Tr1iump and d1methadrol


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Both are about equal as far as toxicity is concerned. Triumph will be better at cutting due to its nutrient partitioning abilities where d1m would be the better bulker imo. Strength increase should be similar on both
I appreciate the response Yates, was looking more for the comparison of tr1umph to halodrol. From the few methyldiazirinol logs I've read through seems they are about equally anabolic, tr1umph being more androgenic. Providing similar size gains when used for a bulk. Seems like tr1umph being a better hardener and possibly less sides. Just curious what some of the more knowledgable members like yourself and jbry thought.


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I appreciate the response Yates, was looking more for the comparison of tr1umph to halodrol. From the few methyldiazirinol logs I've read through seems they are about equally anabolic, tr1umph being more androgenic. Providing similar size gains when used for a bulk. Seems like tr1umph being a better hardener and possibly less sides. Just curious what some of the more knowledgable members like yourself and jbry thought.
Everything I said still applies except strength gains on halo should be better


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How would you guys compare tr1umph to halodrol in terms of strength,size and toxicity? Would be used for a recomp/lean bulk.
I just finished a Tr1umph run 12 days ago and I had a good Halo cycle last summer. To compare (in my experience).....

Size: Halo > Tr1umph
Strength: Halo > Triumph
Toxicity: Halo is harder on BP. I had no BP issues on Tr1umph.
Toxicity: Tr1umph is slightly harder on the liver. Make sure you stay on your Tudca and water as per usual.
Toxicity: The test-based Halo gave me more mild acne (forehead) issues than the DHT-based Tr1umph.
Joints: Halo is easier on the joints.
Hair: Halo did not affect my hairline. DHT-based Tr1umph definitely thinned my hair, despite hard-core anti-measures.
Libido: Insane on Halo with no test-base. Decent on Tr1umph with Dermacrine. There are other factors here though so...

Halo is definitely better for size and strength but diet will always determine the end results here. Tr1umph is great for strength too. Halo will shine in a re-comp/lean bulk, while Tr1umph is better suited as a finisher. If you recomp and get big and lean on Halo, you can then try and get the shredded/grainy look with Tr1umph.


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I just finished a Tr1umph run 12 days ago and I had a good Halo cycle last summer. To compare (in my experience).....

Size: Halo > Tr1umph
Strength: Halo > Triumph
Toxicity: Halo is harder on BP. I had no BP issues on Tr1umph.
Toxicity: Tr1umph is slightly harder on the liver. Make sure you stay on your Tudca and water as per usual.
Toxicity: The test-based Halo gave me more mild acne (forehead) issues than the DHT-based Tr1umph.
Joints: Halo is easier on the joints.
Hair: Halo did not affect my hairline. DHT-based Tr1umph definitely thinned my hair, despite hard-core anti-measures.
Libido: Insane on Halo with no test-base. Decent on Tr1umph with Dermacrine. There are other factors here though so...

Halo is definitely better for size and strength but diet will always determine the end results here. Tr1umph is great for strength too. Halo will shine in a re-comp/lean bulk, while Tr1umph is better suited as a finisher. If you recomp and get big and lean on Halo, you can then try and get the shredded/grainy look with Tr1umph.
Thanks for the reply,great comparison.


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They will both have you on the toilet for hours. Very toxic to the a$$.
^______this is more what I was looking for.
Super pump should provide a better pump with the higher levels of citrulline and glycerol, no-xplode with the higher amounts of stims and creatine should provide better short term strength gains. Also no-xplode will give you the tingle of beta-alanine if you're into that feeling. More users report GI issues wih super pump giving it the nickname of super dump, so that's something to consider... See how that works? I understand people ask a lot of dumb questions sometimes, but typically I see you providing smart ass answers which all that does is waste your time typing it out. So let me rephrase the question. All things being equal, diet, training etc. How would you compare the two compounds in terms of strength gains, size gains ( glycogen retention,increased protein synthesis) and toxicity (impact on BP, lipids, and liver strain)
Smart ass comments save me time an keep the mood light for the most part.
Some though, are too alpha an wound up tighter than a nuns panties to roll with it.


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so tr1umph is harsh on the hairline? I assume Epi and stanodrol are worst right?


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If you are referring to Epi-Andro, then yes, Epi and Stano should be worse on the hairline. People will definitely react in their own way to Tr1umph but if you are prone to MPB or have been fighting a battle for many years (like me), you may very well thin on Tr1umph and other DHT-based compounds. Also, things like finasteride etc. will not be effective against DHT-based compounds. Your best bet is to use topical anti-androgens like Ketoconazole and Spironolactone.

If you have a full head of hair, a 6 week run of Tr1umph shouldn't be that bad (in theory).


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so tr1umph is harsh on the hairline? I assume Epi and stanodrol are worst right?
Not really because they convert to DHT at sucky rates, and assuming you mean epi-andro, not epistane...


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I ran triumph pretty high for 6 weeks. no difference in hairline. I actually found halo to be more harsh as far as sides (bp)


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What do you guys think about preworkout boosting with D1methadrol.
Would occasional doses preworkout (lets say 2 times per week at max) help in going all out.
Read it would be great for agression and alpha feeling.


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What do you guys think about preworkout boosting with D1methadrol.
Would occasional doses preworkout (lets say 2 times per week at max) help in going all out.
Read it would be great for agression and alpha feeling.
Meh... I guess it could help but DMZ has a very long half life. You would want to take it very early in the morning otherwise the pulsing method would be worthless regarding not shutting down. Plus you would need to take very large doses the days you took it for it to do much. DMZ is just not ideal for that type of pulsing. Using something with a shorter half-life would be better in that scenario.
How bad is epi?
For Hair? EPI-Andro converts to DHT, DHT is what causes male pattern baldness if you have DHT sensitive hair follicles. If you do not have DHT sensitive hair follicles then no steroid is going to make you lose your hair. All gear does is speed up what is going to happen to your hairline anyway. If you are worried buy yourself some topical minoxodil and use it throughout your cycle.


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Meh... I guess it could help but DMZ has a very long half life. You would want to take it very early in the morning otherwise the pulsing method would be worthless regarding not shutting down. Plus you would need to take very large doses the days you took it for it to do much. DMZ is just not ideal for that type of pulsing. Using something with a shorter half-life would be better in that scenario.

For Hair? EPI-Andro converts to DHT, DHT is what causes male pattern baldness if you have DHT sensitive hair follicles. If you do not have DHT sensitive hair follicles then no steroid is going to make you lose your hair. All gear does is speed up what is going to happen to your hairline anyway. If you are worried buy yourself some topical minoxodil and use it throughout your cycle.
So sorry I meant epistane!!
I'm running 4dhea and epistane n was wondering what r ur thouhts.


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Toren when u stopped did ur hair go back to normal ?


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Toren when u stopped did ur hair go back to normal ?
I'll have to let you know in 2-4 months. The thing that most people don't know about hair growth is that is that it happens in a cyclical fashion. The hair that I shed will either come back weaker during the next growth phase or possibly not at all if it was at the end of it's life cycle anyway. There is also a chance that the ejected hairs (whether prematurely or naturally ejected) will grow back a little bit thicker if I stay on top of my topical anti-androgen regimen. Only time will tell.

Having said that, the aggressive shedding I was seeing in the last half of the cycle has seemingly stopped. I am almost 2 weeks into PCT now. If I had to guess, and this is an educated guess based upon 15 years of recreationally watching and studying hairloss, I would guess that the small hairs at the front of the hairline are probably gone for good; they were gone soon anyway and all I did was speed up the process. At best they will grow back as more "peach fuzz". I would also venture to say that the diffuse thinning I saw on the top and at the crown will probably thicken back up a bit over the next 6 months or so. Only time will tell.

Another consideration was the Ostar1ne/Dermacrine cycle I ran prior to the Tr1umph cycle. The cycle consisted of 20mg Osta and 2-3 pumps derma for 5 weeks or so. I then continued the derma dosage during the Tr1umph cycle and also stayed on 5mg ED of Osta to help with my joints. These compounds can potentially play a role in hairloss as well, although anecdotally speaking, to a much lesser degree and some would say not at all.

As an FYI, my topical hairloss regimen for the last 3 months while "on", consisted of 5 days/wk of 2% Nizoral and 1-2x/day application of 5% topical spiro. I do believe it helped slow down the thinning.

I really wish I could give you a definitive answer but there really isn't one as we all respond differently. For sure though, if you are prone to MPB and choose to run steroids over a period of a few years, you will speed up the process. It comes part and parcel with AAS usage.

I will try and remember to post back here in a few months to give an update for those that are interested. Of course, by then, I will be on to the next cycle!! :]


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I'll have to let you know in 2-4 months. The thing that most people don't know about hair growth is that is that it happens in a cyclical fashion.
The hair that I shed will either come back weaker during the next growth phase or possibly not at all if it was at the end of it's life cycle anyway. There is also a chance that the ejected hairs (whether prematurely or naturally ejected) will grow back a little bit thicker if I stay on top of my topical anti-androgen regimen. Only time will tell.

Having said that, the aggressive shedding I was seeing in the last half of the cycle has seemingly stopped. I am almost 2 weeks into PCT now. If I had to guess, and this is an educated guess based upon 15 years of recreationally watching and studying hairloss, I would guess that the small hairs at the front of the hairline are probably gone for good; they were gone soon anyway and all I did was speed up the process. At best they will grow back as more "peach fuzz". I would also venture to say that the diffuse thinning I saw on the top and at the crown will probably thicken back up a bit over the next 6 months or so. Only time will tell.

Another consideration was the Ostar1ne/Dermacrine cycle I ran prior to the Tr1umph cycle. The cycle consisted of 20mg Osta and 2-3 pumps derma for 5 weeks or so. I then continued the derma dosage during the Tr1umph cycle and also stayed on 5mg ED of Osta to help with my joints. These compounds can potentially play a role in hairloss as well, although anecdotally speaking, to a much lesser degree and some would say not at all.

As an FYI, my topical hairloss regimen for the last 3 months while "on", consisted of 5 days/wk of 2% Nizoral and 1-2x/day application of 5% topical spiro. I do believe it helped slow down the thinning.

I really wish I could give you a definitive answer but there really isn't one as we all respond differently. For sure though, if you are prone to MPB and choose to run steroids over a period of a few years, you will speed up the process. It comes part and parcel with AAS usage.

I will try and remember to post back here in a few months to give an update for those that are interested. Of course, by then, I will be on to the next cycle!! :]
Thanks for the info well I'm 30 yo running my first cycle ever epistane+4DHEA hair is naturally thin but that was since I was a kid always stayed this way no hair shedding, just like my father n he stayed the same way till 60+, we will see I hope that won't happen.


Anybody buy any extra dimethadrol they would like to trade? I have lots of goodies..natty and non-natty.


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Does anyone know if Olympus plans to re release dymethazi9e ? That would be amazing


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Guys, sorry to hijack this thread, but if someone can help me going to the weight loss forum to my thread, im having a photoshoot tomorrow and yesterday before carb load I was fuller and more vascular than today =( and need opinions on how to get back at least to yesterdays contidition.



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THIS is the LAST of the tr1umph gents so grab some while you can


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THIS is the LAST of the tr1umph gents so grab some while you can
I would have got some but I'm waiting to see the goodies OL going to come with plus I have worth of another epistane cycle waiting .
great deal wrong time for me.


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I would have got some but I'm waiting to see the goodies OL going to come with plus I have worth of another epistane cycle waiting .
great deal wrong time for me.
I admire your self control!


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I admire your self control!
Oh it wasn't easy at all, kept going to the website add to cart add discount login......
then doit next day same.....
but yeah I'm hoping for tren or something better the less side effects the more I'm interested :D


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Oh it wasn't easy at all, kept going to the website add to cart add discount login......
then doit next day same.....
but yeah I'm hoping for tren or something better the less side effects the more I'm interested :D
I'd bet tr1umph comes w/ less sides than tren fwiw


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I'd bet tr1umph comes w/ less sides than tren fwiw
Oh yeah I'm sure not even close to it , I would buy some if didn't destroy my wallet/budget for this cycle and it's support.
B Man

B Man

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My bottle Tr1umph came in today. Stashed until next summer :)



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BIG labor day sale coming from NV guys.... hold onto your britches!


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What's the longest you'd run dermatrest?
If you dnt mind not having kids then awhile. You can push the envelope on this compound. It acts like test with more androgenic sides so if you can battle that then you can extend it past 10weeks. Dare I say 12-16 weeks? I'm never doing it that long but I'm saying it can probably be done


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If you dnt mind not having kids then awhile. You can push the envelope on this compound. It acts like test with more androgenic sides so if you can battle that then you can extend it past 10weeks. Dare I say 12-16 weeks? I'm never doing it that long but I'm saying it can probably be done
You can run it that long but it'd cost a bit too much. Maybe if it was available permanently again, it'd be a little more realistic. Or if it cost $15 a bottle!


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You can run it that long but it'd cost a bit too much. Maybe if it was available permanently again, it'd be a little more realistic. Or if it cost $15 a bottle!
That would be pretty great if dermatrest was available again permanently. ...very great :)


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Here's my question about trest: can you dose it only before workout 3-4 times per week (if running another compound on a daily basis)? I know some people used Ment as a preworkout and got unbelievable pump.

I am also looking forward to this sale. New products maybe? If not, grabbing some Ar1macare and Sup3r PCT (new formulas) is always good.

Finally, I bought another bottle of Tr1umph today. I am going to stash this. It was out of stock this morning, but they put around 30+ more on sale few hours later.


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Here's my question about trest: can you dose it only before workout 3-4 times per week (if running another compound on a daily basis)? I know some people used Ment as a preworkout and got unbelievable pump.

I am also looking forward to this sale. New products maybe? If not, grabbing some Ar1macare and Sup3r PCT (new formulas) is always good.

Finally, I bought another bottle of Tr1umph today. I am going to stash this. It was out of stock this morning, but they put around 30+ more on sale few hours later.
DermaTrest is meant to be run daily. You can run the oral trest pre workout only. However I wouldn't run the oral version just pre-workout if you are not stacking it with the transdermal version.


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Yes, I meant oral version, but thank you for the info. So, running TD version of tr3st every day, oral pre-workout is possible. Let me ask you something else then: Does anyone run this solo? If so, what's the consensus on it? Or is it just meant to be stacked, serving strictly as a great test base?


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Yes, I meant oral version, but thank you for the info. So, running TD version of tr3st every day, oral pre-workout is possible. Let me ask you something else then: Does anyone run this solo? If so, what's the consensus on it? Or is it just meant to be stacked, serving strictly as a great test base?
I would throw a methyl with it and you have a solid run.

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