The Ment Diaries



Only another month until walking dead premiere guys. Awww yea! I see a therapist once a week. Yes I go to therapy guys. Don't act like every person on the planet wouldnt benefit from Any I have one due to the things I have seen and or experienced while in prison. Well, she saw bandaid in my felt that I forgot to take off and she was all up in the biz about what was all this about. It's hard to lie about since she sees how muscular I am. So I had to make.up a story about how my puppy scratched me with her nails. So I'm curious have any.of you tried the podcasts I've suggested or the perfect physique movie I suggested.. if so, what did you think of them?


Any of you.into muscle cars.? I have 3 cars one being a muscle car. Another being luxury sedan and the other is a mom SUV. So the muscle car is a 2002 Firehawk which is a Pontiac firebird with t-tops and the LS-7 Corvette V-8 from that year and a bunch of racing quality parts that come stock. Ravmce quality suspension package, race quality brakes and rotors, ram air with functional hood scoops and a wing, race quality tires, wide as heck. All stock from factory. Very limited number of these were made. Even with all that it still only has about 340hp so I had a super charger installed which gets it to about 470hp. Which does make it go a bit and burn outs and donuts are easily done. It's victory red, with all ivory white interior and two white racing stripes that run the length of the car on top of it plus white firebird Phoenix on nose of hood and on back fender. Also had a 12 disc changer which was like unheard of back in 2002 for that price range car. I know its not the greatest but I love it and for the price and mileage I had to buy it. Was 6000$ 55,000 miles on it.


Yoooooo guys! Day 63 and 64 and the weekend is here! Thank God! The dog begins weight pulling training this weekend with a trainer who is also going to professionally train her to follow all the basics with robot like efficiency. Stay, sit, lay down, come, walk along side without a leash, guard, show, attack, stopping the attack, whatever term they use for that in the dog trainer world, fetch all these things. She needs to be near 100 % on these things. Otherwise, having a dog with a kid and a job is well, a pain in the butt and what most people don't realize is dangerous for your dog if say they don't come on command, if they dont stay on command of they don't attack or stop attacking on command. Weight pulling aids nearly all dogs but especially bully breeds like the American Pitbull Terrier to get out their natural genetic prey drive that can make them overly excited and energetic in the house. Another pain in the butt issue to have. She's just turned 5 months this week so before now she was to young for any quality legit trainer that isn't just about $$ to take her. So it's 175$ for 6 sessions . I plan on doing at least 12 . I thought the price was pretty good considering what your guaranteed to get if you sign up for 12. I'm glad because she, genetically is going to be larger then the avg. pitbull and because her drive they call it is way above average and untrained that dog can get unbearable to live with especially if they end up being about 100lbs of solid muscle and having a child it could cause issues and with the wife as well because every human in the house needs to be seen as the alpha not just me otherwise the dog will dominate them if I'm not in the same room. I've watched it already begin to happen. So she just turned 5 months, 52lbs, she's what's called blue in color which is basically grey but that what they call it in.the pitbull world. Been trying to show a pic or two but the forum keeps saying upload failed every time.


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Day 60 in the books guys. So be prepared to have the $$$ to buy multiple vials of ment plus multiple vials of AI plus multiple vials of prolactin controlling compound. Also, for some this won't matter but others hate pinning so they won't appreciate that you'll be pinning every day guys. I use insulin needle and only have had to alternate delts, that's how great my method is. There's literally no post injection pain ever. Best compound I've ever pinned as far as it having zero post injection pain. Since its always less then a cc inject its perfect for this technique where you draw from vial with big needle typical for intra muscular injection and then squirting it into a insulin needle and then using that to inject into your muscle. As long as you aren't fat its no problem getting into the muscle with insulin needle. Another thing is want to be able to do is be able to get multoe bloods often due to Ments random behavior on estrodial and prolactin and hematicrit. Even if you think you have it down from a previous panel, you don't. Its so random and unpredictable. So id want to be able to have multiple panels.
That's nice actually I hear a lot about the test esters and lingering injection site pain.


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Man oh man, being up these extra 2 hrs the blast 2 months ive completed some weird things I'd never would have. I've beaten 3 ps4 games that I probably would've barely played if at all due to time constraints. Also listened to some additional podcasts about AAS and gotten some great info from. Mostly from advices radio network. They put out about 4 or 5 different AAS pods a week. Netflix also put out the movie about CT FLETCHER, which was better and more interesting then I thought it was going to be. His strong man back ground and past held records was interesting. So I'm gonna try and upload a few pics of my new blue in.pitbull puppy again. She's 4 months old and 40 lbs. Here we go. Wtf! Anyone know what my issue is? It keeps saying upload failed every time for the last 2 weeks or so. Whether it's a pic of me, or anything else it keeps saying upload failed. The files are jpg. If that matters at all.
Dude, repping the ps4. Good man.


Well-known member
Yoooooo guys! Day 63 and 64 and the weekend is here! Thank God! The dog begins weight pulling training this weekend with a trainer who is also going to professionally train her to follow all the basics with robot like efficiency. Stay, sit, lay down, come, walk along side without a leash, guard, show, attack, stopping the attack, whatever term they use for that in the dog trainer world, fetch all these things. She needs to be near 100 % on these things. Otherwise, having a dog with a kid and a job is well, a pain in the butt and what most people don't realize is dangerous for your dog if say they don't come on command, if they dont stay on command of they don't attack or stop attacking on command. Weight pulling aids nearly all dogs but especially bully breeds like the American Pitbull Terrier to get out their natural genetic prey drive that can make them overly excited and energetic in the house. Another pain in the butt issue to have. She's just turned 5 months this week so before now she was to young for any quality legit trainer that isn't just about $$ to take her. So it's 175$ for 6 sessions . I plan on doing at least 12 . I thought the price was pretty good considering what your guaranteed to get if you sign up for 12. I'm glad because she, genetically is going to be larger then the avg. pitbull and because her drive they call it is way above average and untrained that dog can get unbearable to live with especially if they end up being about 100lbs of solid muscle and having a child it could cause issues and with the wife as well because every human in the house needs to be seen as the alpha not just me otherwise the dog will dominate them if I'm not in the same room. I've watched it already begin to happen. So she just turned 5 months, 52lbs, she's what's called blue in color which is basically grey but that what they call it in.the pitbull world. Been trying to show a pic or two but the forum keeps saying upload failed every time.
My sister has an American Staffordshire Terrier (it's a pit bull), and funny enough that dog is basically a poodle trapped in a gigantic body. Tried to be a lap dog with me at 100lbs. Could have smothered me, lol. But it's the nicest sweetest animal ever. These breeds train very well, except my sister never trained her to not try to jump up on your lap haha.

I'm very interested in this weight training for dogs, Where'd you hear about it?


Lmao yeah bro.i know about the different bully breeds and the names. There's actually a few others but yeah I know that american Staffordshire terrier is identical to the American Pitbull Terrier. People just do not understand them at all . They are like you said, just big, muscular, no body fat AAS looking lap dogs. As you saw though if that jumping thing was happening to you all the time as the owner it would get annoying fast and then there's so many other scenarios people don't take into account. This is the most obvious but pretend you have a guest who doesn't want a dog all over them or if your guest is a 2 yr old, that jump up/on stuff would hurt them even though the dog is just being friendly. So yeah, having all these things removed is a must in my view.


So the weight training thing. It's actually weight pulling. These dogs have a harness on and they when full grown can pull on a sled behind them almost 2 tons. It's unbelievable. So it's a sled with weight behind them connected to them by a harness and you give them the command to pull and they pull the sled. It's awesome. Google weight pulling for dogs. Or YouTube search it actually. You'll see many videos. You'll be impressed with the weight they pull compared to their body weight. It's phenomenal.


My sister has an American Staffordshire Terrier (it's a pit bull), and funny enough that dog is basically a poodle trapped in a gigantic body. Tried to be a lap dog with me at 100lbs. Could have smothered me, lol. But it's the nicest sweetest animal ever. These breeds train very well, except my sister never trained her to not try to jump up on your lap haha.

I'm very interested in this weight training for dogs, Where'd you hear about it?
So the weight training thing. It's actually weight pulling. These dogs have a harness on and they when full grown can pull on a sled behind them almost 2 tons. It's unbelievable. So it's a sled with weight behind them connected to them by a harness and you give them the command to pull and they pull the sled. It's awesome. Google weight pulling for dogs. Or YouTube search it actually. You'll see many videos. You'll be impressed with the weight they pull compared to their body weight. It's phenomenal.


Well-known member
So the weight training thing. It's actually weight pulling. These dogs have a harness on and they when full grown can pull on a sled behind them almost 2 tons. It's unbelievable. So it's a sled with weight behind them connected to them by a harness and you give them the command to pull and they pull the sled. It's awesome. Google weight pulling for dogs. Or YouTube search it actually. You'll see many videos. You'll be impressed with the weight they pull compared to their body weight. It's phenomenal.
Yeah I'm gonna do that. How much weight will my mini long haired dauschund be able to pull I wonder.



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It's my girls dog actually. I want one that can pull a 2 ton sled. This dog is pure cuteness overload and that's all.


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There is my girl she is like 3% body fat completely cut just from running lol pretty jealous.



There is my girl she is like 3% body fat completely cut just from running lol pretty jealous.
What type of dog is this one? As far as the mini dog she won't be pulling nothing sorry to say. She is cute though.


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55lbs pit mix all black brindle face legs and tail pound for pound she is brutally strong


I could be 100% wrong because dogs have sooooo many different appearances but the bigger brown one looks like a mix of a pit and another type of dog. Like maybe a Labrador or some other type of dog. But I couldbe totally wrong which is why I ask.


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I could be 100% wrong because dogs have sooooo many different appearances but the bigger brown one looks like a mix of a pit and another type of dog. Like maybe a Labrador or some other type of dog. But I couldbe totally wrong which is why I ask.
Yes she is a rescue so I'm not 100% sure . She has the short hair and the build of a pit. Just a different snout.


Yea it's what I thought whole head is different actually. Jaw width and muscularity, snout length and width. I'd bet near 100% it's a mix. Mix of what, who knows. The weight pulling I've seen videos of huskies, German shepards, rottwiellers, boxers and American bull dogs doin it. Could be more though. I'd bet mastiffs do it, possibly the giant sized dobermans. Some others I'm not thinking of.


Active member
I'd watch the Perfect Physique if I still had NetFlix access. My friend gave me his password a year or more ago, and I somehow got logged out (even though he always had me go in under his account name) and he has no idea why and can't remember the password. I've got a mix between a German Shepherd and a Beagle. Closer in size to the Shepherd but looks more like the beagle


Well that's quite a look. A giant beagles. All the dog talk my wife and I today went and got another pitbull puppy to keep my other one company and playmate. Exact same age 4.5 months old. Totally different look physically even though she is also a 100 % pitbull. She's short, and wide I mean really wide. So wide that a girl at the pet store said she looks like a full grown pitbull was stuffed into a little body since her actual bones are the side of a 4 month old puppy. So since she's soo extremely short and wide we named her piglet. She waddles when she walks and still can't climb more then 3 steps where as my other is just a giant lean muscumuscular athlete. Shebjumos 3bfeet into the air already and runs the stairs as easy as walking downhill. It's like a NBA powerforward compared to a sumo wrestler in looks and ability.


If any of you fellas wanna see the dogs just pm me your email and I'll email you pics since the photo upload feature here tends to hate me. I'll be weighing the new puppy tomorrow morning so ill know how much both weigh by tomorrow morning. What's kinda cool about piglet is that it's giving me a chance to be a guru of sorts. Piglets natural physique dictates she'll never be what my other puppy of the same age and breed yet is super superior genetically I'm gonna try thru diet and exercise to get her weight under control and maybe get her body to be somewhat less squat and well fat like. So I'm gonna be manipulating her exercise routine and food intake starting tomorrow morning. First step, weigh in. My other one is kinda like Phil heath she's gonna be lean and mean and huge and no fat almost no matter what I do with her so I just feed her like a regular dog and give regular excercise. Which is why seeing pics of both is so interesting to me as a physique manipulator myself which is what we are all basically doin to ourselves. The drastic difference in body of these two puppies of the same breed of the same age is very interesting.


Ok days 64 and 65 in my ment journey done. Hamstring and calf dominant leg day and back day done. Off day today. So my hamstrings are growing nicely. They are getting more and more of that rippled look and more and more filling back of leg out from side view. All positives of Ment holding steady. The 2 negatives are also. As you can see I'm writing at 6am on a weekend. I've been up studying most effective way to be a training and diet guru to the new overweight 4.5 month old Staffordshire Bull Terrier we picked up yesterday from a shelter that specializes in the bully breeds, to be a playmate to our 4.5 month old American Pitbull Terrier aka American Staffordshire Terrier. So I'm fulfilling my side dream of being a diet guru/trainer on humans on my new puppy. First weigh in is gonna be at wake up time right after morning per and poo and right before breakfast. Gonna adjust caloric intake slightly and increase excercise slightly and check weight in.7 days plus observe energy levels and physical appearance thru next 7 days and adjust accordingly thru the week and after next weigh in, in 7 days. Its like having a client who can't cheat on their diet or training. How awesome is that!?!


Alright I had wife and another dog distract the new puppy and I cropped the pics and cropped the pics of our other puppy that iam only able to get when she sleeps cuz she acts like she's on a permanent cocaine drip.


Nice I got one pic up. That's piglet. Apparently, the other pic is still too big. I guess .


What's up guys you can check out the pups pics and videos on Instagram at coda_and_piglet_the_pitbulls


Everyone following welcome pete8407. He's recently caught all the way up. That's 6 pages. Props to pete8407.


It's a fantastic compound as you have read as long as your prepared for certain things and ok with doing certain things and have a sufficient income. I know that's things are tough these days in the job market. I'm not saying you do or don't just mentioning it because it actually makes me sick.


So today day 67 I believe. Yesterday was off day. Today leg day quad dominant. One of my 2 leg days per week. Hopefully my compound movements will continue to rise. My weight went up a pound. So today I was 205lbs. All positives still the same except for aggression is now increasing to the point of spilling out of gym and into my outside life. Not uncontrollable like Tren though. No where near that. At least not from the nightmare stories I hear from people. I've never done it. Everyone knows my cycle experience if they've read my diary here.


So the positives except for aggression are holding steady. The 2 negatives are also holding steady which is why I'm awake right now. Helps though with having 2 brand new puppies. First 5-8 months you gotta take these bastards out every like 30 mins unless you want piss all over your floors. Gonna watch the last 30 mins of The Accountant in a min here. Movie is awesome. I love dudes personality. Says nothing but everything. In like 4 words you'll get a paragraphs worth of information. Lmao the opposite of me right guys? Lol.


Since there's 2 puppies and I raise my 11 yr old daughter old school way I always have her take out one in the morning and do one of their water and food provisions then exactly 30 mins later they poop like clock work. Well you should see her face at 545am when I wake her 30 mins earlier then before. Oh man. I'm waiting for her to kill me in my sleep. Haha. First two days she thought crying was gonna get her out of it. Heck man there's 2 and I can't do both at once. So she has to be involved or there will be poop and piss all over the house. The face she gives me though. Wow it's scary.


I'm curious guys any of you start a Ment Acetate only or added it to a cycle since following my journey? Haven't heard any of you say that.


Ok The Accountant time. I'll report later today around 8pm eastern time USA about my workout results. Later guys.


Well-known member
What type of dog is this one? As far as the mini dog she won't be pulling nothing sorry to say. She is cute though.
Yeah like even running one of my steps is 10 little steps so you can wear the dog out real fast lol.


Well-known member
I could be 100% wrong because dogs have sooooo many different appearances but the bigger brown one looks like a mix of a pit and another type of dog. Like maybe a Labrador or some other type of dog. But I couldbe totally wrong which is why I ask.
That's the exact mix I was thinking. Pit+Lab sounds kind of like the ultimate pet.


That's great. I love all animals but dogs are my favorite. Add the dogs on Instagram. You'll be able to see both my dogs in pics and videos if you go do that.


The Instagram is coda_and_piglet_the_pitbulls. Request me and I'll say yes to you following me.


The Instagram is coda_and_piglet_the_pitbulls. Request me and I'll say yes to you following me.


  • Established
Nice brother! I got a 01 trans am, ms3 cam Texas speed 243 heads,fast intake, fti th400 and 4k stall with nitrous! Love em! Gonna build a turbo LS mustang soon! By the way, love your log bro keep killin it


  • Established
Don't know why didn't quote, but tried quoting your post about the firehawk lol


Hey guys day 67 in the books. Leg day quad dominant on Monday and chest day on Tuesday. All the compound lifts went up another 5lbs on both days since last week. All positives are holding steady. Except strength still increasing as I just reported and aggression outside of gym is increasing still ever so slightly. The two negatives are holding steady . One is the estrodial but is fine due to the arimidex protocol I've been using and the up at 5am still going and it's still going due to my hate for sleep aids and their effect on me. My puppies both just turned 5 months. They're genetic superiority in size is really.nutts. They are both 3-5 lbs away from their supposed adult weight at only 5 months. Everyone just thinks they are pit bulls. Coda the more athletic looking one is a American Pitbull Terrier and Piglet the shorter squat looking one is a American Staffordshire Bull Terrier. Taking them.out during first 5-7 months is like a full time job. Unless you want piss and poop all over your house. I'm exhausted. Full time job, full time daughter and then.the two puppies and the gym. I had to take a nap from 6-730pm yesterday. It's the first time in.2 yrs I've had to do that. That's how tired I am.


Whew just took both out and fed both and now gotta take them out exactly 3p mins after breakfast. Like clock work they poop after 30 mins of eating.


Gotta get both their coats on first cuz they are short haired dogs thus super sensitive to cold or hotness or rain/ snow/ wetnes.


Back again. Wow. The daughter and I out there one puppy each. She has the face of wanting to kill me for waking her up 30 mins early. Lmao.


Day 69 shoulder day in the books guys. Standing barbell press, seated Arnold press and seated dumbell press up 10lbs a piece . I never really concentrated on shoulder before which I think is whunim still increasing by 10 on shoulder days.
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