Endosurge/Erase/DAA 8 week Run! First natty stack....



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Not to mention Hdrol is actually really fun to run from my experience, Mdrol was fun for strength but headaches and lethargy were a bittch.


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If you see 5 lbs of gains with a first Hdrol cycle then something is seriously wrong with you! A year ago I put on 13 lbs with my first cycle! Kept 8-9 of them
Man...telling me that makes me want to do it even faster than I originally planned! Maybe I'll try and run one in late September early November? Problem is, I'm getting out of the military and going to be a starving college student...going to be hard at first.


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I recommend an Epistane clone for most first cycles - sides are usually minimal, and gains are better than Hdrol. It sounds like you have a solid plan in place leading up to your first cycle.

Wow, that's a ton of volume. I can definitely see how focusing on that movement pattern for a while like that would lead to serious progress there.
The volume is great and I actually am starting to get separation between upper and lower chest. I'm sure once I cut some fat it will be more visible. I would have liked to be at a competition prep by December but I don't think that's going to happen...just because of the current lifestyle change...I'm glad the military is giving me a scholarship to finish school and commission but it's going to suck losing the $3500++ a month I'm making right now...

I know a guy who just cycled EPI...well when I say cycled, I mean he bought 2 months worth of Epi and had never heard of PCT...Little to say, he is beast right now but he is on his last week of Epi and still doesn't care about PCT even though I sent him the famous "ManBeast saves yo' nuts" sticky... Oh well, if everyone cared about their bodies' then transplant donors would serve no purpose :)


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Man...telling me that makes me want to do it even faster than I originally planned! Maybe I'll try and run one in late September early November? Problem is, I'm getting out of the military and going to be a starving college student...going to be hard at first.
Take your time man, ph's will be around. To add to your impatience my first run was like being on a six week opiate high! I really loved it, and everyone by week two was like what the hell are you doing?? Neck became consumed by my shoulders (my mom still says stuff about that, it worries her lol). No sides to speak of, I recently bought the orig Hdrol at double the price I did before because I want to feel that exact feeling again....


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How old are you anyway? Think I forgot or missed it.


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Take your time man, ph's will be around. To add to your impatience my first run was like being on a six week opiate high! I really loved it, and everyone by week two was like what the hell are you doing?? Neck became consumed by my shoulders (my mom still says stuff about that, it worries her lol). No sides to speak of, I recently bought the orig Hdrol at double the price I did before because I want to feel that exact feeling again....
Found CEL HDrol online... **** is on Amaz0n...LOL.

How old are you anyway? Think I forgot or missed it.
24. Been lifting since 2007. But a year hiatus when my son was born and nursed a back injury from too heavy squats for my frame..I've always had good strength but poor form took a toll on my body and I ended up throwing my hips out of place...wtf.

Stats like this...

24 yrs old(in like 15 days)/5'8'' 183lbs/10.5% BF/5 years lifting experience (1 years of serious lifting with no breaks)/3000-3500 calories tracked daily/clean diet (one cheat day a week)/social drinker although it means nothing to me to stop drinking (had like 3 beers in a matter of 6 weeks)


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Found CEL HDrol online... **** is on Amaz0n...LOL.

24. Been lifting since 2007. But a year hiatus when my son was born and nursed a back injury from too heavy squats for my frame..I've always had good strength but poor form took a toll on my body and I ended up throwing my hips out of place...wtf.

Stats like this...

24 yrs old(in like 15 days)/5'8'' 183lbs/10.5% BF/5 years lifting experience (1 years of serious lifting with no breaks)/3000-3500 calories tracked daily/clean diet (one cheat day a week)/social drinker although it means nothing to me to stop drinking (had like 3 beers in a matter of 6 weeks)
I really wanted to say 16 just to see everyone freak out... But I figured I'd be serious... I'm sure Gerbil and ManBeast have like an alert set up where anyone who is under 21 mentions "pro hormone" it just automatically sends them the link for the Anabolic checklist and a quote that says "don't be an idiot, your too young"


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Pick that sh1t up! Two bottles I'm telling you man! Was hoping you weren't gonna say 18 or something lol!.


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Drizzle, looks like you're getting some awesome results from your stack, I plan on running nearly the same thing in a month..I've been a lurker on the forums for a while but finally decided to join...as for your PH cycle I'd watch out given your school/scholarship/commissioning track..you gotta be careful not to derail your future plans/dreams when it comes to a class 1 physical (AKA the "Pilot" physical) I'm too damn new to PM you but if you want any details on the route your headed I might be able to enlighten you on some of the finer details!


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Drizzle, looks like you're getting some awesome results from your stack, I plan on running nearly the same thing in a month..I've been a lurker on the forums for a while but finally decided to join...as for your PH cycle I'd watch out given your school/scholarship/commissioning track..you gotta be careful not to derail your future plans/dreams when it comes to a class 1 physical (AKA the "Pilot" physical) I'm too damn new to PM you but if you want any details on the route your headed I might be able to enlighten you on some of the finer details!
Yeah...another thing I was worried about... I don't know if the benefits outweigh the costs with my career plans...


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Drizzle I gotta post in a few other spots to be able to reply to your PM, so I'll get on it and reply haha..gahh!

I've read your whole thread but am trying to figure out a consistent dosing schedule, plus what to take with or without food..
from what I gather I should take
3G DAA in the AM
2 Endosurge with DAA?
2 ES Pre-Workout
2 ES Pre-Bed
1 or 2 Erase AM (should I start at 50mg/then up to 75 after seeing affects, or just go for it at 75?)
1 Erase PM (pre-bed or Pre-workout?)

Thanks for the help dude


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Drizzle I gotta post in a few other spots to be able to reply to your PM, so I'll get on it and reply haha..gahh!

I've read your whole thread but am trying to figure out a consistent dosing schedule, plus what to take with or without food..
from what I gather I should take
3G DAA in the AM
2 Endosurge with DAA?
2 ES Pre-Workout
2 ES Pre-Bed
1 or 2 Erase AM (should I start at 50mg/then up to 75 after seeing affects, or just go for it at 75?)
1 Erase PM (pre-bed or Pre-workout?)

Thanks for the help dude
I take my DAA on empty stomach with about 6oz water..I use the myo water enhancers to drown the sourness... Then take the endosurge 30 mins later when I eat breakfast. Bro-science says the stinging nettle root absorbs better with food. Prob a legit claim... Then I just dose out the erase and endosurge every three to four hours spaced evenly so they don't overlap...but I like one endosurge serving PWO and lately I've been taking the erase post workout just because that's the it's worked out time wise... I like endosurge pre-bed and that's how it's recommended. People say DAA can be taken PWO, morning or night...but if you saw my events last night, DAA is crazy for dreams for me... Anywyas, going to sleep... If you want me to, I can pm you my email address and we can talk?


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Yeah, feedback on the stacks rolling in are all pretty solid.
Maybe I'll get picked to run Alpha T2 sponsored and I'll stack that with Anabeta for my next stack. I love logging--it keeps me accountable.


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Another PR worth mentioning...Dead lifts
**415x1 PR...

Man 415 was rough after those sets but I got it up... I think I can put 2.5lbs on each side next week and get 420... That's past my DL goal for this cycle by 15 pounds...

Rest of the workout is pretty bland. I tweaked my lat while doing dead lifts and I couldn't really go heavy on anything else...piss3d me off but I beat my deadlift PR so I guess it was worth it...It's only a mild strain on my right lat...going to stretch it out tonight and it should be good by next week. Going to take tomorrow off just to let my body recoup..

Overall results for this stack have been great.

Weight gain: +5 lbs (2 lbs from goal)

Strength: Better than expected on squats/deadlifts/cleans... chest hasn't changed but that's my fault. I've been lifting for shape and isolation on chest and not strength as much.

Libido: Unchanged for the most part later in the run. At first, it was up but it peaked about week two and went down to normal from there.

Body Fat: Dropped ~1.5% max but I may have gained that back the last week trying to gain weight. Going to check at the end.

Mirror: Look drier and leaner but I haven't seen much vascularity like I hoped... The dryness is obviously from the Erase. Haven't cycled creatine this entire time so that could be helping. (except when I take C4, which isn't everyday--it has Creatine Nitrate)

Acne: A little bit on my shoulders here and there but nothing that I'm not used to...I'm prone to a few pimples anyways...

Aggression: I noticed myself getting very aggressive at first and really annoyed in the gym...My friends say it still happens but I don't notice it ;).

Recovery: Seems to be increased...not really sure. I'm not nearly as sore as I used to be.

Appetite: I'd say it's increased...


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I wanna cut next...Recomp log in the near future... Looking at something like:

Anabeta/Alpha T2/AAKG/Beta Alanine/CEE

How does that look?

I also have some Halodrol MT from Gaspari that I found while abroad for the military. It's still within it's expiration date... I have 5 weeks of it... It's the mild version that isn't a pro hormone and doesn't require a PCT. Maybe I will run that sometime after I recomp with Erase Pro and try to build some muscle again...

Either way, I'm sick of my new workout partner being leaner than I am tens fold... His vascularity makes mine look like a grandmas vericose veins lol... Gotta lean out for the summer anyways.


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In my opinion, you could drop the AAKG and CEE, or replace them with something else.
I've just been reading the pumps and increased vascularity with AAKG is good... It's something I'm really wanting to increase... Any ideas?


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Agmatine and/or Glycergrow would be my recommendations for bulk pump stuff. Hemavol is a solid option if you want to go with a formulated product.
Gracias...ill start doing my research on those products.


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I've just been reading the pumps and increased vascularity with AAKG is good... It's something I'm really wanting to increase... Any ideas?
For pumps, I haven't seen anything better than Hemavol as far as a pre workout goes, based on the ingredient profile. I haven't gotten a chance to try it yet but it looks legit.


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Maybe I'll get picked to run Alpha T2 sponsored and I'll stack that with Anabeta for my next stack. I love logging--it keeps me accountable.
Alpha T2 is THE TRUTH! Been on it a week and already seeing a difference. I feel my body temp jump almost immediately after I take it. Nothing uncomfortable, just a mild increase in warmness. Prepare to sweat in the gym! I've already lost a significant amount of water weight especially in my face. And I haven't even dropped caloric intake yet.


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Alpha T2 is THE TRUTH! Been on it a week and already seeing a difference. I feel my body temp jump almost immediately after I take it. Nothing uncomfortable, just a mild increase in warmness. Prepare to sweat in the gym! I've already lost a significant amount of water weight especially in my face. And I haven't even dropped caloric intake yet.
Yeah, I'm hoping to run it... I have never ran a cut cycle so I will prob get with the local contest prep guy and try and change my meal plan a few weeks in.


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Maybe I'll get picked to run Alpha T2 sponsored and I'll stack that with Anabeta for my next stack. I love logging--it keeps me accountable.
This is very true! I really enjoy logging, especially If you get a good crowd following who know there **** and can help with questions and encouragement! Not too mention it keeps you honest and makes you accountable as you mentioned!


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Another PR worth mentioning...Dead lifts
**415x1 PR...

Man 415 was rough after those sets but I got it up... I think I can put 2.5lbs on each side next week and get 420... That's past my DL goal for this cycle by 15 pounds...

Rest of the workout is pretty bland. I tweaked my lat while doing dead lifts and I couldn't really go heavy on anything else...piss3d me off but I beat my deadlift PR so I guess it was worth it...It's only a mild strain on my right lat...going to stretch it out tonight and it should be good by next week. Going to take tomorrow off just to let my body recoup..

Overall results for this stack have been great.

Weight gain: +5 lbs (2 lbs from goal)

Strength: Better than expected on squats/deadlifts/cleans... chest hasn't changed but that's my fault. I've been lifting for shape and isolation on chest and not strength as much.

Libido: Unchanged for the most part later in the run. At first, it was up but it peaked about week two and went down to normal from there.

Body Fat: Dropped ~1.5% max but I may have gained that back the last week trying to gain weight. Going to check at the end.

Mirror: Look drier and leaner but I haven't seen much vascularity like I hoped... The dryness is obviously from the Erase. Haven't cycled creatine this entire time so that could be helping. (except when I take C4, which isn't everyday--it has Creatine Nitrate)

Acne: A little bit on my shoulders here and there but nothing that I'm not used to...I'm prone to a few pimples anyways...

Aggression: I noticed myself getting very aggressive at first and really annoyed in the gym...My friends say it still happens but I don't notice it ;).

Recovery: Seems to be increased...not really sure. I'm not nearly as sore as I used to be.

Appetite: I'd say it's increased...
Great update/review! Gaining weight and getting PRs, can't beat that man.


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Anabeta on a cut? Hmm thought it increases appetite and helps with gains? I'm fairly new with the product, anyone chime in if I'm wrong... Figured that would be more for a bulk cycle.


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Anabeta on a cut? Hmm thought it increases appetite and helps with gains? I'm fairly new with the product, anyone chime in if I'm wrong... Figured that would be more for a bulk cycle.
Anabeta on a recomp...cut wasn't the best word... looking to maintain weight but lose fat.


The BPS Rep
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Anabeta on a cut? Hmm thought it increases appetite and helps with gains? I'm fairly new with the product, anyone chime in if I'm wrong... Figured that would be more for a bulk cycle.
Anabeta is awesome while cutting - provides nutrient partitioning and strength maintenance/gains while on a caloric deficit.


Anabeta is awesome while cutting - provides nutrient partitioning and strength maintenance/gains while on a caloric deficit.
Sounds pretty good, can't wait to get my hands on Anabeta Elite :)


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Does anyone know what the differences are going to be? Something similar to Erase/Erase Pro? Just a better mixture and added ingredients or a different compound all together?
Sounds pretty good, can't wait to get my hands on Anabeta Elite :)


Does anyone know what the differences are going to be? Something similar to Erase/Erase Pro? Just a better mixture and added ingredients or a different compound all together?
I would like to hear also from someone that used both, to see you much differnce it is?


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Erase pro is like 75mg of erase
Then 2 other ingredients
Check the PES site. Almost royalty did product.


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Anabeta is awesome while cutting - provides nutrient partitioning and strength maintenance/gains while on a caloric deficit.
This is interesting but also informative, only thing I've ever heard about it is it increases hunger and fills you out. Two things I do t think I'd want on a cut, thank you for the info!


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Does anyone know what the differences are going to be? Something similar to Erase/Erase Pro? Just a better mixture and added ingredients or a different compound all together?
Same base ingredient + two powerful additional ingredients. All the information is listed at our homepage - PEScience.com


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Erase pro is like 75mg of erase
Then 2 other ingredients
Check the PES site. Almost royalty did product.
Yeah that's what I meant

Same base ingredient + two powerful additional ingredients. All the information is listed at our homepage - PEScience.com
I need to look..I will tomorrow...

Tomorrow is shoulders day...shoulders and calves.


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Think I'm going to make this my last week of Endosurge/Erase and save the rest. I feel like the last six weeks have went well. I like where I am. After legs tomorrow, I'm going to give a full detailed run down of how things went.


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Lookn forward to it! :thumbsup:
I can tell you this...I've been walking billboard for endosurge at the gym... Been asked countless times what I'm on.


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Weight gain: +5 lbs (2 lbs from goal)...It got me past the platue of 180 though. I kept hitting 180lbs and would drop back to 175-178... Now I sit at 183 and my fasted weight is 183 so I know I've put on good solid LBM.

Strength: Better than expected on squats/deadlifts/cleans... chest hasn't changed but that's my fault. I've been lifting for shape and isolation on chest and not strength as much.

Libido: Unchanged for the most part later in the run. At first, it was up but it peaked about week two and went down to normal from there.

Endurance: On most days I feel like my endurance has increased. I am sweating a lot more and able to complete sets in a quicker sequence than before. It may be a placebo effect, but I feel like these supps helped.

Body Fat: Dropped ~1.5% max but I may have gained that back the last week trying to gain weight. Going to check at the end.

Mirror: Look drier and leaner but I haven't seen much vascularity like I hoped... The dryness is obviously from the Erase. Haven't cycled creatine this entire time so that could be helping.

Acne: A little bit on my shoulders here and there but nothing that I'm not used to...I'm prone to a few pimples anyways...

Aggression: I noticed myself getting very aggressive at first and really annoyed in the gym...My friends say it still happens but I don't notice it . I do notice a lot more idiots in the gym and all the annoying things that inexperienced lifters do. Like use the ONLY power rack for barbell arm curls. That machine needs a sign that says "unless you are rack dead lifting or squating stay the **** away from this area"...Ok maybe aggression is up. :frustrate

Recovery: Increased time for full recovery for sure. I don't feel the soreness in my muscles that I normally get even if I'm hitting the gym as hard as I am. I have been supplemented a lot more BCAAs also so that probaly helps.

Appetite: Now that I have stopped taking these supplements I can say that my appetite did increase on them. I am not as hungry. Towards the beginning of the run, my appetite was through the roof...

Personally, I feel like this stack should be ran for six weeks. At least for myself. I noticed the effects started wearing off around week 5 or so. It may just be me and it may be a little fatigue since I've been hitting the gym like a maniac lately. It is however, the best stack I've ran yet. I've gained great strength and solid LBM off these supplements.

Final review goes like this:
The price is good for these supplements with the NutraPro stack price of like $35 for Endosurge and Erase. That's a killer deal for how much you get off this stack. Even running it for only four weeks those supps alone can change your body composition if used correctly.
Strength increase
Recomp Effect
Euphoria effect

Joint pain at 75MG Erase
Wore off after week 5
Saw very little increase in vascularity

All in all...great run...great supps...great companies...great reps... I didn't expect the world out of this and I got almost exactly what I expected.



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Good job G. Great gains, diffenitly honing to try endosurge next time around.


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Good job G. Great gains, diffenitly honing to try endosurge next time around.
Knowing what I know now, I would have supplemented more joint supports...remember that when you run it.


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You'll especially want a joint support if you stack Endosurge with an AI :)
Everybody told me but I didn't listen. Literally, that seemed to be the only downfall...except that it wore after around week five but that's prob the case with any stack for me... HelI, by the time I'm half done with a PWO the effects wear off at normal dosages anyways.


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Great log drizzie. I've been hearing greet feedback from this stack. I'm gonna give it a go very soon.


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Swap out Optimen for a better alternative (SN Life Force Multiple).
Dose taurine at 4g preworkout
Drop the Glutamine
Casein isn't necessary at night fyi

Keep DAA at 3g. Curious as to how you are dosing Erase in 10mg intervals.

Pick up some monohydrate and beta-alanine. There's really no reason not to use them.
Disregard, noticed this thread is old.


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Disregard, noticed this thread is old.
Lol, its a good thread though! Might as well let others see the effectiveness of this stack

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