Middle Age Is A Great Excuse To Blast And Cruise


If you are progressing, I wouldn't worry.

Worrying will do nothing to solve the problem.

I'm actually fine with my upper body strength and progress. The huge drop off in the squat is what makes me fret.


Yesterday was my end of my first week on injectable Dbol at 25 mg ED.

Also I started test E at 75 mg ED five weeks ago. I'd doubled it to 150 mg ED two and a half weeks ago.

I'm really not understanding how it is the same kind of training got me to 315 bench and 405 totally raw squat and 500+ no-belt pull with a much lower dose.

I have been on at least 500 mg test E for five weeks and I'm just now starting to see my weight increase! And I'm not nearly as strong as I was when I was playing around with tren.

I have tried upping my calories these last two day, but all that seems to do is land me in the bathroom a dozen times per day. Also I made the huge mistake of taking 0.2 mg of Prami in the morning. I ended up getting really, really nauseated and then had to take a long nap. I was already going to be late for work because of my stomach issues, but then the Prami made it so I just decided to take a full sick day.

I want to hop back on tren, but this has me worried. I am dubious about the liquid caber, which is the only form the sources about which I know offer.


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Yesterday was my end of my first week on injectable Dbol at 25 mg ED.

Also I started test E at 75 mg ED five weeks ago. I'd doubled it to 150 mg ED two and a half weeks ago.

I'm really not understanding how it is the same kind of training got me to 315 bench and 405 totally raw squat and 500+ no-belt pull with a much lower dose.

I have been on at least 500 mg test E for five weeks and I'm just now starting to see my weight increase! And I'm not nearly as strong as I was when I was playing around with tren.

I have tried upping my calories these last two day, but all that seems to do is land me in the bathroom a dozen times per day. Also I made the huge mistake of taking 0.2 mg of Prami in the morning. I ended up getting really, really nauseated and then had to take a long nap. I was already going to be late for work because of my stomach issues, but then the Prami made it so I just decided to take a full sick day.

I want to hop back on tren, but this has me worried. I am dubious about the liquid caber, which is the only form the sources about which I know offer.
This stood out to me. You shouldn't compare your current circumstances to what your strength was when on Tren and not taking rec drugs and eating & sleeping poorly. Comparing today with that of your former self, I've concluded this so far:


You were taking arguably the strongest androgen in terms of strength and lean tissue gains
Your diet was supporting your lifting
Your sleep was supporting your lifting


You aren't taking arguably the strongest androgen for strength and lean tissue growth
You just came out of a period of pitiful dieting and sleep
You likely are now starting off with 5-10lbs less muscle mass (or possibly more but I doubt it)

Of course you are weaker

Everything is ok. Tren should not be used as a comparison for the state of your body's vitality. It's not realistic. Yes, it is a real experience but no, it is not something maintainable unless you stay on it. I started Tren-E just 2-3 weeks ago and I've seen certain leg pressing movements climb 100-150lb each week. It's stupid strong and not practical in any sense.

Also, there are other places to get stuff like caber/prami. There are 2-3 really good pharmacies that ship without a hiccup if you know how to use MoneyGram properly.


This stood out to me. You shouldn't compare your current circumstances to what your strength was when on Tren and not taking rec drugs and eating & sleeping poorly. Comparing today with that of your former self, I've concluded this so far:


You were taking arguably the strongest androgen in terms of strength and lean tissue gains
Your diet was supporting your lifting
Your sleep was supporting your lifting


You aren't taking arguably the strongest androgen for strength and lean tissue growth
You just came out of a period of pitiful dieting and sleep
You likely are now starting off with 5-10lbs less muscle mass (or possibly more but I doubt it)

Of course you are weaker

Everything is ok. Tren should not be used as a comparison for the state of your body's vitality. It's not realistic. Yes, it is a real experience but no, it is not something maintainable unless you stay on it. I started Tren-E just 2-3 weeks ago and I've seen certain leg pressing movements climb 100-150lb each week. It's stupid strong and not practical in any sense.

Also, there are other places to get stuff like caber/prami. There are 2-3 really good pharmacies that ship without a hiccup if you know how to use MoneyGram properly.
Thanks! Makes sense. And tren is really effin magic.

But my habits are overall the same as in tbe past when my weight climbed over 200 lbs. I had bouts of recreational stimulant use at those times, too (happy to report that I do that with decreasing frequency as time goes on).

I try eating more, but I end up in the bathroom more often and after a few days of increased intake, my weight fails to move. Like this morning: my waking weight is back at 191! I've been at 500 mg test E for six weeks, 1000 mg for two weeks, and with 25 mg dbol for a week. And my net weight gain is just about zero.

I benched 265 for a double last night so I see my strength slowly climbing back. If I can no-no Olympic squat 365 this Sunday, I will be happy.

But I need to get over 200 to hit the weights I want.


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Another thing, if you don't eat more, don't expect the gear to cause in serious weight gain. Sure, you'll get some added glycogen & sodium retention with higher doses but assuming you don't eat more, the only thing that could happen by way of change is that your body composition changes slightly - you'd be slightly leaner but weigh the same.

You gotta eat more. Small, frequent meals is the thing to do.


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Sounds like you are experiencing GI issues mate. Have you investigated this possibility?


Sounds like you are experiencing GI issues mate. Have you investigated this possibility?
My gf has said the same. Will talk to doc about it.

Week six to the day and results have hit. For the first time in weeks 315 did not feel crushingly heavy upon walkout. Did a couple singles at 315, 325, and 335, then wrapped it up with 345 for a double.

If the gear gets me 10 lbs per week, then I should be back at 405 no-no-no for reps by April.

Things don't seem so horrible today.


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That will help with the heavy weight but only for a limited time right?
Unfortunately we can't run dbol longer than 5 weeks.
I can't even hang 4 weeks on dbol, but for 3 weeks im super strong.
Deca for me is so soothing on the joints.
And just in general a feel good injury healer.


That will help with the heavy weight but only for a limited time right?
Unfortunately we can't run dbol longer than 5 weeks.
I can't even hang 4 weeks on dbol, but for 3 weeks im super strong.
Deca for me is so soothing on the joints.
And just in general a feel good injury healer.
Just using it as a kickstarter. Swapping it out for tren in a few weeks.

Also I forgot to mention that I'm taking EQ for collagen synthesis. It's been eight weeks and I'm going another eight.


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Just using it as a kickstarter. Swapping it out for tren in a few weeks.

Also I forgot to mention that I'm taking EQ for collagen synthesis. It's been eight weeks and I'm going another eight.
Do you feel the EQ?
Do you find it superior to Deca.
I added Deca to my cruise. Roughtly 150mg a week
Now I'm revving up for a blast.
Never did Deca before and it's so helpful
I powerlift so I'm going to do 600mg test and 600mg Deca.
Was shocked how bad a test alone cycle hurt me.
Could lift ****. Constantly in pain.


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Dbol made me lift 30% more weight. But the bloat and irritation was miserable.
I ve got to feel good first. I'm strong on the natch.
Its all about lubed joints.
If I don't hurt I can drive iron.


Do you feel the EQ?
Do you find it superior to Deca.
I added Deca to my cruise. Roughtly 150mg a week
Now I'm revving up for a blast.
Never did Deca before and it's so helpful
I powerlift so I'm going to do 600mg test and 600mg Deca.
Was shocked how bad a test alone cycle hurt me.
Could lift ****. Constantly in pain.
Haven't tried deca yet. I think the EQ is starting to help. My knees have been problems for over ten years, before I started powerlifting. They are feeling better enough lately that I've started sprinting again.

I'm tempted to add deca based on reports like yours.

All this chemical strength is temporary, ester or not. I just try to maximize gains by combining the slower burn stuff with temporary boosts from pwo stuff.


Dbol made me lift 30% more weight. But the bloat and irritation was miserable.
I ve got to feel good first. I'm strong on the natch.
Its all about lubed joints.
If I don't hurt I can drive iron.

I wish I could respond to something that well.

Although maybe I am. When I was natty at 39, my lifts were down to 315-200-400. Some SARMs and later some test got me to 415-300-500. Adding some tren got another 10-20 lbs on each lift before I chickened out.

I would like to hit 500-400-600, no pause and no belt, at under 220. Tren let me squat 425 for a triple at under 195 and pull 500 forva double, no belt with a low dose and only a few weeks.

At 5'10" I figure I need to be a lean 210-220 (depending on overall bf %) to have big enough muscles for my lifting goals. This cycle I will be happy to crest 200 again. I'll shoot for 210 in the fall.


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Yup 30% dbol makes me way strong way fast. But way miserable.
Everybody feels good on Tren so I'm very tempted.
I just want to see what I can get out of just test and Deca.
I wasted alot of time with just test. Dbol gains go just as fast as they come so it's really not worth me using it. I don't plan on competing its just for me.


Yup 30% dbol makes me way strong way fast. But way miserable.
Everybody feels good on Tren so I'm very tempted.
I just want to see what I can get out of just test and Deca.
I wasted alot of time with just test. Dbol gains go just as fast as they come so it's really not worth me using it. I don't plan on competing its just for me.
Yeah, dbol is in and out. I'm just using it so I can lift heavier weight while the test enanthate kicks in. Enanthate takes forever to kick in, but then strength keeps going weeks after the last injection.

Gonna read more about deca.


I wonder if that overactive thyroid is also hurting your weight gain as well.

Nick Best is ~50 I believe and he has a squat-based session Wednesday, presses Saturday and pulls Sunday. That to me seems like a pretty great way to go on a limited schedule. I train wed/fri/sun currently with my schedule, but that would be my next choice.
I am back to:

Wednesday: Horizontal push/pull
Saturday: Lower body
Sunday: Vertical push/pull


Here are the USPA untested Classic Raw (belt and wraps) 40-44 state records for the 90-kilo class (198.2 lbs):

Squat 222. / 490.52
Bench 165 / 363.7
Deadlift 243 / 535.72
TOTAL 595 / 1311.74

I have already come close to the squat and deadlift, both without a belt. With a belt at my best in Nov 2016, I was good for 465 back squat and 520 deadlift. With a full cycle of tren and a good oral, I can't imagine not beating the records handily.

Bench is another story. My best paused bench would have been around 285 when my best touch and go was 320.

I've temporarily had squat and deadlift natty records in two other states. It's something I aim for when deciding to train for a meet.

Also I'm looking to get some straight DHT in the form of stanolone to try once more to get my libido firing again.


Found out a USPA meet an hour from here in 11 weeks. Ordering some more EQ (knees are starting to feel real nice!), some hCG, and adding some tren E.

I'll be continuing with 1050 mg test E (150 mg per day) and 600 mg EQ per week. Dropping dbol in two weeks and adding tren E 350 mg (50 mg per day).

I will be using Proviron at 100 mg per day, but that is for libido. Aromasin at 25 mg ed.

If you're thinking that that's a lot of gear, I'd counter that the EQ and the Proviron are very mild.

And I am trying to break a bunch of untested state records. Also, this is closer to cruise level of highly competitive powerlifters who may blast with three times what I have planned.

I think both the dbol and test E are kicking in because I've been ravenous. I've eaten my way up to 198 during the day recently. I'm confident I can eat and bloat myself up to over 200 lbs before I add the tren and start sacrificing appetite and overall weight. 210 is a good target to come in at 198 nine weeks later at the meet.

To get closer to meet conditions, I'll squat Saturday morning and bench and deadlift Sunday afternoon. Keeping chins on Wednesday because I do not want to lose strength there, but I will dropping assistance pressing by week five. Also putting leg presses on chin day, at least for a couple weeks. I feel like they add knee strength in the full flexion position; and my knees are hurting less since I added the leg press.


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Here are the USPA untested Classic Raw (belt and wraps) 40-44 state records for the 90-kilo class (198.2 lbs):

Squat 222. / 490.52
Bench 165 / 363.7
Deadlift 243 / 535.72
TOTAL 595 / 1311.74

I have already come close to the squat and deadlift, both without a belt. With a belt at my best in Nov 2016, I was good for 465 back squat and 520 deadlift. With a full cycle of tren and a good oral, I can't imagine not beating the records handily.

Bench is another story. My best paused bench would have been around 285 when my best touch and go was 320.

I've temporarily had squat and deadlift natty records in two other states. It's something I aim for when deciding to train for a meet.

Also I'm looking to get some straight DHT in the form of stanolone to try once more to get my libido firing again.
Are those records for a certain age group?


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40-44. Of course Open is 150-200 lbs higher per lift.
Go for it. I'd like to follow your journey.
I'm 40 my workout partners are 26 and 50
Both are competing for the first time in July
We are really starting to pay attention to what league does what.


By the way, flippin DAN GREEN is the Open record holder in this state for my fed in the next weight class up.


I'm in sac......must be same state as you

See you in Vacaville, May 21???


Knees had been feeling so good all day...like new knees. I came home and not only managed to sprint with my Italian Greyhound but I was also able to stop and cut like I was trying out for the team.

Honestly it feels like a minor miracle.


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2.7 grams/wk plus orals is a lot of gear. And it's not a "cruise" for them; they're staying on blast. There's a difference. Also pretty sure almost nobody is taking 8.1 grams. I have heard of a couple nobodies taking 7+, but obviously it didn't make the difference in their success (just their life expectancy).

To put it in perspective, Brandon Allen (USPA superheavy) was very open about taking 5-5500mg/wk coming into comp, and both his coaches told him after some health issues that if he didn't pull back they wouldn't program him any more. He came off for a couple months then when he got back on he took exactly half of everything and was almost just as strong. He has since PR'd all his lifts.

I don't think 2.7 is crazy but I wouldn't downplay it either - that's a serious cycle.


2.7 grams/wk plus orals is a lot of gear. And it's not a "cruise" for them; they're staying on blast. There's a difference. Also pretty sure almost nobody is taking 8.1 grams. I have heard of a couple nobodies taking 7+, but obviously it didn't make the difference in their success (just their life expectancy).

To put it in perspective, Brandon Allen (USPA superheavy) was very open about taking 5-5500mg/wk coming into comp, and both his coaches told him after some health issues that if he didn't pull back they wouldn't program him any more. He came off for a couple months then when he got back on he took exactly half of everything and was almost just as strong. He has since PR'd all his lifts.

I don't think 2.7 is crazy but I wouldn't downplay it either - that's a serious cycle.
Yeah, I'm going for broke and actually eager to shave as many years off my end years as I can. I'm counting on having a hell of a last solo party and ODing in my sixties!

I'm going to make at least one cycle count before then though. I just found out May 21 is booked so I'm going for Jun 24. That's an extra five weeks to cycle! I may pull over triple bodyweight @198...or have to settle for competing in the 220 where a 5'10" man really belongs.

Almost 199 tonight after dinner...


No improvement on bench this week. 265 x 2 again. It was maybe a little easier than last time.

This is all pointless without tren. I have both esterlesa and enanthate on the way.


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No improvement on bench this week. 265 x 2 again. It was maybe a little easier than last time.

This is all pointless without tren. I have both esterlesa and enanthate on the way.
Rolling on oral trendione from OL these last 5.5 weeks. Up to 180mg/day (they say it has 20-30% conversion to true trenbolone). I have set lifetime PRs in every lift to comp standards the last 10 days and I'm still 2.5 weeks out from the meet. It is profound, and sex is only improved as well. I can't wait to pin the active some day. I feel awesome.


I had a really bad day yesterday that started with my car getting towed. I ended up doing some dopaminergic stims after my session. I really didn't do much, but it was enough to kill my appetite for 24 hours and make me piss for two minutes at a time. I lost 10 lbs of water in two marathon piss sessions (think Austin Powers) last night. Nice to know I can make weight if I had too.

But the rec stims made me happy and horny. I went down on my girl for the first time since we met. And I was super relaxed at work and nice and helpful to all the tech-challenged clients who called.

I'm pretty sure I could use some Adderall on the regular to keep me regular. I'm going to see a mental health professional.

I am beginning to think that test can only get me so far in terms of strength. I think my genetic limit is around 190. And that's for my prime years. I was 125 after college. 185 at my chubby mid-30's powerlifting natty coast before the decline of my late 30's. I was having a hard time holding onto a slightly chubby 175 before I started SARMs.

It feels like 200 is my best with test. I got there with LGD and RAD, too, by the way. In my experience, SARMs are about as good as lower doses of test (~200 mg/week). SARMs are more potent by unit of mass, but test is cheaper...although SARMs won't aromatize either.

Tren is the magic compound that makes me stronger while making me lighter and leaner. You can't spell sTRENgth without TREN.


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Sorry to hear the car was towed! The bastards!


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How much lgd were you using before, for how long, and was it with any test under it?


I think it was 10 mg liquid per day from Southern SARMs. No test base during any of my my SARMs cycles.

Bench got up to 285, squat with thick wraps and belt up to 405, no no no squat was 375. Deadlift was 500 with belt. I went from 175 to 200 lbs.

I got a little bit stronger on test than i did on SARMs. I never tested higher doses. Test runs out of usefulness to me too, however. I just hit week eight this weekend and the skin on my delts has erupted into dozens of acne volcanoes. Several are the size of dimes and one is as big as a quarter.

I have been having pimple problems the whole cycle, but this weekend is a whole other level of nasty. And I wasn't putting strength in a way that made me feel it's worth it to go higher than 250 - 350 before just adding tren.


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There was an old-school rule of a 1:1:1 ratio of test/mast/tren that a lot of strength athletes seemingly had good luck with. If I skewed that ratio any I would go with less Test and more Tren obviously, but I always thought it was an interesting baseline.


There was an old-school rule of a 1:1:1 ratio of test/mast/tren that a lot of strength athletes seemingly had good luck with. If I skewed that ratio any I would go with less Test and more Tren obviously, but I always thought it was an interesting baseline.
I agree. My delts are disgusting with acne.

Also, more poor life choices cost me another ten pounds this weekend. I am down to 180 on the nose tonight.

I was staying out of the gym while I was partying. My knees feel much, much better.

I went in benched and rowed two nights ago and was beyond surprised when I crested 225 x 5 with ease. Hit 235 and then 245. I was 184-186 that night.


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Get away from the people in your life that are enabling these destructive decisions


I think I've worked through some of my worst demons. I've managed to ignore my usual triggers and focus on lifting.

The time off gave my knees a chance to heal up. I came back with a body weighing 180-184 and a squat of 275. Within three weeks I got back up to 189 and a no no no Olympic squat of 385.

I've also been pushing the leg press numbers, but I do these really full range (My knees are as bent as in a front squat). I use my squat shoes which lets me get a full range of motion without back rounding. I hurt my adductor, though.

I also hurt my pec/delt area and had to lay off benches for a month. But I recently came back with almost zero strength loss.

I also quickly set a lifetime best of 510 on the conventional deadlift, no belt. My best ever years ago was 506 done in a meet with sumo and a belt. I am far stronger now than I was then. This is the most weight I've ever deadlifted and I did it in my weakest style (CV no belt). I think the leg presses have really been helping here.

Usually my deadlift just follows my squat, but I find that the leg press really adds a few more pounds to the conventional pull. It hasn't really done anything for my squat (yet), but it certainly has helped the initial push from the floor with the quads in the conventional pull. My quads are also the biggest they've ever been since I introduced the leg press so I'm hoping that eventually this will help my squat.

Lots of elite conventional pullers have used the leg press to help their conventional pull while lots of bodybuilders credit it for their best leg mass results. I am now a believer in this movement.

I paid for membership and am going to a meet in September no matter what. I almost have the state record now for the masters 198 classic raw dealift. The no wraps raw deadlift is higher, but I'm gunning for that too.

I've been cruising on 120 mg test-p every 3.5 days along with Stane 12.5 x 2 per day. I will be adding EQ for the joints this week and then tren for strength in about 10 weeks. I don't know if I should bump test up again.

So at 189 my no belt conventional is 510 (and a very fast and crisp 495). My Olympic no no no squat is only 385, but that's not far away from the 405 @ 193 I got last year. So I'm happy. I'm either near, at, or past my bests on bench, squat, and deadlift and at a lighter bodyweight.


Training has been going well and I had been holding steady at a total of 240 mg/wk Test E divided into two equal 120 mg doses on Sunday am and Wednesday pm.

There is a meet on September 10, so today I decided to up the dose by 30 mg each shot. Now I will be at 300 mg/wk. I was reluctant to do this because when I played with that very high dose of test I got zero extra strength gains, but did get dozens of huge pimples in my deltoids area.

But I've been stuck at a bodyweight of 189 for a few weeks now and I need to start moving up again. Some would say my eating habits are too crappy to spur growth, but my experience is that eating more without the right hormonal support just means more bathroom visits and more bodyfat. Hormones trump all; they determine how effective both training and eating and even rest will be.

I am willing to bet that upping my hormones and slightly increasing my calories will do way more for increased lean tissue than just eating a lot more at my current level of hormonal supplementation.

I am mostly happy with my strength levels at this weight, but I really want to be at the top of the 198 class. I thought briefly of cutting water and competing as a 181, but that would be rough on me and I'd probably lose a lot more strength than I expected to. Plus, I'm 5'10"; men my height are supposed to superheavies in this sport. I'll never be over 220, but I really need to keep myself at least as high as the 190's from now on.

I will up the test dosage again as soon as I see that upping it the first time produces some gains. So if I find myself around 195 in six weeks, I'll go up to 180 mg e3.5d.

I will be ordering some EQ this week for joint support. It will take several weeks to manifest, but it's good to start now if I plan to be squatting in the mid-400's for reps and without any wraps or knee protection at all. I am thinking also of buying some SD from this new source. SD did nothing for me last time, but I want to try it now and if it's good, then use it in the four weeks leading up to the meet.

I somehow ended up with a whole bunch of tren which I will be adding in the last eight weeks, but only if my bodyweight is significantly above 200 lbs at that point. Tren kills my appetite so I lose weight as I get stronger. I want to be as big and strong as possible and use the tren to keep me getting stronger as I close in on 198 down from 200+. I think a safe margin is to start tren if I make it up to 210 lbs. At that point, I really should be squatting 500 in nothing but shoes and pulling 600 naked.

After several weeks of just 120 mg T-E e3.5d, I am able to deadlift 495 for a double as a top a set. This is two weeks after hitting 510 for a hard training max. Ramping up supplementation and adding other elements should have me adding 100 lbs in 20 weeks. Ideally I would be triple repping six plates (585 lbs) on my pull in the last month leading to the meet.


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You're taking 25mg of exemestane daily for 240mg test p per week?? That's definitely not helping you gain. More AI always keeps me from gaining. I mean if you need it you'll know but if not you're shooting your joints and gainz in the foot.


You're taking 25mg of exemestane daily for 240mg test p per week?? That's definitely not helping you gain. More AI always keeps me from gaining. I mean if you need it you'll know but if not you're shooting your joints and gainz in the foot.
I WAS. I was fighting the e2 levels from 1000 mg per week. I stopped recently. BW tomorrow. Will see where my e2 is in six weeks and go from there.

Joints feeling so good though! I spent the afternoon sprinting with my little greyhound puppy. That sort of thing hasn't been possible for years. Not saying it will last with that stane dose, but let's hope I stopped in time.

Sex drive has receded again though.


Got bloodwork results. My thyroid values are mostly mid-range, i.e. about perfect. Finally dialed in the perfect does of 12.5 mg methimazole per day.

TSH: 2.02 uIU/mL range 0.40 - 4.20 uIU/mL
T3, total: 86 ng/dL range 50 - 170 ng/dL
T4, free: 0.9 ng/dL range 0.8-1.7 ng/dL

And my 32 was the lowest I've ever seen it:

ESTRADIOL, ULTRASENSITIVE, LC MS/MS 31 pg/mL range < OR = 29 pg/mL

I do think I crashed it with my 12.5 mg Exemestane 2 x/day. When I stopped for a few days, I started getting morning erections again. Those stopped after a couple of days, however. I started taking the Exemestane again, but just 12.5 mg e3.5d the day following my test-e shot.

I next am going to experiment with just the one 12.5 mg tab every day.

It's been two weeks since I upped my test-p dose from 120 mg e3.5d to 150 e3.5d. My weight is up five pounds in the past few days. It's clearly water weight. I have yet to see any strength increase. But I've been injured and I just peaked in my first microcycle leading up to meet in September. So my strength is a little depressed on the deadlift and I can't squat at all because of a groin pull. Also I have a tweak in my RC that makes benching painful past 245 or so.

It's all healing, but I'm five pounds heavier than I've been and I really want to see another 20 lbs on my bench and 30 lbs on my squat and deadlift before I gain any more weight.

Going to go bench tonight and hoping to get 235 for a few sets of 6-8. And I hope this adductor strain is healed enough to squat again on Sunday. I really don't want to take yet another week off from squatting.


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I have been battling some tweaks myself, strained my left QL and now I can't squat or pull with any weight of consequence, or stabilize anything serious with my core that isn't seated or lying. Just part of the game I guess, but it's so hard to be patient!


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Got bloodwork results. My thyroid values are mostly mid-range, i.e. about perfect. Finally dialed in the perfect does of 12.5 mg methimazole per day.

TSH: 2.02 uIU/mL range 0.40 - 4.20 uIU/mL
T3, total: 86 ng/dL range 50 - 170 ng/dL
T4, free: 0.9 ng/dL range 0.8-1.7 ng/dL

And my 32 was the lowest I've ever seen it:


I do think I crashed it with my 12.5 mg Exemestane 2 x/day. When I stopped for a few days, I started getting morning erections again. Those stopped after a couple of days, however. I started taking the Exemestane again, but just 12.5 mg e3.5d the day following my test-e shot.

I next am going to experiment with just the one 12.5 mg tab every day.

It's been two weeks since I upped my test-p dose from 120 mg e3.5d to 150 e3.5d. My weight is up five pounds in the past few days. It's clearly water weight. I have yet to see any strength increase. But I've been injured and I just peaked in my first microcycle leading up to meet in September. So my strength is a little depressed on the deadlift and I can't squat at all because of a groin pull. Also I have a tweak in my RC that makes benching painful past 245 or so.

It's all healing, but I'm five pounds heavier than I've been and I really want to see another 20 lbs on my bench and 30 lbs on my squat and deadlift before I gain any more weight.

Going to go bench tonight and hoping to get 235 for a few sets of 6-8. And I hope this adductor strain is healed enough to squat again on Sunday. I really don't want to take yet another week off from squatting.
How long are your microcycles?


I fell down a hole, but it helped me want to get better. I am getting the neurochemical pharmeceutical assistance I need for my bipolar disorder, anxiety, and ADD. I have a really hard time staying happy and focused and with self-soothing...which is why I self-medicate. But I'm looking for ways that make me baseline normal happy/horny instead of partying. Talking to doc about Wellbutrin and maybe at some point adding Adderall.

My left shoulder and my left adductor both got really dinged up and I had to stop training for a couple of months. I'm back on track now, though my shoulder has its good times and its bad. Sober and tying to push past my old bests. It's not going all that well right now, however. I've been stuck at around 178 lbs. My bench press got back to 225-235 for triples and has stalled again. My squat is fighting me to stay under 315, but my deadlift quickly got back to the mid-400's.

The upcoming September meet is a bust. I may go, but I won't be nearly as big and strong as I'd hoped. Seriously, if I hadn't gotten so injured, I would have stayed on track and gotten my deadlift to the mid-500's and set that state masters deadlift record.

I've been blasting very mildly with roughly 200 mg Test E, 350 mg Tren E, and a very low dose of 300 mg EQ, all divided into EOD shots. I recently dropped Mast out of this mix. I have to bump things up to 500 mg Test and Tren.

Through some experimentation, I have found that my libido is indeed much, much better with transdermal test administered to the scrotum for higher DHT conversion ("topical for libido, injections for size/strength"). So my new cruise addresses libido, strength, testicle size, and joint health:

Testosterone cream (DHT conversion / libido)
Test E 60 mg EOD (size / strength)
hCG 250 iu EOD (testicular function / size)
EQ 100 mg EOD (collagen turnover / joint health)
Exemestane 12.5 mg ED as needed (E2 control)

My blast is upping Test E and adding Tren E at a similar or slightly higher dose.

My appetite suddenly turned ravenous last night so I think something is finally kicking in. My knees have been feeling amazing and I think that's the continual use of EQ.

It's frustrating right now. I haven't been getting stronger and my brain is working against happiness.


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I'm sorry to hear about your struggles, but why are you cruising over 600mg gear/wk if you aren't really pushing things? You will get more out of your blasts if you give your receptors a bigger disparity to clean up in between blasts.


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Something else to add to what Hyde was saying, I wonder how MENT Acetate Proviron/Aromasin would do for you for your "cruise".

One thing that I've noticed that everyone experiences with MENT is an incredible sex drive. Stuff is off the charts with this and overnight recovery. Anyways, 12.5mg/day would be a swell cruise dose that I guarantee would maintain all of your progress/gains. An AI would be necessary though even at this dose for many.

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