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Yeah, but isn't that more to do with pores opening? Or is it because of the fact it may spread it across the skin more? I don't know. Sweating will also help more get absorbed into your shirt too I am thinking....not trying to argue, maybe you're right. In the end, maybe it makes no difference.
Yes, the pores opening are what help it absorb better, which is why some people use some other transdermals/topicals pre-workout.

Not arguing either, just throwing out some info people may or may not know.


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Never know man, maybe the lower E will get you going. I did definitely notice increased willingness to work/aggression while on this stuff.
Only one way to find out bro :D
storm 011

storm 011

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Honestly, and my opinion is just that, I wouldn't dose of before your workout. I don't see any real benefit. It MAY help with aggression, but these effects seem more subtle and building to me, not like. ...2 pumps let's kill something NOW. You may also experience more sweating, but I think this is more of a side effect than anything that will cause fat loss.

If I were doing 2 pumps I would do it AFTER my workout, after my shower. Maybe I am wrong though.
sweat is not a side effect. Increased sweating is caused by thermogenic effect of the Exotherm.
1° In the mixture there are two compounds that increase thermogenesis without stimulating cns, ie without increasing the sympathetic nervous system activity. So if taken pre-workout definitely has its benefits, as the trigger to burn more calories by doing the same workout regimen.
2° There being no stimulants in it, you may have a second beneficial effect as to not unnecessarily increase cortisol while you exercise.
3° has two AIs that can help maintain a positive hormonal environment, in case there was some small imbalance. Then more testosterone = less estrogen
The Exotherm has great potential for more points of view.


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Anyone knows why directions say those body parts ..upper chest..neck delts...or inner thighs ?. Is there a purpose? Can it be other parts like love handles.

I just got mine and read directions say these body parts..only.
storm 011

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because the skin is much thinner in those areas
and the absorption is greater


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sweat is not a side effect. Increased sweating is caused by thermogenic effect of the Exotherm.
1° In the mixture there are two compounds that increase thermogenesis without stimulating cns, ie without increasing the sympathetic nervous system activity. So if taken pre-workout definitely has its benefits, as the trigger to burn more calories by doing the same workout regimen.
2° There being no stimulants in it, you may have a second beneficial effect as to not unnecessarily increase cortisol while you exercise.
3° has two AIs that can help maintain a positive hormonal environment, in case there was some small imbalance. Then more testosterone = less estrogen
The Exotherm has great potential for more points of view.
The effect is thermogenesis. Sweating is the side effect of thermogenesis. Being a side effect isn't good or bad, so I didn't intend to imply either. You can have thermogenesis without sweating....and I didn't notice a huge difference in my body temps, heat, sweat, etc. from a subjective point of view, even at 4 pumps/day. Some people seem to sweat a lot on this stuff, others say they feel very little. I was looking for it, it was minimal for me. But I lost 14 pounds in less than a month using just diet and ET. I'd say it's helpful/works.


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storm 011

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The effect is thermogenesis. Sweating is the side effect of thermogenesis. Being a side effect isn't good or bad, so I didn't intend to imply either. You can have thermogenesis without sweating....and I didn't notice a huge difference in my body temps, heat, sweat, etc. from a subjective point of view, even at 4 pumps/day. Some people seem to sweat a lot on this stuff, others say they feel very little. I was looking for it, it was minimal for me. But I lost 14 pounds in less than a month using just diet and ET. I'd say it's helpful/works.
Sweating is not a side effect. But rather a secondary effect of the body in response to increasing heat / energy expenditure of basal metabolism
The exercise-induced thermogenesis (TIE), also called Thermogenesis by physical activity (TAF), English Exercise activity thermogenesis (EAT), or Exercise-induced thermogenesis (EIT) is a metabolic process, sub-process of thermogenesis. The EAT is the energy expenditure induced increase physical-sports [1] [2]. Sometimes some research call this event as Physical Activity Energy Expenditure (EEAP) or Exercise-induced Energy Expenditure (EIEE), ie energy expenditure of exercise-induced or physical activity, referring specifically to the energy consumption rather than thermogenic event. Together with the consumption of oxygen in excess post-exercise thermogenesis and from non-associated exercise (NEAT), the EAT is the amount of energy expenditure associated with the activity generally took place during the day (EEPA, Energy expenditure to two physical activity), in turn included in the calculation or estimation of the total metabolism (MT) or of the daily caloric expenditure [2].

Aerobic exercise generally determines a calorie expenditure directed greater than that of resistance (anaerobic lactic acid). For example, a resistance exercise intense requires an energy expenditure of approximately 66% compared to an aerobic exercise intense equal duration. In this respect, the energy expenditure of aerobic direct induced is greater than that of anaerobic lactic. This is because of oxidative processes that exploit also and especially lipids for energy production in addition to carbohydrates, and representing an energy value more than double compared to the latter (9 kcal / g versus 4 kcal / g). However it does not consider an equally important parameter in assessing the overall energy expenditure caused by physical activity, or EPOC, that consumption of excess oxygen after training. This is in other words the calorie expenditure induced by physical activity in an indirect manner, that is, only later at the end, or, in the case of anaerobic exercise, even in the pauses between sets. Despite caloric expenditure directly induced increase anaerobic endurance is lower, this training method can significantly stimulate energy expenditure, but much more through indirect mechanisms. The indirect effect of the workout anaerobic resistance occurs mainly with the increase in the total metabolism, so oxygen consumption, energy expenditure, thermogenic processes, and the oxidation of fat. In fact, even endurance exercise increases the loss of body fat, intensifying the use of lipids in the post-training [3]. So the EAT is into account only the direct metabolic (evaluating processes thermogenic), while the indirect currency EPOC (evaluating oxygen consumption). Both are needed to identify the total energy expenditure induced by training physical. In this sense, the thermogenic processes induced by training remain even after the term of physical activity, for a time more or less long.


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I have been using 2 pumps of exotherm in the AM with 1 cap of Letrone and am in to my third week of PCT, i have done 2 weeks of nolvadex at 20mg and have now dropped it to 10mg for the last two. Today being the start of week 3 i had the worst squat sessions ever, my right knee felt like someone had smashed it with a hammer after 1-2 reps on front squats, should i drop the letrone to 1 every other day.


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I have been using 2 pumps of exotherm in the AM with 1 cap of Letrone and am in to my third week of PCT, i have done 2 weeks of nolvadex at 20mg and have now dropped it to 10mg for the last two. Today being the start of week 3 i had the worst squat sessions ever, my right knee felt like someone had smashed it with a hammer after 1-2 reps on front squats, should i drop the letrone to 1 every other day.
Definitely drop it to EOD. Joint pain kills workouts:(


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I agree with jebrook. Dose EOD


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2nd day of ExoTherm @ 3 pumps and joints are already cracking a bit. haha. I'm extra sensitive to AIs so I think I'll lower down to 2 pumps


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2nd day of ExoTherm @ 3 pumps and joints are already cracking a bit. haha. I'm extra sensitive to AIs so I think I'll lower down to 2 pumps
2 days and already achy? Yeah you must be really sensitive to estrogen changes.


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2 days and already achy? Yeah you must be really sensitive to estrogen changes.
Very. Every single AI I've ever tried roasts my joints, but ExoTherm has worked in record time. Most take about 1-2 weeks before I feel them. Congrats Brundel, you've got an effective product here.


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Very. Every single AI I've ever tried roasts my joints, but ExoTherm has worked in record time. Most take about 1-2 weeks before I feel them. Congrats Brundel, you've got an effective product here.
Have you tried Letrone yet? I find it to be very easy on the joints. Of course everyone is different though.


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Have you tried Letrone yet? I find it to be very easy on the joints. Of course everyone is different though.
Well I heard it's AI effects were stronger than ExoTherm, so I didn't even bother haha. I'm going to stay on 3 pumps cause right now, I feel "cracking" joints, not joint pain. If anything, I'll lower pumps to 2.


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I had the cracking joints for first 3-4 weeks now is week 7-8 for me, the highest i run it was 4 pumps per day with 2 letrone, now in PCT i am using two pumps in the AM and 1 letrone but have dropped the letrone for today and will dose 1 cap EOD due to the horrendous knee pain i had when squatting yesterday.


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Letrone and Exotherm combined with Nolvadex has been working great in my PCT, i am up a few pounds past my on cycle weight and have kept about 90% of my strength, the weights do feel heavier on my body now though!


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Letrone and Exotherm combined with Nolvadex has been working great in my PCT, i am up a few pounds past my on cycle weight and have kept about 90% of my strength, the weights do feel heavier on my body now though!
Everyone goal for pct is exactly what u said. Great!


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Sweating is not a side effect. But rather a secondary effect of the body in response to increasing heat / energy expenditure of basal metabolism
The exercise-induced thermogenesis (TIE), also called Thermogenesis by physical activity (TAF), English Exercise activity thermogenesis (EAT), or Exercise-induced thermogenesis (EIT) is a metabolic process, sub-process of thermogenesis. The EAT is the energy expenditure induced increase physical-sports [1] [2]. Sometimes some research call this event as Physical Activity Energy Expenditure (EEAP) or Exercise-induced Energy Expenditure (EIEE), ie energy expenditure of exercise-induced or physical activity, referring specifically to the energy consumption rather than thermogenic event. Together with the consumption of oxygen in excess post-exercise thermogenesis and from non-associated exercise (NEAT), the EAT is the amount of energy expenditure associated with the activity generally took place during the day (EEPA, Energy expenditure to two physical activity), in turn included in the calculation or estimation of the total metabolism (MT) or of the daily caloric expenditure [2].

Aerobic exercise generally determines a calorie expenditure directed greater than that of resistance (anaerobic lactic acid). For example, a resistance exercise intense requires an energy expenditure of approximately 66% compared to an aerobic exercise intense equal duration. In this respect, the energy expenditure of aerobic direct induced is greater than that of anaerobic lactic. This is because of oxidative processes that exploit also and especially lipids for energy production in addition to carbohydrates, and representing an energy value more than double compared to the latter (9 kcal / g versus 4 kcal / g). However it does not consider an equally important parameter in assessing the overall energy expenditure caused by physical activity, or EPOC, that consumption of excess oxygen after training. This is in other words the calorie expenditure induced by physical activity in an indirect manner, that is, only later at the end, or, in the case of anaerobic exercise, even in the pauses between sets. Despite caloric expenditure directly induced increase anaerobic endurance is lower, this training method can significantly stimulate energy expenditure, but much more through indirect mechanisms. The indirect effect of the workout anaerobic resistance occurs mainly with the increase in the total metabolism, so oxygen consumption, energy expenditure, thermogenic processes, and the oxidation of fat. In fact, even endurance exercise increases the loss of body fat, intensifying the use of lipids in the post-training [3]. So the EAT is into account only the direct metabolic (evaluating processes thermogenic), while the indirect currency EPOC (evaluating oxygen consumption). Both are needed to identify the total energy expenditure induced by training physical. In this sense, the thermogenic processes induced by training remain even after the term of physical activity, for a time more or less long.
Not sure where you are going with this - maybe you are way over my head with that study and the connection to this - all I am saying is that sweating is not NECESSARY. And a secondary effect, by definition is a side effect, but we're splitting hairs beyond the purpose of the conversation itself and I will grant you, OK, it's a secondary effect.

If you are sweating, great, it is an indicator that there may be some increased thermogenesis. If you are not sweating, you may still be experiencing an increase in thermogenesis. Sweating is not necessary, it isn't really the desired outcome - it is just a secondary outcome.


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I have been using Exotherm,for 3 weeks now and I don't sweat at all.. But it is Crazy Good!!


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Does anyone has any experience with this and love handles?
Exotherm has 2 ais but also has 2 great fat burners. Stearoyl vanillylamide and cirsium.
Combine it with Incinderine and a solid diet and cardio program and youll lose those love handles in no time.


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I have been using Exotherm,for 3 weeks now and I don't sweat at all.. But it is Crazy Good!!
Sweating is just something alot of people mentioned when we were testing. Results are much more important ;)
Hope you like it bro.
storm 011

storm 011

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Not sure where you are going with this - maybe you are way over my head with that study and the connection to this - all I am saying is that sweating is not NECESSARY. And a secondary effect, by definition is a side effect, but we're splitting hairs beyond the purpose of the conversation itself and I will grant you, OK, it's a secondary effect.

If you are sweating, great, it is an indicator that there may be some increased thermogenesis. If you are not sweating, you may still be experiencing an increase in thermogenesis. Sweating is not necessary, it isn't really the desired outcome - it is just a secondary outcome.
I just wanted to show what I've read about it.
I do not know if you understand well, I had to translate it ...
I too have read different opinions about it, users who experience increased sweating and others do not,
but anyway, exotherm is really great for its purpose
Then ... it is clear that everyone reacts differently to a product
I personally like Exo. good stuff


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I would absolutely sweat when i applied all three pumps together. For instance if i did three before bed id have night sweats. I liked to use 2-3 before my cardio sessions as it definitely enhanced the thermogenic aspects. It is a phenominal product. Love it!


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I'm on a break from Exo right now. Was on it ever since the release. Missing the feeling already and it's only been a few days:(


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Oddly enough joints aren't bothering me anymore. Weird.....whatever. Can't wait to see what the entire bottle at 3 pumps brings me.


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Exotherm has 2 ais but also has 2 great fat burners. Stearoyl vanillylamide and cirsium.
Combine it with Incinderine and a solid diet and cardio program and youll lose those love handles in no time.
That is a very sweet fat-blasting stack!


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I just wanted to show what I've read about it.
I do not know if you understand well, I had to translate it ...
I too have read different opinions about it, users who experience increased sweating and others do not,
but anyway, exotherm is really great for its purpose
Then ... it is clear that everyone reacts differently to a product
I personally like Exo. good stuff
I think it was a good post, and it is good to have different views. Your post was informative ...maybe I just didn't see the connection. And yes, Exotherm is a good product.
storm 011

storm 011

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I would absolutely sweat when i applied all three pumps together. For instance if i did three before bed id have night sweats. I liked to use 2-3 before my cardio sessions as it definitely enhanced the thermogenic aspects. It is a phenominal product. Love it!
I currently run one pump in the early morning, and two pumps before the workout.. and I am fine
as soon as I finish, I'm going to buy the Letrone, I add it to my next stack with Follidrone and Viron. I'm curious to see how it goes


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Oddly enough joints aren't bothering me anymore. Weird.....whatever. Can't wait to see what the entire bottle at 3 pumps brings me.
Its funny you say that. The same thing happened to me now that i think about it. For couple weeks it was an issue, then it definitely went away.


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Its funny you say that. The same thing happened to me now that i think about it. For couple weeks it was an issue, then it definitely went away.
Yeah, not gonna complain though. I like lifting without worrying about snapping in half. Haha.


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So I started this.. 3rd day.. and I have 3 pimples.. on top of my lip and on my left side of face. I have not changed my diet and didn't get those pimples before. Is this normal? is it going to keep happening?


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So I started this.. 3rd day.. and I have 3 pimples.. on top of my lip and on my left side of face. I have not changed my diet and didn't get those pimples before. Is this normal? is it going to keep happening?
Probly from a raise in testosterone. I wouldnt freak out and just give it some more time. If it gets out of control maybe scale back or stop all together.


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3 pumps is definitely a sweet spot. I moved up from 2 pumps for about a week and it give just the right amount of "that feeling". Too each their own lol


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So I started this.. 3rd day.. and I have 3 pimples.. on top of my lip and on my left side of face. I have not changed my diet and didn't get those pimples before. Is this normal? is it going to keep happening?
Your not applying to your face are you ;)
I dont think the Exotherm is causing it. MAYBE from an increase in test but I doubt it would rise high enough to do this in 3 days. Almost impossible.


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It might be from testosterone increase but probably not. Id say stay the course.
If it is from test increase its worth it ;)


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ExoTherm is drying me out pretty well 3 days into my run....I never realized how much water I retain until now, wow.


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ExoTherm is drying me out pretty well 3 days into my run....I never realized how much water I retain until now, wow.
Alot of times you dont know how bloated you are till you start an AI and dry out a bit. Glad its working well ;)


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Alot of times you dont know how bloated you are till you start an AI and dry out a bit. Glad its working well ;)
I mean, I generally handle carbs well so I eat a lot of them even when cutting. I guess the water that comes with the carbs is leaving. I look way leaner. This will be good to track progress though cause I won't have to worry about water bloat/retention on random days.


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Hey brundel, did I read somewhere in here the newer version doesn't contain ethanol? I've just started using exotherm but travel weekly for work...I don't think they'll like me taking it on a plane (if they find it)


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Hey brundel, did I read somewhere in here the newer version doesn't contain ethanol? I've just started using exotherm but travel weekly for work...I don't think they'll like me taking it on a plane (if they find it)
From my understanding nothing has changed. Ethanol should still be in there. Haven't heard anything. I'll double check though.


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Hey brundel, did I read somewhere in here the newer version doesn't contain ethanol? I've just started using exotherm but travel weekly for work...I don't think they'll like me taking it on a plane (if they find it)
That claim is not true. Just confirmed. There's a ton of ethanol. So we can scratch that off.


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This product has been working great in my PCT recovery and allowed for me to maintain a hard dry lean physique in combination with Keto dieting and 16/8 intermittent fasting.

recently i have been having Sunday re-feed / cheat days eating 10k+ calories and around 1000-1200g carbs.


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Jesus 10k calories? How much u weigh??

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