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I just found out I have a SLAP tear of my left labrum. Super pissed off. I had been planning a cycle of hella for about 2 months now...

Been seeing really great ortho past week and MRI revealed the bad news. Question...

What would YOU do in this situation? Would you have the surgery asap (4-6 months full strength)? Say **** the surgery and run the cycle... focusing on body weight stuff? I need advice guys...

I am 23, 5'11" and 182lbs. Done one cycle before and the shoulder came out during a 60lb dumb bell military lift. I feel that if I do not get this **** fixed I will never be able to run a successful cycle ever again... I can't not lift while on cycle...



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ive been in a surgery situation before as well and it blows, but what i did, and my advice is to have the surgery, suck it up, and save the cycle for later down the road when u can train at ur max.

whats the point of running the cycle, gaining muscle, then having the surgery and losing everything?

my cycle was easily put off 6 months, but while i was recovering i focused on cleaning up my diet so when i got back in the gym and eventually ran my cycle, i looked waaaaaaay better than i did before having the surgery.


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dude get healthy and get the full effect from your cycle. and imho halo isnt worth the trouble.


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Thanks for the reply. Yeah... everything just changed brother.

I am thinking of waiting to have the surgery over christmas so I can take it easy, etc.

I am thinking of running an Epi only cycle and concentrating on cardio, cutting, all body weight, etc.

Opinions on this?


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Thanks for the reply. Yeah... everything just changed brother.

I am thinking of waiting to have the surgery over christmas so I can take it easy, etc.

I am thinking of running an Epi only cycle and concentrating on cardio, cutting, all body weight, etc.

Opinions on this?
if the injury is hindering u to the point where u cant even put 90% into some lifts, then i wouldnt waste my time using steroids while cutting.

and not to be a d!ck, but with ur stats if u arent already at a decent ~12%bf then i wouldnt even consider steroids right now


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if the injury is hindering u to the point where u cant even put 90% into some lifts, then i wouldnt waste my time using steroids while cutting.

and not to be a d!ck, but with ur stats if u arent already at a decent ~12%bf then i wouldnt even consider steroids right now
15%bf atm due to inactivity bc of shoulder injury. I can do pull ups, machine rows, planks, etc... Still trying to decide... Gonna go to the gym today and see what everything feels like.

The surgery seems like such a last resort, but from y'alls experience, if a shoulder comes out doing military once it is going to happen again, eh?

Thanks for the advice, bros, gonna get a couple more opinions on the situation also. I'll report back.


Well-known member
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I just found out I have a SLAP tear of my left labrum. Super pissed off. I had been planning a cycle of hella for about 2 months now...

Been seeing really great ortho past week and MRI revealed the bad news. Question...

What would YOU do in this situation? Would you have the surgery asap (4-6 months full strength)? Say **** the surgery and run the cycle... focusing on body weight stuff? I need advice guys...

I am 23, 5'11" and 182lbs. Done one cycle before and the shoulder came out during a 60lb dumb bell military lift. I feel that if I do not get this **** fixed I will never be able to run a successful cycle ever again... I can't not lift while on cycle...

i had the same surgery done, but waited two years between the time of injury and surgery. kept lifting a cycling until it was too much pain where i had to get it looked at.

get the surgery done ASAP. my shoulder has never been the same strength and stamina wise, since the surgery but the longer u wait and the more u lift and put stress on it, the worse it will get. which was my situation. i started out with a simple tear, then it became a full tear across the entire labrum, structural damage and bursitis also. just get it done. also, i wouldnt cycle after you have fully recovered, for at least another 6 months after that. u need to get used to working out again because u wont be able to for about 4 months. it sucks, but get it done.

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