SARM's, MK, & GW : A User's Guide



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Come on now boss, we all know the wifey is like that
I'd be lying if I said she's never punched me in the face, that's why I said my kinda chick ;)


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Has anyone found a way to deal with or avoid the lethargic side effect from mk677


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Has anyone found a way to deal with or avoid the lethargic side effect from mk677
I take mine early to mid afternoon rather than before bed. It seems to mitigate the lethargy somewhat, not completely.


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SARM's, MK, & GW : A User's Guide

Has anyone found a way to deal with or avoid the lethargic side effect from mk677
Wait it out. The lethargy should subside. How long have you been taking it?

I dose right before bed and wake up fully rested.


Wait it out. The lethargy should subside. How long have you been taking it?
I was taking it for a little over 3 weeks and had to stop because it was bad. It was making my workouts worse and i was dead at work


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I was taking it for a little over 3 weeks and had to stop because it was bad. It was making my workouts worse and i was dead at work
I'm ending my 3rd month, I'm running 10mg dosed at night along with 5mg of melatonin.

The lethargy will stop, at least it did for me. Also try some huperzine a.


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I was taking it for a little over 3 weeks and had to stop because it was bad. It was making my workouts worse and i was dead at work
What's your diet look like? Also, what other supps/peds are you using?


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This. Also was wondering what and when your last cycle was. Could the culprit be something else?
Last time I ran mk I was also low carb and it was a HUGE mistake. Felt like absolute sh1t and quit around the 3 week mark because I was a zombie every day. When you take 600mg of amp citrate and still feel like laying in the bed there's a problem.


What's your diet look like? Also, what other supps/peds are you using?
I'm 5'9" 175lbs around 11% body fat. Eating about 300 carbs give or take depending on how active I am on some days. About 90 fat 180 protein. I should have plenty of energy. All good food. I'm a so taking epic unleashed anabeta and ara. While waiting to do my next cycle.


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I'm 5'9" 175lbs around 11% body fat. Eating about 300 carbs give or take depending on how active I am on some days. About 90 fat 180 protein. I should have plenty of energy. All good food. I'm a so taking epic unleashed anabeta and ara. While waiting to do my next cycle.
What was your mk dose and what was your dosing schedule?


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Every night before i went to sleep. 10mg. Using Gharine OL
Sounds like you're just better off without it man. Your best bet is to send it to me to take care of it ;)


Sounds like you're just better off without it man. Your best bet is to send it to me to take care of it ;)
Naaaa my buddy wants to try it out if anything. Im gonna try it again starting out using it when I wake up on an empty stomach. And try my best to make sure I get a good amount of sleep and take naps. And if that doesn't work I'm gonna let my buddy try it out.


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Naaaa my buddy wants to try it out if anything. Im gonna try it again starting out using it when I wake up on an empty stomach. And try my best to make sure I get a good amount of sleep and take naps. And if that doesn't work I'm gonna let my buddy try it out.
Hahaha I know, I'm kidding. I love MK 677 though.
I also take it upon waking. Or whenever. I don't get side effects from it anymore.


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How long did it take for the side effects to go away for you?
I believe it was 2-3 weeks, I was very lethargic but eventually it just faded away.


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And now you feel great? Does the mk actually make you feel good now?
Yeah, it definitely helps with improved sleep and keeps my appetite up too


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Can Admin please tell me why some of my posts seem to get blocked? It also happens quite a bit when I am trying to respond to somebody that has asked me a question through PM. I get that "Your action has been blocked" page. It seems to happen more during longer posts but maybe it is a certain word or phrase I am using? It's become quite frustrating trying to edit some of my posts over and over again in order to get them to post up to the forum. It seems to happen considerably more during longer PM posts.

I have been trying to post up a response in this thread for a while now but there must be something in my post (which is somewhat wordy) that is keeping me from completing the action. Any help would be greatly appreciated. I can PM you the last cloudfare ID # if that would be helpful.


Edit: after spending a considerable amount of time on it, I narrowed the problem down to the 2nd paragraph. I tried to 'preview post' for each individual paragraph and the 2nd one was the only one that had an issue. After numerous failed attempts te edit the paragraph and have it be allowed, I just re-wrote it and the problem was solved. Oh well. I'd still like to know what specific thing led to that paragraph being unacceptable to the forum....


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They talk about the bioavailabilty isn't good enough? On page 382 and 383.
not doubting you, its actually 1 sarm i just couldnt buy into. even the logs on other forums seemed (which were when it first came out) seemed a little suspicious; the reps pushing it. Logs were entered for a week and the people fell off the face off the earth.

sometimes wonder if some of these people actually bought the sarm- you hardly see (with exception of this forum) full detailed logs. Its almost like the people couldnt come up with something to say that could coincide with real results.


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not doubting you, its actually 1 sarm i just couldnt buy into. even the logs on other forums seemed (which were when it first came out) seemed a little suspicious; the reps pushing it. Logs were entered for a week and the people fell off the face off the earth.

sometimes wonder if some of these people actually bought the sarm- you hardly see (with exception of this forum) full detailed logs. Its almost like the people couldnt come up with something to say that could coincide with real results.
I agree with that. Hey what do you think about seth on YouTube? His channel is newtritionalhealthcare and he has a great review about it saying great things. The man seems pretty legit so far, I mean he does sale them but he doesn't push them down your throat. Like with s4 and yk11 he refused to log them and run them cause they were too dangerous. What's your opinion?


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No sr won't work unless your injecting it multiple times daily


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I'm about to hit the end my RAD140 portion of my cycle on Wednesday, while continuing to run LGD at 12mg, and will start ostarine the day Rad ends. Also just had to drop the mk from 20mg to 10mg because the lethargy is killing me. Just a few more days to tough out on the Rad. The mk hunger never went away for me so I'll be stopping before I actually start cutting.


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So, here's what I tried to post on the last page. It's about my experience with MK-677 over the last 4+ months and my take on MK-related lethargy. I had to re-write the 2nd paragraph for the post to be allowed.

It's quite clear from a lot of anecdotal feedback that some people feel great on MK-677 while others feel like crap. There will not be any cookie-cutter regimen to dosing amount, dosing schedule, or support prodcuts used alongside MK. Trial and error will be the best approach to dialing in a successful MK-677 run.

I've been on MK-677 for 18.5 weeks now and I only experienced lethargy for a few days when I bumped my dose up to 20mg (after 11 weeks of 10mg); It dissipated rather quickly as well. I definitely had great sleep on 10mg but when that began to fade, I bumped up to 20. I once again saw a deeper sleep but it only lasted until about a week or two ago. I added Hup-A back into the mix and all is right with the world again. In actuality, I'm guessing that my body just gets used to the deeper sleep and the effects are then not as apparent. I am somewhat more efficient on less sleep than I was before my MK-677 journey began, so that's another added bonus.

Other than deeper sleep, the only other noticeable benefit I see is the ability to maintain my weight (which is the heaviest I have ever been with this consistency). I can't really say I have seen any improvements in my skin and my hair definitely thinned out quite a bit initially when I started using MK. This was from increased IGF-1 signalling. That aspect is usually temporary and has seemingly faded and/or stabilized. I never noticed any apetite increase and the hand tingling/numbness has for the most part evaded me. I will say that at 20mg my hands/arms do get the 'pins and needles' or 'falling asleep' feeling a bit easier when bloodflow is somewhat restricted from leaning on my arm a particular way or sleeping in a certain position. I have never experienced random numbness though. I did experience a bit of bloating (mainly in the midsection) for a few weeks or so but that has mostly faded. As far as fat-burning goes, I've seen no evidence to support the notion that my body is more efficiently burning fat or using fats for energy.

I have used Huperzine-A (SNS brand) on and off for the duration of my MK usage and I will say that the added benefits for me are incredible and very noticeable. I have always dosed my MK before bed (appx. 60 min) and when I am using Hup-A, I take 100mcg 30 min pre-bed and then another 100mcg upon waking. I will tell you that I have deeper sleep when I am using Hup-A and my dreams are INCREDIBLY vivd - Last night I started my own gym and supplement company and travelled the world promoting it and running exercise seminars. I could also read the ingredient labels (word for word) of the supplements I had created. It was a very successful dream, which spawned an idea as well! - The other thing I notice with Hup-A is that my energy levels through the day (especially when taking the morning dose) are noticeably higher. If you are someone that is experiencing lethargy from MK-677, and who has not yet tried Hup-A, I would incorporate that into your regimen and see if it helps. I don't see the need to dose more than 100mcg 2 x per day. The before bed dose is amazing for me but if it keeps you awake (which is possible for some people), I would dose morning + afternoon for the 2 doses. I would also cycle the Hup-A as you do not want to be taking this substance permamently. I like the 2 week on/2 week off protocol. I do notice that my mental acuity and energy levels are lower when not taking the Hup-A, as opposed to when I am taking it.

Bottom line, if you are experiencing lethargy, try changing your dosing schedule. If that doesn't work, I would add a support supplement like Hup-A into the mix. If you have seemingly tried everything and can not shake the lethargy, it's time to drop the compound and move on. If the negatives outweigh the positives for any supplement, there is no point in taking it. Sometimes we just have to get over the fact that we really wanted the compound to work for us and just move on.

I plan on using MK-677 for at least another 4-5 months so we will see what the future has in store for me.


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So, here's what I tried to post on the last page. It's about my experience with MK-677 over the last 4+ months and my take on MK-related lethargy. I had to re-write the 2nd paragraph for the post to be allowed.

It's quite clear from a lot of anecdotal feedback that some people feel great on MK-677 while others feel like crap. There will not be any cookie-cutter regimen to dosing amount, dosing schedule, or support prodcuts used alongside MK. Trial and error will be the best approach to dialing in a successful MK-677 run.

I've been on MK-677 for 18.5 weeks now and I only experienced lethargy for a few days when I bumped my dose up to 20mg (after 11 weeks of 10mg); It dissipated rather quickly as well. I definitely had great sleep on 10mg but when that began to fade, I bumped up to 20. I once again saw a deeper sleep but it only lasted until about a week or two ago. I added Hup-A back into the mix and all is right with the world again. In actuality, I'm guessing that my body just gets used to the deeper sleep and the effects are then not as apparent. I am somewhat more efficient on less sleep than I was before my MK-677 journey began, so that's another added bonus.

Other than deeper sleep, the only other noticeable benefit I see is the ability to maintain my weight (which is the heaviest I have ever been with this consistency). I can't really say I have seen any improvements in my skin and my hair definitely thinned out quite a bit initially when I started using MK. This was from increased IGF-1 signalling. That aspect is usually temporary and has seemingly faded and/or stabilized. I never noticed any apetite increase and the hand tingling/numbness has for the most part evaded me. I will say that at 20mg my hands/arms do get the 'pins and needles' or 'falling asleep' feeling a bit easier when bloodflow is somewhat restricted from leaning on my arm a particular way or sleeping in a certain position. I have never experienced random numbness though. I did experience a bit of bloating (mainly in the midsection) for a few weeks or so but that has mostly faded. As far as fat-burning goes, I've seen no evidence to support the notion that my body is more efficiently burning fat or using fats for energy.

I have used Huperzine-A (SNS brand) on and off for the duration of my MK usage and I will say that the added benefits for me are incredible and very noticeable. I have always dosed my MK before bed (appx. 60 min) and when I am using Hup-A, I take 100mcg 30 min pre-bed and then another 100mcg upon waking. I will tell you that I have deeper sleep when I am using Hup-A and my dreams are INCREDIBLY vivd - Last night I started my own gym and supplement company and travelled the world promoting it and running exercise seminars. I could also read the ingredient labels (word for word) of the supplements I had created. It was a very successful dream, which spawned an idea as well! - The other thing I notice with Hup-A is that my energy levels through the day (especially when taking the morning dose) are noticeably higher. If you are someone that is experiencing lethargy from MK-677, and who has not yet tried Hup-A, I would incorporate that into your regimen and see if it helps. I don't see the need to dose more than 100mcg 2 x per day. The before bed dose is amazing for me but if it keeps you awake (which is possible for some people), I would dose morning + afternoon for the 2 doses. I would also cycle the Hup-A as you do not want to be taking this substance permamently. I like the 2 week on/2 week off protocol. I do notice that my mental acuity and energy levels are lower when not taking the Hup-A, as opposed to when I am taking it.

Bottom line, if you are experiencing lethargy, try changing your dosing schedule. If that doesn't work, I would add a support supplement like Hup-A into the mix. If you have seemingly tried everything and can not shake the lethargy, it's time to drop the compound and move on. If the negatives outweigh the positives for any supplement, there is no point in taking it. Sometimes we just have to get over the fact that we really wanted the compound to work for us and just move on.

I plan on using MK-677 for at least another 4-5 months so we will see what the future has in store for me.
Great write up. Thank you. If you don't mind me asking, any reason why you had to rewrite the second paragraph. I did read your previous post.


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Great write up. Thank you. If you don't mind me asking, any reason why you had to rewrite the second paragraph. I did read your previous post.
Thanks for the feedback.

I'm honestly not sure. I even tried to post just the 2nd paragrpah by itself but the forum would not allow it. I assume there was a specific word/letter or phrase combination that the forum will not allow. I tried many times. I'm hoping Admin can shed some light on it for me so I can avoid the hassle in the future.


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MK + EPG Quad Methyl Xtreme = SIZE :head:
Recovery good, am about to bump MK back up to 20mg ED, after 3 months at 10mg.
Fingers crossed no increase in lethargy, 2 weeks left of Quad cycle.


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Thanks for the feedback.

I'm honestly not sure. I even tried to post just the 2nd paragrpah by itself but the forum would not allow it. I assume there was a specific word/letter or phrase combination that the forum will not allow. I tried many times. I'm hoping Admin can shed some light on it for me so I can avoid the hassle in the future.
I had that problem posting all of these user guides. Andros was the worst, had to post it in 4 sections.


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Cutting my Rad but a few days. The lethargy is unreal! Trying to get my kids ready for daycare and school was a nightmare; all I want to do is lay back down even though I've already taken caffeine and salidrosides. How many days will this linger around?


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I agree with that. Hey what do you think about seth on YouTube? His channel is newtritionalhealthcare and he has a great review about it saying great things. The man seems pretty legit so far, I mean he does sale them but he doesn't push them down your throat. Like with s4 and yk11 he refused to log them and run them cause they were too dangerous. What's your opinion?
He's annoying as sh1t and his reviews hype sarms like they're better than gear.


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Cutting my Rad but a few days. The lethargy is unreal! Trying to get my kids ready for daycare and school was a nightmare; all I want to do is lay back down even though I've already taken caffeine and salidrosides. How many days will this linger around?
As soon as I dropped my RAD the lethargy was gone.


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A buddy of mine is on 10mgs of FNs MK67 and he hasn't felt any different the 1st month(no bloat, no better sleep, no increase in appetite, etc...). I'll have him up the dose to 20mg a cap. Anyone else try out FNs MK677 or any other product from FN?


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A buddy of mine is on 10mgs of FNs MK67 and he hasn't felt any different the 1st month(no bloat, no better sleep, no increase in appetite, etc...). I'll have him up the dose to 20mg a cap. Anyone else try out FNs MK677 or any other product from FN?
Focused? They are gtg


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He's annoying as sh1t and his reviews hype sarms like they're better than gear.
not only that, but the price increases based on his reasoning is insane. buy from me because the product is verified. that's the reason it costs 67% more on your site than buying the same exact brand from another site?
I know people like to keep costs down, but the best you can do is scribble some mumbo jumbo on a note pad that no one can read or using a white board with writing that leads me to believe you never finished the 2nd grade.
if you actually did follow his method, it seems he has been on a sarm cycle for 2 years straight.


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What is everybody's opinion on focused nutrition vs primevil sarms?
I want a good GW.


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Focused? They are gtg
Yea I've heard they are reliable, that's why I'm curious to how my friend hasn't felt anything a month in. I'll have him up it to 20mgs and see how it goes from there.

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