SARM's, MK, & GW : A User's Guide



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What is everybody's opinion on focused nutrition vs primevil sarms?
I've sold a few bottles of various focused nutrition bottles to friends and family and they are seeing nice results! About to grab some MK-677 of theirs.


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What is everybody's opinion on focused nutrition vs primevil sarms?
not that PE is horrible, but agree with yates84 don't believe youll be disappointed


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not only that, but the price increases based on his reasoning is insane. buy from me because the product is verified. that's the reason it costs 67% more on your site than buying the same exact brand from another site?
I know people like to keep costs down, but the best you can do is scribble some mumbo jumbo on a note pad that no one can read or using a white board with writing that leads me to believe you never finished the 2nd grade.
if you actually did follow his method, it seems he has been on a sarm cycle for 2 years straight.
Yeah, definitely full of sh1t. His videos are days apart "been running this sarm for months already" when he is saying the same thing in every video. I'm calling BS.


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Yeah, definitely full of sh1t. His videos are days apart "been running this sarm for months already" when he is saying the same thing in every video. I'm calling BS.


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Focused Nutrition's RAD140 is great. That's all I've used so far but would buy plenty more.
I'm assuming you're going with 1 cap/day since FN's is dosed at 15mg. Do you find any particular time best for dosing, like pre-workout?


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I'm assuming you're going with 1 cap/day since FN's is dosed at 15mg. Do you find any particular time best for dosing, like pre-workout?
Yep, preworkout is perfect


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A buddy of mine is on 10mgs of FNs MK67 and he hasn't felt any different the 1st month(no bloat, no better sleep, no increase in appetite, etc...). I'll have him up the dose to 20mg a cap. Anyone else try out FNs MK677 or any other product from FN?
I was on 10mgs OLUK Gharine for a few weeks, then jumped to 20mg. About the only thing I noticed acutely, is like Toren said above - I tend to feel "pins and needles" a bit more (none at 10mg IIRC). But that's it - no lethargy, no hunger, etc... So again, like Toren said, I think MK-677 is *highly* individual in what a person "feels". But MK is getting rave reviews from even old school 'no supplements work' guys - guys that get and use injectable GH (Scott on the PED Podcast, for one) - so it appears to be the real deal.


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I was on 10mgs OLUK Gharine for a few weeks, then jumped to 20mg. About the only thing I noticed acutely, is like Toren said above - I tend to feel "pins and needles" a bit more (none at 10mg IIRC). But that's it - no lethargy, no hunger, etc... So again, like Toren said, I think MK-677 is *highly* individual in what a person "feels". But MK is getting rave reviews from even old school 'no supplements work' guys - guys that get and use injectable GH (Scott on the PED Podcast, for one) - so it appears to be the real deal.
Hmmm then I may just buy a bottle off him so he doesn't waste the money and I get to try it out!


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What is everybody's opinion on focused nutrition vs primevil sarms?
I want a good GW.
I've had good experiences with Primeval's stuff and just started FN MK 677
I've sold a few bottles of various focused nutrition bottles to friends and family and they are seeing nice results! About to grab some MK-677 of theirs.
Focused Nutrition's RAD140 is great. That's all I've used so far but would buy plenty more.
I really want to try the epiandro and andro!


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I'm assuming you're going with 1 cap/day since FN's is dosed at 15mg. Do you find any particular time best for dosing, like pre-workout?
Yeah, I went up to 2 caps for just a few days and the glycogen supercompensation was insane, and so was the lethargy was as well; it wasn't worth it. I only ever dosed it with breakfast , and worked out in the evening.


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Yeah, I went up to 2 caps for just a few days and the glycogen supercompensation was insane, and so was the lethargy was as well; it wasn't worth it. I only ever dosed it with breakfast , and worked out in the evening.
Not to sound too noobish, but what do you mean by "the glycogen supercompensation was insane". What were you seeing/feeling with regards to that (I understand about the lethargy part but I don't recall any mention about 'glycogen supercompensation', but it's been a while since I read the whole beast of a thread).


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I think it'd be nice to have a TL;DR version of some of the info in the thread for folks just hitting it. Seems like there's a lot of good info hidden throughout on each compound that doesn't get seen because of the amount of pages this thread has become. Stuff like reported sides (and workarounds/solutions), common dosing times, what the typical person should expect from each, and who still sells what (no more OL for sale, FN stuff is legit, etc). There's also an MK thread out there that has additional helpful info on using Hup-A and melatonin in conjunction with MK677.

I know a lot of the stuff is user-dependant, but there seem to be common threads as to what a lot of people report.

By the way, I upped my Dermacrine to 4 pumps/day (2 after workout, 2 before bed. It's a lot to spread around on a 5'7 frame) and my LGD to 12mg and have felt 10x better the past few days. It showed in my workouts as well.


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Not to sound too noobish, but what do you mean by "the glycogen supercompensation was insane". What were you seeing/feeling with regards to that (I understand about the lethargy part but I don't recall any mention about 'glycogen supercompensation', but it's been a while since I read the whole beast of a thread).
Androgens let you " carb up" a little more and look bigger basically.


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Getting some symptoms of low estro (dry skin, dehydration, dry lips) though I'm drinking tons of water.

Should I lower my AI doseage, or is it cool to just lay off it for a day or two? (currently 25mg/day exemastane)


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Getting some symptoms of low estro (dry skin, dehydration, dry lips) though I'm drinking tons of water.

Should I lower my AI doseage, or is it cool to just lay off it for a day or two? (currently 25mg/day exemastane)
That's quite a bit of exemestane, I'm on tren and test and only taking 6.25mg a day. Try dropping to 12.5mg/day or even 6.25mg and see if that helps. What is your cycle?


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I've been on MK677 since September and any lethargy was minimal.

Also have been using 200mcg hup-A for the duration.


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I've been on MK677 since September and any lethargy was minimal.

Also have been using 200mcg hup-A for the duration.
I only had lethargy the first few weeks of use, which was back in September or October I think. Haven't had an issue since then!


I've been on MK677 since September and any lethargy was minimal.

Also have been using 200mcg hup-A for the duration.
What results/ benefits did you notice throughout these months? How does it compare to GHRPS/real GH, CJC dac, if you have used any of these of course.

I'm probably gonna run MK677 and Hup-a for a few months also. Sounds too good to be true though... Take 1 tablet a day for amazing GH results vses pinning multiple times a day and waiting to eat.


I only had lethargy the first few weeks of use, which was back in September or October I think. Haven't had an issue since then!
I read your post in regards to MK-677 helping your acne, thats pretty awesome. I also suffer prudent adult acne:( sucks mane. When i was on GHRP6/CJC 1295 back in 2014 my skin looked superb, only ran it for 3 months though. Will be keen to see better skin etc in a 6 month long cycle


Also. Isn't Oral Tre3st- trest, super liver toxic? I;'m thinking of running that standalone maybe with epiandro, for 4-8 weeks. followed by Nolva/clomid. Will grab some AI in case of Gyno. What ai would be best suited?


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I read your post in regards to MK-677 helping your acne, thats pretty awesome. I also suffer prudent adult acne:( sucks mane. When i was on GHRP6/CJC 1295 back in 2014 my skin looked superb, only ran it for 3 months though. Will be keen to see better skin etc in a 6 month long cycle
Yeah definitely. I'll be running MK for at least another year and I'm looking into stacking with CJC for a few months and see what happens.
Also. Isn't Oral Tre3st- trest, super liver toxic? I;'m thinking of running that standalone maybe with epiandro, for 4-8 weeks. followed by Nolva/clomid. Will grab some AI in case of Gyno. What ai would be best suited?
I believe that yates84 said it isn't. It's not methylated so that makes sense.
Exemestane or arimidex would both be fine, I'm prone to gyno and estrogen sides and I didn't have any issues running arimidex with trest at 75mg/day. However I also didn't see as much results as I was hoping for based off of everyone's praise of the compound. I'll probably run it higher next time around and maybe combine with IM trest.


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Trest is a 7 alpha alkylated steroid wich makes it toxic but not as toxic as the usual 17 alpha alkylatrd steroids.
So it is toxic but lesd than the usual methyls.


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Also. Isn't Oral Tre3st- trest, super liver toxic? I;'m thinking of running that standalone maybe with epiandro, for 4-8 weeks. followed by Nolva/clomid. Will grab some AI in case of Gyno. What ai would be best suited?
Toxicity from trest is minimal, I've run stupid doses of it for long periods of time with no issues. Being methylated doesn't necessarily indicate toxicity, many factors play into that like the type of methylation and even the location of the methyl group on the actual steroid (vitamin c is methylated). I would definitely have exemestane on hand with trest. estrogen sides don't usually get bad until 100mg and up but that just depends how estrogen sensitive you are. if you ever have any questions my inbox is always open.


Toxicity from trest is minimal, I've run stupid doses of it for long periods of time with no issues. Being methylated doesn't necessarily indicate toxicity, many factors play into that like the type of methylation and even the location of the methyl group on the actual steroid (vitamin c is methylated). I would definitely have exemestane on hand with trest. estrogen sides don't usually get bad until 100mg and up but that just depends how estrogen sensitive you are. if you ever have any questions my inbox is always open.

awesome. I'm sure a good liver supp like tudca/nac/Sam-e could negate its potential toxicity anyhow. Have you personally ran a cycle of it? if so how were the strength gains/ tightness/fullness, fatloss?

Is this a longer based cycle, or is it like a 4 week mini cycle> possibly go upto 8( similar to ostar1ine)

As for pct; Would Nolva/Super Pct suffice ? i have some letrone from black lion research on deck along Super pct from OL


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awesome. I'm sure a good liver supp like tudca/nac/Sam-e could negate its potential toxicity anyhow. Have you personally ran a cycle of it? if so how were the strength gains/ tightness/fullness, fatloss?

Is this a longer based cycle, or is it like a 4 week mini cycle> possibly go upto 8( similar to ostar1ine)

As for pct; Would Nolva/Super Pct suffice ? i have some letrone from black lion research on deck along Super pct from OL
He mentioned that he's ran large doses of it!
I would definitely go 8 weeks or more personally. I ran for 4 weeks and dropped it because I was a little disappointed but I think I should've run a higher dose.


He mentioned that he's ran large doses of it!
I would definitely go 8 weeks or more personally. I ran for 4 weeks and dropped it because I was a little disappointed but I think I should've run a higher dose.
lol sleepy as fuk atm. Need some dat dere coffee haha. Sounds good, Maybe the 4 weeks wasn't long enough. But i guess if you didnt notice much at 4 weeks, was probably a good idea to stop the run.


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lol sleepy as fuk atm. Need some dat dere coffee haha. Sounds good, Maybe the 4 weeks wasn't long enough. But i guess if you didnt notice much at 4 weeks, was probably a good idea to stop the run.
I was itching to run something heavier. I'll try a higher dose next time and actually stick with it. Kinda pissed I wasted product like that.
I just have read so much about people feeling effects within a week of starting it so I was getting pretty impatient.


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lol sleepy as fuk atm. Need some dat dere coffee haha. Sounds good, Maybe the 4 weeks wasn't long enough. But i guess if you didnt notice much at 4 weeks, was probably a good idea to stop the run.
What dose did u run it at


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100mg of td trest provides good gains with minimal sides. This is the only way I'd run trest if I ran it again.


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He mentioned that he's ran large doses of it!
I would definitely go 8 weeks or more personally. I ran for 4 weeks and dropped it because I was a little disappointed but I think I should've run a higher dose.
Next time dose your trest like you eat your rice & potatos :D


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Me or him? I did 25mg transdermal and 50mg oral preworkout
100mg of td trest provides good gains with minimal sides. This is the only way I'd run trest if I ran it again.
I did 50 TD (split 25am/25pm) and 50 Oral PWO. 100 TD on non workout days.
yates84 do you think it's better to just run TD at 100 with no oral pwo? Would I be pushing it if I ran 100 TD and threw in 25 oral pwo? I didn't have any issues with gyno. I guess I'm just not prone (knocking on wood).


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I did 50 TD (split 25am/25pm) and 50 Oral PWO. 100 TD on non workout days.
yates84 do you think it's better to just run TD at 100 with no oral pwo? Would I be pushing it if I ran 100 TD and threw in 25 oral pwo? I didn't have any issues with gyno. I guess I'm just not prone (knocking on wood).
I wouldn't bother with it personally. TD trest works great solo. Oral trest is nice for a little pwo boost but that's about it.


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SARM's, MK, & GW : A User's Guide

I wouldn't bother with it personally. TD trest works great solo. Oral trest is nice for a little pwo boost but that's about it.
Okay... Now I just have to figure out what I'm going to run it with in May.

I've got 3 bottles of MassGH, 2 LGD, 2 EnduraShred and 1 Ostar1ne (320 ct). I figured I'd run one of these since I already have them. I had amazing results on MassGH w/Tr3st. I've never run Ostarine and am hesitant to run it after hearing mixed opinions about its effectiveness. Also wondering if I'll be disappointed after popping my cherry with LGD.


I did 50 TD (split 25am/25pm) and 50 Oral PWO. 100 TD on non workout days.
yates84 do you think it's better to just run TD at 100 with no oral pwo? Would I be pushing it if I ran 100 TD and threw in 25 oral pwo? I didn't have any issues with gyno. I guess I'm just not prone (knocking on wood).
You sir are a lucky man! :p gyno sucks! You should be happy you aren't prone :)


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Okay... Now I just have to figure out what I'm going to run it with in May.

I've got 3 bottles of MassGH, 2 LGD, 2 EnduraShred and 1 Ostar1ne (320 ct). I figured I'd run one of these since I already have them. I had amazing results on MassGH w/Tr3st. I've never run Ostarine and am hesitant to run it after hearing mixed opinions about its effectiveness. Also wondering if I'll be disappointed after popping my cherry with LGD.
Really just depends on your goals. What are they for this cycle? Osta is disappointing only if used in the wrong application. If used in a deficit to preserve lean body mass it is life changing. Try and bulk with it and you will be disappointed.


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You sir are a lucky man! :p gyno sucks! You should be happy you aren't prone :)
There's ways around that too. 12.5mg of exem eod and 10mg of nolva eod kept my nips perfect even on 200mg of trest. If you know that you are estrogen sensitive then have all the proper ancillaries on hand before you start and you can address any issues as they develop.


Really just depends on your goals. What are they for this cycle? Osta is disappointing only if used in the wrong application. If used in a deficit to preserve lean body mass it is life changing. Try and bulk with it and you will be disappointed.
Hmm. I think it depends on the state of your body bro.. Its an amazing recomping agent, it was designed for cancer/aids patents with muscle wasting to regain their pre existing muscle strength. which in itself is awesome. Perfectly healthy guys using this to bulk is quite bizzare, better off pinning test IMO.

I;'ve recently come outta surgery and planning on training in coming weeks. Lost a fair bit of muscle, so ideally Ostarine Should exhibit its best benefits for me.

Ill be doing a log.. so make sure you look out for it :). Gonna run 6-8 weeks @25mg. Pct Nolva- 20/20/20/20+ letrone+ DAA.

If ostarine proves to be a good compound, it could be beneficial for dudes who come outta surgery/ been outta the gym for ages and lost gains.

Its only real application for a healthy dude, is to cut at extreme deficits like you mentioned( to preserve gains etc) and assist with fat loss/recovery.


There's ways around that too. 12.5mg of exem eod and 10mg of nolva eod kept my nips perfect even on 200mg of trest. If you know that you are estrogen sensitive then have all the proper ancillaries on hand before you start and you can address any issues as they develop.
definitely will keep some on hand. I'm sure for my ostarine run Gyno shouldn't be too much of an issue, ill be using Arimicare OL. Should be sufficient if not Exem E3D or EOD


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Hmm. I think it depends on the state of your body bro.. Its an amazing recomping agent, it was designed for cancer/aids patents with muscle wasting to regain their pre existing muscle strength. which in itself is awesome. Perfectly healthy guys using this to bulk is quite bizzare, better off pinning test IMO.

I;'ve recently come outta surgery and planning on training in coming weeks. Lost a fair bit of muscle, so ideally Ostarine Should exhibit its best benefits for me.

Ill be doing a log.. so make sure you look out for it :). Gonna run 6-8 weeks @25mg. Pct Nolva- 20/20/20/20+ letrone+ DAA.

If ostarine proves to be a good compound, it could be beneficial for dudes who come outta surgery/ been outta the gym for ages and lost gains.

Its only real application for a healthy dude, is to cut at extreme deficits like you mentioned( to preserve gains etc) and assist with fat loss/recovery.
You are very much correct! I was really talking about healthy well trained individuals but osta will definitely help you out in your situation.


You are very much correct! I was really talking about healthy well trained individuals but osta will definitely help you out in your situation.
Ostarine definitely is promising. How many times have you ran it for? when should i expect benefits/results. I know its half life is 24hrs, but how long would you expect it to fully kick in your system? does it follow test in that it takes a while to kick in to notice benefits,


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Is anyone still making and selling GW & LGD ??


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Ostarine definitely is promising. How many times have you ran it for? when should i expect benefits/results. I know its half life is 24hrs, but how long would you expect it to fully kick in your system? does it follow test in that it takes a while to kick in to notice benefits,
I've ran osta 3 or 4 times so far, last 2 times in a huge deficit were awesome for me! Got way under 10% bf so I was very happy. Expect about 2 to 3 weeks to see full effects of osta, it takes a little while to get going.


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Is anyone still making and selling GW & LGD ??
Yes, focused nutrition still sells a good quality version of both I believe. Check them out on phw supplements.


I've ran osta 3 or 4 times so far, last 2 times in a huge deficit were awesome for me! Got way under 10% bf so I was very happy. Expect about 2 to 3 weeks to see full effects of osta, it takes a little while to get going.
Awesome SH** bro! could you possibly make some muscle gains even while in deficit ? could i add in LGD to my cycle or would that be crap?

the thing is with me atm, is im still quite muscly have some fat so i'm like muscly/skinny fat sorta. Hopefully Ostarine in a cut can make some gains/get low as heck bf. Probably sitting at 14-17%, hopefully achieve 12% by the end :).


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Really just depends on your goals. What are they for this cycle? Osta is disappointing only if used in the wrong application. If used in a deficit to preserve lean body mass it is life changing. Try and bulk with it and you will be disappointed.
I'd like it to be a lean bulk. My first time around with LGD, my sole goal was to add mass and increase strength. I got a little too bloated but I was eating everything in sight. Put on 18.5 lbs. and crushed plateaus. I'm 43 yrs old (yes, I was a 43 yo PH/Sarm virgin) so the rapid growth and strength gains where f**king amazing to me. I've got my diet back in check still running MK-677 and am leaner than I was pre-cycle still up 10lbs. So I'm guessing I put on about 13-14 lbs of lean mass. I'd like to add another 10+ lbs of lbm but try to avoid the bloat since I'll be finishing my cycle in the middle of summer. Maybe LGD (or MassGH) with a cleaner diet? Since I've passed the bloat period of the MK-677 (4 months in now) maybe I won't experience the same bloat second time around?

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