TRT, libido, erections and other hormones etc...


New member
Is anyone on a stable dosage of T and maybe with an AI and they dont have to worry about other hormones going out of whack and causing ED, low libido etc...

For example, they never worry about E2 going to high or low, prolactin going to high, progesterone. And their SHBG and E2 always stay around the same level. Their thyroid and adrenals are always spot on and never get out of whack. Their sexual function is just like before you became hypogonadal? Or are their people who have to continuously have to mess around dicking with their hormones whenever they lose libido? in other words; are your erections and libido always there everyday or do you sometimes lose libido because of other hormones going out of whack?
The Matrix

The Matrix

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Is anyone on a stable dosage of T and maybe with an AI and they dont have to worry about other hormones going out of whack and causing ED, low libido etc...

For example, they never worry about E2 going to high or low, prolactin going to high, progesterone. And their SHBG and E2 always stay around the same level. Their thyroid and adrenals are always spot on and never get out of whack. Their sexual function is just like before you became hypogonadal? Or are their people who have to continuously have to mess around dicking with their hormones whenever they lose libido? in other words; are your erections and libido always there everyday or do you sometimes lose libido because of other hormones going out of whack?
When dealing with hormones it is crucial to monitor their effect on other systems. I have seen HRT lower thyroid as well raise it. HRT has a profound effect on the adrenal gland function. Some times T may help adrenal rest by allowing you to deal better with stress other times it will cause a person who has adrenals to crash due to its impact on increase metabolism. E2 will also affect thyroid and adrenals by increasing TBG and CBG which both can bind up thyroid and adrenal issues. Some times I have seen it take up to a year to actually change other hormone signaling because their was so much damage the cellular damage took that long to heal. To answer your question you really do not know how the body will respond because every one's chemistry is different. I have ran into freaks of nature (paradoxical), where it goes just the opposite of what is suppose to happen. One just needs to be properly monitored by a knowledge dr to look for changes. Many times I see these guys from anti aging clinics get put on too much testosterone feel great for 6-8 months then crash when all their sex hormones and e2 look great, but the dr never re evaluated the thyroid which in this case TSH was 1.5 when HRT started 6 months later it was 3.5 !! When dealing with cases one needs to look at the blood levels, tissue response, as well as how the drug is metabolized via the liver.


Is anyone on a stable dosage of T and maybe with an AI and they dont have to worry about other hormones going out of whack and causing ED, low libido etc...

For example, they never worry about E2 going to high or low, prolactin going to high, progesterone. And their SHBG and E2 always stay around the same level. Their thyroid and adrenals are always spot on and never get out of whack. Their sexual function is just like before you became hypogonadal? Or are their people who have to continuously have to mess around dicking with their hormones whenever they lose libido? in other words; are your erections and libido always there everyday or do you sometimes lose libido because of other hormones going out of whack?
This is a great question and I'd love to see more responses to it. It is really hard to tell from these forums what the long term results are. Hormone regulation seems like a very tricky business. There is much more going on than just serum levels of hormones.


matrix already nailed it, but if u want more answers, it is yes! most have to dick around with their ai, depending on which one they are on currently! arimidex usually fluctuates, where as from my stand point, aromasin is pretty good choice, i have it down where i take 1 whole pill with my test injection the day after my hcg shots, this will attack the e2 from the prior hcg shot as well as help curve any test being converted to e2, but if i feel less morning wood or hornyness, i will pop another 1/2 pill middle week, and wham back at it!!

so yes in a nut shell, until one finds their sweet spot, there is some dicking around with ai's hcg, and test, one could feel great on 100 mlgs a week where as later they may feel like crap, and have to adjust their schedule,

BLOOD WORK, BLOOD WORK, BLOOD WORK! this will help you dial everything in, but also be aware that other hormones can and might change, as MATRIX SAID pregno, dht, shbg, fsh,lh, lipids, cholesterol, hemacritic levels (blood thickening from hrt), and so on!

it causes changes everywhere throughout the body.

hope this helped at all?

pmgamer18 has sent me a ton of info about low libido, and everything because this is a sign your e2 maybe creaping back up!

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