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My bottle seems nearly empty and only just finished the 22nd day, keep in mind 6 of those days at least I only pumped twice! Expensive 3 weeks, unsure if I've noticed much to be honest..... I don't get a warm feeling, and AI wise it hasn't dried me out at all like most ais would. I might get another day out of it, but it only pumps out a bit atm, must be at the bottom.
chuck box

chuck box

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Currently finished up my first week of using 4 pumps per day (I picked up a few bottles on sale during Thanksgiving).. About how long did it take you guys to notice it "kick in"? Not being impatient as I know most things take a few weeks to notice but curious as to what everyone else saw


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I've used exotherm on three separate runs. My first two I definitely felt and saw the effects. This run has been a combination of a bottle I've had for months and a new one I purchased. Since I switched over to the new bottle I've noticed that it doesn't seem to be doing anything. The solution is also thinner and there is nearly nothing left on the application site, whereas I always could see crystals on the skin before. Something seems off.
chuck box

chuck box

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I've used exotherm on three separate runs. My first two I definitely felt and saw the effects. This run has been a combination of a bottle I've had for months and a new one I purchased. Since I switched over to the new bottle I've noticed that it doesn't seem to be doing anything. The solution is also thinner and there is nearly nothing left on the application site, whereas I always could see crystals on the skin before. Something seems off.
I think thats the version I have, very watery yellow liquid that dries great but does not leave any residue, sometimes a little yellow but no crystals


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I think thats the version I have, very watery yellow liquid that dries great but does not leave any residue, sometimes a little yellow but no crystals
Yes exactly. The previous bottle was much thicker and seemed to be much more saturated with active ingredient. I'm hoping someone from BLR can fill us in, as there was definitely some sort of change.
chuck box

chuck box

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Yes exactly. The previous bottle was much thicker and seemed to be much more saturated with active ingredient. I'm hoping someone from BLR can fill us in, as there was definitely some sort of change.
Interesting.. Really hoping I didn't splurge on a bad batch.. Thanks for the info though man


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I've been through three bottles and they were all the same yellowish liquid with similar consistency. I've never really noticed much crystalline specks in the Exo like I did with Formeron. Maybe a little but not much. As far as effects it seems to take about two weeks to fully kick in. And as the run goes on I found myself needing to increase the pumps up to 3. I never really needed to go above that and I did it for 9-10 weeks and had to quit due to dry joints. I know there hasn't been any changes made to the formulation. I'm tagging brundel so he can be aware of your concerns.


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I've been through three bottles and they were all the same yellowish liquid with similar consistency. I've never really noticed much crystalline specks in the Exo like I did with Formeron. Maybe a little but not much. As far as effects it seems to take about two weeks to fully kick in. And as the run goes on I found myself needing to increase the pumps up to 3. I never really needed to go above that and I did it for 9-10 weeks and had to quit due to dry joints. I know there hasn't been any changes made to the formulation. I'm tagging brundel so he can be aware of your concerns.
Cool thanks for addressing this. I've ran 6 or 7 bottles, including a bottle before it was released publicly. The sweating was extremely noticible, as well as the drying out effects. I've also always noticed the crystallization. Much of this was on two pumps a day. When I finished the older bottle and moved to the new bottle a couple weeks ago I eventually upped it to 3x a day bc I wasn't noticing anything and it didn't help.


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Mine ran out 22-23 days, rep mentioned 27 days and I did close to a week at only 2 pumps. I spose it's impossible to measure, looks like there is product stillin the bottle at the bottom. Anyone know how to extract is best? ?


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Mine ran out 22-23 days, rep mentioned 27 days and I did close to a week at only 2 pumps. I spose it's impossible to measure, looks like there is product stillin the bottle at the bottom. Anyone know how to extract is best?
Just dump it out onto your application site and eye it up.


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My bottle seems nearly empty and only just finished the 22nd day, keep in mind 6 of those days at least I only pumped twice! Expensive 3 weeks, unsure if I've noticed much to be honest..... I don't get a warm feeling, and AI wise it hasn't dried me out at all like most ais would. I might get another day out of it, but it only pumps out a bit atm, must be at the bottom.
I absolutely am getting all of the same results, and my bottle as well didn't go as far as it should've. I really enjoyed Formeron, Follidrone, and Viron, but this product has been a huge disappointment and money that I wish I would have spent on something else!!!!


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I absolutely am getting all of the same results, and my bottle as well didn't go as far as it should've. I really enjoyed Formeron, Follidrone, and Viron, but this product has been a huge disappointment and money that I wish I would have spent on something else!!!!
Sorry you didn't like it.

Exo is amazing IMO and a lot of people (high %) enjoyed it. Glad the other products were in your expectations.


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Cool thanks for addressing this. I've ran 6 or 7 bottles, including a bottle before it was released publicly. The sweating was extremely noticible, as well as the drying out effects. I've also always noticed the crystallization. Much of this was on two pumps a day. When I finished the older bottle and moved to the new bottle a couple weeks ago I eventually upped it to 3x a day bc I wasn't noticing anything and it didn't help.
Can this be a bad batch ? Did you get it from another place? I wounder myself,bc I have ordered some..So if it's got watery and non-crystalizated texture,can I get the cashback or another batch ?


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Can this be a bad batch ? Did you get it from another place? I wounder myself,bc I have ordered some..So if it's got watery and non-crystalizated texture,can I get the cashback or another batch ?
Anything is possible. I've gotten my bottles directly from BLR, and also from two board sponsors, so it's not like I got them from an eBay seller in Taiwan. The sample bottle I received before it was released to the public also had a very watery consistency, but it was potent as hell and left crystals. So watery does not always equal bad. There are a million different reasons this could be happening, many of which BLR may have no idea about (i.e.: raw supplier changed their source). BLR has always above and beyond in every circumstance I've dealt with them in so I'm hoping brundel will chime in and maybe help clear things up.
chuck box

chuck box

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Anything is possible. I've gotten my bottles directly from BLR, and also from two board sponsors, so it's not like I got them from an eBay seller in Taiwan. The sample bottle I received before it was released to the public also had a very watery consistency, but it was potent as hell and left crystals. So watery does not always equal bad. There are a million different reasons this could be happening, many of which BLR may have no idea about (i.e.: raw supplier changed their source). BLR has always above and beyond in every circumstance I've dealt with them in so I'm hoping brundel will chime in and maybe help clear things up.
I too purchased my bottles from a store that is listed under the "stores" tab here on the forum, so I can vouch too I didn't receive the bottles from Ebay or Amazon etc..


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Two questions:

1. Can you add exotherm to your stomach area?
2. Why is the substance yellow?


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Two questions:

1. Can you add exotherm to your stomach area?
2. Why is the substance yellow?
Yes you can use it on the abdominal area, although the optimal places for absorption are shoulders, chest, traps, etc. thin skinned areas work best. I believe the yellow tint comes from the Chrysin.


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Yes you can use it on the abdominal area, although the optimal places for absorption are shoulders, chest, traps, etc. thin skinned areas work best. I believe the yellow tint comes from the Chrysin.
Thank you so much.


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Did we find out what was up with Exotherm? I see a few people think they got a bad batch...


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Did we find out what was up with Exotherm? I see a few people think they got a bad batch...
Boss man will answer shortly


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Sorry been away for the holidays.
After looking at all the product we have there are a few that are thinner than normal. This has 0 to do with saturation or active ingredients.
This is for sure a carbomer issue. Carbomer is used to thicken things up so its not a fluid. Without it Exotherm, Formeron or any alcohol based transdermal would be a fluid. I think maybe cold did something to them. I tested PH and everything is good so maybe they froze in the warehouse and when they defrosted the carbomer lattice did not remain in tact. Either way the product itself is perfectly fine. Actives are all there in proper doses and it will work exactly the same as every other bottle. Itll just be a bit runnier. Only a handful of them were sold so this wont be a lasting issue.

If you are concerned you can send the bottle back to us and we will send you another no worries. Ultimately if your product seems a bit runny its perfectly fine to use and will perform exactly like any other bottle.

Sorry for the delay as well as my absence recently Im currently on vacation and have been hard at work preparing for our next 2 releases.
The first will be a new epicatechin product. I can tell you 100% that this is without any doubt the strongest product in this category. By a long stretch. You WILL be impressed.

Second will be our new pre. After the recent legal proceedings regarding the makers of Jack3d and oxyelite as well as legal attacks on guys selling things as minor as synthetic caffeine we decided to pull the new stimulant. Its just not worth the legal headaches.
Im finalizing the stim portion of the product now and we will begin testing flavorings. Release should be within 90 days.

Epi product 45-60 depending on shipping times for raws.

Feel free to ask Halfhuman if the stim worked ;) He wont tell you what it is just incase but he can confirm its awesomeness.


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Mannnnn! was looking forward to a new stim. Definitely understandable though given the current status. Oh well! Sure it will deliver. Looking forward to both products.


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Mannnnn! was looking forward to a new stim. Definitely understandable though given the current status. Oh well! Sure it will deliver. Looking forward to both products.
Ill bet everyone was. Its possible the Jack3d guys can get serious jail time and millions in fines.
And they are going after people selling CAFFEINE. If its not extracted directly from a plant its no longer safe.
There is another case of someone being prosecuted for selling DHEA so....gone are the days of stims and steroids in the supp industry.
Anyone looking to have any type of longevity and safety will adhere.

Either way the new pre is disgustingly good. We will make a good legal stim package and release. Its still got some seriously sick innovations.
ACTUAL innovations. Ingredients never used before.


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Yeah it will be an interesting future for sure.

No y right!?


Has anyone tried Exotherm solo?
Yep, I've run almost two bottles now during last two months. Nothing bad to say about it, makes your libido better and helps to maintain fullness when cutting etc.


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vujade, the baiba and lipomorph stack is out of stock...


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Loving Exotherm so far! I've been using it (and Alphamine) for a few weeks, after stopping taking Ghar1ne. Bloating and water retention are gone, and I am leaning out nicely! Can really see the difference in my face.


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Loving Exotherm so far! I've been using it (and Alphamine) for a few weeks, after stopping taking Ghar1ne. Bloating and water retention are gone, and I am leaning out nicely! Can really see the difference in my face.
I swear I use exo almost all year. 8 on 1 month off and back on


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Whats ur dosing protocol ?
45 min pre workout 1 full pump (sometimes I use 2 pre)

6-8 hours later another full pump

Usually I only go 2 pumps per day. Depending on what I'm stacking it with. 3 pumps is best though.

2 pumps pre another pump 6-8 hours later.

I usually apply upper chest, delts, traps, and inner thigh.

Most of the time it's on the rear delts and trap area.


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Even on cycle?
On cycle I rather use letrone eod. But I rather avoid any ai's while on cycle unless I'm running something that aromatizes.


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How have you all been finding fat burning when used in combination with caffeine at 3 pumps per day, and do you find it to have a localized fat burning effect e.g. if applying to abdomen leaning out abs.


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It is not a localized fat burner.


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How have you all been finding fat burning when used in combination with caffeine at 3 pumps per day, and do you find it to have a localized fat burning effect e.g. if applying to abdomen leaning out abs.
It is not a localized fat burner.
halfhuman is right that Exo was not designed to be a localized fat burner, but that doesn't mean it won't work in a fashion. The Cersium Oligophyllum works exceptionally well transdermally and has shown indications of directly affecting subcutaneous fat stores when applied topically. It also has been shown to pair extremely well with caffeine or other stimmed burners. I found references to a study on the effectiveness of pairing with caffeine. So:
-fat loss
-potential site reduction
-pairs synergistically with fat burners containing caffeine and stims

So IMO it would show improvements if applying to the abdominal area. Probably not as pronounced as a topical specifically designed for spot reduction. But I really never tried the abs though, so it might work exceptionally well. I might try this myself next time.


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Inner thigh's have been the area of site i normally use for application, i have used abdomen but had it rub of clothes and get into eyes which has resulted in burning.


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Inner thigh's have been the area of site i normally use for application, i have used abdomen but had it rub of clothes and get into eyes which has resulted in burning.
I've been off Exo for several months now. I'm about to jump back on. I think I'll experiment with abdominal application just for grins. I probably will do 1 pump daily on abs, 1 shoulders/traps, and 1 inner thighs.

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