I see you can find real 11-ketotestosterone and while I know 11-keto DHEA isn't that great of a compound I am wondering how the actual target hormone holds up?
I was thinking it might be decent idk searching all I find is people's experiences with the prohormone but obviously that would be only a fraction of the effects! I'm very intrigued by running another pathway maybe even during a cruise perhaps just to see what effects it has.
It's also like a third the cost of Ultra Eleven and higher dosed! It seems like an interesting product. I tried 11oxo by ergopharm back in the day but didn't notice too much from it but it's obviously like comparing 4-DHEA to Testosterone lol not even close?
I was thinking it might be decent idk searching all I find is people's experiences with the prohormone but obviously that would be only a fraction of the effects! I'm very intrigued by running another pathway maybe even during a cruise perhaps just to see what effects it has.
It's also like a third the cost of Ultra Eleven and higher dosed! It seems like an interesting product. I tried 11oxo by ergopharm back in the day but didn't notice too much from it but it's obviously like comparing 4-DHEA to Testosterone lol not even close?