Volcom's, Controlled Labs' - Look good in dem BLUE GENE(s), Sponsored Log



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LOL, you crack me up TG!

Good advice tho. A natty athlete running that kind of workout for an extended period is def. risking running his CNS into the ground..
I try. lol My training is built around the training philosophies of Mike Mentzer. I'm sure you know who he was. You have to give the CNS time to recover between workouts the same as your do your muscles. Both can be overtrained. Like Mentzer used to say, "Every day is a kidney day". I know what he meant. You can tell after a really brutal workout. You feel shaky and sh!t. It just goes up and down your spine. That's your CNS saying, "You about killed me. Good work!" Then you have to let it rest before assaulting it again. He was way ahead of his time. Now everyone talks about DC training being all the rage. It's just Mentzer's Heavy-Duty revamped. H.I.T reborn. I love it that people are realizing the benefits of such workouts. :head:


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For sure. Mentzer was an interesting dude; great training ideology, and yes def. the forefather of the DC rage. Mike had some strange ideas as well (drinking his own pee?? hmm.. I'll pass), but he was a pioneer into a different path when 2-a-days and high volume daily was all the rage. The man milked his genetics to the max.


Binging on Pure ****ing Rage
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For sure. Mentzer was an interesting dude; great training ideology, and yes def. the forefather of the DC rage. Mike had some strange ideas as well (drinking his own pee?? hmm.. I'll pass), but he was a pioneer into a different path when 2-a-days and high volume daily was all the rage. The man milked his genetics to the max.
In Alberta, I worked in the 'Spa Industry', with a fellow named Murray (cannot recall his last name), whom prepared Samir Bannout's meals during his Olympia win! He showed me a great deal of pictures with Lou, Mike, Samir and so on, in-and-around Venice Beach. He also placed (and/or won) the 1983/4 Mr.LA!


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In Alberta, I worked in the 'Spa Industry', with a fellow named Murray (cannot recall his last name), whom prepared Samir Bannout's meals during his Olympia win! He showed me a great deal of pictures with Lou, Mike, Samir and so on, in-and-around Venice Beach. He also placed (and/or won) the 1983/4 Mr.LA!
That's pretty cool. There's just something "cooler" about the Golden Age bodybuilders.


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Strangely enough, I'm not sore from last night's brutality. Not my hams, not my quads, not my traps, or shoulders. The only area I am sore, are my lats and rhomboids, or pretty much anything subscapular from Tuesday night's back workout.

Therefore, if all goes well, I'll be hitting chest tonight. If I feel as good as I do right now, I'll do some free weight Db's, otherwise, I'm going to perform the Smiths as I had intended following my last chest session, due to my recent (VERY) poor performance on the free weight bench.


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Thats because you are a conditioned beast!



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Stack Related???

I mentioned earlier that I do not suffer from any DOMS as a result of last nights full body, power blast. However, my workout partner, Zack (who actually kills me in the power AND conditioning department; bodybuilding is another story), Zack is apparently suffering from total body DOMS, and in a severe manner (and he has BJJ training tonight).

I wonder if I'm receiving an extremely enhanced muscle recovery or at the very least, anti-inflammatory effects from my stack. I'm not taking any fish oils, so it wouldn't be from that. Either way, very cool....


Binging on Pure ****ing Rage
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That's pretty cool. There's just something "cooler" about the Golden Age bodybuilders.
Definitely! He had some interesting stories about he and Mentzer's brother (whose physique was also phenomenal) chasing Mike down the street while he was glued on Percs!


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For sure. Mentzer was an interesting dude; great training ideology, and yes def. the forefather of the DC rage. Mike had some strange ideas as well (drinking his own pee?? hmm.. I'll pass), but he was a pioneer into a different path when 2-a-days and high volume daily was all the rage. The man milked his genetics to the max.
That's pretty cool. There's just something "cooler" about the Golden Age bodybuilders.
Please tell me there is no correlation here... ;)


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Definitely! He had some interesting stories about he and Mentzer's brother (whose physique was also phenomenal) chasing Mike down the street while he was glued on Percs!

Haha, yeah I can totally picture that scene!


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Definitely! He had some interesting stories about he and Mentzer's brother (whose physique was also phenomenal) chasing Mike down the street while he was glued on Percs!
Mike should have taken that Olympia where Arnold jumped in at the last minute, 1980? I believe. That was a bad case of celebrity scoring.


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Please tell me there is no correlation here... ;)
ROFL! Nice catch.

Still quality banter and hardcore training goin' on in here! Lovin' the ride, even though I'm actin all shy while lurking in the background.

And dayum Snag. Avatar is looking PRO!


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ROFL! Nice catch.

Still quality banter and hardcore training goin' on in here! Lovin' the ride, even though I'm actin all shy while lurking in the background.

And dayum Snag. Avatar is looking PRO!
I lurk many-a-logs around here. Sometimes I won't even sub, yet I'll find myself searching it out, which doesn't make too much sense :think:

Nice of you to surface :thumbsup:

and yes, Snag Priest's Avi looks awesome.


Binging on Pure ****ing Rage
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Mike should have taken that Olympia where Arnold jumped in at the last minute, 1980? I believe. That was a bad case of celebrity scoring.
Yeah, the '80. That was ridiculous.


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To my surprise, not only did I have enough energy to perform some free weight lifts today, but I performed them rather well. I thought for sure last night's workout would have had some detrimental effects over tonight's workout. There were no initial limiting effects. I did not have the severe DOMS I had anticipated (and Thomas had cursed me with, j/k) and I felt good. However, toward the end of the workout, my energy level reverse spiked. I went from feeling great, to a sudden and immense drop in energy and any ability to forcefully contract. Either way, I was happy with my performance today, and I did get to finish off with some long missed Smiths.


Flat Db Press
105lbs Db's x 10 reps
115lbs Db's x 9 reps
120lbs Db's x 8 reps
125lbs Db's x 6 reps

Incline Press, Smith
185lbs x 10 reps
205lbs x 10 reps
225lbs x 8 reps
205lbs x 8 reps
185lbs x 10 reps

Flat Press, Smith
225lbs x 10 reps
235lbs x 10 reps
245lbs x 8 reps
235lbs x 8 reps
225lbs x 8 reps

Flat, Close-Grip Press, Smith
135lbs x 10 reps
155lbs x 10 reps
175lbs x 10 reps

10 reps [done....]

Overall I feel good. My suspiciously, questionable lumbar is reacting fine to last nights erector & hips blast. It's times like this I falsely convince myself that I am 100% and it's time to jump back into heavy deads, but I'll try to hold off for another month maybe. Perhaps sooner, but by over-extending my expectations, then I might actually meet some decent rest period, because I will inevitably cut it short

I'll dedicate this workout to Thomas, I think he's been waiting for me to bring some bodybuilding back into this log :thumbsup: but I must admit, power movements are an entertaining new sh'peel I'm currently enjoying.

I've always like the idea of power lifting, but I just never saw any use for it. It's not conducive to optimal hypertrophy and if it's not bodybuilding, what the duck's the point? However, now that I have to teach it, I have a legitimate reason to master it, thus, I have my "reason" to power lift. Just for clarification, when I say power lifting, I'm solely addressing Olympic lifts or some for of total body movement involving the lower and upper extremities, not 1RM bench, squats or deads. That's technically weight lifting, not power lifting (velocity and the utilization of the stretch shortening cycle has to be involved to be a power lift), but we won't get into that.

All in all a good workout, not great, but good, could have been better, but still beats bad.


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First off, Sam, I appreciate the 'dedicated to' ! :thumbsup: It's about damn time you got back to planet Earth, wasting too much precious anabolic time to odd little schemes and sccchpieeels ! :icon_lol: Just messing with you, man.

Secondly, Great strength on the DB presses ! Definitely got me there, and by 10-15 lbs ! For Smith Bench Press [flat], where do you lower the bar ? Sternum/Lower chest(rib cage)? Or do you scoot down on the bench, and drop the bar to upper chest level ? Curious, because only the Smith allows me to truly tell a difference between those two 'methods'. I personally LOVE strict a$$ Flat Smith Presses where I scoot down, my arms are literally perpendicular to my body when I lower the bar, and I lower the bar slowly all the way till it touched my way upper chest (almost neck level). Ouch. ****, the buuuurn ! :head:


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Oh, and are you taking ANY pre-workout drinks and/or post-workout drinks ? I don't believe I ever see ANY supplements mentioned than the 1-3 products you're logging .. No Xtend ? Intrabolic ? RPM ? SizeON ? WMS ? COME ON, TELL ME, AARRGHHHH !!!

.. sorry, don't know where that came from.


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10,000 views, man ?! cheeeeesussss ...


NutraPlanet NinjaMonkey Rep
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I wonder if I'm receiving an extremely enhanced muscle recovery or at the very least, anti-inflammatory effects from my stack. I'm not taking any fish oils, so it wouldn't be from that. Either way, very cool....
The way to test that would be to do an exercise you haven't done in a while, give it 110% and see how sore you are the next day. Eg. Go load up some super-heavy Stiff-Leg Deadlifts, and see how your hams are the next day.


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The way to test that would be to do an exercise you haven't done in a while, give it 110% and see how sore you are the next day. Eg. Go load up some super-heavy Stiff-Leg Deadlifts, and see how your hams are the next day.
Do an all-out deadlift attack !!!! :thumbsup:

.. damn it .. you and your lower back can't yet ..


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Powerlifting (somewhat similar to weightlifting) puts you outside the bounds of bodybuilding in that it allwos you to utilize different mechanisms to build strength. Anything that enhances strength can then be advantageous in bodybuilding principles - more strength, more weight you can push = more hypertrophy. All forms of lifting can ultimately be useful for bodybuilding brother!


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Powerlifting (somewhat similar to weightlifting) puts you outside the bounds of bodybuilding in that it allwos you to utilize different mechanisms to build strength. Anything that enhances strength can then be advantageous in bodybuilding principles - more strength, more weight you can push = more hypertrophy. All forms of lifting can ultimately be useful for bodybuilding brother!
100% agree with you.


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Do an all-out deadlift attack !!!! :thumbsup:

.. damn it .. you and your lower back can't yet ..
No need to rub it in

I'm just kidding. I've done the Smith, Throat Presses before, and I do enjoy that extra, deep stretch, but I normally perform my presses around mid chest level. Especially if I'm already considerably fatigued.

Currently, I'm only on Blue GENE and Blue UP. It's uncharacteristic of me to run such a limited stack, but I thought it'd be a good and relevant extension of my sponsored experience with Blue GENE. I figured I'd add the Blue UP to have a Controlled Labs La Cosa Nostra experience.

It was apparent that Blue GENE provided some added strength and a lot of added muscle endurance and general stamina, therefore, I wanted to see if adding the Blue UP might increase the strength aspect and making the Blue Balls Stack a potentially, well and rich stack.


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Powerlifting (somewhat similar to weightlifting) puts you outside the bounds of bodybuilding in that it allwos you to utilize different mechanisms to build strength. Anything that enhances strength can then be advantageous in bodybuilding principles - more strength, more weight you can push = more hypertrophy. All forms of lifting can ultimately be useful for bodybuilding brother!
The primary responses I'm eliciting with my current "power program" is more so conditioning, which is great. I'm not pushing those upper limits of maximal output or anything, but performing power with volume, which isn't very conducive to "power lifting," but I'm performing them for the kcal burn and metab benefits. I suppose it's my form of cardio :thumbsup:

But I hear ya, strength and hypertrophy ultimately go hand in hand. I can smell with the Snag is cook'n.


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dood that crossfit was intense. it was ketteball swinging with a 53lb KB, tire flips, and burpees, 3 rotating stations for 20 minutes. **** was hard!

and saturday at goddard, its going to be 1 mile run, then 100 pull ups, 200 push ups, and 300 air squats, and to finish it all off, another 1 mile run.

its a good feeling when you spend all your time worried about strength and muscle mass, then do some strength and endurance workouts, and you dont come out puking. although i think saturday may demolish that feeling.

anyways, impressive workouts bro. seems like blue gene is doing very very well for you. are you noticing any extra from adding blue up?

another side note: i am currently in fear that i have a SLAP tear.
Superior Labrum from Anterior to Posterior. The SLAP tear occurs at the point where the tendon of the biceps muscle inserts on the labrum.
do you have any recommendations for a local sports medicine doctor?


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dood that crossfit was intense. it was ketteball swinging with a 53lb KB, tire flips, and burpees, 3 rotating stations for 20 minutes. **** was hard!

and saturday at goddard, its going to be 1 mile run, then 100 pull ups, 200 push ups, and 300 air squats, and to finish it all off, another 1 mile run.

its a good feeling when you spend all your time worried about strength and muscle mass, then do some strength and endurance workouts, and you dont come out puking. although i think saturday may demolish that feeling.

anyways, impressive workouts bro. seems like blue gene is doing very very well for you. are you noticing any extra from adding blue up?

another side note: i am currently in fear that i have a SLAP tear.

do you have any recommendations for a local sports medicine doctor?
That Goddard workout sounds a bit excessive! But good luck with that. :thumbsup:

I believe there is as sports medicine facility in La Verne. I contacted them awhile ago for an internship, but I don't personally know of any. What does your shoulder feel like? What kind of symptoms do you have?


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That Goddard workout sounds a bit excessive! But good luck with that. :thumbsup:

I believe there is as sports medicine facility in La Verne. I contacted them awhile ago for an internship, but I don't personally know of any. What does your shoulder feel like? What kind of symptoms do you have?
sharp pain in my shoulder when doing a flat, incline, or overhead press movement. flye type movements feel good, front and side raises feel fine, vertical rows feel fine, bi and tri movements feel fine, just presses.

i was reading an article in MD (ask the doc) and someone asked about shoulder pain so he described a SLAP tear, and right away i got a little nervous. i called the orthopedic doctor i have gone to before, but the earliest appointment i could get was like oct 20.

which place in la verne are you thinking of?


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Mike should have taken that Olympia where Arnold jumped in at the last minute, 1980? I believe. That was a bad case of celebrity scoring.
Yeah, as much as I love Arnold, I agree with you here. Mentzer was full, dense, and shredded. Arnold had just finished filming Conan the Barbarian and decided to hop in at the Olympia and "receive" another Sandow. He looked good, but not good enough to beat Mike that day. Mentzer was bitter about this for the rest of his life.


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Powerlifting (somewhat similar to weightlifting) puts you outside the bounds of bodybuilding in that it allwos you to utilize different mechanisms to build strength. Anything that enhances strength can then be advantageous in bodybuilding principles - more strength, more weight you can push = more hypertrophy. All forms of lifting can ultimately be useful for bodybuilding brother!
Oh I like that post there brutha snag! I have seen plenty of very well-built powerlifters. They do higher rep assistance exercises in their training. I've read some of Bill Kazmeirer's routines and he would do flyes for chest and side laterals for delts. Both with 100 lb. DB for 10 reps each. He was thickly muscled. Ed Coan is also really built well. One can turn the strength he gains from some powerlifting over into bodybuilding training. I think of Ronnie Coleman here. Johnnie Jackson. The 2 styles of training complement each other very well. By the way snag, your new avatar looks great. You look totally buff. The side chest shot was great too, but it's nice to see a new shot. Looks awesome bro. :head:


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Thanks TG! Much appreciated.

Yeah Kaz was a beast back in the day for sure. Coleman & JJ are perfect examples of this premise. A current strongman who I am just in awe of is Mariusz Pudzianowski. :jaw: I mean, the dude is off the chain, and you talk about developing a body thru various training protocols: competitive boxer for years, been doing karate since he was 11, strongman comps since his 20's -- and could step on a bb'ing stage and place well if not win the thing outright! Freak benched 350 lbs. when he was 16! And I hear when he wakes up in the middle of the night, he grubs on chocolate! Fascinating individual..


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Thanks TG! Much appreciated.

Yeah Kaz was a beast back in the day for sure. Coleman & JJ are perfect examples of this premise. A current strongman who I am just in awe of is Mariusz Pudzianowski. :jaw: I mean, the dude is off the chain, and you talk about developing a body thru various training protocols: competitive boxer for years, been doing karate since he was 11, strongman comps since his 20's -- and could step on a bb'ing stage and place well if not win the thing outright! Freak benched 350 lbs. when he was 16! And I hear when he wakes up in the middle of the night, he grubs on chocolate! Fascinating individual..
Mariusz is an unusal individual for sure. He is great in so many areas. He is the perfect strongman. He is solid in the static events like the squat, deadlift, and bench type events and good in the cardio-type of events like the heavy drag and carry events. He's good with the stones. He just needs to work on grip strength a little more. He's already tied with Jon Pall Sigmarssin, and Magnus Ver Magnusson with 4 title wins. And he will be the first man to be able to say that he's the 5 time World's Strongest Man Champion!! Go Polish Power!! :head: http://http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=flor2pmSeX0


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Nice vid! Yeah Magnus was enjoyable to watch as well. He was the first guy I really paid attention to on that circuit. Kaz pre-dated my interest in that aspect, so I never saw him perform while he was in his prime. I was all about Ahnold & Lou back in those days..

On a totally random side note: geeez, anybody seen Cory Everson lately? WTH, she's looking rough!

EDIT: I guess she is 50 now, but still..


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Again, I have diminished DOMS. My chest is thee most susceptible muscle group to DOMS and following last night's chest workout, I feel pretty okay. I am sore, but not sore to the degree that I'm used to. Diminished DOMS seems to be a recurring theme from my Blue GENE/Blue UP experience.


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Great video thunder, that guys an animal. It's kind of crazy that he was clean and jerking those tires, because his C&J form is horrendous, that's all muscle & momentum he's using. That just means WITH proper form, he'd be toying with that thing, Sheeese!


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sharp pain in my shoulder when doing a flat, incline, or overhead press movement. flye type movements feel good, front and side raises feel fine, vertical rows feel fine, bi and tri movements feel fine, just presses.

i was reading an article in MD (ask the doc) and someone asked about shoulder pain so he described a SLAP tear, and right away i got a little nervous. i called the orthopedic doctor i have gone to before, but the earliest appointment i could get was like oct 20.

which place in la verne are you thinking of?
Covina Hills Sports Medicine
1335 W Cypress Ave., Ste 100
San Dimas, CA 91773-3538
(909) 305-1383

Fortanasce & Associates Physical Therapy Sports Medicine Center
1275 Foothill Blvd
La Verne, CA 91750-3324
Primary phone
(909) 593-1200

This next guy is a Professor of PT at USC. Probably the best over-all guy anywhere around here.

Gary Souza
Diamond Bar Physical Therapy
(909) 861-1908 gmspt.com
1370 Valley Vista Dr, #145, Diamond Bar, CA 91765


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Covina Hills Sports Medicine
1335 W Cypress Ave., Ste 100
San Dimas, CA 91773-3538
(909) 305-1383

Fortanasce & Associates Physical Therapy Sports Medicine Center
1275 Foothill Blvd
La Verne, CA 91750-3324
Primary phone
(909) 593-1200

This next guy is a Professor of PT at USC. Probably the best over-all guy anywhere around here.

Gary Souza
Diamond Bar Physical Therapy
(909) 861-1908 gmspt.com
1370 Valley Vista Dr, #145, Diamond Bar, CA 91765
sweet deal. are these places you have used or know someone that has used em? or just places you know of?


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sweet deal. are these places you have used or know someone that has used em? or just places you know of?
I contacted them during my internship search. Gary Souza stands out the most. He is widely recommended by people at MY work, and he is a hard sought after internship by Cal Poly and Fullerton students. Gary has a wide spread reputation.


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I believe Gary Souza is a current professor of PT at USC


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Damn, is today's theme "PAIN" or what?? Sheesh.

That chick in the first one was laying pretty still for her ankle being like that, I'd be writhing around like a madman.

Couple ppl in that 2nd one look like they should have broken necks, specifically the gymnast & the diver (OUCH!).

Brutal man..


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2008 Mr. Olympia Posedown; The Blade v The Jay

Last edited:


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Guess Who These Two Are?

The second guy is pretty obvious, but go ahead, guess.



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No, its not Snag........ nope, not Shaddow either... ..... .... Thomas? No, not Thomas, keep going. C'mon, aside from the fact neither Snag, Shaddow or Thomas are African American... I know, I know, that rub on tan can be misleading, so keep trying.

I'll rep you if you get it right.


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That was a pretty irresponsible takedown attempt to rip her knee apart like that... That's a career ender - and a complete lack of respect for a fellow fighter.

Makes me actually want to punch that b*tch.


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That was a pretty irresponsible takedown attempt to rip her knee apart like that... That's a career ender - and a complete lack of respect for a fellow fighter.

Makes me actually want to punch that b*tch.
Sigmund Freud! what?.. nevermind.

I hear ya Timber, as a fighter yourself I'm sure it rubbed you the wrong way, but then again, your Ike Turner tendencies aren't that uncommon

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