8 months to 185



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Off the chest/clavicle only!! You can do light weight behind the head: Bradford press, klokov press, as assistance.

Normal or staggered stance. Flex your lats Squeee your butt. Push it off your upper chest, lock out, back down. Full ROM each rep.


Off the chest/clavicle only!! You can do light weight behind the head: Bradford press, klokov press, as assistance.

Normal or staggered stance. Flex your lats Squeee your butt. Push it off your upper chest, lock out, back down. Full ROM each rep.
Alright, good, that's what I did last week. I had some difficulty keeping my lower back from arching, even with just the bar. Guess I should work on my overall balance a bit more.


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Alright, good, that's what I did last week. I had some difficulty keeping my lower back from arching, even with just the bar. Guess I should work on my overall balance a bit more.
and core


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If anything go too light with the estimated maxes that you based your training numbers off of. It goes up every month anyways, it'll just give you a longer time until you "hit" that number that you can't go up with. If the weight feels easy just use it to perfect your technique and then just go ham on that AMAP set. ;)
This. My squats caught up to my on the 4th cycle and I felt like I had been training heavier on squats than everything else, as far as the reps I was able to perform on my heavy sets each day.

I had to reset my squat and go for it again the next cycle. I would rather make progress. You should never have to fail a planned lift in the gym, a failed rep does nothing for you but hurt your confidence and possibly your body.


Bench Day - Week 2 of 5/3/1 - 6/9/2013

30 minutes pre-w/o: 3.5oz banana (medium, I guess? I weigh everything now)

5x65 bench warmup
5x85 bench warmup
5x105 bench warmup
3x155 bench
3x175 bench
6x195 bench (7th with slight assist, surprised myself and the guy that spotted me)
5x215 bench (6th with slight assist, just did an extra set to see if i could, REALLY surprised myself and the guy who spotted me asked if I was using gear, lol)
10 dips
10 dips
10 dips (struggled the last one)
7 dips (really struggled)
5 dips (yeah, that's a pita)
20x30 db/kroc rows ea. side
20x30 db/kroc rows ea. side
20x30 db/kroc rows ea. side (last two were difficult)
17x30 db/kroc rows ea. side (might could have done 18.)
23x30 db/kroc rows ea. side (my "power song" came on in the middle of the first side, lol)
20x55 tri push downs
18x65 tri push downs (18th was a fight, lol)
16x75 tri push downs (probably could have got 2 more)
15x85 tri push downs (right about perfect rep:weight ratio)
10.5x95 tri push downs (yep, my tris and chest are blown)

Post workout: 2 scoops Dymatize Elite Rich Chocolate whey protein isolate, 5g crea-mono, and 30 minutes in the sauna. Because I lost track of time reading, lol.


Also, here's my calories and macros for the day so far.

Breakfast was 1200 cal
Had a banana before my workout ~91 cal
Protein shake immediately post workout ~234 cal
Dinner/lunch about an hour post workout ~1238 cal

I'm going to try to stay around 2700 this week and see how it goes. I did 2600 last week and didn't gain too much because this morning I weighed 148 again.




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Try like 6k a day you should gain more weight.


Try like 6k a day you should gain more weight.
I can barely eat 6k total in 2 days, hahaha. If 2700 doesn't make much difference I'll probably go to 3000 next Saturday.


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Why do you want him to get fat after he just leaned out so nicely?
I'm with you on this Trn. I want to get bigger over time, lol. Eating 3200 today was difficult. But I hit the gym pretty hard, so I doubt it hurt me much.


I'm going to try to stay around 2700 this week and see how it goes. I did 2600 last week and didn't gain too much because this morning I weighed 148 again.
In the beginning of the thread, you weighed 145 "dehydrated". My experience is that means morning. Assuming that's correct, you're up 3lbs in a week. Considering you can -- at best -- expect 1-1.5lbs/muscle per month without AAS, I'd delay the add more calorie hysteria personally.

You said yourself you're getting stronger. Your CNS isn't priming-- you've been doing this lifting stuff quite a while. If you've added 3lbs and become stronger, chances are you're doing just fine. Plus, in one week you can't really say much to begin with. There are many ways that weight can be transiently stored or lost.

This is a marathon, not a sprint :) Complete it in style!


I'm with you on this Trn. I want to get bigger over time, lol. Eating 3200 today was difficult. But I hit the gym pretty hard, so I doubt it hurt me much.
Good man!

Most people don't realize the reality of their situation. They keep eating until they're big and fat, and convince themselves it's muscle. lol. Always makes me laugh when some dude tells me "yeah, bro, i'm 230 now." like he's hyyyyuuuuugeeee. More like, I'm 160 lbs LBM and need to lose 50lbs. Don't fall into that trap. It's one of the greatest ironies in the recreational bodybuilding world, IMO.

A huge natural guy at your height will be 170lbs while lean, probably 155-160lbs competition lean. Having that stuff straight in your head from the beginning, as it appears you do, will make you much less likely to become the fat guy who thinks he's the buff guy. ^_^


Good man!

Most people don't realize the reality of their situation. They keep eating until they're big and fat, and convince themselves it's muscle. lol. Always makes me laugh when some dude tells me "yeah, bro, i'm 230 now." like he's hyyyyuuuuugeeee. More like, I'm 160 lbs LBM and need to lose 50lbs. Don't fall into that trap. It's one of the greatest ironies in the recreational bodybuilding world, IMO.

A huge natural guy at your height will be 170lbs while lean, probably 155-160lbs competition lean. Having that stuff straight in your head from the beginning, as it appears you do, will make you much less likely to become the fat guy who thinks he's the buff guy. ^_^
Haha, I'm just gonna try to keep my calories around 2600 (despite today) and see where it puts me. I was back to 148.8 this morning though.


Well, it's only 8:20 and I'm already at my usual morning weight of 148.8....interesting. I guess that since I had been in a major caloric deficit (eating 17-1800) for about 6 weeks, my metabolism had somewhat shut down and now it's kicked back into gear. Still keeping cals at 2600 for another week (till this Saturday) and seeing what happens. If I need to increase, I'll be increasing by 100 calorie increments, that way I can really monitor and find my sweet spot for optimal lean bulking, haha


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If you want to get big, you have to eat like a man. I know because I have been there, and learned the hard way. And there are plenty of guys way bigger than me that will tell you that. Guys like Brandon Lilly. Go look up what he has to say about diet. If you want to stay a skinny and weak, eat like a girl. If you want to get bigger, stronger, and more powerful, eat more, and eat clean. I was being sarcastic about needing 6k, but you do need to eat more. I was eating 5k a day when I was your size trying to get bigger. I didn't get fat. I'm pulling 550 at 185 lbs now. That's not luck.

2600 is way low. Get over 3k. It's easy. I used to drink a shake that had almost that many calories in it.

If you eat too much and start gaining fat, you can adjust. I would rather put on some fat and then lose it, then not eat enough and make zero gains. You need to focus on getting strong first. You are skinny as hell already and don't need to worry about that if you want to get strong.

If all you care about is looking cut then ignore my advise.


If you want to get big, you have to eat like a man. I know because I have been there, and learned the hard way. And there are plenty of guys way bigger than me that will tell you that. Guys like Brandon Lilly. Go look up what he has to say about diet. If you want to stay a skinny and weak, eat like a girl. If you want to get bigger, stronger, and more powerful, eat more, and eat clean. I was being sarcastic about needing 6k, but you do need to eat more. I was eating 5k a day when I was your size trying to get bigger. I didn't get fat. I'm pulling 550 at 185 lbs now. That's not luck.

2600 is way low. Get over 3k. It's easy. I used to drink a shake that had almost that many calories in it.

If you eat too much and start gaining fat, you can adjust. I would rather put on some fat and then lose it, then not eat enough and make zero gains. You need to focus on getting strong first. You are skinny as hell already and don't need to worry about that if you want to get strong.

If all you care about is looking cut then ignore my advise.
I've gotten past listening to other (non weighlifters) opinions, I WANT to get bigger and I want to bulk up. I want to do this for me over anything else, I've done so much and I know I can. Going from 235 to 145, I know I can bulk up cleanly. I'm just going to start slow so I don't shock my body too much. If by the end of this week if I'm not up another pound, I'm bumping it up. My goal is to fill a large tshirt, sleeves, back neck and chest (not necessarily gut). I could care less what the girls think right now, because after I get solid size on my body, and cut back down properly, then they'll flock. Until then, I'm getting bigger and stronger. If it takes 5k calories a day, then I'll do it.


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I'm not saying you need any x number, but you do need to eat more. You obviously can cut down. I don't think you will shock your body into anything by eating so much. All you are gona do is help yourself get where you wana go sooner, by eating better. Eat clean and big and you'll be fine. If I didn't want to help you I wouldn't be wasting my time. But I can see you want to learn and you want to get better, smarter, stronger, and bigger.


I'm not saying you need any x number, but you do need to eat more. You obviously can cut down. I don't think you will shock your body into anything by eating so much. All you are gona do is help yourself get where you wana go sooner, by eating better. Eat clean and big and you'll be fine. If I didn't want to help you I wouldn't be wasting my time. But I can see you want to learn and you want to get better, smarter, stronger, and bigger.
Definitely agree with you, Im just going to keep experimenting and adding cals until I get to where I'm gaining steady at about .5lb a week. The hardest part for me is eating that many calories cleanly, because I'm on a college budget, lol. And make all my own truck payments, insurance payments, phone payments, etc. I'll get there eventually, it may take me a little while, but I will.


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I'm right there with you man, don't worry. It's going to be hard to gauge weight and mass gains by a per week basis, because you are going to fluctuate by several pounds. That's why I say it's better to eat more now and start making progress than to find out in a month you were screwing yourself all along.


I'm right there with you man, don't worry. It's going to be hard to gauge weight and mass gains by a per week basis, because you are going to fluctuate by several pounds. That's why I say it's better to eat more now and start making progress than to find out in a month you were screwing yourself all along.
That's true, makes more sense now. I've got nothing to lose, and a lot to gain, so I'll probably just starting eating until I'm full. All the time, lol. Or about 35-4000 cal a day. Maybe more, maybe less. I typically go by weekly average.


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Sounds like a good place to start man.


Even if he wanted to aim for 4lbs/mo -- which is far beyond what a natural person who is 5'6" at 148.8lbs can do -- that's 474 kcal/day over baseline. 3k is far more reasonable than 6k, but 2600 is unlikely to be "way low" unless his workout intensity is nuts and his daily caloric expenditure by exercise is super high. It's been one week, and he's 3.8lbs heavier. I don't know what everyone is expecting here.

550lb pull at your weight is awesome, btw. But, it's not a result of your size. There are guys way bigger than you who couldn't pull that because they didn't train like you.


Even if he wanted to aim for 4lbs/mo -- which is far beyond what a natural person who is 5'6" at 148.8lbs can do -- that's 474 kcal/day over baseline. 3k is far more reasonable than 6k, but 2600 is unlikely to be "way low" unless his workout intensity is nuts and his daily caloric expenditure by exercise is super high. It's been one week, and he's 3.8lbs heavier. I don't know what everyone is expecting here.

550lb pull at your weight is awesome, btw. But, it's not a result of your size. There are guys way bigger than you who couldn't pull that because they didn't train like you.
If I can get to 175 and do a cut and get to 10% at 160, I'll be a very happy camper. And yeah, like I said, I'm just going to monitor how I respond to different caloric intakes. I found my best macros, now I just have to find the best caloric intake. And that's going to take personal experimenting. Unless I get my BMR and RMR tested at a hospital/clinic. I just don't want to get to be a fat blob, even a strong fat blob, lol. I'd like to stay sub 16-17%. If not sub 15%.


If I can get to 175 and do a cut and get to 10% at 160, I'll be a very happy camper. And yeah, like I said, I'm just going to monitor how I respond to different caloric intakes. I found my best macros, now I just have to find the best caloric intake. And that's going to take personal experimenting. Unless I get my BMR and RMR tested at a hospital/clinic. I just don't want to get to be a fat blob, even a strong fat blob, lol. I'd like to stay sub 16-17%. If not sub 15%.
Staying under 15 is a great goal. But, it's up to you whether you want to do the whole 3 steps forward, 2 steps back or just keep a tighter diet. You don't need to get fat to gain muscle. You just need to be in caloric excess and lift weights. Doing things like ensuring adequate pre-workout and post-workout nutrition (I'd also add intra-workout as it works well for me when I make a dilute drink) are probably going to do more for you than simply slamming down calories indiscriminantly.

I just think you're being faaaar too hasty. You've been bulking for a single week, in which time you've increased your working sets on exercises like bench and increased nearly as many as 6lbs, presently nearly 5lbs since your day zero. This is despite changing your workout routine in the middle of it all. You really don't know if something is working after one week by any means. Make a plan, stick to it for at least a month, then re-evaluate. But, don't change things week to week or day to day.


Staying under 15 is a great goal. But, it's up to you whether you want to do the whole 3 steps forward, 2 steps back or just keep a tighter diet. You don't need to get fat to gain muscle. You just need to be in caloric excess and lift weights. Doing things like ensuring adequate pre-workout and post-workout nutrition (I'd also add intra-workout as it works well for me when I make a dilute drink).

I just think you're being faaaar too hasty. You've been bulking for a single week, in which time you've increased your working sets on exercises like bench and increased nearly as many as 6lbs, presently nearly 5lbs since your day zero. This is despite changing your workout routine in the middle of it all. You really don't know if something is working after one week by any means. Make a plan, stick to it for at least a month, then re-evaluate. But, don't change things week to week or day to day.
I'm getting some FinaFlex BCAA+SAA this week, so I have the intra-workout covered. I also have some condense and d-pol that should be here by Thursday or Friday. I honestly think that 5-6lbs is water weight, because I wake up at 148 almost everyday. Unless I eat a lot of carbs, I've noticed I'm really carb sensitive. But it's difficult for me to hear one thing over another. I'm going to stick to what I've been doing. 2600-2700cals a day.


Here is what a 300lb monster eats:

Ronnie's nutrition:
Calories: 5562
Carbohydrates: 474g
Protein: 564g
Fats: 150g


In the context of Ronnie Colemans 5,562 kcal/day diet, I don't think that it's unreasonable that you're eating half as many calories at half his weight and with far fewer drugs.


Here is what a 300lb monster eats:

Ronnie's nutrition:
Calories: 5562
Carbohydrates: 474g
Protein: 564g
Fats: 150g


In the context of Ronnie Colemans 5,562 kcal/day diet, I don't think that it's unreasonable that you're eating half as many calories at half his weight and with far fewer drugs.
Holy **** balls. Yeah, I think 2600 at 175+g protein a day is good for my height and weight. I'll stick to it for a good while.


Holy **** balls. Yeah, I think 2600 at 175+g protein a day is good for my height and weight. I'll stick to it for a good while.
It's a good starting point. You could have a monster metabolism. Who knows? But, give it at least 3-4 weeks before you start messing with things. ^_^

IF you want to start really educating yourself on the science of training, check out Lyle McDonalds website BodyRecomposition DOT com. Don't bother with his forums. The guy is an angry loon. But, his work is fantastic.


It's a good starting point. You could have a monster metabolism. Who knows? But, give it at least 3-4 weeks before you start messing with things. ^_^

IF you want to start really educating yourself on the science of training, check out Lyle McDonalds website BodyRecomposition DOT com. Don't bother with his forums. The guy is an angry loon. But, his work is fantastic.
Sounds like my plan. Sometimes I get confused as to who to listen to. Everyone has different goals, ya know. And I'll check that out here in a little bit, thanks man.


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Even if he wanted to aim for 4lbs/mo -- which is far beyond what a natural person who is 5'6" at 148.8lbs can do -- that's 474 kcal/day over baseline. 3k is far more reasonable than 6k, but 2600 is unlikely to be "way low" unless his workout intensity is nuts and his daily caloric expenditure by exercise is super high. It's been one week, and he's 3.8lbs heavier. I don't know what everyone is expecting here.

550lb pull at your weight is awesome, btw. But, it's not a result of your size. There are guys way bigger than you who couldn't pull that because they didn't train like you.
I already stated I was joking about 6k. The 400 calorie difference between 2600 and 300 could be the 400ish he needs to gain that pounds per week. A guy his age, activity level, etc should eat 2500 or so without exercise. He puts in some lifting, eats quality, etc and 3k is very reasonable and conservative. Your body doesn't take up every single calorie you eat. And it doesn't automatically put 100% of the calories over maintainence into building muscle. We could write a book about it. We can get into the biochemistry. But the fact is if he wants to make maximal gains in size and strength he needs to eat more. If its a clean, reasonable diet, and he is active, he will not get fat.


I already stated I was joking about 6k. The 400 calorie difference between 2600 and 300 could be the 400ish he needs to gain that pounds per week. A guy his age, activity level, etc should eat 2500 or so without exercise. He puts in some lifting, eats quality, etc and 3k is very reasonable and conservative. Your body doesn't take up every single calorie you eat. And it doesn't automatically put 100% of the calories over maintainence into building muscle. We could write a book about it. We can get into the biochemistry. But the fact is if he wants to make maximal gains in size and strength he needs to eat more. If its a clean, reasonable diet, and he is active, he will not get fat.
I literally don't do anything other than lay around the house, eat, gym, eat, shower, sleep, repeat. I'm pretty lazy except for my workouts, haha


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I literally don't do anything other than lay around the house, eat, gym, eat, shower, sleep, repeat. I'm pretty lazy except for my workouts, haha
Well knock it off. Hahaha. Go be productive. Honestly I think 3k is a good spot for you. I would just rather see you over eat than under eat.


Well knock it off. Hahaha. Go be productive. Honestly I think 3k is a good spot for you. I would just rather see you over eat than under eat.
Give me about 2 weeks and I'll be doing lawn care and landscaping 8hrs a day, 5 days a week. Oh yeaaaah! that's another passion of mine, lol. Then I'll definitely up my cals, cause I'll still be working out just as hard if not harder.


I already stated I was joking about 6k. The 400 calorie difference between 2600 and 300 could be the 400ish he needs to gain that pounds per week. A guy his age, activity level, etc should eat 2500 or so without exercise. He puts in some lifting, eats quality, etc and 3k is very reasonable and conservative. Your body doesn't take up every single calorie you eat. And it doesn't automatically put 100% of the calories over maintainence into building muscle. We could write a book about it. We can get into the biochemistry. But the fact is if he wants to make maximal gains in size and strength he needs to eat more. If its a clean, reasonable diet, and he is active, he will not get fat.
I know, I caught that. That's why I said 3000 is much more reasonable than 6000. I also just emphasized that it's unlikely that 2,600 was "way low' as you said. You might be right that 3k is better for him, but he won't know unless he gives 2,600-2,700 a shot. It's perfectly inline with most major bulking formulas, e.g. 18kcal/lb.

Eating clean vs "dirty" won't make a major difference in fat gain when you're in major caloric surplus. Even with ideal protein intake muscle growth has rate limitations. The law of conservation of energy mandates that the rest of the calories must go somewhere since your gut is highly efficient at absorbing macronutrients and you won't simply crap it out. This means the rest will be stored, and you will get fat.

Now, the issue with getting fat isn't simply cosmetic. I see people day in and day out, big muscles and small, who have major health problems from getting fat. Almost every major morbid condition affecting Americans today is related to having too much adipose tissue. One that really hits home for a lot of people is diabetes. Adipose tissue directly causes insulin resistance. If you're a person with a predisposition to Type II diabetes, you might unmask it. And, this is a problem because of the vicious cycle that ensues. Get fat, insulin expression increases --> amyloid protein is coexpressed with insulin and deposits locally in the pancreas, destroy the already fewer beta islet cells meaning that your pancreas now has a more limited ability to respond to the hyperglycemic state. You get fatter, insulin resisntance increases, and your pancreas keeps killing itself. All the while every small blood vessel in youry body is hardening, your nerves are getting wrecked, and your body is in a pro-inflammatory state which starts negatively affecting larger blood vessels, liek those in your heart, brain, kidneys contributing to the development of organ failure.


I know, I caught that. That's why I said 3000 is much more reasonable than 6000. I also just emphasized that it's unlikely that 2,600 was "way low' as you said.

Eating clean vs "dirty" won't make a major difference in fat gain when you're in major caloric surplus. Even with ideal protein intake muscle growth has rate limitations. The law of conservation of energy mandates that the rest of the calories must go somewhere since your gut is highly efficient at absorbing macronutrients and you won't simply crap it out. This means the rest will be stored, and you will get fat.

Now, the issue with getting fat isn't simply cosmetic. I see people day in and day out, big muscles and small, who have major health problems from getting fat. Almost every major morbid condition affecting Americans today is related to having too much adipose tissue. One that really hits home for a lot of people is diabetes. Adipose tissue directly causes insulin resistance. If you're a person with a predisposition to Type II diabetes, you might unmask it. And, this is a problem because of the vicious cycle that ensues. Get fat, insulin expression increases --> amyloid protein is coexpressed with insulin and deposits locally in the pancreas, destroy the already fewer beta islet cells meaning that your pancreas now has a more limited ability to respond to the hyperglycemic state. You get fatter, insulin resisntance increases, and your pancreas keeps killing itself. All the while every small blood vessel in youry body is hardening, your nerves are getting wrecked, and your body is in a pro-inflammatory state which starts negatively affecting larger blood vessels, liek those in your heart, brain, kidneys contributing to the development of organ failure.
Well, I used to be pretty fat. And fat cells don't disappear, they just shrink, so would that make me gain fat easier than if I had never been?


Well, I used to be pretty fat. And fat cells don't disappear, they just shrink, so would that make me gain fat easier than if I had never been?
I don't think it would. Some suggest it might, but it would have to somehow alter nutrient partitioning and conservation of energy mandates that weight gain be directly related to intake. Having more fat cells cannot make mass materialize from nothing :) It's possible that somehow nutrient partioning is altered by additional fat cells, however. Which means -- at least hypothetically -- you could end up having more macronutrients going to fat than you would have otherwise. But, that's all theory as I really have no idea.


I don't think it would. Some suggest it might, but it would have to somehow alter nutrient partitioning and conservation of energy mandates that weight gain be directly related to intake. Having more fat cells cannot make mass materialize from nothing :) It's possible that somehow nutrient partioning is altered by additional fat cells, however. Which means -- at least hypothetically -- you could end up having more macronutrients going to fat than you would have otherwise. But, that's all theory as I really have no idea.
Well, guess I'll figure it out sometime between now and 175 or 185 (probably the former). Hahaha


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Glad you paid attention in school, so did I. Thanks for the review though.

You miss the point. If he doesn't eat enough he won't make any gains. If he eats too much he will gain fat and muscle, which he can realize and then alter with careful monitoring. I would rather make some gains than no gains. As far as clean vs. dirty. Eating many trans and saturated fats versus unsaturated fat will have an impact on the body both as far as gains and health. Eating food that is more "bio-available" is certainly better for him. A variety of amino acids and different, quality sources of protein is also important as well. Clean food will allow him to adhere to better macros. I understand how fat gain works but worrying about him getting fat from eating 3k calories a day is stupid. I ate 5k a day for almost a year months and was 12% BF at the end, after gaining 40 pounds.

It's a complete waste of time to keep arguing about this. Obviously we have two different points of view on the subject. Mine works for me, and at the end of the day, I will still be eating the same way, and making gains.


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FWIW if you gained nearly 4lbs this week there is no need to jump calories again. Everyone's metabolic rate is different and can't be shoved into the same metabolic calculator to determine where they should be at. Take it slow and steady if you want to keep a decent level of body fat if that is one of your main goals.


I think I may need to really up my calories.

Weighed 146.8 this morning....




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don't go by daily weight, it fluctuates so easily
X2 Same with weekly. You can still fluctuate and make it seem like you gained a few pounds. You need to look at the general direction of change over a few weeks.


Squat Day - Week 2 - 6/10/13
5xbar squat
5x65 squat
5x85 squat
3x115 squat
3x135 squat
3x155 (might could've done more but no spotter)
20 hyperextensions body weight
15 hyperextensions body weight
15 hyperextensions body weight
15 hyperextensions body weight
180x15 leg press
270x12 leg press
360x12 leg press
450x3....lol...leg press half ass 1
6x180 leg press (much better)
20 decline body weight
20 decline body weight
20 decline body weight
20 decline body weight
20 decline body weight

Post workout: 2 scoops protein, 1 medium banana (3.6oz) and a "pure protein" chocolate chip bar. Over all, like 60g carbs, 75g protein and 10g fat, just over 600 cals. Think ate too quickly though, or drank my shake to fast, cause it's not sitting to well at the moment.

Overall, I would say I had a good leg workout, because I've been sitting in my truck in the parking lot for 10 minutes trying to decide if I should drive yet, lol


Food intake for the day, because I typically do 16/8 intermittent fasting. I have a hard time eating during the day, so I just eat a huge breakfast, post workout, and dinner. Breakfast at about 10, dinner about 5:30. It's what works best for me

*edit: I have it showing 4 meals a day, but I use both lunch and dinner spots for JUST dinner. My app gets pissy if I don't use all 4 spots. So I really ate breakfast, snack (aka post-workout), and dinner (lunch + dinner). Just to clarify.*




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that diet is looking pretty good man.

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