Test E/Deca/Dbol Second cycle


New member
So I ran Sustanon for 4 months for my first cycle ever, for a month I did 25mgs dbol pre workout, my Sust was 375mgs per week for 16 weeks, tapered off and didn’t PCT, felt good as new after a short period of time and still feel great. Although I’ll get labs anyways before my next cycle.

Anyone else run this? Not going to lie I’m a little nervous about Deca. Test I’m not because it’s a “naturally” occurring hormone, but here’s what I’m thinking:

Test 500mg
Deca 300mg
Dbol 25mg

Front loading dbol while waiting for test and Deca to kick in?

Any suggestions for safety? Support supplements? Anyone else run this? Thanks!
I would work up to 375-400 test in the first 4 weeks (cause you know your comfortable with this), then I would avoid the long ester Deca and introduce short ester NPP instead at 200 for week 5, 250 week 6, 300 week 7, raise test 50 for week 8 and another 50 for week 9. If you don't like Deca, it will take many weeks to wash out of your system where NPP will wash out in days. I would would not run the oral at all, but instead experiment with adding another 100mg of NPP over weeks 10-11. I run Cel cycle assist along with fish oil, ubiqinol, cialis 5mg, vitamin c 3000mg, vitamin d 10kiu and a good one a day - once or twice a day if needed. With over 400 test, I took an AI. I did not have high E2 symtoms, but my E2 was high.
^Second the notion of NPP. 3 little slinpins of it per week is pretty easy to manage, or you can pull some into the same barrel as your Sust if you do 3 shots or eod dosing with that already.
If this is for bodybuilding get rid of the dbol...you'll thank me during your cut...if you already have it wait to use it at the end of the cycle
I would run less Test and add a DHT (Mast or Primo), save the Dbol until the end. I’m actually running something similar right now.
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I would run less Test and add a DHT (Mast or Primo), save the Dbol until the end. I’m actually running something similar right now.

That’s how I’ve ended up the last 2 blasts, test & mast or primo and I end up adding a low dose of deca midway while turning up the test & DHT, then orals to finish. I bump things incrementally as it progresses.
That’s how I’ve ended up the last 2 blasts, test & mast or primo and I end up adding a low dose of deca midway while turning up the test & DHT, then orals to finish. I bump things incrementally as it progresses.
This☝ but if you haven't got the dbol yet try to get anadrol instead
That’s how I’ve ended up the last 2 blasts, test & mast or primo and I end up adding a low dose of deca midway while turning up the test & DHT, then orals to finish. I bump things incrementally as it progresses.

That’s actually what I did also, I definitely think it’s better (at least for me) to start with Test&DHT and then add Deca after a few weeks, less sides and I can stay lean the whole time.
Deca gets me aromatizing faster than any other compound I’ve tried to date (I handle trest better even). NPP didn’t have this same effect so keep that in mind. I think overall I like NPP better as it is easier to mitigate sides (imo anyways).
That’s actually what I did also, I definitely think it’s better (at least for me) to start with Test&DHT and then add Deca after a few weeks, less sides and I can stay lean the whole time.

Yes, my same experience. I even think if you want to just push test up high, no 19-nors, it’s best to ramp the DHT up first to set the stage for the coming test hike.
Deca gets me aromatizing faster than any other compound I’ve tried to date (I handle trest better even). NPP didn’t have this same effect so keep that in mind. I think overall I like NPP better as it is easier to mitigate sides (imo anyways).
Did you use Deca with a DHT?
Damn I wonder if op is just reading our posts and learning or is just like eff these dudes for taking over my post lol
I’m learning Just a busy lad. I’ll try to get caught up later this evening!
Right on bro nothing wrong with that I learn stuff on thus site every day. Even if I don't agree with everything it's still nice to learn what others are thinking/doing
Ok so I’ve got Test E, Deca, and Dbol already, literally looking at it right now. So I could try to trade someone for the NPP - I’ll figure that out…now when I ran 375mgs Sust I had no bad sides other than I was definitely high on E2 or atleast i feel like I was because I was always so exhausted. I had aromasin but didn’t use it, say I was going to run just test and dbol, like 400mg and 25-50 dbol, and MAYBE NPP or hell even Deca, what type of Aromasin protocol would y’all recommend? I’m most nervous about crashing my levels and feeling like ****.

And what I gather from all the info (Thank you all btw!) is start with just Test, maybe a DHT, possibly throw in NPP later in the cycle and then finish with Dbol? How would y’all run this and how much? Including E control…

Ok so I’ve got Test E, Deca, and Dbol already, literally looking at it right now. So I could try to trade someone for the NPP - I’ll figure that out…now when I ran 375mgs Sust I had no bad sides other than I was definitely high on E2 or atleast i feel like I was because I was always so exhausted. I had aromasin but didn’t use it, say I was going to run just test and dbol, like 400mg and 25-50 dbol, and MAYBE NPP or hell even Deca, what type of Aromasin protocol would y’all recommend? I’m most nervous about crashing my levels and feeling like ****.

And what I gather from all the info (Thank you all btw!) is start with just Test, maybe a DHT, possibly throw in NPP later in the cycle and then finish with Dbol? How would y’all run this and how much? Including E control…


E control is going to be reactive based on your subjective view of your sides (you can use bloodwork on E2 and total test to guide your decision, but if you feel incredible I wouldn’t change anything regardless of bloodwork).

Based on your mentioning lots of lethargy and believing estrogen was high on 375 test, you probably should have used a little then.

I would have taken 12.5mg Exemestane once a week. If that made me feel good, I’d keep it. If I still felt too wet, I would bump to twice a week. Then 3 days, then eod, up to nearly daily (this would be way way too much for mostly everyone on your dose of testosterone). For me, probably 1-2 doses of 12.5mg per week, or every 3rd day, would have been plenty.

When you add nandrolone, it greatly upregulates aromatization - it will make your testosterone turn to estrogen much more readily. So if 375mg test needed a little bit of AI, expect adding Nandrolone to make it need even more. I try to think about nandrolone nearly as equivalent testosterone per mg when I think about how much DHT compound or Exemestane I personally will expect to need to manage my estrogen where I feel decent.

Dbol is very wet, the methyl estrogen it converts to, and really will promote gyno. I know they sell it in 50mg tabs but that’s an enormous dose, and you should quarter them to 12.5mg. Absolutely do not start with more than 25mg. That’s a solid dose of Dbol, trust me.
E control is going to be reactive based on your subjective view of your sides (you can use bloodwork on E2 and total test to guide your decision, but if you feel incredible I wouldn’t change anything regardless of bloodwork).

Based on your mentioning lots of lethargy and believing estrogen was high on 375 test, you probably should have used a little then.

I would have taken 12.5mg Exemestane once a week. If that made me feel good, I’d keep it. If I still felt too wet, I would bump to twice a week. Then 3 days, then eod, up to nearly daily (this would be way way too much for mostly everyone on your dose of testosterone). For me, probably 1-2 doses of 12.5mg per week, or every 3rd day, would have been plenty.

When you add nandrolone, it greatly upregulates aromatization - it will make your testosterone turn to estrogen much more readily. So if 375mg test needed a little bit of AI, expect adding Nandrolone to make it need even more. I try to think about nandrolone nearly as equivalent testosterone per mg when I think about how much DHT compound or Exemestane I personally will expect to need to manage my estrogen where I feel decent.

Dbol is very wet, the methyl estrogen it converts to, and really will promote gyno. I know they sell it in 50mg tabs but that’s an enormous dose, and you should quarter them to 12.5mg. Absolutely do not start with more than 25mg. That’s a solid dose of Dbol, trust me.

Great information!! Currently busy at work now but just at a glance this is exactly what I needed. Much appreciated brother!