The Official PCT of 2009



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Would it be safe to say that the TRS stack will be more then sufficient for a 20/30/30/40 epi run?


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The 19- Nor should be ok on hair (apparently) but what about the 1-Androsterone (i.e. 1-testosterone)? It can be pretty harsh can't it? I guess 1-Test (100) would fall a little above Havoc/Epistane (91) but below PheraPlex (187) in terms of Androgenic #. All I know is 1-AD used to make a lot of people prone shed. I try to shy away from the more androgenic prohormones as of late. Getting older, hair line is creepin...
where do u find the androgenic #?

i'm just curious what would dbol and test be (like test e)

also, DHEA reduces the conversion to DHT, thus reducing hair loss?
Eric Potratz

Eric Potratz

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where do u find the androgenic #?

i'm just curious what would dbol and test be (like test e)

also, DHEA reduces the conversion to DHT, thus reducing hair loss?
No, DHEA would increase DHT levels. Progesterone will reduce DHT levels though, by competing for the 5a-reductase enzyme.

Eric Potratz

Eric Potratz

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where do u find the androgenic #?

i'm just curious what would dbol and test be (like test e)

also, DHEA reduces the conversion to DHT, thus reducing hair loss?
BTW, the TREN shouldnt cause the same magnitude of androgenic problems as testosterone. (since it cant convert to anything that would be as androgenic as DHT)



what would you recommend to fight gyno symptom from a compound like Havoc 2a,3a-epithio-17a-methyl-5a-androstan- 17b-ol

I ended a 5 weeks cycle havoc 20mg/day & got a tiny lump week 2 or 3,the lump did not grow up, i was more cautious. I wish it s leaving me slowly i am already 1 week done after pct, symptom is not noticeable but it s a little bit painful when i touch below my right tits and i wonder what could prevent gyno from a product supposed to be anti estrogenic... Havoc was very good adding lean mass gain and strenght and endurance and definition but it sucks hard for my gyno symptom.


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Good thread. I used the TRS on my last cycle with nolva and clomid and had the best PCT I've ever had. My fiance calls sustain alpha lemon pledge cause thats what she thinks it smells like! I like the smell and tried to explain to her that the active ingredients balance hormone levels, not raise hormone levels, but she still won't chance it. No big deal, I just use the stuff after my workout and by the time I'm ready to get intimate the stuff is totally absorbed/dry.
Eric Potratz

Eric Potratz

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what would you recommend to fight gyno symptom from a compound like Havoc 2a,3a-epithio-17a-methyl-5a-androstan- 17b-ol

I ended a 5 weeks cycle havoc 20mg/day & got a tiny lump week 2 or 3,the lump did not grow up, i was more cautious. I wish it s leaving me slowly i am already 1 week done after pct, symptom is not noticeable but it s a little bit painful when i touch below my right tits and i wonder what could prevent gyno from a product supposed to be anti estrogenic... Havoc was very good adding lean mass gain and strenght and endurance and definition but it sucks hard for my gyno symptom.
Is there any evidence to suggest its directly activating the PR? Or stimulating prolactin release?

Another mechanism is that it could possibly be offsetting E2/E1 from SHBG if it has a strong SHBG binding affinity.



Yes it is possible to be prolactin, i already had gyno by injecting hcg in past and it was left tits, i had to use letrozole for many months before it leaves. Left tits is clean but now the right tits got gyno.

Btw while on Havoc i used Two days consecutive viagra (kamagra) and it was few days after gyno happened????

I should go back on cycle and stack (Spawn) 4,9 Diene + 2a, 3a Epithio with cabaser.


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This might sound sarcastic, but if you have gyno flare up’s during the cycle, then don’t run the compound that is giving your flare up’s, or reduce the dose until the issue goes away. If you want to use something, I would recommend a steroidial AI such as exemestane, formestane, or ATD. (Clomid isn’t that great for combating flare up’s and Nolva can make the problems worse in the long run)

If the gyno is caused by a progestin then your only option besides keeping estrogen down is to take an anti-prolactin. (eg, bromocriptine, vitex, caber, ect)

Yes, our products are safer and similar in effectiveness to popular SERM’s for restoring the HPTA.


well I'm 11 days into my test e, dbol (30mgs) cycle. Tonight I felt a little sensitivity in my left nipple, so I immediately took 40mgs Nolva.

I'd like to get adex, because that is what just about everyone has told me to get, however I might not be able to get it, or at least for like 2 weeks, and i'll be done with the dbol by then, I was thinking I'd just get a 6-bromo products...thoughts??


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well I'm 11 days into my test e, dbol (30mgs) cycle. Tonight I felt a little sensitivity in my left nipple, so I immediately took 40mgs Nolva.

I'd like to get adex, because that is what just about everyone has told me to get, however I might not be able to get it, or at least for like 2 weeks, and i'll be done with the dbol by then, I was thinking I'd just get a 6-bromo products...thoughts??
6-bromo or ATD are your 2 best, immediately available, options in this case. I've been using 100mg ED of 6-bromo throughout my cycle (test), and have yet to experience any estrogen related problems. ATD will be cheaper, so I say go with that. 25mg every night should treat you well.


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6-bromo or ATD are your 2 best, immediately available, options in this case. I've been using 100mg ED of 6-bromo throughout my cycle (test), and have yet to experience any estrogen related problems. ATD will be cheaper, so I say go with that. 25mg every night should treat you well.
if ldex isnt a readily viable option, wouldnt 6-oxo(trione) be an alternative as well?
Zero V

Zero V

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Check out this article. It’s a very good read.
That was an amazing read man....very informing. Now I can see why some people get upset when people push a SERM like its do or die.
Eric Potratz

Eric Potratz

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Yes sir, but it seems to be the least cost effective out of the bunch.
Yeah, I would choose ATD, formestane or 6-bromo over 6-oxo. In fact, all the human research Ive seen on 6-oxo indicate it is a very poor AI, and is likely an anti-androgen.



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what are some good formestane or 6-bromo products?? that are relatively inexpensive...i'm leaning away from ATD because I hear it kills libido :(


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what are some good formestane or 6-bromo products?? that are relatively inexpensive...i'm leaning away from ATD because I hear it kills libido :(
P-bromo is a nice and cheap bromo product.. search around and you can find it at legit retailers..

The libido issues with ATD are generally present only when people dose above 50mg/day.
Eric Potratz

Eric Potratz

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what are some good formestane or 6-bromo products?? that are relatively inexpensive...i'm leaning away from ATD because I hear it kills libido :(
6-bromo seems to be gaining a lot of popularity these days… and Im not really sure why. Formestane and ATD are both very effective legal AI’s.



Primordial Performance Rep
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Good thread. I used the TRS on my last cycle with nolva and clomid and had the best PCT I've ever had. My fiance calls sustain alpha lemon pledge cause thats what she thinks it smells like! I like the smell and tried to explain to her that the active ingredients balance hormone levels, not raise hormone levels, but she still won't chance it. No big deal, I just use the stuff after my workout and by the time I'm ready to get intimate the stuff is totally absorbed/dry.
What did you like best about the TRS??


Primordial Performance Rep
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I know a lot of guys have picked this stack up. So lets hear some feedback. :)


New member
Hi Erick (Primordial Perf), i read your article and the data sounds good. I agree with what you said in this thread but i have no access to a SERM. i live near downtown Los Angeles; know anybody who sells SERM there?


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i'm on week 5 of a test E, dbol cycle...I wanted to do the HCG starting at week 3, however because of complications I just recently obtained some...

what is the best approach to use now...

250iu every 4rd day still? or should I start with the initial dose a little higher, say 500 or 750

I have noticeable atrophied
Eric Potratz

Eric Potratz

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Hi Erick (Primordial Perf), i read your article and the data sounds good. I agree with what you said in this thread but i have no access to a SERM. i live near downtown Los Angeles; know anybody who sells SERM there?
I couldnt help you there bro...

Eric Potratz

Eric Potratz

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i'm on week 5 of a test E, dbol cycle...I wanted to do the HCG starting at week 3, however because of complications I just recently obtained some...

what is the best approach to use now...

250iu every 4rd day still? or should I start with the initial dose a little higher, say 500 or 750

I have noticeable atrophied
Start with 500iu for the first shot, then maintain 250iu E4D after that.



New member
Question about pct supps

I am planning on running a 4-5 week cycle of Tren xtreme and Epi drol (same as epistane). I was wondering if people have had good experience with this pct for this type of stack. Also im having a hard time figuring out how many bottles of Alpha , toco, etc I will need to complete my 4 weeks of pct as well as on cycle therapy. Since the epi drol is a estrogen blocker is it going to be necessary for me to also take a serm? My reason for cycling these two ph together is because the fact of one being a wet and the other being a dry. I hope to not increase weight due to water bloating and hopefully only increase weight due to muscle building. Any suggestions/ advice would be great. I am in season right now so it will be awhile before i begin this cycle so i am working out the details now.

thanks alot
Eric Potratz

Eric Potratz

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I am planning on running a 4-5 week cycle of Tren xtreme and Epi drol (same as epistane). I was wondering if people have had good experience with this pct for this type of stack. Also im having a hard time figuring out how many bottles of Alpha , toco, etc I will need to complete my 4 weeks of pct as well as on cycle therapy. Since the epi drol is a estrogen blocker is it going to be necessary for me to also take a serm? My reason for cycling these two ph together is because the fact of one being a wet and the other being a dry. I hope to not increase weight due to water bloating and hopefully only increase weight due to muscle building. Any suggestions/ advice would be great. I am in season right now so it will be awhile before i begin this cycle so i am working out the details now.

thanks alot
The TRS has enough for your 4 week PCT (1 bottle of each), which would be more than enough for your 4-5 week cycle.

You aren’t going to need a SERM for this PCT.

Eric Potratz

Eric Potratz

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30% off right now... Thats only $81.87 for a complete 30-day PCT.

But only until tomorrow night at midnight. (27th at 12:00am)



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30% off right now... Thats only $81.87 for a complete 30-day PCT.

But only until tomorrow night at midnight. (27th at 12:00am)

what a sale eric..:147:...yall need to act now,while the savings big...:bling:


  • RockStar
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There is only 1 hour left on this sale. Get the complete TRS for only $81.87!!! :)
Eric Potratz

Eric Potratz

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The sale is over and all our topicals are gone... thanks for the support guys.



Primordial Performance Rep
  • Established
Dont miss out on this guys. One of the best PCTs on the market


  • Legend!
  • Established
Dont miss out on this guys. One of the best PCTs on the market
Sure thing! :thumbsup:

You were gone for a while, bud! :nono:
Eric Potratz

Eric Potratz

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Save 20% on the TRS right now during the Thanksgiving Sale!


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