dre alvarez

  • Established
With soo many test boosters on the market, which is the best of the best?

Here's a few on my opinion: (not in order)

Activate xtreme

Diesel test hardcore


Testo pro


Animal test



Too many out there...which one you pick?


  • Established
I haven't heard any bad reviews on Testopro. That's what I am most likely going to get for my next stack

dre alvarez

  • Established
I haven't heard any bad reviews on Testopro. That's what I am most likely going to get for my next stack
Yea, I just ordered some testo pro, mrm cla, on flax seed oil, rpm, inhibit-e, and lean xt..going for a cutting cycle. I did act xt, i was decent but I never ran it to its full potential, reason is I just came off h drol.

dre alvarez

  • Established
So I went with testo pro..ranning a cutting frenzy cycle. This my first time running testo, I see recommended dose is 4 pills total. Will it do more to run 6? Planning an 8 week cycle


AI Sports Nutrition
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So I went with testo pro..ranning a cutting frenzy cycle. This my first time running testo, I see recommended dose is 4 pills total. Will it do more to run 6? Planning an 8 week cycle

I would not go over the recommended dosage of a total of 4 caps a day. Some people do but I would not recommend it. 8 weeks is fine but take a break for a few weeks after that before running any futher test boosters. Good luck.:)

dre alvarez

  • Established
I would not go over the recommended dosage of a total of 4 caps a day. Some people do but I would not recommend it. 8 weeks is fine but take a break for a few weeks after that before running any futher test boosters. Good luck.:)
Cool and quick question, just about to wrap up my pct..I've been on it for 4 out of 6 wks. Running recycle, inhibit - e, act xt (ran out, so got testo) and lean xt. But I want to bridge the cycle for another 4-8 wks with testo solo run..should I wait and take 4 wks off or run it?


AI Sports Nutrition
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Cool and quick question, just about to wrap up my pct..I've been on it for 4 out of 6 wks. Running recycle, inhibit - e, act xt (ran out, so got testo) and lean xt. But I want to bridge the cycle for another 4-8 wks with testo solo run..should I wait and take 4 wks off or run it?
If you ran the act xt for 4 weeks and you now want to run the TestoPRO for 4 more weeks is fine. I do not recommend more than 4 right now because anything more than that and you would be over 8 weeks in a row of test boosters.

BB Ambitious

New member
I've heard a lot of TestoPRO I'm still doing some research though..


  • RockStar
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I haven't heard any bad reviews on Testopro. That's what I am most likely going to get for my next stack
Me either ... I don't think there are any ..

dre alvarez

  • Established
If you ran the act xt for 4 weeks and you now want to run the TestoPRO for 4 more weeks is fine. I do not recommend more than 4 right now because anything more than that and you would be over 8 weeks in a row of test boosters.
Well I did act xt for 2 wks, then stopped because I wanted to start up hdrol. So after a month past, that's when I started hdrol. Ran 6 wks and used the remaining act xt as part of pct..so I had 2 wks worth of act. Now I'm in my 4th wk testo comes in tomorrow and I'm jumping on it...I also have dthc on hand but thinking about saving it for another cycle later..maybe a month or 2 after I'm done with testo/pct. What u think of dthc? Worth it or return it and get something more promising?

dre alvarez

  • Established
I've heard a lot of TestoPRO I'm still doing some research though..
Yea I did plenty of research and decided to get it..ingredients looks legit, with containing testofen (fengueek) and devanil to boost free test, i3c is a estrogen control and a antioxidant that fights and prevent cancer..awesome lol, quercetin and bioprine for bioavalibilty..so you'll get the whole effect..seems promising...from reduced on skinfold and gaining mass (dropping bf) to improving strength and libido...yea..legit..try it out, I can't wait


AI Sports Nutrition
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Well I did act xt for 2 wks, then stopped because I wanted to start up hdrol. So after a month past, that's when I started hdrol. Ran 6 wks and used the remaining act xt as part of pct..so I had 2 wks worth of act. Now I'm in my 4th wk testo comes in tomorrow and I'm jumping on it...I also have dthc on hand but thinking about saving it for another cycle later..maybe a month or 2 after I'm done with testo/pct. What u think of dthc? Worth it or return it and get something more promising?
I would run it for 6 weeks then(8 weeks probably would not hurt but I always suggest no more than 8 weeks in a row of test boosters). I also would wait on the DTHC and use it as part of another cycle.

dre alvarez

  • Established
I would run it for 6 weeks then(8 weeks probably would not hurt but I always suggest no more than 8 weeks in a row of test boosters). I also would wait on the DTHC and use it as part of another cycle.
Pefect, thanks man. I'm considering returning DTHC and get something more effective..I heard great and bad reviews on dthc..what's ur take? Keep or WEAK? Lol


AI Sports Nutrition
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Pefect, thanks man. I'm considering returning DTHC and get something more effective..I heard great and bad reviews on dthc..what's ur take? Keep or WEAK? Lol
I liked it when as I ran it as part of a pct but I have only run it once.

dre alvarez

  • Established
Just got testo pro guys!....let's see what it do..will post a log soon


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I havn't tried a lot of those Test Boosters but I have used Activate Xtreme at 6 caps a day and TestoPro at 6 caps a day and I very much perfer TestoPro over Activate.

Also TestoPro & T-Force stack is pretty sick.


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Like I said before the best reason to choose Testopro is that it's batting around 1000. Never have I seen a bad comment. There are other good products but this high response rate is pretty rare.

dre alvarez

  • Established
I havn't tried a lot of those Test Boosters but I have used Activate Xtreme at 6 caps a day and TestoPro at 6 caps a day and I very much perfer TestoPro over Activate.

Also TestoPro & T-Force stack is pretty sick.
Yep, with T-force with fadoga arestisPE and testo's testofen and devanil...beastin!

dre alvarez

  • Established
Like I said before the best reason to choose Testopro is that it's batting around 1000. Never have I seen a bad comment. There are other good products but this high response rate is pretty rare.
Dude, the ratings of testo pro on nutraplanet and B.B keeps climbing up everyday!...nothing great reviews..I did AX and it was decent but I dosed it @ 4 pills and when I dosed it @ 6, I started feeling the "kick"..but then ran out lol..so I said, F it, I'm going with testo!...will this thread posted

dre alvarez

  • Established
What y'all think about hghpro? Thinking about stacking it with my fresh new bottle of testo!


  • RockStar
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What y'all think about hghpro? Thinking about stacking it with my fresh new bottle of testo!
Yah I will do Swole Hghpro starting late spring/early summer. Already have it all lined up.

dre alvarez

  • Established
That's awesome fellas. Just placed an order of hghpro..looking cut up while adding lean muscle..let's see how it goes

dre alvarez

  • Established
That stack will help you reach that goal.
Believe or not...glycobol seem so promising on what my goal is and what I'm trying to accomplish overall. I'm on a targeting keto diet, so there's phases when I carb up (25-50 carbs pre/post wrk-outs) and glycobol will fit that description perfect.


AI Sports Nutrition
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Believe or not...glycobol seem so promising on what my goal is and what I'm trying to accomplish overall. I'm on a targeting keto diet, so there's phases when I carb up (25-50 carbs pre/post wrk-outs) and glycobol will fit that description perfect.
Just remember if you have not used it before to start at 1 cap twice a day for a couple of days then you can go to 2 caps twice a day pretty potent stuff.

dre alvarez

  • Established
Just remember if you have not used it before to start at 1 cap twice a day for a couple of days then you can go to 2 caps twice a day pretty potent stuff.
Yea I heard it gives some ppl the sh*ts lol. So glycobol mimics insulin right? Is it safe or potential long term effect on the body? Skeptical about that..


AI Sports Nutrition
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Yea I heard it gives some ppl the sh*ts lol. So glycobol mimics insulin right? Is it safe or potential long term effect on the body? Skeptical about that..
It can if the dose is to much the first couple of days that is why I suggest starting slowly. It is also possible at the beginning that the stool can have a greenish color also normal and caused by Berberine in it. It is safe if used correctly and I would also suggest you cycle it.


dre alvarez

  • Established
Well its been almost a week on testo pro..so its time for a quick review. I going to be honest about my experience good or bad:

Strength - started noticing some strength gains on all workouts and that's a plus, especially on my deltoids. Did chest and delts yesterday and I was surprise on my strength after only 6 days...can't wait til 3 wks from now.

Endurance - not much of a change, I always have had great endurance but did notice a bit of quicker recovery in bewteen sets

Libido - libido has went up significantly, it kicked in on day 3...so you know what that means..have to call up your girl and break the news right? Lmao

Mood - mood gradually increased, it snuck up on me lol. I find myself, less stressed, better well-being in and out the gym and more relaxed...thumbs up cause I usually have a short temper.

Thermogenic - is doing what I says, notice a decrease of BF. However, my diet and training sessions is sharp, so I can't credit testopro all of it but it is helping...

So far, I rate it 9/10...through only 6 days, is on par with activate xt @ 3 weeks!...dead honest. I will post more up dates towards the end of. Wk 2...still waiting on hgh pro to come but having fun with testo lol


  • RockStar
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Well its been almost a week on testo pro..so its time for a quick review. I going to be honest about my experience good or bad:

Strength - started noticing some strength gains on all workouts and that's a plus, especially on my deltoids. Did chest and delts yesterday and I was surprise on my strength after only 6 days...can't wait til 3 wks from now.

Endurance - not much of a change, I always have had great endurance but did notice a bit of quicker recovery in bewteen sets

Libido - libido has went up significantly, it kicked in on day 3...so you know what that means..have to call up your girl and break the news right? Lmao

Mood - mood gradually increased, it snuck up on me lol. I find myself, less stressed, better well-being in and out the gym and more relaxed...thumbs up cause I usually have a short temper.

Thermogenic - is doing what I says, notice a decrease of BF. However, my diet and training sessions is sharp, so I can't credit testopro all of it but it is helping...

So far, I rate it 9/10...through only 6 days, is on par with activate xt @ 3 weeks!...dead honest. I will post more up dates towards the end of. Wk 2...still waiting on hgh pro to come but having fun with testo lol
Ain't it great how fast it kicks in? That's a fair and honest review and just about what I hear across the board about this product. Kicks in early and it's steady as she goes, very well designed for long runs of 8 weeks.


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I am currently running Testepro/MassFX and lovin it. Great combo!
Thinking about adding HGHpro in the mix.


  • RockStar
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I am currently running Testepro/MassFX and lovin it. Great combo!
Thinking about adding HGHpro in the mix.
Yah you and a lot of others, have you read the logs?! :fest30:


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Well its been almost a week on testo pro..so its time for a quick review. I going to be honest about my experience good or bad:

Strength - started noticing some strength gains on all workouts and that's a plus, especially on my deltoids. Did chest and delts yesterday and I was surprise on my strength after only 6 days...can't wait til 3 wks from now.

Endurance - not much of a change, I always have had great endurance but did notice a bit of quicker recovery in bewteen sets

Libido - libido has went up significantly, it kicked in on day 3...so you know what that means..have to call up your girl and break the news right? Lmao

Mood - mood gradually increased, it snuck up on me lol. I find myself, less stressed, better well-being in and out the gym and more relaxed...thumbs up cause I usually have a short temper.

Thermogenic - is doing what I says, notice a decrease of BF. However, my diet and training sessions is sharp, so I can't credit testopro all of it but it is helping...

So far, I rate it 9/10...through only 6 days, is on par with activate xt @ 3 weeks!...dead honest. I will post more up dates towards the end of. Wk 2...still waiting on hgh pro to come but having fun with testo lol
I have to give my fiancee the update when I take TestoPRO. Add in Stoked and I have to buy her presents to make up for it.


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Yah you and a lot of others, have you read the logs?! :fest30:
I have 4 bottles of HGHpro, just haven't made the decision yet. What's the longest recommended run for HghPro?


  • RockStar
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I have 4 bottles of HGHpro, just haven't made the decision yet. What's the longest recommended run for HghPro?
If your going on a long run then 4 ed for the first 30 days then 5 days on 2 days off still 4 ed up to 90 days in total.


AI Sports Nutrition
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Well its been almost a week on testo pro..so its time for a quick review. I going to be honest about my experience good or bad:

Strength - started noticing some strength gains on all workouts and that's a plus, especially on my deltoids. Did chest and delts yesterday and I was surprise on my strength after only 6 days...can't wait til 3 wks from now.

Endurance - not much of a change, I always have had great endurance but did notice a bit of quicker recovery in bewteen sets

Libido - libido has went up significantly, it kicked in on day 3...so you know what that means..have to call up your girl and break the news right? Lmao

Mood - mood gradually increased, it snuck up on me lol. I find myself, less stressed, better well-being in and out the gym and more relaxed...thumbs up cause I usually have a short temper.

Thermogenic - is doing what I says, notice a decrease of BF. However, my diet and training sessions is sharp, so I can't credit testopro all of it but it is helping...

So far, I rate it 9/10...through only 6 days, is on par with activate xt @ 3 weeks!...dead honest. I will post more up dates towards the end of. Wk 2...still waiting on hgh pro to come but having fun with testo lol
Thank you for the detailed update and I am happy it is working well for you.


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Started HGHPro yesterday, 2 caps @ 10am, 2 caps @ 10pm. I had the best night of sleep in YEARS. I usually wake up twice in the night to drink water but last night I didn't wake up at all. It can only get better from here I suppose.


AI Sports Nutrition
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Started HGHPro yesterday, 2 caps @ 10am, 2 caps @ 10pm. I had the best night of sleep in YEARS. I usually wake up twice in the night to drink water but last night I didn't wake up at all. It can only get better from here I suppose.
Sounds great and it should get betterand better.:)

dre alvarez

  • Established
It can if the dose is to much the first couple of days that is why I suggest starting slowly. It is also possible at the beginning that the stool can have a greenish color also normal and caused by Berberine in it. It is safe if used correctly and I would also suggest you cycle it.


definitely cycling glycobol since it mimics insulin..but I'm only taking it on weekends, since i a carb load phase for maybe 24-36 hrs..I'm on a Cycling Keto Diet

dre alvarez

  • Established
Ain't it great how fast it kicks in? That's a fair and honest review and just about what I hear across the board about this product. Kicks in early and it's steady as she goes, very well designed for long runs of 8 weeks.
Amazingly surprised of how fast it kicks in. I was skeptical @ first because the ingredients profile because it didn't contain much but I'm taking those words back...with testofen, devanil and I3c being well dosed and the bioavabaility is pure, makes testo pro one the most potent supplements I've taken..very effective.

dre alvarez

  • Established
I am currently running Testepro/MassFX and lovin it. Great combo!
Thinking about adding HGHpro in the mix.
Crazy stack!..wow...thinking about hgh pro and t force to add to testo...but I might run it solo...love it


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Amazingly surprised of how fast it kicks in. I was skeptical @ first because the ingredients profile because it didn't contain much but I'm taking those words back...with testofen, devanil and I3c being well dosed and the bioavabaility is pure, makes testo pro one the most potent supplements I've taken..very effective.
Oh it is that...:tongue2:

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