Swol and Boone's Quest To Get Hyooooge

tyga tyga

tyga tyga

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I don't know why you're defending where YOU wanted to go and have a cheat. Your meal, your choice.
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I don't know why you're defending where YOU wanted to go and have a cheat. Your meal, your choice.
He needs to try the best places in pitt before he leaves!!!!
Spoon won top restaurant in the US twice in the last 4 years
KAYA has the chef of the year in the US a few years ago
Salt of the Earth is ranked one of the best places to eat in pittsburgh as well as Tamari (alan chan is the owner who i know and has won owner of the year award twice)

Delucas was featured on man vs food as the best breakfast in pittsburgh. Ask boone about the lines to eat there, can reach over 2+ hours on some weekend mornings. It is Un Fukin real. you will die and go to heaven.


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Frankly I've always been disappointed by "fancy" or "big name" restaurants in the area. Granted there are a few but for the most part im just not a fan of overdone and expensive food that I could make myself or enjoy a simpler version of for half the price. Restaurants just aren't my thing.


Frankly I've always been disappointed by "fancy" or "big name" restaurants in the area. Granted there are a few but for the most part im just not a fan of overdone and expensive food that I could make myself or enjoy a simpler version of for half the price. Restaurants just aren't my thing.
i feel you, hence why i liked cooking for myself lol

except sushi, that i need. and only all you can eat
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Frankly I've always been disappointed by "fancy" or "big name" restaurants in the area. Granted there are a few but for the most part im just not a fan of overdone and expensive food that I could make myself or enjoy a simpler version of for half the price. Restaurants just aren't my thing.
Like i said
Go to Deluca's and then thank me later. You have not tried the best in pittsburgh to this date :)


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Like i said
Go to Deluca's and then thank me later. You have not tried the best in pittsburgh to this date :)
Standing in line outside for 2hrs in the dead of winter... not even once. No food is worth that ha
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Standing in line outside for 2hrs in the dead of winter... not even once. No food is worth that ha
thats why you go during the week or go around when it opens. wait is maybe 10-15 minutes tops. Go at peak hour like 11-12 and you will be SOL


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So I think I've finalized how I want to split my workouts up going forward... The plan is to split it into 4 days, each day beginning with a major compound move and followed up with accessory moves for that muscle.

Squat/RDL/Leg Extension/Leg Curl/Misc Calf/Leg Press or Lunge(finisher)

Bench/Skull Crusher/Decline DB Press/Rope Pushdown/Incline Smith or DB Press/Tricep Dips/ Cable Cross or Pec Deck(finisher)

Deadlift/Pullup/DB Row/Lat Pulldown/Cable or Bent Row/Pullover or Bicep work(finisher)

OHP/Rear Delt Fly/Lateral Raise/Arnold Press/Upright Row/Face Pull(finisher)

I will be periodizing my major movement in a 5x5/6x4/7x3/8x2/Deload/1RM 6 workout scheme while the rest of the moves will be dependent on the move. Most will be either a 4x6-8 "power" move or a 3x10-12 "hypertrophy" move. Finishers will most likely be similar to an fst-7 set with 10 reps, 10-15sec rest between sets (no stretching/flexing).

I plan to pretty much just rotate through these on whatever days I can workout. When I have limited equipment I'll just go by feel/availability.


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thats why you go during the week or go around when it opens. wait is maybe 10-15 minutes tops. Go at peak hour like 11-12 and you will be SOL
Some of us have jobs that require working all the weekdays ha. Even at opening times it can be a mess.
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Some of us have jobs that require working all the weekdays ha. Even at opening times it can be a mess.
as do i
I work 60 hours a week minimum most weeks
if you can hit it early on the weekends HIGHLY Suggest it.
It will be the best breakfast you have ever had in pittsburgh!


damn, weight keeps decreasing. oh well, today's the start of the increased macros so 3100 calories today. had a great back workout, the rack pulls were on point. between setting a PR there, and having a great final AMRAP set, I just felt so engaged into the workout. Form was flawless on everything, and I really feel like my back, particularly my lats, are finally growing. I truly think it's the increased frequency hitting my back

Weight: 151.8


Pyramid Rack Pulls (Focus on Explosiveness)
275x10 (PR reps easily)
315x7 (PR reps)
335x3 (PR)
AMRAP of 225x25

Lats are shot!

4x8 Supinated Lat PD > Drop-Set to Pronated

4x8 Low Cable Pulley Row

4x12 Supinated T-Bar Row > 4x6-8 Smith Rows
- 2s contraction for each

3x8 Meadows Rows

3x12 Face Pulls > Resistance Band Face Pull

Finished off with Biceps Curls on a barbell for a quick pump, then got out. solid hour and 20 minutes of fun!
tyga tyga

tyga tyga

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Man, I use to knock rack pulls out every back day. Love em.

That AMRAP set tho!


that's crazy. What is the benefit of a sustained release though? I thought the idea was to spike and then allow for refractory
Myokemist will comment on this soon, thats a poor graph depicting the overall grand scheme of things. That graph depicts leucine levels not MPS levels. He'll be explaining it soon enough.

Also 90% of bodybuilders that end up eating everyv2-3 hours do just fine with MPS lol, I love Layne but that study is far from definitive IMO. I believe he evens says "it would seem" not necessarily the truth.

And again, drugs or no drugs, lots of guys eat very frequently and are yolked. But Myokemist will elaborate
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Myokemist will comment on this soon, thats a poor graph depicting the overall grand scheme of things. That graph depicts leucine levels not MPS levels. He'll be explaining it soon enough.

Also 90% of bodybuilders that end up eating everyv2-3 hours do just fine with MPS lol, I love Layne but that study is far from definitive IMO. I believe he evens says "it would seem" not necessarily the truth.

And again, drugs or no drugs, lots of guys eat very frequently and are yolked. But Myokemist will elaborate
Oh lets not believe the guy who has a PHD and studies it for a living :)
A lot of people (Pro's) eat that often because they take supplements (dark side) that enhance their P-Ratio.


Oh lets not believe the guy who has a PHD and studies it for a living :)
A lot of people (Pro's) eat that often because they take supplements (dark side) that enhance their P-Ratio.
I'm not saying to believe him, I'm saying its not 100% confirmed. A lot of things aren't. He even says it seems. Not "it is"

And again... Drugs and those not on drugs eat like that and hypertrophy fine.
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I'm not saying to believe him, I'm saying its not 100% confirmed. A lot of things aren't. He even says it seems. Not "it is"

And again... Drugs and those not on drugs eat like that and hypertrophy fine.
So is it for the guys who eat 4-6 hours apart, a lot of them still win their pro-cards not eating every 3 hours . Just a personal preference.
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It just goes to show the dogma you must eat every 2-3 hours is not 100% correct. could it aid some? yes, especially those injecting lots of drugs into their bodies.
For most, not so much. Meeting daily macros is what matters most.


It just goes to show the dogma you must eat every 2-3 hours is not 100% correct. could it aid some? yes, especially those injecting lots of drugs into their bodies.
For most, not so much. Meeting daily macros is what matters most.


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One reason most (big) bodybuilders eat frequently is because they need to in order to reach their target caloric intake (at the very least it makes it much easier). These aren't small meals being eaten every 2-3 hours (ex. 10-12oz meat, 2 cups rice, 2 cups veggies).
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One reason most (big) bodybuilders eat frequently is because they need to in order to reach their target caloric intake (at the very least it makes it much easier). These aren't small meals being eaten every 2-3 hours (ex. 10-12oz meat, 2 cups rice, 2 cups veggies).
the reason most (Big) are also the ones using the most "Supplements"
look at the NPC and IFBB, lets be real on how much those individuals are truly taking.


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Regardless of what they're taking, at that size they require a ton of calories and eating less frequently would make it extremely difficult. I'm not against fewer meals at all if it works for the individual.
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Regardless of what they're taking, at that size they require a ton of calories and eating less frequently would make it extremely difficult. I'm not against fewer meals at all if it works for the individual.
Those people on the IFBB Stage have a P-Ratio double those of a regular natural due to the amount of things they are injecting in their body.

You will not find a single natural individual needing 300g of protein at a 150-180lb range for maximum Muscle protein Synthesis or dietary needs. and there is plenty of research to show that. Those people demand more caloreis due to their bodyweight, while they could still get those calories in, it is just a personal preference. nobody is forcing them to eat every 30 minutes or every 90 minutes.

Many people can handle a larger load of calories. Some have small appetites and some do not. To say you do not need to eat as frequent is still not 100% true depending on supplement use and their P-Ratio turnover. Some people like smaller meals, some do not, some feel horrible eating more often and have less energy, and it is not "optimal" towards their performance, mood, energy, and workouts.

again there is plenty of individuals out there who may not eat as often as you and still have a lot of success on a bodybuilding stage. It just goes to show there are multiple ways to get the job done at the end of the day.This is why the human body is not a textbook, and why we have to find what works for us and utilize it to reach our goals.

Alan & Brad's recent NSCA's 2014 National Conference for example prove some good points:


Alan’s Stance:

- 45g Protein elevated Protein levels for upward to 2 hours post-workout to highest anabolic peak
- Addition of carbs did not change anabolic response
- 30-40g of protein was enough for elderly folks for resistance training

Resistance Training elevated MPS to a 2 fold increase (Kumar 2009)

Protein Timing from Alan:
- No difference in protein synthesis when given 1 hr vs 3 hr post-workout on trained subjects (2000)
- Endurance Cyclists showed increase in MPS when protein supplement given immediately post workout (2002)
Emark Study 2001:
- 13 untrained subjects given oral P+C supplement PWO and 2 hours Post-workout training 3x a week for 3 months

- Outcome?? Increased hypertrophy vs 2 hour group
** A future study of 28 elderly men found no strength or hypertrophy benefits of nutrient timing (2009)

Brad’s Stance:

6 week training protocol took 6g EAA within 1 and 2 hour post training were done on 23 studies with 525 subjects
- .2 increase in protein timing on hypertrophy and a 1.7 vs 1.3 increase when dosed post-workout compared to 2 hours post workout Protein timing on muscle hypertrophy is very minimal
- Novice lifters may show increased benefits waiting upward to several hours post-workout while serious lifters may have a very small benefits when consuming protein ASAP post-workout.

When are Carbs and Protein VERY Important Post-workout?

- During leg Training + HIIT Cardio or doing a 2-3 hour intense workout session
-Resistance Training in a fasted state (no meal consumed at least 3-4 hours prior)

When are Carbs and Protein of lesser importance Post-workout?

- 1-2 hour training session after a pre-workout meal (Small or mixed 2-3 hours prior to session)
- Training after a meal composed of 20-40g Protein at least 1-2 hours prior to a workout in a fed state.

Overall Cliffs:

- Nutrient Timing can be beneficial but window of opportunity is not as big as believed
- Provided protein rich meal 3-4 hours prior to training, there is no stress about immediate post-workout protein supplement or meal
- Consume .4-.5g/kg of LBM in a pre/post workout exercise window spaced 4-6 hours depending on meal size.

- Post workout carb intake does not meaningful increase aabolicsm unless doing a 2 a day workout session involving same muscle groups. Glycogen is not a limting factor if you can consume enough Carbohydrates daily in the 24 hour period.


pretty damn good workout today, the SA Incline on hammer presses were great, really felt my chest working well.

Weight: 152.2

Chest / Shoulders

Pyramid DB Shoulder Seated Press

5x12 Incline DB Fly > 5x12 Incline DB Press
* Explosive focus on the press, deep ROM on Fly

4x8 Heavy Lateral DB Raise > 4x12 Front DB Raise

4x8 SA HS Chest Press

4x10 Decline Smith Press

4x20 BW Push Ups > 4x10-12 Pronated Cable Fly's

2x Rear Delt Destroyer Set

Chest is pretty damn sore, that superset of pushups to fly's was intense too. really focused on nailing the cleavage lol


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Ever try Twist Press for DB Bench?
this was one of the first exercises that truly got me to feel my chest the entire rom. Rarely use it as it bugs my forearm tendons but it's great.


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Spent a day watching the movers pack and load up my entire life. I'm now urban camping in my living room on an air mattress with nothing else in the house ha.

Have a fridge with some grilled chicken breasts and some venison stew and a freezer with ice cream... Living the life haha

Tomorrow is gonna be cheat day. Going out to lunch with my department and some others for my farewell and then dinner at my moms where she's making like every epic childhood meal we ever had (she's a great cook). In between I plan to get my final pull workout in at my gym. Gonna try out bobs dead/rack/pull-up death set to really punish off the double cheat. Friday will be my last workout (killing legs) and then sat morn it's off to Atlanta. Should be an interesting trip and a huge change once I'm there. Hopefully I have an apartment by the time I get there ha. If not I have a hotel with a full kitchen booked anyways so I'll get to eat regardless.


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Spent a day watching the movers pack and load up my entire life. I'm now urban camping in my living room on an air mattress with nothing else in the house ha. Have a fridge with some grilled chicken breasts and some venison stew and a freezer with ice cream... Living the life haha Tomorrow is gonna be cheat day. Going out to lunch with my department and some others for my farewell and then dinner at my moms where she's making like every epic childhood meal we ever had (she's a great cook). In between I plan to get my final pull workout in at my gym. Gonna try out bobs dead/rack/pull-up death set to really punish off the double cheat. Friday will be my last workout (killing legs) and then sat morn it's off to Atlanta. Should be an interesting trip and a huge change once I'm there. Hopefully I have an apartment by the time I get there ha. If not I have a hotel with a full kitchen booked anyways so I'll get to eat regardless.
Have a safe trip to Atlanta!!!! :)


Spent a day watching the movers pack and load up my entire life. I'm now urban camping in my living room on an air mattress with nothing else in the house ha.

Have a fridge with some grilled chicken breasts and some venison stew and a freezer with ice cream... Living the life haha

Tomorrow is gonna be cheat day. Going out to lunch with my department and some others for my farewell and then dinner at my moms where she's making like every epic childhood meal we ever had (she's a great cook). In between I plan to get my final pull workout in at my gym. Gonna try out bobs dead/rack/pull-up death set to really punish off the double cheat. Friday will be my last workout (killing legs) and then sat morn it's off to Atlanta. Should be an interesting trip and a huge change once I'm there. Hopefully I have an apartment by the time I get there ha. If not I have a hotel with a full kitchen booked anyways so I'll get to eat regardless.
damn man, must be a pretty surreal feeling. excited or nervous or anything?


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damn man, must be a pretty surreal feeling. excited or nervous or anything?
Not really, it just is what it is ha. Just annoyed that I still don't have an apartment down there... hoping to hear good news today though. I don't mind flying by the seat of my pants so it'll be an adventure for sure.
Distilled Water

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Regardless of what they're taking, at that size they require a ton of calories and eating less frequently would make it extremely difficult. I'm not against fewer meals at all if it works for the individual.
You're WRONG breezy. Bc you weren't 200+lbs at your last show natural and under 5% bf and you didn't need that silly protein and intra carbs either. Bc you didn't come on stage 15+lbs heavier than the prior show? Your only changes weren't increased cals (protein) and intra carbs, were they?

Of course they weren't bc someone with a phD SAID that's not possible by studying old people....you dummy :-D

The only reason pros do is bc they're on gas. They don't work any harder than anyone else inside the gym, nope.
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Marc always has crazy good deals.
You see he released a red velvet whey too?
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Yeah wish he made smaller tubs
I am sure you would put a 5lb to use. I think he is shipping mine today!
if he send me a tub which he told me when i talked to him on the phone yesterday ill shoot you a few scoops with some other flavors too

what flavors of MTS have you tried?


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Lol I'm the opposite. Love having a plan in order
Dont get me wrong, I'd much rather have a nice set schedule like I do now as I'm a total creature of habit but I've learned to make things up pretty well just because ha.


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Dont get me wrong, I'd much rather have a nice set schedule like I do now as I'm a total creature of habit but I've learned to make things up pretty well just because ha.

I've been trying to plan more and be more organize, but I love not having a plan and just going with the flow.


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I've been trying to plan more and be more organize, but I love not having a plan and just going with the flow.
my biggest reason for wanting a plan is so that I know when I get to eat haha. I think about food all day.


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my biggest reason for wanting a plan is so that I know when I get to eat haha. I think about food all day.
I think a lot of us have this problem lol

Need my diet on paper. If I eat based on appetite and when I can I'd be +50 lbs right now lol


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I think a lot of us have this problem lol

Need my diet on paper. If I eat based on appetite and when I can I'd be +50 lbs right now lol
This is me to a "T". Literally write out my breakfast and lunches for the week on paper, so I prepare and pack them accordingly for work. Dinners are a different story. Just eat with the family and try not to over-do it.


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Not me. If I plan it and it doesn't go right, I start freaking out.


crazy volume on legs today, awesome workout though

Weight: 151.6


4x12 Seated Ham Curl

4x8 Smith Split Squat

Pyramid BB Squat (Volume)
135x12 x12
155x10 x10
185x10 x10
205x8 x8
135x12 w/ hard flex, immediate quad stretch after (done 3 times)

3x15 Leg Press > Calf Extensions
* 2 feeder sets

4x30 Lying Leg Curl

4x15 Occluded Leg Extensions

3x10 stiff legged deads

the occluded leg extensions were brutal, awesome workout though. squats were on point
