Vadox's Controlled Labs BLUE STACK (Blue Gene/Blue UP) 30-day Sponsored Log


Controlled Labs Blue Stack - Week 2 - Day 10​

Chest Day! As follows:

1) Bench Press - 4x8 +1 set
2) Incline Dumbbell Press - 4x8 + 1 set
3) Dips - 6/6/8/6 0/0/+2/+6
4) Shoulder Press - 4x9 +1 set
5) Lateral Raise - 4x10 + 1 Set

Diet was ok..

Supplementation and Comments:
Workout was too late, so I didn't improve the numbers. Also talked too much -- went with a buddy, had a 60 minute workout take 2.5 hours! Damn. No comments on supplementation, took Blue Up in the AM and Blue Gene before workout. After taking Blue Up couldn't control myself -- I had to go run. So I ran a bit extra today. Other than that, an ok day.

13 hours of sleep last night FTW :D



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Controlled Labs Blue Stack - Week 2 - Day 10​

Chest Day! As follows:

1) Bench Press - 4x8 +1 set
2) Incline Dumbbell Press - 4x8 + 1 set
3) Dips - 6/6/8/6 0/0/+2/+6
4) Shoulder Press - 4x9 +1 set
5) Lateral Raise - 4x10 + 1 Set

Diet was ok..

Supplementation and Comments:
Workout was too late, so I didn't improve the numbers. Also talked too much -- went with a buddy, had a 60 minute workout take 2.5 hours! Damn. No comments on supplementation, took Blue Up in the AM and Blue Gene before workout. After taking Blue Up couldn't control myself -- I had to go run. So I ran a bit extra today. Other than that, an ok day.

13 hours of sleep last night FTW :D


That sounds like a truly excellent day :D


Controlled Labs Blue Stack - Week 2 - Day 11​

Off day :donut:

Diet was perfect. Got all my food from the dining hall, weighed everything, EXCELLENT!

Supplementation and Comments:
No workout today, but I went for a run for 25-30 minutes. Ran outside, started raining, but it was nice because it was pretty warm. However, my ankles started hurting quite a bit during the run and after. Kinda sucks.. I think it might be because of the crappy shoes I wore.

Took Blue Gene 1hr before the run, didn't really notice increases in energy or anything.

Took Blue Up 1 first thing in the morning (8am) and 1 around 1pm. Felt energized for a bit after the 2nd one -- but I only got 7 hours of sleep the night before so the first one didn't really energize me.. i actually took a nap at 10am

EDIT: woooah screwed up formatting. won't quote this one next week.

DOUBLE EDIT: forgot to mention.. my bloat came back. I was at 8% March 22nd when I left for spring break, ate tons of dairy while home for the week, and when I came back the calipers put me at 14%!! My guess is I became somewhat lactose intolerant. Well, since then I've been working the bloat down more and more (down to 12% BF by calipers), but for the past two days I just feel like I exploded...with bloat.... I have no idea what's going on, but it's not making me feel too good about myself right now (4 months of hardcore cutting ruined by bloat? blarggh)


Controlled Labs Blue Stack - Week 2 - Day 12​

Leg Day! Went fantastic:

1) Squat - 4 x 9,10,8,8 @ Base -1 rep..grr../+2 reps/+2 reps/+8 reps
2) SLDL - 4 x 8/7/7/7 @ Base + 40lb **OMFG added 40lb's :D Of course that means I didn't go heavy enough last week, but a big improvement nonetheless**
3) Leg Extensions - 4 x 10 @ 230 +1 set of 10..can't increase weight
4) Leg Curls - ??? gym closed, had to go elsewhere to finish.. didn't write this down
5) DB Lunges - 4 x 10 @ Base +3 reps/0/+2 reps/+10 reps

Diet was good, kinda ran out of some veggies though :(

Supplementation and Comments:

Supplementation: 1 BU 10AM, 1 BU 1PM, 5 BG 60min pre-workout.

No more "mellow" feeling from Blue Gene. Not really feeling anything from it actually. Don't really feel anything from the 1st Blue Up either.. but after the second one I did get very much excited to hit the gym. Maybe I didn't feel anything from the BG because I took the BU around the same time and am attributing the feeling to it? I dunno..

got a microwave in my dorm room today :D

natty texan

natty texan

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so time for my usual questions...

how's the libido?
oily skin?
strength gains?


Controlled Labs Blue Stack - Week 2 - Day 13​


1) BB Curls - 4 x 10,8,8,6 @ Base + 20lb
2) Close Grip BP - 4 x 8,8,9,7 @ Base +10lb
3) Skull Crushers - 4 x 9,7,7,7 @ Base
4) DB Curls - 4 x 6,6,6,6 @ Base +10lb

Diet was good. Hit 20 min LIC post-workout..felt really good​

Supplementation and Comments:
w00t! Awesome str increases. you guys can compare to last week -- I went up in everything. We'll see how the final and 4th week treats me *hmmm*



so time for my usual questions...

how's the libido? nothing out of the ordinary
aggression? also, haven't really noticed much
mood? good, but it always is
concentration? oooh! I think this has actually increased. At least in the gym. I'm focused now like no other
oily skin? nope
strength gains? good so far, check out the increases in poundage week-to-week. I think a 4 week time span would be more fair to judge str increases
I put a more complete summary of wk 2 on the first page, but my answers are in bold above
natty texan

natty texan

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I put a more complete summary of wk 2 on the first page, but my answers are in bold above

thank you.

it seems like this is treating flawed really well, but i'd say a little less effective with you


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If anything id say its the age difference... me being 24 i doubt i have low test but im sure its not as good as his at 18... who knows though!


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agreed with the age difference.

i wanted to pick a wide range of ages with the testers... "just to see" :)


well, I definitely feel more concentrated in the gym and think I'm pushing myself harder.. and in the past couple of days there's been a slight increase in acne but I've been treating it aggressively so nothing actually shows up


I also wanted to say that I'm a week behind everybody else. This is the week it's supposed to really pick up; a lot of the test boosters/optimizers take about 3 weeks to kick in. And I can tell you, the past 2 days have really been different..

Gym: numbers I threw up last week seem like nothing at all this week. Everything felt light (just got back from my first workout of the 3rd week), AND I did more reps. You guys will see once I get my next workout up.

Endurance: Definitely up. Usually do 20 minutes of cardio PWO, back in Feb I would get pretty wiped after that time.. now I can easily do another 10-15 minutes and still not even get to the same level of "tiredness" as 20 min got me to in Feb.

Libido: Up, up, up! Haha, sweeeet. Not a huge increase by any means, but it's been noticeable today and yesterday. Hopefully the rest of the week treats me the same.

And I've also noticed more acne than usual (usually I never have any) today and yesterday. I've been washing my face and applying some salicylic acid treatments though so it doesn't propagate.

Wait for the final review in 15 days guys, but so far.. I love this stack :D


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I also wanted to say that I'm a week behind everybody else. This is the week it's supposed to really pick up; a lot of the test boosters/optimizers take about 3 weeks to kick in. And I can tell you, the past 2 days have really been different..

Gym: numbers I threw up last week seem like nothing at all this week. Everything felt light (just got back from my first workout of the 3rd week), AND I did more reps. You guys will see once I get my next workout up.

Endurance: Definitely up. Usually do 20 minutes of cardio PWO, back in Feb I would get pretty wiped after that time.. now I can easily do another 10-15 minutes and still not even get to the same level of "tiredness" as 20 min got me to in Feb.

Libido: Up, up, up! Haha, sweeeet. Not a huge increase by any means, but it's been noticeable today and yesterday. Hopefully the rest of the week treats me the same.

And I've also noticed more acne than usual (usually I never have any) today and yesterday. I've been washing my face and applying some salicylic acid treatments though so it doesn't propagate.

Wait for the final review in 15 days guys, but so far.. I love this stack :D
I feel ya. I'm only on day 2 again, lol.


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I also wanted to say that I'm a week behind everybody else. This is the week it's supposed to really pick up; a lot of the test boosters/optimizers take about 3 weeks to kick in. And I can tell you, the past 2 days have really been different..

Gym: numbers I threw up last week seem like nothing at all this week. Everything felt light (just got back from my first workout of the 3rd week), AND I did more reps. You guys will see once I get my next workout up.

Endurance: Definitely up. Usually do 20 minutes of cardio PWO, back in Feb I would get pretty wiped after that time.. now I can easily do another 10-15 minutes and still not even get to the same level of "tiredness" as 20 min got me to in Feb.

Libido: Up, up, up! Haha, sweeeet. Not a huge increase by any means, but it's been noticeable today and yesterday. Hopefully the rest of the week treats me the same.

And I've also noticed more acne than usual (usually I never have any) today and yesterday. I've been washing my face and applying some salicylic acid treatments though so it doesn't propagate.

Wait for the final review in 15 days guys, but so far.. I love this stack :D
I think your a few days ahead of me, im on Day 9... I also waited till the 2nd week of April


Controlled Labs Blue Stack - Week 3 - Day 15​

Back Day.

1) Deadlift - 5 x 9,8,8,8,6 @ Base +20lb
2) Pullups - 5 x 10,6,6,6,6 0/0/0/0/+6reps
3) Pendlay Rows - 5 x 10,10,10,10,10 @ Base reps: 0/+1/+2/+2/+10
4) BB Shrugs - 5 x 10,10,10,10,10 @ Base + 30lb
5) DB Shrugs - 5 x 10,10,10,10,10 @ Max (80lb DB all we have in gym)​

Diet was goooood

Supplementation and Comments:
Look at post two above for comments



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you seem to be going up in all your lifts which is a good thing :D


Controlled Labs Blue Stack - Week 3 - Day 17​

Chest Day! As follows:

1) Bench Press - 5x8 +1 set
2) Incline Dumbbell Press - 5x8 + 1 set
3) Dips - 6/7/7/7/6
4) Shoulder Press - 5x8 +1 set
5) Lateral Raise - 5x10 + 1 Set

Diet was good! Didn't get chicken though, as I wanted..

Supplementation and Comments:

1 Blue Up AM, 1 Blue Up 1PM
Blue Gene 1 hr before workout.

Felt strong today. Strength is continuously going up! I really think that this stack is helpign me push more numbers in the gym.. or at least push myself further. I got so much into the "zone" today that it was crazy.. lifting everything like it was nothing. 3rd week FTW!



Controlled Labs Blue Stack - Week 3 - Day 19​

Leg Day! Went fantastic:

1) Squat - 5 x 10,10,10,10,6 @ Base Reps: +1/0/+2/+2/+6
2) SLDL - 5 x 10 @ Base + 40lb Reps: +2/+3/+3/+3/+10
3) Leg Extensions - 5 x 10 @ 230 +1 set
4) Leg Curls - 5 x 10,10,9,8,8 @ Base
5) DB Lunges - 5 x 6 @ Base +10 lb, +1 set

Went out last night, today didnt follow my diet. Had a decent breakfast of oats and blueberries and whey.. followed up by a huuuuge 2nd meal around 4pm at a local BBQ joint. Then went to workout, and had some cottage cheese right before bed. Total of 3 meals, but I planned it that way so that I could overeat at the BBQ place​

Supplementation and Comments:

Supplementation: 1 BU 10AM, 1 BU 1PM, 5 BG 60min pre-workout.

Alright, so I'm not getting the "mellow" feeling anymore from the BG, nor am I feeling any of the stim effects of BU anymore. HOWEVER, my endurance is noticeably up. Today was a monster day -- I added a set to each exercise and went up in reps for most sets as well. Everything felt light to the touch. The squat, which I was struggling with last week, felt substantially lighter today. As a side not, I've definitely had an increase in libido the past 4-5 days, as well as slightly more acne on my face and body. And strength gains so far have been fantastic. I'm very, very pleased with how it's working out thus far :)



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HOWEVER, my endurance is noticeably up. Today was a monster day -- I added a set to each exercise and went up in reps for most sets as well. Everything felt light to the touch. The squat, which I was struggling with last week, felt substantially lighter today. As a side not, I've definitely had an increase in libido the past 4-5 days, as well as slightly more acne on my face and body. And strength gains so far have been fantastic. I'm very, very pleased with how it's working out thus far :)
This is great news :D


Controlled Labs Blue Stack - Week 3 - Day 20​


1) BB Curls - 5 x 10,6,6,6,5 @ Base + 25lb
2) Close Grip BP - 5 x 10,10,10,10,9 @ Base +10lb
3) Skull Crushers - 5 x 10,9,8,7,5 @ Base
4) DB Curls - 5 x 8,7,6,6,6 @ Base +10lb

Diet was good. Hit 20 min LIC post-workout..felt really good​

Supplementation and Comments:
Strength was fantastic!! Everything went up -- a few reps for each exercise, AND another set at the end. I was very pleased because my arms are by far my worst body part, and I'm always struggling to add weight/reps -- and this workout everything was going up like any other workout day!



Controlled Labs Blue Stack - Week 4 - Day 24​

Lower Day

1) Deads - 3x6 @ Base +40lb
2) Leg Press - 3x6 @ Base (450lb)
3) Hack Machine Calf Raise - 3x8,7,6 @ Base (12 45lb plates)
4) Skull Crushers - 3x6 @ Base +10lb
5) DB Curls - 3x6 @ Base + 10lb (each)

Diet was perfect. Started carb cycling to lean out for summer -- but more than anything to get rid of this f'ing bloat

Supplementation and Comments:

1 Blue Up AM, 1 Blue Up 1PM
5 Blue Gene 1 hr before workout.

Damn, school got in the way! I thought I updated this log earlier this week, but looks like I never got around to it! :684:

My final week, and I'm kicking ass in the gym. Blue Stack really kicked in last week and is continuing this week -- strength is up, libido is up, more acne than usual, concentration is INTENSE. I'm preparing a big write up when this is all over :D

natty texan

natty texan

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good to see this is still treating you well.


Controlled Labs Blue Stack - Week 4 - Day 26​

Upper Day B

1) DB Incline BP - 4 x 8,7,6,6 @ Base +10lb, +15lb, +20lb, +20lb (each DB)
2) Pull Ups - 3 x 6 @ Bodyweight +20lb, +20lb, +30lb
3) DB Military Press - 3 x 6 @ Base +10lb
4) Behind Back Shrugs - 3 x 6 @ Base +50lb

Perfect diet today :)

Supplementation and Comments:

Supplementation: 1 BU noon, 5 BG 60min pre-workout.

Workout was excellent. Much shorter than I got used to from last week, so I threw in some abs at the end. Had tons of energy, and maxed out our DB's for the Inc Press (they only go to 80lb's...) Fun workout!



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I can't believe your still going up in all your weights... your doing something right !! :D haha


I can't believe your still going up in all your weights... your doing something right !! :D haha
'tis called a bulk my friend.. that, and proper supplementation :D :D

get ready for the final review coming near the end of this week!!

Irish Cannon

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You definitely start to see better results after Week 3; I never ran Blue Gene alongside Blue Up, but when I use Blue Up, I always run it for 6-8 weeks. Interesting you're only taking 2 caps of BU...I think I was on 6. Maybe I'll lower to 4 next time.


You definitely start to see better results after Week 3; I never ran Blue Gene alongside Blue Up, but when I use Blue Up, I always run it for 6-8 weeks. Interesting you're only taking 2 caps of BU...I think I was on 6. Maybe I'll lower to 4 next time.
There's no way I'd want 6 caps worth of stims in a single day :O

..the stim-free version, it'd be interesting

Irish Cannon

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Ya, that's what I was using...I heard RR recommend the stim-version pre-workout, and the stim-free version any other time of the day. That sounds like something I may try, because I like dosing test boosters pre-bed when I can.


Ya, that's what I was using...I heard RR recommend the stim-version pre-workout, and the stim-free version any other time of the day. That sounds like something I may try, because I like dosing test boosters pre-bed when I can.
I can only handle 1 Blue Up (stim) preworkout. I tried 2 a few days ago, and had an awful first few exercises -- was jittery as f*ck. The reason I did 2 preworkout was because I didn't get a chance to do it first thing in the morning (pulled a long night working on a project and wanted to take a nap after my first class.. if I took the BU in the morning I'd never fall asleep)

Irish Cannon

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Nothing worse than being over-stimmed for a workout. Messes you up bigtime.


Controlled Labs Blue Stack - Week 4 - Day 29​

Upper Day A
Did Bench, Pendlay Row, Military Press, and BB Shrugs. Each was 3x4. Weight was up +30lb BP, +40lb PR, +10 Military, +60lb Shrugs

So far, so good​

Supplementation and Comments:
Sorry for the **** update. I have an exam tomorrow and have been studying for that, along with finishing up other random school work. Might pull all-nighter tonight. We'll see. Final post coming soooon!



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Controlled Labs Blue Stack - Week 4 - Day 29​

Upper Day A
Did Bench, Pendlay Row, Military Press, and BB Shrugs. Each was 3x4. Weight was up +30lb BP, +40lb PR, +10 Military, +60lb Shrugs

So far, so good​

Supplementation and Comments:
Sorry for the **** update. I have an exam tomorrow and have been studying for that, along with finishing up other random school work. Might pull all-nighter tonight. We'll see. Final post coming soooon!


Did you set your base really low? Seems like you've broken 5 personal records every workout, which seems a little screwy? Did you start back up after a break just recently? Your strength gains are impressive!


Did you set your base really low? Seems like you've broken 5 personal records every workout, which seems a little screwy? Did you start back up after a break just recently? Your strength gains are impressive![/QUOTE]

Yea base was low, because I started a new routine, after a week off, and a bunch of these exercises were new (ie, didn't have the proper amount of weight on them first week). I'll adjust for it in the final review (by using week 2 numbers, probably..)


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Did you set your base really low? Seems like you've broken 5 personal records every workout, which seems a little screwy? Did you start back up after a break just recently? Your strength gains are impressive!
Yea base was low, because I started a new routine, after a week off, and a bunch of these exercises were new (ie, didn't have the proper amount of weight on them first week). I'll adjust for it in the final review (by using week 2 numbers, probably..)[/QUOTE]

Hey, good stuff. Sorry if my previous post sounded a little harsh. That was not my intention at all. Your gains have been remarkable.


Yea base was low, because I started a new routine, after a week off, and a bunch of these exercises were new (ie, didn't have the proper amount of weight on them first week). I'll adjust for it in the final review (by using week 2 numbers, probably..)
Hey, good stuff. Sorry if my previous post sounded a little harsh. That was not my intention at all. Your gains have been remarkable.[/QUOTE]

lol bro nothing was harsh at all. I hate the politically correct "everybody's equal" stuff when it gets overboard -- pussy-fies some people ;) I'm not like that :p


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Hey, good stuff. Sorry if my previous post sounded a little harsh. That was not my intention at all. Your gains have been remarkable.
lol bro nothing was harsh at all. I hate the politically correct "everybody's equal" stuff when it gets overboard -- pussy-fies some people ;) I'm not like that :p[/QUOTE]

So how much strength do you think this stack has given you? What's your weight been like? Up? Down?


So how much strength do you think this stack has given you? What's your weight been like? Up? Down?
We'll see in the final review in a few days. I know I've been increasing weight both on the scale and in what I put up, but final pictures will be the judge of how much I really gained. ;)


my last workout on this stack is tomorrow :(


Final review and pictures will be up on Saturday :D


Controlled Labs Blue Stack - Week 5 - Day 31​

Lower Day

1) Deads - 3x4 @ Base +55lb
2) Leg Press - 3x4 @ Base (450lb) +20lb
3) Hack Machine Calf Raise - 3x8,8,8 @ Base +180lb <-- lol maxed it :D
4) Skull Crushers - 3x4 @ Base +15lb
5) DB Curls - 3x5 @ Base +15lb (each)

Diet was perfect. Bloat it finally going away! Hurray!!

Supplementation and Comments:
Supplementation.. my last Blue Stack supplementation :worried:

1 Blue Up AM, 1 Blue Up 1PM
5 Blue Gene 1 hr before workout.

Acne's cleared up, libido hasn't really gone up (but not down either) from its peak last week. Uhmm.. it's my last day! :( :( I really enjoyed conducting this log, and the stack. Look for a week 4 review/final review some Saturday. Complete with pictures and stats and all :D :D



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Yay... saturday can't come soon enough.... for many many reasons lol :D


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Very detailed review! So you didn't feel a change in pump at all? That's the thing I'm noticing the most. That and endurance is dominating. Good log!


Very detailed review! So you didn't feel a change in pump at all? That's the thing I'm noticing the most. That and endurance is dominating. Good log!
No change in pump at all. But endurance was fantastic. Like I said, for the first 3 weeks I was adding a set to each exercise while going up in weights/reps, and never actually got more sore/tired than the first week.


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[size=+3]Blue Stack FINAL Review[/size]

First off, I want to thank Controlled Labs for giving me a chance to log their product. It was a fantastic ride over the past 30 days, and I felt very accountable doing my workouts because I knew I was given the opportunity to conduct a log of a great product.

So I figure I give this final review a few sub-sections in which I'll mention the changes experienced. Starting off with:

Weight/Body Composition:

Before -----------------------------> After
186lb @ 14% BF (bloated) -----> 185lb @ 12% BF (still bloated.. but less so)

Gym Numbers:

Week 1 -----------------------------> Week 4
6x225 / 6x225 / 8x225 -----> 6x265 / 6x265 / 5x265

7xBW / 6xBW / 6xBW -----> 6xBW+30 / 6xBW+30 / 6xBW+30

Pendlay Row:
10x135 / 7x135 / 6x135 -----> 6x175 / 6x175 / 6x175

BB Shrugs:
10x225 / 10x225 / 10x225 -----> 6x300 / 6x300 / 6x300

DB Shrugs:
10x80 / 10x80 / 10x80 -----> 10x80 / 10x80 / 10x80 *maxed the DB's that we have in the gym :dunno:

Wide Grip 15' Inc Bench:
8x185 / 7x185 / 6x185 -----> 5x205 / 5x205 / 4x205

Inc DB BP:
8x60/ 9x60 / 8x60 -----> 5x80 / 5x80 / 4x80

6xBW / 6xBW / 7xBW -----> 6xBW / 7xBW / 7xBW / 6xBW / 7xBW

DB Military Press:
8x50 / 8x50 / 6x50 -----> 4x60 / 4x60 / 4x60

Smith Squat:
10x225 / 8x225 / 4x225 -----> 6x255 / 6x255 / 4x265

Stiff Leg Deads:
9x265 / 7x265 / 7x265 -----> 6x285 / 6x285 / 6x285

Wide Grip 15' Inc Bench:
8x185 / 7x185 / 6x185 -----> 5x205 / 5x205 / 4x205

Skull Crushers:
6x70 / 7x70 / 6x70 -----> 6x80 / 6x80 / 6x80

Notes and Observations

Libido- Libido started increasing the second week, hit its peak on week 3, and then went down to base levels. I'm young though, so I wasn't expecting too much of a change.

Strength- Strength has been going way up. Check out the numbers posted above. Each of the first 3 weeks I was adding a set to each exercise, and managed to increase either reps or the weight lifted as well! Some of the increase are rather dramatic, though.. I'll explain why: I started the first week of this stack after a long cut, and a week off in which I got sick. So the base numbers were extremely low because I was just getting back to the gym. As I was bulking, weights kept going up, but the base numbers were very low. Regardless, this stack definitely gave me some great strength increases!

Body Composition- Overall, muscles were full -- but I suffered from bloat all throughout. As you guys can see in the (crappy) pictures below, I don't look anywhere near 8% BF.. which I was at 13 days before starting this stack. However, I overate for the 13 days and loaded up on carbs after doing a low-carb cut, so got completely bloated. I was hoping that I'd lean out more than I did. Anyway, it looks like I'm going to be cutting for another 4-8 weeks to get rid of the bloat and get back down to single digit BF. Then, I can finally go on a long bulk

Vascularity- Vascularity was about the same throughout. Some days it was higher than others, but overall no change.

Pump- No change over the length of this stack.

Mood- Mood was great on this stack all throughout. Weather's finally turned around, but I definitely felt myself to be in a better mood on more days than usual while on this stack. Being off it for a few days now, I miss it :(

Recovery- Recovery was great on the stack.

Side-effects (acne, aggression)- Not much, really. I got a bit of acne on week 3, but it was only for a few days. No changes in aggression for me.

Overall: I'd recommend this stack to anybody who's maybe lost a bit of motivation and is looking to get back into things. You'll experience better recovery, a better mood, and increase in energy. These will translate into better gym time.. and result in increases in your gym numbers. The effects really kicked in around the 3rd week, so it'd be preferable to run this stack for 8 weeks as opposed to only 4. One of the biggest indicators that a product does what it promises to do is if the logger ends up buying more of the product after completing the log.. and that's exactly what I plan on doing later on this year! I'll do it for 8 weeks next time, though.


Before on left, after on right. About a 3lb muscle gain.. don't except much to be visible. Apologies for the horrible camera, I could only use a webcam, and had to take a video of myself, and then take screenshots for each picture -_-

I'm very impressed with your details and also your gains. Great log and review.


I'm very impressed with your details and also your gains. Great log and review.
Thanks brother! I hope there's nothing I forgot to mention -- remind me if there is ;) Also, I figure for my next log I should do an exercise (DB BP, for example) to failure at the onset of the log, and then try again with the same weight at the end of the log.. to see how many reps I can add on.

Also, thanks for taking a chance on a newbie logger! :D

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