TheWilMan's AP/DCP/WMS Log



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Hello All,

Looks like there are a lot of these AP/DCP/WMS logs, so I hope this isn't overkill for you guys, especially since this is like my 3rd post! :eek:

I have just started using Anabolic Pump and Damage Control Protocol along with Basic Cuts, Waxy Maize Starch, CEE. I may also throw in Ephedrine (VasoPro) and Aspirin with the Basic Cuts.

Thanks to HairyLarry and CHAPS for some feedback they gave me to my initial set-up.

I’ll be using this for the next 28 to 30 days. My goal is to get to sub 10% BF. I am 36, 160 lbs and 5'9" (and a half :D). For the past 3 to 4 months I have been cutting and have gone from 185 to 160 as of today. I am at around 13 % BF using a caliper on my waist area only. I have made the most progress at 10X BW with Calories; however, I have had to up the calories to accommodate the added carbs, mostly in the form of WMS. I have a cheat day maybe once or twice every 2 weeks, depending on if I am with my daughter. Here is my FitDay screename wilman70. I was unable to post URL.

My workouts will be in the early morning and will consist of the following:

Mon – Chest and Tri (DB Flat Bench, DB Incline, CG Bench, Hammer Dip Machine, Tri pressdowns)

Tue – Back and Bi (Pull Ups, Lo Pulley Row, WG Pulldowns, DB Rows, Drag Curl, Lying cable curl, DB Hammer Curls)

Wed – Cardio and Abs (HIIT, Knees to Elbows, weighted cable crunch or medicine ball sit ups, bench knee ups)

Thu – Legs (Leg Curl, Leg Extension, Single Leg Leg Press, Walking Lunges, Calf Raises on Leg Press)

Fri – Shoulder, Traps, Neck (DB OH Press, DB Side Raises, DB rear raises on incline bench, DB front raises, DB shrugs, neck flexion front and back with plate)

Sat – Cardio and Abs (Same as Wed)

I’ll do my best to be detailed as possible. If this is TOO much detail let me know. I’ll post some pictures soon. As far as measurements, I have no one to do them, so I’ll see what I can figure out. ( I know I’ve had to buy new pants twice) ;-)

OK, here we go…

Monday, February 19, 2007

6:30 AM - 1 AP+2DCP+ 2 Basic cuts

6:40 AM – 17G Whey Protein and 38G WMS

7:00 AM Workout - Chest/Tri/ HIIT 10 mins

Note – didn’t really feel anything. Maybe not enough carbs?

8:10 AM - 1 AP

8:25 AM - 17G Whey Protein and 38G WMS and 2.4G CEE

Note – started feeling a little lethargic on the drive to work.

9:15 AM - Low Fat Yogurt, 2% Cottage Cheese, Oats

Note – still not feeling anything

Note – almost noon, not hungry yet.

12:20 PM - 2 DCP+2 Basic cuts?

1:00 PM Lunch (ham wrap on flat bread and sugar free jello)?multi vit

4:00 PM -Low Fat Yogurt and 2% Cottage Cheese?
6:15 PM - 1 AP+2 DCP

6:30 PM - Dinner – 2 ultra lean pockets – work a night job on Mon/Tue so I have to eat something quick – high protein and complex carbs

10:30 PM - Optibol Protein Shake before bed

NOTE – LOTS of water. At least 5 liters. Really have not noticed anything yet, but am hopeful. :thumbsup:​

I appreciate any and all input. :woohoo:



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Looks like a good regimen...subscribed.


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Day 2

Tuesday, February 20, 2007

6:55 AM - 1 AP+2DCP+ 2 Basic cuts (woke up late)

7:05 AM – 17G Whey Protein and 38G WMS

7:20 AM Workout - Back/Bi

Note – Still didn’t really feel anything. :frustrate

8:20 AM - 1 AP

8:30 AM - 17G Whey Protein and 38G WMS and 2.4G CEE

Note – Maybe a little pumped, but nothing extraordinary

9:20 AM - Low Fat Yogurt, 2% Cottage Cheese, Oats

Note – still not feeling anything

Note – Not very hungry at 12:15PM

12:15PM - 2 DCP+2 Basic cuts

4:15 PM - Low Fat Yogurt, 2% Cottage Cheese

6:20 - 1 AP + 2 DCP

6:30 - Dinner – 2 ultra lean pockets

7:30 - started feeling lethargic :yawn:

7:45 – Ate a cup of fiber 1 (44g Carb w/ 14g Fiber) - started feeling better

10:45 – Whey and water

Note – no noticeable effects, other than slight lethargy earlier​
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Quick glance, your diet looks VERY low in calories, carbs, and protein.

Can you break this down for us?


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dsade - When I started cutting in November, I tried 12X BW and was unable to cut. I guess my metabolism was pretty slow. So, I went down to 10X BW and it started working. Recently I was at around 1600 cals with at least 160-170g of protein. Since starting the AP/DCP/WMS, I've been at about 1960 calories or so. Macros were about 40/35/25 at 1600, now they are at approximately 35/50/15.

Rodja - Last two days (mon and tue) I had 264 and 274 g of carb respectively and 170 g of protein.

I can't post URL yet, but I use FitDay.

Thanks for the help!


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Wednesday, February 21, 2007

6:45 AM - 2DCP+ 2 Basic cuts + E +A

7:05 AM - Cardio and Abs

Note: Weight 162? Gained 2 lbs. Is that the AP or the extra calories?

8:15 AM - 1 AP Post-wokout

8:30 AM - Whey, WMS, CEE

9:30 AM - Oatmeal, CC, Yog

11:00 AM - 1 piece 1” X 1” Mac Pie (like pecan pie, but macadamia nuts – very little piece!)

12:35 PM 2 BC + 2 DCP

1:05 PM 1 AP

1:15 PM – Business lunch! Nothing very healthy on menu: had roasted wings, salad, and foccacia. It was either that or pizza!!! :pizza:

Will try to balance out later.

2:30 PM – starting to feel a bit lethargic. Don’t think it’s AP, think it was the bigger lunch than I am use to.

5:00 PM – skipped 4PM snack. Feel “warm” not sure if it’s DCP from before lunch or Basic Cuts. Had some coffee, maybe that was it.

6:15 – 1 AP + 2 DCP

6:25 – Chicken Breast, Black Beans, Brown Rice

10:30 – 17g Whey

Note – nothing…the only thing I have felt is a heat rush from the cayenne pepper in the BC. I’ll give it time. I have been feeling tired due to low cals before this stack. However, it seems to be more amplified now. I assume it’s the AP.​

How can I take in more cals in carbs and still cut?:think:



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When taking AP, it is best to use about 60g with each cap. Just make sure they are good carbs and you will still be able to cut. I was skeptical at first too, but I have been very satisfied with my results from AP. Even though I am cutting, I am gaining strength and staying full.


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Thanks Rodja. I'll try that. I train in the morning, so would you suggest 1AP pre workout with 60-70g of WMS + 17g of whey and the same thing post?

I've definitely been getting weaker over the past couple of months. Leaner :D ...but weaker! :sad:

Any idea on calories per day? I am at around 1960 (12 X BW)since starting the stack.


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As far as kcals are concerned, it is hard to give a definitive answer, but losing strength is a sign that your deficit is too large. Try 2200 kcals and experiment with the macros and the timing.


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Measurements and Pics

OK we go as of 2/22/07.

Body measurements (inches)

  1. Neck 14.5
  2. Chest 40
  3. Shoulders 47
  4. Waist 33
  5. R Thigh 21.5
  6. L Thigh 21.25
  7. R Calf 14.5
  8. L Calf 14.25
  9. R Bi flexed 14.25
  10. L Bi flexed 14
  11. R Forearm flexed 12
  12. L Forearm 11.75
  13. R wrist 6.25
  14. L Wrist 6.25

Caliper readings:
  1. Chest 9 mm
  2. Abdominal 12 mm
  3. Thigh 12 mm
  4. Suprailiac 14 mm

I'm getting anwhere between 10.5% and 16% BF on a website where you put in the caliper readings. I think I'm around 13 or 14%. Just a guesstimate.

Here are some pics...the razor bumps are thanks to the Razorba! :box: That thing is sweet! No more hairy back or having to ask someone to do it! I need a tan too! Hittin' the pool or beach this weekend!

Back to the pics. I seem to carry most of my fat in the front of my chest and lower abs. I was going to post a pic of me at 200 lbs, but I changed my mind! :toofunny:

Hopefully, this cut will get me down to 10% BF.





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Thursday, February 22, 2007

Note – woke up late and tired. Could not go to gym. :sad: Will make it up Sunday.

8:25 AM - 1 AP+2DCP+ 2 Basic cuts (woke up late)

8:40 AM – 17G Whey Protein and 38G WMS

9:30 AM - Low Fat Yogurt, 2% Cottage Cheese, Oats – forcing it down – NOT hungry at all!

12:15 - 2 BC + 2 DCP

12:45 – 1 AP

Note: I feel cold, my hands, my nasal passages (similar to ephedra)

12:55 PM - Lunch (ham wrap on flat bread and sugar free jello)?multi vit – added oatmeal (33g carbs) I found at work. Realized not enough carbs in wrap (17g).

4:30 PM Low Fat Yogurt, 2% Cottage Cheese

6:30 PM - 2 dcp

6:45 PM - 1 ap

7:00 PM – dinner - turkey burger (93/7), brown rice, black beans. Kashi granola bar

10:15 PM - 2 servings optibol​

Note: will be increasing my Carbs and Cals to see if I can get anything from AP. Still not really feeling anything.

I just received 2 bottles of the New Powerfull from the inner circle sale today. :woohoo:

Any thoughts on including this in my stack or should I save this for after I'm done cutting?



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Friday, February 23, 2007

6:45 AM 1ap + 2dcp + 2bc

6:55 AM 60g wms 17g whey

7:10 AM Legs – not too heavy – had not done legs in about 5 weeks. Finished off w/ 10 mins on treadmill – Hill pattern L10 3.5 MPH

8:15 AM 1 ap

8:30 AM 2.4 g cee + 40g wms then immediately after 34g Whey + 26g carbs from oats (1/2 cup dry)

NOTE - Legs feel warm. Not really “pumped” per se, but really warm. My chest and upper body “look” bigger after the gym this morning.

11:30 AM Yog and CC

1:00 PM 2 DCP + 2 BC

1:45 Lunch + Multi

NOTE: 3:45 – getting hungry – feel kinda warm, but no sweats at all w/ DCP

4:15 PM Yog and CC

6:30 PM 2 DCP

7:00 PM 1 AP

7:15 PM Dinner - 7 oz chik, brown rice, black beans, kashi bar + 1 glass of red wine

Note:Feeling a little weird…like I had more than 1 glass…does the AP shuttle the alcohol to? I’m sweating too!

Note: Still nothing to speak of in the way of results. :frustrate​


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Saturday, February 24, 2007

8:20 AM 1ap 2 dcp

8:35 am 2 bc + 60g wms and 17 g whey

8:55 Workout – Shoulder, traps, Neck 15 Min treadmill level 10 3.5 Hill

Note – felt stronger. Slightly higher poundages. Is it the AP or the higher cals? Weight 161.8. Weight seems to staying within .5 to 1 lbs +/-

10:40 1 AP

10:55 2.4 g cee + 40g wms then immediately after 34g Whey + 26g carbs from oats (1/2 cup dry)

12:25 PM 2 BC + 2 DCP

2:45 PM feeling a little lethargic and down. :blink:

4:15 Yog and CC

725 2 dcp

735 1 ap

750 dinner same as night before - 7 oz chik, brown rice, black beans, kashi bar

Note- noticing some extra definition in shoulders tonight. Could it be kicking in finally? :thumbsup:​


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Sunday, February 25, 2007

Note: Decided to add Powerfull to my stack. Started today because I wanted to try it w/ fasted cardio.

8:30 2 DCP, 2 BC, 1 PF

9:00 Cardio and Abs

Note: weight 162.4??? Weight keeps fluctuating

1015 1 ap

1030 1 cup oats 34 g whey

11:15 AM – feeling a little sleepy at Church :yawn: – must be the PF – great service –

12:55 PM 1PF + 2 DCP + 2 BC

1:10 PM 1 AP

1:25 PM Lunch – chick breast, brown rice, lentil soup, broccoli rabe (hmmm…homemade and tasty!)

Note: feeling very sleepy right now – 1:35. Starting to get a slight headache 1:45

2:15 – feeling lethargic – had a Kashi Granola Bar, feel better.

4:00 – I've been very sleepy and lethargic all day – this is not an acceptable side effect - if this was a work day, I'd be done! Had to drink a big cup of coffee and still don’t feel very peppy. Must be the PF.

6:30 – still full – not hungry at all

7:00 1 AP + 2 DCP (still not hungry, but got to eat!)

7:15 – Ground turkey, Brown rice, chili beans, broccoli rabe

9:30 1 PF

10:00 Bedtime

Note: Powerfull was a nightmare last night. I had flu like symptoms – chills, shakes, cold seats, etc and was awake every couple of hours all night. :sick: I was exhausted this morning. So, not only am I a non responder, but I’m getting sick from this stuff. Anyone else experience this? Will these sides go away? Is there anything I can do to counteract

The bad thing is that I look noticeably leaner this morning. So it works, but yesterday and last night was brutal. I will not be taking PF today.​


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Monday, February 26, 2007

Note - Missed the gym due to feeling exhausted from thr previous night.

8:15 – 1 AP 2 DCP 2 BC

8:30 – 1 cup oats, 34 g Whey

10:30 – CC and Yog

Note: Been very cranky all day. Gassy too. I thought that was all the beans I’ve been eating, but it may also be the AP. Pretty painful gas.

12:45 2 BC 2 DCP

1:00 1 AP

1:15 – Chicken Popper sandwich and Kashi Bar

Note - 4:30 – been feeling sick all day – stomach flu maybe – maybe my problems last night had nothing to do w/ Powerfull

6:15 1 AP 2 DCP

6:30 2 Lean Pocket Supreme + 1 Kashi Bar

9:00 – started feeling sick again. Bought some pepto and went home.

10:30 – Optibol shake

Note: I have been experiencing some stomach problems since Sunday night. Without being graphic, I've taken numerous trips to the restroom. I must have eaten something on Sunday that made me sick.​
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Stomach feeling better?


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I had to leave work early today and took off tonight. I'm feeling better, but it sneaks up on me ;)! LOL Not pretty.

:dump: (never thought I'd get to use that one!)

I am pretty sure it's unrelated to the supps, just coincidence. I either ate something or some type of virus.

I skipped my 2nd dose of Basic Cuts. I can feel that cayenne pepper and it wasn't helping. I missed the gym again, but I should be back tomorrow.:head:

Thanks for asking!


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Tuesday, February 27, 2007

6:40 1 ap 2 dcp 2 bc

Note – right when I was ready to take my WMS and whey started getting a stomach ache again :dump: – missed the gym – again!!! Arghhh! Not sure what’s going on, but it’s not Powerfull. :think:

7:00 1 cup oats. 17 g whey

12:40 1 AP 2 DCP (skipping BC)

1:00 Lunch – turkey/Ham wrap, Yog, Oats, Kashi Bar

4:00 yog and CC

6:35 2 DCP

6:45 1 ap

7:00 Dinner – brown rice, peas, eggs – homemade fried rice :D

11:30 Optibol

Note: had felt better most of the day, but it hit me again right before bed! :aargh:​


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Wednesday, February 28, 2007 - part 1

Normally, I don’t post until the next day, but I had some good results today.

6:40 AM 1 AP 2 DCP 2 BC

6:50 AM 60G WMS 17 g Whey

7:00 AM Chest and Tri

Note – my stomach issues hit me AGAIN at the gym!!! Arghhh! :toilet: BUT…I worked out anyway! Weights were up! Felt pretty strong (even though I spent most of the previous day in the…well, you know) and I weighed in at 159.6. Therefore, my scientific deduction is that this stuff is working! :head: I just don’t really feel any kind of pump. I have taken No-Explode and felt ZERO pump, good energy, but no pump. I used No-Shotgun and felt a bit of a pump. So, for whatever reason, I don’t get pumped??? And, my intensity level is pretty high at the gym.

8:10 AM 1 AP

8:25 AM 2.4g CEE, 40g wms, 34g Whey ½ cup oats

10:50 AM – Yogurt and Cottage Cheese.​

I'll finish today's entry tonight or tomorrow morning!:thumbsup:


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I have yet to get a pump from any hemodilator, but AP gives me a great pump.


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You think it might be the minimal carbs? I take in 60g of WMS pre workout 10-15 mins after the AP, but that's minimum intake right? :think:

You think upping it to 80g WMS might do it?



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Wednesday, February 28, 2007 - part 2

1:00 PM 2BC + 2DCP

1:30 PM Lunch – turkey wrap and jello, multi

5:00 - Yogurt and Cottage Cheese.

5:30 started feeling sleepy – had some coffee

6:35 1 AP + 2 DCP

6:45 Dinner – turkey burger, peas, brown rice, and kashi bar

Note - didn't take the Optibol before bed. Trying to keep calories at or under 2200.​


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Thursday, March 1, 2007 - part 1

Note: Interesting results today...

6:30 - 2 DCP + 2 BC

6:40 - stomach issues again, not as bad, but I think it may be the cayenne from the BC

6:45 1 AP

7:00 76-80g WMS + 17g Whey (Normally, I have 1.5 scoops. Added half a scoop)

7:10 Back and Bi - Didn't feel any pump doing back, but weights were up again. However, when I hit the bi's I definitely felt a pump. :woohoo:

Nothing outrageous or skin bursting, but I could feel it and I could definitely see it. My arms looked bigger and slightly more vascular.

The added carbs definitely made a difference. :head:

8:15 1 AP

8:30 38g WMS and 2g CEE

8:35 1 cup dry oats (56g carbs) + 34g Whey

Note: 9:15 started feeling a little lethargic/sleepy. Slight headache.

9:45 Yogurt – see if that helps the lethargy and headache. Started feeling better almost instantly, but still a little sleepy. Time for some joe!

Will update again tomorrow.



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Cayenne did the same thing to me.


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Thursday, March 1, 2007 - part 2

Dsade: I'm gonna keep going with the Basic Cuts. The stomach issues seem to be subsiding. The cayenne may have just been exacerbating some other stomach issue.

12:40 – 2 BC (we’ll see what happens), 2 DCP, 1 E, 1/2 A

1:15 – Lunch – Turkey Wrap and Jello

Note – no stomach issues w/ BC. Can “feel’ the cayenne, but no problems again.

4:30 – Yog and CC

7:30 - 2 DCP + 1 AP

7:45 - Turkey burger and a Teriyaki Noodle Bowl (not bad about 75 carbs).

Note - didn't take the Optibol before bed. Trying to keep calories at or under 2200. It's a little tough keeping the cals around 2200 w/ all the carbs I'm taking in w/ the AP.​


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Friday, March 2, 2007

6:35 ½ Aspirin 1 Ephedrine 2 DCP 2 BC

Note – no neg reaction to cayenne this time

6:55 Cardio and Abs – good workout :thumbsup: – Hill program HIIT style on Elliptical, Abs - Hanging Knees to Elbows, Weighted rope crunch, reverse crunches on bench.

Note: Weight is fluctuating again 162.4???

8:18 1 AP

8:30 19g WMS 2g CEE, 1 cup oats, 34g Whey

Note – feel REALLY warm! Feel pretty good though. Abs seem to be working their way past the blub! LOL

10:30 AM South Beach Cereal Bar

12:30 ½ Aspirin 1 Ephedrine 2 BC 2 DCP

12:50 1 AP

1:05 PM Lunch – Cider House Melt :food:

2:00 feeling a little lethargic - Kashi Bar

Note – feeling REALLY warm – must be the ephedrine

4:45 Yog and CC

7:45 2 DCP

8:00 1 AP

8:10 Dinner – turkey burger, brown rice, chili beans​

I'll be out of town this weekend. Going to Universal Orlando w/ my Daughter. :head: I will keep taking the DCP and AP. I may also take the BC. I'll try to eat as clean as possible, but it's hard to log these kind of weekends. :burger:

Have a great weekend!


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Sunday, March 4, 2007

OK...I didn't exactly eat clean as I hoped...:food:

:pizza: :burg: :hot: :donut:


Oh well....but...I did take my AP and DCP before each meal. We'll see how much I weigh Monday morning. Anyway, had a great time with my kid and that's easily worth a couple of pounds! :thumbsup:

I decided to try Powerfull again. Popped one tonight before I hit the sack. I'll take 2 in the morning before I go to the gym. :squat:


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Monday, March 5, 2007

6:10 – 2 PF + 2 DCP

6:25 – 1 AP + 2 BC

6:40 – 80g WMS + 17g Whey

6:50 – Chest and Tri – felt very strong. Poundage was up. Tri’s were very pumped - FINALLY. :woohoo: Finished with 10 mins on treadmill – speed interval – 10 mins at 3 MPH and 9 MPH. Had a sense of well-being. I assume that was the PF.

NOTE: Well after this weekend, I expected to be around 164…drumroll please…161.2!!! I am shocked. I guess the AP and DCP paid off this weekend. I actually weigh less than I did on Friday. :head:

8:10 - 1 AP

8:20 - 20g WMS + 2g CEE; 1 cup oats + 34g Whey

9:10 – feeling a little lethargic – South Beach Cereal Bar

Note: Having a hard time keeping my eyes open.

9:55 – Had to have some coffee – Sumatra expresso…mmmmm. Really sleepy.

12:15 – 1 PF, 2 BC, 2 DCP

1:00 – no time to make lunch this morning – South Beach Dinner – Caprese Chicken 260 Cal 33g Protein. Not bad + multi

4:15 – Yogurt and Cottage Cheese

6:05 - 2 DCP

6:20 - 1 AP

6:30 - 2 Lean Pockets Supreme and a Fruit and Nut Granola Bar

10:30 - 1 PF

Note: Had a good day on the supps. Maybe the AP and PF are working together? :think:​


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Tuesday, March 6, 2007

6:00 – 2 PF + 2 DCP

6:20 – 1 AP + 2 BC

6:30 – 80g WMS + 17g Whey

6:45 – Back and Bi – again felt strong. Every exercise went up in poundage or reps or both :head: ...except pull-ups. By my second set, I could feel a pump in my biceps, but nothing much in my back. Felt very intense also. Great workout. I believe the synergy of the PF and AP is great. I have no science behind that, just anecdotal. I “look” leaner. Weight went down again – 159.6. ;)

8:05 - 1 AP

8:20 - 20g WMS + 2g CEE; 1 cup oats + 34g Whey

9:10 – hard time keeping my eyes open – had Kashi bar. :yawn: I think it’s the PF. It’s not really lethargic, more like I just can’t keep my eyes open. My energy is fine.

11:45 – 1 PF, 2 BC, 2 DCP

12:30 – South Beach Dinner again! Kung Pao chicken 300 Cal 32g Protein. Not bad + multi

3:30 – Yogurt and Cottage Cheese

4:20 – sleeeeppppyyyy – is this from the PF? This makes it a little tough to get through work. Nap time! :D

6:00 – 2 DCP

6:15 – 1 AP

6:30 – Dinner – 2 Lean Pocket Supreme + Granola Bar

10:30 1 PF

Note: Will take measurements and update photos tomorrow​


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Wednesday, March 7, 2007

6:00 AM – 2 PF + 2 DCP

6:40 AM – hit snooze button! :D 2 BC + 1 E + ½ A

7:00 AM – Cardio and Abs – Hill on Treadmill L15 3.4 MPH + 2 minute jog at 7 MPH at the end. Felt pretty good during ab workout also – got a few extra reps or weight in again. This may sound odd – but my body feels tight? Not sure how to describe. 159.4

8:10 – 1 AP

8:25 – 19g WMS + 2g CEE 1 Cup Oats + 34g Whey

10:30 – 1 South Beach Bar

12:10 – 1 PF, 2 BC, 2 DCP

12:30 – 1 AP

12:45 - Tuscan Turkey Sandwich – 456 cal 8g F 61g C 33g P

4:00 - Yog and CC.

6:30 - 2 DCP – did not take AP. Not expecting to have too many carbs w/ dinner

7:15 - wings, oysters, steamers and light beer! Not too bad.

10:45 - 1 PF

Note: No time for measurements and pics, will do it on Thu.​


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You are running one of my favorite logs right now. Kickass results after a great weekend. This is what DCP is all about.


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Thanks D! I appreciate the kind words.

Great stuff! I love the smell of the DCP. Reminds me of a cherry-mustard sauce they used to serve at TGI Fridays with their fried shrimp....mmmmm fried! LOL:food:


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Thursday, March 8, 2007

6:00 AM - 2 PF + 2 DCP

6:20 AM – 1 AP – skipped the BC since my stomach was a little off due to those TERMINATOR wings from last night! :D I paid for it this morning! BRUTAL:dump:

6:40 AM – 80g WMS + 17g Whey

7:00 AM – LEGS! Weights were up again. Felt pretty good. Weight is fluctuating again – 160.4.

Note – I look leaner and upper body looks bigger.

8:15 AM – 1 AP

8:30 AM - 19g WMS + 2g CEE 1 Cup Oats + 34g Whey

Note – very sleepy driving to work. Think it may be the AP. Ate a Kashi Bar.

9:30 – still sleepy. Time for some joe

12:00 PM – 2 DCP + 1 PF + 2 BC

12:30 Lunch - ham wrap, jello, multi

4:00 PM yog and CC

Note – SLEEEPPPYYYY!!!! :yawn: I am so sleepy every day now. Can’t keep my eyes open. I think it’s the PF.

7:00 2 DCP

7:15 1 AP

7:30 – Dinner – brown rice, beef tips, beans, banana


Body measurements (inches)

  1. Neck 14.75 (+.25)
  2. Chest 41 (+1)
  3. Shoulders 47 (0)
  4. Waist 32.5 (-.5)
  5. R Thigh 21.25 (-.25)
  6. L Thigh 21 (-.25)
  7. R Calf 14.25 (-.25)
  8. L Calf 14.25 (0)
  9. R Bi flexed 14 (-.25)
  10. L Bi flexed 13.75 (-.25)
  11. R Forearm flexed 12 (0)
  12. L Forearm 12 (+.25)
  13. R wrist 6.25 (0)
  14. L Wrist 6.25 (0)
Caliper readings:
  1. Chest 8 mm (-1)
  2. Abdominal 11 mm (-1)
  3. Thigh 11 mm (-1)
  4. Suprailiac 11 mm (-3)
Body Fat – I get different readings, but the average is 12.5% :D I’m lean almost everywhere except my lower abs and the front of my chest. :aargh: I hope if I get to sub 10% that will burn off.

I am doing this myself, so I can’t guarantee the measurements, but…wow!!! :thumbsup:

Thanks to all of you who helped me so far! :clap2:​




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Friday, March 9, 2007

6:00 AM - 2 PF + 2 DCP

6:20 AM – 1 AP + 2 BC

6:35 AM – 80g WMS + 17g Whey

6:50 AM – Shoulders/Traps/Neck - Weights were up again. Felt really strong. I love working shoulders. Weight is up again – 161.

8:15 AM – 1 AP

8:30 AM - 19g WMS + 2g CEE 1 Cup Oats + 34g Whey

Note – not sleepy or lethargic today driving to work. Not sure why – everything is the same.

11:30 AM – 2 DCP + 1 PF + 2 BC

12:00 Lunch - ham wrap, jello, multi

3:00 PM – Yog + CC

3:20 – feeling a little sleepy now – south beach bar

4:00 – Sumatra Expresso!!!

5:00 PM STARVING – can’t wait for dinner!!!

6:25 1 AP

6:40 – Dinner – Kingklip (fish), peas, brown rice, banana

7:15 – very sleepy!

10:45 1 PF​


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Saturday, March 10, 2007

8:15 AM 2 DCP + 2 BC + 2 PF + 1 E + ½ A

8:45 AM – Cardio and Abs – felt very good nothing to report. Cardio endurance about the same. Added extra reps or weight on abs. Some lady told me to stop grunting! The Weekend Warriors drive me almost as nuts as the New Years Resolutionists! :toofunny: Oh well, “A gentle answer deflects anger, but harsh words make tempers flare.” Proverbs 15:1 :D

10:15 AM – 1AP

10:30 AM – 2g CEE + 1 cup oats + 34g Whey + 1 Banana

1:00 PM 2 DCP + 1 PF + 2 BC

Note – long gap between doses is because I was going to the beach – gotta love SOFLA :D – BUT…took me an hour to find a parking space!!! :frustrate I actually left Ft. Lauderdale and went south to Hollywood! Beautiful day!

1:50 PM – 1 AP

2:00 PM 12” Turkey Sub

6:00 PM 1 Kashi Bar 1 South Beach Bar

7:45 PM 2 DCP

8:05 PM 1 AP

8:15 Dinner - beef tips, beans, brown rice, kashi bar

11 PM 1 PF​


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Sunday, March 11, 2007

9:45 2 DCP + 1 PF

10:00 1 AP

10:15 1 cup oats + 34g Whey

11:00 Church - Calvary Chapel Fort Lauderdale

1:30 2 DCP + 1 PF + 2 BC

1:45 1 AP

Note: went to the beach again! :D

2:00 PM Roast Chicken Sub on Wheat

5:00 Kashi Bar and South Beach Bar

6:35 2 DCP

6:50 1 AP

7:10 Dinner - noodles, sesame chicken, some Dove dark chocolate :D

10:15 1 PF

10:30 Decided to changed my dosage to 2 PF at night, so I took another 1 now

Note: No lifting today - off day.​
Last edited:


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Monday, March 12, 2007 - Part 1

Note: Just wanted to give an update due to some issues today.

Slept like a rock! I woke up to go to the bathroom and I looked at the clock because I felt like had been sleeping all night…it had only been an hour! Wow! Must be that REM deep sleep from the 2 PF last night :thumbsup:

6:15 AM – 2 DCP + 2 PF (overslept a little thanks to Daylight Savings :( )

6:30 AM – 1 AP + 2 BC

6:45 AM – 38g WMS + 17g Whey + 1 cup Rice Milk.

Note: Almost out of WMS and I forgot to order so I am using Rice Milk w/ it pre workout – 26g Carb. I’m going to try Malto this time.

Any suggestions for a carb to have pre-workout? I may try yogurt.

6:55 AM – Chest and Tri - unimpressive workout. Effort and concentration was there, but most exercises the weights were down or the same. I did feel a pretty good pump in my tris when I was doing dips.

I assume it is one of two things:

  1. Rice Milk instead of WMS for preworkout also about 15g less of carb.
  2. Spent the whole weekend at the beach :D. Don’t know the science behind it, but I am usually exhausted after spending the day in the sun. Did my best to stay hydrated as much as possible.
Oh well, was not a bad workout at all, just not better than last week. Also, weight is up again 162? I think I like PF…feels like I am leaning out, but gaining weight. Any thoughts?

Will finish up the day later on tonight! :thumbsup:​


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Monday, March 12, 2007 - Part 2

8:10 AM - 1 AP

8:25 AM – 1.5 cups Oats + 34g Whey – OK, this is way too much oats to drink! Will start using yogurt until I get WMS or Malto

9:00 AM Very lethargic and sleepy.

12:05 PM 2 DCP + 1 PF + 2 BC

12:45 PM Lunch – too lazy to make lunch again – South Beach Dinner – Savory Beef. These dinners are actually pretty darn good – 240 cal – 26g Protein + 1 multi + 1 fish oil + 1 CLA

3:45 PM – Yog and CC

6:00 PM 2 DCP

6:20 PM 1 AP

6:30 PM - Dinner - 2 Lean Pockets Supreme + 1 Kashi Bar

10:30 PM 2 PF


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Tuesday, March 13, 2007

6:00 AM 2 DCP + 2 PF

6:20 AM 1 AP + 2BC

6:35 AM – 1 yog + 38g WMS + 1 cup rice milk + 17g Whey

6:45 AM – Back and Bi – mixed up the order of exercises today a bit. I normally do pull-ups first, then low cable rows, then WG Pull downs, then DB rows. I switched the Pull downs and the Pull Ups. Man, it was tough doing pull ups later in the workout! Felt strong – major pump in the bi’s – drag curl, lying cable curls, hammer db curls.

Note: pre workout shake seemed to work well.

Note: Weight is back down??? 159.4? It’s not the scale, so I’m not sure why the fluctuations.

8:05 AM 1 AP

8:20 AM – 1 cup oats + 34g Whey + 1 banana

9:20 AM – co-worker force fed me a “small” piece of cheesecake…mmmmmmm…oh well :food:

12:00 PM 2 DCP + 2 BC

12:35 PM – Lunch South Beach Caprese Chicken...mmmmm… + 1 fish oil + 1 CLA

4:00 PM Cottage Cheese – did not eat yog to make up for the cheesecake! :D

Note: – feel very warm, almost like my BP is up. Maybe just stressed at work :fool2:

6:00 2 DCP

6:15 1 AP

6:30 PM 2 Lean Pockets Supreme + Kashi Bar + 1 Fish Oil + 1 CLA

10:30 PM 2 PF​


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Wednesday, March 14, 2007

6:20 – 2 DCP + 2 DC + 2 PF + ½ A + 1 E

6:45 – Cardio and Abs – 30 Mins Elliptical L12 Hill HIIT + Abs – felt a little worn out today. It was a struggle. Weight down to 158.

8:05 – 1AP

8:20 – 1 cup Oats + 34g Whey + 1 Banana

10:30 – South Beach Bar

12:20 – 2 DCP + 2 BC + 1 PF

12:35 – 1 AP

12:50 – Roast Chicken Sub – wheat – foot long + 1 Fish Oil + 1 CLA

4:30 Yog + CC

Note: Been feeling really warm around this time every day now. It must be the DCP! :D

6:30 - 2 DCP

6:45 - 1 AP

7:00 - Dinner - Turkey Burger, Brown Rice, Beans, South Beach Bar

9:30 - 2 PF (going to be early!) :yawn:

OK, I wanted to take measurements again and I am a bit surprised. Again, I'm doing these on my own, so hopefully if not correct at least consistent from week to week.

Body measurements (inches)

1. Neck 14.75 (0)
2. Chest 41 (0)
3. Shoulders 46.75 (-.25)
4. Waist 32 (-.5)
5. R Thigh 21 (-.25)
6. L Thigh 20.75 (-.25)
7. R Calf 14.25 (0)
8. L Calf 14.25 (0)
9. R Bi flexed 14.25 (+.25)
10. L Bi flexed 13.75 (0)
11. R Forearm flexed 12 (0)
12. L Forearm 11.75 (-.25)
13. R wrist 6.25 (0)
14. L Wrist 6.25 (0)

Caliper readings:

1. Chest 8 mm (0)
2. Abdominal 10 mm (-1)
3. Thigh 10 mm (-1)
4. Suprailiac 11 mm (0)


This A.M. – 158 Lbs

Body Fat:

Range - 9.09 – 14.12
Ave – 11.65% (-0.85)

Note: Is this realistIc? Dropping almost 1 % BF in a week? Any thoughts? :woohoo: :think:



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Thursday, March 15, 2007

6:00 AM 2 DCP + 2 PF

6:20 AM 1 AP + 2BC

6:35 AM – 1 yog + 19g WMS + 1 cup rice milk + ½ cup Oats + 8.5g Whey

6:45 AM – LEGS!!! Got a little frustrated – every piece of machinery that I “could” have started with was taken…but, good workout anyway. Felt like throwing up, so it MUST have been good! Did some cardio to loosen up. Weight still at 158.

8:05 AM – 1 AP

8:20 AM – 2g CEE + 1 Banana + 1 Cup Oats + 34g Whey

9:15 AM - pretty lethargic – had a Kashi Bar.

12:30 PM 2 DCP + 1 PF + 2 BC

1:00 PM Lunch Ham wrap + Jello + 1 fish oil + 1 cla + multi

3:50 PM – yog + cc

6:30 PM – 2 DCP

6:45 PM - 1 AP

7:00 PM - Dinner – Turkey burger, black beans, brown rice, banana

7:30 PM – ate a Kashi Bar – feeling lethargic

10:15 PM – 2 PF

Note: Even I'm getting bored of this log! :yawn: Does anyone else still read this?​


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Note: Even I'm getting bored of this log! :yawn: Does anyone else still read this?​

Maybe you should post some pictures?


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Maybe you should post some pictures?

I might get more of a response if I put somebody else's pics up! :toofunny:

I'll try tonight when I get home!

Thanks D. I knew I could count on you! :thumbsup:


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Alright was the SAME thing I post every day :D

So...I'll be brief for a change :head:

Weight: 162? OK, so I somehow gained 4 lbs in 24 hours?

Pics: Took a bunch of pics today when I got home from work. My shoulders look a lot bigger and I definitely feel that I have gained some muscle mass. I noticed that after I added PF to the mix. Had a great workout today - Shoulders, Traps, and Neck.

OK...without further ado...




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March 17-18, 2007

Saturday, March 17, 2007

7:45 AM 1 DCP (almost out) + 2 PF

8:05 AM 2 BC + ½ A + 1 E

8:20 AM – Cardio and Abs – Cardio was a little tough. Felt like my HR was really high – probably the E. Workout was great – lot of strength, lot of endurance. Weight up to 163.5? This weight fluctuation is weird.

9:55 AM – 1 AP

10:10 AM – 1 Cup Rice Milk, ¼ cup Farina, ½ cup Oats, 34g Whey

12:40 – 1 DCP + 1 PF + ½ A + 1 E + 1 hot cup of Kona Coffee (doh…now I’m not hungry!)

1:10 1 AP

1:25 Lunch Turkey Burger, Brown Rice, Black beans, banana, salad + 1 fish oil + 1 cla + Multi

4:00 PM Yog and CC

7:30 2 DCP 1 PF

7:45 1 AP

8 -1 AM Lot of food and drink :D My buddies 40th Bday. :cheers: :burger: :djparty:

I hadn’t seen most of these people in 2 years. I have lost 40 lbs of blub since I saw most of them. :jaw: Needless to say, I got a lot of positive comments :woohoo:

1:30 AM 2 PF


Sunday, March 18, 2007

9:45 1 DCP + 1 PF

10:00 1 AP

10:15 1/2 cup oats + 1 cup Rice Milk + ½ cup Yog + 34g Whey

11:00 Church

1:15 PM 2 DCP

1:30 PM 1 PF (I forgot :D)

1:45 PM 1 AP

2:00 PM Lunch – South Beach Pizza, South Beach Bar, Banana, PB and a Sam Adams Lite

4:00 South Beach Bar

6:00 PM 2 DCP

6:15 PM 1 AP

6:30 PM – Chicken, Brown Rice, Beans, Banana

7:30 PM Small Dairy Queen Vanilla Cone ?

9:00 PM Optibol Shake

10:30 PM 2 PF

Note: Almost out of DCP and AP, so I will be finishing this week with some final pics and measurements. Out of the AP, PF, BC, DCP, and WMS…I was most impressed with the DCP and the PF :head: . I did not get noticeable effects (mind blowing pump, etc) from AP but I am sure it helped me to cut even with the added carbs. I noticed an increase in muscle mass and strength after starting PF. I love the DCP, I could feel it but not like a stim.

Overall, I did not lose as much fat as I wanted too, but I did find it a successful stack as I did maintain (sometimes gain) weight and lower BF%. The total duration will be 30 days.

My next step is TBD – I have a bunch of stuff in my NP shopping cart, but I can’t decide :think: .

Thanks to all who read and gave input on this log. :clap2:​


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Looking great, Wilman!!!


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Thanks D! You've been a lot of help! :thumbsup:

Question - I like that Havoc/MST stack at NP. Would that be good for a cut/recomp? I don't have gyno, but I was always a fat kid and have a some reluctant fat on my chest. I'm thinking dropping my estrogen levels may help with that. I was planning on TST 5 weeks (suggestion on dose?) then starting Havoc the 2nd week - 4 weeks 10-20/20/30/30. post cycle therapy would include Torem, Restore, and PF.

Does this make sense?

EDIT: You must spread some Reputation around before giving it to dsade again. :D


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Thanks D! You've been a lot of help! :thumbsup:

Question - I like that Havoc/MST stack at NP. Would that be good for a cut/recomp? I don't have gyno, but I was always a fat kid and have a some reluctant fat on my chest. I'm thinking dropping my estrogen levels may help with that. I was planning on TST 5 weeks (suggestion on dose?) then starting Havoc the 2nd week - 4 weeks 10-20/20/30/30. post cycle therapy would include Torem, Restore, and PF.

Does this make sense?
Looks like a solid plan, Wil. I am looking forward to hearing feedback onm this.


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Final Pics and Measurements

Alright folks, the end has come...

I was on AP/DCP/BC for 31 days. I added PF about 7 days afterwards. I had an extra day on just AP and PF.

Overall, it was a succesful stack. My next plan is either a Havoc/TST stack or a Venom Tri Lean Stack. I didn't hit 10% BF, but that was a bit of a lofty goal in 30 days. Overall, I dropped 2.4% BF (I'm still not too sure about those numbers) and 1.4 lbs. I attached a full list.

Thank you all for your help and encouragement! :clap2:

Here are the final results: :dance:


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