X-Factor log


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Very interesting, if this is true, maybe it would be good to take before a cycle and bigger gains would be made on slightly lower doses. I think I will go for bigger gains with the same high dose though:drunk:
I think this is going to be one of the next areas we see AA being applied. I've been getting a lot of feedback lately about acne with this product, without the concurrent use of androgens. I really think this is a very stong tendency for increasing AR in many androgen responsive tissues, like skin and muscle. It may be one of the key reasons AA is anabolic. If so, the applications with steroids are obvious. It could be like the mythical AR density drug we've been hoping for (fingers crossed).

I just keep telling everyone NOT to stack it though, because I want them to truly know what AA is doing for them. This **** does work!

Nate Dawg

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Thanks for checking in w. llewellyn. I will definetly try this after I come off my current cycle, and then will run another cycle of the AA before my next AAS cycle, since I do not seem to respond to them like I think I should be.


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My thoughts exactly Nate. I got some SD and ErgoMax just waiting to be stacked with X-factor.


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I dunno if I could stack SD with it, my joints hurt pretty bad while on SD. Couldn't imagine taking SD without EFA's...

Simon Keller

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Adonis X isn't a knock-off, the ads for it stated that Molecular and Syntrax worked together on it.. ;)
Bill and Derek often shared product ideas and what not, Adonis X and X-Factor are the same compound and both were released around the same time. Just go with the one that is cheaper (which usually is X-Factor)...:)

Simon Keller

New member
It blows my mind that for as long as this product has been out, nobody seemed to believe in it, I don't really know of anyone who has even tried it.
Two things...

1. Prohormones/Prosteroids were all the craze, and took up 95% of all the boards. Nobody wanted to here or talk about anything else.

2. With M1T being had for $9.99 a pop, no one was even thinking about dishing out $35 for something they didn't no much about.

I think Bill did a smart thing, by waitng until the hormone craze kinda died down and people started to look at other compounds, before he started getting testers and started posting more info on the boards...


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Got 3 reps of 315 lbs and 8 reps of 295 lbs on squat. I feel I could’ve gotten 5 reps and 10 reps if I had really pushed it. As much I wanna keep pushing the envelope, I know I need to go light for my next leg workout. I feel I can hit 300 lbs for 10 reps within the next two weeks.

I have also decided to cut creatine out of my supplement stack. Yesterday morning was the last time I took it.

Tried to do upper body today. MISTAKE! I got tired in like 15 minutes, obviously way too beat-up from my crazy leg workouts. Still able to kick up some 85 pound dumbbells for 7 reps on bench press. I know I should’ve rested more but I have been in the zone more than ever before. I really feel like an animal and I am confident in saying that X-Factor is a major cause of this. I don’t know why, but I very seldom find myself this crazed to hit the weights. I’m going to say it’s 50% psychological and %50 physiological.

I used to be able to run 5 miles like it was a walk around the block. Now 2 miles has me stopping for rests. Not so much because my cardio system is tired but because my legs get so painfully pumped. Can you say lower back pump? Ughh! That, and although I don’t feel joint pain while resting, I feel it when running; ankle and knee pain along with intense shin splints. It could be the X-Factor or it could be just all the added weight I have. You guys want some weight and girth measurements but I’m going to wait a few more days and let any residual creatine leave my system. Then we’ll see how much that contributed to my size.

Food of the day: strawberries on steroids. These things are red and huge… :D

Nate Dawg

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How much longer do you have left on your cycle of the xfactor? How has the acne been coming along, getting any worse? Any more weight gains lately? It appears that your strength is going up nicely, were you plateaued at all before starting this, or were your strength gains going at the same rate they are now? Keep up the good work.


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How much longer do you have left on your cycle of the xfactor? How has the acne been coming along, getting any worse? Any more weight gains lately? It appears that your strength is going up nicely, were you plateaued at all before starting this, or were your strength gains going at the same rate they are now? Keep up the good work.
I have about 3 weeks left.
Acne has not changed. Still up a bit more than normal but not getting worse.
Weight gains I'll post at the end of this week.
I was severely plateued before starting X-Factor.


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Well people, I went too gung ho last week and now I’m paying for it. I haven’t had a half decent workout since Friday. I believe that from pushing myself so hard on leg days and not going to sleep as early as I should, I have induced slight adrenal fatigue. I base this diagnoses on a few symptoms but especially the fact that I keep waking up at 3am. Top that off with the stress of dealing with people who ask me for **** every freakin day and you’ve got yourself on the road to overtraining. Hopefully tomorrow I’ll be able to have a workout but this week is going to be VERY light and easy. And don’t think this doesn’t piss me off. But I actually just got over a year long bout with insomnia and I’m not going to start that **** up again. I’m so disappointed though. I know I could’ve hit 300lbs for a ten rep squat. It is so shitty to wake up at 3am and just lay thinking to yourself that you know you won’t be able to workout. So, right now I’m staying away from all stimulants, eating supportive herbs and nutrients, and going to bed at 8pm. My right, lower eye-lid has been twitching nonstop since Friday.

Nate Dawg

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Sounds like a very good product. Just rest up and you will be all ready to go next week. For me, it seems I can only hit is super hard for ~4 weeks then I am just drained, so it may be time for you to take a little break.


New member
Very good job Aeternitatis. Your log is very interesting.

I have ordered 3 bottles of X-Factor and I hope that it will be also effective for me.

max von

New member
Very good job Aeternitatis. Your log is very interesting.

I have ordered 3 bottles of X-Factor and I hope that it will be also effective for me.
Chriscool I am new to this board but have been a long time supporter of x-factor i will say up front
that i am a friend of Bill and this supplement is the real deal and works very well i posted my results
on 2 other boards and will tell you that i gained 11lbs of lean muscle mass and went from 11%bf to
8%. I also gained 3/4 inch on my arms and almost 3 inches on chest size good luck and if you have any
question that i can be of help let me know

thanks for trying it you will love it

max von

Nate Dawg

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Those are some hellacious gains, was that the recommended 50 day cycle, and what dose were you running?


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Thanks Max...
I've started my 2nd bottle yesterday. I take 2+2+1 cap ED. I do not take any other supplement (also no fish oil or peanut butter)

I have not yet gained some weight and my BF seems stable but I mesure my BF with a Body Fat Monitor Scale and the result changes often: one day -2%, next day +1% not good to check a BF with a scale :sad:

In the mirror I look much leaner and my pumps are incredibles in my workouts.

I know that X-Factor takes 3 weeks to make a good effect... so wait and see :rolleyes:

For all... sorry for my "ugly" english, I speak much better French!

max von

New member
Those are some hellacious gains, was that the recommended 50 day cycle, and what dose were you running?
yes i did the 50 days taking 2 pills in the morning and 3 prior to work out on may 7th will be my 50 days off and then im going to try another 50 and see if there is any drop of effect Thank i appreciate it

max von


Supplement Jester
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I've started my 2nd bottle yesterday. I take 2+2+1 cap ED. I do not take any other supplement (also no fish oil or peanut butter)
What's the beef with peanut butter? I'm gonna be eating that **** by the jar when I do my X-Factor cycle later this spring...


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I don't think the PB is a problem, just the EFA's like flax seed, or fish oil. I think I am gonna try out x-factor in a couple months, and I too will be hitting the PB pretty hard.


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Well people, I went too gung ho last week and now I’m paying for it. I haven’t had a half decent workout since Friday. I believe that from pushing myself so hard on leg days and not going to sleep as early as I should, I have induced slight adrenal fatigue. I base this diagnoses on a few symptoms but especially the fact that I keep waking up at 3am. Top that off with the stress of dealing with people who ask me for **** every freakin day and you’ve got yourself on the road to overtraining. Hopefully tomorrow I’ll be able to have a workout but this week is going to be VERY light and easy. And don’t think this doesn’t piss me off. But I actually just got over a year long bout with insomnia and I’m not going to start that **** up again. I’m so disappointed though. I know I could’ve hit 300lbs for a ten rep squat. It is so shitty to wake up at 3am and just lay thinking to yourself that you know you won’t be able to workout. So, right now I’m staying away from all stimulants, eating supportive herbs and nutrients, and going to bed at 8pm. My right, lower eye-lid has been twitching nonstop since Friday.
Hey Aeternitatis,

Just wanted to check in and see how the last 3 weeks of your cycle went. Haven't heard from you. Were you able to get final numbers?

Thanks again!


Board Sponsor
Hey Aeternitatis,

Just wanted to check in and see how the last 3 weeks of your cycle went. Haven't heard from you. Were you able to get final numbers?

Thanks again!
X Factor is an awesome product! From the reviews I have heard have ALL been positive. I will be grabbing me a few bottles :)


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I can't even keep it in my store.. :(

max von

New member
I can't even keep it in my store.. :(
glad to hear that it is selling that quickly for you this stuff is the bomb and will be the next big supplement. Glad to here that you are having sucess in your store good luck with it

max von


Supplement Jester
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If most people knew how good the literature [re: science] on/behind it really is, they would be less surprised.

I knew about it a while back, but my understanding of the merits vs. risks was much poorer then. Bill definitely took a gamble with it, but this time the wheel spun his way.

max von

New member
If most people knew how good the literature [re: science] on/behind it really is, they would be less surprised.

I knew about it a while back, but my understanding of the merits vs. risks was much poorer then. Bill definitely took a gamble with it, but this time the wheel spun his way.
i couldnt agree with you more

max von


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***Final Review***

For those who don’t want all the fluff, you can just skip to the summary at the bottom.

I haven’t updated in a long time because I haven’t really had anything different to say about X-Factor. The gains continue. It’s that simple. The shitty part for me was overtraining and needing to take 1-1/2 weeks off to recover and then not being at full capacity for another couple of days. So essentially I lost 2 weeks of training. It would seem that although X-Factor increases the rate of strength and muscle gains as well as increasing intensity, it does not increase recovery. That being said, I think it is important for everyone who uses X-Factor to keep in mind that although you may feel like you can just tear up the weights with wild abandon, you cannot. Just stick to your usual training program.

I noticed that the increased amount of soreness also tapered off with continued usage. Either that or I just got accustomed to the soreness. X-Factor also seems to have good nutrient partitioning effects. Although I was eating huge amounts of food and definitely not eating clean everyday, I still didn’t put on any extra fat. Actually, I think I lost a small amount of fat which is amazing considering I wasn’t trying to lean out. The sad part is, after I overtrained, I just couldn’t seem to get the great X-Factor results that I had during the first month of supplementation. I don’t know why this would be. Maybe I still need to take a few days worth of recovery time or something.

My body weight went slightly down as my muscles began to feel fuller and harder. I can only attribute this to fat loss. Another interesting thing was that even after cycling off of creatine mono, I didn’t lose any weight. I always drop about 5 pounds once I stop using creatine. In fact, I would recommend to use X-Factor by itself with no other supplements except for the usual vitamin and protein. My lifts all skyrocketed during the first month of supplementation (before overtraining) and after a one week plateau, they are just starting to go up again (after overtraining). I think the best lifts I did were 315 on squat for 5 reps and 300 on squat for 10 reps. I have never in my life lifted that much. My flat bench went up to 190 for 10 reps but I’ve been past that before; bench has always been a week point because I hardly ever train it. Still, at this point in time a 190 bench press is good for me. Considering in 4 weeks it went from 170 to 190 is great in my opinion. I also went from using 65 pounds dumbbells on flat bench to 85 pounders. I have never used that heavy of a dumbbell before. My body weight now is basically holding steady at 170 pounds but I’m noticeably leaner.

For me, the coolest part about X-Factor (aside from the great gains) is the intensity it gave me. Maybe I was just psyched up to be making such great gains, I don’t know. But when I was on X-Factor, I was so focused and so ready to hit everything hardcore. I guess next time I should try to control that urge. I think the best thing I can say about this product is, I will definitely be using it again in the future. I wouldn’t say that unless it worked great.

On a side note, Ori Hoffmekler has written some things about arachidonic acid in his book Maximum Muscle, Minimum Fat. I guess he too understands how AA is in muscle building.


—Amazing gains in strength and size
—Nutrient partitioning effects cause leanness even while bulking
—Increased drive and focus in the gym
—Increases strength but not recovery therefore:
—Be careful about overtraining
—Useful while cutting and bulking


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BTW, I'll have some more solid and readable numbers up later today.


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I can sum it up even better.

X-Factor is certainly the best, most effectve supplement I have ever used... EVER.

(I should've gotten payed for saying that)


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I read this entire post and noticed numerous times that one should avoid fish oils as a supplement while on X-Factor. Logic would tell me to also avoid tuna or fish in general. I do get a lot of my daily protein from tuna so I figured it would just be best to ask if I should avoid it or not. Maybe there's not enough to affect the efficacy of this supplement. Obviously, I wouldn't want to buy it and cancel the effects with a portion of my diet.


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If you're not eating Albacore tuna then I wouldn't worry about it. Albacore is the fatty, white colored kind. But I would avoid tuna for other reasons. Personally, I like to keep my mercury intake at a minimum.


New member
X-Factor is certainly the best, most effectve supplement I have ever used... EVER.
That is great! I am extremely happy to see you like the product so much Aeternitatis!

You made my week with that line, at the very least..


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I eat about 3 cans of tuna a day, and mercury levels are fine lol. If you eat like 8-10 cans a day then you have something to worry about. If not then mercury is not a problem.


the triumph of the grill
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Albacore tuna, being fattier, has higher mercury levels as well, since heavy metals are stored in fats.



Registered User
Thanks for all of the feedback. I eat only up to 3 cans a day but that's on rare occassions. It goes no higher than that. I'm glad to see there are going to be no conflicts with the tuna and X-Factor. One more question popped into my head when pondering conflicts and synergies of different substances. I have some Max LMG preordered through NP and was wondering if there might be any conflicts or synergies associated with the two? I don't see any but then again I'm definitely not the most knowledgeable on this board. Thanks again.


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Thanks for all of the feedback. I eat only up to 3 cans a day but that's on rare occassions. It goes no higher than that. I'm glad to see there are going to be no conflicts with the tuna and X-Factor. One more question popped into my head when pondering conflicts and synergies of different substances. I have some Max LMG preordered through NP and was wondering if there might be any conflicts or synergies associated with the two? I don't see any but then again I'm definitely not the most knowledgeable on this board. Thanks again.
Is Max LMG a "pheramone" like ErgoMAX was? If so, then I think X-Factor would synergize with it through the possible increase in AR density. But it may also make androgenic sides more potent/noticeable. The next time I use X-Factor I'm going to probably be using it with Diesel Test (a natural test booster).


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I eat about 3 cans of tuna a day, and mercury levels are fine lol. If you eat like 8-10 cans a day then you have something to worry about. If not then mercury is not a problem.
Considering how mercury is accumulative and that nasty effects (but not necessarily life threatening) can start at low levels--and the fact that canned tuna is pretty gross--makes me say screw the tuna. Chicken is just as economical anyways.


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Uh, here are the numbers I said I'd post yesterday... :think:

Biceps are up 1/4 inch and thighs up 1/2 inch. I definitely look wider from the front and thicker from the side. My lats have gotten wider for sure. The only thing I’m missing is rounder delts but that just means I need to fine tune my training.

Body Weight_______175______170______- 5lbs
Body Fat__________~19%________~16______-3%
Bench Press_______155 / 10_____195 / 10___+ 40lbs (my weak lift)
Squat____________255 / 10_____300 / 10__+ 45lbs

Squat____________275 / 5_____315 / 5__+ 40lbs



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That is great! I am extremely happy to see you like the product so much Aeternitatis!

You made my week with that line, at the very least..
Can I have more X-Factor??? :icon_lol: :twisted:


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Great results. It amazes me that X Factor has been on the market so long but it took until now to start making a move. I am glad to see it as Molecular Nutrition and Llewellyn are good people.


Great resuls man! I think you opened the eyes of many who thought this was junk because prohormones werer standing in the way! Definitely will look more into this, just wish it was a little cheaper considering you need like 3 bottles...


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It will be getting cheaper. Right now X-Factor is selling like mad and I think is out of stock. So, william is reformulating the capsules to contain 250mg per cap and 100 caps per bottle. The bottles will cost a little more but you'll only need two of them so will save money overall. It is definitely worth the money. Cheaper than most prohormones and no PCT needed.

Nate Dawg

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w_llewelyn, have you heard of anyone trying higher than the recommended dosage on the bottle? Does it give any better results or is just best to stick with the recommended dose?


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My results were very similar to the thread starter. I'm big on X-factor...seemed like a lot of people were taking shots at the product early on and I wouldn't doubt that was a big contributor to people being apprehensive about it.

Strength went up every workout (as opposed to kind of creeping up as it typically does) and I felt as though I was getting leaner...despite trying to bulk. I felt kinda pumped all day...which is nice. People actually noticed the results I was having.

I can't wait to see how this works during a cut...gotta get the discipline to cut again first, though :)

max von

New member
***Final Review***

For those who don’t want all the fluff, you can just skip to the summary at the bottom.

I haven’t updated in a long time because I haven’t really had anything different to say about X-Factor. The gains continue. It’s that simple. The shitty part for me was overtraining and needing to take 1-1/2 weeks off to recover and then not being at full capacity for another couple of days. So essentially I lost 2 weeks of training. It would seem that although X-Factor increases the rate of strength and muscle gains as well as increasing intensity, it does not increase recovery. That being said, I think it is important for everyone who uses X-Factor to keep in mind that although you may feel like you can just tear up the weights with wild abandon, you cannot. Just stick to your usual training program.

I noticed that the increased amount of soreness also tapered off with continued usage. Either that or I just got accustomed to the soreness. X-Factor also seems to have good nutrient partitioning effects. Although I was eating huge amounts of food and definitely not eating clean everyday, I still didn’t put on any extra fat. Actually, I think I lost a small amount of fat which is amazing considering I wasn’t trying to lean out. The sad part is, after I overtrained, I just couldn’t seem to get the great X-Factor results that I had during the first month of supplementation. I don’t know why this would be. Maybe I still need to take a few days worth of recovery time or something.

My body weight went slightly down as my muscles began to feel fuller and harder. I can only attribute this to fat loss. Another interesting thing was that even after cycling off of creatine mono, I didn’t lose any weight. I always drop about 5 pounds once I stop using creatine. In fact, I would recommend to use X-Factor by itself with no other supplements except for the usual vitamin and protein. My lifts all skyrocketed during the first month of supplementation (before overtraining) and after a one week plateau, they are just starting to go up again (after overtraining). I think the best lifts I did were 315 on squat for 5 reps and 300 on squat for 10 reps. I have never in my life lifted that much. My flat bench went up to 190 for 10 reps but I’ve been past that before; bench has always been a week point because I hardly ever train it. Still, at this point in time a 190 bench press is good for me. Considering in 4 weeks it went from 170 to 190 is great in my opinion. I also went from using 65 pounds dumbbells on flat bench to 85 pounders. I have never used that heavy of a dumbbell before. My body weight now is basically holding steady at 170 pounds but I’m noticeably leaner.

For me, the coolest part about X-Factor (aside from the great gains) is the intensity it gave me. Maybe I was just psyched up to be making such great gains, I don’t know. But when I was on X-Factor, I was so focused and so ready to hit everything hardcore. I guess next time I should try to control that urge. I think the best thing I can say about this product is, I will definitely be using it again in the future. I wouldn’t say that unless it worked great.

On a side note, Ori Hoffmekler has written some things about arachidonic acid in his book Maximum Muscle, Minimum Fat. I guess he too understands how AA is in muscle building.


—Amazing gains in strength and size
—Nutrient partitioning effects cause leanness even while bulking
—Increased drive and focus in the gym
—Increases strength but not recovery therefore:
—Be careful about overtraining
—Useful while cutting and bulking
glad to see you had such good results, your final review was awsome and very good to read.


New member
w_llewelyn, have you heard of anyone trying higher than the recommended dosage on the bottle? Does it give any better results or is just best to stick with the recommended dose?
I have heard a few, but nothing exceptional above normal gains to report. I do think that the more you take, the more the demand may be created for protein, as AA is likely increasing protein turnover in general (breakdown and synthesis). I would fear that at some point too much might even be counter productive, if you can't keep up on the synthesis side..

Since AA is a powerful fatty acid, and we also have a great deal of safety data on its supplemention of up to 1.5-1.7 grams daily, that would be the limit of what I'd feel comfortable recommending, just for basic liability reasons. I doubt you'd have to worry until the dosage was much higher though, and even so overdose studies in rats failed to produce adverse events. Still though. Go with what you know I think.. And we know 1.7grams and under is safe to take.


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Hey Bill.. Email me thru here, I got a question for you.. :)

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