The Super Duper X Factor testing stacking thing: Part 2



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Well JJohn you know im in bro. Diet is on point. I have my first fight in may so id love to stack X-factor DCP as ive used em both seperately before and loved it. Before and After pics can most definately be posted ( ill make sure of this ). Diet will be low carbs high protein and healthy fats. Training is crazy atleast 5 days a week in the gym and 3 days a week mma!


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Well JJohn you know im in bro. Diet is on point. I have my first fight in may so id love to stack X-factor DCP as ive used em both seperately before and loved it. Before and After pics can most definately be posted ( ill make sure of this ). Diet will be low carbs high protein and healthy fats. Training is crazy atleast 5 days a week in the gym and 3 days a week mma!
Good stuff! Please include some details if you have time, macros etc.. It's always nice to know what background you come from ;)


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DAMNN I want in on this!!! :D

I'm a long time member at!


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I guess ill put down an application to see how it goes. Im intrested in that AX product. I was the original tester to X-factor and Drive with some RPM. I looooooved it :)

I hope AX has more than one product stacked with X-Factor cause that would be truely awesome.

My stats are here.

18 years old
16-17% body fat?
209 pounds (still gaining after X-Factor baby :thumbsup:)
My goals are to gain some lean mass while cutting out some fat. I had great success with my last x-factor stack and I look forward to this. Everyone knows im good for some detailed quality logging right? :)


If picked, I will run X-Factor on a cut most likely. Ive bulked with X-Factor and I loved it. Id love to use a supplement to help keep gains on my cut. A stack consisting of AX (which Ive been DYING to try. John would know ;) and X-Factor would be superb!) Im hoping to make some decent steady gains while on X-Factor on a cut. I think the combination of X-Factor with the new and upcoming AX products is just what I need.


he he he :)

for the record I'm 23 in case there might be legal issues :)

B-day was November 24th.


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you lucky bastard!!!
lol it's about all they pay for, so I have to maximize it. I moved my lifting time to the morning to really benefit of cramming down that much sushi into my mouth.


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I'm in....I'm on Winter Break right now and having nothing to do but hit the weights. I'm trying to gain mass....I was going to do the xfactor, rpm, drive stack...

Eating 160-200 g of protein a day (weigh 160). Med-High Carbs. I eat about 5-6 small meals a day, rougly 3000+ calories.

Just started a 4 day Split (Upper Push, Lower heavy, Upper Pull, Lower moderate)

current stats:
bench: 290lbs
squat: 380lbs


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lol it's about all they pay for, so I have to maximize it. I moved my lifting time to the morning to really benefit of cramming down that much sushi into my mouth.
Haha! Sushi is great stuff! Just be carefull, and if you get selected, you'll have to slow down on some fatty fishes. Something to consider.


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Haha! Sushi is great stuff! Just be carefull, and if you get selected, you'll have to slow down on some fatty fishes. Something to consider.
I vary it up now. I can only eat so much tuna or salmon sushi. I get a lot of eel, yellowtail, or shrimp now. It also depends on where I choose to take people to lunch, a lot of people really like free sushi meals, so I end up there a lot.

That is another reason I am wanting to run one of these stacks so I can cut down on the fish oil and see how my body goes.


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jjohn when will we know who is selected?


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jjohn when will we know who is selected?
Should be at the end of Jan if everything goes well. We have a lot of spots to fill I just want to make sure everyone who wants in and is logging now can have a fair chance.


On my grind
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Good stuff! Please include some details if you have time, macros etc.. It's always nice to know what background you come from ;)
Background: Came from a very well rounded bodybuilder training style but have since fallen in love with mma. While i still train like a bodybuilder i incorporate a lot of my stuff we do in mma while i train as well. Its been very hard for me as im doin a ton of cardio but im lovin how im lookin and im still stayin nice n muscular!

Macros: Never really have been one to keep track of these per say. Atleast 350gms of protein a day, 6 meals, less then 25gms of carbs a meal ( unless i decide to eat more for breakfast) and fats are around 15-20gms per meal.

Training Split:
Monday: Back
Tuesday: Light chest and mma after
Wednesday: Just mma
Thursday: Arms and mma
Friday: Shoulders

Weekend is my catchup days, whatever i feel im weak on. I also run or do cardio for atleast 30 mins everyday.

Sitting at 185 and must lose around 15 lbs in the next 4 months while keeping my strength and muscle. So far so good been losing it very slow which im completely ok with but im ready to kick it up a notch!


New member
Well here it goes! I would apply for either of those stacks, I am interested in burning some fat while building some muscle. You can see some current pic of me here:

I will log here on AM and also should I be chosen. Stats are listed below:

Age: 32
Weight: 215
BF: 15% to 18% approx

Work out is a 4 day split:

Lat Pull Overs

Good Mornings
Leg Extensions
Calf Raises

Concentration Curls
Barbell Curls

Shoulder Press
Front Raises
Lateral Raises
Laying Tri Extensions
Push Downs

Daily Routine/Meals are as follows:

7 am
Upon waking *White Flood*
*Extend* during am work out
*Green Mag* Immediately following workout with 1 cup of oats, 1 scoop of whey, 1/2 cup egg whites and a handful of berries

10 am
2 eggs
6 egg whites
1/2 cup oatmeal

12oz chicken breast
1cup broccoli

3:30 pm
12oz chicken breast
1 cup mixed veggies

7 pm
12oz chicken breast
1 cup broccoli

10 pm
1/2 cup berries
1/2 cup cottage cheese

Diet can and will vary as I get bored but I tend to not stray too far from that every day.

Current Supplements:
Controlled Labs White Flood
Controlled Labs Green Magnitude
Controlled Labs Purple Wraath
Scivation Extend
Multi Vitamin
Fish oil (will stop if chosen)

I have ran X factor before with Activate Xtreme and had some awesome results. I look forward to be possibly chosen to log and do these new stacks and post some justice on the boards! I am very regimented in my work outs and daily lifestyle. My work schedule and workplace is very laid back which allows me to eat and drink at my own scheduled times. Thanks for looking this over.



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Height: 6'


Approximate bf%: 11-12%

Current training routine:Monday Chest/abs Tuesday Back Wednesday Shoulders/legs Thursday Arms Friday Chest again

Diet macros: Bulking so shoot for 3500+ calories, try to get 200+ grams of protein a day, then the rest is carbs and makeing sure i have a decent amount of fat
What supps have you used in the past: Shock therapy, storm, CEE, mono, ON's whey, real gains, Armageddon, Dymatize Mega Gainer

What supps you are using:Whey, Multi, flax, Real Gains

Goals: Put on as much muscle without worrying about fat too much until around May

Which Stack?: Of course the Drive and RPM, the lean extreme and the mystery AX sound intriguing especially if its the new Mass fx extreme ive been hearing about


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Whoooooaaaaa!! JJ those are some sick stacks you have set up there... always wanted to try Xfactor but worried what it will do to my joints... just picked up a whole bunch of super cissus so its not much of a worry now....

Taking drive right now so id be more then happy to continue on with the AN stack and also could never turn down a chance to try an AX innovation, never a dissapointment.

Im currently trying to lean bulk so in actuality id be happy with ANY of the above stacks to throw on some quality mass while keeping the fat down with more then just a strict diet.

heres my official app....

Personal Stats:
Age: 23 (24 on the 22nd of Jan)
Height: 5'10"
Weight: 182
BF%: Low teens... upper abs show through but have a tiny bit of paddin on lower 2 and lower back... any of these stacks should make em all show :D :D :D :D
years lift: 6 on and off

Current Supps:
Drive- @4caps on off days and @6caps on w/o days
Creatine Gluconate- @ 2.4g morn pre and post w/o and 2.4g 2X a day on off days
Citrulline Malate- 2.8g morn and preworkout
Beta Alanine- 2g morn and 2g pre/through workout
AEE- 2g morn and preworkout
Super Cissus- ~1400mg morn, pre and post and before bed.
1-Carboxy- 800mg 30min before bed and upon waking

weight gain shake (cal 841)
F 25.5g
C 109g
p 76g

eggs/yogurt&grapenuts (cal 613)
F 15g
C 86g
p 30g

jerky (cal 81)
F 1g
C 7g
P 11g
Pro Bar (cal 180)
F 6g
C 16g
P 15g

Chicken Breast/noodles (cal 363)
F 3g
C 43g
P 41g

pre w/o shake(same as morn shake)
weight gain shake (cal 841)
F 25.5g
C 109g
p 76g

post w/o shake
pro shake (cal 242)
F 5.5g
C 21g
P 57g

can O tuna (cal 174)
F 2.5g
C 0g
P 38g

Steak/chicken/pork and noodles (cal 578/363/466.5)
F 14g/ 3g /10.5g
C 43g/43g/43g
P 64g/41g/60g

night time shake (same as p.w.o.)
pro shake (cal 242)
F 5.5g
C 21g
P 57g

Cal ~3950
F ~93.5g (cal 841.5) ~21%
C ~335g (cal 1340) ~33%
p ~443g (cal 1772) ~44%

Planned routine (subject to change based on progression):
4on 3off
DB press 4x10
Decline DB Press 4x10
incline DB press 4x10
seated machined flys 4x10
Rope pulldowns 4x10
reverse grip pulldown 4x10
press down 4x10
seated BB skullcrusher 3x10

BB lat pull down 4x10
hammer strength iso pulsdowns 4x10
seated rows 4x10
Upright Rows 4x10
DB Curls 3x10
BB reverse grip curl 3x10
Cable curls 3x10


arnold press 4x10
lateral raises 4x10
shoulder press 4x10
Shrugs 4x10
Standing(or laying backwards on high incline)DB row 4x10

Squats 4x10 (not doing these for now till back is 100%)
leg curls 4x10
leg raises 4x10
leg press followed by calf presses 4x10/15

Off or sometimes fill in w/o for arms or boxing class.


Previous Logs:

Forums that I can concurrently post log
Bodybuilding Forum - Supplement Review - Forum - Powered by vBulletin - The Future Of Bodybuilding! Huge Bodybuilding Site.
Lift. Eat. Rest. Repeat. SeriousMuscle.Net

and if chosen for AX stack
Anabolic Xtreme Forum (Powered by Invision Power Board)
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New member
Hey jjohn I've sent you an email with my info. Yeah! Taking creatine during this cycle would be ok right?

In the past two
months I have put on 25 pounds of lean mass just taking protein,
BCAA's, and keeping a good diet. Who knows what can happen if/when I
try something you give me! I'm already pretty lean, so I wouldn't
want the fat cutting stuff, but more like the mass building supps.
Here are some details, let me know if you need more and thanks for
your consideration. - Jeremy West aka nightowlman

Personal stats:
23 yrs old
203 lbs

Training split(likely to change based on progress with the supplements):

day 1: heavy chest/light shoulders > 4 exercises x 4 sets/3 sets 3 exercises
day 2:back/calves/forearms > 5 exercises x 4 sets/2 exercises x 4
sets/1 exercise x 4 sets
day 3: bi's/tri's > 4 exercises x 4 sets/4 exercises x 4 sets
day 4: rest
day 5: light chest, heavy shoulders > 3 sets 3 exercises/5 exercises x 4 sets
day 6: legs/forearms > 3 sets 3 exercises/1 exercise x 4 sets
day 7: rest
+abs every other day


Meal 1: Oatmeal w/ walnuts, 4 eggs, 50g protein shake
Meal 2: 2 Tuna or turkey sandwiches
Meal 3: Tuna or turkey sandwich
Meal 4: Burger and veggies
Pre-workout: 50g protein shake
Post-workout: 50g protein shake, salmon and veggies
Optional snack: A sandwich, cereal or something

I already log every workout (5x per week), and take pictures, so doing
this for the test won't be an issue at all.
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choose me!!! seriously i could go for the AN + Xfactor spot!!!


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Lots of great apps so far!


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official application signed in blood

Age: 22
Height: 6'
Weight: 177
BF: 12% (caliper)

Current Supps:

My during-workout man-lixer:
Nimbus blast
beta alanine
acety l carnitine

betaine hcl

clean paleo with carb cycling full blown once a week post workout. Typical diet:

7 AM: 3 egg whites, 1/3 lb veggies
9 AM protein shake (with 1/2 cup fruit, usually blueberries)
11 AM: carb balance wrap with ff cold cuts, ff cheese and lettuce
1 PM: protein shake
3 PM: chicken breast, 1/2 lb veggies
5 PM: protein shake
7 PM: lots o veggies
and some more protein through the rest of the night

Training regimen:
just went from a push/pull split with legs twice a week to a more specific split

Monday: Chest
Tuesday: Back/bis
Wednesday: legs
Thursday: shoulders
Friday: cardio
Saturday: back/bis
Sunday: off

I am a medical student that concentrates very heavily on the biochem/endocrine/hormones aspect of diet and how supps work. If you accept my application I will be able to give a pretty detailed and medically oriented view of what is going on with this stuff.

I am interested in any of the stacks except the drive/rpm, because I just got off of that stack. I could cut or grow, let me know.

My background wouldn't be complete without mentioning that I have just lost 30 lbs in the last 4 months (living at the frat house was not kind to my physique) but med school has obliged a very disciplined lifestyle that has gotten me back to center. This would be a great opportunity to keep me disciplined, and I would be able to consistently give a detailed report, and I promise to meet the requirements!


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Very interested. I have had great luck with RPM and Drive but would be interested in any of them.

I workout 1st thing in the morning and lift weights 5 days/week splits and I try to get 3 cardio workouts in/week.

My usual diet is as follows:

Pre-Workout: 20g Protein and Banana
Post-Workout: 20g Protein, pure creatine, and English Muffin

Snack: chicken and green veggies

Lunch: 4 oz protein, 1 c spinach or sweet potato, non-fat yogurt

Snack: 20g protein and fruit

Supper: Protein, green veggies, and quinoa

Snack: 20g protein

Experienced lifter and very committed to the gym. Just started a more disciplined diet and I'm looking to lose a little fat and tone up more.


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wow, i would absolutely love to log these. i plan on taking X factor at around that time anyways.

training will be as follows:
day 1: chest tris
day 2:back bis
3:legs lower back
4: shoulders traps
5: rest
6: repeat

as far as diet, i plan on eating 200g protein a day, 300g carbs 50g fat.


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Wow, I'm in...

I normally don't respond to these free log offers (although I have run a few logs in the past), but this is really too good to pass up. Four of the five stacks are very similar to ones that I've put together myself for past/future use.

AGE: 26
Height: 5-10
Weight: ~185

Personal Background/Experience: I began training in high school for football and cross country. I was a distance runner, and trained mainly for endurance. Freshman year of college I really began to change my training protocol and adopted more of a powerlifting routine. Currently, my goals have evolved to a more of a constant recomp. I'm more interested in maintaining a good physique and healthy lifestyle than achieving the really heavy lifts.

Education: Currently have a BS in Exercise Science, an MS in nutrition, and am in my 3rd year of medical school.

Diet: My diet is typically right around the 40 carbs/35 protein/25 fat ratio. I tweak it every once and a while depending on how my body responds to the current training protocol. If I'm dieting, I'll usually lower the carbs a bit and increase the protein/fat numbers while lowering total calories within a couple hundred of maintenance.

Current Routine:
Monday: Back
Tuesday: Chest/Abs
Wednesday: Off
Thursday: Legs
Friday: Shoulders/Abs
Sat: Biceps/Triceps
Sun: off

Cardio around 4-5 days per week, right after resistance training.

Current Supplements:
Whey protein
Fish oil
Sesamin oil
Clear Edge
Whatever caffeine/stimulant I grab in the morning.


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im thinking We need more options for logs still jjohn

Napalm + Xfactor lo0oks amazing btw!


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Greetings My Breathren:

Hgt: 6'3
Wgt: 219lbs
BF: 11.2%
Years training right: 5.7
AM member: Close to 5 years. Which makes me... OGM Original Gangsta Motiv8er! HA!

Goals: I am in a mass gaining cycle as we speak. But the emphasis in on lean gains, if I can put on 10-15lbs over 3 months of solid muscle with minimum fat gain, I would be very happy.

There are supplements*** involved to speed the process. ( The supplements might look like 750 mgs of test, tren, and possible superdrol) But then again, this is all imaginary role playing. :)

Diet: I supp more in the morning with powdered protein than I want, but its part of the problem with me being a teacher and having to get up so dang early.

I eat 3500-4000 calories daily. Six days a week they are really clean. The macro breakdown would be 300 grams of protein, 450-600 grams of carbs, and 90 grams of healthy fats. I am doing at least 30 minutes of intense-maintence cardio 4 days a week at the minimum. I base my carb days around the size and need for recovery of the worked muscle groups. IE: on arm day I wont require the same amount of carbs as leg day.

I lift 4 days a week, with cardio being mandatory like I said earlier at least 4, and one day of just core, cardio, and deep streching. So I am in the gym 5 days a week regardless. No excuses.

I am lifting everything in a 10-8-6 fashion right now. There is a at least one warm up set for every action with at the most 45% of the working weight used to get things warmed up.

My weak point are my hamstrings, I have injured them often and have to be really diligent in training them. My strongest body part is my back. My lifting number reflect those important points.

I would describe my overall build right now as very healthy and pretty lean. I am about 1.5 weeks into the cycle.

Tonight I am heading to Augusta,GA to go destroy a Doc of Physical Therapy for about 2 days straight. She may need some rehab when I am done with her!!!

My gym clothes are packed....

I would love to be considered for this project because I have read much about X-factor and think I could be a really interesting project. Also the leaning effects would be a real benefit. Thanks guys!!


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Good luck to everyone. This should be fun to watch. :thumbsup:


Never enough
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getting some good apps in, its lowering my odds of selection :D


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im thinking We need more options for logs still jjohn

Napalm + Xfactor lo0oks amazing btw!
Oh really, then it's settled. We're throwing in

3 testers for Leviathian Reloaded and X Factor!!!!!!!!!!!

I know, i know, I'm too good to be true :)


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Oh really, then it's settled. We're throwing in

3 testers for Leviathian Reloaded and X Factor!!!!!!!!!!!

I know, i know, I'm too good to be true :)
Saaaaaweeeeet stack!:bruce3:

loving all of these....


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Some great looking posters indeed:

I can feel my body twitching with excitment.


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Wow, I think I will be putting in my app soon. This will work perfect with my pre Spring Break cut!

pa mma

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I would like to be considered for the x-factor +lean extreme

age: 27
lbs 175

current split
mon chest(flat,incline, incline flye/tri's weigted dips, skull crushers, rope pressdowns)

tues back/bi's(deads, barbell rows, 1arm db rows, bis/ barbell curl, incline db curl, hammers

wed squats, leg press, leg ext, 5k run at least that is the goal following legs

thur chest/tri dec bench, incline bench, cable cross /tri's-close grip bench, kickbacks, db press behind head

fri bi's/shoulder preacher curls, db preacher, rope curls shoulders standing db press, db raise lateral/fronts, shoulder press machine, db shrugs

sat cardio
sun cardio

eating generally consists of

530am oatmeal, whey shake w/milk
630-730 workout
800am banana, whey shake and some other carb source
930 meat(bear,turkey, vension jerkey, or some left over meat from night before with carbs of some sort...handfull of mixed nuts
1130 2 chicken breast always with pasta
230 tuna salad on 3 pieces of wheat bread 1 can tuna +handfull of mixed nuts
430 25g whey shake
530 dinner...chicken, steak, boneless pork chops, tuna, eggs always with some kind of carbs(noodles, rice, sweet potato+ veggies
830 muscle milk with milk

i don't generally post on here but rather on although i do like reading here....
i have done 1 x-factor cycle previously doing the 5x5 madcow workout...i had some success with this as a solo run but i would be very interested in trying this synergistic approach..

i would be able to post this and also provide pics...on the other site i have multiple pics on my bodyspace


Never enough
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Ah I want to add to my application that regardless of the stack, i'd be doing the 1250mg/60 days with xfactor, with me supplying my own 3rd bottle :)


On my grind
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Ah I want to add to my application that regardless of the stack, i'd be doing the 1250mg/60 days with xfactor, with me supplying my own 3rd bottle :)
I think im on the same level ur at right now with that thought easy!


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i know exactly what id want!!...

good luck applicants, awesome opportunity


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OK, I said I would be interested in any stack.... but that leviathin stack looks.... outstanding.

Any other student doctors out there?


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I'm in. Was planning on using the bulk X-factor some time this month.
I'll wait on that to see if I'm picked for any of these.

I can log here and

No issue with pictures - I have some in a thread in the Pics. forum here (and on

With football season over, 5X per week shouldn't be a problem. (Too busy with a sports board during FB season.)

I lift 5 days a week - Bobo's time under tension style.

Working on what diet I'll transition back to. Took most of December off while traveling and working 12 hour shifts.
Dancebot 2000

Dancebot 2000

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Okay I want in. I'm planning on running X-Factor and DRive/RPM after January anyway. I'd also be interested in the AX stuff, as long as it's not fat burning (I'd like to build). I'm devoted to my logs, but only pick me if you believe in your product because I will give it a bad review if I don't think it's worth it (I've done it before). I do, however, work for the only supplement store/web site in Canada that carries rarer products from companies like AP, PAL, USP, DS and others, and I sell the products I like (I can't tell you how much Drive and RPM and I've convinced people to buy, and now Pslin since I've started it). I'm one of the few testers that you will directly make your money back from. Also, if it's a product we don't carry (like X factor), I might be able to convince my boss to start carrying it.

I'm doing a bulking hypertrophy program right now (4 day split, body part specific) for my Pslin/Hx2/AX log that I'm running until the end of Jan, but after that, I will be switching to a hybrid Power/hypertrophy program, concentrating on better athletic performance, but still keeping big muscle; it might look something like this;

Day 1: Squats, Spartans, 1 arm snatch, Clean and jerk

Day 2: DB row, Cable row drops sets, wide pull ups, Barbell curl, hammer curl drop set.

Day 3 Bench Press, Machine Press Drop set, Bosu Plyo Push up, DB shoulder press, Giant set rear/side front flies, tricep press drop set.

Day 4: Hand spring/kippup drills, Bosu plyo jump, hurdle jumps, depth jumps, burpee chin up drills.

Rest days spaced out to prevent injury and either abs or cardio will be done after each session. Each exercise will have 2-4 sets, plus warm up. That program is just an example off the top of my head, as I like to change my workouts each week.

Diet will be fairly high calorie, high protien, eating 5 or 6 meals per day, seeking multiple protien sources (taking into account X-factor's special dietary requirements). I'm not drinking at all during my January training log, but I might continue that for the 50 days after that for the X factor. I have not decided.

DB 2000


I am interested in the fat loss products. I dont think ive ever taken any supplements from this company. If there are spots for the topical applications, id prefer that as I am lean except for the suprailiac area.

Height: 5' 10''
Weight: 248lbs AM 253lbs PM
Bodyfat: 10% +/- 1.

Training: DC last 2.5 years. Recently switched to my own version of WS4BB.

Weight training 3-4x a week. HIIT 2x week.

:Diet - Non-weight training
9am - 16 oz steak. 1 tbs coconut oil
10-1 pm - sip of shake of mixed powders 50g pro / 1tbs olive oil
1pm 16 oz chicken + 2 cup veggies 1-2tbs olive oil
1-3:30 - same shake as 10am
3:30 - same meal as chicken
4-7 - same shake as 10am
7:30 - either 10oz steak + veggies or eggs and veggies
10pm - mostly veggies to control hunger (most important for me at night) + protein

Macos for the day : 450g protein / less then 30g carbs / 220g fats

Weight training days are different, as I workout at between 8-9 and consume different types of shakes between 7-12 and follow with mostly whole foods the rest of the day.

Macros for weight training days : 450g protein / 150g carbs / 100-150g fats

This varies. It may look like the following

Me Lower
Bicep Curl : Scott Curl 4 sets of 5@ 4/0/x tempo
Concentric GM: workup to a 3RM
Squat : work up to two sets of 5
Ghetto GHR : 3 sets of 5-8
Calf Press: 4-5 sets of 10-20

Me Upper
Rack Lockout: 1 max set of 1
Bent over row: 3x8
DB press: 2 sets of 10
Tricep Extention: 3x8-10
DB Lats: 2x10-15

Re Lower:
1 arm bicep curl: 4x8
box squat: work up to 2x12
Back raise (pad set at thighs, working hams more) 3x10-12
Calf Raise: 4-5x10-20

RE uppers
Dips: 3x15
Rows: 3x8
Shoulder press: workup to 1x12
alternative chest: 2x15
triceps: 3x10-12
Face Pulls: 2x10

**Pullups are done 4-5 times a week at work. 3-5 sets a day.


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When are the candidates chosen? hope this isnt a repeat q.


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When are the candidates chosen? hope this isnt a repeat q.
Approx. half of these testers will be selected on AM (because I love you guys) and the rest on other forums.

Selection will be at the end of January.

- You MUST post Before and after pics and measurements
- You must log at least 5 times a week
- You must log on 2 different forums (this one, and one of your choice) you can copy paste no problem.
- You will have a priority if you have your diet in check, and a good training regimen (hint: Posting diet and training is a good thing)
i think this is the best response weve received to this ? so far


New member

Age: 18
Height: 6'2
Weight: 200
BF%: 12-13%

I'm planning on bulking for about the next year and want to get up to around 230-240 without too much fat gain. The two that I was most interested in were X-Factor and RPM and X-Factor and Lean Xtreme. However, X-Factor and most of the other products are pretty amazing, so I think anyone would probably do.

My diet is pretty strict and is right about 5000 calories (I've toyed with calories enough to know this is a pretty good number for bulking for me), and about 300 grams of protein.

Normally, the only supplements I take are ON 100% Whey, Prolab Creatine Monohydrate, Nutra Planet Beta-Alanine, and Fish Oils (although I will obviously lose the fish oils while on X-Factor).

Specific Diet:

Breakfast (9 or so): Banana, bagel, PB, and milk
Lunch (12): 2 Hamburgers/or 12 oz chicken, salad, and milk
Pre-WO (2): Apple (can't eat much before or I feel sick)
Post-WO (3): 60-70 grams dextrose, 1 scoop whey, and milk
Dinner (5): Depends night to night, but I aim for about 60 grams of protein and a ton of calories
Night Snack:pB and Milk
Pre-Bed Time: 3 servings of cottage cheese


Squat or box squat 2 x 5
Glute/Ham Raises or pullthroughs 3 x 10
Bent Row or Chest Supported row 4 x 6
Barbell or Dumbbell Curl 3 x 8
Calf Raises 3 x 15

Bench Press or low board press 3 x 5, or 3 x 3
Incline Dumbbell Bench Press 4 x 8
Military or Dumbbell Shoulder Press 3 x 8
Skull Crushers 3 x 10
Ab work 3 x 10

Deadlift or rack deadlift 2 x 5
Leg press 2 x 10
Chin or lat pull-down 4 x 6
Barbell or Dumbbell Curl 3 x 8
Calf Raises 3 x 15

(Taken from Iron Addict)

Like I said, Lean Xtreme and Drive are my top too favorites since both are perfect for my goals.


New member
Ok I'm ready for January to be over - can't wait 'till the results are in! waiting.............................

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