PHAT journey continues with an AI Piñata (more products than u can shake a stick at)


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I want to see more pictures of the countryside and older architecture!

The oldest buildings here have nothing on the oldest buildings in your neck of the woods. You guys probably have some cottages that are older than our country, lol.


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Ok so having felt like i'd rode/carried the horse for 10km yesterday, I managed to drag myself out of bed and get to the gym – Monday's are always a bit of a light day where it almost doesn't feel like it's worth going, but I also know that there has to be a reason why a) it's a light day and b) I paid a fortune for professional training in the first place. Weather was terrible, gales and rain so not very pleasant at 5h30 in the morning but wearily trudged off to the gym, then I opened up this week's programme (it's emailed to me every Sunday night and was thrilled to the fateful words OVERHEAD SQUATS.... great the horse wins again, walking was sure to continue being an issue


Overhead Squats – 66lbs 4 reps on the 90 sec for 6 rounds

Decided to do some core work, as I find that it is helping with my squats and after a day like yesterday, seems to get everything moving a bit better. So did 100 full range CrossFit sit ups, i've been finding them a bit easier now that my core is stronger, so I added a 13lb ViPR bar into the mix for a bit of added difficulty (I might be getting addicted to this exercise!)


Hmmm, still sore but the horse seems to have left the building, so less people are likely say “howdy partner” or comment on not having seen my horse today when i'm out dragging the Lazy Dog around the block


“the Chief” (where on earth do the CrossFit fraternity find this ridiculous names?)
3 minutes AMRAP

3 power cleans @ 66lbs
6 power push ups (hands must leave the floor)
9 Air Squats

Rest 2 two minutes and repeat for a total of 3 cycles

Completed -
1.2 rounds 6 reps
2.2 rounds 15 reps
3.3 rounds 3 reps


8 x 200m time trails with 2 mins rest between runs

Completed – 39” / 42” / 43” / 46” / 49” / 51” / 48” / 53”

Ok, so by early evening i'm feeling stiff again, stairs are increasingly an issue and I know that tomorrow's training is going to be really tough. I really enjoy the power cleans but with two days of leg hammering and running I'm wondering what tomorrow will bring...


Personal Training


Box Squats (of course why didn't I think of that!)

Well he called them Box Squats, but I am NOT convinced that a Reebok aerobic step counts as a box, it certainly wasn't deemed as a “box” whenever I have to do Box Jumps!

My friends if you ever feel the need to challenge your squat depth, please try this it really is nothing short of an absolute killer on the quads, I mean getting down to the “box” is one thing, but then physically sitting on it, and pausing before you have to get back up is a true challenge of mind, muscle and pure grit (well it was for me anyway!)

We started at 110lbs and worked up to 176lbs – 3 to 5 reps per set, supersetted with FacePulls (10 plates), I lost track of the number of sets, a wide stance was permitted to get my a$$ to the floor, but i'm not sure that made it that much easier. I failed at 187lbs, but was not in least embarrassed by my performance.


Well we had 10 mins left, so we did (well 1 did, he just shouted words of encouragement as I died very loudly in the gym) an AMRAP session

10 GHD (back extensions)
20 Walking lunges with 26lb Dbs
50 Treadmill Push ( raise a treadmill to an 8.5 degree incline, then switch it up, run to get the treadmill moving and once moving count 50 steps)

TOTALLY GASSED, couldn't speak for a good 5 mins... I managed 4 circuits, by far the worst CrossFit AMRAP i've done so far!


I supposed to do Strength, CrossFit and Running today, but my body had a different view, I missed the alarm and decided to run today and do the other sessions tomorrow, does mean I don't get a proper rest day this week but a gentle run is a bit like a rest day when compared to a normal day presently.


3 x 1km tempo runs, time between 5'58” and 6'15

Completed – 6'15” / 5'45” (too quick) / 6'00”



Push Press – 99lbs 5 reps on the 90 secs for 5 rounds


For time – 3, 5, 7, 9, 7, 5, 3 reps of the following

Pull Ups
Front Squats @ 121lbs
Box Jumps (I used a weight bench as the box)

Completed - 10'47”



Well since I don't have a formal session today, I like to use Saturday's to either catch up on anything I haven't done during the week from the programme or use it just to do something different, so today I decided to do some work on arms

In all cases I did 4 sets, 12/10/8/6 reps with weights that were in effect causing me to almost fail on the last rep of each set

Drag Curls – 42lbs (first time I tried these, read them in Turning Green's log, looked them up on YouTube and have to say i'll be doing these from now on, really enjoyed them)

EZ Bar Narrow Grip – 75lbs (veins everywhere – epic!)

EZ Bar Wide Grip – 64lbs (tried it on 75lbs but wasn't happening)

Concentration Curls – 30lb Dumbbell

Overhead Tricep extensions – 44lbs

DB Row – 44lbs

Arms were on fire, and felt huge, although I was a little disappointed in how pumped they looked, but definitely could not have moved any more weight, had a nice shower and a sunbed and just finished feeding myself – running tomorrow!!!







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14km - 1 hr 34' tempo run just to spend time on the road


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still pickin dem fat beeotches up all da time! haha and no log at the moment. just finishing up my time off from my last cycle. kept a lot of strength and size from it. solid 7-8 pounds and strength went up a bit in PCT. Gonna start a slight cut sometime in Oct. Just don't know exactly what I want to do. HOw you been?


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still pickin dem fat beeotches up all da time! haha and no log at the moment. just finishing up my time off from my last cycle. kept a lot of strength and size from it. solid 7-8 pounds and strength went up a bit in PCT. Gonna start a slight cut sometime in Oct. Just don't know exactly what I want to do. HOw you been?
Good, work is manic, training is manic but I'm running a half marathon this Sunday... So should be interesting!!!

I might have a minor op coming to prevent the world from having any smaller versions of me running around, but then planning to recomp/cut until January and might run a cycle for 8-12 weeks before getting back to endurance for 16 weeks cummulating in the London marathon in April


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Hey bud you are looking great. Sorry I haven't been around. Hope to come back full swing soon.


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Hey bud you are looking great. Sorry I haven't been around. Hope to come back full swing soon.
DUDE!!!! good to hear from you! Thanks bro, lost the plot myself for about 5mths, didn't log didn't train, had a bit of a tough patch but desperately trying to get back there. Glad you're ok, thanks for stopping by and great to here from you!!!


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I plan on makeing a come back soon.


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So this is it guys... Week 16, the race is tomorrow (Sunday) and i'm currently typing this on the train on the way to Durham just outside Newcastle where I will spending the night with friends, who are also running tomorrow. It's been a pretty epic journey, I've lost a load of weight, definitely increased strength and endurance. Next week will be a post race recovery week and then I will probably start a new conditioning programme for 12 weeks, before moving back to another 16 weeks of strength and endurance in preparation for the London Marathon - I may even start a new log!

I'll probably do a another PH cycle during the next phase, but I as I current waiting on a hospital appointment for a minor op, I can't really plan anything until I get a date - of course this also means I'm having to taper off quite a few of my normal supps as well, not really a bad thing as my body and receptors could probably do with a break.



Deep Box Squats 143lbs x 3 reps on the 90th second for 7 sets



Sumo Deadlifts - max effort starting at 176lbs

176lbs x3
187lbs x3
198lbs x3
209lbs x3
220lbs x3
231lbs (only managed 1 rep)


3 rounds of
5 pull ups
10 push ups
15 air squats

Completed - 2'40" new PR, beat my previous time by about 50 secs!!!


6 x 200m



Front Squat @ 143lbs for 5 reps for 5 sets on the 90th second


3 rounds of the following exercise
20 box jumps
20 CrossFit sit-ups
20 GHD (back extensions)

Record time for round

So that's it guys, I'll update my thoughts on the race and how I got on tomorrow night on the train home to London, hopefully it will be a positive post!!!

As ever thanks for reading....


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Yeah man I did!!! 2hrs 13 minutes 19 seconds, reckon I could have been sub 2hr10 but too many people, 20258th out of 54000+, 3463th in my age group, and 14890th male... You have to bear in mind that my start number was 47155!!!! and I had estimated that my finish time would have been 2hr30 so I started in the last group.

I'm so pleased right now, for my first running effort I am ecstatic... Sore very, very sore but majorly pleased right now, I have loads of pics from the whole weekend which I will post when I get a chance to upload. (some great pics of buildings over 1000yrs old!)

It was a real laugh as well, this morning the train to Newcastle from Durham where I was staying was late by an hour, the next train would have meant being late for the race and the platform was full of fellow runners, my mate and I and two other guys, managed to squeeze into a train toilet cubicle (like they have on planes) so we could get on the train! Was just too damn funny....


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LOL. So what was the conversation like during that ride?


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LOL. So what was the conversation like during that ride?
I don't think I've laughed soo much in all my life, the other two guys were pretty young, lots of toilet humour! My opening line to them was " do you come here often?" - it was clear we were all just runners trying to get to the race, so the atmosphere the whole day was pretty great, the start line was amazing.... They close the freeway, and that becomes the start straight 6+ lanes of people over a kilometre long, the Red Arrows (Royal Air Force display team, similar to your Blue Angels) tore over the straight to start the race with the coloured smoke on, think I got a semi decent shot from the iPhone, all the hairs on the back of my neck stood up (here's some from the press). They lost one of their pilots a few weeks or so at a display, so they were flying in the missing man formation to honour him and his wife who run the race today in his memory.




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It sounds like this was quite the event.
John Smeton

John Smeton

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sounds like fun times.

You are very consistent Gwls, persistence is so important in any successful accomplishment


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Thats awesome man!!

and that sounds like a freaking fun train ride lol :D
It was certainly an experience :D and thanks for the compliment bro, really has given me an insight into how hard a marathon is going to be... Bearing in mind I am not interested in looking like a runner, if you know what I mean!


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sounds like fun times.

You are very consistent Gwls, persistence is so important in any successful accomplishment
Thanks as always John, persistence is probably my greatest strength, it means a lot that I have managed to convey that unintentionally in this log - I hope to inspire others along the way and it also serves as a reminder to me of how far I have come.

I've reset the goals so many times along the way, but I no longer see it as a negative - every goal/step closer is a victory for me and hopefully for all past and present fat people.

The doctor isn't calling me clinically obese anymore and predicting heart disease!


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So I've taken a few days to recover, but today was back at gym with my PT, spent a lot the session with stretching and then some recovery exercises.

Elevated Pistol squats 3 sets of 8

Superset 5 rounds

Back Squat 132lbs x 8
DB bench 30lbs x 8

Followed by (about a 90 sec rest between the two Supersets)

Good Mornings 88lbs x 8
DB Standing Shoulder Press 30 x 10

Man, we finished with some floor stretches and I left a massive "sweat angel" on the floor :lol:

We also discussed my next programme, hope to have it worked out soon, strangely my PT wants paid for it :D

So probably starting next week (hopefully), 12 weeks of conditioning, 3 x 4 week programmes focused on three training sessions per week, with 3 PT sessions every 4 weeks and 3 BioSignature Assessments... I'm pretty excited :D

I also have the forms from the doc for full blood work and hormone profile, just need to arrange the appointment at the clinic now.

Just wish I wasn't waiting on the operation appointment, would be nice to have run something along side my programme, particularly since I'm going to have bloods done.
John Smeton

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Thanks as always John, persistence is probably my greatest strength, it means a lot that I have managed to convey that unintentionally in this log - I hope to inspire others along the way and it also serves as a reminder to me of how far I have come.

I've reset the goals so many times along the way, but I no longer see it as a negative - every goal/step closer is a victory for me and hopefully for all past and present fat people.

The doctor isn't calling me clinically obese anymore and predicting heart disease!
and it shows

yeah you cant listen to Doctors sometimes I have a BMI of being fat- they dont take into account of muscle they are going by a set standard of a guy 5ft9 and weighing 180 lbs with 17 % bodyfat


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So my local park runs a timed 5k event every Saturday, so decided since i haven't done it before, I might give it a go.

Ran a 24'54" personal best :D


5 rounds

5 pull ups
10 press ups
20 CrossFit Situps

Completed 11'21"

I may have only worked out for just over 35 minutes today, but they were very intense!


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gotta love them pistol squats man... I'm still working on my form for those lol.
John Smeton

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short and intense is good. Love it when I can do thiss way of training. i switch things up- volume, then intense if body allows it.

Gwls have you gotten an AI sample pack? if so email your name and address please and Ill get one out to you


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short and intense is good. Love it when I can do thiss way of training. i switch things up- volume, then intense if body allows it.

Gwls have you gotten an AI sample pack? if so email your name and address please and Ill get one out to you
John I haven't gotten one BUT I live in the UK so if you're happy to ship to UK then I will gladly PM you my details...


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Just some random photos from my weekend in Durham, when I did the Great North Run


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Nice job will read when I have more time.


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Good time on the marathon man. Nice pictures too


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Good time on the marathon man. Nice pictures too
LOL thanks Funk, but was a HALF marathon! But hey I was reasonably happy with the time for a non-runner and I did manage to beat nearly 34000 other people! Think some of them faaat beatches you know know where definitely in attendance!


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So my new training programme has commenced!!! I started my 12 week German Body Composition (GBC) programme on Wednesday - basically three workouts per week for 12 weeks, all based around 8 exercises supersetted into 4 groups per workout. The first week all workouts will be done with trainer, so he can drill me on Form, tempo and getting the weight right so I don't fail too early. I will also be having a BioSignature session each month, the first this coming Wednesday.

When I first looked at the programme I was thinking, I can do more than that... INCORRECT! It's BRUTAL, I'm sore everyday, I fail more times than I am used to and the little changes he has made to my form, make a killer difference


At the end of session 2 the first of the 4th superset is a barbell curl, just the Olympic bar, no weight.... I'm thinking I can curl more than 44lbs, right?

Well chaps do the following yourselves and tell me how you get on after having already trained most of the other body parts... Elbows tucked, don't let them move from your side at all, slow on the tempo down, when you get to the bottom where the bar is against your thighs, ensure your arms are straight and I mean like locked out and against your side, now twist your palms outwards as if your were trying to snap the bar... You should feel the contraction in your Tricep, then curl bar back up, no momentum and contract your bicep at the top of move - that's one and repeat! Either I am the only person in the world doing bicep curls wrong and I've deluding myself or this is serious sh!t

My PT is a Charles Poliquin certified trainer, amongst many other quite highly regarded similarly scary training certifications, so I really do have the confidence that he really is going to get the best out of me. link below for more Charles Poliquin strength training and BioSignature MODULATION Article 1 _2_.pdf

And another few for my previous training, which was based around CrossFit Endurance, pioneered by Brian Mackenzie

Anyway, needless to see I'm excited to see how the next 12 weeks go and once again have changed up my training and will be learning brand new things

Below are this weeks training programmes, all weights in kilos (multiply by 2 and add 10% of total for lbs) weights aren't stellar but I am obviously very weak and I won't be compromising on form



Today, I did the 5km Parkrun, 24'59", last weeks official time turned out to 25'48", so today was a PB for me... I came 20th out of 64 in the field


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I'll check out the routine later, but loving the pictures that you're including.


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Not great pics, but from today totally un-pumped haven't been to gym since Friday








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LOL thanks Funk, but was a HALF marathon! But hey I was reasonably happy with the time for a non-runner and I did manage to beat nearly 34000 other people! Think some of them faaat beatches you know know where definitely in attendance!


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So Monday I did session 1 again and today session 2, very tired!

On Monday I signed up for the edinburgh marathon in May 2012, since I didn't get a place in the London Marathon... So we also signed up for this as some interim race training!!!

Below is a race report from a Scottish newspaper following a previous years race, oh how I wish I'd read the review before signing up!!!

CRAWLING on my hands and knees over coarse, loose rocks half way up a 500ft scree slope strikes me as ridiculous enough.
Doing it in the dark while wearing antlers and a head torch could easily be classed as insane.
But when you've spent the previous 90 minutes running The Mighty Deerstalker, anything seems entirely plausible.
From the outset of the unique 10k adventure run, which started at 5.30pm at Traquair House, near the Borders town of Peebles, it was clear that this would be an event like no other.
And that is exactly what organisers, Detail Events, had set out to achieve.
The Mighty Deerstalker 10k - and its sister event, the Deerstalker 5k, held in the afternoon - is aimed at runners who want to try "something a bit different".
Race director Gary Tompsett said: "These days, there are lots of runners going through their paces on the streets, but most of them stick to the same routes and the same road-based races. By launching two adventure runs, we knew we could tempt a whole host of people to get out of their comfort zone and into an adventure zone.
"And this is what we have achieved.
The appeal for our adventure-style, fun-filled races just keeps on growing."
Since the inaugural Mighty Deerstalker in 2007, participant numbers have almost tripled from 600 to more than 1500.
The format of TheMighty Deerstalker is similar to many 10ks in that it follows a way marked route.
But many participants believe that the distance on off-road countryside trails is closer to 15k or even 17k.
Tompsett remains tight-lipped about the true route length and would only reveal that it is 10k-ish. Added to the mystery distance, participants are encouraged to run the event in deerstalker-themed fancy dress.
Many competitors on Saturday were impressively decked out in plus-fours, tweed jackets, kilts and deerstalker hats or antler head-dresses.
One man was spotted wearing a stag's head thong over his black running leggings.
The race includes numerous obstacles, both natural and man-made. On the night it, did not take long for the Mighty Deerstalker runners to meet them.
Metres from the start line, competitors struggled over a wall made of scratchy straw bales. Minutes later, we were forced to plunge up to our waists in freezing water to cross a muddy pond.
Grappling up the bank at the other side, hampered by numb thighs and squelching trainers, we then began a 2km uphill drag on rough, rocky forest trails.
For several competitors, the race was made even trickier after losing one of their shoes in the pond.
And while one guy managed to find what he thought was his lost trainer, he realised after finishing the race that he was wearing someone else's. By the time I reached the summit, my calves were approaching boiling point.
As a result, I stumbled through a series of challenging obstacles, including plank walks and a dank tunnel.
Then came a thigh-zapping downhill stretch on a steep, zig-zagging trail that would normally be reserved for kamikaze mountain bikers. With amazing good humour, Mighty Deerstalker competitors charged through more river crossings and into a water-filled tunnel.
They slid down steep forest banks and teetered along an eight-metre tree trunk crossing. They jumped fences and tree roots and hauled themselves up slippery tree-lined banks.
And just when it felt like the race should be over, competitors were faced with climbing to the top of the scree slope. Most plodded upwards, and then stampeded downwards, in darkness and with only an individual head torch to guide them.
But still people were smiling as they rounded the final corner, pushed up a final ascent, crawled through a last tunnel and struggled under a heavy cargo net to sprint for the finish line.
For the winning stag, 27-year-old Andy Symonds, of Dunfermline, Fife, the madness lasted 1 hour 10 minutes. The leading stag lass, KimThreadgall, 31, of Edinburgh, took 1 hour 32 minutes.
My adventure ended 19 minutes later, while for many other participants the end was still an hour and a half away.
One of the last competitors to come home was overheard to say: "That was hell - I can't wait to do it all again next year." Me too.


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Subbed and have a lot of catching up to do :D


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looks like you have been doing a lot of good things. 25 pages wow I am now officially tired of reading. lol. Way to go on your weight loss and putting on some lean mass in the process.


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looks like you have been doing a lot of good things. 25 pages wow I am now officially tired of reading. lol. Way to go on your weight loss and putting on some lean mass in the process.
Thanks chevy appreciated... Like u I'm forever chasing the dragon but now that I'm hovering around 180 - 185 lbs, it seems possible but losing the strength I once had sux!


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Thanks chevy appreciated... Like u I'm forever chasing the dragon but now that I'm hovering around 180 - 185 lbs, it seems possible but losing the strength I once had sux!
You will gain all your strength back soon as you level out. Once you lean completely out how you want and your eating is adjusted you should be back there no time flat.
John Smeton

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big chest, nice arms -how s the wheels and back hahaha

nice pictures updates


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big chest, nice arms -how s the wheels and back hahaha

nice pictures updates
Thanks John - wheels are getting better all the time, size has never been an issue (rugby and cycling as a child/teen) but now starting to get some definition.

Back hard to do on own but if you look at the wrong rotated photo lol, you can see it sorta in the mirror... A picture within a picture so to speak, what do u think from what you might now be able to see
John Smeton

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how is training going Gwls? been busy I am guessing


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Subbed SO late lol. Interested in the volume training u just started.. I love supersets and I'm looming for a good 3x week routine for the winter months ... Also curious about the first routine u did.. Sets with same weight starting really high then down to 5.. Could u explain that or drop a template just for my curiosity? Thanks.. Looking forward to this!


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Also do u have a layout/template if the gbc program? Thanks again!


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Hey guys, hunter & ched welcome!!! Don't have time to update tonight, sorry :-( bit all is good work been insane, pulled more 17hr days than I care to think about!!! But have been managing the gym, but running and TKD has had to take a backseat

Ched I'll post up the rest of the missing this weekend, but in your second question which one of the many protocols i've followed are you asking about? If you me shoot me the page / post number I'll answer as best as I can - I do multiple sports in addition to gym, so some of my gym training is adapted to suit a sports specific goal or weakness - anyway let me know and I should be able to provide the insight you're after.

Thanks for the support guys, much appreciated!!! I'm really pleased with progress, I'm a lot leaner and I'm hoping when I get back to run training I'll notice it on the road/trial

My next race is 17th March, "the mighty deerstalker" it's a 10k and a bit night race, check out their Facebook page photos - mental!!! Also spoke with someone who did it last yr, apparently more like 10 - 13 miles!!!! (I'd already entered when I found this out)

Anyway cheers guys! Will try to get some photos as well


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Hey. Thanks for the response.. I'm interesting in the phat training.. I'm setting program up for myself for the new year and I like to stat as lean as possible, not really worried about brute strength, which I'd y I like phat.. Power n hyper days .. I can gain mass easily but clean, cut mass is what I'm after.. I'm currently a pretty lean n strong 161. Mind u this is with strict diet n hiit 4xweek. So if I cut back on the cardio I could easily get to my Natural set point if 170-180, which I'm not entirely opposed to, just want it inthe right places

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