SARM's, MK, & GW : A User's Guide



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Yep NAM is right, just being a jackass lmao... Probably not responsible of me, my dry humor and a thread full of inexperienced individuals likely aren't two things that should mix.
yes well now that your modern athletic health ambassador and FN rep, we hardly speak anymore. time for the little people has become as empty as a syringe filled with test lmao


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yes well now that your modern athletic health ambassador and FN rep, we hardly speak anymore. time for the little people has become as empty as a syringe filled with test lmao
Oh phooey, I know I'm a celebrity now but there's no way I could forget you <3


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Need opinion...

Am just at the end of my 8-week ostarine cycle, was going to start PCT tomorrow. I woke up today with a cold setting in. Should I start PCT as planned, or continue the ostarine for an extra week, waiting until healthy again before starting PCT?

This sucks. I hate sick.


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Need opinion...

Am just at the end of my 8-week ostarine cycle, was going to start PCT tomorrow. I woke up today with a cold setting in. Should I start PCT as planned, or continue the ostarine for an extra week, waiting until healthy again before starting PCT?

This sucks. I hate sick.
A cold shouldn't impact whether or not your SERM gets things pumping again - I'd say start PCT.


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A cold shouldn't impact whether or not your SERM gets things pumping again - I'd say start PCT.
Agreed. The osta will probably prolong being sick as well due to immune system impact.


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Great thing about epiandro is that for PH noobs or guys particularly sensitive to it, it can have super positive effects at very low doses, like 300 - 400mg solo, or just 200mg stacked. I'm keen for the feedback on the new OL epiandro product to start filtering in.
Isn't EpiAndro the PH version of Proviron? Sort of? Lol.

Trying to figure out what EpiAndro is as I'm already on TRT and wondering if it will help me in anyway (like Proviron)


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Isn't EpiAndro the PH version of Proviron? Sort of? Lol.

Trying to figure out what EpiAndro is as I'm already on TRT and wondering if it will help me in anyway (like Proviron)
That's a decent analogy but I would also maybe compare it to masteron.


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Have read there can be prolactin issues with trest anybody had any issues regarding this.


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Have read there can be prolactin issues with trest anybody had any issues regarding this.
No issues for me. I ran 2 caps of Inhibit-P while I was using Trest because I was also taking MK-677, which is known to increase prolactin as well.

BTW, from what I've read, prolactin issues from Trest are less likely than they are with other 19-Nor based compounds such as Trenbolone and Nandrolone.


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Does anyone think there is any benefit using arimacare pro with trest as i have some left over


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Absolutely. Arimacare Pro has some antiestrogens wich is prfect for trest (though not strong enpugh alone if problems arise).
Even when Trest is only mild hepatoxic liversupport is never wrong.
The other ingredients are good for many healthmarkers including bloodpressurw wich is nice for every anabolic.


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Absolutely. Arimacare Pro has some antiestrogens wich is prfect for trest (though not strong enpugh alone if problems arise).
Even when Trest is only mild hepatoxic liversupport is never wrong.
The other ingredients are good for many healthmarkers including bloodpressurw wich is nicde for every anabolic.
^^^110% agree. Great explanation.


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New cycle starting today! This will be my 3rd SARM cycle. Looking at 8 weeks total, with a combo of RAD and Osta. Want to start off with the RAD this time, as that seemed to kick in really fast on my last run, and then transition to osta solo for the remaining weeks. Like this:

Phase 1: 12mg RAD + 15mg Osta, split dose AM/PM
(That'll be 4mg RAD + 10mg Osta AM and 8mg RAD + 5mg Osta PM, due to the nature of the caps.)

Phase 2: 20mg Osta, split dose 10mg AM/PM

Debating how many weeks to do phase 1. I want to use RAD basically as a kick start, and drop it before any sides set in. Can't decide if that will be 2 weeks or 3 weeks... opinions requested.

On cycle supports:
NAC - 1000mg/day
TUDCA - 250mg, based on yates' post above
Ubiquinol - 100mg/day
Mucuna Puriens (15% L-Dopa) - 2400mg (360mg L-Dopa) opinions on dosage, please?
Exemestane - on hand, will not use unless necessary

Clomid ------- 50/25/25/12.5/00
Exemestane - 00/00/00/12.5/12.5
NAC - same as above
Ubiquinol - same as above
Mucuna Puriens - same as above

Will also be using 10mg MK677 daily all the way through and beyond pct. Started that a few weeks ago already.

This is my first time putting together OTC supports myself, as opposed to an all-in-one. Comments/opinions on anything much appreciated.
Following up... this cycle has come to an end, and I've started PCT. I decided to continue the cycle an extra week after all while I was out of the gym and recovering from my cold. :stupid: Did not have any need to dip into the exemestane on cycle.

To be honest, my diet was very much not dialed in this time around, so I'm not going to measure results by weight or body composition, but I held relatively steady at 5'8 185-190 and dropped some fat lifting primarily with low rep ranges. Strength gains, though, are indisputable. Below are my 1RMs for a few big lifts, compared to the 1RMs I had at the conclusion of my previous cycle. (Between cycles, those 1RMs either held steady or dropped slightly)

Squat: 275 -> 305
Deadlift: 315 -> 345
Incline Bench Press: 225 -> 245

Not crazy numbers by some folks' standards, but ones I'm pretty proud of for myself nonetheless. Will be doing everything I can to maintain those numbers through PCT before transitioning into a much more focused nutritional plan to cut some fat. I don't have an accurate measurement, but I know I could stand to lose maybe 6-8%. Likely need to finally get over my hatred of cardio and start hitting the concept2 rower or something, as the further I get into my 30s, the harder it's been getting to keep the fat off with weight training and diet alone. I also work a sedentary desk job 40hrs/week, and there's nothing I can really do about that, so that's life.

On a side note, if you haven't tried it, cueing up the title track from the Pacific Rim soundtrack before a lift has a powerful strength magnifying effect. Might even be anabolic on it's own.



Following up... this cycle has come to an end, and I've started PCT. I decided to continue the cycle an extra week after all while I was out of the gym and recovering from my cold. :stupid: Did not have any need to dip into the exemestane on cycle.

To be honest, my diet was very much not dialed in this time around, so I'm not going to measure results by weight or body composition, but I held relatively steady at 5'8 185-190 and dropped some fat lifting primarily with low rep ranges. Strength gains, though, are indisputable. Below are my 1RMs for a few big lifts, compared to the 1RMs I had at the conclusion of my previous cycle. (Between cycles, those 1RMs either held steady or dropped slightly)

Squat: 275 -> 305
Deadlift: 315 -> 345
Incline Bench Press: 225 -> 245

Not crazy numbers by some folks' standards, but ones I'm pretty proud of for myself nonetheless. Will be doing everything I can to maintain those numbers through PCT before transitioning into a much more focused nutritional plan to cut some fat. I don't have an accurate measurement, but I know I could stand to lose maybe 6-8%. Likely need to finally get over my hatred of cardio and start hitting the concept2 rower or something, as the further I get into my 30s, the harder it's been getting to keep the fat off with weight training and diet alone. I also work a sedentary desk job 40hrs/week, and there's nothing I can really do about that, so that's life.

On a side note, if you haven't tried it, cueing up the title track from the Pacific Rim soundtrack before a lift has a powerful strength magnifying effect. Might even be anabolic on it's own.

Nice work man! Also thanks for following up, I was interested in your results. How long did you run the Rad for? I was planning basically the same cycle, but decided to cut so I'm saving the Rad for next time. Nice suggestion on the tunes I'm trying that next time.


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SARM's, MK, &amp; GW : A User's Guide

Nice work man! Also thanks for following up, I was interested in your results. How long did you run the Rad for? I was planning basically the same cycle, but decided to cut so I'm saving the Rad for next time. Nice suggestion on the tunes I'm trying that next time.
Rad for 3 weeks, and right on cue I started feeling the sides set in. Dropped the Rad at the start of week 4 and the crappy feeling faded away two days later. Felt awesome with the 20mg osta weeks 4-7, and then in week 8 started feeling slightly down again. Week 9 I was sick with a cold.

This is a cycle I'll definitely be doing the same way again, and looking forward to using it for a much more strict bulk to cut plan. Going to try to cut a bit while off cycle. Would start tapering calories back upward again maybe 4-6 weeks prior to cycle and then begin the rad+osta phase just as I start feeling like I need the extra boost, hitting the bulk hard for those first 3 rad weeks. Then taper calories down through the remaining 5 weeks of osta, forcing myself to add in a decent amount of HIIT. Then reverse diet through PCT.


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Hey guys, nearly finished 8 week cycle of following sarms and ready to start 4 week pct. Was wondering how long you should have off after pct before running another sarms cycle? Thanks

Cycle was

LGD-4033 /10mg
Mk-677 /25mg
S4 /37.5mg - due to sides
Mk-2866 /25mg

Blackstone labs eradicate

Pct - Blackstone Labs PCT 5, Growth, Apex male.

Clomid 50/50/25/25
General rule: cycle + PCT = time off

Get back to homeostasis


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Need advice.

Would running LGD or Ostarine + MK-677, be alright even though you take anti depressive medication for anxiety disorder?
This would be my first non natty cycle.


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Need advice.

Would running LGD or Ostarine + MK-677, be alright even though you take anti depressive medication for anxiety disorder?
This would be my first non natty cycle.
I'm not qualified to answer that. Only a doctor that is educated about all the different substances could answer that safely. I would definitely check for contraindications before beginning those compounds. Many hormonal products can cause anxiety symptoms to worsen:(.


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SARM's, MK, &amp; GW : A User's Guide

I'm not qualified to answer that. Only a doctor that is educated about all the different substances could answer that safely. I would definitely check for contraindications before beginning those compounds. Many hormonal products can cause anxiety symptoms to worsen:(.
Of course, just checking with people here on AM before doing anything. I got the expression that a lot of members on this forum as a lot of knowledge and could recommend or give guidance.

A doctor would be pretty much impossible to talk with, due to the legally situation.

I have been checking for drug interaction, cant find anything. Can't find any anecdotal feedback on SARMs and anti depressives either. Most be some people that are using/have used the combination, regarding the high amount of anti depressants that are used by people.

I have also heard about that hormonal products could increase anxiety, that is one of the reason why I am looking at SARMs instead of real gear, less potential side effects.


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Of course, just checking with people here on AM before doing anything. I got the expression that a lot of members on this forum as a lot of knowledge and could recommend or give guidance.

A doctor would be pretty much impossible to talk with, due to the legally situation.

I have been checking for drug interaction, cant find anything. Can't find any anecdotal feedback on SARMs and anti depressives either. Most be some people that are using/have used the combination, regarding the high amount of anti depressants that are used by people.

I have also heard about that hormonal products could increase anxiety, that is one of the reason why I am looking at SARMs instead of real gear, less potential side effects.
It's good you're being cautious and doing pre-emptive research. Kudos for that. Like I said, I don't feel qualified to give you a definitive answer. Maybe someone else will or at least chime in with their related experiences. I have no frame of reference with severe anxiety or depression. If you have your condition in check at the moment then hormones would certainly be a risk. SARMs are somewhat milder in many aspects than PH/DS but that doesn't necessarily equal safer. They are still exogenous substances that will change your hormone levels. sanmarino may have some thoughts on this.


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It's good you're being cautious and doing pre-emptive research. Kudos for that. Like I said, I don't feel qualified to give you a definitive answer. Maybe someone else will or at least chime in with their related experiences. I have no frame of reference with severe anxiety or depression. If you have your condition in check at the moment then hormones would certainly be a risk. SARMs are somewhat milder in many aspects than PH/DS but that doesn't necessarily equal safer. They are still exogenous substances that will change your hormone levels. sanmarino may have some thoughts on this.
Thanks man. I appreciate your respond Jebrook, and I understand that you don´t feel qualified to give a definitive answer. Let´s see if some one else might chime in on the topic.


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Sadly I'm not qualified to really answer that as well, but from my experience on Steroids and also on Osta every mood swing gets more drastic.
On Gear I'm somewhat like bipolar just with really short phases of only a few minutes most of the time.
So I would take caution like you are trying to and maybe try to get in contact with a medical doctor somewhere else in the world where legal issues are not a concern with what you are planning.

(Sorry for the bad grammar I'm really tired right now and can't be bothered to think about my sentences so long right now.)


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SARM's, MK, &amp; GW : A User's Guide

Sadly I'm not qualified to really answer that as well, but from my experience on Steroids and also on Osta every mood swing gets more drastic.
On Gear I'm somewhat like bipolar just with really short phases of only a few minutes most of the time.
So I would take caution like you are trying to and maybe try to get in contact with a medical doctor somewhere else in the world where legal issues are not a concern with what you are planning.

(Sorry for the bad grammar I'm really tired right now and can't be bothered to think about my sentences so long right now.)
No worries man, I understand your writing just fine.

Mood swings I think I can handle, mood goes up an down anyways for me. So I am familiar with that.
The biggest concern and question I am looking for is if it could possibly be dangerous to combine SARMs with anti depressive. Which I cant find any information on.
The only downside I can see is what Jebrook said, "Many hormonal products can affect anxiety to get even worser".


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No worries man, I understand your writing just fine.

Mood swings I think I can handle, mood goes up an down anyways for me. So I am familiar with that.
The biggest concern and question I am looking for is if it could possibly be dangerous to combine SARMs with anti depressive. Which I cant find any information on.
The only downside I can see is what Jebrook said, "Many hormonal products can affect anxiety to get even worser".
Anabolics amplify your emotions, for better and worse. Sarms are not going to have a huge impact on your mental state but there is always that possibility. They have a short half life so if you did have any issues just stop dosing and the effects should be gone in a day or two.


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SARM's, MK, &amp; GW : A User's Guide

Anabolics amplify your emotions, for better and worse. Sarms are not going to have a huge impact on your mental state but there is always that possibility. They have a short half life so if you did have any issues just stop dosing and the effects should be gone in a day or two.
X2 I take an ssri ( sertraline aka Zoloft) and my first cycle was ostarine and my second was lgd both times I had just a bit of anxiety starting my cycle but I think that was more anxiety from myself trying something new & unknown . Even though I am not a doctor or medical professional I can tell you that for me my anti depressant has not had any adverse side effects while I've been on cycle , in pct, or off cycle.


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X2 I take an ssri ( sertraline aka Zoloft) and my first cycle was ostarine and my second was lgd both times I had just a bit of anxiety starting my cycle but I think that was more anxiety from myself trying something new & unknown . Even though I am not a doctor or medical professional I can tell you that for me my anti depressant has not had any adverse side effects while I've been on cycle , in pct, or off cycle.
Same here.


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Can someine pm and point me in the best direction for some gw?

Thanks fellas


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Can someine pm and point me in the best direction for some gw?

Thanks fellas
Focused Nutrition has gw, you can grab some at phw supplements.


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I'd also imagine that you would want to just try *ONE* compound at a time - especially in your case. Also, I don't see why you'd want to combine 2866 with 4033? They each shine in a different area (Osta-Cut LGD-Mass).


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I'd also imagine that you would want to just try *ONE* compound at a time - especially in your case. Also, I don't see why you'd want to combine 2866 with 4033? They each shine in a different area (Osta-Cut LGD-Mass).
people have reported using half dose of lg for cutting - 3-5mg per day vs full- now the question that i asked those (in case people wonder around the internet) if you take a product at half dose, how does that perform a cut and if you increase it twice, you go for a bulk? I guess there is a science behind it, but on some level that doesnt seem to make sense.


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people have reported using half dose of lg for cutting - 3-5mg per day vs full- now the question that i asked those (in case people wonder around the internet) if you take a product at half dose, how does that perform a cut and if you increase it twice, you go for a bulk? I guess there is a science behind it, but on some level that doesnt seem to make sense.
I've wondered that too. Wouldn't running it at a higher dose for a cut be even better?


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I've wondered that too. Wouldn't running it at a higher dose for a cut be even better?
i totally agree and when i saw that it made no sense- i could see maybe the reverse being logical- 1/2 for bulk - full for a cut that would seem to make sense, but as i said, i guess there is a science behind it


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i totally agree and when i saw that it made no sense- i could see maybe the reverse being logical- 1/2 for bulk - full for a cut that would seem to make sense, but as i said, i guess there is a science behind it
I prefered lgd at 5 compared to 10. Less sides and seemed to be not much of a difference in benefits


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Well it does not take too high doses to just maintain muscles so if you are cutting you can protect your muscles with low doses. A higher dose may make it possible to build a little even on a deficit but not nearly as much as in a bulk so one may be better off taking the higher doses when they can add plenty of muscle.


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Well it does not take too high doses to just maintain muscles so if you are cutting you can protect your muscles with low doses. A higher dose may make it possible to build a little even on a deficit but not nearly as much as in a bulk so one may be better off taking the higher doses when they can add plenty of muscle.
good point- as i said, im sure there is logic behind it.


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I'd also imagine that you would want to just try *ONE* compound at a time - especially in your case. Also, I don't see why you'd want to combine 2866 with 4033? They each shine in a different area (Osta-Cut LGD-Mass).
Was your reply towards me? I was more in the plans on a LGD or Osta only if I would do a cycle. But for now I will stay natural, better to try to get my medical situation fixed before trying anything that amplifies the androgenic system. I still have a lot of strength and mass to add natural as well, before reaching my genetical max.

MK-677 is something that seems interesting though. I don´t think it would be any risk for drug interaction either, as it increases your own natural GH and IGF-1 levels. Is it considered a natural product?

What are your guys impression on MK-677?


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Was your reply towards me? I was more in the plans on a LGD or Osta only if I would do a cycle. But for now I will stay natural, better to try to get my medical situation fixed before trying anything that amplifies the androgenic system. I still have a lot of strength and mass to add natural as well, before reaching my genetical max.

MK-677 is something that seems interesting though. I don´t think it would be any risk for drug interaction either, as it increases your own natural GH and IGF-1 levels. Is it considered a natural product?

What are your guys impression on MK-677?
Mk is definitely not natural. I have used it for a while now and have very little negative to say. Gone up to 50mg ed. Base dose has been 25mg ed.


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Was your reply towards me? I was more in the plans on a LGD or Osta only if I would do a cycle. But for now I will stay natural, better to try to get my medical situation fixed before trying anything that amplifies the androgenic system. I still have a lot of strength and mass to add natural as well, before reaching my genetical max.

My bad, I didn't see the "or" in your first question. My impression of 677 is that I have to trust the science and bloodwork I've heard... as I get zero feedback from 20mg taking both Focused Nutrition and Olympus Labs. No hunger, water, better sleep (cuz I am always a sleeping rock) etc...


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Mk is definitely not natural. I have used it for a while now and have very little negative to say. Gone up to 50mg ed. Base dose has been 25mg ed.
Okey. When do you take it? Before bed or in the morning?


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My bad, I didn't see the "or" in your first question. My impression of 677 is that I have to trust the science and bloodwork I've heard... as I get zero feedback from 20mg taking both Focused Nutrition and Olympus Labs. No hunger, water, better sleep (cuz I am always a sleeping rock) etc...
No worries man!
Okey. Isn´t weird that you have not felt anything? Have you done any blood work to see if your GH and IGF-1 has increased?


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Okey. When do you take it? Before bed or in the morning?
Ive done alot of different ways. I like to take it atleast an hour or two before bed. Other than that i found little to no difference. Right before bed i found sometimes kept me awake. I train at night and sometimes i like to take preworkout.

I even tried to split the doses because there was some rumors online about increasing the bioavailability. Not sure. But once a day morning afternoon or night didnt matter to me as long as it wasnt right before bed.


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My bad, I didn't see the "or" in your first question. My impression of 677 is that I have to trust the science and bloodwork I've heard... as I get zero feedback from 20mg taking both Focused Nutrition and Olympus Labs. No hunger, water, better sleep (cuz I am always a sleeping rock) etc...
How old are you ? if I can ask


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I turn 48 in a few months. (Note: Some of my older posts have my age wrong because I'm senile- I was 47 at the time and couldn't count :D)
I'm 36 I have few bottles mk the way how I see this older you are the more benefits you should get from this stuff hope your case it's just a individual reaction... btw you are not really old

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