DBol I/M, Deca, Npp, Tren, Anadrol, EQ, TestE

I was also under impression that mixing 2 19 nors was a no go.

What about stacking test/19 nor/dht, one of each? And maybe adding an oral as either a kickstart or a finisher, depending on how much you wanna push it and according to your goals?
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Are you running npp and deca? Now i have heard of one sourse out there that sells mixes and a couple of them have a blend of decas but seem most run one or the other.

I have only done a couple cycles but gotton lots of advice as far as the dbol and anadrol most of the time i hear of guys using them as a kickstart to their cycle of either 4-6 weeks at the start of the cycle dosage varies but most say at least 30 many go to 50mg a day.. Anadrol would work the same way, but i am not sure of the dosage as i had not asked about it but 50 or 100mg seems to be what i have read.

As far as EQ that is something i am very interested in and have asked for much advice. Generally about 500-600 mg for 16 weeks is what most people advise. There seem to be some who take less mg or less time, but my understanding is the 500-600 and 16-20 weeks gets you the best results from it. Many go higher as far as non pro guys on message boards i think the most i heard is about 800mg and make sure you do blood donations while on that because of higher red blood cells. I think you can donate every 6 weeks but sure so hopefully someoen else will chime in.
I was also under impression that mixing 2 19 nors was a no go.

What about stacking test/19 nor/dht, one of each? And maybe adding an oral as either a kickstart or a finisher, depending on how much you wanna push it and according to your goals?
You can mix anything if you know how to handle potential sides. My boy runs deca with tren.

I do think there's no need to throw so much at once tho if your planning on everything in the title
What doses you thinking. I've used dbol and anadrol at 50.
I've used eq up to a gram but from what my boys tell me it was low quality. Good eq is potent at 200 mg but everyone spouts 500-1000 because there not getting what the label says and aperently neither did I.

Ive seen other guys run dbol at 200 and abombs at 300 before powerlifting meets. Yikes. Anywho. If you going to stack all that I'd use each at the lowest effective dose you know that works for you
You can mix anything if you know how to handle potential sides. My boy runs deca with tren.

I do think there's no need to throw so much at once tho if your planning on everything in the title

That is what i have hear more common deca and tren as opposed to npp and deca.
I haven't used npp, but I thought it was just short ester deca. Like test e to test prop,
Deca to npp

Yeah pretty much it seems lots of guys are saying they like it better than deca. I could be because if you get bad prolactin sides you can discontinue, btu my thought is if its similar hell i hate to pay twice the price as often the case with npp 100mg costing about what 200g deca does and on top of that you still need about 400-600mg a week so its 6 shots instead of 2-3 shots.

I already know next cycle is test 400-500mg and eq 500-600mg 15 weeks.. Now of that i had a couple idea a fellow member advised i might try where i add tren acetate and turnibol to it. I also could just add deca. I always try to think one cycle ahead if sources have sales of specials.
Yeah pretty much it seems lots of guys are saying they like it better than deca. I could be because if you get bad prolactin sides you can discontinue, btu my thought is if its similar hell i hate to pay twice the price as often the case with npp 100mg costing about what 200g deca does and on top of that you still need about 400-600mg a week so its 6 shots instead of 2-3 shots.

I already know next cycle is test 400-500mg and eq 500-600mg 15 weeks.. Now of that i had a couple idea a fellow member advised i might try where i add tren acetate and turnibol to it. I also could just add deca. I always try to think one cycle ahead if sources have sales of specials.
I got a bunch of test and eq for my next cycle as well as some sdrol and tren ace. Gonna do something with those 4