The Backbone Stack-Substance + Xtend- On sale at Nutraplant!!!



"He's not human!"
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BackBone Stack (1 Substance+1 Large Xtend) By Scivation

$50 for both is a steal!

The Backbone
The backbone of the Scivation/Primaforce product line is the Substance WPI + Xtend combo workout drink.

Xtend—Energy Aminos
• Branched Chain Amino Acids (L-Leucine, L-Isoleucine and L-Valine)
• Glutamine
• Citrulline Malate
• Vitamin B6

Substance WPI—Whey Protein Isolate
• 100% Whey Protein Isolate

During exercise Branched Chain Amino Acid (BCAA) oxidation, especially leucine, is increased. The BCAA are different from amino acids in that they are primarily metabolized in skeletal muscle. In order to meet the increased demand for BCAA during exercise the body breaks down muscle tissue to supply additional BCAA. By supplying the body exogenous BCAA during exercise, one can meet the increased demand for BCAA oxidation without breaking down muscle tissue to supply the needed BCAA. Because BCAA serve as a "fuel" for skeletal muscle, BCAA supplementation has been used to enhance sports performance and recovery.
The Mammalian Target of Rapamycin (mTOR) is one of the body's protein synthesis regulators. mTOR functions as an energy sensor; it is activated when ATP levels are high and blocked when ATP levels are decreased. The main energy-consuming process in the cell is protein synthesis. When mTOR is activated (high ATP levels sensed) protein synthesis is increased and when mTOR is suppressed (low ATP levels are sensed) protein synthesis is blunted. mTOR activation is vital for skeletal muscle hypertrophy. Leucine is the key regulator of the mTOR-signaling pathway. Leucine directly signals and primes your muscles to grow through the activation of mTOR.
By combing Xtend with Substance WPI, you create a rapid, large increase in BCAA levels from Xtend and a slower, more sustained release of BCAA and all the other EAA from Substance WPI. The optimal dosage (anecdotal) of BCAA is 0.17 grams/lb. bodyweight or 1 scoop of Xtend/20 lbs. bodyweight. Substance WPI should be dosed at ½ a scoop/60 lbs.
• Xtend—1 Scoop/20 lbs.
• Substance WPI—1/2 Scoop/60 lbs.
Ideally, a 200 lb. bodybuilder’s workout shake would consist of:
• 10 Scoops Xtend
• 1.5 scoops Substance WPI
If you cannot afford to use this amount of Xtend, I recommend using at least 4-6 scoops during your workout. Before you buy any of our other supplements, I recommend this stack first and foremost.
The Substance + Xtend drink can be used in place of those commonly used commercial sports drinks, which are filled with sugar. Instead of simply giving your body sugar, you will be giving your body the building blocks it needs to not only give you energy but also to gain muscle and strength and loss body fat.


New member
I soooo just took advantage of this. THANKS. Good to see you guys back - I've been a big fan of your products that I've tried.


This is with out a doubt my favorite stack. I hope you guys keep the backbone stack as a regular product stack, if not thanks for the great deal.


Board Sponsor
  • Established
This is with out a doubt my favorite stack. I hope you guys keep the backbone stack as a regular product stack, if not thanks for the great deal.
This is the number one supplement combo NEEDED by athletes and physique enthusiasts IMO.

If there was one thing I HAD TO have, this would be it.
