Mass Adipocide! (Partially-Sponsored, Joint Log)



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kind of surprised you haven't had a bout of lethargy. my energy has returned now, but for a few days there i was really dragging-even with the eca!

btw-the sweating has diminished some also-you noticed this yet? i upped the dose to 2 caps 2xday.

Nope, I've had no bouts of lethargy, thankfully. At first I would feel myself get tired about 2 hours after taking two caps in the morning, but it was only for a couple of days that that continued. I am not sweating as much as before either. I guess it's just our bodies becoming accustomed to it.


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Nope, I've had no bouts of lethargy, thankfully. At first I would feel myself get tired about 2 hours after taking two caps in the morning, but it was only for a couple of days that that continued. I am not sweating as much as before either. I guess it's just our bodies becoming accustomed to it.
you are correct, bw. i felt like my body was getting accustomed to 2/1, so i upped the dose to 2/2, now i am back to getting 1st week like results-the sweat is back, lol. fortunately the lethargy has not returned and like you i feel like my energy has actually increased.


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BigT hit the nail on the head with his prediction about weight-loss; stepped on the scale this morning - 143.

That's 4lb total lost in my time on T2. Pretty darn good. :)
glad i could be a barometer for your results, lol. i am pretty darned happy with results also-down 6lbs so far. this is great results considering i have been on a long cut and weight loss had really slowed.


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glad i could be a barometer for your results, lol. i am pretty darned happy with results also-down 6lbs so far. this is great results considering i have been on a long cut and weight loss had really slowed.
Based on these comments I think this is exactly what I need when I throw it back into the mix 4 weeks from now since it will be at the end of an extended cut.


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yeah i went to 2/2 dosing as well and the effects in the mirror were much more noticable! Glad to see its going well for you guys!

I just finished bottle one and my recomp effects were fxcking awesome. If you get a chance go look at my end of bottle one pics in my log


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glad i could be a barometer for your results, lol. i am pretty darned happy with results also-down 6lbs so far. this is great results considering i have been on a long cut and weight loss had really slowed.
This is wk 4 of my cut, and I'm quite pleased with the progress thus far.

Based on these comments I think this is exactly what I need when I throw it back into the mix 4 weeks from now since it will be at the end of an extended cut.
Awesome! You should enjoy it.

yeah i went to 2/2 dosing as well and the effects in the mirror were much more noticable! Glad to see its going well for you guys!

I just finished bottle one and my recomp effects were fxcking awesome. If you get a chance go look at my end of bottle one pics in my log
2/2, huh? I may have to try that.

Anyways, we got our camera, so here are some preliminary shots I snapped myself after today's session. I'll have BW take some mooe later, and I'll take some of her and get those up too.

A bit fuzzy, this was in the locker room at the med center:

Here we see my mirror in all it's dirty glory:

And here we see what a bit of Windex and reduced flash can do:

Not the leanest I've ever been, but decent progress for a month in.
Army Guy

Army Guy

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you are just a beast man. You are right around were I am too. Other than legs, all of our stats seem to be pretty close. Interested so see how this stack can lean you out.


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sorry if you posted it before, but whats your weight now? i was 260 a few yrs ago-now 204-206.


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you are just a beast man. You are right around were I am too. Other than legs, all of our stats seem to be pretty close. Interested so see how this stack can lean you out.
Thank you sir! Have you posted pics anytime recently? If so, I've somehow missed them.

sorry if you posted it before, but whats your weight now? i was 260 a few yrs ago-now 204-206.
Weighed in at 243 this morning. But that's on an empty stomach and after the "morning download" if you know what I mean. For reference, I weighed in at 251 last night right before bed.


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Thank you sir! Have you posted pics anytime recently? If so, I've somehow missed them.

Weighed in at 243 this morning. But that's on an empty stomach and after the "morning download" if you know what I mean. For reference, I weighed in at 251 last night right before bed.
glad i am not the only one who's weight fluctuates like that. i can loose 10lbs in a shift in the summer. box factory's are steam ovens in summer, lol.


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looked stacked bro!


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Looking pretty stout Resolve. Holy lats!


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Day 14

Thanks for the comments guys! I'll get some other shots, hopefully better ones, up soon. And some of BW, which is what I know you'd all prefer anyways.

T2: Considering upping the dosage to 2/2. Not sure yet, as that would decrease the amount of time the bottle would last. We'll see. Sweating in hands and feet still, but no where else. It's weird having your feet sweaty.

E-911: One in the morning, one in the afternoon. It's all that is needed. I've been wide-awake, and thus far, not experiencing the increased anxiety I sometimes get from increased stim intake. I'm keeping an eye out for it, and if I do start stressing out, I'll reduce dosing.

Today's Workout: Giant-Set Pull Day

Giant-Set: 2-3reps per lift, no rest til end of set
Power Cleans: 235
Supinated BB Rows: 285
Unilateral DB Deads: 50s (one per hand)
Lateral Raises: 50s
Bah, was I out of breath for this one! I like giant-sets; I get a lot done in short amount of time.

Parallel-Grip Pull-Ups: +70x3, +80x3, +90x3, +115x3
SS'd w/DB Drag Curls: 70s for 4x6
That's a PR on parallel-grip, but no surprise considering I hit 115 on Chins already and parallel-grip is easier. Sets of 6 is one rep up from last time. Not bad.

Tri-Set: No rest til end of set
Glute-Ham Raises: Bodyweight for 5x5
Reverse Towel-wrapped BB Curls: 75x10, 95x10, 115x10, 125x8 x8
Machine One-Arm Preachers: 90x5 x6 x7 x6 x5
Felt like my hammies needed a bit more attention so I added the GHRs in for good measure. I'm glad I did, they hammered that muscle group. Pumped and sore; loaded with the DOMS now.


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Day 14

Thanks for the comments guys! I'll get some other shots, hopefully better ones, up soon. And some of BW, which is what I know you'd all prefer anyways.
:haha: , nice workout brosacea!


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Weighed in at 243 this morning. But that's on an empty stomach and after the "morning download" if you know what I mean. For reference, I weighed in at 251 last night right before bed.
For real? You weighed 251 last night and after morning defecation, you now weigh only 243?
An 8lb. dump??!! :dump:

WOW!!! :shocked:

No pics........PLEASE!!!!

Irish Cannon

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Looking THICK dude! You're definitely leaner than the last pics I've seen of you, too. Nice work, Resolve!
Army Guy

Army Guy

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For real? You weighed 251 last night and after morning defecation, you now weigh only 243?
An 8lb. dump??!! :dump:

WOW!!! :shocked:

No pics........PLEASE!!!!
:toofunny: freakin HILARIOUS!!!! TG.

Great lift Resolve, and 70s on drags :shocked:


The BPS Rep
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For real? You weighed 251 last night and after morning defecation, you now weigh only 243?
An 8lb. dump??!! :dump:

WOW!!! :shocked:

No pics........PLEASE!!!!
Well, a lot of that was water, but yeah, my bathroom is serious business. :006:

Looking THICK dude! You're definitely leaner than the last pics I've seen of you, too. Nice work, Resolve!
Thanks man! I think my shoulders have been coming up nicely. If only my chest would catch-up now.

:toofunny: freakin HILARIOUS!!!! TG.

Great lift Resolve, and 70s on drags :shocked:
It gets a bit difficult, logistically, to do drag curls with such a large DB. I tend to lean back, to keep my body in line. Otherwise, I end up hitting myself in the ribs, rather than "dragging" the DB up my torso.


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This is wk 4 of my cut, and I'm quite pleased with the progress thus far.

Awesome! You should enjoy it.

2/2, huh? I may have to try that.

Anyways, we got our camera, so here are some preliminary shots I snapped myself after today's session. I'll have BW take some mooe later, and I'll take some of her and get those up too.

A bit fuzzy, this was in the locker room at the med center:

Here we see my mirror in all it's dirty glory:

And here we see what a bit of Windex and reduced flash can do:

Not the leanest I've ever been, but decent progress for a month in.
You are looking great, Resolve. :) I definitely see you making progress!

I'm attempting to post some pictures I took this morning. Haven't done this for a while, so it's taking a bit of time. :thinking:


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I took these first thing this morning. They aren't very good pictures, but they will do. I see A LOT of room for improvement in my abdomen. Can't wait to get rid of that tummy fat! :p

Army Guy

Army Guy

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Hey BW you are looking great! The two of you just impress me!!! Keep it up my friend!


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BW - just use imageshack, once you upload it gives you the link to embed them into the forum, easiest way I have found.

Irish Cannon

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Wow, BW! Looking great. You have both leaned out a lot since the last time I saw progress pics. Awesome work!


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lookn good bw! (yes homo)


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Thanks, guys. :) I'm definitely not the leanest I've ever been, but I am the strongest and most muscular. I just want to drop a few more percentages of fat now! :)

In the 2 weeks I've been using T-2 I can definitely see a difference. I think I've lost a couple lbs of fat so far, so about 1% BF. It feels good to be making progress.

Unfortunately I won't be lifting today. I caught a cold on Sunday and it just keeps getting worse. :( I'm just planning to spot Resolve in the gym, and take it easy for the rest of the day.

Irish Cannon

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Are you guys getting any negative sides from the Rauwolscine (a-Y)? I hate Yohimbine, but I don't think I've ever used alpha-Y before.


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Thanks, guys. :) I'm definitely not the leanest I've ever been, but I am the strongest and most muscular. I just want to drop a few more percentages of fat now! :)

In the 2 weeks I've been using T-2 I can definitely see a difference. I think I've lost a couple lbs of fat so far, so about 1% BF. It feels good to be making progress.

Unfortunately I won't be lifting today. I caught a cold on Sunday and it just keeps getting worse. :( I'm just planning to spot Resolve in the gym, and take it easy for the rest of the day.
Take care of that cold BW. Extra C and Zinc wil help some.

Don't get carried away with cutting. You don't need to lose as much bodyfat as you think you do. That goes for Resolve too. Both of you need to maintain as much muscle size and strength as possible. Remember how hard you both worked to add that mass and strength. SLOWLY reduce bodyfat. That's the way I like to do it.

Both of you are looking great.
2 big ol' muscle heads!!! LOL


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Are you guys getting any negative sides from the Rauwolscine (a-Y)? I hate Yohimbine, but I don't think I've ever used alpha-Y before.
I haven't noticed any bad sides from alpha Yohimbine. I think this would be my first time taking anything with Yohimbine in it.

Take care of that cold BW. Extra C and Zinc wil help some.

Don't get carried away with cutting. You don't need to lose as much bodyfat as you think you do. That goes for Resolve too. Both of you need to maintain as much muscle size and strength as possible. Remember how hard you both worked to add that mass and strength. SLOWLY reduce bodyfat. That's the way I like to do it.
You are right, slow and steady is the way to go. :)
Army Guy

Army Guy

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great words from the ThunderGod himself!! I totally agree, nice and slow so as not to lose those sick gains!!


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Thanks, guys. :) I'm definitely not the leanest I've ever been, but I am the strongest and most muscular. I just want to drop a few more percentages of fat now! :)

In the 2 weeks I've been using T-2 I can definitely see a difference. I think I've lost a couple lbs of fat so far, so about 1% BF. It feels good to be making progress.

Unfortunately I won't be lifting today. I caught a cold on Sunday and it just keeps getting worse. :( I'm just planning to spot Resolve in the gym, and take it easy for the rest of the day.
3rd week on AT-2 was very good for me, recomp is very good. kind of surprising, since the sweating seems to have diminished. went to 2/2 for last week and sweating is back-with a vengeance.

btw- you are leaner than i had imagined with the weights you are lifting-nice job.


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We've been using photobucket - do you prefer imageshack to that, if you've trid PB?
I just started using imageshack not long ago and like it, seems to be very fast for me and always works. Just thought I would throw out the option for you two.


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Are you guys getting any negative sides from the Rauwolscine (a-Y)? I hate Yohimbine, but I don't think I've ever used alpha-Y before.
After taking OEP with alpha-Y in it, I can say that you will notice some cold hands from time to time, seems to be the norm but I never had anything bad from it. Then again, I can take T-911 and enjoy the yohimbine in it, love the energy boost.

Irish Cannon

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I just hate the anxiety, jitters and shrinkage I get from Y.

Have you guys tried stacking this with any stims or thermogenics other than E911? I'm actually really wanting to do another run of Leviathan Reloaded and AT2, but all that Yohimbine sounds rough. I may just stack AT2 with Speed V2. - Those plus my current stack should be intense.


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lookn good bw! (yes homo)
My brain asploded.:thinking:

Are you guys getting any negative sides from the Rauwolscine (a-Y)? I hate Yohimbine, but I don't think I've ever used alpha-Y before.
Shrinkage. Good lord, shrinkage. Especially while lifting. But no anxiety whatsoever.

Take care of that cold BW. Extra C and Zinc wil help some.

Don't get carried away with cutting. You don't need to lose as much bodyfat as you think you do. That goes for Resolve too. Both of you need to maintain as much muscle size and strength as possible. Remember how hard you both worked to add that mass and strength. SLOWLY reduce bodyfat. That's the way I like to do it.

Both of you are looking great.
2 big ol' muscle heads!!! LOL
Gracias muchacho! Yeah, I have no intention of losing all my hard earned size. My intention is to keep weight as high as possible while reducing BF%.

I just started using imageshack not long ago and like it, seems to be very fast for me and always works. Just thought I would throw out the option for you two.
Alright, that's good to know. :)

I just hate the anxiety, jitters and shrinkage I get from Y.

Have you guys tried stacking this with any stims or thermogenics other than E911? I'm actually really wanting to do another run of Leviathan Reloaded and AT2, but all that Yohimbine sounds rough. I may just stack AT2 with Speed V2. - Those plus my current stack should be intense.
Just the E-911. I've got some Focus XT that would go pretty well with the T2, I'll letcha know how that goes. Also have a bunch of Adipoxil (I think that's what it's called) samples from an NP order that I haven't touched. I'll play around with stacks and see what pairs well.


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Day 15

Today's a rest day, but I did lift yesterday, so herein I'll describe that. I've been missing heavy back squats, so I'm thinking I may change my routine up somewhat; maybe one Back Squat day and one Front Squat Day each week. Not sure, but I'm open to suggestions if any of you have ideas.

Also, it's deloading week for 5/3/1 movements, which means lighter loads and volume on PL days. I really find these help, and next week I'll be back at it, trying to set new 5rep PRs. Ugh, 5rep is the hardest and least fun of the 5/3/1 program.

T2: This is my second day of 2/2. Sweating is somewhat back, but is not as intense as when I first began the log. Also, the alpha-yohimbine, or stim effects in total from this product, are more apparent in the afternoon with this dose. Still no anxiety.

E-911: Per request, I've started messing around with other stims instead of E-911. This morning I used Focus XT, which I feel is a really underrated product; in conjunction with T2, this made for an excellent combo. More cognitive than E-911, due to Focus' choline bitartrate and ALCAR content. I've said it before, but I'd really like a decaf version of Focus, just so I can drink it for fun. It's tasty.

Yesterday's Workout:

Pin Squats: 365x3, 385x3, 415x3
Back Squats: 225 for 5x5 (deloading)
I just really enjoyed doing nothing but back squats, hence my desire to devote a day to them. It was also nice to use such a light load, but squats are the kind of thing that I feel worked out pretty much regardless of load - i.e. my quads and posterior chain could still tell they were working, just not as hard as usual.

Power Bench: 225 for 6x5 (deloading)
Seated Shoulder DB Press: 80x5, 90x5, 100x5, 105x5
Pretty sure 105s for 5 is a PR. Hardest part was just gettin' the darn things up (that's what she said.) - I almost threw the DB in my right hand because of my weaker grip on that side. Bench was great, felt like I could've thrown the bar a good 10 ft. :)

Accessory Lifts:
Cable Fly Triple Drop-sets:
80x10 +60x10 +40x5 (repeated twice)
Unilateral Leg Exts: 85 for 6x20 no rest
Single Pulley Rope Exts: 80 for 6x15
Unilateral Leg Press Machine Calves: 110 for 6x12
Army Guy

Army Guy

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holy crap Resolve!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 105s on the DBs for Shoulder Press!!! I would give the "we're not worthy" motion, but I think I need to pick up my jaw from the ground first!!! Does BW help you get it up (I AM talking about the DBs of course :) ) I struggle getting the 85s up and can only hit 85 for about 6 because of the effort it takes to get them up. I could possibly hit 95, but HOLY CRAP on the 105s!!!!


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holy crap Resolve!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 105s on the DBs for Shoulder Press!!! I would give the "we're not worthy" motion, but I think I need to pick up my jaw from the ground first!!! Does BW help you get it up (I AM talking about the DBs of course :) ) I struggle getting the 85s up and can only hit 85 for about 6 because of the effort it takes to get them up. I could possibly hit 95, but HOLY CRAP on the 105s!!!!
I believe the correct colloquial is 'boulders for shoulders.' Resolve has them. Holy crap.


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You guys are awesome. Push Press and Seated Overhead Partials have made a world of difference in my shoulder strength - I was as surprised as you all by that set with 105.

No, BW doesn't help me. For any Db over ~85 I do a seated clean to get them up. I'll rock the dbs back and forth a bit, then explode them upward. It works, but like I mentioned in my update, I almost threw one of the 105s.
Army Guy

Army Guy

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would have paid money to watch that!!! LOL


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You guys are awesome. Push Press and Seated Overhead Partials have made a world of difference in my shoulder strength - I was as surprised as you all by that set with 105.

No, BW doesn't help me. For any Db over ~85 I do a seated clean to get them up. I'll rock the dbs back and forth a bit, then explode them upward. It works, but like I mentioned in my update, I almost threw one of the 105s.
First, congrats on the 105'sX5 on the DB Shouler Presses. :clap2: That's heavy shizzle my brizzle.

Secondly, I get my DB's into position for these the same way you do. By using an explosive swinging clean. I can't seem to get the knack for using my legs to kick them up this high.
On Inclines, the DB's off the thighs works fine. But not for shoulder presses.
Army Guy

Army Guy

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First, congrats on the 105'sX5 on the DB Shouler Presses. :clap2: That's heavy shizzle my brizzle.

Secondly, I get my DB's into position for these the same way you do. By using an explosive swinging clean. I can't seem to get the knack for using my legs to kick them up this high.
On Inclines, the DB's off the thighs works fine. But not for shoulder presses.
agree wholeheartedly TG. But the clean and swing with anything over 80 still gets fatiguing... :thinking: guess I should actually practice those more


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I too set up my db presses the same way. Only I'm doing much more beta weight than you lol.

Resolve is so badass he rides a raptor to work.


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I too set up my db presses the same way. Only I'm doing much more beta weight than you lol.

Resolve is so badass he rides a raptor to work.
Damn, and I thought I was cool showing up to the clubs on my dryosaurus.


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Damn, and I thought I was cool showing up to the clubs on my dryosaurus.
Does said dryosaurus have a beard? If so, Resolve may have a run for his money :eek:


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Does said dryosaurus have a beard? If so, Resolve may have a run for his money :eek:
No, but he is the winner every year of Mustache March... it looks glorious perched upon its bird beak like mouth.


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No, but he is the winner every year of Mustache March... it looks glorious perched upon its bird beak like mouth.
That sounds so money...although Resolve's pet raptor has machine guns for arms..hard to really compete with that.

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