Taking ketamine is an option although psychedelics as mentiined have a broadrr spectrum of possible spuritual benefits in my opinion.
Even in drug conservative Northern Europe studies pn magic mushrooms possibility to help with depression and more looks promising.
Ibogaine is a powerful Aftican medicine derived from tree bark and according to a growing number of witnessess it has been that in some cases even a songle dose of this medicine has helped to stop addiction and even wothdrawal symptoms.
It is a very strong medicine so experienced support is important.
The citations below are from an internetarticla about Deborah Mash and her discoveries and treatmen of addiction with ibogaine:
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”It was around that time that Deborah Mash, a neuroscientist researching addiction at the University of Miami first heard rumblings of an intriguing "magical cure." Lotsof even called her himself.
"I didn't believe it. How could one molecule have an effect on alcohol, nicotine, cocaine and opiates?" she told America Tonight. “[It] didn't make sense."
The thing we learned straight away was that the ibogaine detox was 98 percent effective for opiate withdrawals," Mash said of its short-term detoxification rate. "I couldn't believe it."
”The patients reported back no cravings for drugs, no desire to run out and get high and, perhaps most impressively, none of the usual painful withdrawals.”
For centuries, followers of the Bwiti religion in the West African nation of Gabon have used ibogaine in healing ceremonies and spiritual rituals. Taken in high enough doses, the plant extract can cause a psychedelic trip more intense than LSD or psilocybin mushrooms.
That's exactly what Howard Lotsof, a 19-year-old American heroin addict, was looking for when he decided to experiment with the hallucinogen in 1962. But he found something a little different. After a long and intense trip, he discovered that he had no cravings for heroin or any other drug. Even more incredibly, he had no withdrawal symptoms. So Lotsof gave ibogaine to seven friends also addicted to heroin. Five of them stopped using, saying their desire for the drug had been extinguished, at least temporarily, after just one use.
I myself developed a minor addiction for tianeptine. On low doses it was amazong as antidepressant for me but if you multiply that dose it will also hit opioid receptors and thats addictive snd luckily I have never been much addicted although a two weel treatment codein after pulling my tonsils already made me a bit addicted.
Tianeptine just has some minor shakes and anxiety for me and I never used crazy high doses like I have seen some other do.
Good luck though everybody fighting with any addiction. Its difficult for many but if we really want to we csn and in case of seriously addictive drugs like opiates I guess support would be very helpful
I actually got inspired quitting after reading Keiths Richards autobiography and when he writes about quitting heroin. He says it really sucks to be do addicted and helpless when all drugs are gone and used up and how he felt so helpless and low waiting for his next dose to be delivered, snd I thought the ssme.
As long as you choose to use something it is okay but when it comes to addiction and those times when people feel forced to use things just to make the withdrawal go away then we havectrulyvgiven awayva certain amount of will.
I have just dabbled and realize addiction csn be bad but at the same time we as human beings have amazing capabilities and giving up addiction is possible and all those of you who have successfully broken an addiction remember how great it feels snd hiw that empowers yourself!