists . Lol . Then come back here and try to battle with it . Myself and THOR 70 will tear your argument to shreds . then maybe go look up an experiment called " Airey's Failure " that was performed in front of the press , which proved earth is stationary and proved Eistein's theory for Special Relativity wrong . The mainstream science community likes to pretend it never happened . Well I've read the newspaper article confirming it .


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It's all a simulation so it can be round or flat or whatever it needs to appear to be. That's what simulations do.
What I find ironic and funny is why people take this so seriously? What does it matter if one person is 'right' or 'wrong'? You don't have to be mean to one another in order to get a point across. None of you are that smart; nor have you earned the right to be on some intellectual pedestal as I clearly have... lol.



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Really dude ? Lol . You are really that pissed off that someone dares question your spinning ball earth fantasy world that you want him to kill himself ? Something continuing to drop to the ground after being dropped does not in any way prove some invisible , undetectable , magical force made it happen . It's just what happens when things are dropped on earth . No invisible , undetectable , magical forces required . Go look up exactly what they claim proves gravity exists . Lol . Then come back here and try to battle with it . Myself and THOR 70 will tear your argument to shreds . then maybe go look up an experiment called " Airey's Failure " that was performed in front of the press , which proved earth is stationary and proved Eistein's theory for Special Relativity wrong . The mainstream science community likes to pretend it never happened . Well I've read the newspaper article confirming it .
I wouldn't lose a debate to a **** named Irish Red if I had been shot in the head three times. There's no point in arguing with you two dumb ****s because you choose to ignore science and get your information from strangers on youtube. So back to what you said, Airy died in 1892 and Einstein's Theory of Special Relativity (not special like you two retarded ****s) was in 1905. So how in the name of Michael J Fox did he prove Einstein's theory wrong from the past? Also, Airy's theory was based on aether, an imaginary substance, and all he proved was that aether does not exist.


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Really dude ? Lol . You are really that pissed off that someone dares question your spinning ball earth fantasy world that you want him to kill himself ? Something continuing to drop to the ground after being dropped does not in any way prove some invisible , undetectable , magical force made it happen . It's just what happens when things are dropped on earth . No invisible , undetectable , magical forces required . Go look up exactly what they claim proves gravity exists . Lol . Then come back here and try to battle with it . Myself and THOR 70 will tear your argument to shreds . then maybe go look up an experiment called " Airey's Failure " that was performed in front of the press , which proved earth is stationary and proved Eistein's theory for Special Relativity wrong . The mainstream science community likes to pretend it never happened . Well I've read the newspaper article confirming it .
Irish Red I actually feel really sad for people like him. He is in the darkness and knows it, but is too arrogant or bathed in his cognitive dissonance to have a civil debate. He is actually a religious zealot and doesn’t know it. Science is his deity and he attack anyone that questions it. This is fact and he has proven it


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It's all a simulation so it can be round or flat or whatever it needs to appear to be. That's what simulations do.
What I find ironic and funny is why people take this so seriously? What does it matter if one person is 'right' or 'wrong'? You don't have to be mean to one another in order to get a point across. None of you are that smart; nor have you earned the right to be on some intellectual pedestal as I clearly have... lol.

While I have seen some fascinating things that do point to a “simulation” I’m can’t be fully swayed just yet. I take it seriously because I love the truth and knowing the design of our environment is huge. It shows us that we are designed beings and created with purpose. It’s actually made me a much happier person and connected so many unanswered questions I’ve had! Plus the whole world as we know it is being lied to by satanic occult oppressors haha....there is always that.


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We can make some amazing and basic assumptions about the world in which we exist. Here's a quick top 10 list off the top of my head and forgive the redundancy, as it's late and I feel like waxing poetic.

1. Technology has increased over time, and at a rate from the horse to planes exponentially with reason? I'm not sure.
2. We are not that smart. I don't believe we are for a moment solely responsible for 1.
3. Call it God / god / whatever, it is an outside influence.
4. We have no control over (it).
5. Technology will proceed at exponential levels or we will go backwards because we are self-destructive.
6. If it proceeds exponentially we will allegedly discover new forces, multi-verse, or validate a singular universe
7. Traveling through 'space' and 'time' will be breached into a new point of reach for us as a species
8. We will discover other life or we are alone
9. I'm exhausted. Maybe we have built in self-destruct sequencing (aging) for a reason.
10. We're just too dangerous of a species to reach outward without a leash... we are tethered.

Why argue about it?
If having a choice of being right or wrong and live in peace to be wrong, I'd be happy if none of the above were true.
Let's just ride horses, farm land, be good people, live and die. All this technology hasn't made us better.
I think we're worse. As inspector Poirot says, there is "right and there is wrong".

We'd all be better off if it were a simulation, meaning a life span isn't even a concern. Simulations don't have to end, just restart or pick up were they left off with new rules. Think, dreaming and then waking up. Are we not bridging between simulations in our dreams?

All these great minds thinking of ways to reach outward when we haven't the desire to fix what's broken within.
It's ironic and idiotic. What a self-absorbed animal we all are to think so highly of ourselves when we wage war on every border with factions; religions; politics, and races.

Does the shape of the earth matter? We're never leaving it.


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We can make some amazing and basic assumptions about the world in which we exist. Here's a quick top 10 list off the top of my head and forgive the redundancy, as it's late and I feel like waxing poetic.

1. Technology has increased over time, and at a rate from the horse to planes exponentially with reason? I'm not sure.
2. We are not that smart. I don't believe we are for a moment solely responsible for 1.
3. Call it God / god / whatever, it is an outside influence.
4. We have no control over (it).
5. Technology will proceed at exponential levels or we will go backwards because we are self-destructive.
6. If it proceeds exponentially we will allegedly discover new forces, multi-verse, or validate a singular universe
7. Traveling through 'space' and 'time' will be breached into a new point of reach for us as a species
8. We will discover other life or we are alone
9. I'm exhausted. Maybe we have built in self-destruct sequencing (aging) for a reason.
10. We're just too dangerous of a species to reach outward without a leash... we are tethered.

Why argue about it?
If having a choice of being right or wrong and live in peace to be wrong, I'd be happy if none of the above were true.
Let's just ride horses, farm land, be good people, live and die. All this technology hasn't made us better.
I think we're worse. As inspector Poirot says, there is "right and there is wrong".

We'd all be better off if it were a simulation, meaning a life span isn't even a concern. Simulations don't have to end, just restart or pick up were they left off with new rules. Think, dreaming and then waking up. Are we not bridging between simulations in our dreams?

All these great minds thinking of ways to reach outward when we haven't the desire to fix what's broken within.
It's ironic and idiotic. What a self-absorbed animal we all are to think so highly of ourselves when we wage war on every border with factions; religions; politics, and races.

Does the shape of the earth matter? We're never leaving it.
Why don't you escape "technology" then and live off your own farm somewhere? If you feel that strongly about it, why have you not done it?

This may sound much harsher than I intend it to, but I prefer being blunt. Just because you don't understand a concept, doesn't make it untrue or mean that everybody else doesn't understand it. Accelerating change in technology is due to quite a few things, but basically each new generation is an improvement on the last. You have better automation as time goes by and you better technology to create the next technology. Most importatly, you have ever increasing sharing of information. Even within the timeframe you were speaking of there were advances in transportation and publishing which got ideas out to more people and increased collaboration. Fast forward to present day and that only keeps increasing.

I'm not arguing because of the shape of the Earth. I'm arguing because we've got to the point where people ignore scientists and medical doctors or claim they're lying, but believe youtube and facebook memes. We have a President that yells fake news and goes ignores science. We're going backwards because of it and if some people see technology as scary and bad because they don't understand it, then they can get the **** out of the way.


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Why don't you escape "technology" then and live off your own farm somewhere? If you feel that strongly about it, why have you not done it?

This may sound much harsher than I intend it to, but I prefer being blunt. Just because you don't understand a concept, doesn't make it untrue or mean that everybody else doesn't understand it. Accelerating change in technology is due to quite a few things, but basically each new generation is an improvement on the last. You have better automation as time goes by and you better technology to create the next technology. Most importatly, you have ever increasing sharing of information. Even within the timeframe you were speaking of there were advances in transportation and publishing which got ideas out to more people and increased collaboration. Fast forward to present day and that only keeps increasing.

I'm not arguing because of the shape of the Earth. I'm arguing because we've got to the point where people ignore scientists and medical doctors or claim they're lying, but believe youtube and facebook memes. We have a President that yells fake news and goes ignores science. We're going backwards because of it and if some people see technology as scary and bad because they don't understand it, then they can get the **** out of the way.
I wasn't directing my comments towards any one in this contest, rather all of the players.

We cannot go back. Farmers can't make money as there is no such thing as a fair trade today given the political climate, and economy. You cannot just farm what you want. I've considered it. They even use and depend on technology, satellite connectivity for watering and just in time delivery systems. You cannot escape technology, and I am on the edge of visible technology in your life.

I'm the guy people call when it breaks.

You don't get it. Each generation is not smart enough to advance technology. We just didn't exponentially build on the previous, and that scares human beings when they think about it. I feel as we are being spoon fed like babies, the information needed to propel forward in some way, but I don't see it as moving forward, but in just a different direction.

I've not claimed anyone is lying. They are just regurgitating what they have considered was earned, and in itself can be considered a conspiracy theory of itself, but that's ok, it's not as if I'm saying the earth is flat or going against what exists in 'nature'. What I am contending is, nature is not real, and we are virtual manifestations of a simulation. Think of this. When an arm is cut off, don't you feel it still? They can 'explain' it, the doctors. Are they lying when they try to explain the phantom limb? No. I don't believe they are correct.

We are all so caught up in distractions on a daily basis we are not spending nearly enough time collectively on what really matters philosophically and addressing our own reality.

They should get out of the way of what? "Progress?"
Isn't that a new design on the peach...

Can you see now, how it is immaterial wether you could go backwards or if you go forward technologically speaking? It is a moot point, if the simulation is the reality. Look at anything creative, or considered original with regard to ideas alone and you will have served a fruitless endeavor.

We have 'information' at our fingertips. How accurate or relevant is it however?
I've used the term "distraction" and the more information available, the more distractions not solutions.

What do we need? We need to break through to see something new, and unexplainable that has been agreed on by everyone. It would be akin to discovering water is wet for the first time. How trustworthy are our senses? (A quick harken back to: severed limb and how you can actually 'feel' it.)

It sounds crazy to write, but how crazy is it really? How real are your dreams?
It's as if we can imagine, but not grasp and control yet we are bound to basic rules of our world's (universes') laws of physics, and this ridiculous need to venture out into space, when we should be figuring out how to fold and mold it to our own purposes. That's a technology that would expand our universe.

I've been a fan of quantum physics for a while; the describing of intelligence; string theory (multi-verse) and our constant tinkering with the fabric of reality with the Large Hadron Colllider. I just found this in my search for some interesting anecdotal regarding Quantum Physics, etc.

Neil deGrasse Tyson: It's hard to argue that we aren't living in a simulated world

Simulation: Nick Bostrom

Nick Bostrom - The Simulation Argument (Full)

There are some other interesting videos on this page as well.

The earth is round.
So, the world is flat / round argument is fairly meaningless, however our laws of physics and our nature dictate a sphere is the easiest description of an object created in space. Blow a bubble that is flat. You can't.


Even if we accept the 'simulation' idea, then we are left with a philosophical enigma.

Is there a God?
What's the difference between good and evil? Who cares? Is there a simulated 'heaven' and 'hell'?
What does anything matter and do we have to obey the ideas that were set forth from the game master? (God) then we should probably be nice to one another.



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I wasn't directing my comments towards any one in this contest, rather all of the players.

We cannot go back. Farmers can't make money as there is no such thing as a fair trade today given the political climate, and economy. You cannot just farm what you want. I've considered it. They even use and depend on technology, satellite connectivity for watering and just in time delivery systems. You cannot escape technology, and I am on the edge of visible technology in your life.

I'm the guy people call when it breaks.

You don't get it. Each generation is not smart enough to advance technology. We just didn't exponentially build on the previous, and that scares human beings when they think about it. I feel as we are being spoon fed like babies, the information needed to propel forward in some way, but I don't see it as moving forward, but in just a different direction.
I'm not saying go and open an industrial farm. You can find land, build a home and a farm, and significantly limit your interaction with technology. You can do it. You choose not to. Again, just because you don't understand new technology and how it evolves doesn't mean it shows up in a box sent from god.

I've been a fan of quantum physics for a while; the describing of intelligence; string theory (multi-verse) and our constant tinkering with the fabric of reality with the Large Hadron Colllider. I just found this in my search for some interesting anecdotal regarding Quantum Physics, etc.

Neil deGrasse Tyson: It's hard to argue that we aren't living in a simulated world

Simulation: Nick Bostrom

Nick Bostrom - The Simulation Argument (Full)

There are some other interesting videos on this page as well.
Neil deGrasse Tyson is an internet celebrity and Bostrom is a philosopher. Being a "fan of quantum physics" doesn't tell me anything other than you follow stuff on the internet. Sites like I ****ing love science and people like Neil deGrasse Tyson have done science a HUGE disservice. They show the flashy parts of science without showing what really goes into it. You want to be a fan? Take a class or go and shadow somebody around for a week and see what their everyday life is like and what goes into actual research. I can watch a video on automobile repair or quote the dude down at Pep Boys, but that doesn't make me a mechanic.


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Can you be any more condescending? I’m an expert on technology. Not religious in the least bit bro.


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Wait. You need some kind of writ in order to relegate my ideas relevant or not? A degree or something?
What if I was an autodidact? Like I am.

Well, let's see. What feats of mental muscle am I required to flex in order to impress you enough to even consider my ideas relevant? I reprogramed my commodore 64's random number generator and before they extended the numbers won a little money in the lottery years ago...

I have a technology patent that ran out years ago for security. It was a novel device. Spent 50k prototyping then shelving it because it wasn't really viable at the time.

Now, I just fix sh*t for Apple; work on my art; and theorize about the origins of creativity.
I also created a formula for conceptual art that utilizes the equation for intelligence.

I don't know what you want here. I'm not trying to flex anything, or argue, just propose alternative ideas.
You attack the messenger as 'religious' where I have given you no reason to do so, and you've attacked the links based on delivery vehicle and those delivering the message as not up to par? Are you kidding? What's wrong with philosophy? Aren't those interesting questions as well, or do you only pray to the altar of physics?

I believe there are multiple dimensions; there is no real death of conscious; and there's far more to this thing than in some lab or large hadron collider watching particles bang one another. Though, I did apply for a front row seat on a sabbatical for artists in CERN. I just didn't get picked. Next time.



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Wait. You need some kind of writ in order to relegate my ideas relevant or not? A degree or something?
What if I was an autodidact? Like I am.

Well, let's see. What feats of mental floss am I required to flex in order to impress you enough to even consider my ideas relevant? I reprogramed my commodore 64's random number generator and before they extended the numbers won a little money in the lottery years ago...

I have a technology patent that ran out years ago for security. It was a novel device. Spent 50k prototyping then shelving it because it wasn't really viable at the time.

Now, I just fix sh*t for Apple; work on my art; and theorize about the origins of creativity.
I also created a formula for conceptual art that utilizes the equation for intelligence.

I don't know what you want here? I'm not trying to flex anything, or argue, just propose alternative ideas.
You attack the messenger as 'religious' where I have given you no reason to do so, and you've attacked the links based on delivery vehicle and those delivering the message as not up to par? Are you kidding?
Who asked you for a degree? You said you were an expert. I'm asking what your expertise is in so I don't have to assume.

You told me that I "just don't get it", but say that I am being condescending to you and won't explain how I am being condescending.

You mentioned God. That's the only reason I brought it up, as a response to what you said. I mention the word god and you accuse me now of saying that you're religious?

No idea why you think I'm attacking you when you keep telling me that I don't know what I'm talking about and I keep trying to understand where you're coming from. You're talking about philosophy in response to a physical science topic and nobody is stopping you. But hey, if it makes you feel better to put words in my mouth and attack me without asking for clarification, rock on.


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You have issue bruh.


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You have issue bruh.
There was a miscommunication. I told you there was a miscommunication and would like to try and clarify. You still feel the need to insult. Good to know that BLR doesn't believe in science bruh.

Keep doing your thing "expert"


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You don't get to chastise BLR for my personal opinions, and I don't formulate for them, but it doesn't mean I don't know how or have not in the past, for another company. You've got some nerve fella.


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You don't get to chastise BLR for my personal opinions, and I don't formulate for them, but it doesn't mean I don't know how or have not in the past, for another company. You've got some nerve fella.
You're a representative or does rep mean something else in the simulation, Neo?


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You argue like a child.


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You argue like a child.
No, I'm an adult who believes in hard work and not just calling yourself an expert because you have internet access. I believe in not making excuses and blaming others for what you can't do or choose not to do because you're lazy. I don't believe in fairy tale simulations or flat Earth conspiracies. So, Mark, pull your head out of your ass or don't. I don't care. This thread began as a conspiracy theory on wild fires and I provided solid science on what was actually happening. That discussion turned into flat Earth conspiracy and you jumped in to try and start an argument no matter how many times I asked questions to try and understand where you were coming from with your philosophical argument for a physical science question.

Irish Red

I wouldn't lose a debate to a **** named Irish Red if I had been shot in the head three times. There's no point in arguing with you two dumb ****s because you choose to ignore science and get your information from strangers on youtube. So back to what you said, Airy died in 1892 and Einstein's Theory of Special Relativity (not special like you two retarded ****s) was in 1905. So how in the name of Michael J Fox did he prove Einstein's theory wrong from the past? Also, Airy's theory was based on aether, an imaginary substance, and all he proved was that aether does not exist.
Yes because Aleksandar37 is such a better and smarter name than Irish Red . Lol .Thanks for proving how dumb and petty you are . So I guess from using your super smart logic , it is absolutely impossible to learn anything from someone unless you know the person or teacher intimately . Lol . So then what are any us using this website for then , genius ? Most of us do not know each other , so then by using your logic , there is absolutely nothing we could ever learn from one another . Stranger on YouTube ..................stranger on Anabolic Minds .................I fail to see a difference . You really DO seem very angry that we've questioned your fantasy world of living on a spinning ball . Roid rage perhaps ? Lol


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f you believe in a flat earth model, you have zero understanding of, well, pretty much everything, and i genuinely feel bad for you.


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With nothing else even burnt around it? Outside of a lightning strike, No I haven’t and neither have you.

Wheels of cars turned to liquid? Houses turned to ash while trees are still standing directly next to them? These are far from normal. Please do explain if you have all the answers...

I’m not saying I believe the microwave lazer theory, but all I can say is there are things about the fire that don’t add up.

View attachment 169769
Just because you don't understand how differently fire can interact with various objects doesnt make something suspicious.

You just dont understand how it works. The problem is, i believe, that you suffer from Americanitis which is a condition where you dont understand something, so you blame the government and call conspiracy


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Just because you don't understand how differently fire can interact with various objects doesnt make something suspicious.

You just dont understand how it works. The problem is, i believe, that you suffer from Americanitis which is a condition where you dont understand something, so you blame the government and call conspiracy
Just leaving this here! IMG_20180828_192532_798.jpeg


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f you believe in a flat earth model, you have zero understanding of, well, pretty much everything, and i genuinely feel bad for you.
Yet you take the time to engage and ridicule someone you think has zero understanding of everything?

This makes you the fool, and you don’t even realize it. A fool never thinks he is a fool.


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Just because you don't understand how differently fire can interact with various objects doesnt make something suspicious.

You just dont understand how it works. The problem is, i believe, that you suffer from Americanitis which is a condition where you dont understand something, so you blame the government and call conspiracy
See, you keep putting your time/energy into someone you think so little of! What does that say of your mental well being?


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Yet you take the time to engage and ridicule someone you think has zero understanding of everything?

This makes you the fool, and you don’t even realize it. A fool never thinks he is a fool.
No, it means we're done being polite and allowing you ****tards to spread this nonsense. If somebody else does a search or comes upon this thread, I want them to see how ridiculous these ideas are.


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Yet you take the time to engage and ridicule someone you think has zero understanding of everything?

This makes you the fool, and you don’t even realize it. A fool never thinks he is a fool.
Because you dont even attempt to use common sense and logic before jumping on the conspiracy train. Flat earthers rely solely on what they can observe, and neglect everything else.

Its funny; i read an idea that the round earth was made up by NASA in order to get money to fund a space program that doesn't actually exist to fund other projects. Soo every other country on the planet is in on this ploy to help an American agency suck money from the American tax payer? Yeah, that makes sense.

Not only that, but every single other observed planet is round, but somehow earth didnt get the memo and decided to be flat? Also makes sense.

The thing is, when you apply a small amount of knowledge to a complex problem, you're not going to understand the full picture - but yet you try to anyway. While i havent observed the earth from space, i trust the knowledge of those who not only have, but also of physicists, astronomers and other people who understand these things more than i do.

In saying that, while i dont like to blindly follow ideas, there are just some things i need to trust the skill of others on. For example, i trust engineers to create planes that will fly, despite the fact i know very little about how to build an aircraft. Despite the fact that planes do obviously fly, some who have never seen them would easily dismiss it of you told them. Why? Probably a conspiracy if you asked them. Too narrow minded to see beyond their own limited understanding

Its the same issue we have with anti vaxxers, but fortunately with less dire consequences. They have people who know just enough about something to manipulate the data either knowingly or unknowingly to create a sense of fear in people who know far less, if anything at all. Then that gets propagated to others who latch onto these ideas, simply because the truth is too complex for them to understand and so it cannot be true.


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So observing things isn’t common sense? That’s what is fascinating about this flat earth. How Planes fly, physical properties of water always finding its level , flat horizon, line of sight for super far distances that should be around a curve, all all observable, repeatable through experiment, and easily explainable. It’s when you get the cult of science offering its ego filled highly complicated explanations and equations that “disprove” what is right in front of your eyes, telling you it’s different. You’re partially correct, but the reasons for hiding the design of the earth, it is political, spiritual, and financial. All based on control and hiding the creation. That is why it’s so important. Also, that is your indoctrination speaking when you say “cause other planets are balls, earth must be.” Personally I don’t think planets are what they show us in CGI pictures either. This thread is full of common sense and logic, your cognitive dissonance doesn’t allow you to see it clearly.


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So observing things isn’t common sense? That’s what is fascinating about this flat earth. How Planes fly, physical properties of water always finding its level , flat horizon, line of sight for super far distances that should be around a curve, all all observable, repeatable through experiment, and easily explainable. It’s when you get the cult of science offering its ego filled highly complicated explanations and equations that “disprove” what is right in front of your eyes, telling you it’s different. You’re partially correct, but the reasons for hiding the design of the earth, it is political, spiritual, and financial. All based on control and hiding the creation. That is why it’s so important. Also, that is your indoctrination speaking when you say “cause other planets are balls, earth must be.” Personally I don’t think planets are what they show us in CGI pictures either. This thread is full of common sense and logic, your cognitive dissonance doesn’t allow you to see it clearly.
Making wild extrapolations based on observations from your little bubble isn't common sense. Everything you list there has a scientific explanation and you have yet to provide another answer other than posting the videos of other people who are spreading lies. Here's a question for you: if the Earth is flat, why doesn't sunrise and sunset occur at the exact same time for the entire planet?


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Making wild extrapolations based on observations from your little bubble isn't common sense. Everything you list there has a scientific explanation and you have yet to provide another answer other than posting the videos of other people who are spreading lies. Here's a question for you: if the Earth is flat, why doesn't sunrise and sunset occur at the exact same time for the entire planet?
Thanks for saying exactly what I said science always has its “explanation” that makes zero logical sense. Your question: the sun moves around the plane leaving some areas in darkness(night), others in light(day). I’m glad to see you thinking and asking questions in addition to your insults. It’s shows growth and development.

Question for you, we have been indoctrinated to believe we are spinning, rotating around the sun, and the solar system is moving through space. How is it we see the exact same star constellations since recorded history?


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Making wild extrapolations based on observations from your little bubble isn't common sense. Everything you list there has a scientific explanation and you have yet to provide another answer other than posting the videos of other people who are spreading lies. Here's a question for you: if the Earth is flat, why doesn't sunrise and sunset occur at the exact same time for the entire planet?
Great point with sunrise/sunset. Also how would you be able to tell if it's flat or round in a clear line of sight. Either way at some point the land is so large that it will always just seems it drops off in the horizon. Only way to tell would be looking down from up above. And you flat morons actually think that even satelite imagery sent from satellites specifically for weather, people would alter the images to make them look sphere to keep it a secret? Like when images for hurricanes come in. Fck outta here.


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Great point with sunrise/sunset. Also how would you be able to tell if it's flat or round in a clear line of sight. Either way at some point the land is so large that it will always just seems it drops off in the horizon. Only way to tell would be looking down from up above. And you flat morons actually think that even satelite imagery sent from satellites specifically for weather, people would alter the images to make them look sphere to keep it a secret? Like when images for hurricanes come in. Fck outta here.
Because according to the math they give us on the size and curve of the earth, we shouldn’t be able to see things because they would be blocked by being behind the curve. If this is too hard to understand for you than I can’t help.


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Thanks for saying exactly what I said science always has its “explanation” that makes zero logical sense. Your question: the sun moves around the plane leaving some areas in darkness(night), others in light(day). I’m glad to see you thinking and asking questions in addition to your insults. It’s shows growth and development.

Question for you, we have been indoctrinated to believe we are spinning, rotating around the sun, and the solar system is moving through space. How is it we see the exact same star constellations since recorded history?
Because the sun is the center point and if the planets are stuck on the gravitational pull wouldn't all the stars also be the same?


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Because according to the math they give us on the size and curve of the earth, we shouldn’t be able to see things because they would be blocked by being behind the curve. If this is too hard to understand for you than I can’t help.
You honestly think the curve is that dramatic of a drop off?


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Because the sun is the center point and if the planets are stuck on the gravitational pull wouldn't all the stars also be the same?
Well you would think. But all stars are 4+ light years away. We just happened to be blessed with one we rotate around

So we are told


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Thanks for saying exactly what I said science always has its “explanation” that makes zero logical sense. Your question: the sun moves around the plane leaving some areas in darkness(night), others in light(day). I’m glad to see you thinking and asking questions in addition to your insults. It’s shows growth and development.

Question for you, we have been indoctrinated to believe we are spinning, rotating around the sun, and the solar system is moving through space. How is it we see the exact same star constellations since recorded history?
If you put a light source above a plane, that side is lit up. There are no dark areas. Try again.

As for your question, yes, our solar system is moving around the Milky Way and it will take 230 million years to make one orbit, so get used to the view. Constellations do move through the night sky based on rotation and differ by where on the globe you are (if we were all on the same side, we'd all see the exact same star patterns).


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By the simple math they give us, it 100% should be over long distances. Yet it is no where to be found
What about if u watch a boat sail away and then no longer can you see it? Not because it's too far to see but because it pretty much "got over the hill" so to speak to be out of view.


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If you put a light source above a plane, that side is lit up. There are no dark areas. Try again.

As for your question, yes, our solar system is moving around the Milky Way and it will take 230 million years to make one orbit, so get used to the view. Constellations do move through the night sky based on rotation and differ by where on the globe you are (if we were all on the same side, we'd all see the exact same star patterns).
Not if the light source is close/local enough to the plane. This happens a lot in debates. Basing arguments of globe design

So please do explain how 3 types of movements give us the same consultations and the ability to take pictures like this:


Again. Spinning, rotating, and moving through space. You just regurgitate what you have been told to think by science. Or did you just whip up the super precise number of 230 million based on your own observations of the stars. It makes zero logical sense with simple observation....if you can think freely from your programming that is.


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By the simple math they give us, it 100% should be over long distances. Yet it is no where to be found
if it's simple, then give an actual example of what you're talking about


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By the simple math they give us, it 100% should be over long distances. Yet it is no where to be found
Also explain lunar eclipse? You clearly see the sphere shape of the earth on the moon. If it's flat it would look like a ruler across the diameter of the moon


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What about if u watch a boat sail away and then no longer can you see it? Not because it's too far to see but because it pretty much "got over the hill" so to speak to be out of view.
This is a matter of the limitations of the eye. Use a telescope, binoculars, or high zoom camera and the ship will pop right back into view


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Not if the light source is close/local enough to the plane. This happens a lot in debates. Basing arguments of globe design

So please do explain how 3 types of movements give us the same consultations and the ability to take pictures like this:

View attachment 170394

Again. Spinning, rotating, and moving through space. You just regurgitate what you have been told to think by science. Or did you just whip up the super precise number of 230 million based on your own observations of the stars. It makes zero logical sense with simple observation....if you can think freely from your programming that is.
Light moves in all direction, so it doesn't matter how close or far you hold the light source. Try again.

That's a photo of one night. That fits exactly with what I said. How the **** does a spinning sky fit with your flat Earth story?


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you can see other planets millions of miles away in the sky at night with the naked eye. If you have a flat surface than you should be able to see light even at 1,000 miles away. Which you cant


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if it's simple, then give an actual example of what you're talking about

There is your ball math. Every mile is 8” of drop squared as it’s around a curve. That is simple in my book. So look at the chart, at 10 miles distance, you will have over 800” of drop. (Coincidence that the chart stops at 800” or 66.6 feet?)

The point is there are plenty of examples where things can be observed at distances well over 10 miles that should be behind or below the curve.

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