
Supplement Central has it in stock. Coupon code RMN8 for 8% off $50


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brundel... sorry! Since you don't have in stock I need to go to another company.
This is fine just dont promote it in our faq please.
We pay for this forum and i dont want our space used to promote a competitor.
Supp central has it.
I think another retailer i cant mention might also.


brunde I've been doing 3 pumps of Formeron for about 3 weeks. I'm going to starting PCT soon. Should I drop down to 2 pumps per day? Also I have Follidrone and Tonghat Boron that you had sent to me to. On the zip lock bag you wrote down 1 cap each per day for both products. . When would it be best to dose those? Thank you.


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@brunde I've been doing 3 pumps of Formeron for about 3 weeks. I'm going to starting PCT soon. Should I drop down to 2 pumps per day? Also I have Follidrone and Tonghat Boron that you had sent to me to. On the zip lock bag you wrote down 1 cap each per day for both products. . When would it be best to dose those? Thank you.
I thought you ran a log with the FD. THats why it was sent to you.
How do you have a product you ran a log with? I dont understand.


When you had sent it to me I already had started my PH cycle. I believe I told you this and also said that I will run it in my PCT and log it from there. I never started a log..YET. I never took it for a gift!


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When you had sent it to me I already had started my PH cycle. I believe I told you this and also said that I will run it in my PCT and log it from there. I never started a log..YET. I never took it for a gift!
Why would you apply for a log then start a cycle?
Generally when you apply for a log this means your going to run a log at the time. Not several months later.
Or I would have given it to someone else.
It defeats the entire purpose which is to promote a new product. Its not new anymore lol......30 logs up.


Well I believe I did tell you I was going to start or started a cycle. Also i was waiting for it in the mail and so was another that I talked to through private message and he also was waiting. Anyway you still sent it to me. LOL. I'm still going to throw it into my PCT.


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Think I got some on the way. does this need to be tapered down when I get close to the end ? Also is a pct required ? Will it shut down my own test production ? Thanks.


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Think I got some on the way. does this need to be tapered down when I get close to the end ? Also is a pct required ? Will it shut down my own test production ? Thanks.
Tapered: no, it's suicidal
Pct req: no
Shutdown: none-minimal depending on dose and length of cycle


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if I do 2 pumps, you saying one in morning and one at night, or 2 in morning or before workout and that's it. 4 would be 2 pumps 2 times a day ? and where can I order some ? everyone seems to be out, you guys got me pumped to give this a try .
if I do 4 will it cause shutdown or pct ?


Any idea of how responsive a person would be at 4 pumps a day if they have ran a strong PH before. Super drol type of ph.


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Ive seen a TON of bloodwork showing big increases in test levels using FOrmeron. Doses of 1-4 pumps.
I have never once seen bloodwork indicating suppression. Not 1.
I expect there is slight suppression as the dose rises but its offset by the test boosting effects of the AI.
At 4 pumps, if you want to be super safe, taper for 7-10 days down to 2 then 1 pump.
Its probably not needed though.
Keeping in mind you can run Formeron SOLO for PCT. wil become suppressive. But I believe it would be at or above 800mg daily. Just a guess.


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Seefood diet?

If you can see it you eat it.
My dads been using that joke forever. It never gets old, especially when my sister goes on a diet.

"What diet have you been on? The seefood diet? Cause you've been eating everything in sight!"


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Everyone keeps talking about using 2-4 pumps. However, the label on the Formeron clearly states that 1 mL is a single dose, but 1 pump is equal to 1.5 mLs. So if you're truly doing 4 pumps, you're actually taking 6 doses per day.

I just thought I'd point that out as there seems to be a lot of confusion out there about dosing.


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Everyone keeps talking about using 2-4 pumps. However, the label on the Formeron clearly states that 1 mL is a single dose, but 1 pump is equal to 1.5 mLs. So if you're truly doing 4 pumps, you're actually taking 6 doses per day.

I just thought I'd point that out as there seems to be a lot of confusion out there about dosing.
I noticed this too.


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Transdermal application is very common for medications.
Particularly for hormones. Think Androgel. Transdermal is more efficient that oral administration for many compounds as it bypasses the stomach and GI tract and allows for better uptake of the active ingredients.

As for sweating. Apply to the upper chest, neck and shoulders. As you sweat your pores will open and youll absorb more than a normal person.
This is why we recommend applying after a shower because your pores are open and accept the supplement better.
Try not to use your hands to apply as they are TERRIBLE for absorption and you waste everything on your hand. Instead use your forearm to run the gel in.
I've read a few posts now where you discuss sweating after application, and I get what you're saying about increasing absorption as pores open, but I want to clarify that even if mild to severe sweating occurs with 30 minutes of application, you don't believe this to be an issue either?

Also, when applying, should I be rubbing in until dry, or just spread it around the surface of the skin and let it dry in its own? Over the years I've used transdermal fat loss agents that specified the latter but typical androgens like the original 1-test specified rubbing in until dry, intentionally creating friction for enhancing absorption...

Zero Tolerance

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I purchased four bottles a few days ago. I figured I could use a reduction in estrogen and a little boost in testosterone. I'm using four pumps per day. Every so often I get an uncomfortable lump behind one of my nipples and use the Letrozole "gyno reversal protocol" to reduce it to the point it doesn't bother me anymore. That's been going on for many years now. It only took one day to noticeably reduce the lump with Formeron and after two days it's better than I get it with the aforementioned protocol. I also ordered a couple of bottles of Follidrone...


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I've read a few posts now where you discuss sweating after application, and I get what you're saying about increasing absorption as pores open, but I want to clarify that even if mild to severe sweating occurs with 30 minutes of application, you don't believe this to be an issue either?

Also, when applying, should I be rubbing in until dry, or just spread it around the surface of the skin and let it dry in its own? Over the years I've used transdermal fat loss agents that specified the latter but typical androgens like the original 1-test specified rubbing in until dry, intentionally creating friction for enhancing absorption...
I think the sweating will help.
I think rub till dry but with Formeron this is seconds. Dont rub super hard or it damages the skin reducing absorption potential.
Rub it in, till dry, med pressure.


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I purchased four bottles a few days ago. I figured I could use a reduction in estrogen and a little boost in testosterone. I'm using four pumps per day. Every so often I get an uncomfortable lump behind one of my nipples and use the Letrozole "gyno reversal protocol" to reduce it to the point it doesn't bother me anymore. That's been going on for many years now. It only took one day to noticeably reduce the lump with Formeron and after two days it's better than I get it with the aforementioned protocol. I also ordered a couple of bottles of Follidrone...
Wow this is a very good report. Letro is very stout stuff. I dont think Formeron is equal to letro but I do think perhaps you dont need something so strong to combat it. Glad to see its working well for you. Its also mildly anabolic whereas letro is not :)


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Everyone keeps talking about using 2-4 pumps. However, the label on the Formeron clearly states that 1 mL is a single dose, but 1 pump is equal to 1.5 mLs. So if you're truly doing 4 pumps, you're actually taking 6 doses per day. I just thought I'd point that out as there seems to be a lot of confusion out there about dosing.
Brundel can you confirm whether it is 4 pumps or 4ml for the higher dosing?

Zero Tolerance

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I'm using 4 pumps because I'm looking to get at least 300mg per day.


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I've bought the product. If it proves to work without sides, I'll likely buy again. However, Brundel, I feel as though you are being intentionally evasive in regards to specifics about dosing.


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I've bought the product. If it proves to work without sides, I'll likely buy again. However, Brundel, I feel as though you are being intentionally evasive in regards to specifics about dosing.
Can you explain what you referring too...?
Piston Honda

Piston Honda

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I've bought the product. If it proves to work without sides, I'll likely buy again. However, Brundel, I feel as though you are being intentionally evasive in regards to specifics about dosing.
1ml = 50 mg
1.5 ml = 75 mg

4 pumps @ 75mg = 300mg


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Can you explain what you referring too...?
1ml = 50 mg
1.5 ml = 75 mg

4 pumps @ 75mg = 300mg
Yes. I can do the math. I'm not trying to accuse Brundel of any sort of moral compromise aside from possibly providing himself with some legal CYA.

First post in this thread, he states, "Dosing is 1ml for HRT doses, 2-3 for mild cycles, 3-4 for higher dose cycles." He never specifies if that's 2-3 mLs or pumps. I assume mLs since he stated 1mL for HRT doses. However, when everyone started talking about 2-4 pumps, he never corrected. My observation was never addressed until someone addressed it to Brundel specifically. His response came as "4 pump. =6ml. =300mg." That response provided nothing aside from math that any of us could do. He never said 4 pumps to see the higher T boost. He simply pointed out that 4 pumps is a higher dose.

Earlier in the thread, he stated, "I have used it at 600mg and Joint pain is the only issue.
I have never heard of any side effect except for joint pain and this does not always happen.
Now....if you severely overdose I assume there will be a problem at some point.
Keep within the prescribed doses and youll be fine." Notice he never suggests anyone use it at 600 mgs. He simply states that he has. Also, when talking about higher doses, he says, "some users have..." He never suggests anyone take it higher than the prescribed dose. What is the prescribed dose? 1 mL once or twice daily. So 2 mLs maximum, or 1 1/3 pump.

Even though he's alluded to the fact that you need higher doses to get the PH benefit from the Formeron, he never directly suggests anyone take more than 2mLs per day. That is legal CYA.


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I've bought the product. If it proves to work without sides, I'll likely buy again. However, Brundel, I feel as though you are being intentionally evasive in regards to specifics about dosing.
Pretty sure almost every possible question regarding dosing (ml:mg, where/when/how to apply) have been discussed and answered several times over. It's pretty simple... Ya tu sabes?
Piston Honda

Piston Honda

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Everyone's system is different; I think Brundel was just giving guidelines for user flexibility. It's like saying if you're prone to gyno, use more than a guy like me who only needs one pump, sometimes every other day to stay dry.


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In my experience and from what I've read everyone is different, and obv using it for different needs. Start at 1-2 pumps a day and see how it goes. You'll know if you want more or less. I'm running 70mg of trest now, which aromatizes heavily for me and my sweet spot with formeron is 1 pump (75mg) am and about a half pump after nightly shower. IMO, there are so many factors that can affect absorbtion and effectiveness you just gotta try it out. I wouldn't overthink it.


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Pretty sure almost every possible question regarding dosing (ml:mg, where/when/how to apply) have been discussed and answered several times over. It's pretty simple... Ya tu sabes?
Everyone's system is different; I think Brundel was just giving guidelines for user flexibility. It's like saying if you're prone to gyno, use more than a guy like me who only needs one pump, sometimes every other day to stay dry.
In my experience and from what I've read everyone is different, and obv using it for different needs. Start at 1-2 pumps a day and see how it goes. You'll know if you want more or less. I'm running 70mg of trest now, which aromatizes heavily for me and my sweet spot with formeron is 1 pump (75mg) am and about a half pump after nightly shower. IMO, there are so many factors that can affect absorbtion and effectiveness you just gotta try it out. I wouldn't overthink it.
Fair enough.

I guess I'm a bit miffed over the concept of having to use 4 pumps instead of 4 mLs for the PH benefit. Dosing at 4 mLs, the Formeron will last 30 days; dosing at 4 pumps, the Formeron will only last 20 days.


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Fair enough.

I guess I'm a bit miffed over the concept of having to use 4 pumps instead of 4 mLs for the PH benefit. Dosing at 4 mLs, the Formeron will last 30 days; dosing at 4 pumps, the Formeron will only last 20 days.
That's if a pump is exactly 1.5ml. Ive been using Formeron for 2 weeks as of today @ 2 pumps per day.
Ive used more then half of the bottle., closer to 2/3 of the bottle. I'll be lucky to get another 2 weeks out
of it at the same dosing protocol.

I know how much I left left because I emptied the majority of what I have left into a 30ml Iron Legion Bottle
so that I can use the 1ml dropper that IL uses with their bottle.


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Some people will just never be happy. Provide an outstanding product that people love and somehow it still isn't enough.


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Some people will just never be happy. Provide an outstanding product that people love and somehow it still isn't enough.
Actually nobodies doubting its a great product. I believe some people are just questioning the dosing of said product.
On the side of the bottle it says the dose is 1ml. According to this thread, 1 pump is 1.5ml. So there really is not way
to dose it as it says on the bottle unless you use an oral dropper. Otherwise you will be using a dose an half every time.

Which means most people are doing 2 pumps are actually doing 3 1ml doses for PCT and those running 4 pumps are
using 6 1ml dose or more if running it at Prohormone. And thats if the pump only doses out 1.5ml.

From my experience it seems like it dosing closer to 2 ml per pump.

Ive used mine for 14 days @ 2 pumps per day and I am already more then halfway thur with the bottle.

14 days @ 2 pumps with 1.5ml per pump should be 14 x 2 x 1.5 = 42ml used.

Bottle is 120ml, so I should have roughly 78ml left (about 2/3 the bottle), which is not the case.

Personally I wasnt even going to speak up. Usually Im more likely to a praise a company when they do a great job
then to criticize. I dont like to spread negativity. But in this instance seeing that someone else was questioning the
dosing of the product, I figured it was a good time to mention it.


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I am not sure how many of you use transdermals, but there is never going to be an exact science to the amount you are getting. Take any transdermal and try it. Pump it really slow, medium, and then fast and see the different amounts that come out. Compared to most products I have used, the pump on the Form bottles is really good. You can make yourself crazy breaking down every ml, but if you follow a general guideline of 1-2 pumps for AI benefit and 3+ for moving into PH levels, you'll probably be right in the ball park.


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I am not sure how many of you use transdermals, but there is never going to be an exact science to the amount you are getting. Take any transdermal and try it. Pump it really slow, medium, and then fast and see the different amounts that come out. Compared to most products I have used, the pump on the Form bottles is really good. You can make yourself crazy breaking down every ml, but if you follow a general guideline of 1-2 pumps for AI benefit and 3+ for moving into PH levels, you'll probably be right in the ball park.
I agree 100%. Exact numbers are nice to know, but once you enter the world of TD, you really need to just see what works. Especially with something like formeron that's being dosed to prevent problems that affect everyone differently.
Piston Honda

Piston Honda

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And if people want absolute precision, they can get an AI from their doctor.


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Just got Formeron delivered to my door. New graphics on bottle. Looks cool.


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Thanks man. We are revamping the whole product lines graphics.
All dark colors.


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To get 1 pump do you press down to the first stop or first and then second stop?

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