To use the specific study, they used rats at 200mg/kg. To translate that, if you weigh 80kg, that means 16g. This would be an insane dosage for TTA. The HED paper I linked stated to then take the 16g figure and multiply by .162 for rats. This is assuming the rats used in the TTA study are the exact size specified in Table 1 in the HED conversion paper. Obviously not going to be the case, but for the sake of simplicity, let’s assume they are.
Once we multiply our 16g TTA dosage by .162, we’re left with ~2.6g for TTA. Still a very high dosage, but much more realistic.
Again, I’m assuming the rats in the TTA study have the exact same body weight and surface area as the rat reference in the HED conversion paper. I highly doubt that’s the case, therefore that final number of 2.6g TTA is just for illustrative purposes