The old fuggers at it again!!!!! Musclemania Canada!!!



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Got some really good fish oil, it's flavored so I won't be taking caps. Progressive it's called good profile. Between the 550 the fish oil and Achilles I should be showing some good progress in the sore joint department. I believe the humid weather certainly made things worse.
Hear lots of people complaining about their joints. My mom has the same problem.

Very humid weather here too.


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Hear lots of people complaining about their joints. My mom has the same problem.

Very humid weather here too.
Less humid the last couple days and with the fish oil and the 550 kicking in I think I am already starting to feel a bit better.


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Less humid the last couple days and with the fish oil and the 550 kicking in I think I am already starting to feel a bit better.
Good to hear brother freak. Shame the 550 is gone:(
But I'm sure they'll come up with something new....they always do;)


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Good to hear brother freak. Shame the 550 is gone:(
But I'm sure they'll come up with something new....they always do;)
Yah will be using up my last 3 bottles ....


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Good stuff, crush it and glad to hear your joints are feeling a bit better.


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Good stuff, crush it and glad to hear your joints are feeling a bit better.
Bettter today still, I am really impressed with this fish oil, the dosing seems low to me but I got immediate results.

Today was another very strong day, still getting my reps in and it's week 4 of my progression. I felt a bit tired at first but my strength see's me through the first couple exercises and motivates me for the rest of the routine whidh is a tough go with 5 sets per body part if you consider the drops 6 if you include warm ups.

Size is nujgin futs, I am an absolute beast... holding weight at 204.5 but I am definitely leaning out. Oh and Chris those wide barbell pullups you had me try had an immediate effect.

I am going to keep about 2 to 3 weeks ahead of my pace from last contest and come in 2 weeks early this time. I am in good shape to do just that.


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Wow a lot of positives this week....

a) Joints are feeling better, fish oil was the missing link... don't know why I stopped using it after I ran out.
b) I am big and strong I can really see and feel the difference, I am getting a lot of look at that freak looks and a lot of comments about my size.
c) I really cleaned up a lot abs are starting to pop nicely, I am pretty astounded since I am not really cutting till I start on Saturday. This morning was particularly shocking as here I am looking much leaner with 10 extra lbs on me.

I am pretty fuggin stoked I have to say. So the plan is to drop to 2600 cals and a carb cycle of 180/120/60 to start. I will keep my fat at around 60 for now as well. No extra carb meals or refeeds planned at this time. This is a see as you go process. I want to try and maintain some of this new size but not at the expense of conditioning. Conditioning always comes first.

My buddy still can't find the chord for his Camera. I am bringing mine for the next shoot so will have some on Saturday either way. Would be interesting to get those shots he did last week though to see then changes cuz that's when I started to get ird of water, just after those pics were taken.


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Ok my diet has been pretty good but maybe not perfect. For instance I ate quite a bit of rice which may not be as good as yams but didn't want to be eating yams all the time as I had some fairly high carbs days. Steve has me thinking maybe I can adjust the micros some to make it more solid. Is par boiled rice a good choice for this point in time or should I be going all yams ?


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Meal 1 Calories Carbs Fat Protein Sodium Sugar
Grapefruit - Grapefruit - Large (4.5" Diameter) , 1 fruit
106 27 0 2 0 23
Naturegg - Egg Whites, 1 container (2 cup (63g) ea.)
240 0 0 56 800 0

Meal 2
Generic - Parboiled Long Grain Rice Cooked, 1 cup cooked
170 37 2 1 0 13
Blue Menu - Seasoned Turkey Breast , 1 can drained
90 0 1 20 230 0

Meal 3
Homemade Salad - Greens, Cucumbers, Peppers, etc, 4 cups
200 10 0 0 0 0
Strawberries - Raw, 2 cup, halves
97 23 1 2 3 14
Blue Menu - Seasoned Turkey Breast , 1 can drained
90 0 1 20 230 0

Meal 4
Blue Menu - Seasoned Turkey Breast , 1 can drained
90 0 1 20 230 0
Generic - Parboiled Long Grain Rice Cooked, 1 cup cooked
170 37 2 1 0 13

Meal 5
Homemade - Spicy Baked Sweet Potato Fries, 2 cups
169 29 5 2 399 0
Aaa Alberta Beef - Top Sirloin Cooked, 400 g
688 0 21 116 0 0

Meal 6
Naturegg/Simply Egg Whites - All Whites 100% Liquid Egg Whites, 1 container (504 gs ea.)
240 0 0 56 800 0
Living Intentions - Gone Nuts! Lemon Pepper Cajun Almonds, 2 oz (28g)
284 16 22 10 576 4

Totals 2,634 179 56 306 3,268 67

This is day 1 of cutting 180 carbs as my split if 180 120 60 for a start.


carb choices are fairly inconsequential at this point doug (at any overall, generally speaking, till things get really finite)..
brown rice/oats are interchangeable; sweet potatoes of course a little beeter nutritive wise and benefit of no fat at all
black beans/rice cakes/Ezekiel bread are some other great sources that come to mind..

I would change that breakfast, quite honestly breakfast & postWO meals are where you will want majority of your carbs when they are low, also a bit more than other feedings even on a high day..of course I will always propose that breakfast should be biggest or among biggest feedings of day
you may want to look at keto set-up doug, gonna be best for fat-loss, if you want to try to get ahead of the game


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carb choices are fairly inconsequential at this point doug (at any overall, generally speaking, till things get really finite)..
brown rice/oats are interchangeable; sweet potatoes of course a little beeter nutritive wise and benefit of no fat at all
black beans/rice cakes/Ezekiel bread are some other great sources that come to mind..

I would change that breakfast, quite honestly breakfast & postWO meals are where you will want majority of your carbs when they are low, also a bit more than other feedings even on a high day..of course I will always propose that breakfast should be biggest or among biggest feedings of day
you may want to look at keto set-up doug, gonna be best for fat-loss, if you want to try to get ahead of the game
I like the cycle worked really well last time, I get burned out on Keto pretty fast but could be my fat was not high enough, it was a long time ago. I will look at the breakfast meal again thanks. I will redistribute the carbs a bit. This is win win as I work out very early.


yeah when I say keto, I do not mean technical keto w/ hi fats/low carbs/fairly high do not want your fats high right now at all (in fact I think 60 is too much actually, would like to see 50-55, 55 prolly do for now)
I refer rather to more of a contest keto, where carbs are under 85g or so daily for 3 days, then a last-meal carb-up (similar to what we did last time, using same meal in fact)..repeat again, going 4 days this time, and start it all over
best way, bar none, to keep metabolism up and increase fat-loss..drawback is, very tight so is tough to gain any muscle, you better be happy with what you have


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Ok about half my carbs for the day will be at breakfast.


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yeah when I say keto, I do not mean technical keto w/ hi fats/low carbs/fairly high do not want your fats high right now at all (in fact I think 60 is too much actually, would like to see 50-55, 55 prolly do for now)
I refer rather to more of a contest keto, where carbs are under 85g or so daily for 3 days, then a last-meal carb-up (similar to what we did last time, using same meal in fact)..repeat again, going 4 days this time, and start it all over
best way, bar none, to keep metabolism up and increase fat-loss..drawback is, very tight so is tough to gain any muscle, you better be happy with what you have
That sounds good actually you hit a chord with that one. 3 days then 4 days under 85 and fats at 50. Oh and I love that meal ... I will look at that for now. I have a lot of mass so maintaining is more the focus. Let me get ahead and we can revisit if I get really far ahead.


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ok I have got something that fits and I can readjust as I go to improve it.


yeah on that meal day: you can either add the meal in, or replace last feeding of day with it..depends on how lean you are/how aggressive you want to get/most importantly how many cals total you are working with on those reg days
the idea right now is not to jump into madness w/ low-level intake..rather, find the caloric level that suits your personal metabolism, pushing the border of almost overdieting but not quite, while allowing yourself room to maneuver everything downward at set intervals to keep progress going strong as you drop to where you want to be
this is the detailed, micro-managed approach I have embraced thruout my own prep to this point..not worrieds about growing per se - that will happen yet at the end tho, I am confident


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yeah on that meal day: you can either add the meal in, or replace last feeding of day with it..depends on how lean you are/how aggressive you want to get/most importantly how many cals total you are working with on those reg days
the idea right now is not to jump into madness w/ low-level intake..rather, find the caloric level that suits your personal metabolism, pushing the border of almost overdieting but not quite, while allowing yourself room to maneuver everything downward at set intervals to keep progress going strong as you drop to where you want to be
this is the detailed, micro-managed approach I have embraced thruout my own prep to this point..not worrieds about growing per se - that will happen yet at the end tho, I am confident
Yah I am thinking 2600 cals and add in the meal at the end of the day like I did before.


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Great workout, it had all the perks, pace, power and of course pain :) I can really feel the muscles have been trashed. Weighed in today at just under 203 so I am already in a bit of a recomp at 2800 cals. The official cutting starts tomorrow.

lol I am so trashed :)


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Sounds good and can't wait to see the pics. Hope you can hold on to your size even more this time around. No firefighting lose the fat now and see what you have to work with at the end. This is the same thing I am doing although just a minor difference on macros. I won't confuse the issue discussing them as Snags has you on a very nice plan!


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Sounds good and can't wait to see the pics. Hope you can hold on to your size even more this time around. No firefighting lose the fat now and see what you have to work with at the end. This is the same thing I am doing although just a minor difference on macros. I won't confuse the issue discussing them as Snags has you on a very nice plan!
Yah I am stoked about the fast start plan, don't get me wrong I am pretty lean but I want shredded and I want to be there early like Steve and what you're planning. Then I think I can get some size back in those 2 weeks with the slow carb up.


Yah I am stoked about the fast start plan, don't get me wrong I am pretty lean but I want shredded and I want to be there early like Steve and what you're planning. Then I think I can get some size back in those 2 weeks with the slow carb up.
very slow carb up, if you happen to make it to where you need to be by ~2 week out mark
depending on where you are at that point calorically, you may need to stay in same cals, but you'll tweak the macros (slightly, then gradually more & more) towards higher carbs/lower protein while keeping fat low
you will look pretty much like you will look final, at 2-week out mark - just more solidified, drier, and so appear bigger & fuller at the end..this will allow you to avoid the water/sodium manipulation (which is hit or miss anyway), and the drastic shift from no carbs to full-on carb smash day before etc
unless you are on certain anabolics in that period, very unlikely you will add any definitive size, at reduced caloric intake


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very slow carb up, if you happen to make it to where you need to be by ~2 week out mark
depending on where you are at that point calorically, you may need to stay in same cals, but you'll tweak the macros (slightly, then gradually more & more) towards higher carbs/lower protein while keeping fat low
you will look pretty much like you will look final, at 2-week out mark - just more solidified, drier, and so appear bigger & fuller at the end..this will allow you to avoid the water/sodium manipulation (which is hit or miss anyway), and the drastic shift from no carbs to full-on carb smash day before etc
unless you are on certain anabolics in that period, very unlikely you will add any definitive size, at reduced caloric intake
Fuller and drier is good. I will be on mild stuff but nothing really that will add size, just there to prevent loss of size.


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yeah when I say keto, I do not mean technical keto w/ hi fats/low carbs/fairly high do not want your fats high right now at all (in fact I think 60 is too much actually, would like to see 50-55, 55 prolly do for now)
I refer rather to more of a contest keto, where carbs are under 85g or so daily for 3 days, then a last-meal carb-up (similar to what we did last time, using same meal in fact)..repeat again, going 4 days this time, and start it all over
best way, bar none, to keep metabolism up and increase fat-loss..drawback is, very tight so is tough to gain any muscle, you better be happy with what you have
Can u elaborate on the fats as to why 50 not 60? Just trying to learn snags. I can't remember how far out doug is but I'm here to learn. Feel free to pm me or email so we don't cluster this thread up.

Fuller and drier is good. I will be on mild stuff but nothing really that will add size, just there to prevent loss of size.
Cannot wait to see it doug! Great job bud


Can u elaborate on the fats as to why 50 not 60? Just trying to learn snags. I can't remember how far out doug is but I'm here to learn. Feel free to pm me or email so we don't cluster this thread up.
that's alright, doug doesn't mind, he likes clutter :biglaugh:
but - I actually said 55 at high end, but 50 will work too and really prolly preferable simply due to his bodytype/metabolism, and the fact in order to dry out (and maybe get the benefit of some skin tightening in the process) while getting ahead of the pace here (he is behind if wanting to structure in best manner in order to be ready 2 weeks out), he is going to have to be very aggressive for awhile
when he does get ahead, fats will remain static or even drop slightly, while he lowers protein and brings more (good complex) carbs into play while staying in same caloric intake level
that is my thought process anyway..feel pretty good about it for him, and very similar to what I have done except ratio of carbs to protein has been higher for me, but fats have still been low entire time


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that's alright, doug doesn't mind, he likes clutter :biglaugh:
but - I actually said 55 at high end, but 50 will work too and really prolly preferable simply due to his bodytype/metabolism, and the fact in order to dry out (and maybe get the benefit of some skin tightening in the process) while getting ahead of the pace here (he is behind if wanting to structure in best manner in order to be ready 2 weeks out), he is going to have to be very aggressive for awhile
when he does get ahead, fats will remain static or even drop slightly, while he lowers protein and brings more (good complex) carbs into play while staying in same caloric intake level
that is my thought process anyway..feel pretty good about it for him, and very similar to what I have done except ratio of carbs to protein has been higher for me, but fats have still been low entire time
This is actually what I was thinking about myself. Referring to lower fats. I feel I'm kinda sensitive as far as body comp goes. When my fats get too high I look softer or not tight. I could be way off base, but the more I play with carbs makes me realize I'm not as "carb sensitive" as I thought. I sure feel better on higher fats for obvious reasons.
It's hard to get a solid idea tbh tho as I'm not as consistent with my foods right now. I really struggle with tightening things up in the summer especially after such a hard (restrictive) prep I had.
All I know is that low fats (<25g) and low low carbs is a bad combo. Flat as hell haha.


the more I play with carbs makes me realize I'm not as "carb sensitive" as I thought.
yes this applies to most ppl (myself included was learning process)..most ppl do not have understanding of how to utilize them, so state they are "carb sensitive"..fact is, is very rare, this individual
I sure feel better on higher fats for obvious reasons.
if you are natty competitor, then this would be different tactic of course - fats would be higher, utilizing lots of olive oil and other good fats, more than what we speak of here
when one is on anabolics, this is not as important, esp if goal is leaning/drying
It's hard to get a solid idea tbh tho as I'm not as consistent with my foods right now. I really struggle with tightening things up in the summer especially after such a hard (restrictive) prep I had.
yes aware, doug in fact has this same hear me lecture him about this!
All I know is that low fats (<25g) and low low carbs is a bad combo. Flat as hell haha.
25g fats, period, is bad idea at any time
tried this, trust me I speak from first-hand experience on this one ;)
lowest you should ever have to go is ~35g, 30g last day before show only..these are both temporary transitional strategic phases, nothing more, certainly not last 2 weeks before show


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yes this applies to most ppl (myself included was learning process)..most ppl do not have understanding of how to utilize them, so state they are "carb sensitive"..fact is, is very rare, this individual if you are natty competitor, then this would be different tactic of course - fats would be higher, utilizing lots of olive oil and other good fats, more than what we speak of here
when one is on anabolics, this is not as important, esp if goal is leaning/drying
yes aware, doug in fact has this same hear me lecture him about this!
25g fats, period, is bad idea at any time
tried this, trust me I speak from first-hand experience on this one ;)
lowest you should ever have to go is ~35g, 30g last day before show only..these are both temporary transitional strategic phases, nothing more, certainly not last 2 weeks before show
I'm working on the off season free eating snags, I know it's a pet peeve of yours but I'm 10 x better than ever before and yes it's not where you or I even would like to be but I'm getting there.

This probably seems like an excuse and may just be but it's not been long since I was a ****ing fat a$$ eating everything under the sun. I am very close, it's getting to the point where most foods that aren't on the plan literally make feel like shyt.

I am no longer natty anymore as you probably remember. Did I understand you correctly that because of this higher fats aren't as important??

My goal is to get to your level of discipline and appreciation of foods that fuel me. My mom is the woman version of snags as far as discipline goes makes me sick how efficient her metabolism is.

This is her (doing the same show I just did). She looks like this all the freaking time. She jumped in at 4 weeks out



This probably seems like an excuse and may just be but it's not been long since I was a ****ing fat a$$ eating everything under the sun.
sure aware of this bro - kudos to you for how far you have come, and good job continuing to work on your personal weaknesses!
I am no longer natty anymore as you probably remember. Did I understand you correctly that because of this higher fats aren't as important??
aware about you, and yes you understood correctly
testosterone is synthesized from fats; there fore for the natty guy, this is very important to keep pumping as much test as possible
for the hormonal-aided guy, this is not as important..and tho orals are going to be (slightly) better absorbed with concurrent fat intake, it does not take as much as what ppl think they have to slam - not even close

My mom is the woman version of snags as far as discipline goes makes me sick how efficient her metabolism is.
lol on female snags!
yes she looks great bro - understand while she may have good metabolism (as I do myself), she has only solidified and maximized it, with her detailed and managed approach, I am sure :)


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Thanks snags much appreciated my friend on all accounts.

I'm striving to get where you and others are on here. I'm learning a ton on here and glad I found this community.

Now carry on doug :)


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Yah love the info flowing in my log that's what there here for and yes my average is about 50 grams 55 at the higher end and low 40's at the lower. Oh and I have pics ... :) As you can see some serious size went on and they are nice lean gains.



farmers tan eh? :D
looking good doug, yes you have been tightening up I see, back looking good..way to stay on point
a quick critique on your shoulders: i know chris has mentioned this before, but something off on that relaxed back pose; can't determine if it is simply improper stance, or if your rear delt region is the top, I will tell you to keep your arms down further closer to your sides, you will want to have arms away from you ~no further than when you can extend the thumbs and they can touch your sides -- the way you are doing it, like you are carrying luggage, is not the way to do it..would also do some focused work on those rear delts, and the shoulders in general (may even want to do some trap work)
keep cracking and dialing things in! let's get ahead of the game here, GO!


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farmers tan eh? :D
looking good doug, yes you have been tightening up I see, back looking good..way to stay on point
a quick critique on your shoulders: i know chris has mentioned this before, but something off on that relaxed back pose; can't determine if it is simply improper stance, or if your rear delt region is the top, I will tell you to keep your arms down further closer to your sides, you will want to have arms away from you ~no further than when you can extend the thumbs and they can touch your sides -- the way you are doing it, like you are carrying luggage, is not the way to do it..would also do some focused work on those rear delts, and the shoulders in general (may even want to do some trap work)
keep cracking and dialing things in! let's get ahead of the game here, GO!
Yah I see what you mean I am going to go back and look at previous pics a well to make sure it's not just the way I am standing or lighting. I have some good rear delt exercises I can employ that really isolate.


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Took yesterday to relax and recover .... hammered myself this morning, again I was very strong and I am aching like never before as I am doing loads of work. I am managing to recover enough to hammer the fug out of myself again so it's all good.

Diet is going smoothly so far, 2600 is not so low that I get really hungry and if I do I will just add in some more fibrous things like more broccoli. My first carb meal is tonight and what I have decided is that I will let my body tell me whether to replace it or add it to the last meal of the day. I am now leaning towards replace unless I really deem it necessary to add instead. That is somethng I can play by ear.


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First let me say that you lats have come up quite a bit. You have always had great thickness and definition in your upper back but width has been an issue. I believe your rear relaxed pose is partially the result of pulling your shoulders to far forward trying to get the lats to pop. It is simply a matter of protracting your scapula while keeping your shoulder girdle wide. Once you realize that it only takes a slight motion forward with the shoulders your lats will simply "fall out" from under your arms exposing their width. Id you pull your shoulders too far forward you will loose sight of your delts completely.

I also thing your delts come from the same issue I had, I was overly comfortable in mine to the point I did not pay enough attention to them. The need work on more angles than most every other body part to develop fully. I really recommend you check out John Meadows Mountain Dog training, specifically his rear delt and medial delt work. He has a set called a Rear Delt Destroyer and then high rep heavy partial DB Raises that can help you out in a hurry. The shape of my shoulders have changed dramatically since starting them. Of course attention to them in any manor will help but I honestly feel this is the most I have felt my shoulders work or improve during any time in my training.


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First let me say that you lats have come up quite a bit. You have always had great thickness and definition in your upper back but width has been an issue. I believe your rear relaxed pose is partially the result of pulling your shoulders to far forward trying to get the lats to pop. It is simply a matter of protracting your scapula while keeping your shoulder girdle wide. Once you realize that it only takes a slight motion forward with the shoulders your lats will simply "fall out" from under your arms exposing their width. Id you pull your shoulders too far forward you will loose sight of your delts completely.

I also thing your delts come from the same issue I had, I was overly comfortable in mine to the point I did not pay enough attention to them. The need work on more angles than most every other body part to develop fully. I really recommend you check out John Meadows Mountain Dog training, specifically his rear delt and medial delt work. He has a set called a Rear Delt Destroyer and then high rep heavy partial DB Raises that can help you out in a hurry. The shape of my shoulders have changed dramatically since starting them. Of course attention to them in any manor will help but I honestly feel this is the most I have felt my shoulders work or improve during any time in my training.
Thanks Chris I'll check that out maybe add it in as extra work or incorporate it in my routine as I will be moving back to FST-7 next week.

Feel recovered today I got a kilo of micronized l-glutamine and started adding it to my BCAA's so I think this might be helping. Good rest last night which was much needed. Tomorrow is a tough day so more good sleep tonight I hope.

Oh I was going to surprise you guys with my pics but can't keep quiet, I am really cleaning up in a hurry but somehow I feel I am maintaining my weight cuz I am still looking and feeling pretty huge. We'll see how this pans out later in the week.

I did replace part of my last meal with my Oats carb meal last night. The last meal would have been turkey 5 oz and egg whites 1 carton, I only ate the turkey. I figured I should have some protein with the meal and turkey breast (boneless skinless) is a good lean source. So is the egg whites but I saw no need for both.


one of the ideas of that carb meal doug, is to have no protein sources, just what is in oats
don't try to fit lean meats in that meal, fyi..get them in your previous meals leading up to instead


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one of the ideas of that carb meal doug, is to have no protein sources, just what is in oats
don't try to fit lean meats in that meal, fyi..get them in your previous meals leading up to instead
Ok no problem there. I could have just replaced the whole meal then as my protein intake is very high even without that last meal.


make sure you are getting the ancillaries on that carb meal the fruit (banana) the sweet potato the broccoli, and add 1 tbs almond butter to it then if replacing last meal and not adding it on
I said be intuitive yes - do not get intuitive to the point changing pinpointed protocols within the structure, nor make these changes immediately at this time BEFORE you get a sense of what you are doing/how metabolism is functioning..

else, you are defeating the purpose on many differnet points and have gained absolutely nothing in knowledge and understanding


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make sure you are getting the ancillaries on that carb meal the fruit (banana) the sweet potato the broccoli, and add 1 tbs almond butter to it then if replacing last meal and not adding it on
I said be intuitive yes - do not get intuitive to the point changing pinpointed protocols within the structure, nor make these changes immediately at this time BEFORE you get a sense of what you are doing/how metabolism is functioning..

else, you are defeating the purpose on many differnet points and have gained absolutely nothing in knowledge and understanding
Yah ok the meal sounds great I got everything but the sweet potato and brocolli, either they were not part of it last time or I forgot about them which is entirely possible with the way my memory fails me now. That is actually part of the problem I am having fron time to time. Started slipping about 5 years ago and gets a little worse as time goes on.


it has always been a part of that meal
you veered off on your own course right after I told you what to use, then
I dint say anything, as I do not like to repeat myself


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it has always been a part of that meal
you veered off on your own course right after I told you what to use, then
I dint say anything, as I do not like to repeat myself
ok I somehow missed it or forgot about it, will add it back makes sense that it's there, and makes it easier to replace the last meal it being more complete and all.


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Doug, if the memory is failing write it all down, make a blueprint to follow for next time, and every time. I write down everything of value to me for the most part. Not because my memory fails me but because it is to valuable for me to rely on memory alone.

Are you sticking with the Masters and Grand Masters this time or going into the Open as well?


Doug, if the memory is failing write it all down, make a blueprint to follow for next time, and every time. I write down everything of value to me for the most part. Not because my memory fails me but because it is to valuable for me to rely on memory alone.
tbh - everyone should keep a journal during such a journey..
not just a training journal, but all things prep ie diet/training/supps/changes noticed as they occur/can even put pics in your own journal at set points, to refer back to last time's progress
nice to refer back to, and if you are always playing it "by ear" and have a tendency to forget things -- then it is no wonder you cannot learn things and be repetitive in the actions

journal! ftw


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Doug, if the memory is failing write it all down, make a blueprint to follow for next time, and every time. I write down everything of value to me for the most part. Not because my memory fails me but because it is to valuable for me to rely on memory alone.

Are you sticking with the Masters and Grand Masters this time or going into the Open as well?
Yah I write a lot of stuff down but then I forget where I put it lol ... Yah I am sure I have a record of it somewhere in my logs.

I have not decided it depends on the rules I think if I cannot compete for the overall in my category I may go for the open as well. I could go grand masters and open that will blow their minds :)


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Very pleased with my progress so far this week and I have to give the l-glutamine an A+ as I noticed an almost immediate difference, this is a lot of work I am doing and I am right at the precipice so I think this is the first time I can actually say for certain that l-glutamine helps with recovery, espeically when they are added with the bcaa/saa's. I am thinking the 2 together is key.

I hammered it again today, more weight more reps and in some cases about 110% of my orginal predictions. I'm feeling really good today all around... sore but it's more manageable.


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Yah I write a lot of stuff down but then I forget where I put it lol ... Yah I am sure I have a record of it somewhere in my logs.

I have not decided it depends on the rules I think if I cannot compete for the overall in my category I may go for the open as well. I could go grand masters and open that will blow their minds :)
No doubt that would definitely surprise them for sure!


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tbh - everyone should keep a journal during such a journey..
not just a training journal, but all things prep ie diet/training/supps/changes noticed as they occur/can even put pics in your own journal at set points, to refer back to last time's progress
nice to refer back to, and if you are always playing it "by ear" and have a tendency to forget things -- then it is no wonder you cannot learn things and be repetitive in the actions

journal! ftw
Dorian Yates style. I saw a documentary about him and in one part a kid asked him for help with his diet and training. He asked the kid for his training and diet journal from the last months and the kid said he didn't keep one. Yates said "How do you expect me to help when you don't even know what you did? "


Dorian Yates style. I saw a documentary about him and in one part a kid asked him for help with his diet and training. He asked the kid for his training and diet journal from the last months and the kid said he didn't keep one. Yates said "How do you expect me to help when you don't even know what you did? "
exactly ;)
dorian was (is) very bright/perceptive..i have myself gleaned many things from the guy


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Alright Doug! I have been preaching the benefits of L-Glutamine for years now. Good to hear you put it to the test and are seeing the benefits.

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