Weights up, scales down…

Gym time 7:15 am-8:30 am(would have been 7 but had to make a run back to the house for a emergency poop 😂
BW 225
Pre workout 1.5 scoop pump addict +PEA relief +fish oil

warm ups


rope tricep push downs
Over head extension x10x10x8

Face pull


lat pull down

post workout milk+protein powder +3 caps pine pollen+sabroxy XT

I did order Pepti plex and the old CEL pct assist.

Deadlifts were great feeling really good about them and man what a sweat fest. Also felt pretty good one of the gym regulars that’s been there before I started at this gym came up and complimented me on my deads and how I have progressed. Was pretty unexpected but felt great hearing that!
I'm right behind you with ordering pepti-plex, I'm pretty stoked to see what it can do for me.

This was a killer session dude
I'm right behind you with ordering pepti-plex, I'm pretty stoked to see what it can do for me.

This was a killer session dude
Same on the Pepti Plex seems to be a lot of positives with this supplement. Lots of feedback and seems to be working well on a lot of different pathways.
Initially I was taking 4 caps upon waking. Then I tried doing 4 caps post workout on lifting days. I am currently doing 2 in am, 2 in pm. I didn’t go 6 caps. It seemed to work the same in any of the ways I dosed it. I have seen the best recuperation after my torn tricep from Pepti-Plex. Minimal tendon soreness after tricep work.
Initially I was taking 4 caps upon waking. Then I tried doing 4 caps post workout on lifting days. I am currently doing 2 in am, 2 in pm. I didn’t go 6 caps. It seemed to work the same in any of the ways I dosed it. I have seen the best recuperation after my torn tricep from Pepti-Plex. Minimal tendon soreness after tricep work.
Awesome sounds like a win!
Gym time 7:15 am-8:30 am(would have been 7 but had to make a run back to the house for a emergency poop
BW 225
Pre workout 1.5 scoop pump addict +PEA relief +fish oil

warm ups


rope tricep push downs
Over head extension x10x10x8

Face pull


lat pull down

post workout milk+protein powder +3 caps pine pollen+sabroxy XT

I did order Pepti plex and the old CEL pct assist.

Deadlifts were great feeling really good about them and man what a sweat fest. Also felt pretty good one of the gym regulars that’s been there before I started at this gym came up and complimented me on my deads and how I have progressed. Was pretty unexpected but felt great hearing that!
Nice way to get back after it after the prior week you had. You guys are also going to love Pepti-Plex, which reminds me that I need to pick up more. Just got to find the best price.
Gym time 72mins

more workout 1.5 scoop pump addict+ PEA relief + fish oil

not including warm ups

180x5x5x3x3 (little surprised of the power and how fast these moved, didn’t quite have enough to make all 5’s)

incline DB bench

BB bent over row

lat pull down


BB curl

skull crusher

sweat fest and pump was really good. New meso shooting for 5 weeks the template is pretty much PHUL. Really enjoyed today and excited for the rest of the week. Back to m/t- t/f as that seems to be my reliable schedule.
Post workout
Milk + protein + pine pollen + vitamin D +
Nice way to get back after it after the prior week you had. You guys are also going to love Pepti-Plex, which reminds me that I need to pick up more. Just got to find the best price.

The absolute best price is always the 12-pack deal, purchased during a holiday sale. Failing that, the prices at SNS during holiday sales are still always the best. And getting multipacks during that time are still killer deals. Otherwise, for regular time DPS generally has the best price for whatever they have in stock if buying 1-2 bottles of something, I’ve found.
I also ordered the mutant pro chocolate milk protein, forgot to add that.

I mentioned that because I need to bring powder with me during the day to get some protein in. Today was a bit of a cluster **** show, didn’t get to eat lunch so turned into a mini fast. Hopefully with dinner re fuel I have enough in the tank for some good work tomorrow morning!
Gym time 75 minutes
Pre workout 1 scoop pump addict + fish oil + PEA relief + cup of coffee
No warm up sets just work sets listed



lying leg curl

leg press

calf rotary machine

I about died during leg presses but managed to get 10 reps on each set. Hopefully next week I can get 5 reps on all sets for squats and dead’s. With lack of food and a long day yesterday performance as not at peak but still pretty decent. Holy sweat fest.

post workout milk + protein + pine pollen + vitamin d + Incenderine (started this back up have 1 1/2 bottles.
Nice session!
Gym time 75 minutes
Pre workout 1 scoop pump addict + fish oil + PEA relief + cup of coffee
No warm up sets just work sets listed



lying leg curl

leg press

calf rotary machine

I about died during leg presses but managed to get 10 reps on each set. Hopefully next week I can get 5 reps on all sets for squats and dead’s. With lack of food and a long day yesterday performance as not at peak but still pretty decent. Holy sweat fest.

post workout milk + protein + pine pollen + vitamin d + Incenderine (started this back up have 1 1/2 bottles.
Damn dude, nice sesh. Dead’s after squats…brutal.
A pretty intense and quick session I had to hit the road early for a concrete pour this morning.

gym time 5 am - 45 minutes
BW 223
Pre workout 2 scoop pump addict + PEA relief + fish oil + Pepti Plex
Warm ups not listed just work sets

incline bench

DB fly flat

Seated cable row

single arm DB row supported

DB lateral raise incline bench

Incline DB curl

over head tricep extension cable

post workout milk + protein + pine pollen + CEL pct assist + incinderine

pretty pumped and out of breath!
Gym time right at 60 minutes.

more workout 1 scoop wild thing + cup of coffee+ PEA relief + Pepti Plex 2 caps

lower body focus hypertrophy

front squats (I suck at these but trying to get the hang of them)
135 x8x8x8x8

walking lunges DB
30# walking lunges 30yard mats down and back 3 times

leg extensions machine
100 x12x12x10x10x8

leg curl machine
95 x12x10x10x10x10

BB shrug
225 x10x10x10

BW x8x8

pull ups
BW x5x4x2

post workout milk + protein + cel pct assist + pine pollen + incinderine + fish oil

These little leggys didn’t go to the market, they got pumped!
My PEA relief arrived today. How and when r u dosing? And when did you notice any relief in pain?
I dose one first thing in the am with fish oil pill then one when I get home around 5ish again with fish oil. I did experiment with 3 a day for 2 weeks.

I started noticing less back stiffness/sore around the 1 week ish area. I’m one bottle in now and can say with confidence I have a lot less aches pains in general. The biggest one is just my lower back I haven’t had the problems I was having before.

I am on bottle 2 and plan on this just being a staple for me at this point.
I am going to give those exercises a shot. Every time I went to chiro over the years he always mentioned c5 and 6 as well as t1. I ronically I watched the entire video w poor posture!
Thanks for the input brother!!! Much appreciated
I am going to give those exercises a shot. Every time I went to chiro over the years he always mentioned c5 and 6 as well as t1. I ronically I watched the entire video w poor posture!
Thanks for the input brother!!! Much appreciated
No worries man I did the rolled up towel last night and this morning, going to keep doing them to help open up things felt really good.
4000 iu is what I’ve been running lately. I also need to get magnesium restocked I haven’t been keeping up with it.

You really want to get your D3 levels checked at some point. That could be far too little.

I’m not saying you should do this, but I take 24,000iu on training days and 22,000 on off days currently.

I know from my bloodwork I absorb it quite poorly (as does my sister), so I need a lot to stay in range. 10,000 is enough to keep me from being deficient (sub-30 level), but 20k has been slowly creeping me up. I was up to mid 60s a few months back in winter taking 17,000. I have no perceived issues from this and I am not over the top of range (100), nor do I get lots of sun come summertime, so I am experimenting.

The main thing is to not be deficient, sub 30 levels. The majority of people who died from COVID were found to have low D levels, so that tells me it’s probably ideal to keep my levels on the higher end of in-range.
You really want to get your D3 levels checked at some point. That could be far too little.

I’m not saying you should do this, but I take 24,000iu on training days and 22,000 on off days currently.

I know from my bloodwork I absorb it quite poorly (as does my sister), so I need a lot to stay in range. 10,000 is enough to keep me from being deficient (sub-30 level), but 20k has been slowly creeping me up. I was up to mid 60s a few months back in winter taking 17,000. I have no perceived issues from this and I am not over the top of range (100), nor do I get lots of sun come summertime, so I am experimenting.

The main thing is to not be deficient, sub 30 levels. The majority of people who died from COVID were found to have low D levels, so that tells me it’s probably ideal to keep my levels on the higher end of in-range.
That is a good point I’ll look into getting a vitamin D test and see where I’m at.
I dose one first thing in the am with fish oil pill then one when I get home around 5ish again with fish oil. I did experiment with 3 a day for 2 weeks.

I started noticing less back stiffness/sore around the 1 week ish area. I’m one bottle in now and can say with confidence I have a lot less aches pains in general. The biggest one is just my lower back I haven’t had the problems I was having before.

I am on bottle 2 and plan on this just being a staple for me at this point.

That's a pretty big endorsement, might need to give this a go.

You really want to get your D3 levels checked at some point. That could be far too little.

I’m not saying you should do this, but I take 24,000iu on training days and 22,000 on off days currently.

Wow! I currently add 5000 IUs daily. Bit maybe I need to also rethink the amount.
That's a pretty big endorsement, might need to give this a go.
Doubling down on AK, at the 2 week mark to the day, i noticed my neck and lower back cracks and pops had completely subsided... my tendinitis was manageable, and I can't feel the arthritis in my feet for the first time since 2017.

Now those are huge claims, sometimes I can still tell somethings not 100%, but the lack of pain gives me the opportunity to correct what I'm doing before I get to the point of hurting. Might have been AK I said it to in my log, maybe you, but it's a small quality of life adjustment and I'll take every little bit I can.
Last week my average weight was 225.7 LBS

This week my average weight was 224.29 LBS down 1.4 lbs

Pretty happy with the results so far just need to keep it up!
looking back at pictures from a year ago its pretty crazy the difference. I will work on putting together some side by side photos.Invalid Link Removed
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Doubling down on AK, at the 2 week mark to the day, i noticed my neck and lower back cracks and pops had completely subsided... my tendinitis was manageable, and I can't feel the arthritis in my feet for the first time since 2017.

Now those are huge claims, sometimes I can still tell somethings not 100%, but the lack of pain gives me the opportunity to correct what I'm doing before I get to the point of hurting. Might have been AK I said it to in my log, maybe you, but it's a small quality of life adjustment and I'll take every little bit I can.
Just got my PEA Relief and Pepti-Plex in yesterday’s mail. This is bottle 3 of the Pepti, excited to see the combo of the 2 products. I agree, any improvement over “status quo” is a WIN!
So my little angel has been walking for about a week pretty solid. So today we took her to the park and she got to walk with shoes on and in the wide open. Took a little bit to get comfortable with the shoes but once she got it figured out we walked all over! She turn 1 year old next Saturday. Invalid Link Removed
That’s AWESOME Brother! Being a Dad is the best. Enjoy EVERY MOMENT you can w her. My daughter is 25 this May and I worked a shift at work that was a personal sacrifice but benefited my employer. I missed a lot of tub time, dinner, and bed time stories w her. I worked 4 10hr shifts so I kinda broke even but man do I miss those days when she looked at me like I made the sun rise and set.
Its a cliche but they grow up soooooo fast
That’s AWESOME Brother! Being a Dad is the best. Enjoy EVERY MOMENT you can w her. My daughter is 25 this May and I worked a shift at work that was a personal sacrifice but benefited my employer. I missed a lot of tub time, dinner, and bed time stories w her. I worked 4 10hr shifts so I kinda broke even but man do I miss those days when she looked at me like I made the sun rise and set.
Its a cliche but they grow up soooooo fast
The saying they grow up so fast or time flys is definitely so true. I can’t believe it’s a year already and she has grown so much it makes me so proud but a little sad at the same time.

Definitely one of the reasons I transferred here was we had been trying to start a family and this allowed me the time to actually be home and have a life with them. I want to be there every step of the way as much as I can, work will always be there.
I work to live - never live to work! You never know how many days you will get, but the one thing you can count on is that none of the days will ever truly be the same. Time is always passing! Try to appreciate the now as much as you can.
Gym time bright and early 70 minutes
BW 224
Upper strength day

pre workout 1 scoop pump addict + PEA + 2 caps Pepti Plex + fish oil
No warm up listed just work sets

bench (going to have to reduce weight)

incline DB bench

Bent over BB row

lat pull down wide grip

Pull-up neutral grip

BB OHP standing

BB curl

DB floor press

was really striving to hit 180x5 on all sets but didn’t. Just felt really weak and didn’t have it, incline DB was pathetic. Will destroy squats and deads tomorrow so I feel better 😂

post work out protein + whole milk + 2 caps PCT assist + BLR incinderine + 4000iu vitamin D.
Remember when you couldn’t do a pullup?? Making progress, one way or another!
Yes I know I’m getting greedy and wanting all the gains at a fast rate 😂 also look how far my squat and deadlift has come. Wasn’t but about 2 months ago I almost benched what I could deadlift.
Gym time early morning 70 minutes
Lower strength day
BW 223

pre workout 1 scoop pump addict 1 scoop wild thing + pea relief + Pepti Plex + fish oil

warm ups not listed just work sets


275x3 ( felt really good and light so I decided to see where it goes)
315x1 PR

leg press

lying leg curl

Calf machine

post workout milk + protein + cel pct assist + blr incinderine + 4000iu vitamin d

Man just a good session was very happy with performance and hitting a PR!