Tongkat Ali LJ100



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This man knows...

Out of curiosity from Danes YOLO dose recommendations I used between 600mg and up to 800mg LJ100 for around 4ish weeks. Didn't get these restlessness sides like he did but man, the acne I got on my shoulders, back, arms and stomach, you wouldn't read about. Its about 2 weeks since I stopped and only now its clearing a bit. The compounds in alot of herbs build up in our systems and in some cases take some time to clear.
absolutely....side effects could continue long after desirable effects are felt!!!


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I was talking about ultimate-t, lol:trout:.....but as far as going to 600 then going back down-it doesn't matter that you went back down, once your body has become that saturated whatever sides you might have are going to persist as long as you are taking it---next time don't go that high in the 1st place---you see what I am saying????
Yes but the problem with LJ100, i got those sides after just 2 days after beginning with it (200mg). Dr. Tambi said I would adapt to it , some some people does not (like some of his patients).
For me, there was no difference from.200mg to 600mg (those negative sides). Just more positive effects


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absolutely....side effects could continue long after desirable effects are felt!!!
2-3 days and all sides such as huge energy,tension and restless feeling was gone. Both times I tried


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2-3 days and all sides such as huge energy,tension and restless feeling was gone. Both times I tried
dang...sounds like you are a over-reactor...maybe just 100mg?


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dang...sounds like you are a over-reactor...maybe just 100mg?
Yea 50-100mg may work but I want moooore lol. The positive effects like strong erections +++ was massive at 600mg. 200mg was very good but could not be compared.


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Was any blood work done while testing it out?
If my doc was a better guy I really would do bloodwork often. The problem is they will not do it if you are not ill


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Yea 50-100mg may work but I want moooore lol. The positive effects like strong erections +++ was massive at 600mg. 200mg was very good but could not be compared.
I dont need LJ100 i got a flex pic today...Do you know of any one sending flex pics... Do ya ey do ya! hahahahaha


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I dont need LJ100 i got a flex pic today...Do you know of any one sending flex pics... Do ya ey do ya! hahahahaha
Haha i am not sure who sent you flexing pics today but that was definitely not me :D


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Haha i am not sure who sent you flexing pics today but that was definitely not me :D
Oh my mistake..I know a ton of Norwegian giants who flex me aaaaaall the time :D!!!


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So I've been on 400mg for the past 1.5-2 weeks. I have tons of energy and libido is starting to ramp up. Been having a lot of vivid dreams lately as well and I've also been getting the heaty dry mouth feeling dr. tambi mentioned. But it is nothing major, just something I noticed. I'm on my second bottle and will continue at this dose for the time being as I think this will be a decent dose to run for a few weeks. It looks like this should be fun.


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So I've been on 400mg for the past 1.5-2 weeks. I have tons of energy and libido is starting to ramp up. Been having a lot of vivid dreams lately as well and I've also been getting the heaty dry mouth feeling dr. tambi mentioned. But it is nothing major, just something I noticed. I'm on my second bottle and will continue at this dose for the time being as I think this will be a decent dose to run for a few weeks. It looks like this should be fun.
TA is the king!


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how many people / how bad is the acne being reported?

I have an unopened bottle of this (Olympus LJ100) but am now hesitant to take. Libido is still recovering from a natty contest prep, but acne is not something I want to mess with at even the slightest of levels. Took Accutane years ago for bad acne, and never want to deal with anything even remotely close to giving it to me again.


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how many people / how bad is the acne being reported?

I have an unopened bottle of this (Olympus LJ100) but am now hesitant to take. Libido is still recovering from a natty contest prep, but acne is not something I want to mess with at even the slightest of levels. Took Accutane years ago for bad acne, and never want to deal with anything even remotely close to giving it to me again.
It could give acne yes!


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I 've been getting acne since day 5, but hasn't been anything severe. My face would get pretty oily at the end of the day and I am getting more acne on my shoulders, upper back and face. As of this week though it seems to have leveled off and calmed down a bit. I am assuming my body is getting used to the new level of homeostasis for the time being. Keep in mind I take 2 showers per day and rinse my face with cold water maybe once or twice during the day if get sweaty or oily. I think if you keep good hygiene you will be ok.


Hi all guys, interested in this thread as i am a hardcore herbal tester :D
If you are interested i have an article of another tester with TA and icariin, taken by another forum, with blood work for 200:1 TA and high quality icariin!
sorry my english is bad i know...


Ok here's the article :) sorry if i copy/paste but is better than my words...

"Well it has been over 12 months since I started my search for a natural testosterone booster. I thought I might share my experience here and maybe this can help others.
Below is what I found that works and what does not work for ME. Please note that this was just for ME. And outside of some blood test along the way, all I did was trial and error and keeping a running journal of my experiences. Please take this info for what it is....a VERY NON-SCIENTIFIC search for improving MY health naturally without prescription drugs. I wanted something that would give me balanced results. I mean I was not seeking a sexual enhancer, or workout enhancer, etc. Just something to give me a bit of a "lift" all around.

A little about me. I am 43. 6'2". currently 205lbs. I try and eat healthy(er) but do indulge in pasta, bread, etc., from time to time. And a slice of cheese cake maybe once a month. No fast food. I do not drink coffee, soda's, alcohol, or tea. I do take a men's multivitamin, concentrated garlic, and fish oil daily.
I workout with free weights 4 times a week and do 30 min a day on the elliptical machine. I am far from being in "great" shape, but consider myself healthier then the average joe.

So last May I went and had a full physical and labs done. Overall the doc says I am in very good cond. I have been doing blood work to keep an eye on my testosterone for the last few years. In that time frame my T levels were around 500. Considered "normal" by normal health standards. I will not go into the whole T level debate here...there is a whole thread here about that if you search for it. I personally felt it should be higher. So I set out looking for something that I could buy OTC without a prescription.

I started by researching all I could about "natural" T boosters. I can tell you that 95% of the crap being sold out there is just that...crap with no noticeable effect or increase in T levels.

I tried the following:

D-AsparticWell it has been over 12 months since I started my search for a natural testosterone booster. I thought I might share my experience here and maybe this can help others.
Below is what I found that works and what does not work for ME. Please note that this was just for ME. And outside of some blood test along the way, all I did was trial and error and keeping a running journal of my experiences. Please take this info for what it is....a VERY NON-SCIENTIFIC search for improving MY health naturally without prescription drugs. I wanted something that would give me balanced results. I mean I was not seeking a sexual enhancer, or workout enhancer, etc. Just something to give me a bit of a "lift" all around.
A little about me. I am 43. 6'2". currently 205lbs. I try and eat healthy(er) but do indulge in pasta, bread, etc., from time to time. And a slice of cheese cake maybe once a month. No fast food. I do not drink coffee, soda's, alcohol, or tea. I do take a men's multivitamin, concentrated garlic, and fish oil daily.
I workout with free weights 4 times a week and do 30 min a day on the elliptical machine. I am far from being in "great" shape, but consider myself healthier then the average joe.

So last May I went and had a full physical and labs done. Overall the doc says I am in very good cond. I have been doing blood work to keep an eye on my testosterone for the last few years. In that time frame my T levels were around 500. Considered "normal" by normal health standards. I will not go into the whole T level debate here...there is a whole thread here about that if you search for it. I personally felt it should be higher. So I set out looking for something that I could buy OTC without a prescription.

I started by researching all I could about "natural" T boosters. I can tell you that 95% of the crap being sold out there is just that...crap with no noticeable effect or increase in T levels.

I tried the following:

ZMA Acid
Horny Goat Weed
Tongkat Ali

I only used those supplements in the "purest form" I could find. Not the mixed blends sold as "male enhancement" pills,etc. I did a blood test for T levels before starting to use these supplements and after 30 days.

Out of all of those the Tongkat Ali was the first one that I actually "felt" like it was having some kind of effect. Tongkat Ali is a extract from the root of the eurycoma longifolia shrub. And in a lot of countries where it is grown, it is a protected plant. So there are lots of fake and low quality forms of it out there.

So after 3-4 days I felt I had more energy. My sex drive seemed to be higher then normal. Working out was about the same, but I noted in my journal I seemed to have a bit more stamina.

Now I will say this, because while I did not look for a T booster for a "sexual enhancer"...higher T levels generally will lead to being hornier. And some folks maybe are looking for a T booster for sexual performance. Nothing wrong with that at all. So read on.

As for the sexual side of it...the Tongkat seemed to work well as far as harder erection and bigger load when ejaculating. Without going to far into this, up until a few years ago I had VERY big "loads". Think Peter North type ejaculation.
So with the Tongkat it did seem like there was something to it actually raising T levels. At least it felt that way when I got off.

But...after about a week I just did not seem to feel the effects as much. After reading about Tongkat Ali I found out your supposed to cycle it. 3 days on 2 days off,etc.
So I started cycling it but after 3 weeks I did not really feel it was doing anything. I did another week then off for another blood draw. Guess what? At the start of using the Tongkat Ali my T level was 498. 30 days of the Tongkat and my T levels were 534. Not much if any increase. The slight elevation in T level could be due to anything. So on to the next thing...

It should also be noted that finding high quality Tongkat is VERY hard. And it is expensive. I was using the 1:200 at 1500mg a day. Price was around $300 for a 1 1/2 month supply!

Well I am sure we have all seen or heard of Horny Goat Weed. It is one of the most widely used ingredients in sexual enhancement pills,etc. But like most of the ingredients in those pills, they use a very low level amount. And the straight Horny Goat Weed you find in health food stores is only 10-20%. And even the "high quality" and high dosage HGW is questionable.

I started researching HGW and found the active ingredient is icariin. Again this is a plant extract. And getting a very high quality, high concentrate is very hard to come by.
After a bunch of research I ordered a months supply from a company claiming theirs was 60% icariin at around $80.00 per 90 caps. Within 4-5 days of starting it at double recommended dosage I felt that I could feel a positive effect. I felt I had a bit more energy. My workouts felt "better" and I seemed to want to push myself more.
The sexual side seemed good as well. I guessed it...hornier! Unlike the Tongkat, the icariin did not seem to taper off. So far so good. But...lets see what the blood test says. Starting T levels were at 509. 30 days of of the icariin and my T levels were at 583. Hmm...better but still not really worth the $80.00.

Now my search for a higher potency icariin started. After LOTS of searching and samples I was able to get my hands on some 98% icariin direct from the manufacturer. I had to buy a kilogram! And it is NOT cheap at all. But...

I finally received my kilo in the mail. Off for another blood draw...starting to feel like a pin cushion....starting T levels 479. I started with taking 50mg three times a day. After 4-5 days I could feel the effects. Week two I upped it to 100mg three times a day. Oh yeh! about 3-4 days into the higher dosage and I can for sure feel it. Lots of energy. My workouts are great! I am not as tired and can really push myself.

On the sexual does the trick! Icariin is a natural PDE-5 the same way Viagra works. And like the Tongkat, it gave me the big ejaculate. But what I found interesting was that if I did not have sex for 2 days or more I would get a heavy feeling and ache in my testicles like i did when I was in my 30's and younger. Followed by really hard erections.
So it was defiantly doing good in that area.

Well for week three I upped the dose to 200mg three times a day. Now at that level it did give me a lot of "energy". Like a coffee buzz I get on the rare times I have drank coffee. So this is something to think about if you have trouble sleeping already,etc.

I decided and have stayed with two 200mg doses and a last of the day (5pm) dose of 150mg. This seems to be the sweet spot for me.

Ok...that is great you say, but what about T levels??? Well after 30 days and another blood draw my T level was....ready for this?...712! Now I am thinking to way right? I ask my doc if that is the same test,etc. I go to the same lab for my blood draws. He said yes and asked what have I changed in my eating habits,etc. I gave him the run down on what I was using. He really did not offer up much one way or the other. But he said it could be a fluke. I asked again for another lab slip and continued my 550mg a day. I waited 45 days since the last blood draw. I received the results. My T levels are 728.

I can tell you I have added 45 lbs to my bench press since taking the icarrin. 20 lbs to my arm workouts. My sex drive is fantastic (ask my wife!). And I generally feel more balanced and energetic.

The icariin has worked so well for me that I shared it with two buddies. They have had similar results. So much so that they have bought a bunch from me making it less expensive for myself.

There is a lot of info about icariin to be found if you search for it. Do your own research. What I do recommend if you want to try it is to only go with the 98%. The lower quality icariin does not seem to work as well. And most published studies are based on the 98%.

Again....this is just my own experience and worth exactly what you paid for it. Maybe this can help someone or maybe not.

Take care,Stan"
Sorry if it's so long,but i can extrapolate this:
- TA elevated T, but only marginally-it worked wonderful for sex drive,libido and ED, however
-icarrin elevated T by about 45 %


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Ok here's the article :) sorry if i copy/paste but is better than my words...

"Well it has been over 12 months since I started my search for a natural testosterone booster. I thought I might share my experience here and maybe this can help others.
Below is what I found that works and what does not work for ME. Please note that this was just for ME. And outside of some blood test along the way, all I did was trial and error and keeping a running journal of my experiences. Please take this info for what it is....a VERY NON-SCIENTIFIC search for improving MY health naturally without prescription drugs. I wanted something that would give me balanced results. I mean I was not seeking a sexual enhancer, or workout enhancer, etc. Just something to give me a bit of a "lift" all around.

A little about me. I am 43. 6'2". currently 205lbs. I try and eat healthy(er) but do indulge in pasta, bread, etc., from time to time. And a slice of cheese cake maybe once a month. No fast food. I do not drink coffee, soda's, alcohol, or tea. I do take a men's multivitamin, concentrated garlic, and fish oil daily.
I workout with free weights 4 times a week and do 30 min a day on the elliptical machine. I am far from being in "great" shape, but consider myself healthier then the average joe.

So last May I went and had a full physical and labs done. Overall the doc says I am in very good cond. I have been doing blood work to keep an eye on my testosterone for the last few years. In that time frame my T levels were around 500. Considered "normal" by normal health standards. I will not go into the whole T level debate here...there is a whole thread here about that if you search for it. I personally felt it should be higher. So I set out looking for something that I could buy OTC without a prescription.

I started by researching all I could about "natural" T boosters. I can tell you that 95% of the crap being sold out there is just that...crap with no noticeable effect or increase in T levels.

I tried the following:

D-AsparticWell it has been over 12 months since I started my search for a natural testosterone booster. I thought I might share my experience here and maybe this can help others.
Below is what I found that works and what does not work for ME. Please note that this was just for ME. And outside of some blood test along the way, all I did was trial and error and keeping a running journal of my experiences. Please take this info for what it is....a VERY NON-SCIENTIFIC search for improving MY health naturally without prescription drugs. I wanted something that would give me balanced results. I mean I was not seeking a sexual enhancer, or workout enhancer, etc. Just something to give me a bit of a "lift" all around.
A little about me. I am 43. 6'2". currently 205lbs. I try and eat healthy(er) but do indulge in pasta, bread, etc., from time to time. And a slice of cheese cake maybe once a month. No fast food. I do not drink coffee, soda's, alcohol, or tea. I do take a men's multivitamin, concentrated garlic, and fish oil daily.
I workout with free weights 4 times a week and do 30 min a day on the elliptical machine. I am far from being in "great" shape, but consider myself healthier then the average joe.

So last May I went and had a full physical and labs done. Overall the doc says I am in very good cond. I have been doing blood work to keep an eye on my testosterone for the last few years. In that time frame my T levels were around 500. Considered "normal" by normal health standards. I will not go into the whole T level debate here...there is a whole thread here about that if you search for it. I personally felt it should be higher. So I set out looking for something that I could buy OTC without a prescription.

I started by researching all I could about "natural" T boosters. I can tell you that 95% of the crap being sold out there is just that...crap with no noticeable effect or increase in T levels.

I tried the following:

ZMA Acid
Horny Goat Weed
Tongkat Ali

I only used those supplements in the "purest form" I could find. Not the mixed blends sold as "male enhancement" pills,etc. I did a blood test for T levels before starting to use these supplements and after 30 days.

Out of all of those the Tongkat Ali was the first one that I actually "felt" like it was having some kind of effect. Tongkat Ali is a extract from the root of the eurycoma longifolia shrub. And in a lot of countries where it is grown, it is a protected plant. So there are lots of fake and low quality forms of it out there.

So after 3-4 days I felt I had more energy. My sex drive seemed to be higher then normal. Working out was about the same, but I noted in my journal I seemed to have a bit more stamina.

Now I will say this, because while I did not look for a T booster for a "sexual enhancer"...higher T levels generally will lead to being hornier. And some folks maybe are looking for a T booster for sexual performance. Nothing wrong with that at all. So read on.

As for the sexual side of it...the Tongkat seemed to work well as far as harder erection and bigger load when ejaculating. Without going to far into this, up until a few years ago I had VERY big "loads". Think Peter North type ejaculation.
So with the Tongkat it did seem like there was something to it actually raising T levels. At least it felt that way when I got off.

But...after about a week I just did not seem to feel the effects as much. After reading about Tongkat Ali I found out your supposed to cycle it. 3 days on 2 days off,etc.
So I started cycling it but after 3 weeks I did not really feel it was doing anything. I did another week then off for another blood draw. Guess what? At the start of using the Tongkat Ali my T level was 498. 30 days of the Tongkat and my T levels were 534. Not much if any increase. The slight elevation in T level could be due to anything. So on to the next thing...

It should also be noted that finding high quality Tongkat is VERY hard. And it is expensive. I was using the 1:200 at 1500mg a day. Price was around $300 for a 1 1/2 month supply!

Well I am sure we have all seen or heard of Horny Goat Weed. It is one of the most widely used ingredients in sexual enhancement pills,etc. But like most of the ingredients in those pills, they use a very low level amount. And the straight Horny Goat Weed you find in health food stores is only 10-20%. And even the "high quality" and high dosage HGW is questionable.

I started researching HGW and found the active ingredient is icariin. Again this is a plant extract. And getting a very high quality, high concentrate is very hard to come by.
After a bunch of research I ordered a months supply from a company claiming theirs was 60% icariin at around $80.00 per 90 caps. Within 4-5 days of starting it at double recommended dosage I felt that I could feel a positive effect. I felt I had a bit more energy. My workouts felt "better" and I seemed to want to push myself more.
The sexual side seemed good as well. I guessed it...hornier! Unlike the Tongkat, the icariin did not seem to taper off. So far so good. But...lets see what the blood test says. Starting T levels were at 509. 30 days of of the icariin and my T levels were at 583. Hmm...better but still not really worth the $80.00.

Now my search for a higher potency icariin started. After LOTS of searching and samples I was able to get my hands on some 98% icariin direct from the manufacturer. I had to buy a kilogram! And it is NOT cheap at all. But...

I finally received my kilo in the mail. Off for another blood draw...starting to feel like a pin cushion....starting T levels 479. I started with taking 50mg three times a day. After 4-5 days I could feel the effects. Week two I upped it to 100mg three times a day. Oh yeh! about 3-4 days into the higher dosage and I can for sure feel it. Lots of energy. My workouts are great! I am not as tired and can really push myself.

On the sexual does the trick! Icariin is a natural PDE-5 the same way Viagra works. And like the Tongkat, it gave me the big ejaculate. But what I found interesting was that if I did not have sex for 2 days or more I would get a heavy feeling and ache in my testicles like i did when I was in my 30's and younger. Followed by really hard erections.
So it was defiantly doing good in that area.

Well for week three I upped the dose to 200mg three times a day. Now at that level it did give me a lot of "energy". Like a coffee buzz I get on the rare times I have drank coffee. So this is something to think about if you have trouble sleeping already,etc.

I decided and have stayed with two 200mg doses and a last of the day (5pm) dose of 150mg. This seems to be the sweet spot for me.

Ok...that is great you say, but what about T levels??? Well after 30 days and another blood draw my T level was....ready for this?...712! Now I am thinking to way right? I ask my doc if that is the same test,etc. I go to the same lab for my blood draws. He said yes and asked what have I changed in my eating habits,etc. I gave him the run down on what I was using. He really did not offer up much one way or the other. But he said it could be a fluke. I asked again for another lab slip and continued my 550mg a day. I waited 45 days since the last blood draw. I received the results. My T levels are 728.

I can tell you I have added 45 lbs to my bench press since taking the icarrin. 20 lbs to my arm workouts. My sex drive is fantastic (ask my wife!). And I generally feel more balanced and energetic.

The icariin has worked so well for me that I shared it with two buddies. They have had similar results. So much so that they have bought a bunch from me making it less expensive for myself.

There is a lot of info about icariin to be found if you search for it. Do your own research. What I do recommend if you want to try it is to only go with the 98%. The lower quality icariin does not seem to work as well. And most published studies are based on the 98%.

Again....this is just my own experience and worth exactly what you paid for it. Maybe this can help someone or maybe not.

Take care,Stan"
Sorry if it's so long,but i can extrapolate this:
- TA elevated T, but only marginally-it worked wonderful for sex drive,libido and ED, however
-icarrin elevated T by about 45 %
I am glad icariin worked for him but I find it very odd his T levels increased so much from just icariin and even decreased while on TA.
Icariin has never been any "good" T booster. It is more a Libido ingredient. A natural PDE5 inhibitor and it can boost N.O levels.

You are 100% sure he is not a company rep which sell Icariin?

He said his sex is good "ask my wife".
I would really like to ask his wife :D


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Lol that's why I put interested, I knew Danes would chime in.


I am glad icariin worked for him but I find it very odd his T levels increased so much from just icariin and even decreased while on TA.
Icariin has never been any "good" T booster. It is more a Libido ingredient. A natural PDE5 inhibitor and it can boost N.O levels.

You are 100% sure he is not a company rep which sell Icariin?

He said his sex is good "ask my wife".
I would really like to ask his wife :D
Hahahah good point, no i don't think he's a company rep...but who knows..anyway i must say that on icariin (75 % extract) i have feeled very very good, with a strength increase so good that initially i did not believe it was true. I suffer of secondary hypogonadism, and so far only few herbs have a great impact for me. Icariin at 75 % was one. Used for 4 months, and apart from libido (that wasnt a problem despite low T) i have to say it skyrocketed my mood and energy (i suffer from depression and low energy :( ). Then tried a 40 % extract,didn't worked. On the TA side, i must say that personally i don't have tried good products, only cheap extract from Thailand :D it's time for some goodies, now i'm taking an extract of Butea Superba, 2 weeks in, and so far it's working, at least on the energy side!


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Hahahah good point, no i don't think he's a company rep...but who knows..anyway i must say that on icariin (75 % extract) i have feeled very very good, with a strength increase so good that initially i did not believe it was true. I suffer of secondary hypogonadism, and so far only few herbs have a great impact for me. Icariin at 75 % was one. Used for 4 months, and apart from libido (that wasnt a problem despite low T) i have to say it skyrocketed my mood and energy (i suffer from depression and low energy :( ). Then tried a 40 % extract,didn't worked. On the TA side, i must say that personally i don't have tried good products, only cheap extract from Thailand :D it's time for some goodies, now i'm taking an extract of Butea Superba, 2 weeks in, and so far it's working, at least on the energy side!
Have you tried LJ100? If not, then i recommend it!
Icariin is good and I allways liked it with TA


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The guy who wrote that post, he said he ordered 98% Icariin (1kg).
How can he know if it was even 20% pure?
If he ordered from alibaba or god knows where, I bet its not 98% . Let him come over here, sending me a sample and I will personaly send it to a lab


Have you tried LJ100? If not, then i recommend it!
Icariin is good and I allways liked it with TA
No, but of course after reading your posts i have to order LJ100 from ebay! i think stacked with icariin, butea superba and divanil it has to be a super-stack!


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No, but of course after reading your posts i have to order LJ100 from ebay! i think stacked with icariin, butea superba and divanil it has to be a super-stack!
Even 200mg is enough to feel those nice effects such as increased Energy,mood,libido, sex drive ++


yes the doubt remains, however in general the color is a good indicator. 70%+ icariin have a yellowish-green color, while other extract tend to be brownier. The 40 % extract i tried was very dark (and no good effects from it) while the 75% was very bright and tastier. Anyway i have other studies found on the net that confirm the androgenicity of this herb, if you are interested i can post other scientific tests (obviously not only on human,but i'm an hardcore internet researcher and i have a true passion for supplements,so i gather every information i can find :)


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No, but of course after reading your posts i have to order LJ100 from ebay! i think stacked with icariin, butea superba and divanil it has to be a super-stack!
Since you mentioned Butea Superba (has been interested in this couple of years and never tried it).

Hyperandrogenemia due to ingestion of Butea superba

The patient was a Thai single male, aged 35 years, without any underlying disease (his basic annual laboratory checkup showed normal results).Laboratory investigations were performed which showed increased dihydrotestosterone (1512 pg/mL, reference value 250–990 pg/mL).


That's so good. I have to wait payment, then i must order at least 2 bottles...what's the medium price for LJ100 on the net?


Yes, that was the same article i've read that convinced me to try this herb. DHT is a very powerful hormone! i have 2 different extract, one normal and the other very potent extract. Now i'm triyng the less powerful, to see any side effects.


Found it for around 30 euros (i'm from Italy) in Ebay. I have to wait anyway....can't wait! lool


An interesting article (i'm beginning to fall in love with TA ahah):
i can't post, must reach 50 posts...however an extract of this article:

How does Tongkat Ali work?

There appears to be more than one mechanism of action in the increase of serum testosterone levels upon supplementation with Tongkat Ali:
enhanced metabolism of pregnenolone and 17-OH-pregnenolone due to increase CYP17 activity ⇒ increased DHEA production (Ali. 1993)
enhanced testosterone production by Leydig cell explants via the inhibition of phosphodiesterase and aromatase by eurycomanone, a major quassinoid compound present in E.. longifolia root extracts (Low. 2013a)
reduced estrogen levels ⇒ decreased hypothalamic negative feedback ⇒ increase in LH and FSH levels (Prakash. 2007; Low. 2013b)
reduction of SHGB binding (will not increase total testosterone) and thus increases in unbound testosterone (Chaing. 1994; Henkel. 2013; Talbott. 2013)
As you can see in Figure 1, these beneficial effects are highly dose dependent. While a dosage of 25 mg/kg body weight of the quassinoid-rich fractions increased the Leydig cell testosterone production in rodents, a higher dosage of 50 mg/kg resulted in significantly lower Leydig cell testosterone production (Low. 2013b).

Figure 1: Testosterone concentration in plasma and testes (left) and estrogen concentration in plasma (right) of male rats after being treated with 25mg/kg or 50mg/kg body weight TA extract (Low. 2013b)
In addition, despite the fact that this low concentration (25 mg/kg) of the extract stimulated higher LH secretion than the high dose (50 mg/kg), the serum oestrogen levels showed an inverse picture.
The human equivalent doses for the effective and ineffective (over-)dose are 4mg/kg and 8mg/kg. If we assume that the results are applicable to men, as well, this would mean that a daily dose of 320mg of Tongkat Ali root extract would increase your testosterone and decrease your estrogen levels, while a dosage of 640mg per day would not.

Another dose-dependent herb?


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An interesting article (i'm beginning to fall in love with TA ahah):
i can't post, must reach 50 posts...however an extract of this article:

How does Tongkat Ali work?

There appears to be more than one mechanism of action in the increase of serum testosterone levels upon supplementation with Tongkat Ali:
enhanced metabolism of pregnenolone and 17-OH-pregnenolone due to increase CYP17 activity ⇒ increased DHEA production (Ali. 1993)
enhanced testosterone production by Leydig cell explants via the inhibition of phosphodiesterase and aromatase by eurycomanone, a major quassinoid compound present in E.. longifolia root extracts (Low. 2013a)
reduced estrogen levels ⇒ decreased hypothalamic negative feedback ⇒ increase in LH and FSH levels (Prakash. 2007; Low. 2013b)
reduction of SHGB binding (will not increase total testosterone) and thus increases in unbound testosterone (Chaing. 1994; Henkel. 2013; Talbott. 2013)
As you can see in Figure 1, these beneficial effects are highly dose dependent. While a dosage of 25 mg/kg body weight of the quassinoid-rich fractions increased the Leydig cell testosterone production in rodents, a higher dosage of 50 mg/kg resulted in significantly lower Leydig cell testosterone production (Low. 2013b).

Figure 1: Testosterone concentration in plasma and testes (left) and estrogen concentration in plasma (right) of male rats after being treated with 25mg/kg or 50mg/kg body weight TA extract (Low. 2013b)
In addition, despite the fact that this low concentration (25 mg/kg) of the extract stimulated higher LH secretion than the high dose (50 mg/kg), the serum oestrogen levels showed an inverse picture.
The human equivalent doses for the effective and ineffective (over-)dose are 4mg/kg and 8mg/kg. If we assume that the results are applicable to men, as well, this would mean that a daily dose of 320mg of Tongkat Ali root extract would increase your testosterone and decrease your estrogen levels, while a dosage of 640mg per day would not.

Another dose-dependent herb?
Nah, LJ100 at 800mg increased T levels much more than 100 and 200mg according to Dr.Tambi. he has seen blood results

But ofcourse to much could give you insomnia ++


Nah, LJ100 at 800mg increased T levels much more than 100 and 200mg according to Dr.Tambi. he has seen blood results

But ofcourse to much could give you insomnia ++
Better, we don't have to dose..only MAXIMIZE dose :D
Dirty Dan

Dirty Dan

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Running this product now and the bottom line is, if you like popping boners 24/7 then this product is for you.


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Running this product now and the bottom line is, if you like popping boners 24/7 then this product is for you.
I know exactly what you mean. Random and stronf boners was sick experience!


I know exactly what you mean. Random and stronf boners was sick experience!
This is exactly what i am feeling now after a week or so on Butea Superba, if you are interested:
- those random boners, without thinking of sex
- morning boners, it's been 10 years or so that i don't wake up because of a strong boner, only icariin and triazole previously had this effect for the month of use on me. that's Superb!
- my heart now is in the 50 bpm, when i've had always 80-90 bpm in the past because of chronic anxiety
-i feel so calm and energetic at the same time; it's a good feeling, i'm in a calm mentality but with burst of energy when needed
-vascularity in my arms and forearms? so rare in the past, in those days it's the norm (??)
I look forward to stack that with LJ100, icariin 75 % an an AI (triazole,erase are my favorite) i think it can be The Demigod Stack :)
i kee updated if you like, sorry if it's a little OT but i want to share my experience!
Danes, i think nature has the power in that herbs!


If it's not posted, a good article from AnabolicMen site:

Tongkat Ali as a Potential Testosterone Booster

longjack and testosterone levelsTongkat Ali is a flowering plant native to Indonesia, Malaysia.

The active ingredients claimed to increase testosterone include steroidal saponins and eurycomanone. There’s also some aphrodisiac pro-erectile compounds in the herb such as Canthin-6-one metabolites and derivatives of Squalene.

Tongkat Ali has a huge reputation as a pro-erectile testosterone booster and if you’ve been reading any of the men’s health sites of the 20th century, you’ve had to stumble upon the herb few times by now…

But I have a hard time buying all the claims about Tongkat Ali, and quite frankly the market seems to be full of fake products and extracts which are nowhere near the actual herb.

Other things aside, let’s see what the actual science says about this herb:

a) The researchers at this randomized double-blind placebo study had 109 men as their test subjects. They gave half of these men 300 mg’s of freeze dried Tongkat Ali extract, and the other half got placebo. The abstract cites that the study went on for 6+ months.

The results showed that after 12 weeks there was significant increases in semen motility (+44%) and volume (+18%) in the Tongkat Ali Group. The test group also had significantly higher scores in the Erectile Function domain in (IIEF) questionnaire and noted significant improvements in libido when compared to the placebo group.

b) In this peer-reviewed study that appeared in the Journal of the International Society of Sports Nutrition 2013, the researchers had 62 moderately stressed subjects.

They gave half of their subjects a standardized hot-water extract of Tongkat Ali for the duration of 4 weeks, and the other half received a placebo.

The results showed that in the Tongkat Ali group there was significant improvements in tension (-11%), anger (-12%), confusion (-15%), cortisol (-16%), and testosterone (+37%).

Albeit this is the most promising study about Tongkat Ali so far, the effects would still need to be studied more on healthy men with no stress.

c) This study had 76 male subjects who suffered from late onset hypogonadism (low testosterone). The researchers gave these men 200 mg of a standardised water-soluble extract of Tongkat Ali for the period of 1 month.

The results showed a staggering 46% increase in total testosterone levels and remarkably 90,1% of the subjects were able to normalize their testosterone levels back inside the reference range.

However this study didn’t have a control group, and all the men had low testosterone levels to begin with. Which means that the effects are probably not similar in men with normal to high testosterone levels.

d) Aside from the human studies, one in-vitro study has shown anti-estrogenic effects in Tongkat Ali. For example, this study found out that it blocked estrogen more effectively in a petri dish than tamoxifen (a popular synthetic estrogen-blocker).

However it’s an in-vitro study, which means that the effects may not take place inside the human body. More studies on humans would be needed to validate those claims, but the results are fascinating to say the least.

e) Animal studies seem to show that Tongkat Ali has a pro-erectile testosterone boosting effect on rats


Feels like that guy is liking TA :love: (even his gf lol)

Tongkat Ali (Longjack) 2% Eurycomanone Makes Me Feel Like Conan The Barbarian

I was about to think this stuff didn't work and tasted absolutely terrible (it still does). So I went to the site I bought it from to write a review and when I got there I started reading the reviews and seeing how people were upping their dosage by almost 4 times and that's when they started feeling something. So I went and tried it. Took 4 scoops in a glass of warm water (one reviewer pointed this out and it makes a difference for some reason).
For the rest of the day I had an incredible sense of well-being, confidence, and energy. Later that night my girlfriend came home and whisked her up and we went shooting on a whim. After shooting and dinner, we came home and...well I put it to the real test.
Afterwards, she was panting and laid out and asked where the hell that came from. She commented on the pure raw sexual energy and how hot it was. She also commented on the amount of evidence that was left over was way more than usual.
Sometimes we all work hard to stay fit, eat well, and get plenty of sleep; but there are plenty of factors in our world that sap men of their "manhood". Sometimes you need a kick in the pants like this to get back on track and conquering the world.
Now that I know there's a huge benefit on the other side of that horrible bitter taste, I look forward to it every morning to get pumped for the day.


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What about LJ100 for ED? Or even pre ejaculation?

I think it would help


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An interesting article (i'm beginning to fall in love with TA ahah):
i can't post, must reach 50 posts...however an extract of this article:

How does Tongkat Ali work?

There appears to be more than one mechanism of action in the increase of serum testosterone levels upon supplementation with Tongkat Ali:
enhanced metabolism of pregnenolone and 17-OH-pregnenolone due to increase CYP17 activity ⇒ increased DHEA production (Ali. 1993)
enhanced testosterone production by Leydig cell explants via the inhibition of phosphodiesterase and aromatase by eurycomanone, a major quassinoid compound present in E.. longifolia root extracts (Low. 2013a)
reduced estrogen levels ⇒ decreased hypothalamic negative feedback ⇒ increase in LH and FSH levels (Prakash. 2007; Low. 2013b)
reduction of SHGB binding (will not increase total testosterone) and thus increases in unbound testosterone (Chaing. 1994; Henkel. 2013; Talbott. 2013)
As you can see in Figure 1, these beneficial effects are highly dose dependent. While a dosage of 25 mg/kg body weight of the quassinoid-rich fractions increased the Leydig cell testosterone production in rodents, a higher dosage of 50 mg/kg resulted in significantly lower Leydig cell testosterone production (Low. 2013b).

Figure 1: Testosterone concentration in plasma and testes (left) and estrogen concentration in plasma (right) of male rats after being treated with 25mg/kg or 50mg/kg body weight TA extract (Low. 2013b)
In addition, despite the fact that this low concentration (25 mg/kg) of the extract stimulated higher LH secretion than the high dose (50 mg/kg), the serum oestrogen levels showed an inverse picture.
The human equivalent doses for the effective and ineffective (over-)dose are 4mg/kg and 8mg/kg. If we assume that the results are applicable to men, as well, this would mean that a daily dose of 320mg of Tongkat Ali root extract would increase your testosterone and decrease your estrogen levels, while a dosage of 640mg per day would not.

Another dose-dependent herb?
repped for typing all that out!!!

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