When did you realise it was time to settle down (girlfriend)



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I heard in one class (can't remember which), that females were by nature monogamous and males by nature sought many mates. They even went on to say that the shape at the tip of the penis was like that to scoop out competitors sperm.

I don't necessarily buy that though. I am too stupid to even think about handling more than one woman. I would go crazy and get all my lies all confused.

Maybe other people can handle several women. Not me.
Ok, I've never heard that but I have heard that there is a book called Sperm Wars that talks about some pretty crazy stuff. Like, a lot of the sperm that a man ejaculates isn't even capable of fertilizing an egg, it's actually sperm that attacks and kills a competitor's seed. I haven't read the book, just heard someone talking about it.... that's crazy and has all kinds of implications.

As for monogamy... personally it's just not where my head is at these days. Tried the long term relationship (6-7 months) and it just didn't work. The single life is where it's at! Someday I'll find the right one and settle down, but until then I feel that I should be able to date as many women as I want as part of that search. The women I date can do the same. Just be safe.


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Thanks guys it helps alot to know it is possible. I guess im just scared of wanting to fck around my whole life and ending up alone. (fck these elevated estrogen levels, *me* grabs for the arimidex)

If I could write down on paper eveyrthing I wanted in a girl, the girl im with now is exactly that. But still for some reason I want to fck around. Maybe i'm just too young or maybe if i have to think this hard about her she just isnt right.
I think you're physically going to have that urge until your test levels decline as you get older and the raging libido declines - unless you go on HRT. I don't think anyone, even in happy relationships, would disagree that they aren't sexually attracted to other women and have that urge for a fling. It's really built into the DNA.

I think what changes is after having dated a bunch of women, who are all physically attractive, you become much more discriminating in your choices. You mentioned a lot of "resume" qualities like education, good job, investment property, etc and that's stuff's cool, but I like that ambigous term chemistry a lot more.

My girlfriend is by far my best friend. Had she been a dude, she would have been my best friend also. We clicked right away and were on the same page on everything. The fact that she's attractive as well and also has those "resume" qualities just makes me incredibly bored with other chicks - once you get passed the initial overwhelmed by their beauty phase. There's always going to be a younger hotter chick and at some point you will viscerally experience being bored with the younger hotter chick even though you're attracted to her.

If you're not there yet, then keep dating until it happens.


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badfish has it down.

As long as girls are just vagina-packaging to you, you'll just (try to) unwrap one after another, and not particularly value the contents of one over another.

IF you grow up, that will change. When it changes, you'll know it, whether you understand it or not. At that point, the vagina becomes "part of this nutritious breakfast" - not the point of the exercise.

Looking for sex is not the same thing as looking for a partner. Finding a partner is not the same as finding sex.


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Yeah one day I want to have kids and a wife, house etc all that crap. But I always feel like there is someone better out there.
Im curious, is this the normal male feeling because we want to **** everything or is there really someone out there who is going to make me really say wow and want to settle down.
you hit it right on the head. there is someone better out there. once you have enough life experiences with many, many women......if your like me, you'll come to a point in your life where running from one to another is losing its appeal. this point for me came at the age of 30. this day might not ever come for you, but when you stop thinking or asking yourself the question "is this the one or is there someone better", that's when you'll be ready and when your probably with "the one". i know i am. when "they" say "you'll know when you meet her"....they're right. i didn't believe that 10 years ago.....hell i didn't believe that 4 years ago. and then one day....BAM!.. there she was, never would have believed it!


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This may be weird and perhaps true to some but when your looking real hard it would seems endless and when your not looking someone usually comes along. Well my relationship ended last week and well I got to hit the gym! I was held captive for 7 months w/o the gym and now beginning to go. And like I said with the BS she put me through I wont be looking for one anytime soon. But when I do try to look hard it luck seems to be short but again its something to share my 2 cents. Like many says try to do the most while your single bc I know when I had my ex man I felt like a slave. So now I do what I want to do and how I please.

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