Middle Age Is A Great Excuse To Blast And Cruise



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Glad you got a PR on squat. Are you just on the high TRT dose and Proviron, right?


Glad you got a PR on squat. Are you just on the high TRT dose and Proviron, right?
Thanks! I'm having great luck this cycle. My weight has drifted down to a stable 190-191 while my squat strength continues to go up. I have now gotten a little over bodyweight for a nice bit of reps and I'm hoping to get four with 415 next week!

I have been using a middle-low dose of test e 150 mg per week along with 500 iu of hCG per week, divided into two equal doses on Sunday morning and Wednesday evening. This has given me a trough reading close to 1300, however, so I'm cutting the test e dose down to 100 mg per week, at least while I'm runing hCG (which I cycle on and off).

I started proviron on Monday at 100 mg per day, divided into morning and evening doses. But that was just a kickstart for the first three days. Now I'm doing just 50 mg per day. My DHT reading on Thursday was 60 ng/dL with a reference range of 10 - 70, so I'm very near the top end.

My SHBG is on the low, low side at 16 nmol/L, 10 - 60, and I'm now reading that this is not a good thing. It means I may have some underlying diabetic or metabolic condition, and I need much lower total testosterone to feel good. I've probably been overdosing myself for months.

For some reason I didn't get the sensitive e2 test done like I wanted, but the standard test puts me at under 50 for pg/mL so my e2 ma not be ideal right now, but it's not some crazy number like it was after I ramped up the test dose.


It's official. Cruising on low dose test e and hCG is continuing to make me stronger at a good rate.

Last night I strict standing pressed 175 for a triple then four. Then I back squatted 405 without knee wraps or sleeves for the first time in my life. And I did it with so much pop that tbe bar was whipping up and down. Then I wrapped up for 425 x 3, no belt. Then front squat 335 for a tired double right after the last back squat. I weighed a little under 194.

I shake my head when I think about how I struggled to hold on to a 315 back squat after age 38 and before trt...

I also shake my head at how I tried to blast test and only got stressed, moody, and pimply without any real boost in strength.

Tren was definitely helpful -- I was losing weight and still getting stronger -- but it killed my libido and shot up my blood pressure. Even using prami to get prolactin down to nothing hasn't brought my libido back.

At some pount I will try 25 days of superdrol on top of my trt. For now I'm happy with my progress on test and hCG. People at my gym stop to stare at my warmups, especially for squats.


So I left something out.

I've been hitting 100 mg test no ester as preworkout on trainining days. I honestly wasn't convinced it was doing much.

But I went in tonight without it and felt low energy. I got crushed by 315 which used to feel light. And I mean crushed.

I'm sorry to have failed so hard. But it's cool to see that this stufg actually works.


My appetite suddenly returned just in time for Thanksgiving. I'm up to 200 lbs tonight after hovering around the low 190's forever. Had a few wake up erections these past few days. But desire not really there.

I'm trying to figure out the magic combo that gets libido back. I THINK my best was initially at low frequent dose of test with masteron. That was before I started mucking around with higher test doses and sent my e2 way up.


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I just got a couple 100 cap bottles of 500mg Maca for like $3.50/each on Swansons website (along w a year supply of d3, magnesium, NAC and ALA). They're having everything 25% off this weekend and 0.99 shipping for the sale.

Never used Swanson's Maca but I love their magnesium blend and you can't can't beat $3.50/bottle for a month of Maca. Anyway, the Maca I have used at 1,500mg per day gave me a LOT of desire. Did nothing for erectile function, but that's not your problem- it's hunger, and Maca made me very mentally horny. You could get a couple bottles shipped for $8. I just remember noticing every woman that drew breath it seemed.


I just got a couple 100 cap bottles of 500mg Maca for like $3.50/each on Swansons website (along w a year supply of d3, magnesium, NAC and ALA). They're having everything 25% off this weekend and 0.99 shipping for the sale.

Never used Swanson's Maca but I love their magnesium blend and you can't can't beat $3.50/bottle for a month of Maca. Anyway, the Maca I have used at 1,500mg per day gave me a LOT of desire. Did nothing for erectile function, but that's not your problem- it's hunger, and Maca made me very mentally horny. You could get a couple bottles shipped for $8. I just remember noticing every woman that drew breath it seemed.
My gf bought a bottle of this stuff, but I haven't kept at it long enough.

I switched to EOD dosing tonight. I used 30 mg test e (105 mg per week)+ 250 iu hCG. I will go up to 35 mg EOD (122.5 mg per week, still less than half the "top end trt" dose of 250 mg per week) when I discontinue the hCG for a few weeks. I want to see if no hCG means better libido for me, and to see how long it takes to feel the ache of testicular shrinkage.


Huge, almost painful erection last night. Most intense one in months.

I added a second dose of 50 mg Proviron before bed.

Sadly, no desire of any kind accompanied the erection.


I should have paid more attention to the warning to watch my tendons :)

I banged my right knee up pretty good with the latest squat PR. I have an old injury there that I woke up. Need a few more days off squat and then I'm starting over light in the low 300's.


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Good plan on the squat rest then deload.

Have you considered that perhaps part of your lack of desire could be improved by cutting out porn and masturbation? If you aren't routinely satisfying yourself, you're bound to eventually chase more intimate time with your wife. Even if you aren't particularly turned on by her, slowly beginning to focus on her as your primary outlet for release could help create a positive association over time.

I'm not judging; just bouncing ideas around.


Good plan on the squat rest then deload.

Have you considered that perhaps part of your lack of desire could be improved by cutting out porn and masturbation? If you aren't routinely satisfying yourself, you're bound to eventually chase more intimate time with your wife. Even if you aren't particularly turned on by her, slowly beginning to focus on her as your primary outlet for release could help create a positive association over time.

I'm not judging; just bouncing ideas around.
No offense taken. It's a solid suggestion.

Things are a little complicated on that front. I had a very varied and interesting sex life in the decade prior to this one. She knows this and she knows she is competing against my drive for sexual novelty.

So this is a multifaceted problem that involves my thyroid, my hormonal supplementation, past recreational dopamine-affecting partying, and a taste I developed for sexual variety.

It's hard to be getting older and suddenly in the longest monogamous relationship of my life while no longer using anything recreationally and fighting age with hormones.

In other news I took my last hCG shot tonight and finished the bottle. I have recently noticed hundreds of tiny pimples all over my chest, shoulders and back.

They look like goosebumps, but they produce crud when squeezed. Ew.


I started my last cycle with bench 225 x 10, 10, 10. I started this cycle with bench 235 x 10, 12, 11.

In terms of projected 1RM, that's about 30 lbs stronger.


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The important thing to bear in mind considering your past is that it is in fact the past. You cannot change it and it will affect you in different ways, better and worse, forever. The things that scar us, and the things that teach us and promote growth into something altogether different. So what's done is done and you will carry those things, but you don't have to be done growing as a man.

This is getting pretty Dr. Phil, but Paul Carter just posted an awesome article on his blog that I cannot suggest enough:



The important thing to bear in mind considering your past is that it is in fact the past. You cannot change it and it will affect you in different ways, better and worse, forever. The things that scar us, and the things that teach us and promote growth into something altogether different. So what's done is done and you will carry those things, but you don't have to be done growing as a man.

This is getting pretty Dr. Phil, but Paul Carter just posted an awesome article on his blog that I cannot suggest enough:

Thank you. I'm not sure normal is possible after the mindbending stuff I did. I guess I'll have to figure it out.

Balls starting to ache today. I think hCG will have to come back as a staple.

Lowering test e to 25 mg eod with 250 iu hCG.

I'm giving my knee another couple of weeks to be on the safe side. But I'm doubling bench frequency in the meantime and doing deads every other bench session.

Got 255 x 10 on bench today, then pulled 455 for a couple triples. Hook grip gave out on second set and had to use mixed grip for last two reps. Alternated.


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Damn I benched a pr of 245x10 Friday and I was feeling good about it til you just did it with 10 more lbs


Damn I benched a pr of 245x10 Friday and I was feeling good about it til you just did it with 10 more lbs
Shoot, that 245 x 10 is something to crow about.

And anyway, I'm on TRT. Even though it's a low dose, without it my 10RM would be 135!


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Shoot, that 245 x 10 is something to crow about.

And anyway, I'm on TRT. Even though it's a low dose, without it my 10RM would be 135!
Awesome progress! 245x10 Press is HEAVY! Nice job.


Several painful erections last night, which is awesome, but desire still tricky.

I don't know if the erections are a combination of Proviron and skipping hCG for a few days...or if the past few weeks of hCG finally are working...

I guess I'll find out as I reintroduce hCG.

I am starting to think of my TRT as HRT with hCG as the primary player. A lot of guys are okay with their balls shrinking, but it causes me significant pain.

I can use just tiny amounts of test (87.5 mg per week divided into 25 mg eod) and still see my TT around 1000!


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The pain would likely cease if you just let them atrophy. Until you added something that would stimulate them directly or indirectly like HCG and Clomid.


The pain would likely cease if you just let them atrophy. Until you added something that would stimulate them directly or indirectly like HCG and Clomid.
Yes, and I may do that if I find that hCG really just tanks my libido.

Started squatting again today. Paused squats to reduce stress on knee. Worked triples with 335, 355, and 365. 2-second pauses which I videoed to make sure they were all a full 2-count. I would love to see myself getting 405 for a paused double in the next six weeks.

Today's work is aready a big PR for the paused squat. But I carefully felt these out. I think I could hit 385 x 3 next time with proper ramping up to a top set, like:

45 x 10 x 2
135 x 5
225 x 3
315 x 2
365 x 1
385 x 3

Also managed to get full range chin ups with 70 lbs added for two sets of five. I think 100 for a triple is possible this cycle.

I'm already thinking of dropping hCG again. Or lowering the dose...though at very low dose I don't know if it helps.


I just went through my log and I only have a couple records of paused squats maxes.

One was 315 last year before my thyroid made me sick. The other was August when I hit 335 for one.

So this ramp up to 365 for three yesterday represents an increase in squat strength of roughly 60 lbs in four months.

Again, it's really nice to see how such a low dose of test e can let me keep progressing as if I were a decently gifted natural half my age.

405 triple with full pauses feels entirety achievable this cycle.

I took my EOD shot of 25 mg of test e this morning sans hCG. Second time pinning in lower pec and I find there is no pain with this location.

I am getting bloodwork done this week so I want to get an idea of my e2 off hCG. I took an Exemestane tab a couple days ago because I'm sure my 500 iu pin caused an e2 spike.

I have put on a bit if water weight and now hovering at 199 - 200 lbs all of a sudden when I was consistently at 193 - 194 for several weeks.

I am very happy to keep my test dose at 25 - 35 mg eod. My "blasts" would be adding 25 mg test p on the inbetween days; I'd rather increase frequency of the same low dose instead of increasing dosage on a given day.

I think Masteron was also pretty good for me in terms of morning wood and libido. Proviron definitely helps with erection -- I get spontaneous ones about 4-6 hours after dosing -- but I recall feeling more desire back when I was doing just test and mast.


The pec is often listed as a site to include in the rotation. I went for the meatiest area.

Also I've had to drain gobs of synovial fluid from my knees. The left was way, way worse. I haven't had this kind of edema in years. It used to come from overuse which is why I squat only once per week now.

This time I think it's a combination of personal record weight (pause repping my pre-TRT max after repping 50 lbs over that old max) and overuse. I did a couple sets of jumps after squats a few week ago.

So even though I waited 16 days to squat, my knees are still damaged and highly reactive.


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Growing Old is NOT for the Weak!


Thanks, fellows!

Looks like I managed to inject into a little leftover gyno tissue which tgen swelled up with the oil and so now I have a little bit of gyno nipple. It's hard, protruding and tender.

Also my left knee is unstable and a effused. Right knee is better, but not perfect.

So I'm extending my rest out another few days. I last squatted on Saturday, but I won't bench till this weekend, then I won't squat again till next week. If my knee is still bothering me, I'll keep pushing out the squat day till the knee feels up to it.

I'm going to pick up some mast e (drostanalone enanthate) to add to my cruise of test e and hCG.

I'm also going to pick up test p and NPP for blasting purposes.

My cruise will go from:
Test e 30 mg + hCG 250 iu EOD
Test e 30 mg + hCG 250 iu + Mast e 50 mg EOD.

My blast will be on the other EOD days:
Test p 30 mg + NPP 50 mg EOD.

Notice that on blast my total test minus the e and p esters is still just about 160 mg per week while mast and NPP are 350 mg per week. Just under 600 mg total per week of stuff including the ester mass.


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But you'll be on 300 when cruising. I'd get that down to 200 so you'll be healthier. 300 isn't anywhere close to TRT levels.


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What are you doing for your heart? There are a host of things someone at this age ought to be considering for longevity sake when talking blasting and cruising. PM for details if you want.

Just making sure a fellow lifter is being smart and safe.


I take fish oil capsules and liver detox among about a dozen other supps.

Also I am mostly cruising HRT levels with test and hCG. The hCG is to keep my testicles full and pain-free. I'm adding low dose mast for the DHT-based libido boost.

I've also decided to pull the trigger and get some Nandrolone for the joint healing. I know there is a lot of bro argument over whether NPP actually helos healing, but the medical community seems to think it does. The weights I'm handling now in the squat really aggravate my aging knees and I need to be a bit more aggressive about protecting them if I want to continue training.

I had my first painless squat session in years about a month ago on a warm, muggy day. My knees felt like oiled steel.

I will be dosing all these things very low, totaling less than 250 mg weekly with the test, mast, and NPP.


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What are you doing for your heart? There are a host of things someone at this age ought to be considering for longevity sake when talking blasting and cruising. PM for details if you want.

Just making sure a fellow lifter is being smart and safe.
Nattokinase was a terrific suggestion. Extremely cheap and simple to get and use.


I am back in the gym. Bench and chin up strength remain unchanged. Got a couple sets of 225 x 12 on BP and +45 x 6 on chins. Finished with a set of supinated grip DB rows x 5 with 140. Felt really heavy after those chins.

The swelling and instability in my left knee suddenly went down by the time I woke yesterday morn. I may be ready to start squatting again next week after all.

I have read of several people who will not lift heavy without NPP. I am probably going to become one of them.


Got some blood work back. Lipid panel looks good to amazing. Thyroid hormones suggest I'm going slightly hypo so the methimazole will be cut back from 3 x 5mg ED to 2 x 5mg.

E2 is 117 ��.

I suspected it was creeping up. This past week I've been prone to bouts of sadness and I put on 5 lbs of water. I'm waking up at a smooth 200 lbs these days and going as high as 204 toward the evenings.

My current dosing protocol is 25 mg test e with 250 iu hCG EOD, administered in the same shot.

I think it's maybe too much hCG and that administering with the test may be causing problems.

So I'm going to try alternating these doses every other day. Or some other protocol. Will check back later when I come up with something.

Overall, I DO feel I am dialing things in. I am strong and muscular and my balls are full. I get horny from time to time. And once I get my e2 under control I will probably get horny more.


Okay, I'm thinking that I need to explore smaller daily doses subQ again. That's how I started this adventure, specifically to control e2.

SubQ is supposed to slow absorption rates so test availability more closely resembles natural rates. Same rationale for daily injections.

Everything needs to be done to avoid spiking and more closely resemble natural rates.

Especially, I think, with low SBGH guys like me who will always have less SBGH to bind to test and e2.

Also since I am now using hCG to avoid the pain if testicular atrophy I don't need that mucg exogenous test. I've maintained levels of 1300 test with just 90 mg test enth weekly when using hCG. I would probably feel better with 3/4 that level. And e2 would be lower on lower TT.

I took just 25 mg of test enth without any hCG today. I will start my new protocol on Sunday:

10 mg test enth + 50 iu hCG subQ ED.

I will add a trickle of mast after a couple weeks of this along with the NPP when I'm ready to start squatting heavy again
I need to hold off on these additional until I get my basic HRT dialed in.
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I am no doctor, but fwiw I think this new less aggressive dosing is a better idea.


I am no doctor, but fwiw I think this new less aggressive dosing is a better idea.
Thanks so much!

Someone on another board suggested I hold off on increasing the frequency for now and just drop the hCG dose. I agree that I should make just one change at a time so I can figure out what does what...

...But I do want to go subQ for a while on top of dropping the hCG dose. I already did my EOD shot today subQ without hCG. I will only go to daily if this combo of lower dose and subQ doesn't do the trick.

I also took Exemestane 12.5 mg twice in the past three days which should do plenty to knock my e2 down. Just a couple shots of 'stane have worked great in the past. I keep it around for emergencies, not as part of my regular regimen because ideally I would be managing e2 without needing an AI.


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And exem will hurt your lipids. Obviously high or crushed estro will hurt lipids more, but if you can avoid using an AI and stay in range that's never a bad thing.


I've been using test e and Drostanalone e at 25-30mg each eod. Weight is slipping a bit and my bench max is down to 305 from 320.

(Not squatting for a couple more weeks.)

I have been drinking a bit too much, smoked a little nicotine and the other thing which is completely legal in my state. So I am not at my best.

Dropping the hCG has dropped my total test, probably by 200 or 300.

I'm reintroducing the hCG tomorrow at 125 iu eod. So my cruise is settling around:

TestE 30 mg + DrosE 30 mg + hCG 125 iu eod, subQ

The test is for muscle: the mast is for neurological strength and libido; the hCG is for testicular volume and continued function and some miscellaneous hormonal benefits.

I have felt no testicular pain yet so I will try cycling hCG for a while. E2 seems to start creeping up after week 3. I've read some HRT protocols cycle hCG 3 on / 3 off. Makes sense. Really hard to dial in e2 with a constant barrage of hCG.

I will only be adding non-aromatizing compounds for blasts. NPP is still my choice for my next blast, 100 mg on days between HRT injections. My first concern is joint protection when lifting more.

In the future I may use Superdrol to wrap up a blast.

Lastly I have added serious vastus medialis stretching every day and my knees are already feeling 500% better. Tightness in that area is probably the reason the joint gets so traumatized from squats and jumping.


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Been dieting for a month now and down 10. My bench is in the sh!tter as well. Like 15-20lbs.


Been dieting for a month now and down 10. My bench is in the sh!tter as well. Like 15-20lbs.

Seriously though, a 20-lb decrease on bench with a 10-lb loss in weight is pretty good! I would probably lose 40 lbs on my bench if I lost 10 lbs.

Update: I've decided to go with Boldenone instead of Nandrolone. EQ should give me the same or better joint health without the sexual sides. So my next "blast" will be my usual HRT stack (hCG, Test E, Drost E) supplemented with Boldenone for 12-20 weeks.


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Yeah what can I do. At least my deadlift seems to be climbing and squat feels good.


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Love this thread dude! Subbed cuz I'm 35 and feeling old as crap these days! Also, if I may, I was struggling with libido back in October. Couldn't find the desire to pounce on my wife but once every week or so. Anyway, I realized I was looking at porn and fapping almost every night. So I cut that out and about two weeks later my libido was back. And now there's tons of desire. I don't feel like I'm 19 again, but I feel good enough to get frisky 3 times a week, which we both love. Might be worth a try to drop porn and fapping for a week or so and see what happens. My two cents.


Love this thread dude! Subbed cuz I'm 35 and feeling old as crap these days! Also, if I may, I was struggling with libido back in October. Couldn't find the desire to pounce on my wife but once every week or so. Anyway, I realized I was looking at porn and fapping almost every night. So I cut that out and about two weeks later my libido was back. And now there's tons of desire. I don't feel like I'm 19 again, but I feel good enough to get frisky 3 times a week, which we both love. Might be worth a try to drop porn and fapping for a week or so and see what happens. My two cents.
Thanks so much for that! I dropped the porn and fapping a while ago. I kinda wish I still wanted to do at least that! But it's good to hear desire van build back up.

I am getting almost painful nighttime erections every time I take Proviron, but no accompanying desire. Right now, beautiful women do nothing for me. I'm hoping that the masteron enthanate will help once it's built up in my system.

I'm also dosing 0.25 mg prami twice a day. I think dopamine is a part of my problem because of past party habits.


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Thanks so much for that! I dropped the porn and fapping a while ago. I kinda wish I still wanted to do at least that! But it's good to hear desire van build back up.

I am getting almost painful nighttime erections every time I take Proviron, but no accompanying desire. Right now, beautiful women do nothing for me. I'm hoping that the masteron enthanate will help once it's built up in my system.

I'm also dosing 0.25 mg prami twice a day. I think dopamine is a part of my problem because of past party habits.
Understood. Sounds like it's just a matter of time as you're hitting the right hormones to help out. Keep it up!


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I've been incorporating lonjack, Maca, boron and DTH lately and it has resulted in some pretty effortless woodies. Definitely helping build better steam in the bedroom.

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