First time running superdrol



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Do it as often as you like throughout the day -but DON'T use more than 1 tablespoon of glycerol in 1 liter water. It dries you out fast if you do. Awesome when you want to get rid of bloat -but be careful.
I buy vegetable glycerin (glycerol) at amazon by the gallon -and use "alacer electro mix" instead of salt. No more cramps for me -and no more forcing gallons of water down. Between 0.5-1 gallon is what I'm drinking on cycle now.
I mix it in my shakes too, helps absorb all kind of nutrients.


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I know that it's early, but has your body weight increased much yet? What about appearance and strength? Just curious.
I'd try to hang in there a while if you can.
I try to only weigh myself like once a week so not sure about weight gain. Strength seems to be a little up but nothing crazy. And appearance, idk if it's in my head or not but I feel like my shouldwrs/arms/upper body look a little better already. Hitting every body part twice a week so I'm looking in the mirror at the gym every day


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I try to only weigh myself like once a week so not sure about weight gain. Strength seems to be a little up but nothing crazy. And appearance, idk if it's in my head or not but I feel like my shouldwrs/arms/upper body look a little better already. Hitting every body part twice a week so I'm looking in the mirror at the gym every day
Don't fear to eat on S-drol!!! Shove it all in, clean- or not. Trust me on that! I leaned out even with 2000-2500kcal/d surplus! S-drol is a carb eating monster, mark my words!


Don't fear to eat on S-drol!!! Shove it all in, clean- or not. Trust me on that! I leaned out even with 2000-2500kcal/d surplus! S-drol is a carb eating monster, mark my words!
You are making me want to start up my SD again and run dbol with it lol
Would there be any issues doing this? Anyone?
Also, the hyper hydration thing seems cool, but why would more than 1 tablespoon dry you out if it’s hyperhydrating you?... I want to try this!


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You are making me want to start up my SD again and run dbol with it lol
Would there be any issues doing this? Anyone?
Also, the hyper hydration thing seems cool, but why would more than 1 tablespoon dry you out if it’s hyperhydrating you?... I want to try this!
Brother, if I were you, I'd just let your stomach heal a little at this point.

It kinda "locks up" the fluid into your body (apparently). You need to leave most of it freed up.

Put hyperhydration into the search function on this site. It's pretty interesting. Definitely one I'll be looking into more. Sometimes, I struggle to keep hydrated.


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You are making me want to start up my SD again and run dbol with it lol
Would there be any issues doing this? Anyone?
Also, the hyper hydration thing seems cool, but why would more than 1 tablespoon dry you out if it’s hyperhydrating you?... I want to try this!
Can't do...liver transplant waiting list is too long. Glycerol binds water, if used without (enough) water, it draws intra-cellular water.



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You are making me want to start up my SD again and run dbol with it lol
Would there be any issues doing this? Anyone?
Also, the hyper hydration thing seems cool, but why would more than 1 tablespoon dry you out if it’s hyperhydrating you?... I want to try this!
But S-drol goes VERY well with Trestolone, IF you can control gyno from trest. TD trest + S-drol = Gaining madness for non-pinners.


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Yeah I've been thinking of that myself as far as mitigating some of the sides from the SD, but I'll just let the test prop do its thing cause I'm pretty estro sensitive. I'm trying to eat a lot but like I said my appetite is **** right now. I definitely get enough protein in but getting a ton of carbs can be tough at the moment.


Can't do...liver transplant waiting list is too long. Glycerol binds water, if used without (enough) water, it draws intra-cellular water.

Sigh guess its just Test Tren dbol then.
Will the glcerol mess with my stomach?


If you do it right, you will piss less.

Here my formula:
1 liter water
1 tablespoon glycerol
1 teaspoon table salt (or electrolytes)
3 teaspoon sugar

The sugar creates a insulin spike, shuttling the salt and glycerol into tissue. Glycerol binds it -so it stays there and is not as fast eliminated.
I can’t seem to find glycerol anywhere... even amazon doesn’t have much of anything


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You should use a test suspension if you are trying to get a preworkout test boost. For future cycle ;)
Yeah I would do things very different these days...
Had to make do with what was available, best/worst "pre-workout" would have been 200mg test prop, 100 injectable winny and 200mg clen in the morning prior to a huge workout in the arvo.
At the moment I like the sound of epi-andro.


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When you say randomly pulsing it do you mean just using test only pre workout without any type of AI or anything? As in not on a cycle and not using any support supps? Just curious because it seems if you were running an AI or SERM that would be relatively unlikely. Minimal aromatase enzyme means minimal conversion.

Mudvaine is also right on the TNE or Suspension as opposed to prop which lasts days so your levels would have probably been elevated through out even if only using on workout days so yeah without an AI depending on dose and gyno sensitivity it could have caused it. I mean it could have caused it regardless. Just trying to piece it together in my mind...

Yes pulsing on TRT works well. As far as sides I agree they are sides but you can deal with them by managing them or just sucking it up. I don't mind slower gains to help me manage sides. It is my preference now. When I was younger it was more about sucking it up and going for the gusto. Now that doesn't feel so great for me anymore. So whether pulsing or daily I try not to go too high on doses anymore.

Don't get me wrong I still prefer steady dosing over a true pulse any day. However I definitely see value in higher doses on orals around the workouts, even when having stable levels of other hormones in my system. A lot of it is also like you said getting rid of orals. Once they are gone I won't mess with them unless it is Var, or maybe Tbol. I am just trying to get rid of the SD and DMZ I have left right now. After that I have one bottle of manifested by Xcell, and Ep1stane from OL and that is it for the designer orals.
I can't really say if I used it off cycle, it was to long ago and I don't remember many off cycle thing's much these days.
I used anywhere from 50mg to 200mg on random mornings when I wanted an extra boost that day. I did the same with winny and clen as well so it was just random as to what and when but always oncycle as far as I can remember.
I had never had gear related gyno issues before this and during this timing is when it happened. I have since seen data on test prop creating a longer lasting estro spike which would explain it.
This was when my doctor put me on oncycle 10mg nolva per day to keep it at bay.
I never had another issue again until after stopping gear, then training for about 6-7 years. Eventually weed/booze/stress triggered it again though.


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Haha same, id consider pulsing to be completely dropping the drug every few days like MrKleen suggested.
Keeping it in your system like this, to me its just like ramping up for workouts lol... no wonder this disscussion got so confusing haha
That being said I like the thought behind Hairygrandpa’s version. I could see myself doing it. However, because I am unsure about whether or not I would feel to extra kick for that night’s workout... I would probably run my normal esters and pulse like this with a test suspension as said before so that I knew I would get the results in the following workout.
Yeah but it is really all pulsing. Just like with the pulse of the heart rate there is never a moment when there isn't blood moving through the arteries or veins, but there is an obvious pulse where it is being pushed at greater volume due to the method of distribution. That's also a pulse.

I agree a lot of it is really semantics and linguistic interpretations muddying some of the water here. The other part that muddied the water was the side conversation regarding the different ways that consistent or inconsistent levels of gear in the system effect or mitigate side effects. I used the preworkout dose to defend my stance that uneven levels are not the devil and shouldn't be demonized when so many people intentionally cause them with the higher pre workout doses of no ester oils, or orals. However in the case of a pulse cycle it is horrible for you which is just irrational and ideological thinking in my personal opinion.

Do it as often as you like throughout the day -but DON'T use more than 1 tablespoon of glycerol in 1 liter water. It dries you out fast if you do. Awesome when you want to get rid of bloat -but be careful.
I buy vegetable glycerin (glycerol) at amazon by the gallon -and use "alacer electro mix" instead of salt. No more cramps for me -and no more forcing gallons of water down. Between 0.5-1 gallon is what I'm drinking on cycle now.
I mix it in my shakes too, helps absorb all kind of nutrients.
Very interesting, I have never measured my use per liter of water. I just drank 10g with my preworkout and 10g with my intra workout drink. Then again my intra workout drinks are normally 1/2 gallon which is why I don't post too many pump pics. I am bloated AF by the time my workout is over. LOL However sometimes when I am a little constipated I will take more and it seems to soften the stool for me by drawing water into the intestines.

I can't really say if I used it off cycle, it was to long ago and I don't remember many off cycle thing's much these days.
I used anywhere from 50mg to 200mg on random mornings when I wanted an extra boost that day. I did the same with winny and clen as well so it was just random as to what and when but always oncycle as far as I can remember.
I had never had gear related gyno issues before this and during this timing is when it happened. I have since seen data on test prop creating a longer lasting estro spike which would explain it.
This was when my doctor put me on oncycle 10mg nolva per day to keep it at bay.
I never had another issue again until after stopping gear, then training for about 6-7 years. Eventually weed/booze/stress triggered it again though.
Oh I can totally see how that could cause it used that way. Thje bolded has also been a part of things for me too. I got gyno during puberty and then it went away but left me with psuedogyno. Now that I am older and while waiting to get on TRT my gyno returned a bit.

I am not quite as sensitive to it as I once was because now 40-60% of men over 35 have some form of gyno or psuedogyno with all the processed foods, xeonoestrogens and whatnot. However I still hate it that I have to be REALLY lean not to have any fat under my pecs.


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So I haven't seen my brother in about 3 weeks I guess. Helped him move today. He commented multiple times that he couldn't believe how much bigger I've gotten since the last time he's seen me. But my weight is pretty much the same. I'm definitely my harshest critic and I feel like I look mostly the same. But he's definitely not the guy to just say something like that to try and make me feel good. He asked me multiple times about my workout, etc so. Good sign I guess


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But S-drol goes VERY well with Trestolone, IF you can control gyno from trest. TD trest + S-drol = Gaining madness for non-pinners.
Easily the best cycle I’ve ever ran....

TEST P-100eod, SD-10mg/day, Trest Ace 100mg eod. In 35 days I leaned out considerably and put an easy 20lbs on.


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MrKleen73 My genetics are bad for gyno also. Over the last 10 years random things will cause it to flare up.
As for your comment on food. We had KFC for take-away night on Thursday, first time in months. Friday my nip was nearly as tender as when I had a short play with trest a few weeks ago. I've been taking D3 and DAA since the trest and had no nip feeling since.
Not the greatest thing to think really when I know for a fact that the best 10% of my countries production chicken goes to KFC.


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MrKleen73 My genetics are bad for gyno also. Over the last 10 years random things will cause it to flare up.
As for your comment on food. We had KFC for take-away night on Thursday, first time in months. Friday my nip was nearly as tender as when I had a short play with trest a few weeks ago. I've been taking D3 and DAA since the trest and had no nip feeling since.
Not the greatest thing to think really when I know for a fact that the best 10% of my countries production chicken goes to KFC.
What country is that?


This Is just my opinion, and in no way reflects my attitude toward non pinners, to each their own. However, it my opinion that everyone taking steroids should move to injectables, cheaper and healthier. Though I understand the initial fear... and some people have it worse than others. Although I was told recently by a national BB friend and trainer that because of the way your liver breaks down oral AAS, that its more beneficial to run orals and injectables together instead of one or the other. Though myself I have seen to research to support it.

I bring this up just because of the shear amount of oral cycles Ive read about in this thread.


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Gotcha. What area? You got crazy snakes and spiders and stuff all over? Lol
Newcastle. The wildlife is less scary than people think...except maybe kangaroos, hit one of those on the road and it ain't good.


So, I want to use my Superdrol as I dont want to waste it (have like 40 10mg tabs). My thoughts to avoid liver toxicity is to not have any oral in my body for 8-9 weeks while still taking NAC and milk thistle, the adding superdrol at 20mg a day for the last 3-4 weeks of NPP to help dry me out. This would be taken on workout days only, 2 hours prior to workout.
Has anyone taken SD with NPP?
How much does preworkout SD actually do (is it noticeable)?
Im thinking 8 weeks of no orals is enought time between dbol and SD, I read that the liver takes 4-8 weeks to recover.


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You could trade them to me, for anything you want at all. I’m dead serious, I’ll make it worth your while. Just traded another AM member that I’ll state by name if you want a referral. Anything you have had a hard time getting your hands on.


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You could trade them to me, for anything you want at all. I’m dead serious, I’ll make it worth your while. Just traded another AM member that I’ll state by name if you want a referral. Anything you have had a hard time getting your hands on.
That's a generous offer. I haven't traded with Matthersby (yet), but I wouldn't hesitate at all.


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So, I want to use my Superdrol as I dont want to waste it (have like 40 10mg tabs). My thoughts to avoid liver toxicity is to not have any oral in my body for 8-9 weeks while still taking NAC and milk thistle, the adding superdrol at 20mg a day for the last 3-4 weeks of NPP to help dry me out. This would be taken on workout days only, 2 hours prior to workout.
Has anyone taken SD with NPP?
How much does preworkout SD actually do (is it noticeable)?
Im thinking 8 weeks of no orals is enought time between dbol and SD, I read that the liver takes 4-8 weeks to recover.
This isn't sarcasm.....

The SD compound doesn't give a rip when you take it. It doesn't do it's magic because you've taken it at a certain does it because it's in your body.


This isn't sarcasm.....

The SD compound doesn't give a rip when you take it. It doesn't do it's magic because you've taken it at a certain does it because it's in your body.
I know Its based on your blood levels. However there are so many people on this forum that claim to SD working as a pulse while on TRT.i thought maybe its possible that SD has a short enough half life that it works similar to a suspension. otherwise, no one here who has mentioned taking it as a protocol other than Everday is .... uneducated/experiencing a placebo effect and hasnt gained anything from their SD cycles....? Is that how you feel? Lol
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You could trade them to me, for anything you want at all. I’m dead serious, I’ll make it worth your while. Just traded another AM member that I’ll state by name if you want a referral. Anything you have had a hard time getting your hands on.
Only 2 issues,
1) You are in the USA and im in Canada so it probably eouldnt make it through the border.
2) its all read open and missing 10-12 tabs, you really want used pills? Not that ive done anything to them, bit thats like buying an open bottle of pop at a grocery store.


Is there really no one here who has taken NPP with SD?


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I know Its based on your blood levels. However there are so many people on this forum that claim to SD working as a pulse while on TRT.i thought maybe its possible that SD has a short enough half life that it works similar to a suspension. otherwise, no one one here who has mentioned taking it as a protocol other than Everday is a liar and hasnt gained anything from their SD cycles....? Is that how you feel? Lol
If that's how I felt, that's what I would've said. LOL.

I tend to say what I mean.

All the other stuff was your words, not mine, and don't reflect my feelings.
Would I take SD as a pre-workout? No.

Would I take it as part of my cycle, but dose it before my workout... probably not...but I'm not against that.


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And I don't appreciate you insinuating that I am calling anyone a Liar!


This isn't sarcasm.....

The SD compound doesn't give a rip when you take it. It doesn't do it's magic because you've taken it at a certain does it because it's in your body.
Opening with “this isnt sarcasm ....” doesnt suggest that you believe what hairygrandpa and mrkleen have said... and I didnt insinuate anything, I just simply asked if that was how you feel... trying to further discussion lol

That being said, by now you must know that im a believer in stable blood levels, but im trying to give mr kleen’s school of thought a chance, the pills are going into the garbage otherwise....
replying to a message written to prompt a response from the guys who pulse on TRT with “The SD compound doesn't give a rip when you take it. It doesn't do it's magic because you've taken it at a certain does it because it's in your body.” doesnt exactly suggest that you believe anything they have said :p


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Ive been taking mine pre workout but that's mostly because I get up at 5 am to train fasted so I take it with a caffeine pill and some fish oil. Then I take the next dose whenever I get home from work, usually around 4 o clock give or take


Ive been taking mine pre workout but that's mostly because I get up at 5 am to train fasted so I take it with a caffeine pill and some fish oil. Then I take the next dose whenever I get home from work, usually around 4 o clock give or take
Are you taking it everday or just on training days?


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Every day. Tomorrow starts week two. May only do two weeks as I've been feeling pretty ****ty, even with the test.


Every day. Tomorrow starts week two. May only do two weeks as I've been feeling pretty ****ty, even with the test.
Yea I’m tempted just to toss it and run my leftover winstrol the last 4-6 weeks of my npp , at least I know that doesn’t bother me all, except the lower back pumps on my deadlifts.... those get crippling lol
Just sucks to throw it out, money aside... everyone talks up SD like the results are out of this world, and I want dry results!! Lol


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Yeah I can't judge on results yet, but I started injecting test cause I wanted to feel good. True this is just a Kickstart but I'll make a call in another week or so


Yeah I can't judge on results yet, but I started injecting test cause I wanted to feel good. True this is just a Kickstart but I'll make a call in another week or so
What’s your diet like?
Let me know what the results are when you decide to drop it.
When you say you are feeling pretty ****ty, what are the symptoms?


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It's sort of hard to explain. Just kinda crappy. Towards the end of the day like 4 5 o clock I get super tired and lethargic. My diet is decent, lot of protein and complex carbs but it's hard to eat enough cause my appetite has gone to ****.


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My apologies if I could have worded it better. I will edit the post.
Apology accepted.

A very important thing to remember is that (although I didn't say that I don't agree with all of their pulsing beliefs, I also don't necessarily disagree with all of them).....disagreeing with someone's strategy is COMPLETELY different than calling someone a liar.
I don't believe that they are liars at all.


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It's sort of hard to explain. Just kinda crappy. Towards the end of the day like 4 5 o clock I get super tired and lethargic. My diet is decent, lot of protein and complex carbs but it's hard to eat enough cause my appetite has gone to ****.
Yeah, that's rough bro. Definitely been there.
One of the things that helped me a lot was keeping perspective. By the time I started feeling crappy, there wasn't a ton of days left to go through on that SD cycle. LOL.


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Opening with “this isnt sarcasm ....” doesnt suggest that you believe what hairygrandpa and mrkleen have said... and I didnt insinuate anything, I just simply asked if that was how you feel... trying to further discussion lol

That being said, by now you must know that im a believer in stable blood levels, but im trying to give mr kleen’s school of thought a chance, the pills are going into the garbage otherwise....
replying to a message written to prompt a response from the guys who pulse on TRT with “The SD compound doesn't give a rip when you take it. It doesn't do it's magic because you've taken it at a certain does it because it's in your body.” doesnt exactly suggest that you believe anything they have said :p
And the reason that I opened with, "This isn't sarcasm"...was to try and make sure you didn't misinterpret my meaning, and take offense.

Lot of f***in good that did, right??


It's sort of hard to explain. Just kinda crappy. Towards the end of the day like 4 5 o clock I get super tired and lethargic. My diet is decent, lot of protein and complex carbs but it's hard to eat enough cause my appetite has gone to ****.
That sucks man, let me know what your results are when you do end up dropping it. At this point I’m starting to think SD is a lost cause for now, anything that makes you feel like **** for 3 weeks, the gains from that short run of time can’t possibly be worth it with so many other options of orals and short esters out there. There’s no way the results would be that much greater, that dbol + feeling good wouldnt make up for it


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Yeah Chados said he did two weeks at 20mg of fusion methdrol and was happy with the results. So I can at least do one more week, and then from there decide if I wanna do a third


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I figure by that time the test will really be rolling, and while I might not make huge gains off just the test, I'm sure it will be a lot better than nothing. Also, like I mentioned up there I'm already getting comments about my size so, something is working.


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I figure by that time the test will really be rolling, and while I might not make huge gains off just the test, I'm sure it will be a lot better than nothing. Also, like I mentioned up there I'm already getting comments about my size so, something is working.
I wish I could find copies of my pics from before and after my first Superdrol cycle. I LITERALLY didn't look like the same guy.

It did more than any other compound that I've ever run, to change my body mass/composition.

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